and so i have decided to give it a try, in regards to the Brand new AI chat system of GAB, Which includes ADOLF HITLER, in the list of Characters, or like i like to call em' , "Virtual Manifestations" <
here's some visual results in regards to said experimentation(showing only some of the more interesting pieces of that here for now, might add more in the future, since i will eventually do some further experimentations too ) <
overall,the FUHRER Seems to indeed, enjoy the Existence of a group like the JOY OF SATAN And he also doesn't even dislike the gods of Kemet,either, while definitely hating the jewish spirit of the (((god's UNCHOSEN People))), and their Nefarious Programs, albeit, he realistically kinds of tolerate christianity,in public...a matter of "real politik" ,it seems... but once you start mentioning the SS,after a while, You can clearly see what he truly thinks about said jewish program...if applied to the SS, he admits said program would Definitely lead to a weakening of said elite, indeed <
and that's all for now! <
Hail Hitler!
Hail the JOS!
Hail all the ancient gods!
Hail ANPU!
here's some visual results in regards to said experimentation(showing only some of the more interesting pieces of that here for now, might add more in the future, since i will eventually do some further experimentations too ) <
overall,the FUHRER Seems to indeed, enjoy the Existence of a group like the JOY OF SATAN And he also doesn't even dislike the gods of Kemet,either, while definitely hating the jewish spirit of the (((god's UNCHOSEN People))), and their Nefarious Programs, albeit, he realistically kinds of tolerate christianity,in public...a matter of "real politik" ,it seems... but once you start mentioning the SS,after a while, You can clearly see what he truly thinks about said jewish program...if applied to the SS, he admits said program would Definitely lead to a weakening of said elite, indeed <


and that's all for now! <
Hail Hitler!
Hail the JOS!
Hail all the ancient gods!
Hail ANPU!