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New Satanist dude


New member
Jan 17, 2024
Hello everyone. First and foremost hail to Satan's victory and may all of you prosper on this path to god-hood.
Ima newcomer Satanist/practitioner here.
I mostly have been an arm-chair occultist my whole life (studying and not practicing) but i plan on making the change.
Did the blood dedication ritual last week to i figured i drop by to all you lovely people.
Also if anyone knows info of blood magick please lemme know. It's gonna be my next study.
I'm also interested in this concept of a "guardian demon" i would love one.
May all hearts and minds be open to lord Satan.
Ima try to be a good boy this year and actually do the work.
Ave Satanas.

Ima go do this power ritual rn. Lord Andras needs his respects.
Hello everyone. First and foremost hail to Satan's victory and may all of you prosper on this path to god-hood.
Ima newcomer Satanist/practitioner here.
I mostly have been an arm-chair occultist my whole life (studying and not practicing) but i plan on making the change.
Did the blood dedication ritual last week to i figured i drop by to all you lovely people.
Also if anyone knows info of blood magick please lemme know. It's gonna be my next study.
I'm also interested in this concept of a "guardian demon" i would love one.
May all hearts and minds be open to lord Satan.
Ima try to be a good boy this year and actually do the work.
Ave Satanas.

Ima go do this power ritual rn. Lord Andras needs his respects.
Welcome! I would suggest that you study the Meditation and Witchcraft sections of the website carefully and that you start with a consistent Meditation program. I've met many people people like yourself, people who get in the occult and they study this and that without any experience, this doesn't help much though, it only creates confusion most of the time.

Mastering the exercises and Meditations on this website will do so much more for your development as a magician instead of reading these questionable books. Magic can be much more simple than these books make it look. Of course, later on you can add layers, discover new things through your personal research and so on, but you need a strong foundation first.
Welcome abord! Good news everyone gets a Guardian Demon free of charge when they do the dedication you just need to acquirer the skills to talk to them.

The bases of the magic system we use is energy, bio-electricity, the five elements and energy from astral bodies are also common. Things like blood magic are not talked about a lot and are frowned on. The blood you used during the dedication was as a signature and given counter the jewish practice of taking your blood at the hospital and using it to cast enslavement spells on your soul. You are the power source and the mana in your blood can power your spells while staying in your body.

Blood magic and killing things for mana is jewish and xtan in nature, If you want an external power source to make things easier use crystals, but the bases of Satanic magic is cleaning and empowering your own soul and making the body stronger.
Hello, we do not practice blood magic. It's a morbid thing that the enemy practices, mostly with someone else's blood, not even with their own which is even worse.

You have a Guardian Demon already because you have dedicated yourself. The blood thing in the dedication is a one time thing, we do not encourage anyone to use their blood anytime after this one and only occasion.

Be careful with RTRs, God rituals might be safer but I would not recommend to do RTRs as a beginner. You better build an AoP for an half a year before going into this.
Hello and welcome to our satanic family 😊
Since you've done the dedication ritual, you already have a guardian demon. You just have to find out who He or She is. It's just a matter of time, you will find his or her name when the time is right.
Enjoy the meditations!
Hail Satan!
Also if anyone knows info of blood magick please lemme know. It's gonna be my next study.
It's a very simple thing, all you do is anoint any item you use in magick with your own blood, with contains your lifeforce and is very powerful. Items include crystals, herbs, sigils e.t.c. If you are a woman you can use menstrual blood, as it's preferred for its pure power.

Things like blood magic are not talked about a lot and are frowned on.

Hello, we do not practice blood magic. It's a morbid thing that the enemy practices, mostly with someone else's blood, not even with their own which is even worse.

Both of you misunderstand it, it has nothing to do with the enemy nor is it associated with any sacrifices. It's a pity that the Yahoo groups archive is down, or I'd show a post by HP Maxine where she said using your own blood in magick is perfectly fine and it has nothing to do with parasitic jewish magick. You can see though that post by HP Maxine has been quoted in this post:

I'm re-quoting it from that post:

The use of blood in rituals is not of jewish origin. Jewish magick is and always has been PARASITICAL. It is steeped in living blood sacrifice, spirit abuse, and worse. These types of practices leave a very ugly residue of bad energy and continue to keep attracting bad energy to those who participate in this shit. No amount of aura cleaning will remove this, as it establishes powerful and ongoing astral ties with the victim/s. THIS IS NOT OF SATANISM! The enemy has worked to confuse, twist and pervert True Satanism. True Satanists do not participate in parasitical magick. We work to amplify our own energies, raise our inner serpents [kundalini] and use and direct our own powers for our own desires.
Blood use in rituals, such as staining Runes, dedicating our souls and lives to Satan, and working to boost our energies- USING OUR OWN BLOOD, is very different than parasitical magick. The blood carries the life-force. Our own blood [it doesn't take much- large amounts are not needed], can boost the energy of a ritual. Staining the Runes with our blood gives them much more power in a ritual, but this is something one need not do very often. It is most effective when done once in a few weeks, as too often it will lose power. True Satanism is self reliance.
Jewish Ritual Murder is a parasitic living blood sacrifice using the four quarters. Because blood contains the life force, like using steroids, they get a huge, but temporary boost in their parasitical magick. They have to keep doing this repeatedly, during certain times of the year, such as Passover. The ramifications, just like steroids are evident upon this people. The rare and hideous diseases they have alone in a very large percentage of their race says enough, but there is much more.
Ima newcomer Satanist/practitioner here.
I mostly have been an arm-chair occultist my whole life (studying and not practicing) but i plan on making the change.
Did the blood dedication ritual last week to i figured i drop by to all you lovely people.

Also if anyone knows info of blood magick please lemme know. It's gonna be my next study.
I'm also interested in this concept of a "guardian demon" i would love one.

May all hearts and minds be open to lord Satan.
Ima try to be a good boy this year and actually do the work.
Ave Satanas.

Ima go do this power ritual rn. Lord Andras needs his respects.

First and foremost, reject all perverted beliefs of "Satanism" disguised as Judaism. We do not perform blood magic or other anti-natural practices. Only the adversary and depraved use blood magic. Meditate on the sermons on JoS to obtain enlightenment and leave the corrupted "Occult" behind. That should not be of interest to you in any way, and it is a waste of time that could be better spent on meditation and learning with the information we have.

You get a Guardian Demon once you dedicate; read the JoS.

Study Astrology first of all, use the astrological calendar that has been provided to us by the clergy, and implement rune workings within your life. That's what should be your next study; not degeneracy.

Make sure to apply full commitment within your daily advancement - including the Demon Rituals.
Hello, we do not practice blood magic. It's a morbid thing that the enemy practices, mostly with someone else's blood, not even with their own which is even worse.

You have a Guardian Demon already because you have dedicated yourself. The blood thing in the dedication is a one time thing, we do not encourage anyone to use their blood anytime after this one and only occasion.

Be careful with RTRs, God rituals might be safer but I would not recommend to do RTRs as a beginner. You better build an AoP for an half a year before going into this.
I have only been doing Satan's absolution ritual as well as a few power rituals and of course and im doing it again tonight. I have not touched rtr's yet but can you speak on this AOP please?
How would you recommend i prep better for these workings? I need to become competent with this.

Concerning blood magick it was only my intention to charge rituals and sigils with my own blood. No morbid intent i promise you.
Hello everyone. First and foremost hail to Satan's victory and may all of you prosper on this path to god-hood.
Ima newcomer Satanist/practitioner here.
I mostly have been an arm-chair occultist my whole life (studying and not practicing) but i plan on making the change.
Did the blood dedication ritual last week to i figured i drop by to all you lovely people.
Also if anyone knows info of blood magick please lemme know. It's gonna be my next study.
I'm also interested in this concept of a "guardian demon" i would love one.
May all hearts and minds be open to lord Satan.
Ima try to be a good boy this year and actually do the work.
Ave Satanas.

Ima go do this power ritual rn. Lord Andras needs his respects.
How did you the website? Google censors us badly.
Welcome abord! Good news everyone gets a Guardian Demon free of charge when they do the dedication you just need to acquirer the skills to talk to them.

The bases of the magic system we use is energy, bio-electricity, the five elements and energy from astral bodies are also common. Things like blood magic are not talked about a lot and are frowned on. The blood you used during the dedication was as a signature and given counter the jewish practice of taking your blood at the hospital and using it to cast enslavement spells on your soul. You are the power source and the mana in your blood can power your spells while staying in your body.

Blood magic and killing things for mana is jewish and xtan in nature, If you want an external power source to make things easier use crystals, but the bases of Satanic magic is cleaning and empowering your own soul and making the body stronger.
So it's mainly called mana is what is the true name of energy
I have only been doing Satan's absolution ritual as well as a few power rituals and of course and im doing it again tonight. I have not touched rtr's yet but can you speak on this AOP please?
How would you recommend i prep better for these workings? I need to become competent with this.

Concerning blood magick it was only my intention to charge rituals and sigils with my own blood. No morbid intent i promise you.
You can start the protection aura with runes. The Algiz/Elgr rune is the rune of protection.
The Satan numbers and completion numbers of 40 and their multiples are good for the magic order. I recommend doing this every day possible, not 40 days.
When working with runes, you can use their number.

Except for "blood spells, rituals" written by nonsense people, you can use blood to consecrate items and in spells. Be careful not to leave a permanent scar
I have only been doing Satan's absolution ritual as well as a few power rituals and of course and im doing it again tonight. I have not touched rtr's yet but can you speak on this AOP please?
How would you recommend i prep better for these workings? I need to become competent with this.

Concerning blood magick it was only my intention to charge rituals and sigils with my own blood. No morbid intent i promise you.
Please study the Joy of Satan meditation and witchcraft sections as that and more are explained there.

A search query for "aura of protection". https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?search/17355/&q=aura+of+protection&o=relevance

Aura of Protections - https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/aura-of-protections.94/

Updated Full Aura of Protection by Inanna - https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/updated-full-aura-of-protection-by-inanna.13421/
Concerning blood magick it was only my intention to charge rituals and sigils with my own blood. No morbid intent i promise you.

20x Algiz, 20x Sowilo would be enough. Depends on how much you can handle, AoP is very important so it's advisable to spend a lot of energy on it.

For a general purpose, I would use and affirmation like
"This energy invincibly protects me Spiritually, mentally, and physically, in the most beneficial way for me." x8

Tyr can also be used.

Keeping the affirmation short and simple is better, than you can specify things with your visualization.
I'm glad that you have chosen the path of Spiritual Satanism.
But as others said, blood rituals are against our principles, especially when blood of other people/animals is used. The jews have accused Satanists of sacrificing living beings, but it's the churches which tell you to "drink the blood" of jewsus.
For any questions, feel free to ask me anything.
How did you the website? Google censors us badly.
In 2017 the webpage was accessible though a keyword search.
I searched it all the time
It was Jos.org.(if i remember) afterwards there was a problem with the domain and it was almost like it didn't exist
I recall some aspects of the page did not load
Once it came back up.
I believe the website was attacked.
The link changed to satanisgod.org
Which i found on some facebook post.
now the only way to find the site is to type the specific url.
How did you the website? Google censors us badly.
A keyword search i wanna say back in 2016.
Also found ancient forums from the site and the ritual work from this platform.
If you had an interest in Satanism and studied it from random links you were bound to come across the site.
In 2017 the webpage was accessible though a keyword search.
I searched it all the time
It was Jos.org.(if i remember) afterwards there was a problem with the domain and it was almost like it didn't exist
I recall some aspects of the page did not load
Once it came back up.
I believe the website was attacked.
The link changed to satanisgod.org
Which i found on some facebook post.
now the only way to find the site is to type the specific url.

A keyword search i wanna say back in 2016.
Also found ancient forums from the site and the ritual work from this platform.
If you had an interest in Satanism and studied it from random links you were bound to come across the site.
Im sorry disregard the literal top half of this post it was either 2016 or 2017. I dunno.
I just did a keyword search test and the website does come up. (Checked by mis-typing the url)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
