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My Kundalini (throat)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2021
I had been trying for a while to understand why my Kundalini energy was stopping at the throat chakra. This was very painful. I was physically sick with my throat burning, the throat chakra with a perpetual knot in my throat (but not in the frontal extension, I felt the tightness in the central throat chakra), and besides this absurd heat and pain, there was also a huge discomfort, this kind of discomfort instead I felt in the throat chakra, but right in the frontal extension this time. I don't know how to describe what kind of discomfort it was, if you don't feel it you can't explain it by comparing it to other things.

I used to think that the reason why even the electric discharges that in the past when my chakras were closed made me have uncontrolled spasms (people thought I was going to have seizures, now that my chakras are open I don't have those spasms anymore, but just a physical urge to move my spine as if to move the energy upward which then really goes upward), these discharges would reach up to the back throat chakra and stop there without continuing further. If the discharge was very powerful (very powerful) they would reach the skull, but it was rare.

I thought that by opening the watchtowers of the sixth chakra the situation would improve and in fact I felt better, but I did not solve the situation too much. I had started to be unable to vibrate mantras even because my throat was hot, uncomfortable, painful.
So even the Meditations decreased a lot because it was a crazy suffering all that energy located there. And it was really a lot of energy. When I was doing Yoga Hatha for the throat chakra it was better, but only physically, I didn't get over the symptoms, they continued as before, but I was able to suffer less.

Today I was wandering around in the middle of our Temple looking for something now off-topic, and I was like "called back" to open a link on the bandha page. Reading it, I noticed that chin locks were discouraged by HPS Maxine Dietrich because they prevented Kundalini from rising beyond the throat chakra. In fact when HPS Maxine Dietrich recommends this chin blocking it is in the Opening Meditations where she does not wish to generate dangerous discharges of Kundalini energy for those who do not yet have fully open chakras. But I had so far always meditated on the chakras starting from the base chakra to the crown chakra, and for the first four chakras I had always blocked the chin on the chest. So in your opinion should I replace the chin block with a simple mula bandha?

I ask because the mula bandha directs the Serpent upward. Also I think by doing this I will decrease the number of vibrations *A LOT*, I don't want what I had in my throat to occur in my brain. Because in the brain it would be even more severe and I could literally go crazy so I'd rather go very slow but on the safe side than risk it. I have a lot of personal power. If telekinesis works for me without even training it means I don't need to run of urgency to get personal power so I'd rather take it easy and have other meditative goals now.
I had been trying for a while to understand why my Kundalini energy was stopping at the throat chakra. This was very painful. I was physically sick with my throat burning, the throat chakra with a perpetual knot in my throat (but not in the frontal extension, I felt the tightness in the central throat chakra), and besides this absurd heat and pain, there was also a huge discomfort, this kind of discomfort instead I felt in the throat chakra, but right in the frontal extension this time. I don't know how to describe what kind of discomfort it was, if you don't feel it you can't explain it by comparing it to other things.

I used to think that the reason why even the electric discharges that in the past when my chakras were closed made me have uncontrolled spasms (people thought I was going to have seizures, now that my chakras are open I don't have those spasms anymore, but just a physical urge to move my spine as if to move the energy upward which then really goes upward), these discharges would reach up to the back throat chakra and stop there without continuing further. If the discharge was very powerful (very powerful) they would reach the skull, but it was rare.

I thought that by opening the watchtowers of the sixth chakra the situation would improve and in fact I felt better, but I did not solve the situation too much. I had started to be unable to vibrate mantras even because my throat was hot, uncomfortable, painful.
So even the Meditations decreased a lot because it was a crazy suffering all that energy located there. And it was really a lot of energy. When I was doing Yoga Hatha for the throat chakra it was better, but only physically, I didn't get over the symptoms, they continued as before, but I was able to suffer less.

Today I was wandering around in the middle of our Temple looking for something now off-topic, and I was like "called back" to open a link on the bandha page. Reading it, I noticed that chin locks were discouraged by HPS Maxine Dietrich because they prevented Kundalini from rising beyond the throat chakra. In fact when HPS Maxine Dietrich recommends this chin blocking it is in the Opening Meditations where she does not wish to generate dangerous discharges of Kundalini energy for those who do not yet have fully open chakras. But I had so far always meditated on the chakras starting from the base chakra to the crown chakra, and for the first four chakras I had always blocked the chin on the chest. So in your opinion should I replace the chin block with a simple mula bandha?

I ask because the mula bandha directs the Serpent upward. Also I think by doing this I will decrease the number of vibrations *A LOT*, I don't want what I had in my throat to occur in my brain. Because in the brain it would be even more severe and I could literally go crazy so I'd rather go very slow but on the safe side than risk it. I have a lot of personal power. If telekinesis works for me without even training it means I don't need to run of urgency to get personal power so I'd rather take it easy and have other meditative goals now.
I have something similar,
I believe unblocking the chakra is one part.
Locking the energies into sushumna is another part, and there’s another way to keep the energies locked there for the serpent to ascend (You can’t keep the bandas on consciouly always, and still focus on other things), when i was deep into meditation i was able to send something from right side of my head, then i could focus on energies on front, and focus on them and they move upwards (when energies moves into nadis it expands them) when it reaches head throat or other parts you will that part has increased in mass and covered in liquid from inside and out, breath also drops by a lot during this process (There will be time when you will feel uncomfortable for unable to enhale enough prana deeply and in a short while.

These are thing i personally have to focus on at this time:
-Burning head

This will happen once your chakras are unblocked, nadis are open, you’re emotionally stable.
Your kundalini will rise, it can rise prematurely, too (even if energies aren’t into sushumna) if this happens then it will be a hollow experience And you will have learn everything about it from within, through trial and error just like me (Yes you will also have to in trance or a state where you feel bodies inside other than gross body (This happens when core of the brain is conscious (Chitta consciousness, 3rd eye).
I had been trying for a while to understand why my Kundalini energy was stopping at the throat chakra. This was very painful. I was physically sick with my throat burning, the throat chakra with a perpetual knot in my throat (but not in the frontal extension, I felt the tightness in the central throat chakra), and besides this absurd heat and pain, there was also a huge discomfort, this kind of discomfort instead I felt in the throat chakra, but right in the frontal extension this time. I don't know how to describe what kind of discomfort it was, if you don't feel it you can't explain it by comparing it to other things.

I used to think that the reason why even the electric discharges that in the past when my chakras were closed made me have uncontrolled spasms (people thought I was going to have seizures, now that my chakras are open I don't have those spasms anymore, but just a physical urge to move my spine as if to move the energy upward which then really goes upward), these discharges would reach up to the back throat chakra and stop there without continuing further. If the discharge was very powerful (very powerful) they would reach the skull, but it was rare.

I thought that by opening the watchtowers of the sixth chakra the situation would improve and in fact I felt better, but I did not solve the situation too much. I had started to be unable to vibrate mantras even because my throat was hot, uncomfortable, painful.
So even the Meditations decreased a lot because it was a crazy suffering all that energy located there. And it was really a lot of energy. When I was doing Yoga Hatha for the throat chakra it was better, but only physically, I didn't get over the symptoms, they continued as before, but I was able to suffer less.

Today I was wandering around in the middle of our Temple looking for something now off-topic, and I was like "called back" to open a link on the bandha page. Reading it, I noticed that chin locks were discouraged by HPS Maxine Dietrich because they prevented Kundalini from rising beyond the throat chakra. In fact when HPS Maxine Dietrich recommends this chin blocking it is in the Opening Meditations where she does not wish to generate dangerous discharges of Kundalini energy for those who do not yet have fully open chakras. But I had so far always meditated on the chakras starting from the base chakra to the crown chakra, and for the first four chakras I had always blocked the chin on the chest. So in your opinion should I replace the chin block with a simple mula bandha?

I ask because the mula bandha directs the Serpent upward. Also I think by doing this I will decrease the number of vibrations *A LOT*, I don't want what I had in my throat to occur in my brain. Because in the brain it would be even more severe and I could literally go crazy so I'd rather go very slow but on the safe side than risk it. I have a lot of personal power. If telekinesis works for me without even training it means I don't need to run of urgency to get personal power so I'd rather take it easy and have other meditative goals now

It sounds like it could be a blocked, or misaligned chakra to me. Have you looked at all the meditations, intermediate and advanced?

To circulate energy, what I do is:
With my index finger I lightly touch my crown chakra and chant the "AUM" mantra directing the energy down to the base chakra and then back up again to the crown chakra, back and forth, amount of times to suit you. You know it's working when you feel your chakras "tingling". I do this at least once every day.

Kundalini energy? You mean sexual energy? https://ancient-forums.com/threads/dealing-with-astral-entities-the-serpent-part-3.272044/
"Many people mistake the Sexual energy for the actual Serpent. While they are co-bound and co-operational, and almost the same, the intensity is different. The Sexual energy has to be risen and mastered first before the Kundalini kicks in."

As for blocked chakras, do an at least 7 day (to 40 day, depending on the seriousness) deep cleaning on them (best if started on witches sabbath but not necessary if it is urgent like your situation.) This is of course on top of the cleaning you do at the moment.
Kundalini energy? You mean sexual energy? https://ancient-forums.com/threads/dealing-with-astral-entities-the-serpent-part-3.272044/
"Many people mistake the Sexual energy for the actual Serpent. While they are co-bound and co-operational, and almost the same, the intensity is different. The Sexual energy has to be risen and mastered first before the Kundalini kicks in."

As for blocked chakras, do an at least 7 day (to 40 day, depending on the seriousness) deep cleaning on them (best if started on witches sabbath but not necessary if it is urgent like your situation.) This is of course on top of the cleaning you do at the moment.

***THANK*** you!!!!!
Kundalini energy? You mean sexual energy? https://ancient-forums.com/threads/dealing-with-astral-entities-the-serpent-part-3.272044/
"Many people mistake the Sexual energy for the actual Serpent. While they are co-bound and co-operational, and almost the same, the intensity is different. The Sexual energy has to be risen and mastered first before the Kundalini kicks in."

As for blocked chakras, do an at least 7 day (to 40 day, depending on the seriousness) deep cleaning on them (best if started on witches sabbath but not necessary if it is urgent like your situation.) This is of course on top of the cleaning you do at the moment.

Brother, I would like to renew my thanks and explain that I truly am VERY grateful to you. Thank you!!!!!
Try this yoga asana.:

It stretches the neck thereby reducing tension, spasm and blockage.
Initially, you can also climb the wall with your feet. But you must not overdo it, you must build it up.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
