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Younger or new souls

slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
I have been told by several people also some who claimed to be psychic that im an old soul. My mom always used to mention how i got along better with older people too. I dont know how to explain it but i feel this yet still feel like im still a teen in many ways..its quite wierd at times. (If accurate) ive been also told during some ouija sessions that i have 6 past lives. Some of the names of our Gods spelled out as the greeks and romans (or by other names others knew them by) knew them back then. I asked if i knew them by this name in a past life and the answer was yes. I have ancient canaanite/phonecian roots and later found out that alot of them mixed with romans and greeks.

Be a little cautious of just trusting stuff from the Ouija board i always felt your mind could influence this and i never even ever got one to work to begin with probably cause i was skeptical of it when trying. If you were around in those times it seems to me you should have had more lives than 6.

You will know for sure whan you are fully open. This however would mean you spent hundreds of years in the astral each time if true.
Master said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.
What it should be is that there must be no mix of races and that the races live and function properly. No slaves are needed. Development is needed.

Men and women have the same rights but we are not all equal, both men and women in society.

As for power, the choice should be based on the requirements of wisdom. And I fully agree with HP Mageson that citizenship should be given on genetic requirements. To have people's support, people must have an interest in supporting you, but that alone doesn't secure the position. To hold the position it is necessary to be strong and wise, and this is achieved only with development and advancement. It is right and natural that people do not accept people who do not deserve to power. And you can't foolishly choose to all be president for a year in shifts. It is like lying about the solar system, saying that the planets become the sun in turns. The hierarchy is part of the laws of nature and nothing and no one can change this eternal reality. This concerns the jewish deception that all non-jews are equal, i.e. under the jews and therefore are puppets in the hands of the jews who secretly rule for centuries. Rabbis are literally the best jews, the most studious, the most intelligent and the wisest. And it is those who govern and manage their people and also the non-jewish peoples who have conquered and enslaved. These are true leaders. It was the same for non-jewish peoples before the jews corrupted them. Our leaders are the Satanic High Priests and the Gods. Power is knowledge. The present governments of the Gentiles depend on jewish corruption and therefore are slaves. Matter and energy work and compose existence and life together. To have higher power, it is necessary to have multiple forces together and not just the force of gravity or just the electromagnetic force so to speak. I invite all those who seriously want to develop and elevate themselves, to understand the meaning and importance of knowledge that is the power of knowledge.

Even without the Jews at the level most people are on right now Democratic elections wouldn't work cause people would choose the most dumb or corrupt person. Maybe there should be educational requirements to vote.
That's just what I said, candidates have to be intellectual and wise. The parliament and other leaders of ancient Greece consisted of educated people with a certain seniority and therefore wisdom. And they were called literally, the council of the wise and the like. People are always looking for the best and want to develop. But with the Jews it is not possible, it is documented that communism has exterminated both the intellectuals of the government and others such as university professors etc.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.

I didn't catch that part to be honest I only skimmed over his post. I believe Jack still has some xtian programming like I said before I dont know if he's working on it or not. In the ancient times women and men were equal in a way that we didn't even have to talk about it. They most certainly should be a part of the vote there was even women leaders in the ancient times Cleopatra for example is what I can think off right off the bat but there were plenty more. They most certainly did not restrict women from taking part in the process of the government or society in the ancient times.

Just wanted to back you up that I dont agree with this either.

Immigrants if they are a different race should be totally restricted from voting. I would agree to that.

I dont think its just a xian thing. Considering the dictaror kind of rule that he says would be right.

This is also not the first time. He has been insulting women a lot. We're not some kind of second rate thing that has no mind or thought of its own;

Heck we have GODDESSES of knowledge, no less! That should be a big flag that politics IS a womans business also.

Maybe I am too early to say this and I understand deprogramming from jewish crap is hard, but considering the amount of times its kept up so far and disregarded and that he keeps posting these kinds of jewish things, makes me wonder if hes not saying these things on purpose.
Its been pointed out multiple times, with kind words, no less. And it doesnt seem like he is listening or at least considering the things at least once.

Someone that doesnt want to listen will have to feel. Feel could either be a punch in the face or some other drastic lifeturning event.

Maybe its some kind of schizophrenic episode. Being stuck in ones own fantasy world. Who knows?
I would not underestimate women, because they are not inferior. There's no problem with Jack, he just needs more understanding about it. That women are more gifted for something and men are more gifted in something else does not mean that men and women are limited and bound only in certain tasks and duties. There are skills and duties that are proper to women and skills and duties that are proper to men, but most of the skills are the same for both males and females and therefore most duties can be performed by both men and women. A man cannot give birth but he can very well be a housekeeper and a woman can very well be a mayor for example. I cannot say more about it because I do not fully know the capabilities and potential of both men and women.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I dont think its just a xian thing. Considering the dictaror kind of rule that he says would be right.

This is also not the first time. He has been insulting women a lot. We're not some kind of second rate thing that has no mind or thought of its own;

Heck we have GODDESSES of knowledge, no less! That should be a big flag that politics IS a womans business also.

Maybe I am too early to say this and I understand deprogramming from jewish crap is hard, but considering the amount of times its kept up so far and disregarded and that he keeps posting these kinds of jewish things, makes me wonder if hes not saying these things on purpose.
Its been pointed out multiple times, with kind words, no less. And it doesnt seem like he is listening or at least considering the things at least once.

Someone that doesnt want to listen will have to feel. Feel could either be a punch in the face or some other drastic lifeturning event.

Maybe its some kind of schizophrenic episode. Being stuck in ones own fantasy world. Who knows?

Because he genuinely believes "If she breathes, she's a thot" and not at all dismissive over the fact that it's just a meme, and buys into the propaganda that all women vote based on emotion and not logic, therefore the Democrats always have the female vote. I assume Jack lives in the United States.

Either that, or he uses Sweden as an example of a feminized government and ended up being the rape capital of the continent thanks to the muzzies and lack of reaction.

But then again, this is the same guy who believes that if you aren't a 6'4" chizzling chad with abs, huge arms, and the whole nine yards, basically more ripped than Arnold Schwarzenegger or can't rip someone's head off bare handed then you don't deserve life. And some have claimed i've bought into quote unquote "Odinist nonsense"
I am thinking for now maybe monarchy possibly with some hybrid idea of elections and democracy is the best system. For any of the members on here that remeber ever being in high positions at some point this is how it was possible. It never would be today. You had the older soul and/or most powerful and enlightened spiritual person incarnating into the "royal family" or whatever as they called it and some people just kept doing it over and over alternating positions like in Egypt. I dont think now at all but in Europe up until more recently you had that.

The Kim Family and possibly in China the way they do it idk as well as the Soviet Jewnion was a corruption of this type of thing where only the important however that was chosen and most powerful or brainwashed or something Jew person could be in power. The opposite of the monarchy as those people are totally not enlightened or good at all but same principal.

But the point is with a Monarchy type system with democratic elections. You have choice between a bunch of more enlightened spiritual people to choose to lead your nation or represent you. So no matter who you pick it wont fuck things up totally.

I think Hitler was going to have something like that too if anything happened to him he had people he designated as successors I think three people as possible ones you can look this up I found three different people listed as named for that on Google. I am not sure the truth in any of the stuff they say on him though.

But anyways if we were to add the idea of democratic elections to this like in the USA where you have possible candidates who debate and can be chosen that way (example like what happened with the democratic primaries did this year) the people get a choice of who they want but its always one of our guys. That is until people achieve the magnum opus and you have the eternal leader of somewhere but i totally am not sure if that was ever planned in ancient times to happen.

I totally get this system from past life memories of how it worked in Egypt but i dont think they had the democratic thing. That's just a new idea I put out there.
But at least under the system I said you never could get someone that is a total idiot in power why not also reinstate the idea that someone must be able to present spiritual siddhis and wisdom to get to that point and have their kundlini risen like in Egypt. Idk that was the system I was in and yeah I know how it was run cause I was there I remember it and not from anything I read this is directly what I remember. It was done the same way in Europe too up until about the 1800s in many places i believe maybe sooner maybe later. Hoever now Now all we have is a bunch of nonsense. None of our people are able to get in under the current system we have in any way ever its frustrating. Only idiots are able too or people that lie or suck up the most to the populace. Even if someone of Satan is in a good position now (they never should post about it here if they are) they are not able to do much without exposing themselves. Under the old system it was common for people that were on our side to be able to incarnate into nice positions.

Although recently you didn't have any of the stuff about having to reach a certain level of spiritual advancement at least the Gods often were able to get the souls of people on their side in with this system and sometimes as with the Masons and Brotherhood of the Serpent (not sure that exists at all anymore in any form) and maybe other things they had their own Satanic society and rituals and stuff.

ShadowTheRaven said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I dont think its just a xian thing. Considering the dictaror kind of rule that he says would be right.

This is also not the first time. He has been insulting women a lot. We're not some kind of second rate thing that has no mind or thought of its own;

Heck we have GODDESSES of knowledge, no less! That should be a big flag that politics IS a womans business also.

Maybe I am too early to say this and I understand deprogramming from jewish crap is hard, but considering the amount of times its kept up so far and disregarded and that he keeps posting these kinds of jewish things, makes me wonder if hes not saying these things on purpose.
Its been pointed out multiple times, with kind words, no less. And it doesnt seem like he is listening or at least considering the things at least once.

Someone that doesnt want to listen will have to feel. Feel could either be a punch in the face or some other drastic lifeturning event.

Maybe its some kind of schizophrenic episode. Being stuck in ones own fantasy world. Who knows?

Because he genuinely believes "If she breathes, she's a thot" and not at all dismissive over the fact that it's just a meme, and buys into the propaganda that all women vote based on emotion and not logic, therefore the Democrats always have the female vote. I assume Jack lives in the United States.

Either that, or he uses Sweden as an example of a feminized government and ended up being the rape capital of the continent thanks to the muzzies and lack of reaction.

But then again, this is the same guy who believes that if you aren't a 6'4" chizzling chad with abs, huge arms, and the whole nine yards, basically more ripped than Arnold Schwarzenegger or can't rip someone's head off bare handed then you don't deserve life. And some have claimed i've bought into quote unquote "Odinist nonsense"

Sincerely I replied to this but I dont think i hit send on it so sorry if I it comes through anyways later but I will type it again.

I do suspect maybe Jack is doing this on purpose. The energy he gives off is not good at all as told to me by another member I talk to sometimes in chat (haven't in awhile hope they are doing ok) i sense something not right too. If so i am not saying he is an enemy I wouldn't be surprised if he was exposed for something though but I do think he really needs to think about what he was saying. I said xtian because of this. Go to a conservative xtian website yourself if you want and look at it if you don't believe what I say. I know my stuff cause I grew up surrounded by this. He's saying a lot of the same stuff they are with the same tones often only replacing Jewsus with Satan and also republican with Nazis or Hitler.

I admit some of it is better and more on our side with the racial stuff but he should not sound so close to the nonsense I grew up with.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I dont think its just a xian thing. Considering the dictaror kind of rule that he says would be right.

This is also not the first time. He has been insulting women a lot. We're not some kind of second rate thing that has no mind or thought of its own;

Heck we have GODDESSES of knowledge, no less! That should be a big flag that politics IS a womans business also.

Maybe I am too early to say this and I understand deprogramming from jewish crap is hard, but considering the amount of times its kept up so far and disregarded and that he keeps posting these kinds of jewish things, makes me wonder if hes not saying these things on purpose.
Its been pointed out multiple times, with kind words, no less. And it doesnt seem like he is listening or at least considering the things at least once.

Someone that doesnt want to listen will have to feel. Feel could either be a punch in the face or some other drastic lifeturning event.

Maybe its some kind of schizophrenic episode. Being stuck in ones own fantasy world. Who knows?

Because he genuinely believes "If she breathes, she's a thot" and not at all dismissive over the fact that it's just a meme, and buys into the propaganda that all women vote based on emotion and not logic, therefore the Democrats always have the female vote. I assume Jack lives in the United States.

Either that, or he uses Sweden as an example of a feminized government and ended up being the rape capital of the continent thanks to the muzzies and lack of reaction.

But then again, this is the same guy who believes that if you aren't a 6'4" chizzling chad with abs, huge arms, and the whole nine yards, basically more ripped than Arnold Schwarzenegger or can't rip someone's head off bare handed then you don't deserve life. And some have claimed i've bought into quote unquote "Odinist nonsense"

I know we dont turn people away that genuinely want to learn but this facade has been going on for too long.

If I were to say anything at all, the picture you just painted, Shadow, does sound like irrational based on emotion only.
Perhaps Im wrong but this isnt rational at all, yet he idolates rational things?

Maybe hes gay, lol, but he probably should try to accept things, starting with himself, accepting his own faults, then go from there.

I have no idea what his life has been like and I have no desire to, but we all have things that we struggle with and things that we find hard, sometimes nearly impossible to face.
Yet if we want to move forward, we have to.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I dont think its just a xian thing. Considering the dictaror kind of rule that he says would be right.

This is also not the first time. He has been insulting women a lot. We're not some kind of second rate thing that has no mind or thought of its own;

Heck we have GODDESSES of knowledge, no less! That should be a big flag that politics IS a womans business also.

Maybe I am too early to say this and I understand deprogramming from jewish crap is hard, but considering the amount of times its kept up so far and disregarded and that he keeps posting these kinds of jewish things, makes me wonder if hes not saying these things on purpose.
Its been pointed out multiple times, with kind words, no less. And it doesnt seem like he is listening or at least considering the things at least once.

Someone that doesnt want to listen will have to feel. Feel could either be a punch in the face or some other drastic lifeturning event.

Maybe its some kind of schizophrenic episode. Being stuck in ones own fantasy world. Who knows?

Because he genuinely believes "If she breathes, she's a thot" and not at all dismissive over the fact that it's just a meme, and buys into the propaganda that all women vote based on emotion and not logic, therefore the Democrats always have the female vote. I assume Jack lives in the United States.

Either that, or he uses Sweden as an example of a feminized government and ended up being the rape capital of the continent thanks to the muzzies and lack of reaction.

But then again, this is the same guy who believes that if you aren't a 6'4" chizzling chad with abs, huge arms, and the whole nine yards, basically more ripped than Arnold Schwarzenegger or can't rip someone's head off bare handed then you don't deserve life. And some have claimed i've bought into quote unquote "Odinist nonsense"

I know we dont turn people away that genuinely want to learn but this facade has been going on for too long.

If I were to say anything at all, the picture you just painted, Shadow, does sound like irrational based on emotion only.
Perhaps Im wrong but this isnt rational at all, yet he idolates rational things?

Maybe hes gay, lol, but he probably should try to accept things, starting with himself, accepting his own faults, then go from there.

I have no idea what his life has been like and I have no desire to, but we all have things that we struggle with and things that we find hard, sometimes nearly impossible to face.
Yet if we want to move forward, we have to.

I dont really want to speak bad of people either to be honest but I am backing you up. I also don't like it just like with women when people say bad things about third sex people either because i believe i am one and they most certainly were not considered weak or not masculine in the past. Many of them were in the military or even were our leaders. I was only told by the Gods that I was a military General at least once in ancient times.

That would not be an unmanly profession by today's standards but people see me as weak and sometimes make fun of me at least outside this group. Anyways maybe that is part of his struggle too he was maybe made fun of for being that way and so he put on a fake persona to appear more manly.

Unfortunately in today's society that means telling women what to do or abusing them most the time. That really isn't what my definition of masucline is we were supposed to be more like protectors and warriors etc.

But anyways maybe that is his struggle too and he just has to come to terms with it.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I know we dont turn people away that genuinely want to learn but this facade has been going on for too long.

If I were to say anything at all, the picture you just painted, Shadow, does sound like irrational based on emotion only.
Perhaps Im wrong but this isnt rational at all, yet he idolates rational things?

Maybe hes gay, lol, but he probably should try to accept things, starting with himself, accepting his own faults, then go from there.

I have no idea what his life has been like and I have no desire to, but we all have things that we struggle with and things that we find hard, sometimes nearly impossible to face.
Yet if we want to move forward, we have to.

Well, the Democratic Party often uses emotion to attract its voter base, and a lot of Democrats men and women vote based on emotion, that's true. However, if the stereotype was true, no woman ever would've voted for Trump, especially not after his "Grab him by the pussy" comments, they were smart enough to know that men talk like that in private.
slyscorpion said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Because he genuinely believes "If she breathes, she's a thot" and not at all dismissive over the fact that it's just a meme, and buys into the propaganda that all women vote based on emotion and not logic, therefore the Democrats always have the female vote. I assume Jack lives in the United States.

Either that, or he uses Sweden as an example of a feminized government and ended up being the rape capital of the continent thanks to the muzzies and lack of reaction.

But then again, this is the same guy who believes that if you aren't a 6'4" chizzling chad with abs, huge arms, and the whole nine yards, basically more ripped than Arnold Schwarzenegger or can't rip someone's head off bare handed then you don't deserve life. And some have claimed i've bought into quote unquote "Odinist nonsense"

I know we dont turn people away that genuinely want to learn but this facade has been going on for too long.

If I were to say anything at all, the picture you just painted, Shadow, does sound like irrational based on emotion only.
Perhaps Im wrong but this isnt rational at all, yet he idolates rational things?

Maybe hes gay, lol, but he probably should try to accept things, starting with himself, accepting his own faults, then go from there.

I have no idea what his life has been like and I have no desire to, but we all have things that we struggle with and things that we find hard, sometimes nearly impossible to face.
Yet if we want to move forward, we have to.

I dont really want to speak bad of people either to be honest but I am backing you up. I also don't like it just like with women when people say bad things about third sex people either because i believe i am one and they most certainly were not considered weak or not masculine in the past. Many of them were in the military or even were our leaders. I was only told by the Gods that I was a military General at least once in ancient times.

That would not be an unmanly profession by today's standards but people see me as weak and sometimes make fun of me at least outside this group. Anyways maybe that is part of his struggle too he was maybe made fun of for being that way and so he put on a fake persona to appear more manly.

Unfortunately in today's society that means telling women what to do or abusing them most the time. That really isn't what my definition of masucline is we were supposed to be more like protectors and warriors etc.

But anyways maybe that is his struggle too and he just has to come to terms with it.

Thank you slyscorpion, Third sex people are cool. Even though most people that say theyre GBLT nowadays paint their hair in funky colors and ride unicorn floaties (on water and no I didnt mean that sexually for the "pervs" out there lol).. idk it just feels so weak and estranged. I can only speculate since Im a woman but isnt the masculinity not more like a kind of primal power of some sorts?

And ye I kind of get the "being perceived as weak" part. Part of it has to do with the posture youre having but thats about always a result of something thats in the mind.
Just changing how you walk or your attitude wont change a thing, it has to be something that can be sensed on an energetic level - there is no other way to describe that.

The ones who abuse are weak mindless fools, but make no mistake, no one is without faults, what bothers me the most about people is that they simply wont even apologize, even if they were very wrong, hurt someone they loved, and want to do something right. You dont stay silent and let people be stuck with that pent up feeling .. - You apologize!

Anyway, tiny rant done. idk what else to say.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I dont think its just a xian thing. Considering the dictaror kind of rule that he says would be right.

This is also not the first time. He has been insulting women a lot. We're not some kind of second rate thing that has no mind or thought of its own;

Heck we have GODDESSES of knowledge, no less! That should be a big flag that politics IS a womans business also.

Maybe I am too early to say this and I understand deprogramming from jewish crap is hard, but considering the amount of times its kept up so far and disregarded and that he keeps posting these kinds of jewish things, makes me wonder if hes not saying these things on purpose.
Its been pointed out multiple times, with kind words, no less. And it doesnt seem like he is listening or at least considering the things at least once.

Someone that doesnt want to listen will have to feel. Feel could either be a punch in the face or some other drastic lifeturning event.

Maybe its some kind of schizophrenic episode. Being stuck in ones own fantasy world. Who knows?

Because he genuinely believes "If she breathes, she's a thot" and not at all dismissive over the fact that it's just a meme, and buys into the propaganda that all women vote based on emotion and not logic, therefore the Democrats always have the female vote. I assume Jack lives in the United States.

Either that, or he uses Sweden as an example of a feminized government and ended up being the rape capital of the continent thanks to the muzzies and lack of reaction.

But then again, this is the same guy who believes that if you aren't a 6'4" chizzling chad with abs, huge arms, and the whole nine yards, basically more ripped than Arnold Schwarzenegger or can't rip someone's head off bare handed then you don't deserve life. And some have claimed i've bought into quote unquote "Odinist nonsense"
I don't know if I've cleared this up before or not. What happened was basically there was an incel arguing about something on the forums and since I got caught up in the moment, I put out some unnecessarily controversial position which was hard to backtrack from. I have this issue with my astrology that makes me want to fanatically defend a point to oblivion which I wasn't cognizant of at that time. Looking back at it now I see the position was extreme and ludicrous. So let me be clear - I don't think anyone should be euthanized for being ugly objectively.

And on the point of being ugly I notice you seem to bring this up a lot in completely unnecessary topics. It seems like you take this very personally and have a deep desire to affirm and defend your position. Now let me offer you some friendly advice. When people take some unimportant ideas very personally and make it all about them, you should suspect it has something to do with their cognitive beliefs. I can sense that in your heart you truly believe you are ugly and unlovable by women. And let me tell you something about this. Just as a narcissist believes everyone likes him, you believe every woman hates you. Theres no psychological difference between you and a narcissist.

What is happening basically is that to emotionally shield yourself from reality you've created this idea that your unlovable and unhappy and most certainly you must be victim blaming someone. Whatever might be the case the issue is you want to feel special in a perverse way and your having issues by that regard. You might want to consider that possibility that maybe your not that special as in your not a special ugly snowflake who somehow is unlovable. Maybe you should consider the possibility that your a pussy who refuses to address the elephant in the room. I.e Your not good enough to love yourself and thus women don't love you. You should try to better yourself and not care a lot what women think. Trust me ,I've been there. When you're not living with being internally fulfilled, a single denial of external validation can be heart wrenching. As for your case ,your addicted to misery and negativity.

Listen to me - theres nothing wrong with you. Stop trying to think about whether women like you or not. Your value as a man is not dependent upon someone liking you or not. It's the most beta thinking pattern of all time. Instead you should think about whether or not you like the person your inhabiting right now. If your internally fulfilled you wouldn't really care about who likes it or not. Who gives a fuck really. And on the topic of women, I suggest not taking everything so personally. Try to approach and talk to as many women as you can ,safely and securely. Get as many references as possible and put your best self authentic self possible. Don't try to impress her or change your personality to make her like you. Literally be free from this idea of changing yourself to make someone like you. Just look for compliance and non compliance. If she complies and goes along with you fine,if not she can fuck off. It's that simple. There are hundreds of thousands of women and men on this planet. It's highly improbable that no one likes your authentic self.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
" In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. "

Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.
Maybe you should develop mental strength if you lack it and not feel entitled to an apology everytime some position offends you. I'm not going to address unnecessary irrelevant points disconnected from the topic at hand.

Just because I have a different of opinion about universal suffrage democracy does not mean I hate women. Infact if anything, the majority of women at the time when the right to vote was secured, did not want the right to vote. There were a couple of Jews and communists/anarchists who led the movement and this feminism movement from the earlier stages. Feminism is simply a category of cultural Marxism where they ignore biology and try to make nonsensical claims about power struggles and such. Maybe you should study the works of Ancient Greek scholars before attempting to punch me in the face. Because these scholars held the exact same views about democracy and if you tried to punch them in the face they would swiftly dodge and beat you up.
Similarly, Plato and Aristotle criticized democratic rule as the numerically preponderant poor tyrannizing the rich. Instead of seeing it as a fair system under which everyone has equal rights, they regarded it as manifestly unjust. In Aristotle's works, this is categorized as the difference between 'arithmetic' and 'geometric' (i.e. proportional) equality.

Let's do a thought experiment. Why is it so important for you to defend the right for women to vote ? Did you reach this conclusion by logic or are you just personally triggered as you show in your post due to solipsism. Maybe you should take a step back and understand that not having the right to vote, has no bearing on your personal independency to make choices about whatever you want to do. Egypt had a monarchial system where neither men or women had any right to vote. And yet, women had absolute freedom which were not granted to them even in Ancient Greece. They even had powerful positions in government. Right to vote doesn't mean anything and the basic premise of Universal Suffrage democracy is wrong and Jewish is nature. America as I said was never a democracy. It was a constitutional republic where only white men who owned land and did certain public duties(I can't remember what) like mandatory firefighting service were allowed to vote. And I strongly support this view that women most definitely should not be allowed to vote. And most men shouldn't be allowed to vote either. If we are to preserve and protect our societies, we must do what the ancients did.

On another point, I would not even want ANY kind of democracy at ANY point in the human future, neither a constitutional republic or a democracy. What I support is what the Gods have I.e a meritocratic social system with caste divisions.

Answering the point on elections brought up by ShadowTheRaven. No the women who voted for trump did not vote for him based on logic. They voted for him based on emotion. As did men. And surprise suprise, your logic doesn't exist in a void either. Humans don't have perfect knowledge and have a lot of cognitive biases. As such cognitive biases drive your logic and interchangeably reinforce both your logic and emotions. Which makes us humans and not machines. Adolf Hitler addressed this point in his book Mein Kampf and understand the real danger of giving power to common people would bring,
Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people. (...) All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. (...) The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. The broad masses of the people are not made up of diplomats or professors of public jurisprudence nor simply of persons who are able to form reasoned judgment in given cases, but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another. (...) The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.[5]

This is the hegelian dialectic of right vs left created by Jews and numerous ideologies for their political profit. In fact if you think about it, every ideology is wrong as it is not perfect and cannot be perfect and theres a possibility theres a better idea or ideology that hasn't been devised yet.

This is why HPMageson omce said not to get caught up in ideology. Ideology is basically something that is a marxist conception. A conceptual theoretical framework of ideas that when implemented would bring paradise on earth. Until a few years ago ,people governed with Eugenics, common sense and following their natural instincts (National Socialism .) As we've seen following strict conceptual ideas landed us in this shitshow were currently in.

We accepted the ideological framework which we later learnt was poisonous and allowed jews to gain power over everything.

1)Universal suffrage democracy
2)Feminism(destroyed male - female relationships totally) and no fault divorce.
3)Divorce rape laws which is making men wary of commitment and marriage.
4)Immigration (based on the fake sociological notion that races can become equal with social,cultural and nutritional conditions. )
5)Trusting jews
6)Allowing jews in your country and allowing them in positions of power (Allowed both in Constitutional and Universal democracy. )
7)Consumerism, Materialism and Individualistic Vanity (Junk food, increasing dependence on machines, Instagram and Social Media, Information Overload and misdirection from Huxleys Brave new world. )
8)Making decisions based on Sociological Studies.

We should have just followed common sense about self preservation and betterment and we wouldn't be in this situation we're in now.

The first solution to our problems would be to end this democracy nonsense and transition into a flexible system similar to National Socialism. And I would never want this system to end. (The thousand year reich.) However if humanity ever considered to enact a democracy after eliminating all Jewish influences, as a transition phase, we should allow only a few distinguished men to vote like in the original America.

As for that I never support enacting any law that would ever limit a womans choice about how to live her life. And I do not support any that limit a mans life as well. She and he should be allowed to choose to work or do whatever she wants. The personal lives of people is not our issue. We need to realize the biological differences that we know from antiquity and enact our laws according to common sense. Let's not pretend the recent understanding about Women and their roles isn't completely a feminist caricature made by jews. So anytime someone paints an accurate gentile view about society and how our ancestors thought and acted about, doesn't mean they're under enemy influence. It just means your under the psychological manipulation game of agreeing with normality set upon be jews. Or you could simply be some kind of retard who believes hundreds of thousands of years of great civilizations and somehow the only time someone thought about giving every single person the right to vote was after feminism was created by jews from the cultural marxism doctrine. Literally what a cohencidence. Somehow every single Ancient philosopher and statesman was a misogynist and your liberal arts professor is a true feminist. The Vikings, The Greek,the vedic Aryans,The Persians. Literally no one was capable of conceptualizing about the importance that women needed to have the right to vote ,muh equality and an enlightened rabbi came along after beating his wife and said -

"Trust me goyim, women and men having the right to vote is a very important thing which really really affects your personal life. Now just get me elected and I'll giving you more FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY. I promise I'll make you happy. I'll bring the paradise on earth"

I just had to come back and address this issue from my absence because you guys can't help it. This should help you develop some understanding and context about this situation. And if it doesn't, I cant help you because I cant keep coming back to address this. I have shit to do and am currently very busy. If you're doubtful, look at the entirety of ancient and modern history and compare it with the last hundred years where the jews gained power and you'll understand exactly what's going on here.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I know we dont turn people away that genuinely want to learn but this facade has been going on for too long.

If I were to say anything at all, the picture you just painted, Shadow, does sound like irrational based on emotion only.
Perhaps Im wrong but this isnt rational at all, yet he idolates rational things?

Maybe hes gay, lol, but he probably should try to accept things, starting with himself, accepting his own faults, then go from there.

I have no idea what his life has been like and I have no desire to, but we all have things that we struggle with and things that we find hard, sometimes nearly impossible to face.
Yet if we want to move forward, we have to.

I dont really want to speak bad of people either to be honest but I am backing you up. I also don't like it just like with women when people say bad things about third sex people either because i believe i am one and they most certainly were not considered weak or not masculine in the past. Many of them were in the military or even were our leaders. I was only told by the Gods that I was a military General at least once in ancient times.

That would not be an unmanly profession by today's standards but people see me as weak and sometimes make fun of me at least outside this group. Anyways maybe that is part of his struggle too he was maybe made fun of for being that way and so he put on a fake persona to appear more manly.

Unfortunately in today's society that means telling women what to do or abusing them most the time. That really isn't what my definition of masucline is we were supposed to be more like protectors and warriors etc.

But anyways maybe that is his struggle too and he just has to come to terms with it.

Thank you slyscorpion, Third sex people are cool. Even though most people that say theyre GBLT nowadays paint their hair in funky colors and ride unicorn floaties (on water and no I didnt mean that sexually for the "pervs" out there lol).. idk it just feels so weak and estranged. I can only speculate since Im a woman but isnt the masculinity not more like a kind of primal power of some sorts?

And ye I kind of get the "being perceived as weak" part. Part of it has to do with the posture youre having but thats about always a result of something thats in the mind.
Just changing how you walk or your attitude wont change a thing, it has to be something that can be sensed on an energetic level - there is no other way to describe that.

The ones who abuse are weak mindless fools, but make no mistake, no one is without faults, what bothers me the most about people is that they simply wont even apologize, even if they were very wrong, hurt someone they loved, and want to do something right. You dont stay silent and let people be stuck with that pent up feeling .. - You apologize!

Anyway, tiny rant done. idk what else to say.

I am so glad that probably isn't going to backfire on us anymore due to the rtr. That was the original intention of the LGBT movement make Third Sex people into exactly what they tried to claim we were (in the middle ages up to more recent) and then lump us in with pedophiles so that the slippery slope arguement the xtians made would actually be proven true in the minds of the populace. Then they could reinstate Torah Laws on third sex and just execute them like they did in soviet Russia on some places in the middle east today.

Ok that was the intention of that. It is weak minded on our part that so many accepted this. I get it yes weird is not bad I am Aquarius ascendant myself but we can be different in some way thats not harmful no reason to do half that dumb stuff.

Also the far worse part of this many gays dont realize is that just sleeping around for the fun of it with anyone and everyone. If you have looked into any gay communities or gone on any of the apps you know what i mean.

This might completely destroy the person on a spiritual level. In ideal conditions it might have been ok to have a few partners if that was your preference but certainly no one was acting like they did in todays gay community.. it woulf even be empowering if a person slept with someone much more advanced than they were. But in today's world it is very destructive. No one is paying attention to the fact that 100 times worse than race mixing some of these people are Jews. It would be very difficult to recover on a spiritual level from that. Not to mention race mixing is hard enough to recover from on the spiritual level. They are spending a lot of time connecting to some very bad things with no idea they are doing it.

Many of them also use drugs which makes this worse.

The good is it made more sane people more able to live out their lives with less social stigma so far. Cause the majority of the populace doesn't seem to buy that this is how most gays are.

But it should be put to a stop.

Me personally my programming from an xtian upbringing made me feel very bad for the way I was. For awhile or like maybe I should not exist or am not valid. I overcame most that. But I still am maybe not as confident as I should be.

The gender norms thing was the most difficult for me cause I am not like most guys seem to be at all. I am much more emotional. I mean even my voice was made fun of on youtube countless times cause apparently it comes across as being gay or feminine or something.

I am who I am. I watched something on TV the other day about how some trans person was killed by some guys because they found out she was a he. This felt really bad and I am glad that in the modern times they are trying to foster more tolerance.

I just wish they didn't mix degererate nonsense in with it.

I am with a female partner right now but she too is third sex I believe because she went through the same nonsense I did. Its hard but we can't be the way they expect us too because it doesn't fit us.

Hopefully in the future we will be more accepted and thought of in the way we want to be.

I most certainly don't want to be thought of as connected to the LGBT stuff *vomit loudly* that is what i think of most of that.

I did go to a gay pride event just to see what it was like and i did not at all like what i saw.
Jack said:
I don't know if I've cleared this up before or not. What happened was basically there was an incel arguing about something on the forums and since I got caught up in the moment, I put out some unnecessarily controversial position which was hard to backtrack from. I have this issue with my astrology that makes me want to fanatically defend a point to oblivion which I wasn't cognizant of at that time. Looking back at it now I see the position was extreme and ludicrous. So let me be clear - I don't think anyone should be euthanized for being ugly objectively.

And on the point of being ugly I notice you seem to bring this up a lot in completely unnecessary topics. It seems like you take this very personally and have a deep desire to affirm and defend your position. Now let me offer you some friendly advice. When people take some unimportant ideas very personally and make it all about them, you should suspect it has something to do with their cognitive beliefs. I can sense that in your heart you truly believe you are ugly and unlovable by women. And let me tell you something about this. Just as a narcissist believes everyone likes him, you believe every woman hates you. Theres no psychological difference between you and a narcissist.

What is happening basically is that to emotionally shield yourself from reality you've created this idea that your unlovable and unhappy and most certainly you must be victim blaming someone. Whatever might be the case the issue is you want to feel special in a perverse way and your having issues by that regard. You might want to consider that possibility that maybe your not that special as in your not a special ugly snowflake who somehow is unlovable. Maybe you should consider the possibility that your a pussy who refuses to address the elephant in the room. I.e Your not good enough to love yourself and thus women don't love you. You should try to better yourself and not care a lot what women think. Trust me ,I've been there. When you're not living with being internally fulfilled, a single denial of external validation can be heart wrenching. As for your case ,your addicted to misery and negativity.

Listen to me - theres nothing wrong with you. Stop trying to think about whether women like you or not. Your value as a man is not dependent upon someone liking you or not. It's the most beta thinking pattern of all time. Instead you should think about whether or not you like the person your inhabiting right now. If your internally fulfilled you wouldn't really care about who likes it or not. Who gives a fuck really. And on the topic of women, I suggest not taking everything so personally. Try to approach and talk to as many women as you can ,safely and securely. Get as many references as possible and put your best self authentic self possible. Don't try to impress her or change your personality to make her like you. Literally be free from this idea of changing yourself to make someone like you. Just look for compliance and non compliance. If she complies and goes along with you fine,if not she can fuck off. It's that simple. There are hundreds of thousands of women and men on this planet. It's highly improbable that no one likes your authentic self.

Imagine unironically using the term incel when you're exhibiting the exact same behavior of one, and talking about perceived ugliness within the self when nobody's talking about that at all except you. You take your own shortcomings out on me, calling me a pussy, a liar, ugly, and that nobody loves me when that behavior and characteristics are coming from you and only you. When have I ever in the past 3 months or so brought up the topic of being ugly or unlovable? Go ahead, skim my posts and link them because I smell bullshit, Jack(ass).

Yes, we had an argument on whether the unattractive should be euthanized or not. I'm glad you see that your point of view at the time was extreme. However if you're going to remain on that argument that you believe I hate myself to justify your own foolishness, might I suggest you seek some therapy? I don't give a single solitary shit about women, relationships, or sex. I really don't, because frankly people are morons, and I hate being around them no matter what their gender is or my relationship to them. I'm in the best position I've ever been in over 5 years, because I've got my priorities straight and stopped giving a fuck about what other people think and focused on me, because I'm the only person who should matter to me. Other than my spiritual obligations towards our war, the Gods, and my well being, everything else is of non-importance. I don't see the point in bringing up arguments that have been put to bed long ago, unless you're literally everything you've just described and take it out on others as an excuse to not face your own shortcomings and rectify them accordingly.

Look at you, trying to use your astrology to justify your asshole behavior. Get a fucking grip! You've done nothing but engage in condescending behavior towards other members, especially the women here, in a similar manner that SouthernWhiteGentile can't resist dropping the n-word every time there's an article about a black-on-white murder to which Shannon has to make the same damn reply that not all black people are like that. It's an endless loop with you, and we're all sick of it. Fucking grow up.
Jack said:
The first solution to our problems would be to end this democracy nonsense and transition into a flexible system similar to National Socialism. And I would never want this system to end. (The thousand year reich.) However if humanity ever considered to enact a democracy after eliminating all Jewish influences, as a transition phase, we should allow only a few distinguished men to vote like in the original America.

As for that I never support enacting any law that would ever limit a womans choice about how to live her life. And I do not support any that limit a mans life as well. She and he should be allowed to choose to work or do whatever she wants. The personal lives of people is not our issue. We need to realize the biological differences that we know from antiquity and enact our laws according to common sense. Let's not pretend the recent understanding about Women and their roles isn't completely a feminist caricature made by jews. So anytime someone paints an accurate gentile view about society and how our ancestors thought and acted about, doesn't mean they're under enemy influence. It just means your under the psychological manipulation game of agreeing with normality set upon be jews. Or you could simply be some kind of retard who believes hundreds of thousands of years of great civilizations and somehow the only time someone thought about giving every single person the right to vote was after feminism was created by jews from the cultural marxism doctrine. Literally what a cohencidence. Somehow every single Ancient philosopher and statesman was a misogynist and your liberal arts professor is a true feminist. The Vikings, The Greek,the vedic Aryans,The Persians. Literally no one was capable of conceptualizing about the importance that women needed to have the right to vote ,muh equality and an enlightened rabbi came along after beating his wife and said -

"Trust me goyim, women and men having the right to vote is a very important thing which really really affects your personal life. Now just get me elected and I'll giving you more FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY. I promise I'll make you happy. I'll bring the paradise on earth"

If you're really determined to destroy worldwide democracy, I honestly wish you the best of luck. I hope you can spawn armies stronger than every nation that matters combined, because you will need to destroy and rebuild all of Europe (except Belarus and Russia), the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, India, Costa Rica, Chile, and Taiwan.

You must be some sort of madman to think that you can singlehandedly start, fight, and win Literal World War 3.
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
And on the topic of why Women Shouldn't be allowed to vote, the answer is simple. Because she doesn't belong in that sphere assigned to her by nature. Adolf Hitler, the greatest politician and leader of the great German reich where women were actually happy and content said this about rights
The slogan ’emancipation of women’ was invented by Jewish intellectuals, and its content was formed by the same spirit. In the really good times of German life, the German woman had no need to emancipate herself. She possessed exactly what nature had given her to administer and preserve; just as the man in his good times had no need to fear that he would be ousted from his position in relation to the woman.

If the man’s world is said to be the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, then it may perhaps be said that the woman’s is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? How could the greater world survive if there were no one to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives?

No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man’s world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other, they belong together just as man and woman belong together.

We do not consider it correct for the woman to interfere in the world of the man, in his main sphere. We consider it natural if these two worlds remain distinct. To the one belongs the strength of feeling, the strength of the soul. To the other belongs the strength of vision, of toughness, of decision, and of the willingness to act. In the one case this strength demands the willingness of the woman to risk her life to preserve this important cell and to multiply it, and in the other case it demands from the man the readiness to safeguard life.

The sacrifices which the man makes in the struggle of his nation, the woman makes in the preservation of that nation in individual cases. What the man gives in courage on the battlefield, the woman gives in eternal self-sacrifice, in eternal pain and suffering. Every child that a woman brings into the world is a battle, a battle waged for the existence of her people. And both must therefore mutually value and respect each other when they see that each performs the task that Nature and Providence have ordained. And this mutual respect will necessarily result from this separation of the functions of each.

It is not true, as Jewish intellectuals assert, that respect depends on the overlapping of the spheres of activity of the sexes
; this respect demands that neither sex should try to do that which belongs to the sphere of the other. It lies in the last resort in the fact that each knows that the other is doing everything necessary to maintain the whole community. So our women’s movement is for us not something which inscribes on its banner as its program the fight against men, but something which has as its program the common fight together with men. For the new National Socialist national community acquires a firm basis, precisely because we have gained the trust of millions of women as fanatical comrades…

Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women’s movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist women’s movement has but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creature which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle.”

The granting of so-called equal rights to women, as demanded by Marxism, does not confer equal rights at all. It constitutes the deprivation of rights, since they draw women into a zone where they can only be inferior. It places women in situations where they cannot strengthen their position with regard to men and society.”
Adolf Hitler, September 1935

“The National Socialist movement sees the man and the woman as equal bearers of Germany’s future… Each should first completely accomplish the tasks that are appropriate to his or her nature. The woman, besides caring for her own children, should first care for those who need her help as mothers of the nation.”
Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, Nazi Women’s League head, 1936

“In my view, we have too much masculinised our life… For me, it is a catastrophe that women’s organisations, women’s communities and women’s societies intervene in a domain that destroys all feminine charm, all the feminine majesty and grace… It is a catastrophe [that] we want to make women an instrument of logical thought, to educate them in everything possible… With time, the difference between the sexes will disappear.”
Heinrich Himmler, February 1937

“What the man sacrifices for his people, the woman sacrifices in fighting to maintain this people. The man shows heroism on the battlefield; the woman shows it in eternal patient devotion, sorrow and endurance.”
Adolf Hitler, 1940

I could go on and on like a broken record but the point being repeated is the same. This has been recognized by Civilizations both ancient and modern. It had been recognized till now until these jews introduced this new paradigm of thought I.e feminism.

Just because we have a society where normalcy means following Jewish paradigms doesn't make it right or natural. What the Ancient philosophers said and what the National Socialists said all boils down to the same thing. If you are to reject the entirety of Ancient, Modern and National Socialist cultural philosophy and still assert that you buy into the Jewish paradigm of feminism, then there can be no further discussion on the matter. I agree to disagree with you.
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
" In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. "

Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.
Maybe you should develop mental strength if you lack it and not feel entitled to an apology everytime some position offends you. I'm not going to address unnecessary irrelevant points disconnected from the topic at hand.

Just because I have a different of opinion about universal suffrage democracy does not mean I hate women. Infact if anything, the majority of women at the time when the right to vote was secured, did not want the right to vote. There were a couple of Jews and communists/anarchists who led the movement and this feminism movement from the earlier stages. Feminism is simply a category of cultural Marxism where they ignore biology and try to make nonsensical claims about power struggles and such. Maybe you should study the works of Ancient Greek scholars before attempting to punch me in the face. Because these scholars held the exact same views about democracy and if you tried to punch them in the face they would swiftly dodge and beat you up.
Similarly, Plato and Aristotle criticized democratic rule as the numerically preponderant poor tyrannizing the rich. Instead of seeing it as a fair system under which everyone has equal rights, they regarded it as manifestly unjust. In Aristotle's works, this is categorized as the difference between 'arithmetic' and 'geometric' (i.e. proportional) equality.

Let's do a thought experiment. Why is it so important for you to defend the right for women to vote ? Did you reach this conclusion by logic or are you just personally triggered as you show in your post due to solipsism. Maybe you should take a step back and understand that not having the right to vote, has no bearing on your personal independency to make choices about whatever you want to do. Egypt had a monarchial system where neither men or women had any right to vote. And yet, women had absolute freedom which were not granted to them even in Ancient Greece. They even had powerful positions in government. Right to vote doesn't mean anything and the basic premise of Universal Suffrage democracy is wrong and Jewish is nature. America as I said was never a democracy. It was a constitutional republic where only white men who owned land and did certain public duties(I can't remember what) like mandatory firefighting service were allowed to vote. And I strongly support this view that women most definitely should not be allowed to vote. And most men shouldn't be allowed to vote either. If we are to preserve and protect our societies, we must do what the ancients did.

On another point, I would not even want ANY kind of democracy at ANY point in the human future, neither a constitutional republic or a democracy. What I support is what the Gods have I.e a meritocratic social system with caste divisions.

Answering the point on elections brought up by ShadowTheRaven. No the women who voted for trump did not vote for him based on logic. They voted for him based on emotion. As did men. And surprise suprise, your logic doesn't exist in a void either. Humans don't have perfect knowledge and have a lot of cognitive biases. As such cognitive biases drive your logic and interchangeably reinforce both your logic and emotions. Which makes us humans and not machines. Adolf Hitler addressed this point in his book Mein Kampf and understand the real danger of giving power to common people would bring,
Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people. (...) All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. (...) The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. The broad masses of the people are not made up of diplomats or professors of public jurisprudence nor simply of persons who are able to form reasoned judgment in given cases, but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another. (...) The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.[5]

This is the hegelian dialectic of right vs left created by Jews and numerous ideologies for their political profit. In fact if you think about it, every ideology is wrong as it is not perfect and cannot be perfect and theres a possibility theres a better idea or ideology that hasn't been devised yet.

This is why HPMageson omce said not to get caught up in ideology. Ideology is basically something that is a marxist conception. A conceptual theoretical framework of ideas that when implemented would bring paradise on earth. Until a few years ago ,people governed with Eugenics, common sense and following their natural instincts (National Socialism .) As we've seen following strict conceptual ideas landed us in this shitshow were currently in.

We accepted the ideological framework which we later learnt was poisonous and allowed jews to gain power over everything.

1)Universal suffrage democracy
2)Feminism(destroyed male - female relationships totally) and no fault divorce.
3)Divorce rape laws which is making men wary of commitment and marriage.
4)Immigration (based on the fake sociological notion that races can become equal with social,cultural and nutritional conditions. )
5)Trusting jews
6)Allowing jews in your country and allowing them in positions of power (Allowed both in Constitutional and Universal democracy. )
7)Consumerism, Materialism and Individualistic Vanity (Junk food, increasing dependence on machines, Instagram and Social Media, Information Overload and misdirection from Huxleys Brave new world. )
8)Making decisions based on Sociological Studies.

We should have just followed common sense about self preservation and betterment and we wouldn't be in this situation we're in now.

The first solution to our problems would be to end this democracy nonsense and transition into a flexible system similar to National Socialism. And I would never want this system to end. (The thousand year reich.) However if humanity ever considered to enact a democracy after eliminating all Jewish influences, as a transition phase, we should allow only a few distinguished men to vote like in the original America.

As for that I never support enacting any law that would ever limit a womans choice about how to live her life. And I do not support any that limit a mans life as well. She and he should be allowed to choose to work or do whatever she wants. The personal lives of people is not our issue. We need to realize the biological differences that we know from antiquity and enact our laws according to common sense. Let's not pretend the recent understanding about Women and their roles isn't completely a feminist caricature made by jews. So anytime someone paints an accurate gentile view about society and how our ancestors thought and acted about, doesn't mean they're under enemy influence. It just means your under the psychological manipulation game of agreeing with normality set upon be jews. Or you could simply be some kind of retard who believes hundreds of thousands of years of great civilizations and somehow the only time someone thought about giving every single person the right to vote was after feminism was created by jews from the cultural marxism doctrine. Literally what a cohencidence. Somehow every single Ancient philosopher and statesman was a misogynist and your liberal arts professor is a true feminist. The Vikings, The Greek,the vedic Aryans,The Persians. Literally no one was capable of conceptualizing about the importance that women needed to have the right to vote ,muh equality and an enlightened rabbi came along after beating his wife and said -

"Trust me goyim, women and men having the right to vote is a very important thing which really really affects your personal life. Now just get me elected and I'll giving you more FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY. I promise I'll make you happy. I'll bring the paradise on earth"

I just had to come back and address this issue from my absence because you guys can't help it. This should help you develop some understanding and context about this situation. And if it doesn't, I cant help you because I cant keep coming back to address this. I have shit to do and am currently very busy. If you're doubtful, look at the entirety of ancient and modern history and compare it with the last hundred years where the jews gained power and you'll understand exactly what's going on here.

You might as well be mature about these things if your going to talk about it. You shouldn't just defend positions that are wrong just cause you can or they like you said appear by someone on here or somewhere awhile back. Just cause someone else other than you says something somewhere doesn't mean its right and just cause you personally don't want something like some sort of elections or democratic vote (WTF if I am understanding this right you think we just should have some leader impose him or herself on the population and some system and no one should have any say in this and the "leaders and government" should take away free choice of everyone) that kind of thing would backfire on us in a total and complete way right now with the level people are at even without the Jews some gentiles can be evil too especially if they were brainwashed into Abrahamic religions. I don't think that's how its going to end up being or what is planned.

What matters here is what the Gods want to have happen. I certainly don't think they would want some low vibration Incel type system created by Neo Nazi type people.

Am I understanding you correctly in that this is what you want. If so please read all the stuff on Nazism on the JOS site. That's not what it was about.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
slyscorpion said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:

First of all I want to be very clear that I am not on anybody's side on this argument whatsoever, I am not specifically talking to anyone in particular unless indicated or specifically going against, backing up or pushing down any one of you. I am simply going to say as is with my own opinions and what I know.

Gender is the context of nature to one's soul and role as their true self and who they are.

By nature, and this does not define as a dictated foundation to every single one as for reasons the Third Sex exists under the factor that not everything is 100% black and white, but by general nature in both spiritual and biological aspect:

Men are logical, strong, enduring, confident and powerful

Women are emotional, tender, nurturing, beautiful, blissful and protective

Both genders can embellish their souls with the spiritual aspects of the opposite based on their natural composition and personality and this is simply as who they are, but this does not mean denying entirely your own nature to overextend these other factors beyond what is actually true to who you are because of fear or some whimpering plea of "I'm not weak". Weakness is defined by finding strength in something that isn't you or that you are not, it is the denial of the self because of the fear labels and by doing this you can't even find yourself.

The enemy makes women so afraid to be women by stressing the emotional feelings of inferiority and vulnerability by a few small factors to their nature such as "Men naturally grow more muscle than woman because of testosterone therefore are naturally physically stronger" and they play this off to women as "Women are physically weaker than men therefore by nature are weak overall and can't have strength in anything" when this is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen and then women extend this to literally every damn thing under the sun from lifting a car to something as menial as a voting system. Who honestly cares that much about voting? I've never voted once in my life and I'm a man, am I supposed to because I have some sort of 'privilege'?

So what you're not physically stronger by nature than a man, so what you're not naturally more logical than a man, am I supposed to cry about being white because black men have larger dicks than me by the very fact that them as a race naturally have far higher testosterone than us? Or can I just love myself for who I am by MY nature and not someone elses?

On the male side men are so inundated by enemy garbage even just by the whole "women are weak thing" that everything that makes women beautiful, alluring and positively amazing by their nature in what they cater to is practically a sin to all men. We can't cry, we can't tend lovingly to a garden of pretty flowers, we can't paint a pretty colourful picture. "Oh men are physically stronger than women therefore men must always be strong in every aspect, oy vey muh testosterone levels".

And even still by this obsession with strength men have to sickeningly beat down on everybody else, including other men who don't match up to their 'dude-bro' levels and every little thing about women needs to for some reason be nitpicked down to the last molecular cell, because with men and obsession about being "real" men everything has to be a combat, everything just have to be a big fight because 'muh strength, power and muh right to control and conquer because of this bro, yooo testosterone'.

So both genders are fucked up in perception, until bullshit is cleared from the air of enemy influential mess, neither side will see truth or understanding in anything and there's no real point in throwing a shitstorm argument about it.

It's not about the right to do this or fucking right to do that, it's not about confining so strictly a single gender that you refuse to let blossom forth the other aspects of their personality because women are not 100% women and men are not 100% men, I enjoy flowers, I like jewelry, I don't want to by my nature be confined to a gym for the rest of my life or thrust into a bar to down beers in a drinking game because it's the 'mans' thing to do just because I'm a man. And likewise not every damn women is going to want to stay home and take care of a family, by nature that is a women's desire because of the natural caterings to feminine aspects, but not every single one.

And this natural aspect to them by NATURE is pushed down by wanting to be equal to men in every aspect, I can hardly find a damn women anymore who actually desires to nurture and raise a family anymore and this is bad especially when our race is so on the decline. They shut out their feminine natures and what brings forth progress and looks after what is good and in turn they end up losing the very desires that are NEEDED for our SPECIES TO CONTINUE. Every librarian I've ever met has been female because it is the women's nature to nurture, care for, protect and preserve things like knowledge, stories and information, this is their nature.

When this is who you are and what you actually want to be yet you constantly fight it to try and be more like the opposite because "muh feelings of inferiority" then this entire world loses the necessary balances. Clearly with this in mind in the context of women overall in the human race not desiring families and not desiring to have children because they consistently push down those female natures that incite such desires to try be equal to men, there are much bigger problems than the menial right to vote.

So to Jack personally my words to you specifically are, by nature yes, it is true for genders to be enabled to fall in line with who they are as their natural gender catering aspect, but you're missing the point in that Hitler was not trying to suffocate each gender into a specific category of 'be this or die', but was disgusted by how the jews messed up their perception of what their nature is by their catering aspects of the feminine spirituality and the masculine spirituality by way of their gender, therefore blinding them to the potential of finding who they actually ARE.

"We do not consider it correct for the woman to interfere in the world of the man, in his main sphere. We consider it natural if these two worlds remain distinct."

This is in reference to women taking up the helm of the male aspects in denial of their feminine nature, not by the literal interference of the "man and his work", women were forcefully placed into the throes of the dealings of men when it completely stepped outside where they were comfortable and happy. Note the statement of "in his main sphere" eluding to the primary means of his nature which is the masculine aspect of spirituality to which with women denying all they are to take up in the destruction of their distinct uniqueness and beauty for who they are. This is why he said "We consider it natural if these two worlds remain distinct", the two gender aspects for what they are, opposites with their own benefits that work together.

This has nothing to do with third sex people who are the middle ground by their nature of both gender aspects and everything in between, but of the actual women and the actual men souls who in composition cater to their natural, well, nature, of which for women in the denying of such causes ruin to themselves in the long haul by corrupting their beautiful origins of spirituality and symbolisms in trying to be more like men because society run by jews is forcing or egging them on to be as so by making them feel inferior for being women.

I am Twin Souled, I see very clearly both sides, I understand what each side perceives, how they perceive it and how each of their distinct natures are and how each one is being ruined in perceptual denial of what it is. I see and know the beauty and incredible wonders of the feminine aspects, I appreciate so adoringly when girls can just be girls and don't feel pressured to be like men where they can just enjoy the things they know they enjoy.

I worked with a women in the past in a physically labourous job where we were surrounded by men and she was the only female worker in our back room. She was stressed constantly about trying to prove herself to us, to be strong, and every customer who asked us men to carry something for them she forcefully would butt in front of us and tell them she'd do it instead and would almost bite each customers head off every time they would ask her if she was sure or if they told her "But it's quite heavy".

She was also emotionally inclined though and empathic, which is natural for women to be so she would cry a lot when customers would doubt her like this or even get upset at her but she always, always, always tried to hold this back or hide it or shut away from the entire back room completely, sometimes even go home because she couldn't calm down. This is NATURAL and it not weakness, women are natural empaths because of feminine aspects they cater to naturally and their natural tuning to their psychic centres, they take in people's negativity easily because of this and it affects them, being Twin-Souled I share this aspect and it is the same for me as well and I don't deny it because it's part of my soul and who I am but she would always see this as weakness just like your average 'bro-dude' would.

She kept stressing herself so much in trying to be like us and it broke my heart every single damn time I had to see it because she just wouldn't realize how much she was ruining herself and her own nature by trying to be who she isn't. When she started to trust me enough she shared with me the things she actually enjoyed doing, painting, flowers, pretty blissful things like art, jewelry, and she felt comfortable in sharing this with me because I was the only man who enjoyed those things too at that job and was open about it. I could see and tell that those pass-times and things she enjoyed were who she really was and she was denying it constantly by trying to be masculine and denying her natural feminine nature. She told me she worked out a lot and boasted she was stronger than the other men that worked here but she struggled to lift and move things that I had no trouble in doing so and she would never ask me for help, only hurting herself further.

This is why I get very upset when I see women who are actually inclined to feminine things deny it so intensely or feel inferior because of it and try to be like men or try to be equal to men. If you have to make an actual conscious effort to be "yourself", then you're not being yourself... I never found myself by making up a character, I never discovered who I was by looking at something, thinking 'oh that looks cool I'll wear that on my personality', no. I found myself by shedding away everything I was trying to be in order to find out who I actually am underneath the layer of protective fantasy and plastic influence.

If you're a women who is more logical or a bit more masculine than other women by your natural spiritual composition as who you truly are and not by some influence of what you feel you need to be the moment someone calls you weak, that's fantastic, you be you, if you're not naturally inclined to feminine aspects as a female, there's nothing wrong with that but this does not mean you have to extend this to going as far as "I am 100% equal to man because of this therefore I am no longer a woman and can totally deny the whole woman factor because I am strawngh and oh I'll benchpress you". Not even third-sex people can 100% say they're just a man or a women in 'equality', I don't feel comfortable seeing myself as either distinct soul, I am my own metaphysic and am just me for who I am.

The society made by jews is not our society, it is a corrupt one. Nobody should have to follow it's dictations and nobody should be under the emotional and manipulative influences of it. Confining, subjecting, denying, suffocating, manipulating, altering, transferring, faking and forcing.... all of this is completely moot when Satan says in The Al Jilwah:

"I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature"

But what your nature IS must be unburdened, unburied and discovered, not forced, made up, or artificially influenced. Who you are most comfortable in being, who you are truly happiest as, and even then, this cannot be fully 100% known until your soul is free of all burdens, bindings and hangups. Go with your gut feeling, truth is not emotional, it is not illusion nor is it fantasy, it's not even logic, it simply IS. It can take years to find this, but because of this factor, there's no point in fighting about it. Each individual on this path will realize what needs to be realized with guidance and teachings from Satan and the gods that is unique to each individual, they will direct you to see realization and truths as is fit for you that helps you be happier with yourself and who you are on this journey.

Cobra said that on this path many transformations of the self take place, who you are now you will not be in the future. I have long lost who I was in the past for the better, and I have long lost who I thought was me as my true self, only to find out who the real me is, unburdened from pains, free from the illusions and free from the sufferings I didn't see, and I couldn't be more happier with who I am and myself, but Satan will prove me wrong in this and still show me ways to realize that yes, I can be even more happier with who I am than this.

I don't ever want to regress or go back. Those changes I thought were scary while they were happening? Not even close to how scary the idea of going back to before those changes are now on the other side. Just live and learn guys, seriously. We're on the same side, just on different branches and sometimes it takes a while for the bad leaves to fall. That's all.

When you recognize far too strongly that not all things are black and white then you focus too heavily on the grey in between and end up denying the existence of the black and the existence of the white all-together so you never see the beauty of either side and only get the mixed shit of grey, just like our enemies who want to mix everything into 1. 1 race, 1 gender, 1 world order, 1 global state, 1 track, 1 mind and 1 prison.

When everything is equal, nothing matters. Our very universe is comprised of oppositional forces, there are two sides to every vibration, each channel has a high positive vibration and a low negative vibration, duality, when two forces are pitted against one another equally to the most perfected balance, they cancel each other. No distinction, no difference, no uniqueness, no experience of either side, no negatives, no positives, unfeeling, apathetic, emptiness, vacant, void, no you anymore.

Just nothing.

The All, the Aether, the Ether element, the most perfected element of our universe it is the most balanced, the most perfect, the most equal to everything, it comes from everything, makes everything, enables everything but as itself as the most perfect balanced element, energy and entity of all in the most perfect equality on it's very own where it is all energy vibrations equal to one another... it is nothing. This is why it is also called The Void.

To try and attain perfect equality, is to attain a state of meaninglessness, a state of nothing. What was unique, is snuffed out. And yet on the other spectrum to focus so heavily on distinction, is to deny the grounds of the utilization of other factors to one's own benefits in their natural composition and caterings. To do that is to deny the very existence of the Third Sex even and Twin Souled individuals. Everything is a spectrum upon a channel of high and low vibrations, a sliding scale from one side to the other, some are in the middle, some a little far to the left, some a little bit to the right, but where each individual truly sits is where they should care for their own nature on that scale.

Not someone elses.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:

Imagine unironically using the term incel when you're exhibiting the exact same behavior of one, and talking about perceived ugliness within the self when nobody's talking about that at all except you. You take your own shortcomings out on me, calling me a pussy, a liar, ugly, and that nobody loves me when that behavior and characteristics are coming from you and only you. When have I ever in the past 3 months or so brought up the topic of being ugly or unlovable? Go ahead, skim my posts and link them because I smell bullshit, Jack(ass).
If you hadn't brought it up in this thread I wouldn't be replying to it, would I ? And no I'm not calling you an incel. There was another guy who started the incel argument. The premise that you self identify with that label tells me everything I need to know. Think about it. Everyone read that irate argument about killing ugly people. Everyone was like "lol,that's funny." and glossed it over. But somehow you got triggered and you brought that months after into some unrelated topic about Universal Suffrage Democracy. Imagine being so insecure that your self preservation mechanism is turning on when I say ugly people should be euthanized (which sounds something like dark edgy humor).

"HUH ?? UGLY people should be Euthanized ? IM UGLY!!! So he thinks I should be Euthanized ?? I need to fucking protect myself.
" - Your subconscious processes

I really don't, because frankly people are morons, and I hate being around them no matter what their gender is or my relationship to them.
Ironically you lack so much self awareness, its almost sad. I mean its really really sad man. I feel for you and the kind of upbringing you had. If your father would have instilled emotional independence and affirmed your masculinity, you wouldn't be in this situation. If your mother had shown you enough love,you wouldn't be so emotionally codependent and insecure.

Why do you think you hate everyone ? Why do you think you hate being around them ? Why do you think you believe everyone is a moron ?

Your being as in your inner self is still a little immature boy who is extremely afraid, insecure and hates himself in his entirety because he feels he was never loved and will never be loved. You have a pathological need to feel good about yourself through external validation which is why you care so much about what other people think. And because you really really hate yourself from the most innermost depths, you feel really scared that others might as well.

You have the soid inner core beliefs that
1)I'm a worthless human being who doesn't deserve anyone's love.
2)My mother hates me and I don't deserve anyone's love.
3)My father never bonded with me and didn't care about me which is why I'm not a man. I need constant reassurance about my masculinity.

Your living in denial. You hate yourself and you fear that others might also hate you I.e everyone must hate you. And to protect yourself from the pain,fear and uncertainty you Psychologically shield yourself behind an irate hatred for the entire world.

"I hate myself and I fear others might hate me. I'm extremely insecure and I cant take rejection. So to shield myself from it I'll reject everyone before they had the chance to reject me. "

"I'll reject people before they get the chance to reject me."

You can't Psychologically handle rejection from people because you're so insecure and weak. Your an extremely feminine manchild who will start suppressing his tears when he's told that "we don't care about you. "

You want to feel special. Like a special ugly snowflake who doesn't have to take reality. Because reality is harsh. Sometimes women reject you, sometimes men don't respect you. Shit happens. But instead of taking on the world like a man, you slip into your little fantasy cocoon of "I hate being around everyone." Because it's safe and you don't have to put yourself out there. You really really care about what others think about you. But you fear no one cares about you, as you hate yourself. You feel your just non existent to them. And thus, to shield yourself from uncertainty you put up this wall of hate. Will you try to kill yourself if you found out your mother and father never cared about you ? And not that they didn't care about you, she feels abject hate for you and that you were born. She isn't proud to have you and regrets that you were born. They think your a worthless piece of trash undeserving of any love and intimacy. And this is your life.

I feel sad about you, I really really do. But trust me, your not a special ugly snowflake. Your just feminine to the point you cant handle reality so you put up a shield of "I hate everyone " to protect yourself from getting rejected and not accepted.

You must be sick and tired of living in solitary scorched earth on repeat for years,everyday . Being scorned, refused intimacy and friendship, being all alone all the time. No friends, no one to care for you, no one you can confide it or bond with. Its such a painful and sad existence.

You know it's true in your heart and you might publicly deny this but the void that you feel in your heart will always remind you of the truth in my words as it has never been spelled out for you. I don't need to convince you as you get the feeling that you know makes it true everyday. You can put up the front up all you want. Nothing harsh that I will ever say will be harsher than what you feel about yourself. That you feel your worthless and you will always remain worthless, every single second of your existence. This is your life and your living in it.

I suggest talking to someone and healing.
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.
Maybe you should develop mental strength if you lack it and not feel entitled to an apology everytime some position offends you. I'm not going to address unnecessary irrelevant points disconnected from the topic at hand.

Just because I have a different of opinion about universal suffrage democracy does not mean I hate women. Infact if anything, the majority of women at the time when the right to vote was secured, did not want the right to vote. There were a couple of Jews and communists/anarchists who led the movement and this feminism movement from the earlier stages. Feminism is simply a category of cultural Marxism where they ignore biology and try to make nonsensical claims about power struggles and such. Maybe you should study the works of Ancient Greek scholars before attempting to punch me in the face. Because these scholars held the exact same views about democracy and if you tried to punch them in the face they would swiftly dodge and beat you up.
Similarly, Plato and Aristotle criticized democratic rule as the numerically preponderant poor tyrannizing the rich. Instead of seeing it as a fair system under which everyone has equal rights, they regarded it as manifestly unjust. In Aristotle's works, this is categorized as the difference between 'arithmetic' and 'geometric' (i.e. proportional) equality.

Let's do a thought experiment. Why is it so important for you to defend the right for women to vote ? Did you reach this conclusion by logic or are you just personally triggered as you show in your post due to solipsism. Maybe you should take a step back and understand that not having the right to vote, has no bearing on your personal independency to make choices about whatever you want to do. Egypt had a monarchial system where neither men or women had any right to vote. And yet, women had absolute freedom which were not granted to them even in Ancient Greece. They even had powerful positions in government. Right to vote doesn't mean anything and the basic premise of Universal Suffrage democracy is wrong and Jewish is nature. America as I said was never a democracy. It was a constitutional republic where only white men who owned land and did certain public duties(I can't remember what) like mandatory firefighting service were allowed to vote. And I strongly support this view that women most definitely should not be allowed to vote. And most men shouldn't be allowed to vote either. If we are to preserve and protect our societies, we must do what the ancients did.

On another point, I would not even want ANY kind of democracy at ANY point in the human future, neither a constitutional republic or a democracy. What I support is what the Gods have I.e a meritocratic social system with caste divisions.

Answering the point on elections brought up by ShadowTheRaven. No the women who voted for trump did not vote for him based on logic. They voted for him based on emotion. As did men. And surprise suprise, your logic doesn't exist in a void either. Humans don't have perfect knowledge and have a lot of cognitive biases. As such cognitive biases drive your logic and interchangeably reinforce both your logic and emotions. Which makes us humans and not machines. Adolf Hitler addressed this point in his book Mein Kampf and understand the real danger of giving power to common people would bring,
Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people. (...) All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. (...) The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. The broad masses of the people are not made up of diplomats or professors of public jurisprudence nor simply of persons who are able to form reasoned judgment in given cases, but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another. (...) The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.[5]

This is the hegelian dialectic of right vs left created by Jews and numerous ideologies for their political profit. In fact if you think about it, every ideology is wrong as it is not perfect and cannot be perfect and theres a possibility theres a better idea or ideology that hasn't been devised yet.

This is why HPMageson omce said not to get caught up in ideology. Ideology is basically something that is a marxist conception. A conceptual theoretical framework of ideas that when implemented would bring paradise on earth. Until a few years ago ,people governed with Eugenics, common sense and following their natural instincts (National Socialism .) As we've seen following strict conceptual ideas landed us in this shitshow were currently in.

We accepted the ideological framework which we later learnt was poisonous and allowed jews to gain power over everything.

1)Universal suffrage democracy
2)Feminism(destroyed male - female relationships totally) and no fault divorce.
3)Divorce rape laws which is making men wary of commitment and marriage.
4)Immigration (based on the fake sociological notion that races can become equal with social,cultural and nutritional conditions. )
5)Trusting jews
6)Allowing jews in your country and allowing them in positions of power (Allowed both in Constitutional and Universal democracy. )
7)Consumerism, Materialism and Individualistic Vanity (Junk food, increasing dependence on machines, Instagram and Social Media, Information Overload and misdirection from Huxleys Brave new world. )
8)Making decisions based on Sociological Studies.

We should have just followed common sense about self preservation and betterment and we wouldn't be in this situation we're in now.

The first solution to our problems would be to end this democracy nonsense and transition into a flexible system similar to National Socialism. And I would never want this system to end. (The thousand year reich.) However if humanity ever considered to enact a democracy after eliminating all Jewish influences, as a transition phase, we should allow only a few distinguished men to vote like in the original America.

As for that I never support enacting any law that would ever limit a womans choice about how to live her life. And I do not support any that limit a mans life as well. She and he should be allowed to choose to work or do whatever she wants. The personal lives of people is not our issue. We need to realize the biological differences that we know from antiquity and enact our laws according to common sense. Let's not pretend the recent understanding about Women and their roles isn't completely a feminist caricature made by jews. So anytime someone paints an accurate gentile view about society and how our ancestors thought and acted about, doesn't mean they're under enemy influence. It just means your under the psychological manipulation game of agreeing with normality set upon be jews. Or you could simply be some kind of retard who believes hundreds of thousands of years of great civilizations and somehow the only time someone thought about giving every single person the right to vote was after feminism was created by jews from the cultural marxism doctrine. Literally what a cohencidence. Somehow every single Ancient philosopher and statesman was a misogynist and your liberal arts professor is a true feminist. The Vikings, The Greek,the vedic Aryans,The Persians. Literally no one was capable of conceptualizing about the importance that women needed to have the right to vote ,muh equality and an enlightened rabbi came along after beating his wife and said -

"Trust me goyim, women and men having the right to vote is a very important thing which really really affects your personal life. Now just get me elected and I'll giving you more FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY. I promise I'll make you happy. I'll bring the paradise on earth"

I just had to come back and address this issue from my absence because you guys can't help it. This should help you develop some understanding and context about this situation. And if it doesn't, I cant help you because I cant keep coming back to address this. I have shit to do and am currently very busy. If you're doubtful, look at the entirety of ancient and modern history and compare it with the last hundred years where the jews gained power and you'll understand exactly what's going on here.

You might as well be mature about these things if your going to talk about it. You shouldn't just defend positions that are wrong just cause you can or they like you said appear by someone on here or somewhere awhile back. Just cause someone else other than you says something somewhere doesn't mean its right and just cause you personally don't want something like some sort of elections or democratic vote (WTF if I am understanding this right you think we just should have some leader impose him or herself on the population and some system and no one should have any say in this and the "leaders and government" should take away free choice of everyone) that kind of thing would backfire on us in a total and complete way right now with the level people are at even without the Jews some gentiles can be evil too especially if they were brainwashed into Abrahamic religions. I don't think that's how its going to end up being or what is planned.

What matters here is what the Gods want to have happen. I certainly don't think they would want some low vibration Incel type system created by Neo Nazi type people.

Am I understanding you correctly in that this is what you want. If so please read all the stuff on Nazism on the JOS site. That's not what it was about.
Please read the Mein Kampf and study books about the Third Reich in the 4th Reich archive if you don't understand what I am talking about. I'm inside a Nazi group talking about National Socialism and the woes of Universal Suffrage Democracy. What kind of system could I possibly be talking about ?
VoiceofEnki said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Doesn't add up does it.

Well who said you reincarnated instantly?

You don't instantly reincarnate, however 6 lifetimes over 3000 years is very unlikely.

I used to feel the same, that people could spend very long periods of time between incarnations, hundreds, or even more than a thousand years, however, that simply doesn't happen, or doesn't seem to happen in practice. Perhaps in very special cases where a persons soul is kept in Duat by the Gods for certain reasons, but it wouldn't happen to most people, not even those who are with Satan.

From my limited experience with souls, I've noticed it's very common for souls to reincarnate within a few years after their deaths. While this is mostly an educated guess, I believe it would be the same for almost everyone, even SS, where it's rare to take more than a few decades to reincarnate between lifetimes.

The soul is simply not made to spend long periods of time on the astral without a physical body. You constantly dissipate without a physical incarnation, unless you have performed very specific spiritual advancement which immortalizes your soul, a pseudo magnum opus if you will, but that is exceptionally rare.

While I do not know this for certain, I have a strong feeling you can expect to incarnate within a few decades after your previous lifetime at most, maybe a 100 years tops, unless it is a very special case. So if you would have a soul that is 3000 years old, you'd likely have lived anywhere up to 30 lifetimes.

Remembering your past lives can be very convoluted and difficult. Mostly any sort of impactful events and memories will come back to you first, as well as memories about things you particularly care about. Certain lifetimes may be much more mundane than others, so you are less likely to remember these, and end up with large gaps in your timeline that will fill in over time as you explore your soul more.

However, don't dwell too much on the past. It is interesting to remember, and necessary to work out the dross, as well as helpful in waking your latent talents and potential, but the number of lives you may have lived, or age of your soul, doesn't really mean anything.

One can have lived a lot of lives and be an ancient soul, but still be an insignificant and mediocre person in their current life. It is best to focus on the present and evaluate yourself how you are now, and see where you can/need to improve or make gains in the current moment. Being an old soul comes with it's own difficulties, namely that one will carry a lot more dross than others, which can weigh you down significantly in your current life.

By the very nature of it, past life regression can cause a lot of confusion, and it is extremely easy to misinterpret some kind of experience, a dream experience, or even the memories of another that you may tap into as your own, as well as wishful thinking making you biased in your assessment of yourself. For this reason, past life regression is something one should take very slowly, and not make any assumptions based on partial evidence, as it is very easy to deceive yourself, or even loose yourself totally in delusion when working on this.

Even the oldest souls on Earth, are merely small existences compared to our Gods. It is easy to let things get to your head when you figure you must be an old soul, but you should always remember this is almost irrelevant in practice. Even if one would remember all their dozens of lifetimes and remember all their abilities, talents, knowledge and wisdom in the present, you'd still be less advanced and significant than even a single one of our Gods.

The most powerful and useful thing I have found coming from past lives is the emotions stemming from the memories you have of all your lives, as well as the immensely deep connection to your race. It is for example possible that you are your own ancestor.

The sense of accomplishment and also ineffability you feel when you look back across history and realize you have been a part of almost every era until this day, is incredible and truly empowering.

You are you, but at the same time, you are more than a mere individual. You have been many across many lifetimes. You are the race and the race is you. It is difficult for me to put into words, but that sense of connection to your race as an old soul is truly marvelous and very significant.

This is something young souls would never be able to truly understand.

There is an old folklore that says that satan fell in love with a human woman and made a deal with xtain God that she would reincarnate about every 100 years
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
The first solution to our problems would be to end this democracy nonsense and transition into a flexible system similar to National Socialism. And I would never want this system to end. (The thousand year reich.) However if humanity ever considered to enact a democracy after eliminating all Jewish influences, as a transition phase, we should allow only a few distinguished men to vote like in the original America.

As for that I never support enacting any law that would ever limit a womans choice about how to live her life. And I do not support any that limit a mans life as well. She and he should be allowed to choose to work or do whatever she wants. The personal lives of people is not our issue. We need to realize the biological differences that we know from antiquity and enact our laws according to common sense. Let's not pretend the recent understanding about Women and their roles isn't completely a feminist caricature made by jews. So anytime someone paints an accurate gentile view about society and how our ancestors thought and acted about, doesn't mean they're under enemy influence. It just means your under the psychological manipulation game of agreeing with normality set upon be jews. Or you could simply be some kind of retard who believes hundreds of thousands of years of great civilizations and somehow the only time someone thought about giving every single person the right to vote was after feminism was created by jews from the cultural marxism doctrine. Literally what a cohencidence. Somehow every single Ancient philosopher and statesman was a misogynist and your liberal arts professor is a true feminist. The Vikings, The Greek,the vedic Aryans,The Persians. Literally no one was capable of conceptualizing about the importance that women needed to have the right to vote ,muh equality and an enlightened rabbi came along after beating his wife and said -

"Trust me goyim, women and men having the right to vote is a very important thing which really really affects your personal life. Now just get me elected and I'll giving you more FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY. I promise I'll make you happy. I'll bring the paradise on earth"
1)Hey man, I think this system about Farmers being serfs to these barons isn't all that good.

If you're really determined to destroy European Feudalism, I honestly wish you the best of luck. I hope you can spawn armies stronger than every nation that matters combined, because you will need to destroy and rebuild all Of Europe, Asia and Africa.

**Feudalism ends**

2)Hey man about this monarchy situation we have,

If you're really determined to destroy worldwide Monarchy, I honestly wish you the best of luck. I hope you can spawn armies stronger than every nation that matters combined, because you will need to destroy and rebuild all of the world.

You must be some sort of madman to think that you can singlehandedly start, fight, and win ending monarchy.

**Monarchy ENDS.**

3)About this communist situation we have going on now,

If you're really determined to destroy worldwide Communism, I honestly wish you the best of luck. I hope you can spawn armies stronger than every nation that matters combined, because you will need to destroy and rebuild all of Eastern Europe ,Russia,Major portions of Asia ,Latin and South America.

You must be some sort of madman to think that you can singlehandedly start, fight, and win Literal World War 3 to end Communism .

**Communism Ends.**

"The I'm a retard who doesn't understand cyclical history or context and yet I'm going to comment completely irrelevant and senseless non sequiturs to look intelligent starter pack."

"Hey man I think this ideology is not good and this ideology is better than this. "

You must be a madman to think you can change this situation ,this ideology exists in the entire world. "

**Worldwide situation changes after 4th turning, retard acts confused.**

Can you please stop commenting about situations you have no understanding about. Like if you don't know something, you should admit. "Yeah I don't understand this ,so I'm going to read history and the transformation of societies in cycles and understand that every political and cultural situation is transient and will be followed by another paradigm in time." And not "Yeah I don't understand anything but I'm going to randomly spam non sequiturs like a retard."
Jack said:
Ye.. no Im not into writing essays so Ill keep it short. Each nr stands for an alinea you wrote.
This refers to the post with date stamp: 20 Aug 2020 7:08 pm

1. Im not asking for an apology. I posted it to make you realize what you are saying.

2. How many of these women have been xianly indoctrinated and been subjected to submission for how long exactly? Women were not much more than cattle back then. Being allowed to vote was a big deal, giving these people their right to excistence back.
You really should learn to separate truth from lies better in what you read, is what Im thinking.

3. quote]. If the world should be ruled by the spiritual elite, why are we to be excempt; seeing as the female nature is already more of the spiritual.
Old teksts that have been written down could have been altered when people rewrote it, changing their words. Everything was written down by hand, not by photocopy. Old ideas may be good sometimes but it is also a persons duty to learn and evolve if the teaching that is taught does not apply to the situation.

4. The whole reason I replied is because you are constantly bashing women and the female mind, in any way. So Im asking you: What are you afraid of?

6. It is not a civilians job to know everything that goes on in the country, but it is the job of those who lead to know this stuff. So that they may make the right decisions.
However, to say that you can be voted into power by only a select few, the unrest in the folk will grow, and illusions will stand. It is important to listen to one another, otherwise itll be your head that gets chopped off.
However, the whole reason we even got to vote was to have a voice, to stand up against the slave drivers in the industry working people to their bones for too little money. It opened a way to change.
Right now we are in such a strange situation, that ideas from back then, nor the recent ideas apply.

7. quote]. He wrote that in relation to how the politicians were trying to win over the public, and how they were interacting with each other. Politicians today make it confusing and hard to understand on purpose, but on no occasion should there be doubt in what one is saying to another. This isnt shown in excessive intellectual prowess but in clear communication.
Hitler may have used some words which may have been a tad bit harder to understand but he never qrote or said any nonsense.
Now youre making me write an essay while I said I didnt want to so Ill say this:

k Im not even going to bother with the reat cuz theyre just your thoughts typed out in a plan of some sorts.

Accorsing to the jewish book women are slaves. A lot of female figures have been made to disappear from history, especially those that stood up, and went to war or did other things that you say are not "womanly" and want to prohibit them from yet you are saying no woman should be limited.

Quit the double talk. Because we are free for ourselves if we want to choose to go to war. If we want to be politicians fine, but let me tell you one thing, when it comes to socializing, and bullying, we'll drive the thorn just so deep in your side you wont know where its coming from. Because our fights may not be with the fists, but they can get hell a lot uglier than you think.
Jack said:
Can you please stop commenting about situations you have no understanding about. Like if you don't know something, you should admit. "Yeah I don't understand this ,so I'm going to read history and the transformation of societies in cycles and understand that every political and cultural situation is transient and will be followed by another paradigm in time." And not "Yeah I don't understand anything but I'm going to randomly spam non sequiturs like a retard."

Were you at the French Revolution? Did you fight the American Revolution? Gee, what about the Spanish Civil War? World War 1?

Ideologies have changed because a nation has rebelled, set up their ideology and other countries followed suit one by one. They didn't "declare war on every existing Monarchy at once" like you're declaring war on every Democracy at once. How did Hitler implement National Socialism? He used democracy to his advantage, consolidated his power, and by 1933 Germany's government was completely transformed. Read a fucking book.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Women are emotional, tender, nurturing, beautiful, blissful and protective

Sorry that Im saying this, but saying that someone is emotional has such a negative ring to it, that I'd propose a different descriptive word, that more or less means the same or has the same aspect..

So both genders are fucked up in perception, until bullshit is cleared from the air of enemy influential mess, neither side will see truth or understanding in anything and there's no real point in throwing a shitstorm argument about it.

They shut out their feminine natures and what brings forth progress and looks after what is good and in turn they end up losing the very desires that are NEEDED for our SPECIES TO CONTINUE. Every librarian I've ever met has been female because it is the women's nature to nurture, care for, protect and preserve things like knowledge, stories and information, this is their nature.

Read the following.. it is a quote from a book called The Practice of Traditional Herbalism - Basic doctrine, energetics and classification. Page 20, alinea one:

"..the need for objective observation and analytical study, the use of these methods alone, as if they were the only true measure of reality, in and of itself is an inherently sick and flawed condition. It skews the human organism by rendering obsolete skills and faculties it has always relied upon to contend with environmental and internal stress. As a consequence, we in the West have lost much in the way of our traditional energetic systems.
We pride ourselves on education and sophistication, but we have lost the ability to speak about the world as an intuitive experience."

I worked with a women in the past in a physically labourous job where we were surrounded by men and she was the only female worker in our back room. She was stressed constantly about trying to prove herself to us, to be strong, and every customer who asked us men to carry something for them she forcefully would butt in front of us and tell them she'd do it instead and would almost bite each customers head off every time they would ask her if she was sure or if they told her "But it's quite heavy".

She was also emotionally inclined though and empathic, which is natural for women to be so she would cry a lot when customers would doubt her like this or even get upset at her but she always, always, always tried to hold this back or hide it or shut away from the entire back room completely, sometimes even go home because she couldn't calm down. This is NATURAL and it not weakness, women are natural empaths because of feminine aspects they cater to naturally and their natural tuning to their psychic centres, they take in people's negativity easily because of this and it affects them, being Twin-Souled I share this aspect and it is the same for me as well and I don't deny it because it's part of my soul and who I am but she would always see this as weakness just like your average 'bro-dude' would.
Thank you for writing this. People have absolutely no idea what this is like in the least. Some are talking about it like its some kind of disease even..

I just want to say, beautifully said what you wrote.
slyscorpion said:
Hopefully in the future we will be more accepted and thought of in the way we want to be.

I most certainly don't want to be thought of as connected to the LGBT stuff *vomit loudly* that is what i think of most of that.

To be honest, I've never went onto any kind of dating app.. but we've had commercials about 'second love' about women and men who are already in a relationship but want to try to have something on the side. Im thinking.. thats just wrong.

mhm.. not just gay people but also a lot of white women and men, mainly just white women that I see picking black (mostly race mixed) children up from school.. Im like wtf :s and its not just one or two children but 3-8 children.. I wonder if they're babysitting maybe but it just feels so strange, alien, more like.

I am glad that you are feeling better now, but having anyone push their ideas on you, no matter the situation, be it because you're gay or a reason not related to this, to make someone feel as if they should not be alive or have no place in the world is completely wrong.
Bouncing back from such a thing is very very hard to do and I completely understand that you're not feeling confident, because Im still struggling with confidence myself. Not even related to whomever I love.

I've heard someone say that there was more tolerance for the gays at least 10+ years ago, but since the LGBT movement with a lot of crazies, people have grown less tolerant. I am glad that some of the LGBT people wake up and start to understand that something is wrong with the whole parade thing, but its kind of hard for them too, not really having much of lead to go anywhere.
I kind of have a pity for them, in that way. Even if they paint their hair pink or something.

Pity because they're kind of like lost sheep.. pink lost sheep haha.
Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
Maybe you should develop mental strength if you lack it and not feel entitled to an apology everytime some position offends you. I'm not going to address unnecessary irrelevant points disconnected from the topic at hand.

Just because I have a different of opinion about universal suffrage democracy does not mean I hate women. Infact if anything, the majority of women at the time when the right to vote was secured, did not want the right to vote. There were a couple of Jews and communists/anarchists who led the movement and this feminism movement from the earlier stages. Feminism is simply a category of cultural Marxism where they ignore biology and try to make nonsensical claims about power struggles and such. Maybe you should study the works of Ancient Greek scholars before attempting to punch me in the face. Because these scholars held the exact same views about democracy and if you tried to punch them in the face they would swiftly dodge and beat you up.

Let's do a thought experiment. Why is it so important for you to defend the right for women to vote ? Did you reach this conclusion by logic or are you just personally triggered as you show in your post due to solipsism. Maybe you should take a step back and understand that not having the right to vote, has no bearing on your personal independency to make choices about whatever you want to do. Egypt had a monarchial system where neither men or women had any right to vote. And yet, women had absolute freedom which were not granted to them even in Ancient Greece. They even had powerful positions in government. Right to vote doesn't mean anything and the basic premise of Universal Suffrage democracy is wrong and Jewish is nature. America as I said was never a democracy. It was a constitutional republic where only white men who owned land and did certain public duties(I can't remember what) like mandatory firefighting service were allowed to vote. And I strongly support this view that women most definitely should not be allowed to vote. And most men shouldn't be allowed to vote either. If we are to preserve and protect our societies, we must do what the ancients did.

On another point, I would not even want ANY kind of democracy at ANY point in the human future, neither a constitutional republic or a democracy. What I support is what the Gods have I.e a meritocratic social system with caste divisions.

Answering the point on elections brought up by ShadowTheRaven. No the women who voted for trump did not vote for him based on logic. They voted for him based on emotion. As did men. And surprise suprise, your logic doesn't exist in a void either. Humans don't have perfect knowledge and have a lot of cognitive biases. As such cognitive biases drive your logic and interchangeably reinforce both your logic and emotions. Which makes us humans and not machines. Adolf Hitler addressed this point in his book Mein Kampf and understand the real danger of giving power to common people would bring,

This is the hegelian dialectic of right vs left created by Jews and numerous ideologies for their political profit. In fact if you think about it, every ideology is wrong as it is not perfect and cannot be perfect and theres a possibility theres a better idea or ideology that hasn't been devised yet.

This is why HPMageson omce said not to get caught up in ideology. Ideology is basically something that is a marxist conception. A conceptual theoretical framework of ideas that when implemented would bring paradise on earth. Until a few years ago ,people governed with Eugenics, common sense and following their natural instincts (National Socialism .) As we've seen following strict conceptual ideas landed us in this shitshow were currently in.

We accepted the ideological framework which we later learnt was poisonous and allowed jews to gain power over everything.

1)Universal suffrage democracy
2)Feminism(destroyed male - female relationships totally) and no fault divorce.
3)Divorce rape laws which is making men wary of commitment and marriage.
4)Immigration (based on the fake sociological notion that races can become equal with social,cultural and nutritional conditions. )
5)Trusting jews
6)Allowing jews in your country and allowing them in positions of power (Allowed both in Constitutional and Universal democracy. )
7)Consumerism, Materialism and Individualistic Vanity (Junk food, increasing dependence on machines, Instagram and Social Media, Information Overload and misdirection from Huxleys Brave new world. )
8)Making decisions based on Sociological Studies.

We should have just followed common sense about self preservation and betterment and we wouldn't be in this situation we're in now.

The first solution to our problems would be to end this democracy nonsense and transition into a flexible system similar to National Socialism. And I would never want this system to end. (The thousand year reich.) However if humanity ever considered to enact a democracy after eliminating all Jewish influences, as a transition phase, we should allow only a few distinguished men to vote like in the original America.

As for that I never support enacting any law that would ever limit a womans choice about how to live her life. And I do not support any that limit a mans life as well. She and he should be allowed to choose to work or do whatever she wants. The personal lives of people is not our issue. We need to realize the biological differences that we know from antiquity and enact our laws according to common sense. Let's not pretend the recent understanding about Women and their roles isn't completely a feminist caricature made by jews. So anytime someone paints an accurate gentile view about society and how our ancestors thought and acted about, doesn't mean they're under enemy influence. It just means your under the psychological manipulation game of agreeing with normality set upon be jews. Or you could simply be some kind of retard who believes hundreds of thousands of years of great civilizations and somehow the only time someone thought about giving every single person the right to vote was after feminism was created by jews from the cultural marxism doctrine. Literally what a cohencidence. Somehow every single Ancient philosopher and statesman was a misogynist and your liberal arts professor is a true feminist. The Vikings, The Greek,the vedic Aryans,The Persians. Literally no one was capable of conceptualizing about the importance that women needed to have the right to vote ,muh equality and an enlightened rabbi came along after beating his wife and said -

"Trust me goyim, women and men having the right to vote is a very important thing which really really affects your personal life. Now just get me elected and I'll giving you more FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY. I promise I'll make you happy. I'll bring the paradise on earth"

I just had to come back and address this issue from my absence because you guys can't help it. This should help you develop some understanding and context about this situation. And if it doesn't, I cant help you because I cant keep coming back to address this. I have shit to do and am currently very busy. If you're doubtful, look at the entirety of ancient and modern history and compare it with the last hundred years where the jews gained power and you'll understand exactly what's going on here.

You might as well be mature about these things if your going to talk about it. You shouldn't just defend positions that are wrong just cause you can or they like you said appear by someone on here or somewhere awhile back. Just cause someone else other than you says something somewhere doesn't mean its right and just cause you personally don't want something like some sort of elections or democratic vote (WTF if I am understanding this right you think we just should have some leader impose him or herself on the population and some system and no one should have any say in this and the "leaders and government" should take away free choice of everyone) that kind of thing would backfire on us in a total and complete way right now with the level people are at even without the Jews some gentiles can be evil too especially if they were brainwashed into Abrahamic religions. I don't think that's how its going to end up being or what is planned.

What matters here is what the Gods want to have happen. I certainly don't think they would want some low vibration Incel type system created by Neo Nazi type people.

Am I understanding you correctly in that this is what you want. If so please read all the stuff on Nazism on the JOS site. That's not what it was about.
Please read the Mein Kampf and study books about the Third Reich in the 4th Reich archive if you don't understand what I am talking about. I'm inside a Nazi group talking about National Socialism and the woes of Universal Suffrage Democracy. What kind of system could I possibly be talking about ?

Yes of course you are I kind of know that from the way your talking I am very familiar with some of the stuff these Neo Nazi groups teach. Like the Hps say none of the Nazi groups right now are what the Gods desire if they were we would be made aware of it at least if not told to help out in some way. It was advised not to join them at all cause some of the people at least in all of them are either federal agents or part to full Jews.

That does explain some of your positions on some things.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Women are emotional, tender, nurturing, beautiful, blissful and protective

Sorry that Im saying this, but saying that someone is emotional has such a negative ring to it, that I'd propose a different descriptive word, that more or less means the same or has the same aspect..

I of course use the context of emotional in caterings to the psychic upper chakras which rule our perception and interpretation of emotion which is something to be greatly cherished and not taken for granted. I understand entirely what you mean though and I assure you no negative connotations were any of my intentions.


As for the quote you gave me, can you help me understand better what it's supposed to mean? Is it talking about objectification in the matter of actual object perception or in perceiving thing objective of emotional understanding? Or perhaps I'm entirely missing the point I just don't have a lot of context to go off of.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Can you please stop commenting about situations you have no understanding about. Like if you don't know something, you should admit. "Yeah I don't understand this ,so I'm going to read history and the transformation of societies in cycles and understand that every political and cultural situation is transient and will be followed by another paradigm in time." And not "Yeah I don't understand anything but I'm going to randomly spam non sequiturs like a retard."

Were you at the French Revolution? Did you fight the American Revolution? Gee, what about the Spanish Civil War? World War 1?

Ideologies have changed because a nation has rebelled, set up their ideology and other countries followed suit one by one. They didn't "declare war on every existing Monarchy at once" like you're declaring war on every Democracy at once. How did Hitler implement National Socialism? He used democracy to his advantage, consolidated his power, and by 1933 Germany's government was completely transformed. Read a fucking book.
Yes please go read a fucking book you moron. Democracy doesn't exist and in the very near future it will totally cease to exist when there will be no need to have a controlled opposition. I don't have to declare war on anyone or do anything. The war for independence, the American civil war, ww1,ww2 ,the hippie revolution ,the technological innovations in the past few years everything is going on according to a cycle of Society. We are well inside the 4th turning. In the later stages of the 4th turning ,the world order that is being set up will implode in and on itself because it's not sustainable in the long run. I don't have to do anything because the people will,collectively. The paradigm your living inside right now won't exist after Donald Trump's election this year.
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
You might as well be mature about these things if your going to talk about it. You shouldn't just defend positions that are wrong just cause you can or they like you said appear by someone on here or somewhere awhile back. Just cause someone else other than you says something somewhere doesn't mean its right and just cause you personally don't want something like some sort of elections or democratic vote (WTF if I am understanding this right you think we just should have some leader impose him or herself on the population and some system and no one should have any say in this and the "leaders and government" should take away free choice of everyone) that kind of thing would backfire on us in a total and complete way right now with the level people are at even without the Jews some gentiles can be evil too especially if they were brainwashed into Abrahamic religions. I don't think that's how its going to end up being or what is planned.

What matters here is what the Gods want to have happen. I certainly don't think they would want some low vibration Incel type system created by Neo Nazi type people.

Am I understanding you correctly in that this is what you want. If so please read all the stuff on Nazism on the JOS site. That's not what it was about.
Please read the Mein Kampf and study books about the Third Reich in the 4th Reich archive if you don't understand what I am talking about. I'm inside a Nazi group talking about National Socialism and the woes of Universal Suffrage Democracy. What kind of system could I possibly be talking about ?

Yes of course you are I kind of know that from the way your talking I am very familiar with some of the stuff these Neo Nazi groups teach. Like the Hps say none of the Nazi groups right now are what the Gods desire if they were we would be made aware of it at least if not told to help out in some way. It was advised not to join them at all cause some of the people at least in all of them are either federal agents or part to full Jews.

That does explain some of your positions on some things.
Every single one of my positions is same as the National Socialists had. Neo nazis have an ideology of believing every woman and believing in hardcore feminism which I don't believe in.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
Ye.. no Im not into writing essays so Ill keep it short. Each nr stands for an alinea you wrote.
This refers to the post with date stamp: 20 Aug 2020 7:08 pm

1. Im not asking for an apology. I posted it to make you realize what you are saying.

2. How many of these women have been xianly indoctrinated and been subjected to submission for how long exactly? Women were not much more than cattle back then. Being allowed to vote was a big deal, giving these people their right to excistence back.
You really should learn to separate truth from lies better in what you read, is what Im thinking.

3. quote]. If the world should be ruled by the spiritual elite, why are we to be excempt; seeing as the female nature is already more of the spiritual.
Old teksts that have been written down could have been altered when people rewrote it, changing their words. Everything was written down by hand, not by photocopy. Old ideas may be good sometimes but it is also a persons duty to learn and evolve if the teaching that is taught does not apply to the situation.

4. The whole reason I replied is because you are constantly bashing women and the female mind, in any way. So Im asking you: What are you afraid of?

6. It is not a civilians job to know everything that goes on in the country, but it is the job of those who lead to know this stuff. So that they may make the right decisions.
However, to say that you can be voted into power by only a select few, the unrest in the folk will grow, and illusions will stand. It is important to listen to one another, otherwise itll be your head that gets chopped off.
However, the whole reason we even got to vote was to have a voice, to stand up against the slave drivers in the industry working people to their bones for too little money. It opened a way to change.
Right now we are in such a strange situation, that ideas from back then, nor the recent ideas apply.

7. quote]. He wrote that in relation to how the politicians were trying to win over the public, and how they were interacting with each other. Politicians today make it confusing and hard to understand on purpose, but on no occasion should there be doubt in what one is saying to another. This isnt shown in excessive intellectual prowess but in clear communication.
Hitler may have used some words which may have been a tad bit harder to understand but he never qrote or said any nonsense.
Now youre making me write an essay while I said I didnt want to so Ill say this:

k Im not even going to bother with the reat cuz theyre just your thoughts typed out in a plan of some sorts.

Accorsing to the jewish book women are slaves. A lot of female figures have been made to disappear from history, especially those that stood up, and went to war or did other things that you say are not "womanly" and want to prohibit them from yet you are saying no woman should be limited.

Quit the double talk. Because we are free for ourselves if we want to choose to go to war. If we want to be politicians fine, but let me tell you one thing, when it comes to socializing, and bullying, we'll drive the thorn just so deep in your side you wont know where its coming from. Because our fights may not be with the fists, but they can get hell a lot uglier than you think.
I don't do double talk. The only reason society is the way it is now, is because of Jewish influence. When it is removed society will arrange it as its supposed to be. In every single ancient system where women didn't have the right to vote (Ancient Greece and Egypt, ),they weren't limited and were allowed to do whatever they wanted to do and yet you didn't have the shitshow that you currently have in western democracy.

These are some statements about the Marxist paradigm of thought,
1)I must be equal to a man in every respect.
2)Not having the ability to vote is oppression.
3)Not having a man to take care of me financially or otherwise is independence.
4)I want to live like I want and having kids or not is my choice.
5)Being a housewife is oppressive.

All of these are marxist paradigms of thought that was at one time devised by jews as a plot to destroy human civilization. The basic concept of cultural Marxism Is to destroy the labels and identities of people to morph them into doing things against their own nature. The white race was still strong after the 2nd world war as majority of women were at the house, making babies and nurturing the strength of the future race.

To destroy civilization you have to destroy the basis of civilization I.e The Woman. Once you convinced women that it was more important to get a job and work than to have kids, the conditions for a total societal collapse was set. This was outlined in the book., "The Authoritarian Personality " by jews as they devised a way to enact a cultural marxism paradigm in white societies which would domino into every single society of the world.

The Jews devised a way for increasing labor participation in the market ,the first thing required was the right to vote. Afterwards with Jewish monetary policies, women were out of the house and working dead end jobs without any life meaning as men couldn't provide enough for them. And thus the women of the previous generation birthing 4 to 5 babies was reduced to 2 to 3 to now being reduced to 1 or nothing. The women were then surprisingly unhappier than every single generation of women that existed before them and couldn't find out the reason for that.(A woman is the most happiest when she is caring and nurturing her children. ) The jews morphed the beautiful natural act of birthing children into something hideous as "Chauvinists think Womens only value is as baby machines. " They continued creating more and more antipathy between genders according to their marxist program which has led to mass unhappiness, divorce and less children and white genocide. Its totally out of control and people who speak out against this are labeled misogynistic.

Everything you know about women was written by a Jewish social scientist and grilled inside you since childhood through all sources to make it a core belief that is unshakable. Same with arguments about Democracy, Universal suffrage and Feminism. Its all a hoax. Society was never supposed to look or feel like this. What we are seeing is a successful takeover of marxists of the entire world after WW2. Classical communism collapsed but cultural Marxism lives on. It thrives and expands with every breath you take. In fact the emancipation of women was first attempted in communist countries directly after Violent Communist Revolutions. Western countries had to be completely corrupted before the right to vote could be given to women.

Hitler was a very brave man who didn't care what others thought about him,especially western Marxist intellectuals. He never apologized for his beliefs about Universal Suffrage, Dictatorship, removing women from the labour market and replacing them with men to solve the unemployment crisis. He was very much scorned for speaking the truth that women don't belong in these spheres and that they belong at home as mothers. Even with a lot of hate, he didn't back down on any of his views and stuck with them. He made it clear with his economic and social policies and commentaries that he wanted women outside the labor market and inside the home. He made it clear with the quotes I posted. And when he returns, he will hold the same views he did back then because the nature of women and men never change, even though societies change .

The majority of humanity are like little children who don't have any understanding about anything and the idea of giving universal suffrage to them is totally irresponsible. I don't want any kind of democracy. But if we do, we should only let one strata of men lead it as it was in every single society that attempted it. I stick to my view and history is on my side.

If you want to participate in planning then you will have to prove yourself inside the party and get elected through inter party elections,of which common people have no say in. Adolf Hitler conducted regular referendums about his policies with suprising approval rates and he didn't never Universal suffrage democracy to tell him what the people wanted.

And listen I really cant come back talking about this. Maybe in a few months but I'm busy now. I know most of you won't understand or get what in talking about because its grilled inside you since childhood it's a serious psychological abuse program. Take whatever you will these are the sum if what Hitler believed and what I believe.
Jack said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Can you please stop commenting about situations you have no understanding about. Like if you don't know something, you should admit. "Yeah I don't understand this ,so I'm going to read history and the transformation of societies in cycles and understand that every political and cultural situation is transient and will be followed by another paradigm in time." And not "Yeah I don't understand anything but I'm going to randomly spam non sequiturs like a retard."

Were you at the French Revolution? Did you fight the American Revolution? Gee, what about the Spanish Civil War? World War 1?

Ideologies have changed because a nation has rebelled, set up their ideology and other countries followed suit one by one. They didn't "declare war on every existing Monarchy at once" like you're declaring war on every Democracy at once. How did Hitler implement National Socialism? He used democracy to his advantage, consolidated his power, and by 1933 Germany's government was completely transformed. Read a fucking book.
Yes please go read a fucking book you moron. Democracy doesn't exist and in the very near future it will totally cease to exist when there will be no need to have a controlled opposition. I don't have to declare war on anyone or do anything. The war for independence, the American civil war, ww1,ww2 ,the hippie revolution ,the technological innovations in the past few years everything is going on according to a cycle of Society. We are well inside the 4th turning. In the later stages of the 4th turning ,the world order that is being set up will implode in and on itself because it's not sustainable in the long run. I don't have to do anything because the people will,collectively. The paradigm your living inside right now won't exist after Donald Trump's election this year.

Dude calm down. I totally am not sure things are like you say. I know that you are correct in that it will all implode in on itself because it is unsustainable and due to the CoronaCRAP stuff going on now much sooner than it would have had it not happened possibly by the end of this year. But it was going to collapse anyways in a few years even without that.

However also there is no reason to talk to other Satanists like this or argue. We need to be unified against the enemy and not speaking badly of eachother or fighting. I honestly from your energy dont think you know the first thing about what is going to happen. Yes the current system is going to collapse but there probably will be some sorts of elections at least for awhile and also the paradigm your living in will collapse with this as much as the current one we have right now.

Outdated xtian based beliefs will collapse with the current system or at least become a small minority. Your antigay and antiwoman kind of stuff will collapse as will the whole concept of a dictatorship where freedom of choice is taken away.

The Mayans said the 20 year cycle beginning in 2012 will mark "the end of the word of God and a time of self discovery and uniting for a cause" after that is the reset of their calendar or returning earth back to it was before (the pagan age our Gods spirituality etc)

I take it word of God not only refers to religions but also being dictated too by others and i take it there will be a lot of focus on the self and freedom. The uniting for a cause is obviously us and taking down the enemy.

The age of Aquarius and energies of that sign do not favor your ideas. Talk to anyone with Aqaurius rising or a lot of Aquarius placements and they will find you hopelessly stuffy and old world in your thinking.

How i saw it in a dream is something happenes that kind of splits the era again so we are kind of at a year 0 type thing and literally every form of entertainment almost in this age is banned as "degenerate" most of the icons are destroyed of this age. Everything of the enemy is banned if it can't be fully outright destroyed. It will be called the "new world" this age we are in now is the "old world"

I saw directly this in a dream and also the spirit is more of community and freedom NOT any of the Incel bullshit.

The whole world will become like a small town with everything being safe wholesome and friendly the only difference is that the races will be separate but we still will be able to travel and learn about other cultures.

There will not be any dictator telling everyone what to think or do.

It's nothing like you describe.

Hitler when he returns trust me will not be like that nor will any of the Gods. In fact Satan hates that kind of thing its stated on the website so many times.

I know it's nothing like what you think is going to happen both from past life memories of how it was in the past and stuff I know now.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Women are emotional, tender, nurturing, beautiful, blissful and protective

Sorry that Im saying this, but saying that someone is emotional has such a negative ring to it, that I'd propose a different descriptive word, that more or less means the same or has the same aspect..

I of course use the context of emotional in caterings to the psychic upper chakras which rule our perception and interpretation of emotion which is something to be greatly cherished and not taken for granted. I understand entirely what you mean though and I assure you no negative connotations were any of my intentions.


As for the quote you gave me, can you help me understand better what it's supposed to mean? Is it talking about objectification in the matter of actual object perception or in perceiving thing objective of emotional understanding? Or perhaps I'm entirely missing the point I just don't have a lot of context to go off of.

First, good to know.

Second, to answer your question about the quote. In the few pages before the quote, the author writes about how there is no distinct energetic system in the western herbalism, then says the words evolved, and names some examples, showing that there was an energetic system in herbalism. Energetic systems are going hand in hand with intuitive application, and thus (the following are my own words) belongs with the left hand path and is a right brained thing, or psychic ability.
Then he continues and says how they've been forcing themselves to prove their theory more increasingly by application of scientific measures (left brained, the logic), after which the psychic ability has been lost.
So in other words, it is more towards the latter of your question, "in percieving things objectively instead of using emotional understanding" (I know I reworded your sentence a little to what I think you thought you wanted to say).
slyscorpion said:
Dude calm down. I totally am not sure things are like you say. I know that you are correct in that it will all implode in on itself because it is unsustainable and due to the CoronaCRAP stuff going on now much sooner than it would have had it not happened possibly by the end of this year. But it was going to collapse anyways in a few years even without that.


How i saw it in a dream is something happenes that kind of splits the era again so we are kind of at a year 0 type thing and literally every form of entertainment almost in this age is banned as "degenerate" most of the icons are destroyed of this age. Everything of the enemy is banned if it can't be fully outright destroyed. It will be called the "new world" this age we are in now is the "old world"

I saw directly this in a dream and also the spirit is more of community and freedom NOT any of the Incel bullshit.

The whole world will become like a small town with everything being safe wholesome and friendly the only difference is that the races will be separate but we still will be able to travel and learn about other cultures.

There will not be any dictator telling everyone what to think or do.

It's nothing like you describe.

Hitler when he returns trust me will not be like that nor will any of the Gods. In fact Satan hates that kind of thing its stated on the website so many times.

I know it's nothing like what you think is going to happen both from past life memories of how it was in the past and stuff I know now.

I don't wanna say "he's not going to listen and make himself look more like an idiot", but he's not going to fucking listen and he's gonna make himself look more like an idiot. His vision of Hitler is pretty much what we've been indoctrinated with in public school, that women should be literally chained to the house and allowed to be beaten by their husbands if they don't do the cooking, cleaning, and child rearing. The minute you propose something a little more moderate than Jack's hardline outlook of the world, he'll sperg, say "SoUnDs LIkE MaRxiSm" then post a bunch of pictures of depictions from the Bhagavad Gita or a whole bunch of Nazi Portraits, both if he's convenient.

A society where only the men need to work? I'm all for it, but we need an economy that supports that lifestyle. We're stuck with the judaified economy where everyone must work 12-14 hour shifts, 5 or 6 days a week in order to make the bare minimum to survive. If your family isn't wealthy enough to send you to a school where you'll only be indoctrinated further, oh well. You can't even buy a house without wasting half of your hard earned income for 30 years straight on a house in a shady area, and another quarter of your paycheck on property taxes. Don't even get me started on additional interest and fees that it takes to have literally anything that should be normal. A house, a car, enough to raise a family on, and job security.

Also, he can't keep his arguments straight. First it's "democracy must be destroyed" now a day later it's "democracy doesn't exist".

Oh, it won't exist in a couple decades from now but the system isn't going to go down easy, there will be a war the likes of which this world has never seen. Not even the brutality of the Soviets in World War 2 will measure up on what will go down. So instead of sperging, start preparing.

As for most media from this era being destroyed and banned, I'd rather go back to pre-industralized society than continue to be surrounded by degeneracy so the thought of that is like a wet dream to me.

Some countries are already collapsing, like Lebanon for example. You see the chaos going on over there? It's gonna be worldwide.
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Were you at the French Revolution? Did you fight the American Revolution? Gee, what about the Spanish Civil War? World War 1?

Ideologies have changed because a nation has rebelled, set up their ideology and other countries followed suit one by one. They didn't "declare war on every existing Monarchy at once" like you're declaring war on every Democracy at once. How did Hitler implement National Socialism? He used democracy to his advantage, consolidated his power, and by 1933 Germany's government was completely transformed. Read a fucking book.
Yes please go read a fucking book you moron. Democracy doesn't exist and in the very near future it will totally cease to exist when there will be no need to have a controlled opposition. I don't have to declare war on anyone or do anything. The war for independence, the American civil war, ww1,ww2 ,the hippie revolution ,the technological innovations in the past few years everything is going on according to a cycle of Society. We are well inside the 4th turning. In the later stages of the 4th turning ,the world order that is being set up will implode in and on itself because it's not sustainable in the long run. I don't have to do anything because the people will,collectively. The paradigm your living inside right now won't exist after Donald Trump's election this year.

Dude calm down. I totally am not sure things are like you say. I know that you are correct in that it will all implode in on itself because it is unsustainable and due to the CoronaCRAP stuff going on now much sooner than it would have had it not happened possibly by the end of this year. But it was going to collapse anyways in a few years even without that.

However also there is no reason to talk to other Satanists like this or argue. We need to be unified against the enemy and not speaking badly of eachother or fighting. I honestly from your energy dont think you know the first thing about what is going to happen. Yes the current system is going to collapse but there probably will be some sorts of elections at least for awhile and also the paradigm your living in will collapse with this as much as the current one we have right now.

Outdated xtian based beliefs will collapse with the current system or at least become a small minority. Your antigay and antiwoman kind of stuff will collapse as will the whole concept of a dictatorship where freedom of choice is taken away.

The Mayans said the 20 year cycle beginning in 2012 will mark "the end of the word of God and a time of self discovery and uniting for a cause" after that is the reset of their calendar or returning earth back to it was before (the pagan age our Gods spirituality etc)

I take it word of God not only refers to religions but also being dictated too by others and i take it there will be a lot of focus on the self and freedom. The uniting for a cause is obviously us and taking down the enemy.

The age of Aquarius and energies of that sign do not favor your ideas. Talk to anyone with Aqaurius rising or a lot of Aquarius placements and they will find you hopelessly stuffy and old world in your thinking.

How i saw it in a dream is something happenes that kind of splits the era again so we are kind of at a year 0 type thing and literally every form of entertainment almost in this age is banned as "degenerate" most of the icons are destroyed of this age. Everything of the enemy is banned if it can't be fully outright destroyed. It will be called the "new world" this age we are in now is the "old world"

I saw directly this in a dream and also the spirit is more of community and freedom NOT any of the Incel bullshit.

The whole world will become like a small town with everything being safe wholesome and friendly the only difference is that the races will be separate but we still will be able to travel and learn about other cultures.

There will not be any dictator telling everyone what to think or do.

It's nothing like you describe.

Hitler when he returns trust me will not be like that nor will any of the Gods. In fact Satan hates that kind of thing its stated on the website so many times.

I know it's nothing like what you think is going to happen both from past life memories of how it was in the past and stuff I know now.
Okay bro I totally believe this vision isn't a self imposed Hallucination or a projection of a mental image but a total truth. After mass unemployment, absolute destruction of economies,mass death in Biblical scales, massive wars to save the economy, internal revolutions and brutal civil wars with more than half of the countries dead of razed to the ground, when democracy and the rule of law won't exist in any country it currently exists in,I'm sure people will come together collectively and say.
"Hey man. That was really a rough patch we were going. Wanna have some beers and chill the fuck out."
"Yeah bro. I really like living in this freedom paradise. "

Me and my homies enjoying our regular doses of freedom beer after a brutal war
((Age of Aquarius))

Oh and btw anyone saying anything opposite to the delusional image of the future I have emits radioactive energy. Trust me I'm psychic xd.
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Were you at the French Revolution? Did you fight the American Revolution? Gee, what about the Spanish Civil War? World War 1?

Ideologies have changed because a nation has rebelled, set up their ideology and other countries followed suit one by one. They didn't "declare war on every existing Monarchy at once" like you're declaring war on every Democracy at once. How did Hitler implement National Socialism? He used democracy to his advantage, consolidated his power, and by 1933 Germany's government was completely transformed. Read a fucking book.
Yes please go read a fucking book you moron. Democracy doesn't exist and in the very near future it will totally cease to exist when there will be no need to have a controlled opposition. I don't have to declare war on anyone or do anything. The war for independence, the American civil war, ww1,ww2 ,the hippie revolution ,the technological innovations in the past few years everything is going on according to a cycle of Society. We are well inside the 4th turning. In the later stages of the 4th turning ,the world order that is being set up will implode in and on itself because it's not sustainable in the long run. I don't have to do anything because the people will,collectively. The paradigm your living inside right now won't exist after Donald Trump's election this year.

Dude calm down. I totally am not sure things are like you say. I know that you are correct in that it will all implode in on itself because it is unsustainable and due to the CoronaCRAP stuff going on now much sooner than it would have had it not happened possibly by the end of this year. But it was going to collapse anyways in a few years even without that.

However also there is no reason to talk to other Satanists like this or argue. We need to be unified against the enemy and not speaking badly of eachother or fighting. I honestly from your energy dont think you know the first thing about what is going to happen. Yes the current system is going to collapse but there probably will be some sorts of elections at least for awhile and also the paradigm your living in will collapse with this as much as the current one we have right now.

Outdated xtian based beliefs will collapse with the current system or at least become a small minority. Your antigay and antiwoman kind of stuff will collapse as will the whole concept of a dictatorship where freedom of choice is taken away.

The Mayans said the 20 year cycle beginning in 2012 will mark "the end of the word of God and a time of self discovery and uniting for a cause" after that is the reset of their calendar or returning earth back to it was before (the pagan age our Gods spirituality etc)

I take it word of God not only refers to religions but also being dictated too by others and i take it there will be a lot of focus on the self and freedom. The uniting for a cause is obviously us and taking down the enemy.

The age of Aquarius and energies of that sign do not favor your ideas. Talk to anyone with Aqaurius rising or a lot of Aquarius placements and they will find you hopelessly stuffy and old world in your thinking.

How i saw it in a dream is something happenes that kind of splits the era again so we are kind of at a year 0 type thing and literally every form of entertainment almost in this age is banned as "degenerate" most of the icons are destroyed of this age. Everything of the enemy is banned if it can't be fully outright destroyed. It will be called the "new world" this age we are in now is the "old world"

I saw directly this in a dream and also the spirit is more of community and freedom NOT any of the Incel bullshit.

The whole world will become like a small town with everything being safe wholesome and friendly the only difference is that the races will be separate but we still will be able to travel and learn about other cultures.

There will not be any dictator telling everyone what to think or do.

It's nothing like you describe.

Hitler when he returns trust me will not be like that nor will any of the Gods. In fact Satan hates that kind of thing its stated on the website so many times.

I know it's nothing like what you think is going to happen both from past life memories of how it was in the past and stuff I know now.
Funny enough you mention a kind of vision for the future past as I also have had visions of the future past. And from my earliest memories from my past lives I only see happiness overshadowed by grief. I cant yet access all my lifetimes but the ones I can are filled only with war,pestilence death and a futile effort to connect with others which fails at every turn. There are grim realities of life you don't see because you might not have lived it or you might be consciously tapping into only the good memories which is painting a delusional way of looking at history. Just after the Gods left, the pagan civilizations were periodically at war with each other and the earliest memories I have yet encountered is one with war where I'm forced to fight against another group of our brothers and kill them. I have seen famine, pestilence, wars that involve pagans killing each other. Every single lifetime I have had been in some sort of conflict. There is a memory I relived on cheating on my then wife with someone of the lower strata of society out of lust and completely destroying my family. In the middle ages when knowledge was extremely scarce and you could be burnt to death for searching knowledge. Sometimes you have to follow orders and kill a group of pilgrims as your superior instructs you to do. And no one knows about it other than you and your fellow killers. Familial conflicts,conflicts involving religion and conflicts involving territory I've lived in all periods of them. All my love for my family was overshadowed by the grief I felt by killing other human beings.

If you think PTSD is bad, imagine reliving the same kind of pain and horror with your hands stained with blood on repeat in a loop for multiple lifetimes. This is the reason I have this fatalistic attitude about our future. I have seen my past and I can't believe a conflict similar to the ones I've gone through in the past will give a result dissimilar to ones in the past.
ShadowTheRaven said:
slyscorpion said:
Dude calm down. I totally am not sure things are like you say. I know that you are correct in that it will all implode in on itself because it is unsustainable and due to the CoronaCRAP stuff going on now much sooner than it would have had it not happened possibly by the end of this year. But it was going to collapse anyways in a few years even without that.


How i saw it in a dream is something happenes that kind of splits the era again so we are kind of at a year 0 type thing and literally every form of entertainment almost in this age is banned as "degenerate" most of the icons are destroyed of this age. Everything of the enemy is banned if it can't be fully outright destroyed. It will be called the "new world" this age we are in now is the "old world"

I saw directly this in a dream and also the spirit is more of community and freedom NOT any of the Incel bullshit.

The whole world will become like a small town with everything being safe wholesome and friendly the only difference is that the races will be separate but we still will be able to travel and learn about other cultures.

There will not be any dictator telling everyone what to think or do.

It's nothing like you describe.

Hitler when he returns trust me will not be like that nor will any of the Gods. In fact Satan hates that kind of thing its stated on the website so many times.

I know it's nothing like what you think is going to happen both from past life memories of how it was in the past and stuff I know now.

I don't wanna say "he's not going to listen and make himself look more like an idiot", but he's not going to fucking listen and he's gonna make himself look more like an idiot. His vision of Hitler is pretty much what we've been indoctrinated with in public school, that women should be literally chained to the house and allowed to be beaten by their husbands if they don't do the cooking, cleaning, and child rearing. The minute you propose something a little more moderate than Jack's hardline outlook of the world, he'll sperg, say "SoUnDs LIkE MaRxiSm" then post a bunch of pictures of depictions from the Bhagavad Gita or a whole bunch of Nazi Portraits, both if he's convenient.

A society where only the men need to work? I'm all for it, but we need an economy that supports that lifestyle. We're stuck with the judaified economy where everyone must work 12-14 hour shifts, 5 or 6 days a week in order to make the bare minimum to survive. If your family isn't wealthy enough to send you to a school where you'll only be indoctrinated further, oh well. You can't even buy a house without wasting half of your hard earned income for 30 years straight on a house in a shady area, and another quarter of your paycheck on property taxes. Don't even get me started on additional interest and fees that it takes to have literally anything that should be normal. A house, a car, enough to raise a family on, and job security.

Also, he can't keep his arguments straight. First it's "democracy must be destroyed" now a day later it's "democracy doesn't exist".

Oh, it won't exist in a couple decades from now but the system isn't going to go down easy, there will be a war the likes of which this world has never seen. Not even the brutality of the Soviets in World War 2 will measure up on what will go down. So instead of sperging, start preparing.

As for most media from this era being destroyed and banned, I'd rather go back to pre-industralized society than continue to be surrounded by degeneracy so the thought of that is like a wet dream to me.

Some countries are already collapsing, like Lebanon for example. You see the chaos going on over there? It's gonna be worldwide.

That is the same kind of thing I see happening and trust me I will be prepared as much as I can be. I think much the same way in stuff. While I hope it won't happen like that major war and stuff it seems inevitable. Democracy and womens votes and rights and all that certainly isnt what anyone is going to be focused on i know that for a fact. Elections probably will exist for awhile though just cause that was the way things are done now i don't think things change just like that. The system i was promoting earlier was a hybrid of the old system like in Egypt and the new system like in America. Something like that could happen eventually. Its all on the people though. Probably now is not the time to talk about this or propose anything as the enemy is still in power. It certainly isnt the time to talk about how Democracy sucks and women should not vote and we should have a brutal dictator who takes away all our freedom. *facepalm* his proposed system might be worse than what we have now.

Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
Yes please go read a fucking book you moron. Democracy doesn't exist and in the very near future it will totally cease to exist when there will be no need to have a controlled opposition. I don't have to declare war on anyone or do anything. The war for independence, the American civil war, ww1,ww2 ,the hippie revolution ,the technological innovations in the past few years everything is going on according to a cycle of Society. We are well inside the 4th turning. In the later stages of the 4th turning ,the world order that is being set up will implode in and on itself because it's not sustainable in the long run. I don't have to do anything because the people will,collectively. The paradigm your living inside right now won't exist after Donald Trump's election this year.

Dude calm down. I totally am not sure things are like you say. I know that you are correct in that it will all implode in on itself because it is unsustainable and due to the CoronaCRAP stuff going on now much sooner than it would have had it not happened possibly by the end of this year. But it was going to collapse anyways in a few years even without that.

However also there is no reason to talk to other Satanists like this or argue. We need to be unified against the enemy and not speaking badly of eachother or fighting. I honestly from your energy dont think you know the first thing about what is going to happen. Yes the current system is going to collapse but there probably will be some sorts of elections at least for awhile and also the paradigm your living in will collapse with this as much as the current one we have right now.

Outdated xtian based beliefs will collapse with the current system or at least become a small minority. Your antigay and antiwoman kind of stuff will collapse as will the whole concept of a dictatorship where freedom of choice is taken away.

The Mayans said the 20 year cycle beginning in 2012 will mark "the end of the word of God and a time of self discovery and uniting for a cause" after that is the reset of their calendar or returning earth back to it was before (the pagan age our Gods spirituality etc)

I take it word of God not only refers to religions but also being dictated too by others and i take it there will be a lot of focus on the self and freedom. The uniting for a cause is obviously us and taking down the enemy.

The age of Aquarius and energies of that sign do not favor your ideas. Talk to anyone with Aqaurius rising or a lot of Aquarius placements and they will find you hopelessly stuffy and old world in your thinking.

How i saw it in a dream is something happenes that kind of splits the era again so we are kind of at a year 0 type thing and literally every form of entertainment almost in this age is banned as "degenerate" most of the icons are destroyed of this age. Everything of the enemy is banned if it can't be fully outright destroyed. It will be called the "new world" this age we are in now is the "old world"

I saw directly this in a dream and also the spirit is more of community and freedom NOT any of the Incel bullshit.

The whole world will become like a small town with everything being safe wholesome and friendly the only difference is that the races will be separate but we still will be able to travel and learn about other cultures.

There will not be any dictator telling everyone what to think or do.

It's nothing like you describe.

Hitler when he returns trust me will not be like that nor will any of the Gods. In fact Satan hates that kind of thing its stated on the website so many times.

I know it's nothing like what you think is going to happen both from past life memories of how it was in the past and stuff I know now.
Funny enough you mention a kind of vision for the future past as I also have had visions of the future past. And from my earliest memories from my past lives I only see happiness overshadowed by grief. I cant yet access all my lifetimes but the ones I can are filled only with war,pestilence death and a futile effort to connect with others which fails at every turn. There are grim realities of life you don't see because you might not have lived it or you might be consciously tapping into only the good memories which is painting a delusional way of looking at history. Just after the Gods left, the pagan civilizations were periodically at war with each other and the earliest memories I have yet encountered is one with war where I'm forced to fight against another group of our brothers and kill them. I have seen famine, pestilence, wars that involve pagans killing each other. Every single lifetime I have had been in some sort of conflict. There is a memory I relived on cheating on my then wife with someone of the lower strata of society out of lust and completely destroying my family. In the middle ages when knowledge was extremely scarce and you could be burnt to death for searching knowledge. Sometimes you have to follow orders and kill a group of pilgrims as your superior instructs you to do. And no one knows about it other than you and your fellow killers. Familial conflicts,conflicts involving religion and conflicts involving territory I've lived in all periods of them. All my love for my family was overshadowed by the grief I felt by killing other human beings.

If you think PTSD is bad, imagine reliving the same kind of pain and horror with your hands stained with blood on repeat in a loop for multiple lifetimes. This is the reason I have this fatalistic attitude about our future. I have seen my past and I can't believe a conflict similar to the ones I've gone through in the past will give a result dissimilar to ones in the past.

That isn't what I remember at all. I wasnt the one doing this kind of stuff or going through it nor do I think I was ordering anyone to do anything like that. Doesnt sound like me or fit what I remember at all. Although I do remember in the middle ages some sort of witchhunt against the Jews were people got kind of crazy called them the "accursed ones" and tried to drive them out of places.
Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
Yes please go read a fucking book you moron. Democracy doesn't exist and in the very near future it will totally cease to exist when there will be no need to have a controlled opposition. I don't have to declare war on anyone or do anything. The war for independence, the American civil war, ww1,ww2 ,the hippie revolution ,the technological innovations in the past few years everything is going on according to a cycle of Society. We are well inside the 4th turning. In the later stages of the 4th turning ,the world order that is being set up will implode in and on itself because it's not sustainable in the long run. I don't have to do anything because the people will,collectively. The paradigm your living inside right now won't exist after Donald Trump's election this year.

Dude calm down. I totally am not sure things are like you say. I know that you are correct in that it will all implode in on itself because it is unsustainable and due to the CoronaCRAP stuff going on now much sooner than it would have had it not happened possibly by the end of this year. But it was going to collapse anyways in a few years even without that.

However also there is no reason to talk to other Satanists like this or argue. We need to be unified against the enemy and not speaking badly of eachother or fighting. I honestly from your energy dont think you know the first thing about what is going to happen. Yes the current system is going to collapse but there probably will be some sorts of elections at least for awhile and also the paradigm your living in will collapse with this as much as the current one we have right now.

Outdated xtian based beliefs will collapse with the current system or at least become a small minority. Your antigay and antiwoman kind of stuff will collapse as will the whole concept of a dictatorship where freedom of choice is taken away.

The Mayans said the 20 year cycle beginning in 2012 will mark "the end of the word of God and a time of self discovery and uniting for a cause" after that is the reset of their calendar or returning earth back to it was before (the pagan age our Gods spirituality etc)

I take it word of God not only refers to religions but also being dictated too by others and i take it there will be a lot of focus on the self and freedom. The uniting for a cause is obviously us and taking down the enemy.

The age of Aquarius and energies of that sign do not favor your ideas. Talk to anyone with Aqaurius rising or a lot of Aquarius placements and they will find you hopelessly stuffy and old world in your thinking.

How i saw it in a dream is something happenes that kind of splits the era again so we are kind of at a year 0 type thing and literally every form of entertainment almost in this age is banned as "degenerate" most of the icons are destroyed of this age. Everything of the enemy is banned if it can't be fully outright destroyed. It will be called the "new world" this age we are in now is the "old world"

I saw directly this in a dream and also the spirit is more of community and freedom NOT any of the Incel bullshit.

The whole world will become like a small town with everything being safe wholesome and friendly the only difference is that the races will be separate but we still will be able to travel and learn about other cultures.

There will not be any dictator telling everyone what to think or do.

It's nothing like you describe.

Hitler when he returns trust me will not be like that nor will any of the Gods. In fact Satan hates that kind of thing its stated on the website so many times.

I know it's nothing like what you think is going to happen both from past life memories of how it was in the past and stuff I know now.
Okay bro I totally believe this vision isn't a self imposed Hallucination or a projection of a mental image but a total truth. After mass unemployment, absolute destruction of economies,mass death in Biblical scales, massive wars to save the economy, internal revolutions and brutal civil wars with more than half of the countries dead of razed to the ground, when democracy and the rule of law won't exist in any country it currently exists in,I'm sure people will come together collectively and say.
"Hey man. That was really a rough patch we were going. Wanna have some beers and chill the fuck out."
"Yeah bro. I really like living in this freedom paradise. "

Me and my homies enjoying our regular doses of freedom beer after a brutal war
((Age of Aquarius))

Oh and btw anyone saying anything opposite to the delusional image of the future I have emits radioactive energy. Trust me I'm psychic xd.

I think you dont get the point of what i posted. I am not trying to tell anyone to belive anything and what i see doesn't conflict with anything anyone else posted that much or at all. What you are saying is what conflicts.
Jack said:
slyscorpion said:

Dreams and even visions of the past, future, present, what have you, unless you're some super disciplined monk in some temple on the mountain peak who's been disciplining his mind to see truth for like 20 years, are usually symbolical and not literal.

I've had past-life regressions that were... well not my past lives but accidental symbolical meanings of myself. I thought I saw myself as a woman in a past life, I've learned more solidly we legit cannot change genders through different lifetimes and found out why, so as a man this made no sense, freaked out about it last Yule and everything, turns out it was just a symbolical clarity of the side of my soul in discovering my kinship with femininity in revelation that it turns out I am twin-souled and actually have two gender sides to my soul metaphysic as intersex which explained the inability to feel myself as either a 100% male or 100% female soul, I'm the third metaphysic which is structured from the composition of both, hence Twin Soul.

My mistake in this was that I took the vision too literally and it sent me for a loop of confusion because I trusted it too much with my emotions, emotions are the opposite of logic and too much completely counters it and sensibility. When we do past-life regression or visions, the accidental placement of intent that people do is too much on the direct self. So when you may want "See yourself in the past" you may accidentally intend "See myself" and the astral will respond by symbolically showing you how you are now or how you were in some way or other. This happens to other things as well "See the future" may show you what you want or what you expect. Same with the past.

And as for dreams, like I said, they are symbolical. I had a dream I unburied a chicken hatchling from when it got stuck in the dirt and that was the primary focus of the dream and the one scene I remembered the best after waking from it, does that mean I'm some saviour of a baby chicken in the past or future on some farm? Or is the most likely meaning symbolical as potential guidance from the gods in telling me to unbury and free something of myself and to nurture it to good health and take care of it? Like all baby animals or babies in general need in symbology? Or does it mean someone needs my help and I have the potential to free them from the dirt they got themselves stuck and buried in? Because after all, I was not the baby chicken.

There's all kinds of interpretations, it takes some wisdom and finding convenience and sense in things to figure out the truth and what seems like the most accurate answer. We can't all just say dreams and visions are undeniable fact, that can not only mislead others but mislead you. You have to actually examine them with intent of truth and through a good third-eye perspective outside of the emotions and the self to find out what it actually objectively means.... not literally.

HP HoodedCobra666: "When you do the meditations on the JoS, you are just awakening the third eye. Then you need to empower it. Gradually, you need to learn how to use it. Due to lack of knowledge and too many movies, and too many people writing books over subjects they have zero experience induced knowledge about, many people are confused on how the third eye really works. What results is unending confusion.

This leads people early on to rather imagine, than spiritual experience, and few people do this in order to try to play pretend to themselves (or others) that they are more "advanced" than they actually are.

This is not bad as a tendency on one hand because it shows one wants to advance, on the other if this is the case frequently this shows a charlatan or a liar to themselves and others, yet one has to be aware that any such experiences need logical filtering and the ability to discern truth from falsehood or like any over-extension can lead to disaster. Many people disregard this and cause this disaster to themselves and others.

Imaginations made in some way can have any truth percent in them, ranging form total flat out delusion, to partial delusion, to having somewhat real elements in them. This is normal as when one goes from blindness to understanding, one will do mistakes, the only real issues arise when people become dogmatic and the list goes, disregard the nature of such issues as 'starting gazes' so to say."

[Source: How the Third Eye Works]

I have gotten dogmatic about my own things in that when seeing truths I can overextend it with emotions if the situation provokes such beyond what the truth is when I should be remaining in comfort where it actually lies, but I can end up outside of that solid comfort zone of actual truths in becoming too confident in myself or trying too hard in either to help someone or to clarify something or to even prove it, and this overextention fueled by emotions is where the clarity starts to fade away and one's own mistakes manifest in going beyond what they're actually capable of seeing.

It has caused me uncountable problems, not in the general truths themselves those remain as they are proven and evident at the start before I start spiraling down the deeper the rabbit hole goes in emotions, but in going above and beyond them to overextend into territories I actually can't see any truth in and then I lie unaware of this until in a more calm state and see how much my emotions drove me to disclarity in saying or doing things that never should've been.

I'm ashamed of it every single time, but in my case the problem is I care about people here too much and sometimes it's like a suffocating parent that won't even let you go outside because "there's like a billion dangers out there, stay home where it's safe and listen to mommy!" and no it's not my finest trait. But this is how emotions and such can cloud your sight and judgement.
ShadowTheRaven said:
slyscorpion said:
Dude calm down. I totally am not sure things are like you say. I know that you are correct in that it will all implode in on itself because it is unsustainable and due to the CoronaCRAP stuff going on now much sooner than it would have had it not happened possibly by the end of this year. But it was going to collapse anyways in a few years even without that.


How i saw it in a dream is something happenes that kind of splits the era again so we are kind of at a year 0 type thing and literally every form of entertainment almost in this age is banned as "degenerate" most of the icons are destroyed of this age. Everything of the enemy is banned if it can't be fully outright destroyed. It will be called the "new world" this age we are in now is the "old world"

I saw directly this in a dream and also the spirit is more of community and freedom NOT any of the Incel bullshit.

The whole world will become like a small town with everything being safe wholesome and friendly the only difference is that the races will be separate but we still will be able to travel and learn about other cultures.

There will not be any dictator telling everyone what to think or do.

It's nothing like you describe.

Hitler when he returns trust me will not be like that nor will any of the Gods. In fact Satan hates that kind of thing its stated on the website so many times.

I know it's nothing like what you think is going to happen both from past life memories of how it was in the past and stuff I know now.

I don't wanna say "he's not going to listen and make himself look more like an idiot", but he's not going to fucking listen and he's gonna make himself look more like an idiot. His vision of Hitler is pretty much what we've been indoctrinated with in public school, that women should be literally chained to the house and allowed to be beaten by their husbands if they don't do the cooking, cleaning, and child rearing. The minute you propose something a little more moderate than Jack's hardline outlook of the world, he'll sperg, say "SoUnDs LIkE MaRxiSm" then post a bunch of pictures of depictions from the Bhagavad Gita or a whole bunch of Nazi Portraits, both if he's convenient.

A society where only the men need to work? I'm all for it, but we need an economy that supports that lifestyle. We're stuck with the judaified economy where everyone must work 12-14 hour shifts, 5 or 6 days a week in order to make the bare minimum to survive. If your family isn't wealthy enough to send you to a school where you'll only be indoctrinated further, oh well. You can't even buy a house without wasting half of your hard earned income for 30 years straight on a house in a shady area, and another quarter of your paycheck on property taxes. Don't even get me started on additional interest and fees that it takes to have literally anything that should be normal. A house, a car, enough to raise a family on, and job security.

Also, he can't keep his arguments straight. First it's "democracy must be destroyed" now a day later it's "democracy doesn't exist".

Oh, it won't exist in a couple decades from now but the system isn't going to go down easy, there will be a war the likes of which this world has never seen. Not even the brutality of the Soviets in World War 2 will measure up on what will go down. So instead of sperging, start preparing.

As for most media from this era being destroyed and banned, I'd rather go back to pre-industralized society than continue to be surrounded by degeneracy so the thought of that is like a wet dream to me.

Some countries are already collapsing, like Lebanon for example. You see the chaos going on over there? It's gonna be worldwide.
Literally everything you said about me is a delusional projection of your own mind. Youre finding out linguistic arguments to go on because you don't have any clue what is going on here. And on the topic of gender and Male-female relationships, your totally sperging. This is the issue with people with low iqs. They tend to look at things as Good Vs Bad, like Hitler said a very simplistic childlike way of looking at things. The jews,Christians and muslims who are religious hate women, but that doesn't mean that feminism which is also a Marxist theory of allowing women to vote and give them no holds barred avenues to self destruct themselves under Jewish ideologies is the answer. There is a separate path between Marxism and Religious Fundamentalism, which is returning back to our natural biological instincts.

Our natural biological instincts as evidenced by history was that majority of women would be taking care and nurturing their home and children while the men worked. And this was implemented in a situation of total economic collapse in Germany due to mass unemployment. We are entering in a state of much worse a situation than the Great depression and we have the opportunity to retake our countries against the elites. Most certainly these unhinged and disturbed young men will be willing to do whatever it takes to get to a better place. This is what the New world order elites are preparing for ,the legalization of Hard drugs,Netflix, other digital distractions, banning of oppozition forces from the social media companies.They dont want that what happened in Germany in an ultra liberal climate to a youth that became ultranationalist,to happen in our Western democracies.

What is happening is basically since we're so caught up in normalcy set up by marxist feminism, anyone who says otherwise immediately triggers cognitive dissonance inside your brain. I once also had this liberal and libertarian view about life - that no one is more accountable to anyone than themselves. But the truth of the matter is that, no one is actually in control of their actions. The influences from childhood that makes up your personality, your parents upbringing, the media, the peers around you all influence you to take a certain kinds of steps towards life and for that same reason Democracy doesn't exist.

When I say democracy doesn't exist, I mean true democracy doesn't exist. Athenian Democracy and original American constitutional republic handled the reins to only a few select men because they understood that the mass majority of people are like literal children incapable of making conscious decisions. And it's TRUE for anyone who has ever studied cognitive neuroscience, people make their decisions subconsciously through various influences not consciously. Only exemplary males and a few females are capable of breaking through that cycle and make correct decisions. And by your tact most certainly you are not one of them. What we are currently experiencing is a corrupt form of democracy which is also known as universal suffrage democracy. What this is is essentially rule of the media. Any group of people who can more influence the people emotionally or otherwise will get votes to influence the elections and set up their cultural and economic policies. The Republicans used to be a Christian nationalist(still are) party who were very interested in starting WW3 in the middle east and trigger and apocalypse because the televangelists had influenced them so. They also couldn't do anything economically and allowed the businesses to set up shop in China. They allowed the total destruction of america until Donald Trump came along with his sane plans for stopping immigration and getting our businesses back. It didn't matter about Republicans and Democrats but about a charismatic leader who wanted to help his people. He was blocked from achieving most of his promises due to leftist judges and other innocuous sounding bureaucratic laws that prevented him from implementing his total agenda. If he was a dictator he could have achieved all that he wanted without anything holding him back.
1)Forced Conpanies get back into america
2)Stop massive immigration legally
3)Stop illegal immigration
4)Get American soldiers out of unnecessary countries where they're stationed.
5)Get rid of the deep state and deal with corruption.

In a situation of total Chaos only a charismatic, uninhibited male leader can lead us towards a more stable situation. This was the case with history and this will be the case in the future. We might not have labels such as - monarchy,Dictatorship ,National Socialism etc but the premise of the situation will be a group of exemplary men setting down dictates that confused people follow to reach stability in their lives.

If you can't understand any of this, you aren't cut out to survive in the future. You better get ready and tell your mother that your sorry for hating her because the place we're going, itll be too late for regrets.
Jack said:
Literally everything you said about me is a delusional projection of your own mind. Youre finding out linguistic arguments to go on because you don't have any clue what is going on here. And on the topic of gender and Male-female relationships, your totally sperging. This is the issue with people with low iqs. They tend to look at things as Good Vs Bad, like Hitler said a very simplistic childlike way of looking at things. The jews,Christians and muslims who are religious hate women, but that doesn't mean that feminism which is also a Marxist theory of allowing women to vote and give them no holds barred avenues to self destruct themselves under Jewish ideologies is the answer. There is a separate path between Marxism and Religious Fundamentalism, which is returning back to our natural biological instincts.

Our natural biological instincts as evidenced by history was that majority of women would be taking care and nurturing their home and children while the men worked. And this was implemented in a situation of total economic collapse in Germany due to mass unemployment. We are entering in a state of much worse a situation than the Great depression and we have the opportunity to retake our countries against the elites. Most certainly these unhinged and disturbed young men will be willing to do whatever it takes to get to a better place. This is what the New world order elites are preparing for ,the legalization of Hard drugs,Netflix, other digital distractions, banning of oppozition forces from the social media companies.They dont want that what happened in Germany in an ultra liberal climate to a youth that became ultranationalist,to happen in our Western democracies.

What is happening is basically since we're so caught up in normalcy set up by marxist feminism, anyone who says otherwise immediately triggers cognitive dissonance inside your brain. I once also had this liberal and libertarian view about life - that no one is more accountable to anyone than themselves. But the truth of the matter is that, no one is actually in control of their actions. The influences from childhood that makes up your personality, your parents upbringing, the media, the peers around you all influence you to take a certain kinds of steps towards life and for that same reason Democracy doesn't exist.

When I say democracy doesn't exist, I mean true democracy doesn't exist. Athenian Democracy and original American constitutional republic handled the reins to only a few select men because they understood that the mass majority of people are like literal children incapable of making conscious decisions. And it's TRUE for anyone who has ever studied cognitive neuroscience, people make their decisions subconsciously through various influences not consciously. Only exemplary males and a few females are capable of breaking through that cycle and make correct decisions. And by your tact most certainly you are not one of them. What we are currently experiencing is a corrupt form of democracy which is also known as universal suffrage democracy. What this is is essentially rule of the media. Any group of people who can more influence the people emotionally or otherwise will get votes to influence the elections and set up their cultural and economic policies. The Republicans used to be a Christian nationalist(still are) party who were very interested in starting WW3 in the middle east and trigger and apocalypse because the televangelists had influenced them so. They also couldn't do anything economically and allowed the businesses to set up shop in China. They allowed the total destruction of america until Donald Trump came along with his sane plans for stopping immigration and getting our businesses back. It didn't matter about Republicans and Democrats but about a charismatic leader who wanted to help his people. He was blocked from achieving most of his promises due to leftist judges and other innocuous sounding bureaucratic laws that prevented him from implementing his total agenda. If he was a dictator he could have achieved all that he wanted without anything holding him back.
1)Forced Conpanies get back into america
2)Stop massive immigration legally
3)Stop illegal immigration
4)Get American soldiers out of unnecessary countries where they're stationed.
5)Get rid of the deep state and deal with corruption.

In a situation of total Chaos only a charismatic, uninhibited male leader can lead us towards a more stable situation. This was the case with history and this will be the case in the future. We might not have labels such as - monarchy,Dictatorship ,National Socialism etc but the premise of the situation will be a group of exemplary men setting down dictates that confused people follow to reach stability in their lives.

If you can't understand any of this, you aren't cut out to survive in the future. You better get ready and tell your mother that your sorry for hating her because the place we're going, itll be too late for regrets.

Stop assuming that I'm either one extreme or the other. You act like such an intellectual that nobody else, especially I have no idea what's going on, but what's going on is that there is a war raging on the likes of which have never been seen before on this Earth and if the jew gets their way, it will manifest physically. That's why you have to prepare to face bloodshed, death, horror, and destruction like you've never seen in any of your lives.

Gee, maybe you should've put that into your original argument because just saying "democracy" is going to lead me to believe you mean modern democracy. It's a failure of a system nonetheless, so why elaborate anyway right?

I don't give a shit about the Democrat or Republican party, they're both marxist pieces of shit that need to be utterly destroyed in the most chaotic manner possible. We had a stable middle class with room to grow, but both sides had to push the globalist agenda so that there's a deep divide between the ultra-rich who take modern commodities for granted while the poor suffers more and more clinging to the teat of the system leading to full blown socialism incarnate.

The years to come will bring suffering, chaos, and death that the weak will not be able to bear. I, however will be prepared and ready and have a contingency plan for every scenario I can possibly think of. You just bitch and moan that women aren't in the kitchen making sandwiches when we have a lot more to worry about. The system is the problem, and the jews created the system so we must disassemble the system and replace it with National Socialism which rules by natural law. If that means I'm only a cog in the machine that keeps our way of life going, our way of life meaning following the natural order of National Socialist hierarchy, then I guess that's fate.

But fine, we'll do it your way. We'll force women back into the kitchen, take away all suffrage, and temporarily place a system of brutal repression until your way of ruling with an iron fist is normalized just like the jews normalized this cultural marxist crap. We won't re-educate the next generation into our way of life, create a warrior culture of men, and a feminized motherly culture of women, a hardworking, educated, well-trained middle class, focus our economy on the national level so our society has as according to our needs and resources, completely ban all immigration except for peoples with European origin, repatriate non-whites to their country of ancestry, or country of choice within their region/continent, or literally anything else that makes sense in the long run. Nope, let's just concede to the idea that a country must be run on brutal repression and totalitarianism without taking sophisticated measures to reverse the damage done to our society. For that to be done, the system as it is must be destroyed.

Am I in the ballpark yet, or do you still want me dead since I'm calling out your fallacies? Because that's the vibe I'm getting from you is that you want to shoot me in the face.
Jack said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
slyscorpion said:
Dude calm down. I totally am not sure things are like you say. I know that you are correct in that it will all implode in on itself because it is unsustainable and due to the CoronaCRAP stuff going on now much sooner than it would have had it not happened possibly by the end of this year. But it was going to collapse anyways in a few years even without that.


How i saw it in a dream is something happenes that kind of splits the era again so we are kind of at a year 0 type thing and literally every form of entertainment almost in this age is banned as "degenerate" most of the icons are destroyed of this age. Everything of the enemy is banned if it can't be fully outright destroyed. It will be called the "new world" this age we are in now is the "old world"

I saw directly this in a dream and also the spirit is more of community and freedom NOT any of the Incel bullshit.

The whole world will become like a small town with everything being safe wholesome and friendly the only difference is that the races will be separate but we still will be able to travel and learn about other cultures.

There will not be any dictator telling everyone what to think or do.

It's nothing like you describe.

Hitler when he returns trust me will not be like that nor will any of the Gods. In fact Satan hates that kind of thing its stated on the website so many times.

I know it's nothing like what you think is going to happen both from past life memories of how it was in the past and stuff I know now.

I don't wanna say "he's not going to listen and make himself look more like an idiot", but he's not going to fucking listen and he's gonna make himself look more like an idiot. His vision of Hitler is pretty much what we've been indoctrinated with in public school, that women should be literally chained to the house and allowed to be beaten by their husbands if they don't do the cooking, cleaning, and child rearing. The minute you propose something a little more moderate than Jack's hardline outlook of the world, he'll sperg, say "SoUnDs LIkE MaRxiSm" then post a bunch of pictures of depictions from the Bhagavad Gita or a whole bunch of Nazi Portraits, both if he's convenient.

A society where only the men need to work? I'm all for it, but we need an economy that supports that lifestyle. We're stuck with the judaified economy where everyone must work 12-14 hour shifts, 5 or 6 days a week in order to make the bare minimum to survive. If your family isn't wealthy enough to send you to a school where you'll only be indoctrinated further, oh well. You can't even buy a house without wasting half of your hard earned income for 30 years straight on a house in a shady area, and another quarter of your paycheck on property taxes. Don't even get me started on additional interest and fees that it takes to have literally anything that should be normal. A house, a car, enough to raise a family on, and job security.

Also, he can't keep his arguments straight. First it's "democracy must be destroyed" now a day later it's "democracy doesn't exist".

Oh, it won't exist in a couple decades from now but the system isn't going to go down easy, there will be a war the likes of which this world has never seen. Not even the brutality of the Soviets in World War 2 will measure up on what will go down. So instead of sperging, start preparing.

As for most media from this era being destroyed and banned, I'd rather go back to pre-industralized society than continue to be surrounded by degeneracy so the thought of that is like a wet dream to me.

Some countries are already collapsing, like Lebanon for example. You see the chaos going on over there? It's gonna be worldwide.
Literally everything you said about me is a delusional projection of your own mind. Youre finding out linguistic arguments to go on because you don't have any clue what is going on here. And on the topic of gender and Male-female relationships, your totally sperging. This is the issue with people with low iqs. They tend to look at things as Good Vs Bad, like Hitler said a very simplistic childlike way of looking at things. The jews,Christians and muslims who are religious hate women, but that doesn't mean that feminism which is also a Marxist theory of allowing women to vote and give them no holds barred avenues to self destruct themselves under Jewish ideologies is the answer. There is a separate path between Marxism and Religious Fundamentalism, which is returning back to our natural biological instincts.

Our natural biological instincts as evidenced by history was that majority of women would be taking care and nurturing their home and children while the men worked. And this was implemented in a situation of total economic collapse in Germany due to mass unemployment. We are entering in a state of much worse a situation than the Great depression and we have the opportunity to retake our countries against the elites. Most certainly these unhinged and disturbed young men will be willing to do whatever it takes to get to a better place. This is what the New world order elites are preparing for ,the legalization of Hard drugs,Netflix, other digital distractions, banning of oppozition forces from the social media companies.They dont want that what happened in Germany in an ultra liberal climate to a youth that became ultranationalist,to happen in our Western democracies.

What is happening is basically since we're so caught up in normalcy set up by marxist feminism, anyone who says otherwise immediately triggers cognitive dissonance inside your brain. I once also had this liberal and libertarian view about life - that no one is more accountable to anyone than themselves. But the truth of the matter is that, no one is actually in control of their actions. The influences from childhood that makes up your personality, your parents upbringing, the media, the peers around you all influence you to take a certain kinds of steps towards life and for that same reason Democracy doesn't exist.

When I say democracy doesn't exist, I mean true democracy doesn't exist. Athenian Democracy and original American constitutional republic handled the reins to only a few select men because they understood that the mass majority of people are like literal children incapable of making conscious decisions. And it's TRUE for anyone who has ever studied cognitive neuroscience, people make their decisions subconsciously through various influences not consciously. Only exemplary males and a few females are capable of breaking through that cycle and make correct decisions. And by your tact most certainly you are not one of them. What we are currently experiencing is a corrupt form of democracy which is also known as universal suffrage democracy. What this is is essentially rule of the media. Any group of people who can more influence the people emotionally or otherwise will get votes to influence the elections and set up their cultural and economic policies. The Republicans used to be a Christian nationalist(still are) party who were very interested in starting WW3 in the middle east and trigger and apocalypse because the televangelists had influenced them so. They also couldn't do anything economically and allowed the businesses to set up shop in China. They allowed the total destruction of america until Donald Trump came along with his sane plans for stopping immigration and getting our businesses back. It didn't matter about Republicans and Democrats but about a charismatic leader who wanted to help his people. He was blocked from achieving most of his promises due to leftist judges and other innocuous sounding bureaucratic laws that prevented him from implementing his total agenda. If he was a dictator he could have achieved all that he wanted without anything holding him back.
1)Forced Conpanies get back into america
2)Stop massive immigration legally
3)Stop illegal immigration
4)Get American soldiers out of unnecessary countries where they're stationed.
5)Get rid of the deep state and deal with corruption.

In a situation of total Chaos only a charismatic, uninhibited male leader can lead us towards a more stable situation. This was the case with history and this will be the case in the future. We might not have labels such as - monarchy,Dictatorship ,National Socialism etc but the premise of the situation will be a group of exemplary men setting down dictates that confused people follow to reach stability in their lives.

If you can't understand any of this, you aren't cut out to survive in the future. You better get ready and tell your mother that your sorry for hating her because the place we're going, itll be too late for regrets.

We are not Jewhovas witnesses!!!

I also dont think we can support installing Trump or anyone as "Dictator" unless they at least have reached some level of Spiritual advancement like Hitler did. That is the reason and only reason it worked out good.

What you dont think a female could do this too?

There are strong warrior women in the world.

Agreed the Maxist Feminism is not good at all but I bet you won't say the same thing about Incel movement and the things on the male side :lol: just as bad.

Having all males leading everything and doing everything doesn't lead to balance.

You seem to take this much beyond protesting Marxist feminism and seem to think women should not have any rights at all and should always be told what to do :?

I dare you to actually speak to one of our Goddesses about this I doubt strongly they would agree to all you are saying.

Some of this stuff sounds so low vibration in consciousness and understanding its nauseating to the rest of us.

How about this try this on for size: Most of the stuff that is put into gender roles today is Marxist or xtian. Both what we mostly have now and the controlled opposition (trans movement) admit you dont know the truth on how things should be and you lack balance.

Yes there are Gender roles in Nature. But one doesn't seek to control the other and push it down and to be honest most people were naturally drawn to their role and the ones that were not (mostly third sex) had their own role in nature seperate from this.

Its not supposed to be like you say.

Also please stop trying to actually freak people out about the future or add more fear and bad energy to the mass mind to actually make something bad happen as people here actually have more power than most. I think we should hope for the Best and prepare for the worst. Deal with things as they come and listen to the clergy on this.

They actually said nothing about a lot of stuff you are saying.

Yes I saw in a dream a future where a lot of stuff is destroyed doesnt mean it will happen. There is still hope till the moment it happens that it won't. The future is not set in stone.

Your stuff sounds like stuff you would see Jewhovas witnesses saying to be honest. So much so that people would think your one of them if you didn't have stuff on Satanism or Nazism here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
