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Younger or new souls

slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I don't wanna say "he's not going to listen and make himself look more like an idiot", but he's not going to fucking listen and he's gonna make himself look more like an idiot. His vision of Hitler is pretty much what we've been indoctrinated with in public school, that women should be literally chained to the house and allowed to be beaten by their husbands if they don't do the cooking, cleaning, and child rearing. The minute you propose something a little more moderate than Jack's hardline outlook of the world, he'll sperg, say "SoUnDs LIkE MaRxiSm" then post a bunch of pictures of depictions from the Bhagavad Gita or a whole bunch of Nazi Portraits, both if he's convenient.

A society where only the men need to work? I'm all for it, but we need an economy that supports that lifestyle. We're stuck with the judaified economy where everyone must work 12-14 hour shifts, 5 or 6 days a week in order to make the bare minimum to survive. If your family isn't wealthy enough to send you to a school where you'll only be indoctrinated further, oh well. You can't even buy a house without wasting half of your hard earned income for 30 years straight on a house in a shady area, and another quarter of your paycheck on property taxes. Don't even get me started on additional interest and fees that it takes to have literally anything that should be normal. A house, a car, enough to raise a family on, and job security.

Also, he can't keep his arguments straight. First it's "democracy must be destroyed" now a day later it's "democracy doesn't exist".

Oh, it won't exist in a couple decades from now but the system isn't going to go down easy, there will be a war the likes of which this world has never seen. Not even the brutality of the Soviets in World War 2 will measure up on what will go down. So instead of sperging, start preparing.

As for most media from this era being destroyed and banned, I'd rather go back to pre-industralized society than continue to be surrounded by degeneracy so the thought of that is like a wet dream to me.

Some countries are already collapsing, like Lebanon for example. You see the chaos going on over there? It's gonna be worldwide.
Literally everything you said about me is a delusional projection of your own mind. Youre finding out linguistic arguments to go on because you don't have any clue what is going on here. And on the topic of gender and Male-female relationships, your totally sperging. This is the issue with people with low iqs. They tend to look at things as Good Vs Bad, like Hitler said a very simplistic childlike way of looking at things. The jews,Christians and muslims who are religious hate women, but that doesn't mean that feminism which is also a Marxist theory of allowing women to vote and give them no holds barred avenues to self destruct themselves under Jewish ideologies is the answer. There is a separate path between Marxism and Religious Fundamentalism, which is returning back to our natural biological instincts.

Our natural biological instincts as evidenced by history was that majority of women would be taking care and nurturing their home and children while the men worked. And this was implemented in a situation of total economic collapse in Germany due to mass unemployment. We are entering in a state of much worse a situation than the Great depression and we have the opportunity to retake our countries against the elites. Most certainly these unhinged and disturbed young men will be willing to do whatever it takes to get to a better place. This is what the New world order elites are preparing for ,the legalization of Hard drugs,Netflix, other digital distractions, banning of oppozition forces from the social media companies.They dont want that what happened in Germany in an ultra liberal climate to a youth that became ultranationalist,to happen in our Western democracies.

What is happening is basically since we're so caught up in normalcy set up by marxist feminism, anyone who says otherwise immediately triggers cognitive dissonance inside your brain. I once also had this liberal and libertarian view about life - that no one is more accountable to anyone than themselves. But the truth of the matter is that, no one is actually in control of their actions. The influences from childhood that makes up your personality, your parents upbringing, the media, the peers around you all influence you to take a certain kinds of steps towards life and for that same reason Democracy doesn't exist.

When I say democracy doesn't exist, I mean true democracy doesn't exist. Athenian Democracy and original American constitutional republic handled the reins to only a few select men because they understood that the mass majority of people are like literal children incapable of making conscious decisions. And it's TRUE for anyone who has ever studied cognitive neuroscience, people make their decisions subconsciously through various influences not consciously. Only exemplary males and a few females are capable of breaking through that cycle and make correct decisions. And by your tact most certainly you are not one of them. What we are currently experiencing is a corrupt form of democracy which is also known as universal suffrage democracy. What this is is essentially rule of the media. Any group of people who can more influence the people emotionally or otherwise will get votes to influence the elections and set up their cultural and economic policies. The Republicans used to be a Christian nationalist(still are) party who were very interested in starting WW3 in the middle east and trigger and apocalypse because the televangelists had influenced them so. They also couldn't do anything economically and allowed the businesses to set up shop in China. They allowed the total destruction of america until Donald Trump came along with his sane plans for stopping immigration and getting our businesses back. It didn't matter about Republicans and Democrats but about a charismatic leader who wanted to help his people. He was blocked from achieving most of his promises due to leftist judges and other innocuous sounding bureaucratic laws that prevented him from implementing his total agenda. If he was a dictator he could have achieved all that he wanted without anything holding him back.
1)Forced Conpanies get back into america
2)Stop massive immigration legally
3)Stop illegal immigration
4)Get American soldiers out of unnecessary countries where they're stationed.
5)Get rid of the deep state and deal with corruption.

In a situation of total Chaos only a charismatic, uninhibited male leader can lead us towards a more stable situation. This was the case with history and this will be the case in the future. We might not have labels such as - monarchy,Dictatorship ,National Socialism etc but the premise of the situation will be a group of exemplary men setting down dictates that confused people follow to reach stability in their lives.

If you can't understand any of this, you aren't cut out to survive in the future. You better get ready and tell your mother that your sorry for hating her because the place we're going, itll be too late for regrets.

We are not Jewhovas witnesses!!!

I also dont think we can support installing Trump or anyone as "Dictator" unless they at least have reached some level of Spiritual advancement like Hitler did. That is the reason and only reason it worked out good.

What you dont think a female could do this too?

There are strong warrior women in the world.

Agreed the Maxist Feminism is not good at all but I bet you won't say the same thing about Incel movement and the things on the male side :lol: just as bad.

Having all males leading everything and doing everything doesn't lead to balance.

You seem to take this much beyond protesting Marxist feminism and seem to think women should not have any rights at all and should always be told what to do :?

I dare you to actually speak to one of our Goddesses about this I doubt strongly they would agree to all you are saying.

Some of this stuff sounds so low vibration in consciousness and understanding its nauseating to the rest of us.

How about this try this on for size: Most of the stuff that is put into gender roles today is Marxist or xtian. Both what we mostly have now and the controlled opposition (trans movement) admit you dont know the truth on how things should be and you lack balance.

Yes there are Gender roles in Nature. But one doesn't seek to control the other and push it down and to be honest most people were naturally drawn to their role and the ones that were not (mostly third sex) had their own role in nature seperate from this.

Its not supposed to be like you say.

Also please stop trying to actually freak people out about the future or add more fear and bad energy to the mass mind to actually make something bad happen as people here actually have more power than most. I think we should hope for the Best and prepare for the worst. Deal with things as they come and listen to the clergy on this.

They actually said nothing about a lot of stuff you are saying.

Yes I saw in a dream a future where a lot of stuff is destroyed doesnt mean it will happen. There is still hope till the moment it happens that it won't. The future is not set in stone.

Your stuff sounds like stuff you would see Jewhovas witnesses saying to be honest. So much so that people would think your one of them if you didn't have stuff on Satanism or Nazism here.
Stfu you anti-JOS shill and go put your low vibration energy elsewhere. A literal Shill telling me I'm a jehovah's witness. This evening couldn't get any better.
Jack said:
I don't do double talk. The only reason society is the way it is now, is because of Jewish influence. When it is removed society will arrange it as its supposed to be. In every single ancient system where women didn't have the right to vote (Ancient Greece and Egypt, ),they weren't limited and were allowed to do whatever they wanted to do and yet you didn't have the shitshow that you currently have in western democracy.

These are some statements about the Marxist paradigm of thought,
1)I must be equal to a man in every respect.
2)Not having the ability to vote is oppression.
3)Not having a man to take care of me financially or otherwise is independence.
4)I want to live like I want and having kids or not is my choice.
5)Being a housewife is oppressive.

All of these are marxist paradigms of thought that was at one time devised by jews as a plot to destroy human civilization. The basic concept of cultural Marxism Is to destroy the labels and identities of people to morph them into doing things against their own nature. The white race was still strong after the 2nd world war as majority of women were at the house, making babies and nurturing the strength of the future race.

To destroy civilization you have to destroy the basis of civilization I.e The Woman. Once you convinced women that it was more important to get a job and work than to have kids, the conditions for a total societal collapse was set. This was outlined in the book., "The Authoritarian Personality " by jews as they devised a way to enact a cultural marxism paradigm in white societies which would domino into every single society of the world.

The Jews devised a way for increasing labor participation in the market ,the first thing required was the right to vote. Afterwards with Jewish monetary policies, women were out of the house and working dead end jobs without any life meaning as men couldn't provide enough for them. And thus the women of the previous generation birthing 4 to 5 babies was reduced to 2 to 3 to now being reduced to 1 or nothing. The women were then surprisingly unhappier than every single generation of women that existed before them and couldn't find out the reason for that.(A woman is the most happiest when she is caring and nurturing her children. ) The jews morphed the beautiful natural act of birthing children into something hideous as "Chauvinists think Womens only value is as baby machines. " They continued creating more and more antipathy between genders according to their marxist program which has led to mass unhappiness, divorce and less children and white genocide. Its totally out of control and people who speak out against this are labeled misogynistic.

Everything you know about women was written by a Jewish social scientist and grilled inside you since childhood through all sources to make it a core belief that is unshakable. Same with arguments about Democracy, Universal suffrage and Feminism. Its all a hoax. Society was never supposed to look or feel like this. What we are seeing is a successful takeover of marxists of the entire world after WW2. Classical communism collapsed but cultural Marxism lives on. It thrives and expands with every breath you take. In fact the emancipation of women was first attempted in communist countries directly after Violent Communist Revolutions. Western countries had to be completely corrupted before the right to vote could be given to women.

Hitler was a very brave man who didn't care what others thought about him,especially western Marxist intellectuals. He never apologized for his beliefs about Universal Suffrage, Dictatorship, removing women from the labour market and replacing them with men to solve the unemployment crisis. He was very much scorned for speaking the truth that women don't belong in these spheres and that they belong at home as mothers. Even with a lot of hate, he didn't back down on any of his views and stuck with them. He made it clear with his economic and social policies and commentaries that he wanted women outside the labor market and inside the home. He made it clear with the quotes I posted. And when he returns, he will hold the same views he did back then because the nature of women and men never change, even though societies change .

The majority of humanity are like little children who don't have any understanding about anything and the idea of giving universal suffrage to them is totally irresponsible. I don't want any kind of democracy. But if we do, we should only let one strata of men lead it as it was in every single society that attempted it. I stick to my view and history is on my side.

If you want to participate in planning then you will have to prove yourself inside the party and get elected through inter party elections,of which common people have no say in. Adolf Hitler conducted regular referendums about his policies with suprising approval rates and he didn't never Universal suffrage democracy to tell him what the people wanted.

And listen I really cant come back talking about this. Maybe in a few months but I'm busy now. I know most of you won't understand or get what in talking about because its grilled inside you since childhood it's a serious psychological abuse program. Take whatever you will these are the sum if what Hitler believed and what I believe.

You say something, no state something, as if it is your conviction, then you claim otherwise. Thats what I meant by double talk and you should have understood that as that is the general meaning of double talk.

Also I dont buy into that marxist crap. I didnt ask you to rant on about it.

"The white race was still strong after the second world war" ... Boy you have no idea. After the second world war everyone needed to be rebuilding things. A lot of people died from diseases they were not able to survive because they didnt have any meat on their bones left and were severely underweight. People that are so underweight can not even sustain a baby. The women won't be having periods. Whether they were german or not, everyone suffered.
IF you think that for a moment we were going strong, we were not. We've lost so many of our own.

Furthermore, I asked you a question, obviously you feel the need to lecture me instead of answering my question.

As an addition I want to simply say, you're holding onto information from books and sources with dear life, but lacking practical application of those in the real world. In other words, to me it seems you're rather uncapable of having a proper conversation.

Rationality may give some logical answers, but those "logical" answers are not always right, given common sense and the use of intuition.
It seems that you might be rather one to speak than one to listen.

And perhaps I also haven't made myself clear, when I said the example of going to war. When the people went to war, it was the women whom worked in the factories, making equipment, supporting their men. Also, for a woman, for anyone really, a life without a job is a life without purpose. People seek purpose in their life. Not every woman, even a straight woman, is supposed to have children. Over the ages, even if families were big, not every woman married and had children, or had children in general, also not every man married and had children even if they're straight. It wasn't seemingly questioned whether or not one would have children.Thats nature.
But you see the following trend in asians, where they're forced to have only one child, that they force their kids to find a wife or husband and have children, to care for their parents in old age, being one of the reasons. This forced obligation is also unnatural. It should be unquestionable as to who wants to have children and who does not want to. IT should NOT be forced.

A woman is not obligated to have children, a woman is not obligated to agree to have a child, see her belly expand, her skin tear, perhaps losing the control of her bladder, or sometimes even getting pelvic instability, to bear a child. A child is a responsibility for at least till they get to adulthood and sometimes even later. Thats 20 years or more of your life.
This is a huge commitment.
To just say in general that these are just marxist ideas put into your head, is just a call against nature.
Of course jews pushed things to extremes on either side of the end of balance, but you seem to disregard this fact completely in what you write, and rather than seeking for balanced answers, you keep repeating the same thing over and over.

Just the way the conversation has been going, reading your replies, seriously makes me wonder if you're even approachable for conversation, since they're as if you're talking on the side, rather than directly engaging back.
But it almost sounds as if you're still passively calling me a feminist.

In light of more recenter messages, you said something about 'how things always went down this way in the past' - if it truly happened in the past don't you think you should be doing freeing the soul workings to remove that karmic imprint instead of just fighting and trying to make different choices without any base to back it up?
Right now you're just bleeding all over the place on a faulty conviction.

If I ever meet a man that acts and does like you do now in the future, he might not have much of a future left. I am not going to back down if someone wants to restrict my freedom.
Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
Literally everything you said about me is a delusional projection of your own mind. Youre finding out linguistic arguments to go on because you don't have any clue what is going on here. And on the topic of gender and Male-female relationships, your totally sperging. This is the issue with people with low iqs. They tend to look at things as Good Vs Bad, like Hitler said a very simplistic childlike way of looking at things. The jews,Christians and muslims who are religious hate women, but that doesn't mean that feminism which is also a Marxist theory of allowing women to vote and give them no holds barred avenues to self destruct themselves under Jewish ideologies is the answer. There is a separate path between Marxism and Religious Fundamentalism, which is returning back to our natural biological instincts.

Our natural biological instincts as evidenced by history was that majority of women would be taking care and nurturing their home and children while the men worked. And this was implemented in a situation of total economic collapse in Germany due to mass unemployment. We are entering in a state of much worse a situation than the Great depression and we have the opportunity to retake our countries against the elites. Most certainly these unhinged and disturbed young men will be willing to do whatever it takes to get to a better place. This is what the New world order elites are preparing for ,the legalization of Hard drugs,Netflix, other digital distractions, banning of oppozition forces from the social media companies.They dont want that what happened in Germany in an ultra liberal climate to a youth that became ultranationalist,to happen in our Western democracies.

What is happening is basically since we're so caught up in normalcy set up by marxist feminism, anyone who says otherwise immediately triggers cognitive dissonance inside your brain. I once also had this liberal and libertarian view about life - that no one is more accountable to anyone than themselves. But the truth of the matter is that, no one is actually in control of their actions. The influences from childhood that makes up your personality, your parents upbringing, the media, the peers around you all influence you to take a certain kinds of steps towards life and for that same reason Democracy doesn't exist.

When I say democracy doesn't exist, I mean true democracy doesn't exist. Athenian Democracy and original American constitutional republic handled the reins to only a few select men because they understood that the mass majority of people are like literal children incapable of making conscious decisions. And it's TRUE for anyone who has ever studied cognitive neuroscience, people make their decisions subconsciously through various influences not consciously. Only exemplary males and a few females are capable of breaking through that cycle and make correct decisions. And by your tact most certainly you are not one of them. What we are currently experiencing is a corrupt form of democracy which is also known as universal suffrage democracy. What this is is essentially rule of the media. Any group of people who can more influence the people emotionally or otherwise will get votes to influence the elections and set up their cultural and economic policies. The Republicans used to be a Christian nationalist(still are) party who were very interested in starting WW3 in the middle east and trigger and apocalypse because the televangelists had influenced them so. They also couldn't do anything economically and allowed the businesses to set up shop in China. They allowed the total destruction of america until Donald Trump came along with his sane plans for stopping immigration and getting our businesses back. It didn't matter about Republicans and Democrats but about a charismatic leader who wanted to help his people. He was blocked from achieving most of his promises due to leftist judges and other innocuous sounding bureaucratic laws that prevented him from implementing his total agenda. If he was a dictator he could have achieved all that he wanted without anything holding him back.
1)Forced Conpanies get back into america
2)Stop massive immigration legally
3)Stop illegal immigration
4)Get American soldiers out of unnecessary countries where they're stationed.
5)Get rid of the deep state and deal with corruption.

In a situation of total Chaos only a charismatic, uninhibited male leader can lead us towards a more stable situation. This was the case with history and this will be the case in the future. We might not have labels such as - monarchy,Dictatorship ,National Socialism etc but the premise of the situation will be a group of exemplary men setting down dictates that confused people follow to reach stability in their lives.

If you can't understand any of this, you aren't cut out to survive in the future. You better get ready and tell your mother that your sorry for hating her because the place we're going, itll be too late for regrets.

We are not Jewhovas witnesses!!!

I also dont think we can support installing Trump or anyone as "Dictator" unless they at least have reached some level of Spiritual advancement like Hitler did. That is the reason and only reason it worked out good.

What you dont think a female could do this too?

There are strong warrior women in the world.

Agreed the Maxist Feminism is not good at all but I bet you won't say the same thing about Incel movement and the things on the male side :lol: just as bad.

Having all males leading everything and doing everything doesn't lead to balance.

You seem to take this much beyond protesting Marxist feminism and seem to think women should not have any rights at all and should always be told what to do :?

I dare you to actually speak to one of our Goddesses about this I doubt strongly they would agree to all you are saying.

Some of this stuff sounds so low vibration in consciousness and understanding its nauseating to the rest of us.

How about this try this on for size: Most of the stuff that is put into gender roles today is Marxist or xtian. Both what we mostly have now and the controlled opposition (trans movement) admit you dont know the truth on how things should be and you lack balance.

Yes there are Gender roles in Nature. But one doesn't seek to control the other and push it down and to be honest most people were naturally drawn to their role and the ones that were not (mostly third sex) had their own role in nature seperate from this.

Its not supposed to be like you say.

Also please stop trying to actually freak people out about the future or add more fear and bad energy to the mass mind to actually make something bad happen as people here actually have more power than most. I think we should hope for the Best and prepare for the worst. Deal with things as they come and listen to the clergy on this.

They actually said nothing about a lot of stuff you are saying.

Yes I saw in a dream a future where a lot of stuff is destroyed doesnt mean it will happen. There is still hope till the moment it happens that it won't. The future is not set in stone.

Your stuff sounds like stuff you would see Jewhovas witnesses saying to be honest. So much so that people would think your one of them if you didn't have stuff on Satanism or Nazism here.
Stfu you anti-JOS shill and go put your low vibration energy elsewhere. A literal Shill telling me I'm a jehovah's witness. This evening couldn't get any better.

So that is your only argument against anything i say. You just keep repeating the same stuff and don't debunk a word I am saying or have a coherent arguement against it.

I am not an Anti-JOS shill I dont go around saying anything negative about this site or any of that. I do link here sometimes in places like quora or yahoo answers reddit etc and say positive things about Satanism thats about it.

The enemy resorts to these same tactics.

You haven't changed your thinking despite me and others calling you out on it and you sidestep or call names. You dont even try to argue against anything anyone is saying.

If anything its you that is doing something not me.
Jack said:
Stfu you anti-JOS shill and go put your low vibration energy elsewhere. A literal Shill telling me I'm a jehovah's witness. This evening couldn't get any better.

Ad-hominem insults are a sign you've ran out of arguments. This discussion is over.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
I don't do double talk. The only reason society is the way it is now, is because of Jewish influence. When it is removed society will arrange it as its supposed to be. In every single ancient system where women didn't have the right to vote (Ancient Greece and Egypt, ),they weren't limited and were allowed to do whatever they wanted to do and yet you didn't have the shitshow that you currently have in western democracy.

These are some statements about the Marxist paradigm of thought,
1)I must be equal to a man in every respect.
2)Not having the ability to vote is oppression.
3)Not having a man to take care of me financially or otherwise is independence.
4)I want to live like I want and having kids or not is my choice.
5)Being a housewife is oppressive.

All of these are marxist paradigms of thought that was at one time devised by jews as a plot to destroy human civilization. The basic concept of cultural Marxism Is to destroy the labels and identities of people to morph them into doing things against their own nature. The white race was still strong after the 2nd world war as majority of women were at the house, making babies and nurturing the strength of the future race.

To destroy civilization you have to destroy the basis of civilization I.e The Woman. Once you convinced women that it was more important to get a job and work than to have kids, the conditions for a total societal collapse was set. This was outlined in the book., "The Authoritarian Personality " by jews as they devised a way to enact a cultural marxism paradigm in white societies which would domino into every single society of the world.

The Jews devised a way for increasing labor participation in the market ,the first thing required was the right to vote. Afterwards with Jewish monetary policies, women were out of the house and working dead end jobs without any life meaning as men couldn't provide enough for them. And thus the women of the previous generation birthing 4 to 5 babies was reduced to 2 to 3 to now being reduced to 1 or nothing. The women were then surprisingly unhappier than every single generation of women that existed before them and couldn't find out the reason for that.(A woman is the most happiest when she is caring and nurturing her children. ) The jews morphed the beautiful natural act of birthing children into something hideous as "Chauvinists think Womens only value is as baby machines. " They continued creating more and more antipathy between genders according to their marxist program which has led to mass unhappiness, divorce and less children and white genocide. Its totally out of control and people who speak out against this are labeled misogynistic.

Everything you know about women was written by a Jewish social scientist and grilled inside you since childhood through all sources to make it a core belief that is unshakable. Same with arguments about Democracy, Universal suffrage and Feminism. Its all a hoax. Society was never supposed to look or feel like this. What we are seeing is a successful takeover of marxists of the entire world after WW2. Classical communism collapsed but cultural Marxism lives on. It thrives and expands with every breath you take. In fact the emancipation of women was first attempted in communist countries directly after Violent Communist Revolutions. Western countries had to be completely corrupted before the right to vote could be given to women.

Hitler was a very brave man who didn't care what others thought about him,especially western Marxist intellectuals. He never apologized for his beliefs about Universal Suffrage, Dictatorship, removing women from the labour market and replacing them with men to solve the unemployment crisis. He was very much scorned for speaking the truth that women don't belong in these spheres and that they belong at home as mothers. Even with a lot of hate, he didn't back down on any of his views and stuck with them. He made it clear with his economic and social policies and commentaries that he wanted women outside the labor market and inside the home. He made it clear with the quotes I posted. And when he returns, he will hold the same views he did back then because the nature of women and men never change, even though societies change .

The majority of humanity are like little children who don't have any understanding about anything and the idea of giving universal suffrage to them is totally irresponsible. I don't want any kind of democracy. But if we do, we should only let one strata of men lead it as it was in every single society that attempted it. I stick to my view and history is on my side.

If you want to participate in planning then you will have to prove yourself inside the party and get elected through inter party elections,of which common people have no say in. Adolf Hitler conducted regular referendums about his policies with suprising approval rates and he didn't never Universal suffrage democracy to tell him what the people wanted.

And listen I really cant come back talking about this. Maybe in a few months but I'm busy now. I know most of you won't understand or get what in talking about because its grilled inside you since childhood it's a serious psychological abuse program. Take whatever you will these are the sum if what Hitler believed and what I believe.

You say something, no state something, as if it is your conviction, then you claim otherwise. Thats what I meant by double talk and you should have understood that as that is the general meaning of double talk.

Also I dont buy into that marxist crap. I didnt ask you to rant on about it.

"The white race was still strong after the second world war" ... Boy you have no idea. After the second world war everyone needed to be rebuilding things. A lot of people died from diseases they were not able to survive because they didnt have any meat on their bones left and were severely underweight. People that are so underweight can not even sustain a baby. The women won't be having periods. Whether they were german or not, everyone suffered.
IF you think that for a moment we were going strong, we were not. We've lost so many of our own.

Furthermore, I asked you a question, obviously you feel the need to lecture me instead of answering my question.

As an addition I want to simply say, you're holding onto information from books and sources with dear life, but lacking practical application of those in the real world. In other words, to me it seems you're rather uncapable of having a proper conversation.

Rationality may give some logical answers, but those "logical" answers are not always right, given common sense and the use of intuition.
It seems that you might be rather one to speak than one to listen.

And perhaps I also haven't made myself clear, when I said the example of going to war. When the people went to war, it was the women whom worked in the factories, making equipment, supporting their men. Also, for a woman, for anyone really, a life without a job is a life without purpose. People seek purpose in their life. Not every woman, even a straight woman, is supposed to have children. Over the ages, even if families were big, not every woman married and had children, or had children in general, also not every man married and had children even if they're straight. It wasn't seemingly questioned whether or not one would have children.Thats nature.
But you see the following trend in asians, where they're forced to have only one child, that they force their kids to find a wife or husband and have children, to care for their parents in old age, being one of the reasons. This forced obligation is also unnatural. It should be unquestionable as to who wants to have children and who does not want to. IT should NOT be forced.

A woman is not obligated to have children, a woman is not obligated to agree to have a child, see her belly expand, her skin tear, perhaps losing the control of her bladder, or sometimes even getting pelvic instability, to bear a child. A child is a responsibility for at least till they get to adulthood and sometimes even later. Thats 20 years or more of your life.
This is a huge commitment.
To just say in general that these are just marxist ideas put into your head, is just a call against nature.
Of course jews pushed things to extremes on either side of the end of balance, but you seem to disregard this fact completely in what you write, and rather than seeking for balanced answers, you keep repeating the same thing over and over.

Just the way the conversation has been going, reading your replies, seriously makes me wonder if you're even approachable for conversation, since they're as if you're talking on the side, rather than directly engaging back.
But it almost sounds as if you're still passively calling me a feminist.

In light of more recenter messages, you said something about 'how things always went down this way in the past' - if it truly happened in the past don't you think you should be doing freeing the soul workings to remove that karmic imprint instead of just fighting and trying to make different choices without any base to back it up?
Right now you're just bleeding all over the place on a faulty conviction.

If I ever meet a man that acts and does like you do now in the future, he might not have much of a future left. I am not going to back down if someone wants to restrict my freedom.
To be honest, I don't really think I can change your opinions at this point in time or if this discussion is even fruitful. There seems to be more immediate, pressing concerns at the moment.
Jack said:
To be honest, I don't really think I can change your opinions at this point in time or if this discussion is even fruitful. There seems to be more immediate, pressing concerns at the moment.

So we can agree to disagree.

I didnt ask you to try and change my opinion, that is only your conviction because I disagree with you.

Dodging the thing, like a couple of times before.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Jack, I thought you were going to take a break from here for a while as you work on something else? I still see you fighting with people. :lol:

He literally cannot resist filling his ego. Forgot to refuel before his "vacation", heh.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Jack, I thought you were going to take a break from here for a while as you work on something else? I still see you fighting with people. :lol:
I totally got drawn into this situation. Actually I think I can make some time (1hr atleast) to post important articles pertaining to the situation up to the next election.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Stfu you anti-JOS shill and go put your low vibration energy elsewhere. A literal Shill telling me I'm a jehovah's witness. This evening couldn't get any better.

Ad-hominem insults are a sign you've ran out of arguments. This discussion is over.
No one arguing against my views on this thread had any arguments to begin with,including you. Everything was being sprung by emotionally charged ad-hominens. A special case being this guy who compared me to a Jehovah's Witness is a literal Anti Jos shill.
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
I don't do double talk. The only reason society is the way it is now, is because of Jewish influence. When it is removed society will arrange it as its supposed to be. In every single ancient system where women didn't have the right to vote (Ancient Greece and Egypt, ),they weren't limited and were allowed to do whatever they wanted to do and yet you didn't have the shitshow that you currently have in western democracy.

These are some statements about the Marxist paradigm of thought,
1)I must be equal to a man in every respect.
2)Not having the ability to vote is oppression.
3)Not having a man to take care of me financially or otherwise is independence.
4)I want to live like I want and having kids or not is my choice.
5)Being a housewife is oppressive.

All of these are marxist paradigms of thought that was at one time devised by jews as a plot to destroy human civilization. The basic concept of cultural Marxism Is to destroy the labels and identities of people to morph them into doing things against their own nature. The white race was still strong after the 2nd world war as majority of women were at the house, making babies and nurturing the strength of the future race.

To destroy civilization you have to destroy the basis of civilization I.e The Woman. Once you convinced women that it was more important to get a job and work than to have kids, the conditions for a total societal collapse was set. This was outlined in the book., "The Authoritarian Personality " by jews as they devised a way to enact a cultural marxism paradigm in white societies which would domino into every single society of the world.

The Jews devised a way for increasing labor participation in the market ,the first thing required was the right to vote. Afterwards with Jewish monetary policies, women were out of the house and working dead end jobs without any life meaning as men couldn't provide enough for them. And thus the women of the previous generation birthing 4 to 5 babies was reduced to 2 to 3 to now being reduced to 1 or nothing. The women were then surprisingly unhappier than every single generation of women that existed before them and couldn't find out the reason for that.(A woman is the most happiest when she is caring and nurturing her children. ) The jews morphed the beautiful natural act of birthing children into something hideous as "Chauvinists think Womens only value is as baby machines. " They continued creating more and more antipathy between genders according to their marxist program which has led to mass unhappiness, divorce and less children and white genocide. Its totally out of control and people who speak out against this are labeled misogynistic.

Everything you know about women was written by a Jewish social scientist and grilled inside you since childhood through all sources to make it a core belief that is unshakable. Same with arguments about Democracy, Universal suffrage and Feminism. Its all a hoax. Society was never supposed to look or feel like this. What we are seeing is a successful takeover of marxists of the entire world after WW2. Classical communism collapsed but cultural Marxism lives on. It thrives and expands with every breath you take. In fact the emancipation of women was first attempted in communist countries directly after Violent Communist Revolutions. Western countries had to be completely corrupted before the right to vote could be given to women.

Hitler was a very brave man who didn't care what others thought about him,especially western Marxist intellectuals. He never apologized for his beliefs about Universal Suffrage, Dictatorship, removing women from the labour market and replacing them with men to solve the unemployment crisis. He was very much scorned for speaking the truth that women don't belong in these spheres and that they belong at home as mothers. Even with a lot of hate, he didn't back down on any of his views and stuck with them. He made it clear with his economic and social policies and commentaries that he wanted women outside the labor market and inside the home. He made it clear with the quotes I posted. And when he returns, he will hold the same views he did back then because the nature of women and men never change, even though societies change .

The majority of humanity are like little children who don't have any understanding about anything and the idea of giving universal suffrage to them is totally irresponsible. I don't want any kind of democracy. But if we do, we should only let one strata of men lead it as it was in every single society that attempted it. I stick to my view and history is on my side.

If you want to participate in planning then you will have to prove yourself inside the party and get elected through inter party elections,of which common people have no say in. Adolf Hitler conducted regular referendums about his policies with suprising approval rates and he didn't never Universal suffrage democracy to tell him what the people wanted.

And listen I really cant come back talking about this. Maybe in a few months but I'm busy now. I know most of you won't understand or get what in talking about because its grilled inside you since childhood it's a serious psychological abuse program. Take whatever you will these are the sum if what Hitler believed and what I believe.

You say something, no state something, as if it is your conviction, then you claim otherwise. Thats what I meant by double talk and you should have understood that as that is the general meaning of double talk.

Also I dont buy into that marxist crap. I didnt ask you to rant on about it.

"The white race was still strong after the second world war" ... Boy you have no idea. After the second world war everyone needed to be rebuilding things. A lot of people died from diseases they were not able to survive because they didnt have any meat on their bones left and were severely underweight. People that are so underweight can not even sustain a baby. The women won't be having periods. Whether they were german or not, everyone suffered.
IF you think that for a moment we were going strong, we were not. We've lost so many of our own.

Furthermore, I asked you a question, obviously you feel the need to lecture me instead of answering my question.

As an addition I want to simply say, you're holding onto information from books and sources with dear life, but lacking practical application of those in the real world. In other words, to me it seems you're rather uncapable of having a proper conversation.

Rationality may give some logical answers, but those "logical" answers are not always right, given common sense and the use of intuition.
It seems that you might be rather one to speak than one to listen.

And perhaps I also haven't made myself clear, when I said the example of going to war. When the people went to war, it was the women whom worked in the factories, making equipment, supporting their men. Also, for a woman, for anyone really, a life without a job is a life without purpose. People seek purpose in their life. Not every woman, even a straight woman, is supposed to have children. Over the ages, even if families were big, not every woman married and had children, or had children in general, also not every man married and had children even if they're straight. It wasn't seemingly questioned whether or not one would have children.Thats nature.
But you see the following trend in asians, where they're forced to have only one child, that they force their kids to find a wife or husband and have children, to care for their parents in old age, being one of the reasons. This forced obligation is also unnatural. It should be unquestionable as to who wants to have children and who does not want to. IT should NOT be forced.

A woman is not obligated to have children, a woman is not obligated to agree to have a child, see her belly expand, her skin tear, perhaps losing the control of her bladder, or sometimes even getting pelvic instability, to bear a child. A child is a responsibility for at least till they get to adulthood and sometimes even later. Thats 20 years or more of your life.
This is a huge commitment.
To just say in general that these are just marxist ideas put into your head, is just a call against nature.
Of course jews pushed things to extremes on either side of the end of balance, but you seem to disregard this fact completely in what you write, and rather than seeking for balanced answers, you keep repeating the same thing over and over.

Just the way the conversation has been going, reading your replies, seriously makes me wonder if you're even approachable for conversation, since they're as if you're talking on the side, rather than directly engaging back.
But it almost sounds as if you're still passively calling me a feminist.

In light of more recenter messages, you said something about 'how things always went down this way in the past' - if it truly happened in the past don't you think you should be doing freeing the soul workings to remove that karmic imprint instead of just fighting and trying to make different choices without any base to back it up?
Right now you're just bleeding all over the place on a faulty conviction.

If I ever meet a man that acts and does like you do now in the future, he might not have much of a future left. I am not going to back down if someone wants to restrict my freedom.

To be honest, I don't really think I can change your opinions at this point in time or if this discussion is even fruitful. There seems to be more immediate, pressing concerns at the moment.

Why should anyone on here have to change their opinion. I have changed my opinion on some things over the years as I have opened up more, and if I was presented with some compelling evidence that it was wrong or came to know it was I would change it.

What your presenting however is not compelling at all its the same truth mixed with lies drivel I am sure a lot of people know about that you see on some Neo Nazi websites and forums.

Why should anyone be compelled to believe that. I would listen way more to things like what Cobra and Maxine say than you cause i know you are not at a very advanced level of consciousness and I know they are i trust that way more. Even if you do have power which i think you do. Its low vibration thinking and tieing into the wrong kind of energy. We should always strive to think in a way that is supperior and look up to others who are supperior in their thinking like the HPs and others who spend a lot of time trying to help the world. They are not going around saying anything like a lot of stuff you do.

You are not trying to help it just instill all kinds of hang ups in people and make them fearful about the future. You even quoted from an xtian website a while back to an article that talked about how some trans and gay person found Jewsus and supposedly became straight and kept defending it. You are now arguing with almost everyone on here. You called another Satanist a horrible person and genetic garbage in that thread and said they had to work on issues.

I know your line of thinking is not the way that is conductive to advancing and living a positive life.

Also I am surprised this kind of infighting is even allowed on here. Its not what the Gods desire i dont think.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
