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New member
Aug 16, 2024
Why read this post and what use do you get from it?
This will serve as motivation for you, these are real exchanges that will allow you to regain faith in our fight, believe me, after reading this post, you will smile! I promise you, you will smile.
(this is the result of my research when I look for the truth it comes from the book by Jan Van Helsing it is called the yellow book 1, thank again to the gods for allowing me to remember it while I had read this book 2 years ago now... It's surprising how Satan responds to our deepest needs without even hearing or seeing them..)

Arian the medium child โฌŽ
His name is Arian, he was already 1.9 meters tall at sixteen. He has the bluest eyes I have ever seen and golden hair. All the women in the area are in love with him... Arian is able to read the aura, he speaks with the deceased and aliens, he heals people by laying on of hands. He consults the runes every day and makes contact with the spirits.
Arian describes these beings: They look like Nordic gods, such as Thor or Odin, with long blond hair and a white robe. (DO YOU REALIZE IT? HE HAS EXACTLY DESCRIBED YOUR PORTRAITS OF SATAN! THANK YOU TO THE ARTISTS OF JOY OF SATAN WHO REPRESENTED OUR FATHER!) They protect him and the entire room He says that the beings of light who protect him do not allow other entities to approach him, despite their great power. His gifts of clairvoyance being known, the people of the region call on him when they believe they have ghost problems. He then goes to their homes. He distinguishes the dead conscious of having left their body, the apparitions of ghosts not conscious of being dead

Arian :​

"You know that this question cannot be answered easily. We come from all corners of the Universe, to be present at the time of the great upheaval that is shaking this planet; some come from higher forms of beings, from higher dimensions and from the future, so to speak. This planet is about to accept a higher plan of life, in which earthly life takes place in a different way. It is especially the collaboration with those we call extraterrestrials that will no longer be done in secret, but openly, and everything will be very different. Religions will disappear, especially those that are fanatical, and with them most wars. In other words, people will no longer allow themselves to be manipulated, because their growing mediumistic faculties will allow them to have a direct link with the divine. The history of the origin and development of humanity as well as of the different peoples of the Universe who have colonized this planet will be rewritten. In financial matters, interest and compound interest will disappear, which will greatly change the balance of power; technology will evolve.
(He predicted exactly what is happening now and our goal. TELL YOURSELF THAT THIS EXCHANGE WAS 15 TO 20 YEARS AGO IF I'M NOT WRONG.)

Human beings will face great trials, many will lose their lives. There will be a great purification and the planet will shine again, as after spring cleaning. Many children are animated by powerful old souls who will act by their presence. There will be young souls, like me, who come from a planet where there is only one people, who are very advanced in technology and who do not know disease. As I said, I am new to this Earth, this is the first time I find myself in a human body. My people, where I incarnated several times before coming to Earth, have already come to this planet. Several thousand years ago, spaceships came to colonize the Earth. Our cosmonauts were considered gods by humans, they actively participated in your development. They had children with Earthlings, they created others artificially.

The majority of the cosmonauts were scientists who wanted to observe and analyze the Earth and its living beings. Experiments were conducted, as you do with animals. These genetic links pushed us to come back, we worked with your people. You talk about it a lot in your books. Since this is the first time I have come to Earth, I incarnated in a German family from Central America, that is to say in an environment of people who have physical contact with my people and who exchange advanced technologies. Here, I feel fulfilled as a human being and I am well regarded thanks to my abilities. I am only one of the first hundred to have come, a hundred others came, then two hundred, now there are more than a thousand of us who come from our planet and live on this Earth. Most of us live in Germany, something great is going to happen there, but first people will have to wake up from their sleep and free themselves from their mental shackles. And they will be free. There are also peoples on Earth from other planets, with whom we have already been at war in the past. There we are pursuing the same goal, the purification of past mistakes. You know very well that our appearance is the same, because you are our descendants. But there are peoples in the Universe who do not look like us at all. But that should not scare you. Cats are not like you and yet you cuddle them. Many souls, who had incarnated in these aliens of different appearance, are now human children. It is by their eyes and their behavior that we will see that they are not from here.

There are countless souls and beings who come from higher dimensions and who are now children. They are part of a gigantic project, in which the spiritual world participates. If only people could see these beings of light, they would throw their television sets out of the window and many other things. It is so exciting, magical even! These beings of light appear in all countries, even in poor countries. They need this light that children bring. And even if many children do not survive, the light manifests, it is anchored. The powerful old souls who reincarnate come to take back their old structures and the old patterns that they created in a previous life, and they will make them disappear. This is their mission. They created these power structures, they are able to make them disappear. It is their right.

This combination of old souls and new souls will release the karma of this planet. Everything that has been stifled, the lies of history,
the crimes that have been committed will be confessed, the liars will be punished. We will reap what has been sown for millennia. And it is we, the new children, our energy of light, who will trigger the great changes on earth, in both directions. We push back the darkness, but it defends itself. We are the triggers of karma, the force that brings good, and which destroys at the same time. What is old is destroyed, to allow the new to appear. And we are not afraid. We do not fear death, we do not fear life. Many people in government and in large corporations are afraid of us.

It is still funny to see these so powerful people afraid of children! By our faculties, which were once common among men, and which will become so again, each of us carries within us the potential of these medium forces, we will change the conditions of life. We will not conform. On the other hand, some will be constrained by their parents, by their teachers, by their environment, but not for long. We will be more and more numerous, and soon the knowledge we bring will no longer be repressed. We do not only have inner strengths, we have the technology that will change the world; you know what I am talking about: these flying discs."


(I post this so that you can smile and move forward in this conquest, know that we are not alone, there are people in this world who certainly do not yet know our ministry but fight because they are close to the gods!
we are not alone! let's unite and evolve together.)



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
