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ZEVISTS: Our New Name, Zeus & Thunder Power - Sat & Zev

Greetings to everyone in our SS family,

I am below going to explain all the background and symbolical processes so that we continue in the path of higher knowledge and awareness. Soon, the Symbols Page in our site will be updated, showing you deeper truths and understanding.

In Ancient Greek, Ζευ or what in English we call Zeus, is pronounced as ZEV or ZEF. In English this is sounding like ZUS phonetically, but this phonetical root is far from ZEFS which is how it truly sounds. If you want to pray to our God, despite of using the names we already know such as Beelzebul or Satan or related you can use ZEFS. Use it and you will see how direct it is.

Moving on, behind these words, we further have the following meanings:

Ζευ - meaning, "I unite", in Ancient Greek. This means also union in all ways; such as the union of the soul, the union of creation, or the unified mind of creation [The "One God" or Unified Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind]. The all-encompassing and all-uniting force, is also related internally in the soul of man - to unite or engage in the Divine Marriage between Shiva and Shakti, the Kundalini Serpent, in order for it to rise. As such, the hidden meaning here (which is fairly obvious) extends not only to the notion of "God" but also to the Godhead itself. The word Ζευ is also correlated to the purpose of uniting male and female to create life, as in the word Ζευ-ω which means "to erotically unite". That union, produces life.

Another name of Zeus, was "Δίας", from where the modern Latin word Deus comes from. This means "I divide". Δίας means "The divider" - as the ultimate power, He can unite, or divide. The division and union are necessary components of life, without which, nothing can happen. The cells of the human body, divide themselves through subsequent divisions coming from the "first united state" of the singular cell organism. After the sperm unites with the egg on the ovum, then there is a division that keeps happening, that keeps producing life. So first, you have union and then, division produces further the notion of all life or existence.

Lastly, another name of Zeus, was "Ζήνας" which means "The Living One". Granted you know the two above, you understand why the names were used; this is the literal process of life. Together, these three names form a trinity.

Subsequently, all of this process happens on the formal basis of the Truth or Cosmic Truth. It can happen nowhere else. Therefore, Satya or whom was called "Satan" is the core essential being upon which this can happen.

We have therefore: Division, Union and Life itself.

In physics, division and union powers when they interplay, they produce electricity or life, or movement. The Negative and Positive poles, interacting, do create forces of repelling, attraction, or explosions related to their interplay. This creates the force that we call electricity or thunder. Electrical current, whether in the form of bioelectricity or in the form of even robotic existence, is necessary to incur movement and life. The nervous system of humans, operates on the thunderbolt power, electrical current, or bio-force, again, the Symbolism of Zeus.

Without this power, there are only inanimate objects without a soul. The soul is also referred to as the Spark. That's why the Ancient Greeks called him ZINAS, because He is the giver of life in creation.

Lightning and visual effect of it, the brightness of electricity, produces light or thunder. Lucifer is supposed to come forward suddenly, causing illumination; the thunderbolt produces the feeling of awareness. This force of thunder, is the force of light and that comes out of the darkness of creation or nothingness, generating existence and life itself. There is no higher power in the universe.

When you meditate, you feel this very force in the form of tingles. This form of power for the Norse was called "Vril" or in English, bioelectricity. It's the power of the Gods and life itself, or the Hinduistic force of Varja. Brahma carries it in his hand to run the universe, like Zeus of course, holds the thunderbolt.

To bring this further into awareness, the letter Z is literally a symbolism of a thunderbolt, or the Sowilo Norse Rune. The theme of the thunderbolt is also related to the Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section [it has been updated to include our original symbols and not solely answers to the enemy about modern disputes over "Satanic Symbols"].

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense. An original, Sumerian and Mesopotamian Head God as He was historically known. As many people are still in love with the Goetic nonsense, I will go over them to explain why restoration to the defaults is far better and clarified. In the case of Beelzebul, the corruption is not as severe.

In all the words of the Gods, their theonyms or divine Names, there is an aspect of that name that carries the powers. In the case of Baal-Zev-Ul, we have the Baal, meaning King [as Zeus is King of the Gods], Zev which is the literal name of Zeus, and UL which is a word for the Light [or we could even say, Lucifer]. Literally, the Name of Zeus is contained in Beelzebul, by breaking the word down.

In regard to the name that the enemy ascribed to our God, also fitting, we have "Sat-an" or "Sat-Anas" which is based on the theonymic root SAT, meaning Eternal Truth. This process to break down the names to arrive to these conclusions was a common philosophical practice of the Initiates of the Gods. Carried out of context, it was perverted into the "prince of evil" and "darkness" and we are aware of these false connotations.

If we go into the Bible, which is the original slander work, it is said: "I saw Satan fall like a THUNDER from heaven" at Luke 10:18. Then, on Revelations they whine that the "Throne of Satan" is in Pergamum, where the Great Altar of Zeus (that Hitler brought at central sight all the way back to Berlin...) existed. Nothing cryptic and very direct. Let's examine further.

Who was the original God symbolized by the Thunderbolt, which is demeaned here? Zeus. The symbolism here is very direct. Who was the Leader of the Heavenly Hierarchy that they later called on "Hell" and "Demonic"? Zeus. Who resided in the Heavens [The domain of Zeus or Mount Olympus, Lord of the Heavens, Heavenly Father and so on], the wielder of the Thunderbolt, now "falling from the heaven" of His Authority, in the same way that his own symbol represents Him.

Why does he fall like "Lightining" and not like "Hailstone" or "Rain" or "Meteor" or "Comet"? Because simply, the subconscious message has to be very powerful. It's in front of you. For those who cannot see it, I recommend, to open your perception. It will be clear in time. The future updates will highlight this and explain everything.

Having had enough from their cultural assault, we are moving on in further clarification and re-instatement of the Original Gods.

Moving into the next change, after having explained everything, we will from now on be called "Zevists".

We will be known to the world as ZEVISTS or the "Initiates of Zeus". Following the eternal doctrine of Sat-ya and the Original Gods, we bring the lightining and enlightenment to human beings and to ourselves. This will show people, who we truly are, outside of all confinement labeling as was the case in the past.

Pronounce this to yourself, say "I am a Zevist" and you will feel the ultimate underlying power of this word and title and what it means. As humanity expands on the stars, they will tell other beings that they are "Zevists" and they will respect us - you cannot deny that it looks both Ancient and Futuristic.

In regard to the small difficulty in pronouncing this, it's deliberate. It's something memorable that should not be thrown away senselessly as a word.

This means literally and directly, ZEV, the theonymic root- the Theonymic power of Our God, and -ists, "Those who belong to that power". The children and family of the thunderbolt and the supernal God of Gods. We roll-back in time, before the advent of the enemy and their narratives, in the place of authority and not in the place of being responsive to the enemy's claims.

Restoring the legacy of our Gods and taking them out of the enemy context, they will be finally fully free to operate upon mankind and society. The restraints of the enemy are eclipsing and nothing will remain from them and full restoration of the power of the Gods is at hand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
About a month ago, before the Zeus/Satan connection was posted about I was out an about running errands, the idea of the Gods popped into my mind (or I was already thinking about them don't remember) anywho, and voice pops into my head and says "Who do you think is stronger, Satan or Beelzebub?" I pretty much told it i had no idea but I'd like to say Satan. And here we are now. Crazy how things happen.

Ngl I like the darkness of being a Satanist, although it's not technically true and its cliche, it's what attracted me to SS. I understand that being a Zevist is what we should be but I will miss calling myself a Satanist, the idea of being a rebel against Xian scum excites me. I guess we will still be rebellious but not to be seen in a negative light.

Still kinda bummed about the name change, but subconsciously I can see how this can erase negative notions about Satan by just calling him Zeus, in our subconscious mind we know Zeus to be King of Gods, whereas Satan is the Prince of Darkness blah blah blah he bad he made me eat an apple blah blah blah

If a new comer were to come to the ToZ and see we walk the Path of Satya while following Zeus I feel like they'd be less likely to freak out.

Wow. What a time to be alive...
Greetings to everyone in our SS family,

I am below going to explain all the background and symbolical processes so that we continue in the path of higher knowledge and awareness. Soon, the Symbols Page in our site will be updated, showing you deeper truths and understanding.

In Ancient Greek, Ζευ or what in English we call Zeus, is pronounced as ZEV or ZEF. In English this is sounding like ZUS phonetically, but this phonetical root is far from ZEFS which is how it truly sounds. If you want to pray to our God, despite of using the names we already know such as Beelzebul or Satan or related you can use ZEFS. Use it and you will see how direct it is.

Moving on, behind these words, we further have the following meanings:

Ζευ - meaning, "I unite", in Ancient Greek. This means also union in all ways; such as the union of the soul, the union of creation, or the unified mind of creation [The "One God" or Unified Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind]. The all-encompassing and all-uniting force, is also related internally in the soul of man - to unite or engage in the Divine Marriage between Shiva and Shakti, the Kundalini Serpent, in order for it to rise. As such, the hidden meaning here (which is fairly obvious) extends not only to the notion of "God" but also to the Godhead itself. The word Ζευ is also correlated to the purpose of uniting male and female to create life, as in the word Ζευ-ω which means "to erotically unite". That union, produces life.

Another name of Zeus, was "Δίας", from where the modern Latin word Deus comes from. This means "I divide". Δίας means "The divider" - as the ultimate power, He can unite, or divide. The division and union are necessary components of life, without which, nothing can happen. The cells of the human body, divide themselves through subsequent divisions coming from the "first united state" of the singular cell organism. After the sperm unites with the egg on the ovum, then there is a division that keeps happening, that keeps producing life. So first, you have union and then, division produces further the notion of all life or existence.

Lastly, another name of Zeus, was "Ζήνας" which means "The Living One". Granted you know the two above, you understand why the names were used; this is the literal process of life. Together, these three names form a trinity.

Subsequently, all of this process happens on the formal basis of the Truth or Cosmic Truth. It can happen nowhere else. Therefore, Satya or whom was called "Satan" is the core essential being upon which this can happen.

We have therefore: Division, Union and Life itself.

In physics, division and union powers when they interplay, they produce electricity or life, or movement. The Negative and Positive poles, interacting, do create forces of repelling, attraction, or explosions related to their interplay. This creates the force that we call electricity or thunder. Electrical current, whether in the form of bioelectricity or in the form of even robotic existence, is necessary to incur movement and life. The nervous system of humans, operates on the thunderbolt power, electrical current, or bio-force, again, the Symbolism of Zeus.

Without this power, there are only inanimate objects without a soul. The soul is also referred to as the Spark. That's why the Ancient Greeks called him ZINAS, because He is the giver of life in creation.

Lightning and visual effect of it, the brightness of electricity, produces light or thunder. Lucifer is supposed to come forward suddenly, causing illumination; the thunderbolt produces the feeling of awareness. This force of thunder, is the force of light and that comes out of the darkness of creation or nothingness, generating existence and life itself. There is no higher power in the universe.

When you meditate, you feel this very force in the form of tingles. This form of power for the Norse was called "Vril" or in English, bioelectricity. It's the power of the Gods and life itself, or the Hinduistic force of Varja. Brahma carries it in his hand to run the universe, like Zeus of course, holds the thunderbolt.

To bring this further into awareness, the letter Z is literally a symbolism of a thunderbolt, or the Sowilo Norse Rune. The theme of the thunderbolt is also related to the Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section [it has been updated to include our original symbols and not solely answers to the enemy about modern disputes over "Satanic Symbols"].

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense. An original, Sumerian and Mesopotamian Head God as He was historically known. As many people are still in love with the Goetic nonsense, I will go over them to explain why restoration to the defaults is far better and clarified. In the case of Beelzebul, the corruption is not as severe.

In all the words of the Gods, their theonyms or divine Names, there is an aspect of that name that carries the powers. In the case of Baal-Zev-Ul, we have the Baal, meaning King [as Zeus is King of the Gods], Zev which is the literal name of Zeus, and UL which is a word for the Light [or we could even say, Lucifer]. Literally, the Name of Zeus is contained in Beelzebul, by breaking the word down.

In regard to the name that the enemy ascribed to our God, also fitting, we have "Sat-an" or "Sat-Anas" which is based on the theonymic root SAT, meaning Eternal Truth. This process to break down the names to arrive to these conclusions was a common philosophical practice of the Initiates of the Gods. Carried out of context, it was perverted into the "prince of evil" and "darkness" and we are aware of these false connotations.

If we go into the Bible, which is the original slander work, it is said: "I saw Satan fall like a THUNDER from heaven" at Luke 10:18. Then, on Revelations they whine that the "Throne of Satan" is in Pergamum, where the Great Altar of Zeus (that Hitler brought at central sight all the way back to Berlin...) existed. Nothing cryptic and very direct. Let's examine further.

Who was the original God symbolized by the Thunderbolt, which is demeaned here? Zeus. The symbolism here is very direct. Who was the Leader of the Heavenly Hierarchy that they later called on "Hell" and "Demonic"? Zeus. Who resided in the Heavens [The domain of Zeus or Mount Olympus, Lord of the Heavens, Heavenly Father and so on], the wielder of the Thunderbolt, now "falling from the heaven" of His Authority, in the same way that his own symbol represents Him.

Why does he fall like "Lightining" and not like "Hailstone" or "Rain" or "Meteor" or "Comet"? Because simply, the subconscious message has to be very powerful. It's in front of you. For those who cannot see it, I recommend, to open your perception. It will be clear in time. The future updates will highlight this and explain everything.

Having had enough from their cultural assault, we are moving on in further clarification and re-instatement of the Original Gods.

Moving into the next change, after having explained everything, we will from now on be called "Zevists".

We will be known to the world as ZEVISTS or the "Initiates of Zeus". Following the eternal doctrine of Sat-ya and the Original Gods, we bring the lightining and enlightenment to human beings and to ourselves. This will show people, who we truly are, outside of all confinement labeling as was the case in the past.

Pronounce this to yourself, say "I am a Zevist" and you will feel the ultimate underlying power of this word and title and what it means. As humanity expands on the stars, they will tell other beings that they are "Zevists" and they will respect us - you cannot deny that it looks both Ancient and Futuristic.

In regard to the small difficulty in pronouncing this, it's deliberate. It's something memorable that should not be thrown away senselessly as a word.

This means literally and directly, ZEV, the theonymic root- the Theonymic power of Our God, and -ists, "Those who belong to that power". The children and family of the thunderbolt and the supernal God of Gods. We roll-back in time, before the advent of the enemy and their narratives, in the place of authority and not in the place of being responsive to the enemy's claims.

Restoring the legacy of our Gods and taking them out of the enemy context, they will be finally fully free to operate upon mankind and society. The restraints of the enemy are eclipsing and nothing will remain from them and full restoration of the power of the Gods is at hand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'm actually stoked about the name sbd the ghow things have shifted back to
Greetings to everyone in our SS family,

I am below going to explain all the background and symbolical processes so that we continue in the path of higher knowledge and awareness. Soon, the Symbols Page in our site will be updated, showing you deeper truths and understanding.

In Ancient Greek, Ζευ or what in English we call Zeus, is pronounced as ZEV or ZEF. In English this is sounding like ZUS phonetically, but this phonetical root is far from ZEFS which is how it truly sounds. If you want to pray to our God, despite of using the names we already know such as Beelzebul or Satan or related you can use ZEFS. Use it and you will see how direct it is.

Moving on, behind these words, we further have the following meanings:

Ζευ - meaning, "I unite", in Ancient Greek. This means also union in all ways; such as the union of the soul, the union of creation, or the unified mind of creation [The "One God" or Unified Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind]. The all-encompassing and all-uniting force, is also related internally in the soul of man - to unite or engage in the Divine Marriage between Shiva and Shakti, the Kundalini Serpent, in order for it to rise. As such, the hidden meaning here (which is fairly obvious) extends not only to the notion of "God" but also to the Godhead itself. The word Ζευ is also correlated to the purpose of uniting male and female to create life, as in the word Ζευ-ω which means "to erotically unite". That union, produces life.

Another name of Zeus, was "Δίας", from where the modern Latin word Deus comes from. This means "I divide". Δίας means "The divider" - as the ultimate power, He can unite, or divide. The division and union are necessary components of life, without which, nothing can happen. The cells of the human body, divide themselves through subsequent divisions coming from the "first united state" of the singular cell organism. After the sperm unites with the egg on the ovum, then there is a division that keeps happening, that keeps producing life. So first, you have union and then, division produces further the notion of all life or existence.

Lastly, another name of Zeus, was "Ζήνας" which means "The Living One". Granted you know the two above, you understand why the names were used; this is the literal process of life. Together, these three names form a trinity.

Subsequently, all of this process happens on the formal basis of the Truth or Cosmic Truth. It can happen nowhere else. Therefore, Satya or whom was called "Satan" is the core essential being upon which this can happen.

We have therefore: Division, Union and Life itself.

In physics, division and union powers when they interplay, they produce electricity or life, or movement. The Negative and Positive poles, interacting, do create forces of repelling, attraction, or explosions related to their interplay. This creates the force that we call electricity or thunder. Electrical current, whether in the form of bioelectricity or in the form of even robotic existence, is necessary to incur movement and life. The nervous system of humans, operates on the thunderbolt power, electrical current, or bio-force, again, the Symbolism of Zeus.

Without this power, there are only inanimate objects without a soul. The soul is also referred to as the Spark. That's why the Ancient Greeks called him ZINAS, because He is the giver of life in creation.

Lightning and visual effect of it, the brightness of electricity, produces light or thunder. Lucifer is supposed to come forward suddenly, causing illumination; the thunderbolt produces the feeling of awareness. This force of thunder, is the force of light and that comes out of the darkness of creation or nothingness, generating existence and life itself. There is no higher power in the universe.

When you meditate, you feel this very force in the form of tingles. This form of power for the Norse was called "Vril" or in English, bioelectricity. It's the power of the Gods and life itself, or the Hinduistic force of Varja. Brahma carries it in his hand to run the universe, like Zeus of course, holds the thunderbolt.

To bring this further into awareness, the letter Z is literally a symbolism of a thunderbolt, or the Sowilo Norse Rune. The theme of the thunderbolt is also related to the Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section [it has been updated to include our original symbols and not solely answers to the enemy about modern disputes over "Satanic Symbols"].

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense. An original, Sumerian and Mesopotamian Head God as He was historically known. As many people are still in love with the Goetic nonsense, I will go over them to explain why restoration to the defaults is far better and clarified. In the case of Beelzebul, the corruption is not as severe.

In all the words of the Gods, their theonyms or divine Names, there is an aspect of that name that carries the powers. In the case of Baal-Zev-Ul, we have the Baal, meaning King [as Zeus is King of the Gods], Zev which is the literal name of Zeus, and UL which is a word for the Light [or we could even say, Lucifer]. Literally, the Name of Zeus is contained in Beelzebul, by breaking the word down.

In regard to the name that the enemy ascribed to our God, also fitting, we have "Sat-an" or "Sat-Anas" which is based on the theonymic root SAT, meaning Eternal Truth. This process to break down the names to arrive to these conclusions was a common philosophical practice of the Initiates of the Gods. Carried out of context, it was perverted into the "prince of evil" and "darkness" and we are aware of these false connotations.

If we go into the Bible, which is the original slander work, it is said: "I saw Satan fall like a THUNDER from heaven" at Luke 10:18. Then, on Revelations they whine that the "Throne of Satan" is in Pergamum, where the Great Altar of Zeus (that Hitler brought at central sight all the way back to Berlin...) existed. Nothing cryptic and very direct. Let's examine further.

Who was the original God symbolized by the Thunderbolt, which is demeaned here? Zeus. The symbolism here is very direct. Who was the Leader of the Heavenly Hierarchy that they later called on "Hell" and "Demonic"? Zeus. Who resided in the Heavens [The domain of Zeus or Mount Olympus, Lord of the Heavens, Heavenly Father and so on], the wielder of the Thunderbolt, now "falling from the heaven" of His Authority, in the same way that his own symbol represents Him.

Why does he fall like "Lightining" and not like "Hailstone" or "Rain" or "Meteor" or "Comet"? Because simply, the subconscious message has to be very powerful. It's in front of you. For those who cannot see it, I recommend, to open your perception. It will be clear in time. The future updates will highlight this and explain everything.

Having had enough from their cultural assault, we are moving on in further clarification and re-instatement of the Original Gods.

Moving into the next change, after having explained everything, we will from now on be called "Zevists".

We will be known to the world as ZEVISTS or the "Initiates of Zeus". Following the eternal doctrine of Sat-ya and the Original Gods, we bring the lightining and enlightenment to human beings and to ourselves. This will show people, who we truly are, outside of all confinement labeling as was the case in the past.

Pronounce this to yourself, say "I am a Zevist" and you will feel the ultimate underlying power of this word and title and what it means. As humanity expands on the stars, they will tell other beings that they are "Zevists" and they will respect us - you cannot deny that it looks both Ancient and Futuristic.

In regard to the small difficulty in pronouncing this, it's deliberate. It's something memorable that should not be thrown away senselessly as a word.

This means literally and directly, ZEV, the theonymic root- the Theonymic power of Our God, and -ists, "Those who belong to that power". The children and family of the thunderbolt and the supernal God of Gods. We roll-back in time, before the advent of the enemy and their narratives, in the place of authority and not in the place of being responsive to the enemy's claims.

Restoring the legacy of our Gods and taking them out of the enemy context, they will be finally fully free to operate upon mankind and society. The restraints of the enemy are eclipsing and nothing will remain from them and full restoration of the power of the Gods is at hand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'm excited about the name change ( im
m not sure why) but it feels like a whole new door has opened up , im still trying to learn how to produce Zevists it'll take a little time to adapt. To the change of the name but It's good the Gods are being restored to what they once were
I have always liked the Name Baal-zebul/Beel-Zevul. I heard it from a preacher when I was a kid. The pastor said Baal-Zebul is Satan.

I thought it was a cool name at that time and it still is.

Can "Zev" be vibrated in the chakras?

Hail Zeus!!
Hail Temple of Zeus!!
Hail Andras!!
Hail Lilith!!
ahh ok i guess.....

ill probably stick with OG one tho (SS) but i guess good news for all us?
in the public, i usually just say im pagan or agnostic or deist for obvious reason
and when asked why? "well zeus can throw thunder spear or thor have Mjölnir hammer and i think thats cool"
and most of time they stop asking anymore religious related question probably thinking im just greek myth nerd or weeb

so in a sense, im already zevists even before this becomes a thing lol
The reality is that the power of Zeus is uncorruptible. High Priest HoodedCobra revealed to me something of immense power that people have no idea about.

In Romania, the language which is a heavily influenced by Sanskrit as opposed to the known narrative , has roots in many truthful words and roots.

The universal word in Romania for God is DUMNEZEU. This word is even used the most heavily in Christian liturgies, prayers to God, from old people to children, all virtually pray to and directly with this invocatory word.

As revealed to me directly by High Priest HoodedCobra, this word is a sacred name of Zeus.

The word is formed as DMN + ZEUS. DMN is the Demon, the roots of Daimonos and Zeus, forming the epithet of Zeus as Zeus Demonion.

DUMN has another dimension of mantric invocatory power, which has the direct root as well on another layer in translation as Master, King, Prince.

DUMN direct translation is BAAL, which is DUMNZEU OR BAALZEUS , BAALZEBUL.

This translates as Supreme God, King of Gods Zeus.

All the corruptions of enemy religions by jews could not destroy and disprove of the care and love of the Gods on humanity. All Romanian people, who follow the Bible, that attacks Satan and Beelzebul and all of this, should know, that at the end of the day, and during all of their existence, they prayed and invoked the true name of God, which is Demon Zeus, which is King Zeus, in the most direct invocatory way.

This blessing has been done by Zeus himself and the ultimate key people who preserved and hidden these failsafe's upon for humanity.

"I pray to Dumnzeu" - YOU PRAY TO BAALZEBUL.




Pray to DMNZEUS and Hail Zeus!
This is similar situation, when parents wants to say to their baby that they stop crying and be silent, they utter the sound "Sh" in all over the world.

Shiva which has meaning "that which is not" or everything permeating silence, has this root sound Sh...

Which is the root of word of silence and void of eternity...
The reality is that the power of Zeus is uncorruptible. High Priest HoodedCobra revealed to me something of immense power that people have no idea about.

In Romania, the language which is a heavily influenced by Sanskrit as opposed to the known narrative , has roots in many truthful words and roots.

The universal word in Romania for God is DUMNEZEU. This word is even used the most heavily in Christian liturgies, prayers to God, from old people to children, all virtually pray to and directly with this invocatory word.

As revealed to me directly by High Priest HoodedCobra, this word is a sacred name of Zeus.

The word is formed as DMN + ZEUS. DMN is the Demon, the roots of Daimonos and Zeus, forming the epithet of Zeus as Zeus Demonion.

DUMN has another dimension of mantric invocatory power, which has the direct root as well on another layer in translation as Master, King, Prince.

DUMN direct translation is BAAL, which is DUMNZEU OR BAALZEUS , BAALZEBUL.

This translates as Supreme God, King of Gods Zeus.

All the corruptions of enemy religions by jews could not destroy and disprove of the care and love of the Gods on humanity. All Romanian people, who follow the Bible, that attacks Satan and Beelzebul and all of this, should know, that at the end of the day, and during all of their existence, they prayed and invoked the true name of God, which is Demon Zeus, which is King Zeus, in the most direct invocatory way.

This blessing has been done by Zeus himself and the ultimate key people who preserved and hidden these failsafe's upon for humanity.

"I pray to Dumnzeu" - YOU PRAY TO BAALZEBUL.




Pray to DMNZEUS and Hail Zeus!
That is very revealing and even shocking that a word universally attributed to the judeo-christian thoughtform in Romanian was corrupted from the names of Zeus, although very typical for the judeo-christian religion as a whole.
ill probably stick with OG one tho (SS) but i guess good news for all us?
in the public, i usually just say im pagan or agnostic or deist for obvious reason
and when asked why? "well zeus can throw thunder spear or thor have Mjölnir hammer and i think thats cool"
and most of time they stop asking anymore religious related question probably thinking im just greek myth nerd or weeb

so in a sense, im already zevists even before this becomes a thing lol

Of course you can. However, the time will come that publicly, Zevism will be understood as a fine thing to be a part of. This cannot be the case for SS. It's a reactionary based notion. The other one is eternally consistent.
Have you also changed the name also because Hitler once said that he was against a satanic force? Some people have used this speech to refute that he was a satanist. The best argument used against this refutation is that he was coping with a very Christian people at the time (which is the same as calling him a liar, in a way, which in turn does not seem very pro-Hitler...), but I am still not as convinced about his faith as Himmler's faith.

Yes. It is very powerful.

I tried it now. I meditated on the void by visualizing the huge golden Sigil of Shaitan while hearing thunderstorms, thunder, lightning. This was to use meditation on the void for the astral senses. After 5 minutes of uninterrupted concentration I vibrated "ZEFS" a few times to connect to that with small affirmations. I was respectful in doing so; I did not steal this name.

Yes, the power of feeling. It feels really strong. Not even power meditations have ever made me feel something like that. It is really powerful spiritually. Not to be blasphemous, but I dare say that not even the Rituals of the Gods have ever made me feel this way even though they make me feel really good.

It is an extreme soul feeling, what I feel now that I have just done it and I am still meditating on the effect is that if it were little more powerful than the energy that has now been raised in my soul, my Being would be burned. It is a feeling of indescribable intensity transcending a specific sensitivity. I cannot tell what kind of energy it is. It is electrifying and powerful.

It is not pleasant in the sense of spiritual ecstasy. But it is really powerful and electric. I'm not feeling love, ecstasy, joy. Just an electric power. What I would call burning, but not referring to heat. Just referring to the amount of energy.
Yes. It is very powerful.

I tried it now. I meditated on the void by visualizing the huge golden Sigil of Shaitan while hearing thunderstorms, thunder, lightning. This was to use meditation on the void for the astral senses. After 5 minutes of uninterrupted concentration I vibrated "ZEFS" a few times to connect to that with small affirmations. I was respectful in doing so; I did not steal this name.

Yes, the power of feeling. It feels really strong. Not even power meditations have ever made me feel something like that. It is really powerful spiritually. Not to be blasphemous, but I dare say that not even the Rituals of the Gods have ever made me feel this way even though they make me feel really good.

It is an extreme soul feeling, what I feel now that I have just done it and I am still meditating on the effect is that if it were little more powerful than the energy that has now been raised in my soul, my Being would be burned. It is a feeling of indescribable intensity transcending a specific sensitivity. I cannot tell what kind of energy it is. It is electrifying and powerful.

It is not pleasant in the sense of spiritual ecstasy. But it is really powerful and electric. I'm not feeling love, ecstasy, joy. Just an electric power. What I would call burning, but not referring to heat. Just referring to the amount of energy.

Note, it's a personal thing. But I vibrated it like this:

Z - the concentrated electricity waiting to explode
E - the electricity expanding everywhere in space
F - The electric repercussion sweeping everything away
S - the electricity returning to the natural state of the ether, now that every evil thing has been destroyed and there is silezium, only the wind is audible now.
Look guys our Gods are like 40,000+ years old in recorder historical artifacts and so on. Globally.

I don't give many fucks what is comfortable to everyone from 1960's and the capes and the goat heads. I understand it's lovely, I also found the Gods because of this as a reactive youth. Felt great at the time.

Apparently, you were in this place to find the Ancient and Eternal Gods.

But some of you are staggeringly stuck on the recent representations, because they are familiar to you. Maybe then you were looking for something else and not the Gods in the Pyramid of Unas or the Gods who were worshipped in Atlantis. You can stay within a more limited context. That's fine. Others will have to move on and expand consciousness here.

So everyone must decide; do you want the full truth, or you want to just adore Goetic Hebrew corruptions, and 1960-2000 adaptation for emo reasons and some stories from Jews about how Satan the Head God of the Gentiles had a beef with them and how we must stay focused around the beef with the hebrews?

If that is enough with you, all good. I think it's only a part personally of something bigger. We knew what it was but many people when it actually shows up, you act scared like it is anything else but what the JoS has mentioned for decades. Yet as it unveils in front of you, you are scared like "goyim" that you will lose "goyim" based identity. Then, lose it or stay there.

We have a destiny to bring forth for our people that is larger.

There is far more into this. If you want to see it, give it time and you will. We are going back into the deserts of the wisdom past and in the future Golden Age. Can't stay within the confine, sorry.

Lastly, when Zeus was around, most of these things didn't even exist. If the Gods are the Ancient Gods as the JoS originally held as it's CORE PREMISE, I wonder why I have to still sit around and debate the cape wearing boys. Will Timmy be angry I remove his cape? I don't care, we have to move on the spaceship of the future and the Golden Age.

Stay out if you don't like it's all good, but don't be jealous of the things others will know or where we are going with it. Wear the cape and wait, others will go to the party.
I'm with you in this evolution. However does my previous dedication ritual to Satan still hold up? I believe it should.
Note, it's a personal thing. But I vibrated it like this:

Z - the concentrated electricity waiting to explode
E - the electricity expanding everywhere in space
F - The electric repercussion sweeping everything away
S - the electricity returning to the natural state of the ether, now that every evil thing has been destroyed and there is silezium, only the wind is audible now.

Last thing. I don't know if I'm suggesting myself. But having read that lightning is also creative (electricity can destroy a building, but also make the body work by flowing through the nerves giving it life), I tried to follow the opposite concept. The initial two steps remained the same:

Z - concentrated electricity
E - electricity expanding
F - electricity entering space (unlike before, where space was a presence to collide on by going into it, here space is understood as an empty container of a thing that exists, for example, the same nerve along the hand)
S - electricity has now entered and what was previously dead now lives on uninterruptedly. There is calm in this because it now lives.

Maybe it is a suggestion, but after vibrating this thing in my soul I did not feel that devastating electric power that almost burned me, but on the contrary I felt that ecstasy and spiritual joy that I was talking about.
Please be patient, I am just trying to experience things....
This is a very beautiful and positive change for our community, because, as the time passes, it will be easier and more positive for us to come to the public and further help the masses.

And it will be easier for highly indoctrinated people to accept this religion, as this name will suggest them that we do not oppose, we co-exist.

I'm with you in this evolution. However does my previous dedication ritual to Satan still hold up? I believe it should.

Yes. What you have done is permanent before the Gods. You will always be part of the power of Zeus. Never doubt this.
we co-exist.

We are not coexisting in the way that Zeus is a reality that exists, and a mad Rabbi is a "reality" that more or less deserves to be on the planet of Zeus as a fucking Jewish roommate. Zeus owns the planet. The fucking Jew saw that Zeus' planet was good, since being Zeus' it could not be otherwise. He infiltrated, but was thunderstruck. We coexist as long as the smell of the burnt rabbi lingers in the air. Then we no longer coexist.
Have you also changed the name also because Hitler once said that he was against a satanic force? Some people have used this speech to refute that he was a satanist. The best argument used against this refutation is that he was coping with a very Christian people at the time (which is the same as calling him a liar, in a way, which in turn does not seem very pro-Hitler...), but I am still not as convinced about his faith as Himmler's faith.

Hitler is a divine manifestation. A true Avatar. So he knew what the Divine was. And for someone who really knows what the Divine is, he would never be willing to answer "Jesus-Christ-of-Shit-Jew is something-comparable to-God." He would always say "Zeus is God."

I even saw videos where nuns were taking children to visit Hilter and Hiler was tender with the children and affectionate with the nuns. This made the slaves of the Jesus' asshole say that "Hitler was a Christian."

Now I don't know what the pedophile bishop's view of ethics is or how a cardinal acts when he rapes a nun. But Hitler would never have mistreated children just because they were being cared for by nuns. And he would never have mistreated the nuns themselves, the INNOCENT victims of a moral bullshit system of continuous Christian misogyny that locks them up in convents completely covered as one covers sinful shit so as not to show it around.

Hitler was superior to Christian filth. He reasoned better. He was good. Truly.
Greetings to everyone in our SS family,

I am below going to explain all the background and symbolical processes so that we continue in the path of higher knowledge and awareness. Soon, the Symbols Page in our site will be updated, showing you deeper truths and understanding.

In Ancient Greek, Ζευ or what in English we call Zeus, is pronounced as ZEV or ZEF. In English this is sounding like ZUS phonetically, but this phonetical root is far from ZEFS which is how it truly sounds. If you want to pray to our God, despite of using the names we already know such as Beelzebul or Satan or related you can use ZEFS. Use it and you will see how direct it is.

Moving on, behind these words, we further have the following meanings:

Ζευ - meaning, "I unite", in Ancient Greek. This means also union in all ways; such as the union of the soul, the union of creation, or the unified mind of creation [The "One God" or Unified Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind]. The all-encompassing and all-uniting force, is also related internally in the soul of man - to unite or engage in the Divine Marriage between Shiva and Shakti, the Kundalini Serpent, in order for it to rise. As such, the hidden meaning here (which is fairly obvious) extends not only to the notion of "God" but also to the Godhead itself. The word Ζευ is also correlated to the purpose of uniting male and female to create life, as in the word Ζευ-ω which means "to erotically unite". That union, produces life.

Another name of Zeus, was "Δίας", from where the modern Latin word Deus comes from. This means "I divide". Δίας means "The divider" - as the ultimate power, He can unite, or divide. The division and union are necessary components of life, without which, nothing can happen. The cells of the human body, divide themselves through subsequent divisions coming from the "first united state" of the singular cell organism. After the sperm unites with the egg on the ovum, then there is a division that keeps happening, that keeps producing life. So first, you have union and then, division produces further the notion of all life or existence.

Lastly, another name of Zeus, was "Ζήνας" which means "The Living One". Granted you know the two above, you understand why the names were used; this is the literal process of life. Together, these three names form a trinity.

Subsequently, all of this process happens on the formal basis of the Truth or Cosmic Truth. It can happen nowhere else. Therefore, Satya or whom was called "Satan" is the core essential being upon which this can happen.

We have therefore: Division, Union and Life itself.

In physics, division and union powers when they interplay, they produce electricity or life, or movement. The Negative and Positive poles, interacting, do create forces of repelling, attraction, or explosions related to their interplay. This creates the force that we call electricity or thunder. Electrical current, whether in the form of bioelectricity or in the form of even robotic existence, is necessary to incur movement and life. The nervous system of humans, operates on the thunderbolt power, electrical current, or bio-force, again, the Symbolism of Zeus.

Without this power, there are only inanimate objects without a soul. The soul is also referred to as the Spark. That's why the Ancient Greeks called him ZINAS, because He is the giver of life in creation.

Lightning and visual effect of it, the brightness of electricity, produces light or thunder. Lucifer is supposed to come forward suddenly, causing illumination; the thunderbolt produces the feeling of awareness. This force of thunder, is the force of light and that comes out of the darkness of creation or nothingness, generating existence and life itself. There is no higher power in the universe.

When you meditate, you feel this very force in the form of tingles. This form of power for the Norse was called "Vril" or in English, bioelectricity. It's the power of the Gods and life itself, or the Hinduistic force of Varja. Brahma carries it in his hand to run the universe, like Zeus of course, holds the thunderbolt.

To bring this further into awareness, the letter Z is literally a symbolism of a thunderbolt, or the Sowilo Norse Rune. The theme of the thunderbolt is also related to the Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section [it has been updated to include our original symbols and not solely answers to the enemy about modern disputes over "Satanic Symbols"].

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense. An original, Sumerian and Mesopotamian Head God as He was historically known. As many people are still in love with the Goetic nonsense, I will go over them to explain why restoration to the defaults is far better and clarified. In the case of Beelzebul, the corruption is not as severe.

In all the words of the Gods, their theonyms or divine Names, there is an aspect of that name that carries the powers. In the case of Baal-Zev-Ul, we have the Baal, meaning King [as Zeus is King of the Gods], Zev which is the literal name of Zeus, and UL which is a word for the Light [or we could even say, Lucifer]. Literally, the Name of Zeus is contained in Beelzebul, by breaking the word down.

In regard to the name that the enemy ascribed to our God, also fitting, we have "Sat-an" or "Sat-Anas" which is based on the theonymic root SAT, meaning Eternal Truth. This process to break down the names to arrive to these conclusions was a common philosophical practice of the Initiates of the Gods. Carried out of context, it was perverted into the "prince of evil" and "darkness" and we are aware of these false connotations.

If we go into the Bible, which is the original slander work, it is said: "I saw Satan fall like a THUNDER from heaven" at Luke 10:18. Then, on Revelations they whine that the "Throne of Satan" is in Pergamum, where the Great Altar of Zeus (that Hitler brought at central sight all the way back to Berlin...) existed. Nothing cryptic and very direct. Let's examine further.

Who was the original God symbolized by the Thunderbolt, which is demeaned here? Zeus. The symbolism here is very direct. Who was the Leader of the Heavenly Hierarchy that they later called on "Hell" and "Demonic"? Zeus. Who resided in the Heavens [The domain of Zeus or Mount Olympus, Lord of the Heavens, Heavenly Father and so on], the wielder of the Thunderbolt, now "falling from the heaven" of His Authority, in the same way that his own symbol represents Him.

Why does he fall like "Lightining" and not like "Hailstone" or "Rain" or "Meteor" or "Comet"? Because simply, the subconscious message has to be very powerful. It's in front of you. For those who cannot see it, I recommend, to open your perception. It will be clear in time. The future updates will highlight this and explain everything.

Having had enough from their cultural assault, we are moving on in further clarification and re-instatement of the Original Gods.

Moving into the next change, after having explained everything, we will from now on be called "Zevists".

We will be known to the world as ZEVISTS or the "Initiates of Zeus". Following the eternal doctrine of Sat-ya and the Original Gods, we bring the lightining and enlightenment to human beings and to ourselves. This will show people, who we truly are, outside of all confinement labeling as was the case in the past.

Pronounce this to yourself, say "I am a Zevist" and you will feel the ultimate underlying power of this word and title and what it means. As humanity expands on the stars, they will tell other beings that they are "Zevists" and they will respect us - you cannot deny that it looks both Ancient and Futuristic.

In regard to the small difficulty in pronouncing this, it's deliberate. It's something memorable that should not be thrown away senselessly as a word.

This means literally and directly, ZEV, the theonymic root- the Theonymic power of Our God, and -ists, "Those who belong to that power". The children and family of the thunderbolt and the supernal God of Gods. We roll-back in time, before the advent of the enemy and their narratives, in the place of authority and not in the place of being responsive to the enemy's claims.

Restoring the legacy of our Gods and taking them out of the enemy context, they will be finally fully free to operate upon mankind and society. The restraints of the enemy are eclipsing and nothing will remain from them and full restoration of the power of the Gods is at hand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I did feel the energy when I said, I am a Zevist. with Zef's blessings, I was able to bring my younger brother into satanism (an initiate of Zeus) as well. We both will prosper and finish the magnum opus before we die.

Hail Zefs, Hail Lilith. Hail Shakti
I really enjoy the new name. it's beautiful and powerful, but I'm still confused. there are 4 gods of hell: astarte, azazel, if satya and zeus are one, who is the 4th? And if they are only close, why did we choose lord zeus as the head god instead of satya?
I'm confused too. According to old site Satan = Enki, one of the Gods (aliens) who wanted people to develop and become like Gods. Others wanted our destruction after fulfilling our purporse (the flood). According to old site Enlil = Belzebub = Zeus. He was the one who organized the flood. And in the greek myth Zeus also punished Prometheus for giving humans fire. So i'm hoping to get some answers from you...
I'm confused too. According to old site Satan = Enki, one of the Gods (aliens) who wanted people to develop and become like Gods. Others wanted our destruction after fulfilling our purporse (the flood). According to old site Enlil = Belzebub = Zeus. He was the one who organized the flood. And in the greek myth Zeus also punished Prometheus for giving humans fire. So i'm hoping to get some answers from you...

This was delusional nonsense that is not consistent with anything true. The old site was up for update since 2005 [HPS Maxine reiterated this many times].

All of this nonsense from Zecharia Stitchin about Enki and Enlil and Sumeria, is just retarded notions for tabloid-level-alien-americanino-bullshit who want to buy stupid books with aliens and want to agitate their mind for science fiction.

All of these lesser levels of mythological analysis are for andrapods who do not know the internal meanings of the myths. They take these things literally and confuse themselves. HPS Maxine on 2000 was lower in understanding, and therefore changes had to be made.

The Sumerians envisioned Enlil as a benevolent, fatherly deity, who watches over humanity and cares for their well-being. Not as a criminal that drowned them.

Zeus has apparently been part of hundreds of myths.
In some, he creates Gods and men.
In only one, he "Drowns them".
In another even, they split his skull with an Axe so Athena is born.
In another, he turns into a bull.
Did he also have sex with a Swan or something?

The above is spiritual allegory, not literal reality.

The old site will be updated because it was not correct. Many things were put in by HPS Maxine in 2002 when she was just early enter-larping around in the LHP. We all went through that state and evolved in the next 20 years with the Gods or more.
In wikipedia article it clearly states that Enlil was the one to cause the flood.
>In the later Akkadian version of the flood story, recorded in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Enlil actually causes the flood,[66] seeking to annihilate every living thing on earth because the humans, who are vastly overpopulated, make too much noise and prevent him from sleeping.[67]
The story with Prometheus and Zeus is also causing questions.
But anyway i think this change is for the good, i didn't like baphomet symbol (horned god is okay though) and original pentagram (not inverted) imo is better. Calling yourself by names enemy gave you was a strange move but i guess it was necessary for some as a first step.

"I still remember when i asked Hitler which is our homeland.I had the impression he would answer "Europe". Do you know what he replied? "Greece, Our homeland is Greece!"Another time, i asked him:"Fuhrer, what are you? "and he clearly answered:"I am a Greek!" - Leon Degrelle
In wikipedia article it clearly states that Enlil was the one to cause the flood.
>In the later Akkadian version of the flood story, recorded in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Enlil actually causes the flood,[66] seeking to annihilate every living thing on earth because the humans, who are vastly overpopulated, make too much noise and prevent him from sleeping.[67]
The story with Prometheus and Zeus is also causing questions.
But anyway i think this change is for the good, i didn't like baphomet symbol (horned god is okay though) and original pentagram (not inverted) imo is better. Calling yourself by names enemy gave you was a strange move but i guess it was necessary for some as a first step.

"I still remember when i asked Hitler which is our homeland.I had the impression he would answer "Europe". Do you know what he replied? "Greece, Our homeland is Greece!"Another time, i asked him:"Fuhrer, what are you? "and he clearly answered:"I am a Greek!" - Leon Degrelle

All of these are allegories and not literal events.

Yes, because humans were many and he wasn't able to sleep, he caused a flood. Does that sound like allegory or like actual events to you. What does sleep mean, he had a bed somewhere in Mount Olympus and just one day he got angry humans were rave partying and flooded them?

The so called "flood" is symbolic of the energy of Zeus or the enlightenment force, coming down and submerging all the impure elements from the body (purification). Only the "True" survive or the soul, and the rest is washed away. Deucalion and Phyrra (ida and pigala) are the two symbolic powers that "recreate the human race" after the "flood". This is spiritual myth, not literal reality.

Prometheus means "He who can see in advance" and it's a deeper story. Prometheus and Epimetheus are two symbolic characters that deal with precognitive ability. When precognitive ability is used in wrong ways, one "Falls" like Epimetheus did. Later on, in another epic, Zeus sends Hercules to free Prometheus.

These are deep myths not literal events.
Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense

Be'Elzevul has 9 letters, and 4 syllables. the first three have 2 and the rest are in the last. and has 5 mates! and answers the riddle in the Syballine Oracles Book One. I had never heard of this spelling before, but this is what I was waiting for! Thank you for correcting me and showing me the Truth, High Priest!!!! (I had missed this sermon and just found it!)

Hail Be'Elzevul!!!!
Hail Zeus!!!!
I am a Zev!!!
Greetings to everyone in our SS family,

I am below going to explain all the background and symbolical processes so that we continue in the path of higher knowledge and awareness. Soon, the Symbols Page in our site will be updated, showing you deeper truths and understanding.

In Ancient Greek, Ζευ or what in English we call Zeus, is pronounced as ZEV or ZEF. In English this is sounding like ZUS phonetically, but this phonetical root is far from ZEFS which is how it truly sounds. If you want to pray to our God, despite of using the names we already know such as Beelzebul or Satan or related you can use ZEFS. Use it and you will see how direct it is.

Moving on, behind these words, we further have the following meanings:

Ζευ - meaning, "I unite", in Ancient Greek. This means also union in all ways; such as the union of the soul, the union of creation, or the unified mind of creation [The "One God" or Unified Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind]. The all-encompassing and all-uniting force, is also related internally in the soul of man - to unite or engage in the Divine Marriage between Shiva and Shakti, the Kundalini Serpent, in order for it to rise. As such, the hidden meaning here (which is fairly obvious) extends not only to the notion of "God" but also to the Godhead itself. The word Ζευ is also correlated to the purpose of uniting male and female to create life, as in the word Ζευ-ω which means "to erotically unite". That union, produces life.

Another name of Zeus, was "Δίας", from where the modern Latin word Deus comes from. This means "I divide". Δίας means "The divider" - as the ultimate power, He can unite, or divide. The division and union are necessary components of life, without which, nothing can happen. The cells of the human body, divide themselves through subsequent divisions coming from the "first united state" of the singular cell organism. After the sperm unites with the egg on the ovum, then there is a division that keeps happening, that keeps producing life. So first, you have union and then, division produces further the notion of all life or existence.

Lastly, another name of Zeus, was "Ζήνας" which means "The Living One". Granted you know the two above, you understand why the names were used; this is the literal process of life. Together, these three names form a trinity.

Subsequently, all of this process happens on the formal basis of the Truth or Cosmic Truth. It can happen nowhere else. Therefore, Satya or whom was called "Satan" is the core essential being upon which this can happen.

We have therefore: Division, Union and Life itself.

In physics, division and union powers when they interplay, they produce electricity or life, or movement. The Negative and Positive poles, interacting, do create forces of repelling, attraction, or explosions related to their interplay. This creates the force that we call electricity or thunder. Electrical current, whether in the form of bioelectricity or in the form of even robotic existence, is necessary to incur movement and life. The nervous system of humans, operates on the thunderbolt power, electrical current, or bio-force, again, the Symbolism of Zeus.

Without this power, there are only inanimate objects without a soul. The soul is also referred to as the Spark. That's why the Ancient Greeks called him ZINAS, because He is the giver of life in creation.

Lightning and visual effect of it, the brightness of electricity, produces light or thunder. Lucifer is supposed to come forward suddenly, causing illumination; the thunderbolt produces the feeling of awareness. This force of thunder, is the force of light and that comes out of the darkness of creation or nothingness, generating existence and life itself. There is no higher power in the universe.

When you meditate, you feel this very force in the form of tingles. This form of power for the Norse was called "Vril" or in English, bioelectricity. It's the power of the Gods and life itself, or the Hinduistic force of Varja. Brahma carries it in his hand to run the universe, like Zeus of course, holds the thunderbolt.

To bring this further into awareness, the letter Z is literally a symbolism of a thunderbolt, or the Sowilo Norse Rune. The theme of the thunderbolt is also related to the Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section [it has been updated to include our original symbols and not solely answers to the enemy about modern disputes over "Satanic Symbols"].

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense. An original, Sumerian and Mesopotamian Head God as He was historically known. As many people are still in love with the Goetic nonsense, I will go over them to explain why restoration to the defaults is far better and clarified. In the case of Beelzebul, the corruption is not as severe.

In all the words of the Gods, their theonyms or divine Names, there is an aspect of that name that carries the powers. In the case of Baal-Zev-Ul, we have the Baal, meaning King [as Zeus is King of the Gods], Zev which is the literal name of Zeus, and UL which is a word for the Light [or we could even say, Lucifer]. Literally, the Name of Zeus is contained in Beelzebul, by breaking the word down.

In regard to the name that the enemy ascribed to our God, also fitting, we have "Sat-an" or "Sat-Anas" which is based on the theonymic root SAT, meaning Eternal Truth. This process to break down the names to arrive to these conclusions was a common philosophical practice of the Initiates of the Gods. Carried out of context, it was perverted into the "prince of evil" and "darkness" and we are aware of these false connotations.

If we go into the Bible, which is the original slander work, it is said: "I saw Satan fall like a THUNDER from heaven" at Luke 10:18. Then, on Revelations they whine that the "Throne of Satan" is in Pergamum, where the Great Altar of Zeus (that Hitler brought at central sight all the way back to Berlin...) existed. Nothing cryptic and very direct. Let's examine further.

Who was the original God symbolized by the Thunderbolt, which is demeaned here? Zeus. The symbolism here is very direct. Who was the Leader of the Heavenly Hierarchy that they later called on "Hell" and "Demonic"? Zeus. Who resided in the Heavens [The domain of Zeus or Mount Olympus, Lord of the Heavens, Heavenly Father and so on], the wielder of the Thunderbolt, now "falling from the heaven" of His Authority, in the same way that his own symbol represents Him.

Why does he fall like "Lightining" and not like "Hailstone" or "Rain" or "Meteor" or "Comet"? Because simply, the subconscious message has to be very powerful. It's in front of you. For those who cannot see it, I recommend, to open your perception. It will be clear in time. The future updates will highlight this and explain everything.

Having had enough from their cultural assault, we are moving on in further clarification and re-instatement of the Original Gods.

Moving into the next change, after having explained everything, we will from now on be called "Zevists".

We will be known to the world as ZEVISTS or the "Initiates of Zeus". Following the eternal doctrine of Sat-ya and the Original Gods, we bring the lightining and enlightenment to human beings and to ourselves. This will show people, who we truly are, outside of all confinement labeling as was the case in the past.

Pronuncia questo a te stesso, dì "Io sono uno Zevista" e sentirai il potere ultimo di fondo di questa parola e titolo e cosa significa. Mentre l'umanità si espande sulle stelle, diranno agli altri esseri che sono "Zevisti" e ci rispetteranno - non puoi negare che sembra sia Antico che Futuristico.

Per quanto riguarda la piccola difficoltà nel pronunciarlo, è intenzionale. È qualcosa di memorabile che non dovrebbe essere buttato via insensatamente come parola.

Questo significa letteralmente e direttamente, ZEV, la radice teonimica-il potere Teonimico del Nostro Dio, e - ists, "Coloro che appartengono a quel potere". I figli e la famiglia del fulmine e il Dio superno degli Dei. Ritiriamo nel tempo, prima dell'avvento del nemico e delle sue narrazioni, al posto dell'autorità e non al posto della risposta alle pretese del nemico.

Ripristinando l’eredità dei nostri Dei e portandoli fuori dal contesto nemico, saranno finalmente pienamente liberi di operare sull’umanità e sulla società. Le restrizioni del nemico si stanno eclissando e non rimarrà nulla da loro ed è a portata di mano la piena restaurazione del potere degli Dei.

-Cobra con cappuccio 666 del Sommo Sacerdote
dyeu dyē'ws
this is one of the proto-indo-european etymological roots
which means he who shines he who shines at least in the roman connotation of Iuppiter
Greetings to everyone in our SS family,

I am below going to explain all the background and symbolical processes so that we continue in the path of higher knowledge and awareness. Soon, the Symbols Page in our site will be updated, showing you deeper truths and understanding.

In Ancient Greek, Ζευ or what in English we call Zeus, is pronounced as ZEV or ZEF. In English this is sounding like ZUS phonetically, but this phonetical root is far from ZEFS which is how it truly sounds. If you want to pray to our God, despite of using the names we already know such as Beelzebul or Satan or related you can use ZEFS. Use it and you will see how direct it is.

Moving on, behind these words, we further have the following meanings:

Ζευ - meaning, "I unite", in Ancient Greek. This means also union in all ways; such as the union of the soul, the union of creation, or the unified mind of creation [The "One God" or Unified Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind]. The all-encompassing and all-uniting force, is also related internally in the soul of man - to unite or engage in the Divine Marriage between Shiva and Shakti, the Kundalini Serpent, in order for it to rise. As such, the hidden meaning here (which is fairly obvious) extends not only to the notion of "God" but also to the Godhead itself. The word Ζευ is also correlated to the purpose of uniting male and female to create life, as in the word Ζευ-ω which means "to erotically unite". That union, produces life.

Another name of Zeus, was "Δίας", from where the modern Latin word Deus comes from. This means "I divide". Δίας means "The divider" - as the ultimate power, He can unite, or divide. The division and union are necessary components of life, without which, nothing can happen. The cells of the human body, divide themselves through subsequent divisions coming from the "first united state" of the singular cell organism. After the sperm unites with the egg on the ovum, then there is a division that keeps happening, that keeps producing life. So first, you have union and then, division produces further the notion of all life or existence.

Lastly, another name of Zeus, was "Ζήνας" which means "The Living One". Granted you know the two above, you understand why the names were used; this is the literal process of life. Together, these three names form a trinity.

Subsequently, all of this process happens on the formal basis of the Truth or Cosmic Truth. It can happen nowhere else. Therefore, Satya or whom was called "Satan" is the core essential being upon which this can happen.

We have therefore: Division, Union and Life itself.

In physics, division and union powers when they interplay, they produce electricity or life, or movement. The Negative and Positive poles, interacting, do create forces of repelling, attraction, or explosions related to their interplay. This creates the force that we call electricity or thunder. Electrical current, whether in the form of bioelectricity or in the form of even robotic existence, is necessary to incur movement and life. The nervous system of humans, operates on the thunderbolt power, electrical current, or bio-force, again, the Symbolism of Zeus.

Without this power, there are only inanimate objects without a soul. The soul is also referred to as the Spark. That's why the Ancient Greeks called him ZINAS, because He is the giver of life in creation.

Lightning and visual effect of it, the brightness of electricity, produces light or thunder. Lucifer is supposed to come forward suddenly, causing illumination; the thunderbolt produces the feeling of awareness. This force of thunder, is the force of light and that comes out of the darkness of creation or nothingness, generating existence and life itself. There is no higher power in the universe.

When you meditate, you feel this very force in the form of tingles. This form of power for the Norse was called "Vril" or in English, bioelectricity. It's the power of the Gods and life itself, or the Hinduistic force of Varja. Brahma carries it in his hand to run the universe, like Zeus of course, holds the thunderbolt.

To bring this further into awareness, the letter Z is literally a symbolism of a thunderbolt, or the Sowilo Norse Rune. The theme of the thunderbolt is also related to the Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section [it has been updated to include our original symbols and not solely answers to the enemy about modern disputes over "Satanic Symbols"].

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense. An original, Sumerian and Mesopotamian Head God as He was historically known. As many people are still in love with the Goetic nonsense, I will go over them to explain why restoration to the defaults is far better and clarified. In the case of Beelzebul, the corruption is not as severe.

In all the words of the Gods, their theonyms or divine Names, there is an aspect of that name that carries the powers. In the case of Baal-Zev-Ul, we have the Baal, meaning King [as Zeus is King of the Gods], Zev which is the literal name of Zeus, and UL which is a word for the Light [or we could even say, Lucifer]. Literally, the Name of Zeus is contained in Beelzebul, by breaking the word down.

In regard to the name that the enemy ascribed to our God, also fitting, we have "Sat-an" or "Sat-Anas" which is based on the theonymic root SAT, meaning Eternal Truth. This process to break down the names to arrive to these conclusions was a common philosophical practice of the Initiates of the Gods. Carried out of context, it was perverted into the "prince of evil" and "darkness" and we are aware of these false connotations.

If we go into the Bible, which is the original slander work, it is said: "I saw Satan fall like a THUNDER from heaven" at Luke 10:18. Then, on Revelations they whine that the "Throne of Satan" is in Pergamum, where the Great Altar of Zeus (that Hitler brought at central sight all the way back to Berlin...) existed. Nothing cryptic and very direct. Let's examine further.

Who was the original God symbolized by the Thunderbolt, which is demeaned here? Zeus. The symbolism here is very direct. Who was the Leader of the Heavenly Hierarchy that they later called on "Hell" and "Demonic"? Zeus. Who resided in the Heavens [The domain of Zeus or Mount Olympus, Lord of the Heavens, Heavenly Father and so on], the wielder of the Thunderbolt, now "falling from the heaven" of His Authority, in the same way that his own symbol represents Him.

Why does he fall like "Lightining" and not like "Hailstone" or "Rain" or "Meteor" or "Comet"? Because simply, the subconscious message has to be very powerful. It's in front of you. For those who cannot see it, I recommend, to open your perception. It will be clear in time. The future updates will highlight this and explain everything.

Having had enough from their cultural assault, we are moving on in further clarification and re-instatement of the Original Gods.

Moving into the next change, after having explained everything, we will from now on be called "Zevists".

We will be known to the world as ZEVISTS or the "Initiates of Zeus". Following the eternal doctrine of Sat-ya and the Original Gods, we bring the lightining and enlightenment to human beings and to ourselves. This will show people, who we truly are, outside of all confinement labeling as was the case in the past.

Pronounce this to yourself, say "I am a Zevist" and you will feel the ultimate underlying power of this word and title and what it means. As humanity expands on the stars, they will tell other beings that they are "Zevists" and they will respect us - you cannot deny that it looks both Ancient and Futuristic.

In regard to the small difficulty in pronouncing this, it's deliberate. It's something memorable that should not be thrown away senselessly as a word.

This means literally and directly, ZEV, the theonymic root- the Theonymic power of Our God, and -ists, "Those who belong to that power". The children and family of the thunderbolt and the supernal God of Gods. We roll-back in time, before the advent of the enemy and their narratives, in the place of authority and not in the place of being responsive to the enemy's claims.

Restoring the legacy of our Gods and taking them out of the enemy context, they will be finally fully free to operate upon mankind and society. The restraints of the enemy are eclipsing and nothing will remain from them and full restoration of the power of the Gods is at hand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It’s odd not to think of myself as a Satanist. It’s how I’ve always identified, for almost a decade thanks to JoS. I feel the buzzing energy in me just from reading Zevist in my mind. The change to the ministry and to the forums is a new look that will take time to adjust to, but thank you as always HP Cobra for the pursuit and gift of knowledge!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
