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TAOIST - Wong tin king / part 4 of 4


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Mar 10, 2024


This is the final of 4 on won tin king.

Notes that with training, knowledge given in our site and forum we can extrapolate ideas of the Taoist training referred in the text. But only someone higher up can trace the real training.

Text often used the term called as to point the Chinese mantras, sometimes it just add the word spirit to point it out. Teacher in one text seems to indicate that the description is sometimes also the hidden name.

Chap 12- kidney section

Kidney section ‘s palace mystical/black gate round
Inside there is lad (young boy) deep above mystery (ming seung yuen)
Controlling various 6 viscera 9 liquids source
Externally correspond to 2 ears 100 liquids fluids
Dark green brocade cloud clothing dancing dragon costume
Above cause/reach bright coloured clouds sun moon smoke
100 illness 1 000 disasters quickly should visualise
The 2 sections water flourishing opposite to life door
Render people long life ascending to 9 heavens.

- Ears are opening kidneys.

- black is color water, kidney; green is liver wood. Water gives birth to wood. Lower down teacher gives principle clothing : inside is dark / black and ouside is green. Just think of chinese old movies with clothing of taoist/ officers (administators). In chapter lungs, they were an extra item, a yellow belt (earth mother of metal/lungs ). Due to associations, if they were a belt here it will be here white (metal). If you check middle age officer , they all have a belt. Pants and t shirt will be therefore color element trained , outside is is child / long jacket, belt as said at level navel, is in front of onbilical cord so color will be the mother. These infos are not allways repeated, either because there is variants or it is supposed you understand the principle in it.

- To cause something means take action, I guess motion in kidneys (or water chakra) will bring chi (smoke) bright in eyes (often compared to sun and moon, opening of kid, liver) and from them smoke comes out as first chapter trainings. Coloured imply more than one color. And as i said eyes in front 6th chakra will probably reflect colors in it , so here it may be color sun and moon separated (combined will be purple).

- If feel unconfortable (illness tied to organ), quick visualize the god (imply also mantra)

- Due to chapter, 2 sections water is probably the 2 kidneys, life door will be navel (ombilical cord) said symbolically in front of it (not physically). Flourishing imply opened flower, chakra/flower opened and may be tied due to section to womb breathing. We may even say, jing/water by attention to it is produced more or fully replenish as a kid. (jing decrease starting adulthood to nothing creating aging as decadence body, we produce more jing with meditation on its zone)

- Taoist have 9 heaven and 9 hell … but depending context may be 7 planets and 2 knots, 9 stars great bear , 9 rooms of upper dan tian(sky). But text imply that training made you close to be a saint (long life) which permit you to ascend to one of 9 heaven. Referring to body, energy of training was at first on earth/ 1st chakra (you were human before) and is moved up passing each chakra (6 left) and 3 knots.

kidneyMing seung yuen (maing seurn yune)
Deep above mystery
Ming5 seung6 (or 5 depend next character) yun4

Maing seurn yune is name spirit kidney

Each opening has an excretion. Kidney is water so source of all liquid.

Cloting of god inside. Dark since is water. Little green because related to liver.

Sun and moon are eyes. If ears are sharp than eyes too.

*** mean here that if mother water is strong good hearing since hearing is opening water, closest to mother is kid wood , strong mother birth strong kids therefore eyes(opening liver) are strong . You have also that concept in forum : stronger the spiritual parents (training) stronger kids will start spiritually in life. They inherit all bad and good, matter and energy. Apart that you can deduct why aging (due to lost of jing) got common effects as problem hearing (water), hair (water as greying or lost) and eyesigth (wood).

Water must rise up to nourrish upper part of body, particularly brain. Left is kidney right is fate door.

Ears buzzing, riningSum deficient (weak not function well)
Cannot hear a time
Pain around ear (nerve under)Obstruction of chi (repetitive)
Teeth pain, too excessive sensationKidney little empty
Teeth black/greyKidney have wind
Bones painful (Not rhumatisism who is related to meteo)
Cannot stretch waistIt is harden
Bones noise(not cracking joints)Kidney tired
Face yellowish (face is normally combineing 5 colors)Dying = mother, weal = foe

Use chi sound FOU to help when trouble little. 20 times. More than 36 exhaust chi.

Inhale to replenish

In water fong month face north, inhale chi from there, rat hour, day … Month day hour = goke. No fixed inhalation

Fall and winter time for hibernation

Chap 13- spleen section

Spleen section ‘s palace belonging to earth (as element)
Inside there is bright lag yellow clothing inside
Digesting grains diffusing chi (breath) protecting teeth
Such is called great godown(store) 2 bright lads.
Sitting in golden terrace city 9 zones
Square circle one inch life door inside
Administer regulating 100 grains 5 flavours fragrance
Repel drive away weakness feebleness no more illness injury
Externally corresponds CHAK JARK (foot lake/face) chi/breath colours fragrant
Light flower to produce that manifest clearly
Yellow cloud jade clothing wearing tiger badge
Concentrate think of the 3 old ones you(will) etherealise fly
Long life high-level hsiens away from death disaster

*** description of spleen and his visualisation.

On internet , kidney takes care of bones, therefore logicly teeth. Still i just remember grains are plant seed, human seed are in 2nd dan tian (water ties). White rice was also often compared to sperm. Digesting being a type of fire imply fermentation, gaz. therefore spreading energy.

SInce sometimes description is the god name The mantra here may also be (called) great godown(store) 2 bright lads but teacher say lower down it is stomach name which in TCM is yang organ of spleen.

is it not curious that Spleen is said in chi kung to be entry lower dan tian. How is placed that dan tian ? a building of 5 floor instead of a series of house on street (upper dan tian) .So it sits on roof of a building. Isn’t gold tied to sun ? Sun chakra called solar plexus which is in taoist cases also tied to earth which is spleen. (same height)

A square is hard to move it is stability, a circle roll easy. I found here funny square circle. Ring a bell ? western spiritual allegory, la quadrature du cercle in french, i have no idea how to translate it but we may say squaring a circle. Philosophers, kabbalist added many meanings to that mathematical problem . I will think of this more as 4 elements are united or spinning (turn square and you have a circle) , it refers then to microcosmic orbit or belt merdian (same line got life door) or combining 4 elements inside zone spleen (often mixed with solar plexus ) .

Nourishing can be understood as function but may be a symbol. From spot chosen all parts body are stimulated to make 5 flagrance (5 elements, 5 organs yin or 5 chakras activated and opened to smell). Technicly I will choose yellow court (main name book) particularly since by my understanding, prana move up and down from solar plexus to nourish the rest.

Idea of clear ligth is recurrent in chapters, it is a way we use to clean chakras. The lines seems to point to our training to put light in chakras to clean them (out grey or dull ligth source of illness), and next to empower them. Result will affect not just the chakra itself and functions tied to it but the whole system.

Yellow is color earth, spleen, tiger is assign normally to lungs, its kids.

Lower Down comments of teacher confim that 3 old ones are 3 dan tian. So it may means after concentration on god spleen, move energy to 3 dan tian. May I underlined a note from teacher, spleen is center of fire and water. He may have meant bring fire and water there to move it after to 3 dan tian.

spirit inside spleen
Spleen => lung => kidneys
1 is digestion 2 spread chi in all body 3 protect teeth
9 zones9 lairs inside, chi
Great godown
= name stomach, ming moon = right kidney(fire
flavors, taste, sense
If properly digest food, proper chi go to his proper organ
Weakness and feebleness cause illness
Once spleen nourish correctly, good color and smell
Yellow cloudchi from spleen
Tigerdai dji
Must have idea to do meditation related to spleen but no good enough if does not concentrate. Spleen is center (connect) fire and water. Once idea gives birth to metal then kidney.
4 corners and 5 elements depends all of earth.
3 old manAfter creatin when elements agitated, produces the following the 3 old man are mystical, primal, yellow : jing chi shen : 3 treasures.
Just practice on it give longevity
Followerone chi strong follow it

Standing, feast, meditation : white chi, west, hands do circle, half lotus, head slightly down (not look straight front) Chi coming in mouth, swallow it, stick tongue on top, swallow saliva, concentrate on one movement – image, virgin receive saliva. Open eyes, HA, rub so chi go again to limbs (in meditation it goes more inside)

*** it is funny that bringing chin in is one bandha of yoga. And remember las time with WA or hwa, to move energy to limbs, here i heard it as HA but i believe it is more hwa; ha is akasha / connecting all, va is water / energy flowing eveywhere. As reminded in other chapter va is used to empower us.

Chap 14 – gall bladder portion

gall bladder portion ‘s palace 6 organs essence
inside there is a lad (named) LOOH YIU (alias) WIGHT MING
thunder lightning 8 (directions) agitate waving jade-like banner
dragon flag horizontally sky casting fire bells
externally corresponds to eyes pupils nose pillar space
brain hair mutually assisting also both bright/fresh coloured
9 coloured brocade clothing green flowered skirt carrying gold
wearing jade dragon tiger patterns capable of visualising WIGHT MING sitting in coloured clouds
control order 10 000 divinities give homage to 3 primes

*** 6 organs ? Strong chance here they talk here about 6 yang ones (5 yang organ + triple burner) since gall bladder is the yang organ of liver. Sure I find rare to have 6 yang organs and 5 yin. There is a reason 5 yang for 5 yin, 5 vases of energy and means to expell some (dirt, excess, separating good and bad… ). I will have to check more TCM to understand. Triple burner on internet seems to link each part body so logicly the energy of 5 yin organs pass by it. Looks like to be a general connector divided in 3 parts (head not included).

Gall bladder god name

put thunder and ligthning (moving ligth) in whole body or 8 spot micrcosmic orbit, jade is as I have said tied to upper dan tian. Banner represent groups or what to do in old armies, often motion of troops, is it telling to 6th chakra to move its soldiers (energy) somewhere ? Just remmeber that to have a visible flag, we move not left to right but usually as infinite sign to make the banner more visible. It is intéressant to note that thunder and ligthning in pother chapter was in reference for 6th chakra therefore we may choose charge energy in central 6th by ligth moving and mantra thunder then send energy to 8 direction. It will be fun to believe 8 include central 6th, letting 7 front or back areas to send energy to ( 7 chakras).

Dragon often is green so liver (gallbladder is yang organ of wood, liver is the yin organ). Wood gives birth to fire. So energy live is making fire/motion/ligth bell ?

Note that They are usually in churches 3 bells in each tower (one for wedding, one for calling to mess, i think by memory the 3rd one is for the funerals ) their sound is used also in western mantras (ding dang dong) . It was funny that letter i for westerner (rose cross, freemacons , samael aun weor) is assigned to 3rd eye. A is akasha by hindu (first letter) and forum for a while was saying akasha is the real element of heart chakra as some hindu text do. We put A as aum in heart chakra . Letter o in french is same sound as eau / water. It is important the recurrent high coincidences : teacher often played with similar sound to explain a taoist text. In french some sound have ties (sein sain saint = breast health saint) , numerology shows ties between words, egyptian images in a name explain its functions; eg heart is a vase, a vase contain liquid/blood). It is like if an expert tought of all that. Naturally with centuries and modification done by ordinary people, this was lost.

In one of my article on sanskrit vowel m , I made ties to m-oksha, m-anifestation, our namaha concept and for its counterpart long vowel dotted h to svaha. Note that vowel m sound change in sanskrit depending next sound, making sometimes ng. Also D is quite close to T (difference is tongue touch down or up). Just fun to see here a possible coincidence of vowels IAO and 3 dan tian (as i have said their palcmeents seems to be center line 6th chakra 4th and 2nd) . Adding R/action will make old ringing phones sound (not cellular) Mantra trim (sound as tring or dring) was used also for 3rd eye (trim is bija tara goddes of jupiter, also called guru, one name of 3rd eye) .. For info T may be symbol top spine, junction 3 nadis (tiwaz). All coincidences I guess. To make it short, bell here may refer to 3 possible mantras, one for each dan tian, a concept like using sound thunder in 6th chakra (thaur) or blowing air to empty mind (woo).

We may also interpret as motion air horizontally (flag) tell 6th chakra to put fire or energy in 3 dan tian and bell sound is result of calling of its energy.

Gall bladderLooh yiu (loong yiu)(lung4) yiu6(dragon) sunlight
Wight ming (wai ming)Wai1 ming4Migthy bright

** miss one character but loong prononciation is dragon and , since liver is tied to dragon it must be lung4.

When say live rit means liver and gallbladder. Gallblader symbolise courage.

Gallbladder not only store but move energy too (like the 6…)

Invoke name deity LOONG LYOU for his help. People in past has 2 names : 2nd is WAI MING.

Waving show courage. Problems with it shown by eyes pupils, nose pillar …

Chi (clouds) surround freely around gallbladder (green body) in meditation as you invoke his name. No need detailed visualisation since with time can alter progress, too attached

Chap 15 – spleen

the spleen ‘s length being 1 foot protects/covers the TAI CHEONG (stomach / supreme godown)
in the center the old lord rules the MING TONG (bright hall); this name LING YUEN (divine prime) alias WUN HONG (chaos, peace); curing people 100 diseases and digesting grains (cereals)/food.
yellow clothing violet band dragon tiger pattern;
generating ching (essence : semen, sperm) nourishing life depends on the king;
Thrice invoke my name then the shen (spirit) will be clear sharp.
the 3 old ones together sit and each has his friends/companions
may be ching or may be womb/foetus/embryo else where holding a position
TOA HYE (peach child or nucleaus stone) HUP YIN (combines prolongation) produce flowery light
men, women WUI GOUT there is a TOA HONG (peach peace)
the Taoist father Taoist opposite looking (each other)
the master ‘s and mistress. Cinnabar, mystery village
different paths converge in the same and returning to the essential terminus
close and block the 3 gates and hold the fist tight to stop
mouth sipping and gargling golden precious liquid the swallowing jade essence
these lead to not feeling hunger (or not dead)anymore and the 3 worms perish
the heart adn the ideas constantly harmonised (with each other) o reach gladness and prosperity
the 5 mountains clouds/chi circulating/cycling/flowing freely without obstruction
protect, irrigate the yoke lo (ajde hut) and self repaying/nourishing
the 5 shapes complete/perfect/ideal, strong, having no disaster nd misfortune

spleenLing yuen
(divine prime)
ling4 yun4
wun hong (chaos,peace)wan6 hong1

Each part body have a spirit but 24 importants (keys) on 36000. Chinese foot shorter than ours.

Old lord = spirit (one inch inside 3rd eye) is root of our life, spleen. Bright hall = body. Earth is at center. Spleen link other organs.

With spleen center body, it is properly rules ( WON HON’G)

Most disease appear because not proper treatment of spleen, he helps us to recover. Loos spleen and stomach finished (no more chi) you are finished.

If eat too mutch how help digest ? Use sound FOOOOOO 36 times, fuuu (blow, close nearly mouth) then swallow jade liquid. Can use right hand to massage circularly stomach. Repetition by 3 minutes up to 36. Invoque name : sound of breathing, invoque name

3 old onesare 3 treasures, spleen stomach belly. These 3 use spleen to ineract and transform. 3 have their posision.
Embryoat beginning conception
Hup yin birthTogether they produce your life
9 timesChi just circle within you
Taoist fatherIs trigram heaven, mother is earth one
lookingMutually mixed, harmonize
Master and mistressFire and water
Female and male togethernourish spring, together transform.
Golden pillThe result is the golden elixir (golden pill)
Mystery villagespleen
3 gatesHeaven/mouth, human/hand, earth/foot. We loose lot of chi through the mouth. By hand decine or go up, with age yang will go higher, higher go life go down. We should try to close them (adjust so no chi will leak), do not loose jing or chi
Do not let hear anything, see anything that come to you, or let open mouth everytime.
garglingIs wallow saliva (use virgin nude girl, open mouth at entrance
Stomach opening mouthShe takes all (chi, saliva)
For stomach baby is yinHunger (or not dye) since do not eat.
Upper (head) wormCause excess eating (pan gueil)
Middle one pan jot is erich émotions, pan gyu is lowest and causes desires
Against 3 worms use herbs (they do not like aromatic : combination of iz…)
5 mountains5 organs which each have pecular chi

*** combine energies + - to get golden pill may be a pratice of combining oposite polarities in earth /grail chakra (fire water, wood metal, chakras male female, planets…)

takes all is programmation, intent

Chap16 – upper viewing

above, viewing the 4 primes as connected pearls
very brightly shines the 9 corners
the 5 divinities at night candle lighten the 8 directions
you visualise the inner emperor with me travelling together
body clad in phoenix clothe decorated with tiger token of promise
one attaining not long ascending to the empty nothing ness
a square inch inside thoughts (ideas) deeply concealed
neither oblong nor round close the side windows and main windows
the 3 spirits reverse ching (then) at old age, still healthy
yun, park internally guard not in strife/competition
the shen (spirit) born in the abdomen with jade ring
the divine (chi) infuse into the mystical gate no more death
the jade tree being 1 000 fathoms high can be shelter/protection
the 3 wuns naturally will be at peace and the emperor records fate. (to record the name in the book of immortals)

Show how to visualize for heatlh organs, chi circulation evenly. Ne need to be specific in images.

3 lights are sun moon star, will lighten the 9 corners. For too emotionnal people use moon chi (lunar flower) to calm themself. For opposite take jing from sun (solar thing) Flower is essence of plant. 9 corners are global body inside us.


4 pearl at prime = N S E W directions. Pearl is like a stone, condensed ligth (it shines) Connection 4 elements is earth 4th chakra, middle dan tian. Shine 9 corners may imply 7 chakras and temples hip knot (energy is already in 4th which imply in their extension shoulders too).

5 divinities = 5 organs/chakras and their ligth goes to 8 direction. (8 gwas on wheel). Emperor travel with you is microcosmic orbit, energy 6th following your direction.

Phoenix is animal earth, tiger is its son, metal. To have metal we need wood to build fire to extract it in a moulding (earth), water to fix it shape. It may be tied to a training and repeating ida of combining 4 elementns in grail cup. Once done, not long attain tao (higher one)

Windows to close makes me think of closing chakras of our site. Apart that In past they were no glass windows, closing meant usually folding 2 outside pieces of wood cutting yourself from the outside. In other word the concept of inner focus (taoist reverse senses inside us).

Reverse jing from 3 spirits may well be guarding the one training but applied to each dan tian, a form of reverse creation to us . We use the power of creation (kids, enotion, thought) to create something in us . Again a link to closing windows.

Yun (3 wun) and 7 park in harmony kept in us (call back our 3 sprit, control 7 animals or chakras ?)

Jade ring may have been microcosmic orbit with energy 6th moving but due to abdomen word looks like more bring energy 6th in belt. The result water boiled by fire gives chi and a part of it goes to mystical gate ( ? kidney ? navel), If it is navel reference, it imply womb breathing accomplished. The balance of eenrgy is refined to shen. It may reference to reverse birth (universe birth order is 1st shen then chi then jing, this is why taoist try do opposite). Since abdomen is a huge zone, the hell zone, it may also imply energy 6th is send to any part of it as lower dan tian or solar plexus. In any taoist text they do not talk mutch about perineum or 1st chakra zone. Probably for the risk of loosing energy (ejaculation). True that too strong focus there, blood and energy folllow , too tense thre imply loosing faster.

Jade tree may imply energy 6th in spine, to a tree to be high imply growing ( move energy up). 3 wun may be 3 dan tian in harmony (level energy) since they are root tree (yggdrasil wells). Since An emperor is usually in his palace and that chinese legends say to be immortals we must reach first heaven , energy goes up to upper dan tian, place to meet the emperor.

/// following are training tied to won tin king but it may correspond to other chapters ///


Midnight, while go to bed, lye in it properly until mind calm/peaceful. Close eyes, imagine left left eye lot sun comes out of it, in the right the moon, sun has 9 spikes violet or red. Moon has 8 spikes yellow or white. Both go out and stay where ear is slightly above it then brightly shine until both emerge together until face and inside (brain) is covered by it. It then light all the rest of the body progressively. Fuse finally in one big light (even outside), just light at end.

But do not forget mud pill (see it). Continue til see organs clearly 15 min and more. Most feel warm inside. At end should be incantation

When feel enjoy enough knock teeth 9 times, swallow 9 times. 3 years continue will make face glow, less feardarkness, spirits frigthen and dare not come near you. If fear of some goulish place can use that technic to encourage you.

*** he never gave the incantation, but we can invent since up to now my search points point that it is mainly programmation of energy and some cases pointers of training.

*** since it is won tin king, , we can combine with calling the eyes gods, fusion of 2 ligth is usually at center which will be 3rd eye so call god upper dan tian too.

As said before, the hard part is trace the rigth context . SO we may also decide bring energy 3rd chakra in upper dan tian , before they mix you see their corresponding ligth, sun and moon through eyes . Or we choose instead fire water with god organ (heart kidney), fire and water chakra .


Woman should take it more. During first half for pure yin chi, til full moon (included) after not work taking and can harm. Midnight or night face moon. Stare long time until mind calm. Imagine moon chi coming to mouth until confortable. Then swallow jade and moon chi. Do not open mouth but inhale from nose, draw it by nose. Use infant girl in stomach Once inside it stay there and illuminate all inside of body.

Eyes allways gaze at moon. 15 times end by knocking teeth. Not do it if no clear moon, windy, rain, all foggy, cannot even see part moon. At end will have incantation to awaken spirit. Best is 3 days before full moon. Foggy day is when yin yang not balanced … If do notcare about instructions we won’t take their chi but the one’s between, harming body.

*** in one word waxing time better since all is growing, moon grows brighter/ more yang so best to get energy of it. Apart that in western magic, waxing help grow hair, plants, energy in us, charging stone , starting a project. Waning wil help more to do opposite, restraining growing. I haven’t had the opportunity to check but i guess, waning can reduce strength aura/body of an ennemy . Still the play of polarity exist like multiplication and division. Why not grow bad things in our ennemy in waxing time then reduce his good things in waning. Intent here will be the key.

Again no incantation.

5 DIVINITIES (star) :

Mars = fire, jupiter = wood, mercury = water, venus = metal, saturn or earth = earth.

Not as effective than sun tecnic

After sun/moon technic, your own spirit will be guarded, you and ? will be -. Phoenix is red. Body is red (? Is with you, tiger is symbol success (like seal emperor, pass…) one is when yin/yang (reverse birth of universe) fused and return to source.

*** some of my notes are not with ink, making word illisible. but ia is taking from 5 planets energies. No details but in our site there is clues to uses star energies.

When yin/yang are harmonized completely, got elixir, near success. If got the one, you got everything. If obtaines something by nature (not intended) spirits are happy.

Square inch in middle tan tien (3 inch = 3 chinese fingers under navel, within there all jing is stored. Hide though to store it. Square is stationary. There is a time for each. Cannot use only one. Window is the general region to store.

If meditation go automatically to 3 dan tien.

3 spirits = 3 dan tien here. For ryme they put verb. After, put in fact it’s return jing to 3 spirit. I seng jing to upper dan tian, hair better, brain nourrished…

Liver (wun) and lung (park) , if they do their work no competition, description effects, practice … jade trees (3 in their best). Jade is important, life.

Early spring is time of uncertainty. More headache, sudden swelling and pain cause by eastern wind. Different from illness coming from winter (too mutch spend yang). Disconfort in that case. Woman can take down gwite after monthly cycle, queen herbs for lady, go direct in blood, red dats without seeds (avoid excess dryness) for few days. Boil it, with heat middle enough to make it boil without spilling half hour. For 3 days drink. Before boil it twice before throw it away.

For man jin seng corean except if young energetic. It is for chi or son farkey (american one) Us good for pimples, sore throat, cool hot things (do not nourish). Wild better than north, north to south, south is us. Good if difficult climb stairs (walk if 3 times stop for 1 floor).

Other for bug kay (north kay) but it is realy dry, 4 days may be too mutch. Canot eat ras, boil. It replenish so do not take it if sick.

Lower gray is poison for illness. When finish no good conitinue… Eat less when cold, bettwer empty stomach = half cured. Sweat then clean with warm water + slight exercise, d not wait 4 days … When fever hold breath few seconds. If high use sound HAW, heart sound.

Swell = block blood, pain = block chi (not passed easily so massage it days.


Close eyes then calm mind and sit confrotably

Morning get up, repel disease for. Close eyes for shouting yourself against outside influence. If mind calm, better control chi, more ? is initial stage

Knock teeth 36 times (strengthen it awake spirit) spirit afraid of is it is like thunder), no need adjust teeth lenght for all knock

Chrysantheme herbs boiled, fuems on eyes (pain and swell)

Hits can cause blockage (blood /chi), medicated oilment to spread (white flower/driving away teh wind oil) + massage. Lady can use that if pain in cyce.

Cultivating the 3 one : 3 1 9 palace

Use :

  • Main town, 1 each inside eyebrow (bright mirror) joan quoan
  • Main œil joan qouan, these 3 divinities shine, green clothing, baby, waist belt with 4 belt hanging on it, mirror in mouth are red jade, face one and other or ouside.
*** œil is sound in french

  • Visualise 3 infant inside ming tong, few inches, no need imagine details place. Well sit you are
  • Mirrors give red bright light, shining all of yourself inside, going upper body to all rest and then cover all body
  • Red light become red chi (moving red)
  • Imagine swallow red chi slightly (9 basis)
  • Red chi become fire, start burning all of you, incandescent body (semi transparent)
  • After while, comfortable, slowly, fire diminish to die down (shrink anywhere)
  • Call chi 9 times, swallow 9 times, call name 3 spirits 3 times

If fear, they use belt tand, do noise in the air with it (lasso way). Keep calling name. Noise like ringing bell; knock teeth.

*** I do not understand the référence to 3 1 9 : in saturn square is N S E . But names gods here are the ones of the 3 residing in first palace in upper dan tian Calling chi is invoking probably the red chi but he do not say where to put it. Since we swallow just after we can suppose he meant 9 times red chi by saliva is cumulated then is sent to solar plexus.

My guess here it is a general training example. Same exercise can be done with any of the 9 palaces.



Chapters describe what to visualise, which name to use and the uses of the deities to bring health to the zone corresponding.. As satanist, theses names will be vibrated for a better effect. Hard part is the tone that is done on vowels, you can trace them with Cantonese software for cellular or you tube. You may interpret it as a type of singing (moving between 3 notes, 3 words motion : flat high to low or low to high)

But intent as focus on meaning name or vibration may compensate. Forum has pointed to not be too complicated with right pronunciation Sanskrit mantras. EG : LakshmI, has a short a which is sounded like u of but not a of father (long vowel sound) and a long i. For us we apply long vowel in both vowels making Laksh-mee instead luck-shmee.

Just a reminder based on my article on agni, short vowel sound is to guard/repel, long is opening . The idea was based on shape Sanskrit letter (trump Ganesha to left or right imply I put obstacle for you to enter or remove it so you can pass). Based on this concept our long version vowels choice may well be to call in / adding instead keeping what we already have.


Many books now explain the Taoist coding, mainly, sometime with interpretations on corresponding training.

Part taoist coding are mainly tied to associations with 5 elements. Eg : yellow is color spleen. My teacher said there is a book with all classification to 5 elements. I didn’t find it, probably still just in Chinese.

Sometimes they used description in daily life . Eg: a representation of the court of the emperor, rooms, garden is in fact a superposition to a part of the body. These description may go further as lanscap like hindu describing a country or cities (chakras) with rivers (nadis) and even battles historical or not ( battle is a cleaning, death a fixing …)

A key word may even be just a word like a famous king name, which imply searching its life to catch why his name is there or even an animal (life, customs, shape….)

There is also as said by my teacher the game of sound even if the tone may change. EG : sei4 sei3 sei2 means : #4, death/fixed , nasal mucus/a river name, music note corresponding to 6th one. I am sure you can deduct the possible trail here.

As someone guess context has to be traced and put in historical perspective and place. The cross meaning and use was something else before Jewish corruption. It is a nyasah as hindu one with now ineffective mantras. Strong chances that we were in fact calling (mantra) our 3 main gods name (satan, Azazel, Ishtar) + amen to conclude (amon = zeus) , it may be also a motion to be done inside use instead outside. (6th chakra energy to 3rd, mized by love, rizing to 7th. Again something robbed to clarify.


Depending your knowledge, training may be deducted. But we do have to be carefull since we do not have someone to confirm or precise the training. A taoist teacher depending his level will be able to point out some details corresponding to the text. The same deduction may happen with Greek myths, hindu myths or other myths in the word but only the gods could clarify since for most of them they is no one anymore to explain them.

For example, chapter one called leisurely wandering of chuang tzu. In brief summary ,in north ocean a fish called leviathan (the real English translation of the animal do not exist, teacher choose the closest one by description) was huge and too heavy, it wanted to reach the sky, transforms into a giant bird called roc-ruukh, move from south ocean and with the help of a typhoon rise high . Teacher and text said typhon help him rise to sky. No more details but do you understand based on our site and forum the possible trail ?

North, rat position for taoist is perineum, 1st chakra. If teacher choose leviathan it is probably because the fish looks like partially as a snake or move like one, kundalini. South is crown chakra, horse position. An oceanic bird fishing imply moving up and down not on same line, the microcosmic orbit. Tired he float on sea then move slowly forward to rise up. Kundalini try to rise up to the sky and only way was to transform in a bird (getting wings). Flapping wings push air down under us but if you are too big too heavy wings may not be enough. Now check the description of what is a typhon and you may find an other way to rise kundalini to the sky (head). A tip of using air currents or a hidden process. There was no scientific with cameras, electronics as now in the past , they used only keen observation, so check more the outside description effects on you tube to catch the implication.

Is it breathing air, pressing down chi/air (moving wings) with stomach by front line then apply a process similar to a typhoon to raise kundalini ? Typhoon is spinning anticlockwise (top view), one of condition to appear is warm ocean (concentration 2nd chakra, boiling jing) that evaporates so warm air flow move up and because in sky there is a cool air flow, typhoon appear … One Diagram of bing shows a taurus field spinning out top down, but eye press opposite its flow down. Other diagram shows spinning is around column pressing down. Spinning the column of light (in the site) or is it kundalini rising as a snake in spiral in spine so fast that all is pull up ? We may have here a link between the taoist meditation to transform jing in chi and rising kundalini.

But remarking a trail and finding how to apply them are 2 different things.

Personal note : kundalini being a snake, nothing stop us to do microcosmic orbit with a snake pattern instead straight curve (circle), a serie of S on top each other. Funny fold S in 2 and you have a circle. S is sowilo rounded or 2 opposite c / kenaz (so fire and water). It may well be an other reason of the comparaison to kundalini apart that S is sound of snake do. Important that there is 3 different type S sound in sanskrit : s sh z or tongue down, curved tongue pointing back, curve pointing front touching palate wich make a sound close to Z. Can these 3 S be tied to 3 dan tian or 3 knots ? Tongue down is dental, S and we use that sound with 1st chakra. S sound of Vishnu known as being the intermediary between human and gods may be the one of middle dan tian ( tongue back, sh) and other close to Z, nasalized s of shiva will be upper dan tian. Coincidence that zeus for crown chakra got a Z. It could be interessant to investigate this trail.


Finally, there is a general pattern in won tin king, we protect the orifices (guardians holes in head) as fusion of 5 elements of mantak chia , we put by crown energy (moon, sun, planets, great bear) , main chi seasons (by 3rd eye since in front of us) in (5 organs, 3 dan tian then contains of them are purified to be put after a few wheels in upper dan tian ,mixed (spin the 5 ) to fill back the rest with bright light by saliva.

That pattern can be applied to the site/forum training with 7 chakras. It is close to the exercise of alchemical steps. Difference is invoking outside force (5 planet, moon, sun, great bear) first to clean a chakra then empower it then move the result in microcosmic orbit, doing the wheel # times to finish by placing it in upper dan tian (6th central chakra) stimulating it. Rain follow, energy then goes by saliva to the one chakra trained. Doing all 7 one after an other, at final we merge them in 6th, and after put result in each chakra or dan tian.

Due to sites like manblunder or other hindu ones, we can understand that all twon tin king a type of nyasah (putting deity in section body) to help activate these places and functions. Visualisation of deities is similar of the long mantras of hindus deities. These when you read them are often in fact mind programming and ivisualisation read aloud. For me they are not the mantra itself but complementary instructions. Let’s invent an example :

I see XXXX clothed in green with red belt, in his right hand is a conch, left a sword, he is called YYYY moving away the cloud in sky making a shining bright day on earth where he will smell flowers of the garden.

One interpretation by people is just to repeat the full mantra, some people will combine with it the visuaisation described . But others will understand visualize in head that deity description, use mantra YYYY in center sky (head, 6th chakra) purifying it (away cloud) so light of 6th shine on all body. That sunlight (yellow/white) activate chakras (flowers), they open (flower must be open to smell), smell or result action goes back to 6th chakra (smelling imply taking air of flower up in head passing it by sinus) . The goal said of the mantra before is the programming to be done at end process.


To conclude Won tin king was the most interessant subject for the students at that time, but he stop right away without reasons switching to other subjects. They are 36 chapters, so 20 are missing with potential of other spirits names for other part of body or even middle /lower dan tian. Was the 16 1st chapter the most important of them ? No idea.

It seems the only way to get the text is buying it. I have failed to find one pdf with Chinese text and English translation. To understand the contains we need 3 parts : the original script, English translation word by word then translation as a whole.. Any tips to get one for more analysis will be welcome.


This is the final of 4 on won tin king.

Notes that with training, knowledge given in our site and forum we can extrapolate ideas of the Taoist training referred in the text. But only someone higher up can trace the real training.

Text often used the term called as to point the Chinese mantras, sometimes it just add the word spirit to point it out. Teacher in one text seems to indicate that the description is sometimes also the hidden name.

Chap 12- kidney section

Kidney section ‘s palace mystical/black gate round
Inside there is lad (young boy) deep above mystery (ming seung yuen)
Controlling various 6 viscera 9 liquids source
Externally correspond to 2 ears 100 liquids fluids
Dark green brocade cloud clothing dancing dragon costume
Above cause/reach bright coloured clouds sun moon smoke
100 illness 1 000 disasters quickly should visualise
The 2 sections water flourishing opposite to life door
Render people long life ascending to 9 heavens.

- Ears are opening kidneys.

- black is color water, kidney; green is liver wood. Water gives birth to wood. Lower down teacher gives principle clothing : inside is dark / black and ouside is green. Just think of chinese old movies with clothing of taoist/ officers (administators). In chapter lungs, they were an extra item, a yellow belt (earth mother of metal/lungs ). Due to associations, if they were a belt here it will be here white (metal). If you check middle age officer , they all have a belt. Pants and t shirt will be therefore color element trained , outside is is child / long jacket, belt as said at level navel, is in front of onbilical cord so color will be the mother. These infos are not allways repeated, either because there is variants or it is supposed you understand the principle in it.

- To cause something means take action, I guess motion in kidneys (or water chakra) will bring chi (smoke) bright in eyes (often compared to sun and moon, opening of kid, liver) and from them smoke comes out as first chapter trainings. Coloured imply more than one color. And as i said eyes in front 6th chakra will probably reflect colors in it , so here it may be color sun and moon separated (combined will be purple).

- If feel unconfortable (illness tied to organ), quick visualize the god (imply also mantra)

- Due to chapter, 2 sections water is probably the 2 kidneys, life door will be navel (ombilical cord) said symbolically in front of it (not physically). Flourishing imply opened flower, chakra/flower opened and may be tied due to section to womb breathing. We may even say, jing/water by attention to it is produced more or fully replenish as a kid. (jing decrease starting adulthood to nothing creating aging as decadence body, we produce more jing with meditation on its zone)

- Taoist have 9 heaven and 9 hell … but depending context may be 7 planets and 2 knots, 9 stars great bear , 9 rooms of upper dan tian(sky). But text imply that training made you close to be a saint (long life) which permit you to ascend to one of 9 heaven. Referring to body, energy of training was at first on earth/ 1st chakra (you were human before) and is moved up passing each chakra (6 left) and 3 knots.

kidneyMing seung yuen (maing seurn yune)
Deep above mystery
Ming5 seung6 (or 5 depend next character) yun4

Maing seurn yune is name spirit kidney

Each opening has an excretion. Kidney is water so source of all liquid.

Cloting of god inside. Dark since is water. Little green because related to liver.

Sun and moon are eyes. If ears are sharp than eyes too.

*** mean here that if mother water is strong good hearing since hearing is opening water, closest to mother is kid wood , strong mother birth strong kids therefore eyes(opening liver) are strong . You have also that concept in forum : stronger the spiritual parents (training) stronger kids will start spiritually in life. They inherit all bad and good, matter and energy. Apart that you can deduct why aging (due to lost of jing) got common effects as problem hearing (water), hair (water as greying or lost) and eyesigth (wood).

Water must rise up to nourrish upper part of body, particularly brain. Left is kidney right is fate door.

Ears buzzing, riningSum deficient (weak not function well)
Cannot hear a time
Pain around ear (nerve under)Obstruction of chi (repetitive)
Teeth pain, too excessive sensationKidney little empty
Teeth black/greyKidney have wind
Bones painful (Not rhumatisism who is related to meteo)
Cannot stretch waistIt is harden
Bones noise(not cracking joints)Kidney tired
Face yellowish (face is normally combineing 5 colors)Dying = mother, weal = foe

Use chi sound FOU to help when trouble little. 20 times. More than 36 exhaust chi.

Inhale to replenish

In water fong month face north, inhale chi from there, rat hour, day … Month day hour = goke. No fixed inhalation

Fall and winter time for hibernation

Chap 13- spleen section

Spleen section ‘s palace belonging to earth (as element)
Inside there is bright lag yellow clothing inside
Digesting grains diffusing chi (breath) protecting teeth
Such is called great godown(store) 2 bright lads.
Sitting in golden terrace city 9 zones
Square circle one inch life door inside
Administer regulating 100 grains 5 flavours fragrance
Repel drive away weakness feebleness no more illness injury
Externally corresponds CHAK JARK (foot lake/face) chi/breath colours fragrant
Light flower to produce that manifest clearly
Yellow cloud jade clothing wearing tiger badge
Concentrate think of the 3 old ones you(will) etherealise fly
Long life high-level hsiens away from death disaster

*** description of spleen and his visualisation.

On internet , kidney takes care of bones, therefore logicly teeth. Still i just remember grains are plant seed, human seed are in 2nd dan tian (water ties). White rice was also often compared to sperm. Digesting being a type of fire imply fermentation, gaz. therefore spreading energy.

SInce sometimes description is the god name The mantra here may also be (called) great godown(store) 2 bright lads but teacher say lower down it is stomach name which in TCM is yang organ of spleen.

is it not curious that Spleen is said in chi kung to be entry lower dan tian. How is placed that dan tian ? a building of 5 floor instead of a series of house on street (upper dan tian) .So it sits on roof of a building. Isn’t gold tied to sun ? Sun chakra called solar plexus which is in taoist cases also tied to earth which is spleen. (same height)

A square is hard to move it is stability, a circle roll easy. I found here funny square circle. Ring a bell ? western spiritual allegory, la quadrature du cercle in french, i have no idea how to translate it but we may say squaring a circle. Philosophers, kabbalist added many meanings to that mathematical problem . I will think of this more as 4 elements are united or spinning (turn square and you have a circle) , it refers then to microcosmic orbit or belt merdian (same line got life door) or combining 4 elements inside zone spleen (often mixed with solar plexus ) .

Nourishing can be understood as function but may be a symbol. From spot chosen all parts body are stimulated to make 5 flagrance (5 elements, 5 organs yin or 5 chakras activated and opened to smell). Technicly I will choose yellow court (main name book) particularly since by my understanding, prana move up and down from solar plexus to nourish the rest.

Idea of clear ligth is recurrent in chapters, it is a way we use to clean chakras. The lines seems to point to our training to put light in chakras to clean them (out grey or dull ligth source of illness), and next to empower them. Result will affect not just the chakra itself and functions tied to it but the whole system.

Yellow is color earth, spleen, tiger is assign normally to lungs, its kids.

Lower Down comments of teacher confim that 3 old ones are 3 dan tian. So it may means after concentration on god spleen, move energy to 3 dan tian. May I underlined a note from teacher, spleen is center of fire and water. He may have meant bring fire and water there to move it after to 3 dan tian.

Yellowspirit inside spleen
Spleen => lung => kidneys1 is digestion 2 spread chi in all body 3 protect teeth
9 zones9 lairs inside, chi
Great godown= name stomach, ming moon = right kidney(fire
Fagranceflavors, taste, sense
If properly digest food, proper chi go to his proper organ
Weakness and feebleness cause illness
Once spleen nourish correctly, good color and smell
Yellow cloudchi from spleen
Tigerdai dji
Must have idea to do meditation related to spleen but no good enough if does not concentrate. Spleen is center (connect) fire and water. Once idea gives birth to metal then kidney.
4 corners and 5 elements depends all of earth.
3 old manAfter creatin when elements agitated, produces the following the 3 old man are mystical, primal, yellow : jing chi shen : 3 treasures.
Just practice on it give longevity
Followerone chi strong follow it

Standing, feast, meditation : white chi, west, hands do circle, half lotus, head slightly down (not look straight front) Chi coming in mouth, swallow it, stick tongue on top, swallow saliva, concentrate on one movement – image, virgin receive saliva. Open eyes, HA, rub so chi go again to limbs (in meditation it goes more inside)

*** it is funny that bringing chin in is one bandha of yoga. And remember las time with WA or hwa, to move energy to limbs, here i heard it as HA but i believe it is more hwa; ha is akasha / connecting all, va is water / energy flowing eveywhere. As reminded in other chapter va is used to empower us.

Chap 14 – gall bladder portion

gall bladder portion ‘s palace 6 organs essence
inside there is a lad (named) LOOH YIU (alias) WIGHT MING
thunder lightning 8 (directions) agitate waving jade-like banner
dragon flag horizontally sky casting fire bells
externally corresponds to eyes pupils nose pillar space
brain hair mutually assisting also both bright/fresh coloured
9 coloured brocade clothing green flowered skirt carrying gold
wearing jade dragon tiger patterns capable of visualising WIGHT MING sitting in coloured clouds
control order 10 000 divinities give homage to 3 primes

*** 6 organs ? Strong chance here they talk here about 6 yang ones (5 yang organ + triple burner) since gall bladder is the yang organ of liver. Sure I find rare to have 6 yang organs and 5 yin. There is a reason 5 yang for 5 yin, 5 vases of energy and means to expell some (dirt, excess, separating good and bad… ). I will have to check more TCM to understand. Triple burner on internet seems to link each part body so logicly the energy of 5 yin organs pass by it. Looks like to be a general connector divided in 3 parts (head not included).

Gall bladder god name

put thunder and ligthning (moving ligth) in whole body or 8 spot micrcosmic orbit, jade is as I have said tied to upper dan tian. Banner represent groups or what to do in old armies, often motion of troops, is it telling to 6th chakra to move its soldiers (energy) somewhere ? Just remmeber that to have a visible flag, we move not left to right but usually as infinite sign to make the banner more visible. It is intéressant to note that thunder and ligthning in pother chapter was in reference for 6th chakra therefore we may choose charge energy in central 6th by ligth moving and mantra thunder then send energy to 8 direction. It will be fun to believe 8 include central 6th, letting 7 front or back areas to send energy to ( 7 chakras).

Dragon often is green so liver (gallbladder is yang organ of wood, liver is the yin organ). Wood gives birth to fire. So energy live is making fire/motion/ligth bell ?

Note that They are usually in churches 3 bells in each tower (one for wedding, one for calling to mess, i think by memory the 3rd one is for the funerals ) their sound is used also in western mantras (ding dang dong) . It was funny that letter i for westerner (rose cross, freemacons , samael aun weor) is assigned to 3rd eye. A is akasha by hindu (first letter) and forum for a while was saying akasha is the real element of heart chakra as some hindu text do. We put A as aum in heart chakra . Letter o in french is same sound as eau / water. It is important the recurrent high coincidences : teacher often played with similar sound to explain a taoist text. In french some sound have ties (sein sain saint = breast health saint) , numerology shows ties between words, egyptian images in a name explain its functions; eg heart is a vase, a vase contain liquid/blood). It is like if an expert tought of all that. Naturally with centuries and modification done by ordinary people, this was lost.

In one of my article on sanskrit vowel m , I made ties to m-oksha, m-anifestation, our namaha concept and for its counterpart long vowel dotted h to svaha. Note that vowel m sound change in sanskrit depending next sound, making sometimes ng. Also D is quite close to T (difference is tongue touch down or up). Just fun to see here a possible coincidence of vowels IAO and 3 dan tian (as i have said their palcmeents seems to be center line 6th chakra 4th and 2nd) . Adding R/action will make old ringing phones sound (not cellular) Mantra trim (sound as tring or dring) was used also for 3rd eye (trim is bija tara goddes of jupiter, also called guru, one name of 3rd eye) .. For info T may be symbol top spine, junction 3 nadis (tiwaz). All coincidences I guess. To make it short, bell here may refer to 3 possible mantras, one for each dan tian, a concept like using sound thunder in 6th chakra (thaur) or blowing air to empty mind (woo).

We may also interpret as motion air horizontally (flag) tell 6th chakra to put fire or energy in 3 dan tian and bell sound is result of calling of its energy.

Gall bladderLooh yiu (loong yiu)(lung4) yiu6(dragon) sunlight
Wight ming (wai ming)Wai1 ming4Migthy bright

** miss one character but loong prononciation is dragon and , since liver is tied to dragon it must be lung4.

When say live rit means liver and gallbladder. Gallblader symbolise courage.

Gallbladder not only store but move energy too (like the 6…)

Invoke name deity LOONG LYOU for his help. People in past has 2 names : 2nd is WAI MING.

Waving show courage. Problems with it shown by eyes pupils, nose pillar …

Chi (clouds) surround freely around gallbladder (green body) in meditation as you invoke his name. No need detailed visualisation since with time can alter progress, too attached

Chap 15 – spleen

the spleen ‘s length being 1 foot protects/covers the TAI CHEONG (stomach / supreme godown)
in the center the old lord rules the MING TONG (bright hall); this name LING YUEN (divine prime) alias WUN HONG (chaos, peace); curing people 100 diseases and digesting grains (cereals)/food.
yellow clothing violet band dragon tiger pattern;
generating ching (essence : semen, sperm) nourishing life depends on the king;
Thrice invoke my name then the shen (spirit) will be clear sharp.
the 3 old ones together sit and each has his friends/companions
may be ching or may be womb/foetus/embryo else where holding a position
TOA HYE (peach child or nucleaus stone) HUP YIN (combines prolongation) produce flowery light
men, women WUI GOUT there is a TOA HONG (peach peace)
the Taoist father Taoist opposite looking (each other)
the master ‘s and mistress. Cinnabar, mystery village
different paths converge in the same and returning to the essential terminus
close and block the 3 gates and hold the fist tight to stop
mouth sipping and gargling golden precious liquid the swallowing jade essence
these lead to not feeling hunger (or not dead)anymore and the 3 worms perish
the heart adn the ideas constantly harmonised (with each other) o reach gladness and prosperity
the 5 mountains clouds/chi circulating/cycling/flowing freely without obstruction
protect, irrigate the yoke lo (ajde hut) and self repaying/nourishing
the 5 shapes complete/perfect/ideal, strong, having no disaster nd misfortune

spleenLing yuen
(divine prime)
ling4 yun4
wun hong (chaos,peace)wan6 hong1

Each part body have a spirit but 24 importants (keys) on 36000. Chinese foot shorter than ours.

Old lord = spirit (one inch inside 3rd eye) is root of our life, spleen. Bright hall = body. Earth is at center. Spleen link other organs.

With spleen center body, it is properly rules ( WON HON’G)

Most disease appear because not proper treatment of spleen, he helps us to recover. Loos spleen and stomach finished (no more chi) you are finished.

If eat too mutch how help digest ? Use sound FOOOOOO 36 times, fuuu (blow, close nearly mouth) then swallow jade liquid. Can use right hand to massage circularly stomach. Repetition by 3 minutes up to 36. Invoque name : sound of breathing, invoque name

3 old onesare 3 treasures, spleen stomach belly. These 3 use spleen to ineract and transform. 3 have their posision.
Embryoat beginning conception
Hup yin birthTogether they produce your life
9 timesChi just circle within you
Taoist fatherIs trigram heaven, mother is earth one
lookingMutually mixed, harmonize
Master and mistressFire and water
Female and male togethernourish spring, together transform.
Golden pillThe result is the golden elixir (golden pill)
Mystery villagespleen
3 gatesHeaven/mouth, human/hand, earth/foot. We loose lot of chi through the mouth. By hand decine or go up, with age yang will go higher, higher go life go down. We should try to close them (adjust so no chi will leak), do not loose jing or chi
Do not let hear anything, see anything that come to you, or let open mouth everytime.
garglingIs wallow saliva (use virgin nude girl, open mouth at entrance
Stomach opening mouthShe takes all (chi, saliva)
For stomach baby is yinHunger (or not dye) since do not eat.
Upper (head) wormCause excess eating (pan gueil)
Middle one pan jot is erich émotions, pan gyu is lowest and causes desires
Against 3 worms use herbs (they do not like aromatic : combination of iz…)
5 mountains5 organs which each have pecular chi

*** combine energies + - to get golden pill may be a pratice of combining oposite polarities in earth /grail chakra (fire water, wood metal, chakras male female, planets…)

takes all is programmation, intent

Chap16 – upper viewing

above, viewing the 4 primes as connected pearls
very brightly shines the 9 corners
the 5 divinities at night candle lighten the 8 directions
you visualise the inner emperor with me travelling together
body clad in phoenix clothe decorated with tiger token of promise
one attaining not long ascending to the empty nothing ness
a square inch inside thoughts (ideas) deeply concealed
neither oblong nor round close the side windows and main windows
the 3 spirits reverse ching (then) at old age, still healthy
yun, park internally guard not in strife/competition
the shen (spirit) born in the abdomen with jade ring
the divine (chi) infuse into the mystical gate no more death
the jade tree being 1 000 fathoms high can be shelter/protection
the 3 wuns naturally will be at peace and the emperor records fate. (to record the name in the book of immortals)

Show how to visualize for heatlh organs, chi circulation evenly. Ne need to be specific in images.

3 lights are sun moon star, will lighten the 9 corners. For too emotionnal people use moon chi (lunar flower) to calm themself. For opposite take jing from sun (solar thing) Flower is essence of plant. 9 corners are global body inside us.


4 pearl at prime = N S E W directions. Pearl is like a stone, condensed ligth (it shines) Connection 4 elements is earth 4th chakra, middle dan tian. Shine 9 corners may imply 7 chakras and temples hip knot (energy is already in 4th which imply in their extension shoulders too).

5 divinities = 5 organs/chakras and their ligth goes to 8 direction. (8 gwas on wheel). Emperor travel with you is microcosmic orbit, energy 6th following your direction.

Phoenix is animal earth, tiger is its son, metal. To have metal we need wood to build fire to extract it in a moulding (earth), water to fix it shape. It may be tied to a training and repeating ida of combining 4 elementns in grail cup. Once done, not long attain tao (higher one)

Windows to close makes me think of closing chakras of our site. Apart that In past they were no glass windows, closing meant usually folding 2 outside pieces of wood cutting yourself from the outside. In other word the concept of inner focus (taoist reverse senses inside us).

Reverse jing from 3 spirits may well be guarding the one training but applied to each dan tian, a form of reverse creation to us . We use the power of creation (kids, enotion, thought) to create something in us . Again a link to closing windows.

Yun (3 wun) and 7 park in harmony kept in us (call back our 3 sprit, control 7 animals or chakras ?)

Jade ring may have been microcosmic orbit with energy 6th moving but due to abdomen word looks like more bring energy 6th in belt. The result water boiled by fire gives chi and a part of it goes to mystical gate ( ? kidney ? navel), If it is navel reference, it imply womb breathing accomplished. The balance of eenrgy is refined to shen. It may reference to reverse birth (universe birth order is 1st shen then chi then jing, this is why taoist try do opposite). Since abdomen is a huge zone, the hell zone, it may also imply energy 6th is send to any part of it as lower dan tian or solar plexus. In any taoist text they do not talk mutch about perineum or 1st chakra zone. Probably for the risk of loosing energy (ejaculation). True that too strong focus there, blood and energy folllow , too tense thre imply loosing faster.

Jade tree may imply energy 6th in spine, to a tree to be high imply growing ( move energy up). 3 wun may be 3 dan tian in harmony (level energy) since they are root tree (yggdrasil wells). Since An emperor is usually in his palace and that chinese legends say to be immortals we must reach first heaven , energy goes up to upper dan tian, place to meet the emperor.

/// following are training tied to won tin king but it may correspond to other chapters ///


Midnight, while go to bed, lye in it properly until mind calm/peaceful. Close eyes, imagine left left eye lot sun comes out of it, in the right the moon, sun has 9 spikes violet or red. Moon has 8 spikes yellow or white. Both go out and stay where ear is slightly above it then brightly shine until both emerge together until face and inside (brain) is covered by it. It then light all the rest of the body progressively. Fuse finally in one big light (even outside), just light at end.

But do not forget mud pill (see it). Continue til see organs clearly 15 min and more. Most feel warm inside. At end should be incantation

When feel enjoy enough knock teeth 9 times, swallow 9 times. 3 years continue will make face glow, less feardarkness, spirits frigthen and dare not come near you. If fear of some goulish place can use that technic to encourage you.

*** he never gave the incantation, but we can invent since up to now my search points point that it is mainly programmation of energy and some cases pointers of training.

*** since it is won tin king, , we can combine with calling the eyes gods, fusion of 2 ligth is usually at center which will be 3rd eye so call god upper dan tian too.

As said before, the hard part is trace the rigth context . SO we may also decide bring energy 3rd chakra in upper dan tian , before they mix you see their corresponding ligth, sun and moon through eyes . Or we choose instead fire water with god organ (heart kidney), fire and water chakra .


Woman should take it more. During first half for pure yin chi, til full moon (included) after not work taking and can harm. Midnight or night face moon. Stare long time until mind calm. Imagine moon chi coming to mouth until confortable. Then swallow jade and moon chi. Do not open mouth but inhale from nose, draw it by nose. Use infant girl in stomach Once inside it stay there and illuminate all inside of body.

Eyes allways gaze at moon. 15 times end by knocking teeth. Not do it if no clear moon, windy, rain, all foggy, cannot even see part moon. At end will have incantation to awaken spirit. Best is 3 days before full moon. Foggy day is when yin yang not balanced … If do notcare about instructions we won’t take their chi but the one’s between, harming body.

*** in one word waxing time better since all is growing, moon grows brighter/ more yang so best to get energy of it. Apart that in western magic, waxing help grow hair, plants, energy in us, charging stone , starting a project. Waning wil help more to do opposite, restraining growing. I haven’t had the opportunity to check but i guess, waning can reduce strength aura/body of an ennemy . Still the play of polarity exist like multiplication and division. Why not grow bad things in our ennemy in waxing time then reduce his good things in waning. Intent here will be the key.

Again no incantation.

5 DIVINITIES (star) :

Mars = fire, jupiter = wood, mercury = water, venus = metal, saturn or earth = earth.

Not as effective than sun tecnic

After sun/moon technic, your own spirit will be guarded, you and ? will be -. Phoenix is red. Body is red (? Is with you, tiger is symbol success (like seal emperor, pass…) one is when yin/yang (reverse birth of universe) fused and return to source.

*** some of my notes are not with ink, making word illisible. but ia is taking from 5 planets energies. No details but in our site there is clues to uses star energies.

When yin/yang are harmonized completely, got elixir, near success. If got the one, you got everything. If obtaines something by nature (not intended) spirits are happy.

Square inch in middle tan tien (3 inch = 3 chinese fingers under navel, within there all jing is stored. Hide though to store it. Square is stationary. There is a time for each. Cannot use only one. Window is the general region to store.

If meditation go automatically to 3 dan tien.

3 spirits = 3 dan tien here. For ryme they put verb. After, put in fact it’s return jing to 3 spirit. I seng jing to upper dan tian, hair better, brain nourrished…

Liver (wun) and lung (park) , if they do their work no competition, description effects, practice … jade trees (3 in their best). Jade is important, life.

Early spring is time of uncertainty. More headache, sudden swelling and pain cause by eastern wind. Different from illness coming from winter (too mutch spend yang). Disconfort in that case. Woman can take down gwite after monthly cycle, queen herbs for lady, go direct in blood, red dats without seeds (avoid excess dryness) for few days. Boil it, with heat middle enough to make it boil without spilling half hour. For 3 days drink. Before boil it twice before throw it away.

For man jin seng corean except if young energetic. It is for chi or son farkey (american one) Us good for pimples, sore throat, cool hot things (do not nourish). Wild better than north, north to south, south is us. Good if difficult climb stairs (walk if 3 times stop for 1 floor).

Other for bug kay (north kay) but it is realy dry, 4 days may be too mutch. Canot eat ras, boil. It replenish so do not take it if sick.

Lower gray is poison for illness. When finish no good conitinue… Eat less when cold, bettwer empty stomach = half cured. Sweat then clean with warm water + slight exercise, d not wait 4 days … When fever hold breath few seconds. If high use sound HAW, heart sound.

Swell = block blood, pain = block chi (not passed easily so massage it days.


Close eyes then calm mind and sit confrotably

Morning get up, repel disease for. Close eyes for shouting yourself against outside influence. If mind calm, better control chi, more ? is initial stage

Knock teeth 36 times (strengthen it awake spirit) spirit afraid of is it is like thunder), no need adjust teeth lenght for all knock

Chrysantheme herbs boiled, fuems on eyes (pain and swell)

Hits can cause blockage (blood /chi), medicated oilment to spread (white flower/driving away teh wind oil) + massage. Lady can use that if pain in cyce.

Cultivating the 3 one : 3 1 9 palace

Use :

  • Main town, 1 each inside eyebrow (bright mirror) joan quoan
  • Main œil joan qouan, these 3 divinities shine, green clothing, baby, waist belt with 4 belt hanging on it, mirror in mouth are red jade, face one and other or ouside.
*** œil is sound in french

  • Visualise 3 infant inside ming tong, few inches, no need imagine details place. Well sit you are
  • Mirrors give red bright light, shining all of yourself inside, going upper body to all rest and then cover all body
  • Red light become red chi (moving red)
  • Imagine swallow red chi slightly (9 basis)
  • Red chi become fire, start burning all of you, incandescent body (semi transparent)
  • After while, comfortable, slowly, fire diminish to die down (shrink anywhere)
  • Call chi 9 times, swallow 9 times, call name 3 spirits 3 times

If fear, they use belt tand, do noise in the air with it (lasso way). Keep calling name. Noise like ringing bell; knock teeth.

*** I do not understand the référence to 3 1 9 : in saturn square is N S E . But names gods here are the ones of the 3 residing in first palace in upper dan tian Calling chi is invoking probably the red chi but he do not say where to put it. Since we swallow just after we can suppose he meant 9 times red chi by saliva is cumulated then is sent to solar plexus.

My guess here it is a general training example. Same exercise can be done with any of the 9 palaces.



Chapters describe what to visualise, which name to use and the uses of the deities to bring health to the zone corresponding.. As satanist, theses names will be vibrated for a better effect. Hard part is the tone that is done on vowels, you can trace them with Cantonese software for cellular or you tube. You may interpret it as a type of singing (moving between 3 notes, 3 words motion : flat high to low or low to high)

But intent as focus on meaning name or vibration may compensate. Forum has pointed to not be too complicated with right pronunciation Sanskrit mantras. EG : LakshmI, has a short a which is sounded like u of but not a of father (long vowel sound) and a long i. For us we apply long vowel in both vowels making Laksh-mee instead luck-shmee.

Just a reminder based on my article on agni, short vowel sound is to guard/repel, long is opening . The idea was based on shape Sanskrit letter (trump Ganesha to left or right imply I put obstacle for you to enter or remove it so you can pass). Based on this concept our long version vowels choice may well be to call in / adding instead keeping what we already have.


Many books now explain the Taoist coding, mainly, sometime with interpretations on corresponding training.

Part taoist coding are mainly tied to associations with 5 elements. Eg : yellow is color spleen. My teacher said there is a book with all classification to 5 elements. I didn’t find it, probably still just in Chinese.

Sometimes they used description in daily life . Eg: a representation of the court of the emperor, rooms, garden is in fact a superposition to a part of the body. These description may go further as lanscap like hindu describing a country or cities (chakras) with rivers (nadis) and even battles historical or not ( battle is a cleaning, death a fixing …)

A key word may even be just a word like a famous king name, which imply searching its life to catch why his name is there or even an animal (life, customs, shape….)

There is also as said by my teacher the game of sound even if the tone may change. EG : sei4 sei3 sei2 means : #4, death/fixed , nasal mucus/a river name, music note corresponding to 6th one. I am sure you can deduct the possible trail here.

As someone guess context has to be traced and put in historical perspective and place. The cross meaning and use was something else before Jewish corruption. It is a nyasah as hindu one with now ineffective mantras. Strong chances that we were in fact calling (mantra) our 3 main gods name (satan, Azazel, Ishtar) + amen to conclude (amon = zeus) , it may be also a motion to be done inside use instead outside. (6th chakra energy to 3rd, mized by love, rizing to 7th. Again something robbed to clarify.


Depending your knowledge, training may be deducted. But we do have to be carefull since we do not have someone to confirm or precise the training. A taoist teacher depending his level will be able to point out some details corresponding to the text. The same deduction may happen with Greek myths, hindu myths or other myths in the word but only the gods could clarify since for most of them they is no one anymore to explain them.

For example, chapter one called leisurely wandering of chuang tzu. In brief summary ,in north ocean a fish called leviathan (the real English translation of the animal do not exist, teacher choose the closest one by description) was huge and too heavy, it wanted to reach the sky, transforms into a giant bird called roc-ruukh, move from south ocean and with the help of a typhoon rise high . Teacher and text said typhon help him rise to sky. No more details but do you understand based on our site and forum the possible trail ?

North, rat position for taoist is perineum, 1st chakra. If teacher choose leviathan it is probably because the fish looks like partially as a snake or move like one, kundalini. South is crown chakra, horse position. An oceanic bird fishing imply moving up and down not on same line, the microcosmic orbit. Tired he float on sea then move slowly forward to rise up. Kundalini try to rise up to the sky and only way was to transform in a bird (getting wings). Flapping wings push air down under us but if you are too big too heavy wings may not be enough. Now check the description of what is a typhon and you may find an other way to rise kundalini to the sky (head). A tip of using air currents or a hidden process. There was no scientific with cameras, electronics as now in the past , they used only keen observation, so check more the outside description effects on you tube to catch the implication.

Is it breathing air, pressing down chi/air (moving wings) with stomach by front line then apply a process similar to a typhoon to raise kundalini ? Typhoon is spinning anticlockwise (top view), one of condition to appear is warm ocean (concentration 2nd chakra, boiling jing) that evaporates so warm air flow move up and because in sky there is a cool air flow, typhoon appear … One Diagram of bing shows a taurus field spinning out top down, but eye press opposite its flow down. Other diagram shows spinning is around column pressing down. Spinning the column of light (in the site) or is it kundalini rising as a snake in spiral in spine so fast that all is pull up ? We may have here a link between the taoist meditation to transform jing in chi and rising kundalini.

But remarking a trail and finding how to apply them are 2 different things.

Personal note : kundalini being a snake, nothing stop us to do microcosmic orbit with a snake pattern instead straight curve (circle), a serie of S on top each other. Funny fold S in 2 and you have a circle. S is sowilo rounded or 2 opposite c / kenaz (so fire and water). It may well be an other reason of the comparaison to kundalini apart that S is sound of snake do. Important that there is 3 different type S sound in sanskrit : s sh z or tongue down, curved tongue pointing back, curve pointing front touching palate wich make a sound close to Z. Can these 3 S be tied to 3 dan tian or 3 knots ? Tongue down is dental, S and we use that sound with 1st chakra. S sound of Vishnu known as being the intermediary between human and gods may be the one of middle dan tian ( tongue back, sh) and other close to Z, nasalized s of shiva will be upper dan tian. Coincidence that zeus for crown chakra got a Z. It could be interessant to investigate this trail.


Finally, there is a general pattern in won tin king, we protect the orifices (guardians holes in head) as fusion of 5 elements of mantak chia , we put by crown energy (moon, sun, planets, great bear) , main chi seasons (by 3rd eye since in front of us) in (5 organs, 3 dan tian then contains of them are purified to be put after a few wheels in upper dan tian ,mixed (spin the 5 ) to fill back the rest with bright light by saliva.

That pattern can be applied to the site/forum training with 7 chakras. It is close to the exercise of alchemical steps. Difference is invoking outside force (5 planet, moon, sun, great bear) first to clean a chakra then empower it then move the result in microcosmic orbit, doing the wheel # times to finish by placing it in upper dan tian (6th central chakra) stimulating it. Rain follow, energy then goes by saliva to the one chakra trained. Doing all 7 one after an other, at final we merge them in 6th, and after put result in each chakra or dan tian.

Due to sites like manblunder or other hindu ones, we can understand that all twon tin king a type of nyasah (putting deity in section body) to help activate these places and functions. Visualisation of deities is similar of the long mantras of hindus deities. These when you read them are often in fact mind programming and ivisualisation read aloud. For me they are not the mantra itself but complementary instructions. Let’s invent an example :

I see XXXX clothed in green with red belt, in his right hand is a conch, left a sword, he is called YYYY moving away the cloud in sky making a shining bright day on earth where he will smell flowers of the garden.

One interpretation by people is just to repeat the full mantra, some people will combine with it the visuaisation described . But others will understand visualize in head that deity description, use mantra YYYY in center sky (head, 6th chakra) purifying it (away cloud) so light of 6th shine on all body. That sunlight (yellow/white) activate chakras (flowers), they open (flower must be open to smell), smell or result action goes back to 6th chakra (smelling imply taking air of flower up in head passing it by sinus) . The goal said of the mantra before is the programming to be done at end process.


To conclude Won tin king was the most interessant subject for the students at that time, but he stop right away without reasons switching to other subjects. They are 36 chapters, so 20 are missing with potential of other spirits names for other part of body or even middle /lower dan tian. Was the 16 1st chapter the most important of them ? No idea.

It seems the only way to get the text is buying it. I have failed to find one pdf with Chinese text and English translation. To understand the contains we need 3 parts : the original script, English translation word by word then translation as a whole.. Any tips to get one for more analysis will be welcome.
YEAH...you know what, life has already happened little bear,

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
