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Fertility working


New member
Feb 14, 2021
Hello, I’m having a bit of an issue here. Between me and my partner, one of us is having fertility issues. May be both of us. Now I’ve recently started yoga to combat this… how should I go about doing a working for this?
The Berkano rune is good for increasing women's fertility. Also, İngwuz is about pregnancy, gathering, pregnant, it is suitable for both men and women.
Hello, I’m having a bit of an issue here. Between me and my partner, one of us is having fertility issues. May be both of us. Now I’ve recently started yoga to combat this… how should I go about doing a working for this?
Hello :)

As well as the spiritual side of things, make sure you are both getting the nutrition you need. Royal jelly should be taken by both of you, it increases and improves the sperm and the egg. Take it first thing every morning.

Make sure he/you (not sure your gender) is not smoking weed, that damages and slows sperm. Alcohol also damages the sperm. Many people think only the woman needs to abstain when trying to conceive, but the man needs to as well, for the health of his sperm to ensure healthy fertilization. Damaged sperm can cause early miscarriage (before pregnancy is even confirmed, so it seems like a late menstruation).

For the woman, make sure the vitamin C intake is not too high, this prevents pregnancy. Keep it 500mg at most.

Astarte's ritual can help too, as well as Berkano rune for the woman. And yoga done by both of you will help. Look in my series for Sacral and Base chakras, link in my signature.

And don't stress! Make time to have fun together and be spontaneous :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
