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Why is the Kundalini Serpent Feminine?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
Can anyone link me or provide me with additional resources as to what makes the kundalini serpent a feminine power?

I seek to understand why, as in feeling the truth instead of being told.

I also get confused because I always thought the serpent united the polarity of the soul, which would make it androgynous, correct? Yet I have seen HPC mention it as female and at the same time, the One God, why?
One potential attribute is the "Divine Mother" or as I like to call it the "Universalis Feminine Divine".

It's female despite being in a male chakra. Because it is what in essence unites the Universe so to speak with the mortal and awakens the unbridled sexuality so to speak of the playful yang energy.

Women are curious and playful and have an air of spontaneousness to them. So does the kundalini, in essence it's not so much androgynous or hermaphrodite.

It's connecting the very stability of the core of a planet to the divine mother the lotus. Thus it imbues the qualities of the Universe.

Universe = 99% feminine Samadhi superconscious, time and space.

1% = masculine logical a God, Gods and Goddesses.

Satan is the Ultimate in our perspective. But is still not the divine mother nor divine female. You can never harness the Athena Mind no matter how much logic you have our logic is limited but femininity is beyond our conscription.

Remember it's "INFINITE" potentiality but not "UNLIMITED". Everything posses limits. While Satan is engrossed in divine extreme or Zevulon or whomever we view as a elevated being. They still have limits.

Look at this war what did the enemy do 15,000-12,000-10,000 years ago. IF Satan is the to take a word from Final Fantasy 8 the Ultimecia i.e. Time Kompression. The Ultimate, why did a band of enemies take his kingdom on Earth away all this time.

Satan himself has "LIMITS" due to controlling the magicakl capabilities of the logic male and female powerhouse. But ultimately cannot control the female as she or Athena mind/brain/skull is a place that allows "unlimited" Gods and Goddesses.

If everyone can divinely express magick and manipulate reality their micro and macro -cosms and allowed and ASSISTED by the Gods as Ernst Shretel in his book states "Unless you posses Daemonic companionship your magick will never succeed".

Indeed these Gods and Goddesses these entities of the beyond assist mankind greatly so we may be them at some point.

Thus the Kundalini is female to drive everyone to their own evolution. If one being possessed almighty power we might as well call ourselves slaves or better yet thralls to one ultimate entity with no capability to be topped.

INFINITE - Not UNLIMITED albeit as we progress we UNLIMIT ourselves in our dimension, realm, focus of reality.

We are female in the beginning and become either the XY or XX so is the Universe it is mostly empty space is that logical? to a degree no but to another it is.

Space and time allows us to experience this illogic through logic a crossing of our mind and brain of the infinite Akasha.

It's female because it allows us to express our divinity of the origins of our primal self. The ovum or development of the self through the sperm cell.

Look at sex from a physical gross perspective one sperm according to kamakazi theory impregnates an egg. One is chosen not many but one.

We are one and require the resources of mother Earth and the divine mother to expand outward. Thus it's logical to assume it's female even if the fire and heat and power of it seems masculine.

It's an nearly limitless source of energy the logic is it can be harnessed and evolved over time. Same for how Heroes "kill" or "control" the kundalini the serpent/dragon and manipulate it.

I've had wonderings of how the Kundalini affects men and women. Are Women imbued with more femininity is it that mortal femininity is limited and thus women are wanting a powerhouse of energy to become more feminine and for men are they given this powerful energy for more masculinity and downloading of realities and changes.

Excuse my typing so long but I've always been curious on the kundalini and I've given myself thoughts and ponderings to wonder on it.
One potential attribute is the "Divine Mother" or as I like to call it the "Universalis Feminine Divine".

It's female despite being in a male chakra. Because it is what in essence unites the Universe so to speak with the mortal and awakens the unbridled sexuality so to speak of the playful yang energy.

Women are curious and playful and have an air of spontaneousness to them. So does the kundalini, in essence it's not so much androgynous or hermaphrodite.

It's connecting the very stability of the core of a planet to the divine mother the lotus. Thus it imbues the qualities of the Universe.

Universe = 99% feminine Samadhi superconscious, time and space.

1% = masculine logical a God, Gods and Goddesses.

Satan is the Ultimate in our perspective. But is still not the divine mother nor divine female. You can never harness the Athena Mind no matter how much logic you have our logic is limited but femininity is beyond our conscription.

Remember it's "INFINITE" potentiality but not "UNLIMITED". Everything posses limits. While Satan is engrossed in divine extreme or Zevulon or whomever we view as a elevated being. They still have limits.

Look at this war what did the enemy do 15,000-12,000-10,000 years ago. IF Satan is the to take a word from Final Fantasy 8 the Ultimecia i.e. Time Kompression. The Ultimate, why did a band of enemies take his kingdom on Earth away all this time.

Satan himself has "LIMITS" due to controlling the magicakl capabilities of the logic male and female powerhouse. But ultimately cannot control the female as she or Athena mind/brain/skull is a place that allows "unlimited" Gods and Goddesses.

If everyone can divinely express magick and manipulate reality their micro and macro -cosms and allowed and ASSISTED by the Gods as Ernst Shretel in his book states "Unless you posses Daemonic companionship your magick will never succeed".

Indeed these Gods and Goddesses these entities of the beyond assist mankind greatly so we may be them at some point.

Thus the Kundalini is female to drive everyone to their own evolution. If one being possessed almighty power we might as well call ourselves slaves or better yet thralls to one ultimate entity with no capability to be topped.

INFINITE - Not UNLIMITED albeit as we progress we UNLIMIT ourselves in our dimension, realm, focus of reality.

We are female in the beginning and become either the XY or XX so is the Universe it is mostly empty space is that logical? to a degree no but to another it is.

Space and time allows us to experience this illogic through logic a crossing of our mind and brain of the infinite Akasha.

It's female because it allows us to express our divinity of the origins of our primal self. The ovum or development of the self through the sperm cell.

Look at sex from a physical gross perspective one sperm according to kamakazi theory impregnates an egg. One is chosen not many but one.

We are one and require the resources of mother Earth and the divine mother to expand outward. Thus it's logical to assume it's female even if the fire and heat and power of it seems masculine.

It's an nearly limitless source of energy the logic is it can be harnessed and evolved over time. Same for how Heroes "kill" or "control" the kundalini the serpent/dragon and manipulate it.

I've had wonderings of how the Kundalini affects men and women. Are Women imbued with more femininity is it that mortal femininity is limited and thus women are wanting a powerhouse of energy to become more feminine and for men are they given this powerful energy for more masculinity and downloading of realities and changes.

Excuse my typing so long but I've always been curious on the kundalini and I've given myself thoughts and ponderings to wonder on it.
I appreciate your reply, but I find it necessary to clear up some misconceptions you have.

The kundalini serpent is, as to my knowledge, nature itself. It is both the principle of creation and destruction, and it is, in fact, the "One God" the enemy doesn't shut up about, but the truth is it is a force. It is infinite potentiality waiting to be risen. It is an amplifying consciousness of energy. It is the uniting Ether force. So, in these instances, it is the androgynous being.

However, I believe the reason it is a female force is because this potentiality is feminine in its conception. Raw power in latency until used. Also, like in many mythologies, the serpent is a cthonic force living deep within the earth, which represents power, fertility, superabundance, and healing.

This is my "current" intellectual understanding, yet experience would be the best teacher. So, hopefully one day she will show me her ways.

Also, you had some weird ideas like 99% feminine Universe and Father Satan not living up to the potential of the divine feminine, but these are not true.

Aside from the universe thing, Satan is thr Ultimate wielder of the One God. Satan does not fall short and cannot fall short of any potential we can conceive. He is our Father and the Great Architect.

You should banish all doubts of His power.
Another thing I'd like to add, is that the serpent rests in the base chakra who's element is Earth, and when it rises it seeks to touch the crown, the sky. In other words, Earth (Mother) seeks to unite with Sky (Father). Power and Thought unified. This is getting into Platonic ideas now, but I wanted to add this.
Kundalini is an interesting topic to talk about, I also wonder about this sometimes. Energy is usually feminine because it comes from the subconscious mind. Isn't what I know to be true for sure though. Real adepts and masters will be able to give you a much better answer.

There are some interesting resources on the JoS website. Is there anyone who can link a good book on this subject? No, before you make assumptions, I am just a beginner in meditation. Objective experience can only come from those who have achieved an advanced level. Proof of kundalini being masculine or feminine could probably be attained from them.

For newbies like me it's much harder to give a good answer on this subject. The best thing to do could be to mediate and reach a higher level. Existence of male and female energies play an important role in advancement it seems.

Of course, like I said, I am not one to give advice as I am still learning. Such topics are better handled by those who have deep knowledge and experience. A topic that I often wondered about in my own journey. Thing is, I look forward to reading what people have to say about this so I can learn too.
One potential attribute is the "Divine Mother" or as I like to call it the "Universalis Feminine Divine".

It's female despite being in a male chakra. Because it is what in essence unites the Universe so to speak with the mortal and awakens the unbridled sexuality so to speak of the playful yang energy.

Women are curious and playful and have an air of spontaneousness to them. So does the kundalini, in essence it's not so much androgynous or hermaphrodite.

It's connecting the very stability of the core of a planet to the divine mother the lotus. Thus it imbues the qualities of the Universe.

Universe = 99% feminine Samadhi superconscious, time and space.

1% = masculine logical a God, Gods and Goddesses.

Satan is the Ultimate in our perspective. But is still not the divine mother nor divine female. You can never harness the Athena Mind no matter how much logic you have our logic is limited but femininity is beyond our conscription.

Remember it's "INFINITE" potentiality but not "UNLIMITED". Everything posses limits. While Satan is engrossed in divine extreme or Zevulon or whomever we view as a elevated being. They still have limits.

Look at this war what did the enemy do 15,000-12,000-10,000 years ago. IF Satan is the to take a word from Final Fantasy 8 the Ultimecia i.e. Time Kompression. The Ultimate, why did a band of enemies take his kingdom on Earth away all this time.

Satan himself has "LIMITS" due to controlling the magicakl capabilities of the logic male and female powerhouse. But ultimately cannot control the female as she or Athena mind/brain/skull is a place that allows "unlimited" Gods and Goddesses.

If everyone can divinely express magick and manipulate reality their micro and macro -cosms and allowed and ASSISTED by the Gods as Ernst Shretel in his book states "Unless you posses Daemonic companionship your magick will never succeed".

Indeed these Gods and Goddesses these entities of the beyond assist mankind greatly so we may be them at some point.

Thus the Kundalini is female to drive everyone to their own evolution. If one being possessed almighty power we might as well call ourselves slaves or better yet thralls to one ultimate entity with no capability to be topped.

INFINITE - Not UNLIMITED albeit as we progress we UNLIMIT ourselves in our dimension, realm, focus of reality.

We are female in the beginning and become either the XY or XX so is the Universe it is mostly empty space is that logical? to a degree no but to another it is.

Space and time allows us to experience this illogic through logic a crossing of our mind and brain of the infinite Akasha.

It's female because it allows us to express our divinity of the origins of our primal self. The ovum or development of the self through the sperm cell.

Look at sex from a physical gross perspective one sperm according to kamakazi theory impregnates an egg. One is chosen not many but one.

We are one and require the resources of mother Earth and the divine mother to expand outward. Thus it's logical to assume it's female even if the fire and heat and power of it seems masculine.

It's an nearly limitless source of energy the logic is it can be harnessed and evolved over time. Same for how Heroes "kill" or "control" the kundalini the serpent/dragon and manipulate it.

I've had wonderings of how the Kundalini affects men and women. Are Women imbued with more femininity is it that mortal femininity is limited and thus women are wanting a powerhouse of energy to become more feminine and for men are they given this powerful energy for more masculinity and downloading of realities and changes.

Excuse my typing so long but I've always been curious on the kundalini and I've given myself thoughts and ponderings to wonder on it.
For me the base chakra seems feminine. Interesting that you said that Satan is limited, probably some people here would disagree with that, but if the demons were unlimited they wouldn’t have been imprisoned, as people have Written about on the site.
I appreciate your reply, but I find it necessary to clear up some misconceptions you have.

The kundalini serpent is, as to my knowledge, nature itself. It is both the principle of creation and destruction, and it is, in fact, the "One God" the enemy doesn't shut up about, but the truth is it is a force. It is infinite potentiality waiting to be risen. It is an amplifying consciousness of energy. It is the uniting Ether force. So, in these instances, it is the androgynous being.

However, I believe the reason it is a female force is because this potentiality is feminine in its conception. Raw power in latency until used. Also, like in many mythologies, the serpent is a cthonic force living deep within the earth, which represents power, fertility, superabundance, and healing.

This is my "current" intellectual understanding, yet experience would be the best teacher. So, hopefully one day she will show me her ways.

Also, you had some weird ideas like 99% feminine Universe and Father Satan not living up to the potential of the divine feminine, but these are not true.

Aside from the universe thing, Satan is thr Ultimate wielder of the One God. Satan does not fall short and cannot fall short of any potential we can conceive. He is our Father and the Great Architect.

You should banish all doubts of His power.
I like the idea of kundalini being ether, and yes ether seems androgynous to me.
It could simply reffer to the appearence of the snake's mouth...
Silly joke apart, I read that in my books :

- On the physical plan, the masculine force is active while feminine is passive
- On the astral/psychic plan, the feminine force is active while masculine is passive
- ... And so on from one plane to the next (mental, buddhic...) masculine and feminine exchange their role.

Like with Caduceus, the two serpents move from right to left from one chakra to another, in a vortex-like movement, the same phenomenum takes place in our multi-dimensionality.

The Kundalini has to do with the psychic faculties, a feminine domain.
It's not something you can force (like intellect or muscles) but only stimulate with power meditation and vibration, she rise by herself - Kundalini is feminine in french.

As I write this, I think of the Valkiries who are female warriors. She fight on psychic planes, not on physical.
This isn't a full answer but I thought you might find it interesting.

"First of all, let us assess the new form that Tantric metaphysics assumed following the assimilation and transformation into a main hermeneutical principle of the ancient idea of the Devi, or Great Mother, who is conceived as the supreme deity.

Hindu metaphysics did not employ a theistic notion of "God," conceived as a person (Ishvara, Brahma, and analogous hypostases), as the ultimate reference point. Rather, brahman is something that transcends the personal deity and is thought of in terms of primordial and abyssal energy. The Tantric Shakti eventually came to be identified with it, but in the course of this process she lost all of her specifically feminine traits, since brahman is beyond the masculine/feminine differentiation. Shakti also lost the primacy she enjoyed as the feminine element,which is typical of ancient civilizations. That primacy derives from the capability of giving birth and from being thought of, in a cosmic context, as an incubating womb.

Since in human experience the ideal prototype of unrestrained action is play (lila), the Tantras do not hesitate to call Shakti's manifestation "play" and to say that (1) her essence is play (lilamayishakti); (2) her name is "playful," lalita; and (3) the supreme Shakti's(Parashakti) solitary game finds expression in every form of manifested and conditioned existence, whether~human, subhuman, or divine. Tantric symbolism merged with Shaivist symbols and even appropriated the theme of the dancing god, Nataraja. Dance is something free and uninhibited, representing the unfolding of the manifestation. It is no longer Shiva who engages in the dance, but the goddess Shakti, portrayed with a flaming halo to symbolize her properly productive aspect." - The Yoga of Power


The feminine is matter, energy, movement, power (The word Shakti literally translates to "power")
The masculine is Spirit (Shiva)

Evola is really worth reading.
It could simply reffer to the appearence of the snake's mouth...
View attachment 839
Silly joke apart, I read that in my books :

- On the physical plan, the masculine force is active while feminine is passive
- On the astral/psychic plan, the feminine force is active while masculine is passive
- ... And so on from one plane to the next (mental, buddhic...) masculine and feminine exchange their role.

Like with Caduceus, the two serpents move from right to left from one chakra to another, in a vortex-like movement, the same phenomenum takes place in our multi-dimensionality.

The Kundalini has to do with the psychic faculties, a feminine domain.
It's not something you can force (like intellect or muscles) but only stimulate with power meditation and vibration, she rise by herself - Kundalini is feminine in french.

As I write this, I think of the Valkiries who are female warriors. She fight on psychic planes, not on physical.
So that would mean the chakras alternate in gender ?
So that would mean the chakras alternate in gender ?
I have read in Yahoo Y! Forums during the past sometime nearing 2008 or slightly after. That in certain alchemical works the chakras flip in gender and switch around. Hell/Earth with Heaven/Female chakras. Literally Base at Sahasrara and Saharasara at base. I only recall that but don't quote me as a truth. Albeit there are alchemical stuff that such stuff did occur in certain books and diagrams.

As for the whole "limit" or placing "limits" on the Gods.

Apologies to that I never intended to belittle the Gods in such manner. But at the same time I don't want to bolster the mentality of "Oh the god of the xtians is ultimate giga unstoppable".

I simply Humanized the Gods but perhaps that was too much of a limiting factor on them. I never intended to place limits just rational properties of if Satan is XYZ powerful why not wave your hand and disappear the enemy.

Sheer fact is if I ever get a chance to communicate with them. I'd like to see just how far even if not Satan but another God or Demon is powerful.

BTW I do have a question.

Is it Hermaphrodite or Androgynous? Which is more correct and in what alchemical transformative order is it?

Is it Hermie = a stage like the magnum opus and Andro = the Ultimate i.e. the Siva or the Apollo, graceful masculinity. I assume Astarte or Lilith or some female deity could be the Astarte, graceful femininity.

I assume Andro is the master work?
I have read in Yahoo Y! Forums during the past sometime nearing 2008 or slightly after. That in certain alchemical works the chakras flip in gender and switch around. Hell/Earth with Heaven/Female chakras. Literally Base at Sahasrara and Saharasara at base. I only recall that but don't quote me as a truth. Albeit there are alchemical stuff that such stuff did occur in certain books and diagrams.

As for the whole "limit" or placing "limits" on the Gods.

Apologies to that I never intended to belittle the Gods in such manner. But at the same time I don't want to bolster the mentality of "Oh the god of the xtians is ultimate giga unstoppable".

I simply Humanized the Gods but perhaps that was too much of a limiting factor on them. I never intended to place limits just rational properties of if Satan is XYZ powerful why not wave your hand and disappear the enemy.

Sheer fact is if I ever get a chance to communicate with them. I'd like to see just how far even if not Satan but another God or Demon is powerful.

BTW I do have a question.

Is it Hermaphrodite or Androgynous? Which is more correct and in what alchemical transformative order is it?

Is it Hermie = a stage like the magnum opus and Andro = the Ultimate i.e. the Siva or the Apollo, graceful masculinity. I assume Astarte or Lilith or some female deity could be the Astarte, graceful femininity.

I assume Andro is the master work?
I’ve seen some Chinese texts where the polarity switches according to the gender of the person.

If most humans are giving all their energy to the enemy, than yes this will weaken the gods, and metaphorically imprison them. I think it’s sensible to say that then the gods need our help. If people keep saying how powerful and unlimited they are, and that The
Enemy is nothing, then other people might be less motivated to help them, and take responsibility.
Two snakes rise upward, feminine and masculine. The power of creation, which consists of the emergence of feminine and masculine, elevates us to divinity.
Can anyone link me or provide me with additional resources as to what makes the kundalini serpent a feminine power?

I seek to understand why, as in feeling the truth instead of being told.

I also get confused because I always thought the serpent united the polarity of the soul, which would make it androgynous, correct? Yet I have seen HPC mention it as female and at the same time, the One God, why?
Purusha is order, god, Consciousness ?

Prakriti is the elements including, ether, nature, raw energy?

But then, what are the planets and the soul? are they Prakriti moulded/ordered by purusha? therefore duality exists in the planets which are a macrocosm of the human soul?

The kundalini would then be the Devine female raw energy, just as the earth has a kundalini,

I feel like mooldhrara is female though, we have a root, that taps into the earth, like a tail!, leaving an energetic furrow as we move.

What sources say it is feminine power? I haven't read such I guess. In any ways, it has a feminine and masculine side so it is a synthesis of both?...

JG Nakedpluto said that it is a programmed energy, you don't need to program it, as it would be an entity itself. The feminine side, that is it's infinite potential, and the masculine side which handles this infinite potential. This is how I see it.

Spirituality itself seen as feminine so it could have correlation to this but generally saying that the serpent is *only* a feminine power just doesn't make much sense to me.
What sources say it is feminine power? I haven't read such I guess. In any ways, it has a feminine and masculine side so it is a synthesis of both?...

JG Nakedpluto said that it is a programmed energy, you don't need to program it, as it would be an entity itself. The feminine side, that is it's infinite potential, and the masculine side which handles this infinite potential. This is how I see it.

Spirituality itself seen as feminine so it could have correlation to this but generally saying that the serpent is *only* a feminine power just doesn't make much sense to me.
I did elaborate further if you scroll up. Go to Satanslibrary.org and search "serpent" under HPC666 writings, and you'll see a "Dealing with Astral Entities - The Serpent". It may be slightly different than that.

After you read that you'll understand.

The serpent has both feminine and masculine qualities, but it's feminine in the sense that it is literally "Mother Nature". The serpent is "the one god". It is a consciousness of infinite potentiality. These are some of the things he said.

Go read it and let me know what you think of it.
I appreciate your reply, but I find it necessary to clear up some misconceptions you have.

The kundalini serpent is, as to my knowledge, nature itself. It is both the principle of creation and destruction, and it is, in fact, the "One God" the enemy doesn't shut up about, but the truth is it is a force. It is infinite potentiality waiting to be risen. It is an amplifying consciousness of energy. It is the uniting Ether force. So, in these instances, it is the androgynous being.

However, I believe the reason it is a female force is because this potentiality is feminine in its conception. Raw power in latency until used. Also, like in many mythologies, the serpent is a cthonic force living deep within the earth, which represents power, fertility, superabundance, and healing.

This is my "current" intellectual understanding, yet experience would be the best teacher. So, hopefully one day she will show me her ways.

Also, you had some weird ideas like 99% feminine Universe and Father Satan not living up to the potential of the divine feminine, but these are not true.

Aside from the universe thing, Satan is thr Ultimate wielder of the One God. Satan does not fall short and cannot fall short of any potential we can conceive. He is our Father and the Great Architect.

You should banish all doubts of His power.
im reading a chi gong book at the moment, and it says " Kundalini is the internal manifestation of the energetic potential of the human soul sleeping within the unawakened Taiji Pole".... and earlier on "In the practice of Medical Qigong, the Wuji is one of three universal principles, along with Qi and Shen, which form a trinity of intuitive and psychic power. These three universal principles also manifest in the human soul, allowing divine thought to infuse matter'

Ether is the Akasha, and in Chinese it is Wuji - infinite space.

"The Wuji is external, unlimited, and beyond all description. It is unbound by the material, yet contains all material things. It is the ve- hicle for all life, resonating through sound and light, and permeating everything in the universe."

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
