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Younger or new souls


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
Listen I myself am quite an old soul as anyone who is psychic and sensed me has said.

But I am wondering about this. What about really young or even new souls on earth. What can we do to help them. It is very obvious that most of them are attracted to the enemy religions or other negative things in today's world.

The New souls very well may be the people you hear about in the news sometimes doing things so dumb it makes everyone scratch their heads even the people writing the articles.

Is there any possible way to reach out to these people. It very well may be that in many areas of the world these are the vast majority of people due to the enemy programs causing most people to just die in a spiritual sense on the astral and no longer exist.

Also maybe there should be some kind of guide explaining to older souls how they interact what their intentions are what they look for in love or sex. Their ways of viewing the world etc. Cause a lot of older souls cannot understand or comprehend this and this is the reason we end up outcast often.

How are we supposed to teach or guide them when we dont understand them.

It may be to our benifit to get some of these people on our side. Is this really the majority of the world if so how do we reach these people.

The traits they have is they just tend to follow what people tell them and not have much depth. Does this mean they are for sure lost in this incarnation at least and there is nothing that can be done.

This may make it harder for us to set up a Satanic system in the world if we cannot get their support.

What was their role in ancient times anyways.
We were all new souls once, just like we were all children once. Think of it more like that. Spiritual children. You don’t expect children to come out knowing how to survive. You show them how. You teach them. The problem with new souls is that many are born into horrible conditions, physically and/or spiritually, and are perpetuating a cycle of ignorance. The enemy keeps them locked down and suppressed as cannon fodder so they are incapable of elevating themselves. In this case, the RTR is the best bet. Once things change globally, it will be easier to set new souls on the correct path.

Their role was just like anyone else’s in ancient times. Obviously, they had better teachers and guides back then and were able to advance much faster since they could focus more on learning than Jew slaving. They also had the advantage of not being born in a degenerative society that takes advantage of their ignorance. They were racially pure as well.

I mean, think if you were born a totally new soul in today’s climate to two incredibly ignorant Christians and the first thing you ever remember in your entire existence is being forced to go to church all the time. Or even worse, you’re born to someone that’s still tribal in the jungle with no access to even the internet to learn about anything separate from what you know. Of course they are going to think only in the physical until the day they die. Life is nothing but action and reaction when you worship death.

I think just doing what we’ve all been doing will lay out the groundwork to help these people. Outside of maybe individuals we can help in our personal lives through simple red pills and teachings, the problem is a product of pure kikery and there wouldn’t even be as many new souls if it weren’t for them and the problems they have manifested into society as a whole.
I had a Ouija Board session a couple years back. I asked how old I was, soul wise, and how many lives did I have. The results were approximately 3,254 years old as of now, and this is my sixth life.
There’s a reason most, if not all SS are old souls. Mainly because we have lived during the times before the enemy took control through xianity and their other filth.

We have the original morality and satanic values of old deeply imprinted upon us, due to having lived in the ancient empires that were ruled and that functioned based on Satan’s and the Gods teachings and wisdom.

We have also seen the descent into the sewer this world has taken after the enemy gradually took over. Lifetime after lifetime we’d incarnate and see for ourselves the shell of it’s former self this works has become and the misery that the enemy propagated.

We have an intrinsic hatred for them, because we have seen and experienced everything from the beginning till today.

Subconsciously we seek the values of Satan and the Gods, to bring the world back to a state where natural law and SS morality rules supreme, and where the enemy is void.

Young souls are not like that. Personally I feel that the majority of people are those with less than 3 past lifetimes. Those people would have lived their first lives a few hundred years ago at most.

They grew up in a world where xianity is the main faith of those in the west, and they grew up under the enemies shadow, never knowing the true beauty and glory of our ancient history and the ancient empires.

They do not have this intrinsic resistance towards them, unless they had suffered directly under them, but due to having existed far shorter, their souls are often more impressionable and also less resilient.

They crumble more easily under the enemy programs, becoming demoralized and obedient little pawns.

However, we do not need to directly teach those younger souls, for now at least, the meaning of SS and the wisdom of our Gods.

As we destroy the enemy programs at their root, their influence on the fragile and impressionable masses dissipates on it’s own, and as such due to them being very impressionable, they will easily attune to the wisdom of our Gods and come to accept it, as these are the values our races are naturally aligned with.

Also, when they see something better than the established values they have grown up under, they will gladly come over to learn of these better values.

The main reason this hasn’t happened much in the past is because of the influence the enemy programs had on people’s souls, making it impossible for ordinary souls to escape their vortex of energy, but now that their influence is crumbling totally, they cannot keep the souls of the masses trapped within their filthy webs, so when their web totally crumbles all those souls will find themselves free suddenly, which will make them seek out something to look up to, something to follow.

Many will instinctively return to Satan right then, as the enemy influence no longer shackles the racial values they are naturally aligned with, allowing them to tune into these once more.

We old souls have the role to protect our race, as those who have experienced history and know of the glory of our Gods better than anyone. It is natural we seek spirituality and that many of us find Satan once more in this age, as we have never been truly shackled by the enemy, many of us here have fought them time and time again throughout many past lives.

Also, I don’t think it is so much that young souls are difficult to understand for us old ones, which often get’s us outcast, but rather the material enemy world we live in today is something we cannot accept in the most fundamental level.

Personally I have always intrinsically rejected our reality as it is today, and by extension, I have always rejected most people’s thinking.

The challenge for an old soul in today’s age is how to not neglect the material and integrate to an extend in society so at least you can have a prosperous life and not waste your latent talents.

Some old souls are better at this than others. Some are very stubborn and will find it nigh impossible to integrate as they despise the society and reality we live in so much. This results in them becoming outcast, sometimes willingly and sometimes subconsciously.

At the same time it is only natural we do not feel great affinity to the young souls that live all around us. Just like how an old man can’t interact on a level basis with a bunch of children due to their generational gap, we cannot really do so with young souls either.

It’s not hard to understand them, as they are usually quite shallow, but just because you understand them, doesn’t mean you can accept them or agree with them.

Our outlook on life is entirely incomprehensible to most of them, especially regarding old souls who remember their past lives to an extend and are involved in the spiritual.

To teach and guide them, or even just interact with them, you need to do so from their perspective and their level.

Your true nature is not understood by the majority of people in the world today, only those with similarly old souls can really understand, or those young souls who have inherent wisdom in them and are born with a desire to seek truth and look towards the past.

Subconsciously is feels more comfortable to become outcast rather than try to integrate with what are essentially a bunch of little ignorant children and play their game based on the rules set by their abusive captors.

Just this sort of sentiment is already completely outlandish to the majority of people, and they could never comprehend how anyone can feel this way.

We have our role, and it is in many cases best we perform it silently. Though all of us too are different, so some have a different calling than others.

The one thing we do have in common is that it is only us who know the world of the past before the enemy had their season, and we have the duty to put an end to them.

The young souls will come along naturally as we make progress against them, which will also open up more ways for us to teach them and guide this world in more direct ways down the line.

For now I wouldn’t worry too much about teaching and guiding the young souls of the world, not until the time we can make more of an impact.

Perhaps if you really want to do more, find ways to express your inner feelings and thoughts to the world, based on your morality and wisdom as an old soul, through writing perhaps or some other means that suit you.

Things like that will gain more value as time passes and more people open up to it.

Hail Satan!
ShadowTheRaven said:
I had a Ouija Board session a couple years back. I asked how old I was, soul wise, and how many lives did I have. The results were approximately 3,254 years old as of now, and this is my sixth life.
Doesn't add up does it.
Jack said:
Doesn't add up does it.

Well who said you reincarnated instantly?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Doesn't add up does it.

Well who said you reincarnated instantly?

You don't instantly reincarnate, however 6 lifetimes over 3000 years is very unlikely.

I used to feel the same, that people could spend very long periods of time between incarnations, hundreds, or even more than a thousand years, however, that simply doesn't happen, or doesn't seem to happen in practice. Perhaps in very special cases where a persons soul is kept in Duat by the Gods for certain reasons, but it wouldn't happen to most people, not even those who are with Satan.

From my limited experience with souls, I've noticed it's very common for souls to reincarnate within a few years after their deaths. While this is mostly an educated guess, I believe it would be the same for almost everyone, even SS, where it's rare to take more than a few decades to reincarnate between lifetimes.

The soul is simply not made to spend long periods of time on the astral without a physical body. You constantly dissipate without a physical incarnation, unless you have performed very specific spiritual advancement which immortalizes your soul, a pseudo magnum opus if you will, but that is exceptionally rare.

While I do not know this for certain, I have a strong feeling you can expect to incarnate within a few decades after your previous lifetime at most, maybe a 100 years tops, unless it is a very special case. So if you would have a soul that is 3000 years old, you'd likely have lived anywhere up to 30 lifetimes.

Remembering your past lives can be very convoluted and difficult. Mostly any sort of impactful events and memories will come back to you first, as well as memories about things you particularly care about. Certain lifetimes may be much more mundane than others, so you are less likely to remember these, and end up with large gaps in your timeline that will fill in over time as you explore your soul more.

However, don't dwell too much on the past. It is interesting to remember, and necessary to work out the dross, as well as helpful in waking your latent talents and potential, but the number of lives you may have lived, or age of your soul, doesn't really mean anything.

One can have lived a lot of lives and be an ancient soul, but still be an insignificant and mediocre person in their current life. It is best to focus on the present and evaluate yourself how you are now, and see where you can/need to improve or make gains in the current moment. Being an old soul comes with it's own difficulties, namely that one will carry a lot more dross than others, which can weigh you down significantly in your current life.

By the very nature of it, past life regression can cause a lot of confusion, and it is extremely easy to misinterpret some kind of experience, a dream experience, or even the memories of another that you may tap into as your own, as well as wishful thinking making you biased in your assessment of yourself. For this reason, past life regression is something one should take very slowly, and not make any assumptions based on partial evidence, as it is very easy to deceive yourself, or even loose yourself totally in delusion when working on this.

Even the oldest souls on Earth, are merely small existences compared to our Gods. It is easy to let things get to your head when you figure you must be an old soul, but you should always remember this is almost irrelevant in practice. Even if one would remember all their dozens of lifetimes and remember all their abilities, talents, knowledge and wisdom in the present, you'd still be less advanced and significant than even a single one of our Gods.

The most powerful and useful thing I have found coming from past lives is the emotions stemming from the memories you have of all your lives, as well as the immensely deep connection to your race. It is for example possible that you are your own ancestor.

The sense of accomplishment and also ineffability you feel when you look back across history and realize you have been a part of almost every era until this day, is incredible and truly empowering.

You are you, but at the same time, you are more than a mere individual. You have been many across many lifetimes. You are the race and the race is you. It is difficult for me to put into words, but that sense of connection to your race as an old soul is truly marvelous and very significant.

This is something young souls would never be able to truly understand.
Jack said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I had a Ouija Board session a couple years back. I asked how old I was, soul wise, and how many lives did I have. The results were approximately 3,254 years old as of now, and this is my sixth life.
Doesn't add up does it.

The older the soul is the easier it is to choose to incarnate and when. It could be over 1000 years between incarnations. This century I have come back about 3 times that I remember for instance. However I knew when born here that I waited a very long time for this incarnation and there was some kind of final war that was going to happen and I was even warned by the Gods that I may not like it here and don't have to come etc. However I dont think I understood the meaning of that at the time or I would have pulled out if I had grasped how difficult life is here. I am only able to remember this cause of the final rtr but when I was a little kid I had several people as friends in the spirit world not only the Gods but a couple humans as well. I know both of them right now as my main and only friends and people I can talk to about anything. That is the odd part about this. I was actually asking my Partner to incarnate she wasnt sure she wanted to apparently but she did and came down in the same area as I was she was born near me and the odd part is i think she told me where she lived because i subconsciously gravitated toward that town (it was a midsized city) and even when I was younger would count when we moved how many miles away from that town I was. Then I literally almost ended up walking directly to where she was. I knew she was near a park etc.

This is the interesting thing about older souls.

I chose some of my Natal aspects.

As far as I know I know some of the people on here from various lives. A couple in particular but I haven't really talked to them as I am fine right now.

I actually literally remember all this. I didn't until the curses started going down. As well as I figured out what town I lived in before this life and somehow strangely circumstances ended up with us moving near it.

Well anyways not all of this is related to the question but I wanted to share what I remember people would think I am insane for this if I told them.
VoiceofEnki said:
There’s a reason most, if not all SS are old souls. Mainly because we have lived during the times before the enemy took control through xianity and their other filth.

We have the original morality and satanic values of old deeply imprinted upon us, due to having lived in the ancient empires that were ruled and that functioned based on Satan’s and the Gods teachings and wisdom.

We have also seen the descent into the sewer this world has taken after the enemy gradually took over. Lifetime after lifetime we’d incarnate and see for ourselves the shell of it’s former self this works has become and the misery that the enemy propagated.

We have an intrinsic hatred for them, because we have seen and experienced everything from the beginning till today.

Subconsciously we seek the values of Satan and the Gods, to bring the world back to a state where natural law and SS morality rules supreme, and where the enemy is void.

Young souls are not like that. Personally I feel that the majority of people are those with less than 3 past lifetimes. Those people would have lived their first lives a few hundred years ago at most.

They grew up in a world where xianity is the main faith of those in the west, and they grew up under the enemies shadow, never knowing the true beauty and glory of our ancient history and the ancient empires.

They do not have this intrinsic resistance towards them, unless they had suffered directly under them, but due to having existed far shorter, their souls are often more impressionable and also less resilient.

They crumble more easily under the enemy programs, becoming demoralized and obedient little pawns.

However, we do not need to directly teach those younger souls, for now at least, the meaning of SS and the wisdom of our Gods.

As we destroy the enemy programs at their root, their influence on the fragile and impressionable masses dissipates on it’s own, and as such due to them being very impressionable, they will easily attune to the wisdom of our Gods and come to accept it, as these are the values our races are naturally aligned with.

Also, when they see something better than the established values they have grown up under, they will gladly come over to learn of these better values.

The main reason this hasn’t happened much in the past is because of the influence the enemy programs had on people’s souls, making it impossible for ordinary souls to escape their vortex of energy, but now that their influence is crumbling totally, they cannot keep the souls of the masses trapped within their filthy webs, so when their web totally crumbles all those souls will find themselves free suddenly, which will make them seek out something to look up to, something to follow.

Many will instinctively return to Satan right then, as the enemy influence no longer shackles the racial values they are naturally aligned with, allowing them to tune into these once more.

We old souls have the role to protect our race, as those who have experienced history and know of the glory of our Gods better than anyone. It is natural we seek spirituality and that many of us find Satan once more in this age, as we have never been truly shackled by the enemy, many of us here have fought them time and time again throughout many past lives.

Also, I don’t think it is so much that young souls are difficult to understand for us old ones, which often get’s us outcast, but rather the material enemy world we live in today is something we cannot accept in the most fundamental level.

Personally I have always intrinsically rejected our reality as it is today, and by extension, I have always rejected most people’s thinking.

The challenge for an old soul in today’s age is how to not neglect the material and integrate to an extend in society so at least you can have a prosperous life and not waste your latent talents.

Some old souls are better at this than others. Some are very stubborn and will find it nigh impossible to integrate as they despise the society and reality we live in so much. This results in them becoming outcast, sometimes willingly and sometimes subconsciously.

At the same time it is only natural we do not feel great affinity to the young souls that live all around us. Just like how an old man can’t interact on a level basis with a bunch of children due to their generational gap, we cannot really do so with young souls either.

It’s not hard to understand them, as they are usually quite shallow, but just because you understand them, doesn’t mean you can accept them or agree with them.

Our outlook on life is entirely incomprehensible to most of them, especially regarding old souls who remember their past lives to an extend and are involved in the spiritual.

To teach and guide them, or even just interact with them, you need to do so from their perspective and their level.

Your true nature is not understood by the majority of people in the world today, only those with similarly old souls can really understand, or those young souls who have inherent wisdom in them and are born with a desire to seek truth and look towards the past.

Subconsciously is feels more comfortable to become outcast rather than try to integrate with what are essentially a bunch of little ignorant children and play their game based on the rules set by their abusive captors.

Just this sort of sentiment is already completely outlandish to the majority of people, and they could never comprehend how anyone can feel this way.

We have our role, and it is in many cases best we perform it silently. Though all of us too are different, so some have a different calling than others.

The one thing we do have in common is that it is only us who know the world of the past before the enemy had their season, and we have the duty to put an end to them.

The young souls will come along naturally as we make progress against them, which will also open up more ways for us to teach them and guide this world in more direct ways down the line.

For now I wouldn’t worry too much about teaching and guiding the young souls of the world, not until the time we can make more of an impact.

Perhaps if you really want to do more, find ways to express your inner feelings and thoughts to the world, based on your morality and wisdom as an old soul, through writing perhaps or some other means that suit you.

Things like that will gain more value as time passes and more people open up to it.

Hail Satan!

I remember the shift to the age of Pisces from Aries. We were in Ancient Egypt at this time. I am not for certain what my role was but I was talking among some other people including my current partner who I was with long even before that. I think Age of Capricorn might have been when I first came into existence but I am not sure. Anyways so at that time we were very tribal and in nature there was not a lot of development or civilization but we had primitive versions of the Gods different statues. We were very much oriented towards nature.

Anyways back to the point in the age of Pisces when it shifted it was like a dark cloud coming over humanity. It felt very scary. We were desperately trying to do some rituals to change some kind of enemy energy that is an awful lot like the matrix that we dealt with now. I almost think this is when the enemy put that up fully.

I didn't think I would survive this or the world would survive none of us did.

But here we are that is really cool.
Being on this planet and living this life is like being a high school student in elementary school that is the best way someone described it to me.

But yeah I dont try to intentionally outcast myself just dont really know how to live in the way others do. Neither do these other two people I know and talked about. That is why we stick together.

But anyways each older soul has their own clique similar to this and one major partner or multiple. In my case I have not met the other one at this point not sure where she is but I personally am fine I dont per say really need to but yeah it could be cool having one more individual to talk to and hang out with.

I dont know how I remember all this I didn't till this month it just started coming to me and more stuff made sense. My entire life before the last couple years I wouldnt even know I was an older soul just confused but that was when the matrix was still up.

That reminds me I really hope the enemy doesnt have another major attack planned for Jupiter in Pisces coming up btw I kind of dread that. I totally lost contact with reality almost completly at that point when it was near neptune last time and had hallucinations people telling me all sorts of bullshit strange people coming into my life confusion etc
Working on VoiceOfEnkis post, I want to posit the idea that there isn't much to understand about Young Souls. You instinctively know what these people are about and what they respond to. They've been brought up in a highly materialistic and hedonistic society with Social Datwinism at the base. They're values and feelings are based on societally accepted values and they respond to aligning with the current culture and resisting anything against their programming.

An old man instinctively understands a young child and his naivety. A child accepts ideas and beliefs from his parents who are supposed to be mature and knowledgeable in life.And this is where the Libertarian view and the view of free will breaks down completely. The idea that these people are going to mature and figure out life on their own if they're given freedom is completely incorrect. If you give these people cocaine ,they will do cocaine. If you give them drugs, they will do drugs. Same with every single thing a child isn't supposed to do. You don't give a child a gun and hope he doesn't kill someone. You don't hope and say "Responsibility to the responsible. Everyone has freedom to choose." In actual fact, these people do not have freedom to choose. They are completely run by their emotions which are manufactured en masse by Jews who are directing the Societal values and Culture through Media and Academia. All of this bullshit about freedom and the right to choose is an American poison that has effectively destroyed civilization itself. Everything wrong with our world comes down to 2 things
1)The Jews
2)Allowing freedoms that are undeserved by common people.

Just as parents give their knowledge and pass on to their children. Just as Humans who are weak read Philosophers and adopt other more spiritually aware or mentally higher people's ideas,in order to become strong. Just like the Government has laws and ethical concerns you must abide by. Thus is the system of a true civilized nation where spiritual masters tell other people what to do and they do them. The first Duty of the powerful is to guide the weak ,which involves telling them what to do. By adopting our values, thinking and beliefs and by taking on our being, the weak are elevated to strength through awareness.

The solution to humanitys constant suffering is simple
1)Elimination of all kinds of Jewish or Marxist influence ,thinking, writing, texts everything
3)A Spiritual Top down dictatorship with the rulership under the Spiritual elites (Brahmins) who tell people what to do and people do it.

We need to get rid of this nonsensical and frankly stupid American idea of 'freedom ' which basically means blissful ignorance under whoever grabs your attention and emotionally manipulates you. Instead of this Nonsensical American idea, we should look to the Germans and their State structure. The Ideal Ethnostate should be based on Nazi Germany with a spiritual warrior elite (The SS) instructing people how to live life and they do it in order to become stronger.

What you need to understand is that unless you have emotional control over yourself through Void Meditation upon your emotions ,people can manipulate your using the altruism mechanism inside you. This is also what is happening in all of the Marxist programs. They are manipulating the emotional circuitry of the brain related to altruism and then saying they can fix the problem which their ideological system. This is also what's happening in the case of vegetarianism. These people are getting manipulated by jews who are telling them that they need to feel really sad and guilty about animals. Essentially a regression to a childlike fantasy land where everyone is free of suffering and everyone helps other people. Peter Kropotkin ,which is a view into the White view of communism is revealing in this respect. These whites have been manipulated by jews to attach their emotions to things they are saying. These people also happen to be very emotional, feminine and immature with untenable idealistic visions of the world. In true fact, the view that people will share their property and money to equalize society out of free will is so laughable, possibly little children may also laugh on this. This simply won't happen.

Common humans meaning the 95% of people on the planet are going to do what people who are on a higher mental plane than them,tell them to. And this is reality. The weak will follow the strong. Until the day that every single vestige and idea of the enemy is eliminated and everyone is spiritually aware, the only way for humanity to move forward is through dictatorships. Just as the jews have set the rhythm through Societal and Cultural manipulation on an industrial scale, so can spiritually aware brahmins in power. We can correct the cultural destruction with controlling and managing the ideas,values and culture that kids adopt from a generation and continue that.

Man can do what he wills.
But he cannot will what he wills.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
slyscorpion said:
Listen I myself am quite an old soul as anyone who is psychic and sensed me has said.

But I am wondering about this. What about really young or even new souls on earth. What can we do to help them. It is very obvious that most of them are attracted to the enemy religions or other negative things in today's world.

The New souls very well may be the people you hear about in the news sometimes doing things so dumb it makes everyone scratch their heads even the people writing the articles.

Is there any possible way to reach out to these people. It very well may be that in many areas of the world these are the vast majority of people due to the enemy programs causing most people to just die in a spiritual sense on the astral and no longer exist.

Also maybe there should be some kind of guide explaining to older souls how they interact what their intentions are what they look for in love or sex. Their ways of viewing the world etc. Cause a lot of older souls cannot understand or comprehend this and this is the reason we end up outcast often.

How are we supposed to teach or guide them when we dont understand them.

It may be to our benifit to get some of these people on our side. Is this really the majority of the world if so how do we reach these people.

The traits they have is they just tend to follow what people tell them and not have much depth. Does this mean they are for sure lost in this incarnation at least and there is nothing that can be done.

This may make it harder for us to set up a Satanic system in the world if we cannot get their support.

What was their role in ancient times anyways.
I think we will have to let them reincarnate(naturally) in the Satanic Era after we completely destroy the Jews. Like the jews brainwash children to program them into becoming a marxist, the same way but without any brainwashing in the new Satanic world children will automatically develop a strive/desire/inclination towards Paganism and Satanism because of no curses and very less negative energy. One can't really change a fully grown adult easily, especially if its an adult with a new soul but you can program/reprogram children, espeacilly the children with new souls, the Jews know this, that is why they target children through infiltration into the education system and entertainment industries, these two sectors influence almost 70-90% of the population of a nation in the modern world.

All we will have to do is, remove the Jewish flith and the rest will fix with time with little or normal guidance.

So my best bet is to defeat the enemy and let souls reincarnate into new Satanic world, most of them will not need heavy guidance. We will also have astrological advantage, the Age of Aquarius.
Jack said:
Working on VoiceOfEnkis post, I want to posit the idea that there isn't much to understand about Young Souls. You instinctively know what these people are about and what they respond to. They've been brought up in a highly materialistic and hedonistic society with Social Datwinism at the base. They're values and feelings are based on societally accepted values and they respond to aligning with the current culture and resisting anything against their programming.

An old man instinctively understands a young child and his naivety. A child accepts ideas and beliefs from his parents who are supposed to be mature and knowledgeable in life.And this is where the Libertarian view and the view of free will breaks down completely. The idea that these people are going to mature and figure out life on their own if they're given freedom is completely incorrect. If you give these people cocaine ,they will do cocaine. If you give them drugs, they will do drugs. Same with every single thing a child isn't supposed to do. You don't give a child a gun and hope he doesn't kill someone. You don't hope and say "Responsibility to the responsible. Everyone has freedom to choose." In actual fact, these people do not have freedom to choose. They are completely run by their emotions which are manufactured en masse by Jews who are directing the Societal values and Culture through Media and Academia. All of this bullshit about freedom and the right to choose is an American poison that has effectively destroyed civilization itself. Everything wrong with our world comes down to 2 things
1)The Jews
2)Allowing freedoms that are undeserved by common people.

Just as parents give their knowledge and pass on to their children. Just as Humans who are weak read Philosophers and adopt other more spiritually aware or mentally higher people's ideas,in order to become strong. Just like the Government has laws and ethical concerns you must abide by. Thus is the system of a true civilized nation where spiritual masters tell other people what to do and they do them. The first Duty of the powerful is to guide the weak ,which involves telling them what to do. By adopting our values, thinking and beliefs and by taking on our being, the weak are elevated to strength through awareness.

The solution to humanitys constant suffering is simple
1)Elimination of all kinds of Jewish or Marxist influence ,thinking, writing, texts everything
3)A Spiritual Top down dictatorship with the rulership under the Spiritual elites (Brahmins) who tell people what to do and people do it.

We need to get rid of this nonsensical and frankly stupid American idea of 'freedom ' which basically means blissful ignorance under whoever grabs your attention and emotionally manipulates you. Instead of this Nonsensical American idea, we should look to the Germans and their State structure. The Ideal Ethnostate should be based on Nazi Germany with a spiritual warrior elite (The SS) instructing people how to live life and they do it in order to become stronger.

What you need to understand is that unless you have emotional control over yourself through Void Meditation upon your emotions ,people can manipulate your using the altruism mechanism inside you. This is also what is happening in all of the Marxist programs. They are manipulating the emotional circuitry of the brain related to altruism and then saying they can fix the problem which their ideological system. This is also what's happening in the case of vegetarianism. These people are getting manipulated by jews who are telling them that they need to feel really sad and guilty about animals. Essentially a regression to a childlike fantasy land where everyone is free of suffering and everyone helps other people. Peter Kropotkin ,which is a view into the White view of communism is revealing in this respect. These whites have been manipulated by jews to attach their emotions to things they are saying. These people also happen to be very emotional, feminine and immature with untenable idealistic visions of the world. In true fact, the view that people will share their property and money to equalize society out of free will is so laughable, possibly little children may also laugh on this. This simply won't happen.

Common humans meaning the 95% of people on the planet are going to do what people who are on a higher mental plane than them,tell them to. And this is reality. The weak will follow the strong. Until the day that every single vestige and idea of the enemy is eliminated and everyone is spiritually aware, the only way for humanity to move forward is through dictatorships. Just as the jews have set the rhythm through Societal and Cultural manipulation on an industrial scale, so can spiritually aware brahmins in power. We can correct the cultural destruction with controlling and managing the ideas,values and culture that kids adopt from a generation and continue that.

Man can do what he wills.
But he cannot will what he wills.
- Arthur Schopenhauer

They will call this facism and probably try to fight and prevent it from being set up. That is the problem. I do agree with you completly though. I dont fear such a system myself cause I dont desire any of the things that would likely be banned under this system anyways that much at all.

Also in my thinking (I know this doesnt apply with me cause I an working on all problems as we speak and trying to live a healthy way) if I was doing something I am not supposed to in order to live in a healthy way or thinking in a way that is detrimental to myself I would want to know about it anyways and choose something different.

The problem is the younger souls will literally fight tooth and nail and be prepared to die even for the cause of destroying themselves. At least the ones in their second or third life who have already lived a life with xtianity or corruption of some sort and it's been ingrained into them.

However I know there will be a solution to this. It may take the current system collapsing totally and people not having money or food or whatever just like in Germany before Hitler in order to see a better one it kind of sucks but it's true.
I don't think dictatorship is correct. We could go back to clothing yourself in your liveries for service to lords and ladies; where you aren't free - rather, are a serf working in the royalty's/nobility's court and doing their bidding; or just being dirty peasants, bitch. Maybe a good-dictator, as opposed to a dictator would be it; a good-dictator, rather than a tyrant. Cheats! Adulterers! Slaves of Empire!

I think some here wish they/society to be Star Trek's Klingons or Stargate's Jaffa, but not as nonsensical. In a realistic, non-stupid-science-fictiony- and-franchisey way, I think it might actually be good. Honour might be overplayed (not to mention christian-like blind faith, acceptance & dutiful adherence like retards), but it would be very uniting and fit and healthy - and yeah, why not, warriorship-like, as well.
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
Working on VoiceOfEnkis post, I want to posit the idea that there isn't much to understand about Young Souls. You instinctively know what these people are about and what they respond to. They've been brought up in a highly materialistic and hedonistic society with Social Datwinism at the base. They're values and feelings are based on societally accepted values and they respond to aligning with the current culture and resisting anything against their programming.

An old man instinctively understands a young child and his naivety. A child accepts ideas and beliefs from his parents who are supposed to be mature and knowledgeable in life.And this is where the Libertarian view and the view of free will breaks down completely. The idea that these people are going to mature and figure out life on their own if they're given freedom is completely incorrect. If you give these people cocaine ,they will do cocaine. If you give them drugs, they will do drugs. Same with every single thing a child isn't supposed to do. You don't give a child a gun and hope he doesn't kill someone. You don't hope and say "Responsibility to the responsible. Everyone has freedom to choose." In actual fact, these people do not have freedom to choose. They are completely run by their emotions which are manufactured en masse by Jews who are directing the Societal values and Culture through Media and Academia. All of this bullshit about freedom and the right to choose is an American poison that has effectively destroyed civilization itself. Everything wrong with our world comes down to 2 things
1)The Jews
2)Allowing freedoms that are undeserved by common people.

Just as parents give their knowledge and pass on to their children. Just as Humans who are weak read Philosophers and adopt other more spiritually aware or mentally higher people's ideas,in order to become strong. Just like the Government has laws and ethical concerns you must abide by. Thus is the system of a true civilized nation where spiritual masters tell other people what to do and they do them. The first Duty of the powerful is to guide the weak ,which involves telling them what to do. By adopting our values, thinking and beliefs and by taking on our being, the weak are elevated to strength through awareness.

The solution to humanitys constant suffering is simple
1)Elimination of all kinds of Jewish or Marxist influence ,thinking, writing, texts everything
3)A Spiritual Top down dictatorship with the rulership under the Spiritual elites (Brahmins) who tell people what to do and people do it.

We need to get rid of this nonsensical and frankly stupid American idea of 'freedom ' which basically means blissful ignorance under whoever grabs your attention and emotionally manipulates you. Instead of this Nonsensical American idea, we should look to the Germans and their State structure. The Ideal Ethnostate should be based on Nazi Germany with a spiritual warrior elite (The SS) instructing people how to live life and they do it in order to become stronger.

What you need to understand is that unless you have emotional control over yourself through Void Meditation upon your emotions ,people can manipulate your using the altruism mechanism inside you. This is also what is happening in all of the Marxist programs. They are manipulating the emotional circuitry of the brain related to altruism and then saying they can fix the problem which their ideological system. This is also what's happening in the case of vegetarianism. These people are getting manipulated by jews who are telling them that they need to feel really sad and guilty about animals. Essentially a regression to a childlike fantasy land where everyone is free of suffering and everyone helps other people. Peter Kropotkin ,which is a view into the White view of communism is revealing in this respect. These whites have been manipulated by jews to attach their emotions to things they are saying. These people also happen to be very emotional, feminine and immature with untenable idealistic visions of the world. In true fact, the view that people will share their property and money to equalize society out of free will is so laughable, possibly little children may also laugh on this. This simply won't happen.

Common humans meaning the 95% of people on the planet are going to do what people who are on a higher mental plane than them,tell them to. And this is reality. The weak will follow the strong. Until the day that every single vestige and idea of the enemy is eliminated and everyone is spiritually aware, the only way for humanity to move forward is through dictatorships. Just as the jews have set the rhythm through Societal and Cultural manipulation on an industrial scale, so can spiritually aware brahmins in power. We can correct the cultural destruction with controlling and managing the ideas,values and culture that kids adopt from a generation and continue that.

Man can do what he wills.
But he cannot will what he wills.
- Arthur Schopenhauer

They will call this facism and probably try to fight and prevent it from being set up. That is the problem. I do agree with you completly though. I dont fear such a system myself cause I dont desire any of the things that would likely be banned under this system anyways that much at all.

Also in my thinking (I know this doesnt apply with me cause I an working on all problems as we speak and trying to live a healthy way) if I was doing something I am not supposed to in order to live in a healthy way or thinking in a way that is detrimental to myself I would want to know about it anyways and choose something different.

The problem is the younger souls will literally fight tooth and nail and be prepared to die even for the cause of destroying themselves. At least the ones in their second or third life who have already lived a life with xtianity or corruption of some sort and it's been ingrained into them.

However I know there will be a solution to this. It may take the current system collapsing totally and people not having money or food or whatever just like in Germany before Hitler in order to see a better one it kind of sucks but it's true.
The majority of people are going to follow the establishment until they can't. In the future when the system that these jews are setting us up for implodes in and on itself, the people are going to start looking for strength and direction among the chaos. And just like during Weimar Germany, some men like Adolf Hitler will fill that gap and another system shall be brought up. The people need to go through emotional turmoil to be susceptible to change and the Great Depression will bring exactly that.
There is definitely a differentiation between old souls and new souls but I don't know just how specific they can be. Those of us who found this place and have remained here are assuredly old souls because this is more familiar to us than what's out there in the modern world. It's hard to get new souls here and even harder to get them to stay, because none of it resonates with them as much as it does with us, they resonate more with the world and beliefs the enemy made as of present age and that takes lots of effort to overcome.

For the whole reason some people might potentially think some higher number of age means 'superiority' or 'specialness' and feel demotivated for some reason about it, I'm not going to share exactly how old my soul is, because I personally don't think that's true at all, if anything the older your soul is the more atrophy, changes and karma it has had to go through, of which in my experience has been torturously true and can be a very bad thing depending on what you went through in your past lifetimes and hadn't known how to fix in your soul due to spiritual repression.

It all of course varies from person to person but I've seen a running theme that we old souls always get the shit end of the stick in this lifetime where we start out hating life or feeling disgusted/outcast/twisted or everything is wrong with everything we do or the enemy has attacked and swarmed us the most with the most shit beginnings or to ruin us as fast as possible in their attempts to hinder us from finding truth in this lifetime (which was planned by Satan anyways since we're all here all at once) because we've been affected and downtrodden the most for the longest time, because we've reincarnated through so much of it. Even the ministry-founding clergy started out this way.

I deal with a lot of odd looks and 'amazed' people when I tell them I don't touch my phone, don't text, don't even call people on it unless it's business, don't even carry it on me unless I have to, don't have social media, never touched facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc, not one single account ever made, never cared about Ipads, VR headsets or snazzy things like that, never smoked, never done drugs or drank alcohol or went to a typical frat/angsty, get-drunk-and/or-high party.

Because to me all of that and everything people are into in this age is extremely alien to me. I don't understand the appeal, I don't have any interest in it whatsoever, never have and never will. It's not natural to me and in truth it honestly isn't anyways.

The thing about us that I know in certainty is that our souls had the strongest grounding impressions long before the enemy's corrupted shit really took hold on our planet and we know deep down what it was like before. However I will never see my soul's age as any 'specialty' class of 'muh wise soul' or as any grounds of 'right to impose' on any younger souls here. We're old yes but nobody is ever greater than Satan himself in any aspect around here, we should use this soul-ingrained potential of wisdom and what-have-you to help and aid others, not look down on them. Not that I'm implying that any of such is being done or hinted, but just a preemptive if you will.

I wish things were easier for newer souls but ultimately if they cannot make the effort to heed any guidance or advice, or if they refuse to even, there is literally nothing we can do about it, they have the freedom to do whatever they will with their own lives just like we do.... even if it's stupid and self-destructive, unfortunately.
Jack said:
Working on VoiceOfEnkis post, I want to posit the idea that there isn't much to understand about Young Souls. You instinctively know what these people are about and what they respond to. They've been brought up in a highly materialistic and hedonistic society with Social Datwinism at the base. They're values and feelings are based on societally accepted values and they respond to aligning with the current culture and resisting anything against their programming.

An old man instinctively understands a young child and his naivety. A child accepts ideas and beliefs from his parents who are supposed to be mature and knowledgeable in life.And this is where the Libertarian view and the view of free will breaks down completely. The idea that these people are going to mature and figure out life on their own if they're given freedom is completely incorrect. If you give these people cocaine ,they will do cocaine. If you give them drugs, they will do drugs. Same with every single thing a child isn't supposed to do. You don't give a child a gun and hope he doesn't kill someone. You don't hope and say "Responsibility to the responsible. Everyone has freedom to choose." In actual fact, these people do not have freedom to choose. They are completely run by their emotions which are manufactured en masse by Jews who are directing the Societal values and Culture through Media and Academia. All of this bullshit about freedom and the right to choose is an American poison that has effectively destroyed civilization itself. Everything wrong with our world comes down to 2 things
1)The Jews
2)Allowing freedoms that are undeserved by common people.

Just as parents give their knowledge and pass on to their children. Just as Humans who are weak read Philosophers and adopt other more spiritually aware or mentally higher people's ideas,in order to become strong. Just like the Government has laws and ethical concerns you must abide by. Thus is the system of a true civilized nation where spiritual masters tell other people what to do and they do them. The first Duty of the powerful is to guide the weak ,which involves telling them what to do. By adopting our values, thinking and beliefs and by taking on our being, the weak are elevated to strength through awareness.

The solution to humanitys constant suffering is simple
1)Elimination of all kinds of Jewish or Marxist influence ,thinking, writing, texts everything
3)A Spiritual Top down dictatorship with the rulership under the Spiritual elites (Brahmins) who tell people what to do and people do it.

We need to get rid of this nonsensical and frankly stupid American idea of 'freedom ' which basically means blissful ignorance under whoever grabs your attention and emotionally manipulates you. Instead of this Nonsensical American idea, we should look to the Germans and their State structure. The Ideal Ethnostate should be based on Nazi Germany with a spiritual warrior elite (The SS) instructing people how to live life and they do it in order to become stronger.

What you need to understand is that unless you have emotional control over yourself through Void Meditation upon your emotions ,people can manipulate your using the altruism mechanism inside you. This is also what is happening in all of the Marxist programs. They are manipulating the emotional circuitry of the brain related to altruism and then saying they can fix the problem which their ideological system. This is also what's happening in the case of vegetarianism. These people are getting manipulated by jews who are telling them that they need to feel really sad and guilty about animals. Essentially a regression to a childlike fantasy land where everyone is free of suffering and everyone helps other people. Peter Kropotkin ,which is a view into the White view of communism is revealing in this respect. These whites have been manipulated by jews to attach their emotions to things they are saying. These people also happen to be very emotional, feminine and immature with untenable idealistic visions of the world. In true fact, the view that people will share their property and money to equalize society out of free will is so laughable, possibly little children may also laugh on this. This simply won't happen.

Common humans meaning the 95% of people on the planet are going to do what people who are on a higher mental plane than them,tell them to. And this is reality. The weak will follow the strong. Until the day that every single vestige and idea of the enemy is eliminated and everyone is spiritually aware, the only way for humanity to move forward is through dictatorships. Just as the jews have set the rhythm through Societal and Cultural manipulation on an industrial scale, so can spiritually aware brahmins in power. We can correct the cultural destruction with controlling and managing the ideas,values and culture that kids adopt from a generation and continue that.

Man can do what he wills.
But he cannot will what he wills.
- Arthur Schopenhauer

This here is wrong. What you mention about the behavior and understanding of young souls is true, however your proposed solution, and your understanding of the cause behind this, is completely wrong. You fail to see the nuance behind this situation, and are far too shallow in your thinking.

Creating an arbitrary dictatorial hierarchy, dividing people up into strata and shoehorning them towards a direction dictated by some individual is useless, and not going to help anyone. For people to learn, they must make choices themselves, based on intrinsic understanding, and awareness.

You cannot "make" someone else. Even if Satan were to dictate your life and make you follow an exact path which he knows is best for you, it will not get you anywhere, and won't teach you anything. All it would do is make someone into an obedient dog that cannot think for themselves, which is the most useless kind of person, whose future potential is all but cut off, the exact opposite of what Satan wants from his people.

It doesn't matter what other people tell you, or who those people are, if a choice doesn't come based on the intrinsic understanding of a person, they will not learn anything or grow in any way from it. The solution to the foolishness and stupidity of people, is not to cut off their freedom, force them onto a certain path, or place them in some arbitrary hierarchy, but simply to limit the available choices only to beneficial ones.

The problem here is not the libertarian notions of freedom which our western society was once build upon, but the corruption of the enemy which has flooded our society with endless negative and self destructive choices, and on top of that, made people believe that making such wrong choices is somehow more fun or better for them than choosing an upright and beneficial path.

People have been trapped within the enemy web of influence, keeping them ignorant and stupid, preventing them from making the right choices for themselves, or even seeing how they are making mistakes. When the enemy influence crumbles, the foolish and ignorant people will naturally be able to see clearer again, allowing them to make better choices for themselves.

The correct solution to this, is to limit the amount of available choices, by cutting of any negative and destructive choices and influences available to society, and show there is a tangible benefit to making the right choices in life, to incentivize the masses in making the right choices, and also to make the masses aware as to why these benefits are worth making the right choices for.

It is a lot more abstract than simply setting up a dictatorial hierarchy and expecting things to run smoothly. Shoehorning people into roles, and forcing things upon them is never the solution.

Satan's society is based upon natural law. They do not have an arbitrarily enforced hierarchy that divides people into strata, but a natural hierarchy that forms based on people's merit and abilities. The efforts put in are rewarded, giving you proportional benefits based on your work and ability. These things naturally fall into place, and do not require any specific created laws to interfere or guide this process, when nature is left to run it's course, this comes to be on it's own.

Those who make mistakes or wrong choices, are always given the chance to set themselves right. Satan makes them aware of their mistakes, and sets them free from ignorance, so they may be conscious of their choices and effects. After they become aware, it is on them to make the right choice, if they still do not, then they have consciously decided to continue down their chosen path, the natural results of which will come to them sooner or later.

Those who trail behind too far, get left behind. Such is natural law. In Satan's society people aren't simply left by the wayside however, they are given the knowledge to keep up, and follow along, but it is up to them to make use of it. If they cannot, it isn't Satan's or anyone else's responsibility to pick them back up and carry them. Everyone gets their chances, but in the end it all comes down to them as individuals to choose what is right and get back on the correct path.

This is what is means to leave responsibility to the responsible. Those who are ignorant cannot be responsible, so first, Satan set's them free from the chains of ignorance, giving them the knowledge and means to set themselves free from outside or subconscious influences, so they may become able to take responsibility for themselves. After that, everything is on them, as now they are aware, and they are conscious, thus any choice they make, they make consciously. If they make mistakes, it is also on them to take responsibility and crawl back out of the hole they dug for themselves.

If they do so too late, they will be left behind.

To further incentivize people to make the right choices, Satan's society doesn't allow for slacking or freeloading. Everyone has their part to do, however small or big, which is in accordance to the natural hierarchy. Those who choose to slacken despite that, will face the natural consequences for this choice, and be left behind. This is how negative elements and weakness are weeded out from society, without directly having to interfere. Everyone has their chances, if they do not take them, or waste them, then eventually they run out, and society moves on without them, getting rid of the weeds simple as that.

Those who realize their mistakes before it is too late, and make the right choice for themselves, are naturally welcomed once more to join the natural hierarchy again. For most mistakes, there is therefore no need to punish them beyond the natural results of these actions, cause and effect takes care of these things on it's own.

Just look towards NS Germany, the society closest to one based on natural law and Satanic values which the world has seen in the past few thousand years. You however, seem to misunderstand the true nature of NS Germany, based on what you said about them.

Our Fuhrer Adolf Hitler never once thought of creating a dictatorial hierarchy that places people into different strata based on some sort of Ethnostate ideas or the like.

The SS were set up by Herr Himmler to fit the role of Spiritual and societal leaders, as well as elite soldiers which protected the leadership of the nation, namely, The Fuhrer himself, against any coup or unruly and disagreeable elements. Those able to join their ranks, reached their position because they put in the work and effort to get there, and naturally people looked up to them because the people were by en large freed from the ignorance caused by the enemy, allowing them to see more clearly the values they should look up to and admire.

So the SS reached the position of admiration, leadership and authority it should have had, because it was worthy of it's position, and it's members showed the expected ability, which also brought tangible benefits and results to the nation and the people, not because some arbitrary dictatorial mandate placed it on it's level of importance.

The KGB is a good example of the latter, an organization that had even greater power and influence in communist Russia than the SS of NS Germany had in Germany, but was entirely undeserving of it, simply holding this position because nobody had the necessary power to put them back in their rightful place, allowing them to oppress the entire state through force, rather than willingly have the people follow and admire them based on merit.

Then the next point. Never blame Freedom for any problems. That itself is ignorance, and practically criminal. An entirely foolish notion that no SS should ever have.

In truth, even blaming the state of our world on the enemy, is in essence, incorrect as well. They are responsible for all the bad, but in actuality, the two reasons for the state of our world are Ignorance and Weakness.

All problems of today's world are caused by the ignorance of the gentiles. Even if many are ignorant because of the circumstances of life, courtesy of the influence and curses of the enemy, it is still this ignorance that enables the jews and the enemy to exercise their undeserved authority and influence.

Then foremost, it is our weakness that allowed the enemy to gain a foothold on our world in the first place. Our inability to protect our world in the past from the enemy assault, caused the enemy to have their season of influence here, and our world to fall into it's current state of ignorance and stupidity.

The true root cause to all problems always lies within the self. Had we been more powerful, the enemy could have never touched us. Had people not been so fragile and weak to be swept away by the enemy influence, they would never be able to hold power.

Ignorance is the worst disease to plague mankind. The only disease that causes All Things to rot and fall. Then it is Weakness which puts all life at the mercy of the universe and any superior influence that exist within it.

Those two are the prime causes of all troubles and difficulties. Responsibility to the responsible. This extends far beyond the individual, and all the way to the racial level.

We, the ones who cast away our ignorance in defiance, regardless of whatever forces attempted to stop us. We, who remain strong while the majority of our people are demoralized and fragile little souls who can barely stand on their own.

We are responsible for our Race, and by extension our society.

We must shoulder the responsibility of our world, and our Race, and be forever strong, to carry our race on our shoulders, until the enemy influence crumbles, dismantled by our efforts, and we can bring our society back to the natural state it was in prior to the enemy taking over.

Remember that freedom, or liberty, is not at fault, and remember, that while the enemy has caused all the harm this world has faced, in actuality it was our weakness which permitted them. Only by becoming aware, and accepting responsibility, can real strength be gained, and permanent improvements be made.

Even if circumstances didn't permit any other outcome and all we could do had been done back in the day, which is likely the case, we must remember that it was our weakness which caused all this, and since we have survived till this day, never to permit such a thing again in the future. Satan and the Gods are taking their responsibility, and so must we, rather than blame anything else.

This must be used to further fuel our fighting spirit, and desire to annihilate the enemy, bringing an end to this shameful chapter of our Racial history.

Hail Satan!
Ghost in the Machine said:
The thing about us that I know in certainty is that our souls had the strongest grounding impressions long before the enemy's corrupted shit really took hold on our planet and we know deep down what it was like before. However I will never see my soul's age as any 'specialty' class of 'muh wise soul' or as any grounds of 'right to impose' on any younger souls here. We're old yes but nobody is ever greater than Satan himself in any aspect around here, we should use this soul-ingrained potential of wisdom and what-have-you to help and aid others, not look down on them. Not that I'm implying that any of such is being done or hinted, but just a preemptive if you will.

I wish things were easier for newer souls but ultimately if they cannot make the effort to heed any guidance or advice, or if they refuse to even, there is literally nothing we can do about it, they have the freedom to do whatever they will with their own lives just like we do.... even if it's stupid and self-destructive, unfortunately.

You understand this well, as any true old soul, who has regained, at least in part, their wisdom build from the many ages they have lived would. I enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this as well.

I would say, that while completely true, as I mentioned in my own reply too, that our age in itself doesn't have any "specialty", and doesn't give one the right to impose, the wisdom, and even more importantly, the experience and knowledge of our worlds past, our understanding of the Satanic truths and values which our world was created by, deserve great respect, and are invaluable as a whole. Especially in the ages to come, where besides the Gods, those who have the ability to mentor and guide our Race and people, are those few old souls who remain till this day.

It is also us who are the reason Satanism hasn't died out yet, despite the endless attempts of the enemy to root it out. We have carried it from the ages past to the present day, as warriors who fight eternally for Satan's cause. Our memories of the past, of the world before the enemy ruined it, while perpetually suffering from past life amnesia due to reincarnation, have remained ingrained deeply within our subconscious, which allowed people like ourselves to carry it with us until the present day, and keep teaching the young souls of the present of the values and morality of Satan and our Gods.

The Renaissance would have never happened, if all the old souls didn't exist anymore, and had died out, as an example.

This is something to be proud of, and something praiseworthy, even if these things may never be recognized by the people of the world, or understood in any way. You should feel proud and have the right to consider yourself superior in those aspects, and you should know Satan values these as well. The world might not recognize this or reward you for these, but Satan and the Gods do.

Don't undermine your own importance, by being too apathetic towards the meaning and definite value of your existence. It is something that happens often to those who are old souls. Balance must be found.

Arrogance simply because one believes the age of their soul warrants them authority or importance of any kind, is stupidity, and frankly, pathetic, but the opposite, being too humble and by extension, dismissive of your self will hamper you too, and run the real risk of you denying yourself joys, talents and prosperity in life. Take this how you will.

As for the difference between young and old souls, besides what I have already written about in my other replies, a simple way to look at it would be that for old souls it is easy to find the Satanic path and begin to advance in life, but there will be countless hurdles one must face, and in many cases, a seemingly endless sea of dross which has to be sorted through, that weighs down on ones shoulders combined with the responsibility we have towards our Race and future into something heavy it causes many to crumble despite their foundation and wisdom.

For young souls, if they could find the Satanic path, with the guidance of Satan, it is far, far easier to advance, as they are largely untainted, even if they had lived 3 lifetimes under xianity. Some will be too corrupted perhaps, and there are individual differences, but for many young souls it would be simplicity itself to advance so long as they can find the right path, but finding the path and staying on it, is next to impossible for them.

Each has their own challenges, and merits. Especially in a healthy, Satanic world, young souls that are newly created, would have a wonderfully pleasant time advancing, due to having no dross at all on their shoulders, being completely pure and untainted, especially if they are born to spiritual parents and inherit powerful traits from them, they would become magnificent beings very quickly.

The depth you have as an old soul who has lived through the history of our world, is not something that can be emulated in any way however. For many it becomes an impossible burden, but for those who remain strong, there is no better fuel than this.

Compared to our Gods, we are inferior in every aspect, but on the aspect of wisdom and perceiving eternity, we can glimpse into their world, in ways that others never could. This glimpse is valuable, and is what allowed us to remain as we are throughout these many years, and carry forward with our duty.

To truly advance, wisdom and effort are the most important aspects. Effort anyone can put in, but wisdom is not so easily gained.

I'm not sure how young souls should go about gaining the necessary wisdom to truly advance, as guidance is only of very limited use in making wisdom your own, or if there is any way that this can be substituted, so they may still advance and reach realms of power, as well as become Immortal without having to experience so many countless things to build depth.

For now, the answer to that is not yet important to our world, and of course the Gods know, so when the time comes, we will all know, but I am interested in this, as I do care a lot about the state of our world, and the spiritual advancement of the many gentiles.

To finally see the gentiles, especially those of my Race, be set free from the enemy, and Ignorance, and advance, even if many might eclipse me due to having different, and perhaps, easier in some way, paths to follow to advancement, would only fill me with the greatest sense of joy and relief.

I long for that day more than anything else.
VoiceofEnki said:
Jack said:
This is actually exactly true and whatever your proposing is exactly what I'm proposing, only you are mincing your words while I am not. And you seem to misunderstand something entirely. Western society was not based on Libertarian values. In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. This notion of a white racial nation is what's called an Ethnostate. This would be complete if racial outsiders were completely absent like what the nazis and American forefathers envisioned. This libertarian idea of freedom of choice is an idea created by jews so that they can infiltrate societies.

Its humanly impossible to make someone do something against their will. People respond to authority and power and will follow the dictates set up by their rulers who can effectively manufacture society through culture and media. People do not make Choices based on logic or conscious awareness. They make decisions based on feelings and emotions that they have about it, which is for about 90% of a population. This includes siding with things they feel a deep emotional connection about. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis weren't concerned about writing deep philosophical treatises about the 'freedom to choose' or the 'nuance' behind our societal problems. They had a Nationalist agenda for which they needed popular support for which they targeted emotional propaganda on people. They weren't concerned about intellectually educating every single person on this situation. If 10% of the population has the knowledge and understanding of a particular subject, they can then effectively mobilize rest of the feeble masses. Adolf Hitler writes about this in Mein Kampf,
Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people. (...) All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. (...) The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. The broad masses of the people are not made up of diplomats or professors of public jurisprudence nor simply of persons who are able to form reasoned judgment in given cases, but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another. (...) The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.[5]

As to the methods to be employed, he explains:

Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it is favorable to the other side, present it according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own side. (...) The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward. (...) Every change that is made in the subject of a propagandist message must always emphasize the same conclusion. The leading slogan must, of course, be illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same formula.[5]

Effectively managing people requires appeals to emotions. The vast majority of people are like children as Hitler states. You cannot force them against their will. Signs of effective leadership is making people emotionally attached to an idea. The vast majority of humans currently lacking any semblance of conscious awareness are dependent upon a group of higher ups to give them ideas and thus ,effectively make their decisions for them. Thos is the same as making choices for them. You don't expect a little child to make his own choices. Similarly for a certain period of time a group of Spiritual elites would continue to manufacture society so that people rise beyond their intellectual barriers to reach a high degree of maturity. Without elites removing the wrong choices, and making them choose between correct ones humans will never mature or gain concious awareness.

In a meritocracy those who have talent and hard work will rise higher and those lacking in conscious awareness or talent will stay down until they do rise up. This us what gives rise to the caste system. And this is what a dictatorial hierarchy is based upon. Merit and spiritual power.A man who saves up to invest in a business and start creating his own empire, has effectively risen up his previous caste. The earlier diagram only shows a simple view of an agrarian society where roles and professions are limited and is not representative of the current caste structure. The SS was a platform for persons to rise according to their merit and not due to their junker class status. And Himmler wanted the SS to be the elites which would lead society.

Racial segregation and the creation of Ethnostates will laws like Nuremberg laws, effectively banning the wrong choices available to humans is important. Until a state where a majority of humanity is spiritually and mentally aware, order must be maintained by Spiritual dictatorships. The solution to the problem is the removal of jews. We already know that humanity is in the state because of ignorance and the lack of knowledge. It must given a time to mature, but it requires freedom from the wrong choices to do so. You cant get rid of the wrong choices unless you get rid of the jews. So again the primary way is to
1)Get rid of the jews,and any single traces of their ideologies.
And then creating a system where humanity can mature
2)A top down spiritual dictatorship with meritocratic organization.

What we've learned from history is this
1)Nazi Germany is the very closest to our solution as politics is concerned.
2)Effectively following what the nazis did will get us the same results where we get rid of Jewish influence and get all the whites to agree with Nationalist beliefs through control over the media,academia and the education system.
3)Removing choices for people by Elites will make them make the correct choices
4)Humanity is completely majorly of little children who need guidance to mature. For them to mature they need a transition period which might take decades to a century depending on what we're trying to achieve.
Ghost in the Machine said:
There is definitely a differentiation between old souls and new souls but I don't know just how specific they can be. Those of us who found this place and have remained here are assuredly old souls because this is more familiar to us than what's out there in the modern world. It's hard to get new souls here and even harder to get them to stay, because none of it resonates with them as much as it does with us, they resonate more with the world and beliefs the enemy made as of present age and that takes lots of effort to overcome.

For the whole reason some people might potentially think some higher number of age means 'superiority' or 'specialness' and feel demotivated for some reason about it, I'm not going to share exactly how old my soul is, because I personally don't think that's true at all, if anything the older your soul is the more atrophy, changes and karma it has had to go through, of which in my experience has been torturously true and can be a very bad thing depending on what you went through in your past lifetimes and hadn't known how to fix in your soul due to spiritual repression.

It all of course varies from person to person but I've seen a running theme that we old souls always get the shit end of the stick in this lifetime where we start out hating life or feeling disgusted/outcast/twisted or everything is wrong with everything we do or the enemy has attacked and swarmed us the most with the most shit beginnings or to ruin us as fast as possible in their attempts to hinder us from finding truth in this lifetime (which was planned by Satan anyways since we're all here all at once) because we've been affected and downtrodden the most for the longest time, because we've reincarnated through so much of it. Even the ministry-founding clergy started out this way.

I deal with a lot of odd looks and 'amazed' people when I tell them I don't touch my phone, don't text, don't even call people on it unless it's business, don't even carry it on me unless I have to, don't have social media, never touched facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc, not one single account ever made, never cared about Ipads, VR headsets or snazzy things like that, never smoked, never done drugs or drank alcohol or went to a typical frat/angsty, get-drunk-and/or-high party.

Because to me all of that and everything people are into in this age is extremely alien to me. I don't understand the appeal, I don't have any interest in it whatsoever, never have and never will. It's not natural to me and in truth it honestly isn't anyways.

The thing about us that I know in certainty is that our souls had the strongest grounding impressions long before the enemy's corrupted shit really took hold on our planet and we know deep down what it was like before. However I will never see my soul's age as any 'specialty' class of 'muh wise soul' or as any grounds of 'right to impose' on any younger souls here. We're old yes but nobody is ever greater than Satan himself in any aspect around here, we should use this soul-ingrained potential of wisdom and what-have-you to help and aid others, not look down on them. Not that I'm implying that any of such is being done or hinted, but just a preemptive if you will.

I wish things were easier for newer souls but ultimately if they cannot make the effort to heed any guidance or advice, or if they refuse to even, there is literally nothing we can do about it, they have the freedom to do whatever they will with their own lives just like we do.... even if it's stupid and self-destructive, unfortunately.

I personally dont think Smartphones are a bad invention though not even close. Though I admit I never use it for things like facebook that much other than I have an account only there so I can keep in touch with a couple of people I dont barely ever use it.

This invention could be the greatest thing in the world and change Society really quick towards good if used right. It's just like anything else if the user is dumb it will be used for dumb things lol
It is good in that anyone can find the JOS do rtrs on it listen to music they like on it watch anything they want on it etc.

This could quickly educate people to the truth.

The problem with this invention is that like the TV which isnt a bad invention in itself and could be used for good the Jews have hijacked the use of it.
They have made it so people are addicted to their own little false worlds etc.

The good in this is never before did everyone have access to the truth at their fingertips and the ability to share and discuss things educate others.

This really in my mind could be used for a much different way than it is. I dont think this is an invention that is going anywhere anytime soon for that reason. The phone part will go when people can telepathically communicate but the ability to have a small device to do all sorts of things on wont.

Anyways unfortunately I did get drunk and high and all that but not for the reason that most people did. For me it was this reality equals shit I know this is bad but maybe it can make it more bearable for a bit or even fun. That was my pretty much exact thinking on it lol.

You are really lucky the influences around you seem to have been way better. Also if you never went through anything traumatic that is good and unlike a majority of old souls.

Also I do not think I am far better than everyone either. In a position of authority probably I will be placed in one at some point mainly and only cause it's our Job to try and guide the younger souls to a better way of living you will be too.

It will have to be that the older souls like Jack said but I am not fully comfortable with the dictatorship thing but I agree other than that. Those who are older for now will have to be the ones to guide society and set up the infrastructure the younger souls could not do it. In fact the Jews themselves almost set up infrastructure in a better way than the younger souls could to be honest cause they are like you said like children. The younger souls wouldnt know how to keep everything consistent and together But that does not mean they are bad it just means that for now they need to be lead and guided to a better way.

The young souls are the ones who have an unfair advantage over us though in that they didn't go through a lot they have things way easier in that there is no energetic karma. They will not experience the worst things most the time unfortunately that is probably for us to experience mostly perpetrated either by the enemy or the young souls themselves in their ignorance of how to do things.
I think this also goes back to the framework of the boomers vs millenials meme. It seems to me Pluto in Scorpio is when most older souls incarnated or near that time. It seems disproportionate that the boomers are very young souls.

I personally dont hate any of them just for this or any manufactured ideas of generational conflict as its dumb but I just wanted to point out that this seems to be the vibe here. I was at least alive on earth myself but unfortunately during the time of Hitler and pluto in Leo when most boomers were born. I think I was in one of the communist occupied places and trying to get out and come to America. I think I believed lies in that lifetime about Hitler.

This was actually one of the more clear past life memories I had. When I was little my dad said I started talking in my sleep about being on a train to America etc.

My dad is young soul btw it frustrates me that someone who really doesnt fully know how to guide me would be in that position not to mention he tried to brainwash me with xtianity.

I do realize though that for very young souls for now xtianity or Islam or other enemy stuff will be the only way in most cases they will not see past this. They will be the last people to wake up if they do at all because this is all their souls have known.

Destroyed or Judged or even straight up execution etc?

Some people on this board seem to think that these people should be punished and here is what I have to say to this as an older soul.

As much as I would like to see this with a lot of those people and sometimes on here have even said that too in frustration unfortunately when thinking about this this totally isnt their fault the way they are. The ones that are the worst and do harm and are evil and corrupt in intention yes they will be punished in some way. If not by the Gods than the enemy by them not being protected or nature itself.

Most though I think will be simply reincarnated into the Satanic world and will learn the next life.

They may be reeducated in a system of Camps like what Hitler actually had for awhile to have that stick on their souls as well.

Most baby and young souls are innocent of what they do cause they dont understand it at all. I think the Gods know this as well and only the worst cases will actually be destroyed or punished.

What should be done though is they should be separated from the really old souls and the leader class. So that the old souls can live according to their values while teaching the younger ones through the media and education systems.

It doesnt have to be a great separation just maybe a neighborhood to ourselves or a city or a retreat for sometime.

That is the one thing I kind of wish for so we dont have to wait for everyone to catch up to actually enjoy life.

I personally dont know what my position will be. I know in various I was anything from the leader of places and rich to a poor person who had nothing and was barely surviving in a shack.

I do not want to go on and on about my past lives cause it doesnt matter a lot I am not better than anyone I am simply typing about this stuff because I feel it may help someone else who is old feel better that someone understands.

So yeah been there done that been in pretty much every situation imaginable at least once.

To be honest I use this to empathize with people and help them in their current problems feel better and help people work through things. This is probably good.

A lot of people on here are way more powerful than me right now but my main strength is wisdom and understanding I have a lot of karma and energy blocks and bad energy that makes it hard to advance. New souls dont have this.

But eventually I will get there too.
Jack said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Jack said:
This is actually exactly true and whatever your proposing is exactly what I'm proposing, only you are mincing your words while I am not. And you seem to misunderstand something entirely. Western society was not based on Libertarian values. In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. This notion of a white racial nation is what's called an Ethnostate. This would be complete if racial outsiders were completely absent like what the nazis and American forefathers envisioned. This libertarian idea of freedom of choice is an idea created by jews so that they can infiltrate societies.

Its humanly impossible to make someone do something against their will. People respond to authority and power and will follow the dictates set up by their rulers who can effectively manufacture society through culture and media. People do not make Choices based on logic or conscious awareness. They make decisions based on feelings and emotions that they have about it, which is for about 90% of a population. This includes siding with things they feel a deep emotional connection about. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis weren't concerned about writing deep philosophical treatises about the 'freedom to choose' or the 'nuance' behind our societal problems. They had a Nationalist agenda for which they needed popular support for which they targeted emotional propaganda on people. They weren't concerned about intellectually educating every single person on this situation. If 10% of the population has the knowledge and understanding of a particular subject, they can then effectively mobilize rest of the feeble masses. Adolf Hitler writes about this in Mein Kampf,
Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people. (...) All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. (...) The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. The broad masses of the people are not made up of diplomats or professors of public jurisprudence nor simply of persons who are able to form reasoned judgment in given cases, but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another. (...) The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.[5]

As to the methods to be employed, he explains:

Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it is favorable to the other side, present it according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own side. (...) The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward. (...) Every change that is made in the subject of a propagandist message must always emphasize the same conclusion. The leading slogan must, of course, be illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same formula.[5]

Effectively managing people requires appeals to emotions. The vast majority of people are like children as Hitler states. You cannot force them against their will. Signs of effective leadership is making people emotionally attached to an idea. The vast majority of humans currently lacking any semblance of conscious awareness are dependent upon a group of higher ups to give them ideas and thus ,effectively make their decisions for them. Thos is the same as making choices for them. You don't expect a little child to make his own choices. Similarly for a certain period of time a group of Spiritual elites would continue to manufacture society so that people rise beyond their intellectual barriers to reach a high degree of maturity. Without elites removing the wrong choices, and making them choose between correct ones humans will never mature or gain concious awareness.

In a meritocracy those who have talent and hard work will rise higher and those lacking in conscious awareness or talent will stay down until they do rise up. This us what gives rise to the caste system. And this is what a dictatorial hierarchy is based upon. Merit and spiritual power.A man who saves up to invest in a business and start creating his own empire, has effectively risen up his previous caste. The earlier diagram only shows a simple view of an agrarian society where roles and professions are limited and is not representative of the current caste structure. The SS was a platform for persons to rise according to their merit and not due to their junker class status. And Himmler wanted the SS to be the elites which would lead society.

Racial segregation and the creation of Ethnostates will laws like Nuremberg laws, effectively banning the wrong choices available to humans is important. Until a state where a majority of humanity is spiritually and mentally aware, order must be maintained by Spiritual dictatorships. The solution to the problem is the removal of jews. We already know that humanity is in the state because of ignorance and the lack of knowledge. It must given a time to mature, but it requires freedom from the wrong choices to do so. You cant get rid of the wrong choices unless you get rid of the jews. So again the primary way is to
1)Get rid of the jews,and any single traces of their ideologies.
And then creating a system where humanity can mature
2)A top down spiritual dictatorship with meritocratic organization.

What we've learned from history is this
1)Nazi Germany is the very closest to our solution as politics is concerned.
2)Effectively following what the nazis did will get us the same results where we get rid of Jewish influence and get all the whites to agree with Nationalist beliefs through control over the media,academia and the education system.
3)Removing choices for people by Elites will make them make the correct choices
4)Humanity is completely majorly of little children who need guidance to mature. For them to mature they need a transition period which might take decades to a century depending on what we're trying to achieve.

I am completly not sure I agree with everything your stating here in the tone. Removing completely the choices? I dont think even Hitler tried to do that.

Hitler said "I reserve emotion for the many and reason for the few" or something very close to those words.

That is true that the majority of humanity is like Children. The saddest thing to think about is even the oldest soul on earth and also the most powerful person whoever this is is really nothing even close compared to what an average person person on an advanced world is. When realizing this it kind of makes you think that things being the way they are now is a waste of existence and puts you almost in panic mode about the whole thing.

In actuality the humbling part for anyone is from the most rich most spiritual most powerful or all that we are all like a speck of dust compared to the Gods.

So what is the point of all this. The majority of humans is nothing compared to us too the older souls here. Yet we still have so much to learn so far to go as well.

I most certainly would rather spend my existence trying to be the best I can and learning growing and exploring than wasting it doing what most people do these days.

About the dictatorship thing though some very harmful and dangerous things should be removed from choice right now such as making race mixing illegal and drugs and xtianity and other enemy teachings yes.

I however am not sure I would agree to an authorian dictatorship where most things in a person's life are dictated to by someone even if we are exempt from having to live in the middle of that. People must have the choice to make mistakes and learn from them.

Convert or die is not going to work even though in the end those words may be true just because without spirituality the soul dies. We must have peoples hearts.

Also what about age of Aquarius the stuff about people being free and a little eccentric questioning social norms etc.

Isnt this energy going to help these people. Everyone is going to want to have the feeling of being free in this age. This dictatorship thing might have worked if we were going into age of Capricorn but not Aquarius.

The people must believe they are free even if they are being taught and guided not to make certain choices.
astrally flame said:
Can someone please try to share some few signs of the old souls..because more then 5 people have told me this, they say i look like ancient.. even my girlfriend say i look very different i'm like people from the 80's but i'm just too young..and this confused me a lot.
slyscorpion said:
Listen I myself am quite an old soul as anyone who is psychic and sensed me has said.

But I am wondering about this. What about really young or even new souls on earth. What can we do to help them. It is very obvious that most of them are attracted to the enemy religions or other negative things in today's world.

The New souls very well may be the people you hear about in the news sometimes doing things so dumb it makes everyone scratch their heads even the people writing the articles.

Is there any possible way to reach out to these people. It very well may be that in many areas of the world these are the vast majority of people due to the enemy programs causing most people to just die in a spiritual sense on the astral and no longer exist.

Also maybe there should be some kind of guide explaining to older souls how they interact what their intentions are what they look for in love or sex. Their ways of viewing the world etc. Cause a lot of older souls cannot understand or comprehend this and this is the reason we end up outcast often.

How are we supposed to teach or guide them when we dont understand them.

It may be to our benifit to get some of these people on our side. Is this really the majority of the world if so how do we reach these people.

The traits they have is they just tend to follow what people tell them and not have much depth. Does this mean they are for sure lost in this incarnation at least and there is nothing that can be done.

This may make it harder for us to set up a Satanic system in the world if we cannot get their support.

What was their role in ancient times anyways.

Your probably an old soul I get a slight feeling of energy and I can tell. However I am guessing on these boards 90 percent or more of the people here at least the origional members are older souls. So welcome to the club.

Older souls I can give you some of the signs. I will note that soul age doesnt per say have anything to do with a person's power or ability in my experience there are old souls that are completely shut off from the spiritual however I believe most older souls sense things more when they were young but sometimes it is possible to lose these abilities so just because someone has very little power doesnt mean they are not an old soul. Some people think that all of them have powers various places.

For two all older souls are generally more calm and detached like older people they are wise in general. Many these days will complain about the way people interact or how bad people are etc. The main reason for this is as we know there was a much different way of interacting with eachother even in the 50s let alone the ancient times.

There are a lot of things missing that we remember such as a sense of community solidarity connection with others there was much more ability to be free to Express yourself in your own way. These days they call you insane and put you on drugs for things that 50 to 100 years ago might have even been seen as a special ability or talent.

In the case of my partner she likes old movies and shows from older times. Because it gives a sense of what is missing today in the way the people interact on them.

Possibly an outer planet sign ascending or outer planet in the first house or conjunct the Ascendant is a sign I am not sure of all the time. However I believe my Aquarius rising Pisces intercepted thing was intentional on my part to tune me into the energy of Pisces and Aquarius and help with transitioning the world to age of Aquarius. This is just one example.

The Chart often in older souls will look unique cause a lot of them choose a few things to work with certain areas of life. Like my girl appears to have Chosen a lot of planets in Capricorn and focus for some reason.

Anyways the other thing they are sensitive often. Old souls often have a lot of trauma events or at least more things happening in a few years in their life than ever happens in the entire lives of younger souls.

I dont know this is what I can think of right now. I think if your on this board and feeling a strong pull to Satanism it means you are most likely much older than most people in the world. It's not a for sure thing but it seems to be mainly older souls here like was stated.
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
VoiceofEnki said:
This is actually exactly true and whatever your proposing is exactly what I'm proposing, only you are mincing your words while I am not. And you seem to misunderstand something entirely. Western society was not based on Libertarian values. In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. This notion of a white racial nation is what's called an Ethnostate. This would be complete if racial outsiders were completely absent like what the nazis and American forefathers envisioned. This libertarian idea of freedom of choice is an idea created by jews so that they can infiltrate societies.

Its humanly impossible to make someone do something against their will. People respond to authority and power and will follow the dictates set up by their rulers who can effectively manufacture society through culture and media. People do not make Choices based on logic or conscious awareness. They make decisions based on feelings and emotions that they have about it, which is for about 90% of a population. This includes siding with things they feel a deep emotional connection about. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis weren't concerned about writing deep philosophical treatises about the 'freedom to choose' or the 'nuance' behind our societal problems. They had a Nationalist agenda for which they needed popular support for which they targeted emotional propaganda on people. They weren't concerned about intellectually educating every single person on this situation. If 10% of the population has the knowledge and understanding of a particular subject, they can then effectively mobilize rest of the feeble masses. Adolf Hitler writes about this in Mein Kampf,
Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people. (...) All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. (...) The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. The broad masses of the people are not made up of diplomats or professors of public jurisprudence nor simply of persons who are able to form reasoned judgment in given cases, but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another. (...) The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.[5]

As to the methods to be employed, he explains:

Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it is favorable to the other side, present it according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own side. (...) The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward. (...) Every change that is made in the subject of a propagandist message must always emphasize the same conclusion. The leading slogan must, of course, be illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same formula.[5]

Effectively managing people requires appeals to emotions. The vast majority of people are like children as Hitler states. You cannot force them against their will. Signs of effective leadership is making people emotionally attached to an idea. The vast majority of humans currently lacking any semblance of conscious awareness are dependent upon a group of higher ups to give them ideas and thus ,effectively make their decisions for them. Thos is the same as making choices for them. You don't expect a little child to make his own choices. Similarly for a certain period of time a group of Spiritual elites would continue to manufacture society so that people rise beyond their intellectual barriers to reach a high degree of maturity. Without elites removing the wrong choices, and making them choose between correct ones humans will never mature or gain concious awareness.

In a meritocracy those who have talent and hard work will rise higher and those lacking in conscious awareness or talent will stay down until they do rise up. This us what gives rise to the caste system. And this is what a dictatorial hierarchy is based upon. Merit and spiritual power.A man who saves up to invest in a business and start creating his own empire, has effectively risen up his previous caste. The earlier diagram only shows a simple view of an agrarian society where roles and professions are limited and is not representative of the current caste structure. The SS was a platform for persons to rise according to their merit and not due to their junker class status. And Himmler wanted the SS to be the elites which would lead society.

Racial segregation and the creation of Ethnostates will laws like Nuremberg laws, effectively banning the wrong choices available to humans is important. Until a state where a majority of humanity is spiritually and mentally aware, order must be maintained by Spiritual dictatorships. The solution to the problem is the removal of jews. We already know that humanity is in the state because of ignorance and the lack of knowledge. It must given a time to mature, but it requires freedom from the wrong choices to do so. You cant get rid of the wrong choices unless you get rid of the jews. So again the primary way is to
1)Get rid of the jews,and any single traces of their ideologies.
And then creating a system where humanity can mature
2)A top down spiritual dictatorship with meritocratic organization.

What we've learned from history is this
1)Nazi Germany is the very closest to our solution as politics is concerned.
2)Effectively following what the nazis did will get us the same results where we get rid of Jewish influence and get all the whites to agree with Nationalist beliefs through control over the media,academia and the education system.
3)Removing choices for people by Elites will make them make the correct choices
4)Humanity is completely majorly of little children who need guidance to mature. For them to mature they need a transition period which might take decades to a century depending on what we're trying to achieve.

I am completly not sure I agree with everything your stating here in the tone. Removing completely the choices? I dont think even Hitler tried to do that.

Hitler said "I reserve emotion for the many and reason for the few" or something very close to those words.

That is true that the majority of humanity is like Children. The saddest thing to think about is even the oldest soul on earth and also the most powerful person whoever this is is really nothing even close compared to what an average person person on an advanced world is. When realizing this it kind of makes you think that things being the way they are now is a waste of existence and puts you almost in panic mode about the whole thing.

In actuality the humbling part for anyone is from the most rich most spiritual most powerful or all that we are all like a speck of dust compared to the Gods.

So what is the point of all this. The majority of humans is nothing compared to us too the older souls here. Yet we still have so much to learn so far to go as well.

I most certainly would rather spend my existence trying to be the best I can and learning growing and exploring than wasting it doing what most people do these days.

About the dictatorship thing though some very harmful and dangerous things should be removed from choice right now such as making race mixing illegal and drugs and xtianity and other enemy teachings yes.

I however am not sure I would agree to an authorian dictatorship where most things in a person's life are dictated to by someone even if we are exempt from having to live in the middle of that. People must have the choice to make mistakes and learn from them.

Convert or die is not going to work even though in the end those words may be true just because without spirituality the soul dies. We must have peoples hearts.

Also what about age of Aquarius the stuff about people being free and a little eccentric questioning social norms etc.

Isnt this energy going to help these people. Everyone is going to want to have the feeling of being free in this age. This dictatorship thing might have worked if we were going into age of Capricorn but not Aquarius.

The people must believe they are free even if they are being taught and guided not to make certain choices.
No read what I said carefully. I said its impossible to remove Choice and make someone do something they are against. It can't be done. Hitlers reign only worked because he had the support of the German people. If the people don't support you fully, no dictatorship works.
The one thing that interest me about new souls is how they are created. If Satan created old souls then does he still create new ones or are they some naturally occurring phenomenon?
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
VoiceofEnki said:

I am completly not sure I agree with everything your stating here in the tone. Removing completely the choices? I dont think even Hitler tried to do that.

Hitler said "I reserve emotion for the many and reason for the few" or something very close to those words.

That is true that the majority of humanity is like Children. The saddest thing to think about is even the oldest soul on earth and also the most powerful person whoever this is is really nothing even close compared to what an average person person on an advanced world is. When realizing this it kind of makes you think that things being the way they are now is a waste of existence and puts you almost in panic mode about the whole thing.

In actuality the humbling part for anyone is from the most rich most spiritual most powerful or all that we are all like a speck of dust compared to the Gods.

So what is the point of all this. The majority of humans is nothing compared to us too the older souls here. Yet we still have so much to learn so far to go as well.

I most certainly would rather spend my existence trying to be the best I can and learning growing and exploring than wasting it doing what most people do these days.

About the dictatorship thing though some very harmful and dangerous things should be removed from choice right now such as making race mixing illegal and drugs and xtianity and other enemy teachings yes.

I however am not sure I would agree to an authorian dictatorship where most things in a person's life are dictated to by someone even if we are exempt from having to live in the middle of that. People must have the choice to make mistakes and learn from them.

Convert or die is not going to work even though in the end those words may be true just because without spirituality the soul dies. We must have peoples hearts.

Also what about age of Aquarius the stuff about people being free and a little eccentric questioning social norms etc.

Isnt this energy going to help these people. Everyone is going to want to have the feeling of being free in this age. This dictatorship thing might have worked if we were going into age of Capricorn but not Aquarius.

The people must believe they are free even if they are being taught and guided not to make certain choices.

You are right about this, it’s basically what I was saying as well, that you cannot force this upon society, and you cannot act in a dictatorial way.

Removing/limiting the bad choices that can be made, should not be done by just making them illegal, and then enforcing such laws, that only causes chaos and will make people resist since they don’t get it.

I explained that, but Jack doesn’t understand that and thinks dictatorial authority is the way forward, forcing people to behave how he believes is right.

Such a thing Satan doesn’t even do, despite the fact it would be as easy as corralling a bunch of animals into a pen for him.

Limiting bad choices is a process that would take time, and would happen through a gradual transformation from the current state of the world to a state where these negative elements don’t exist anymore.

Our Fuhrer wanted to remove xianity in it’s totality, but he knew he couldn’t just ban it in it’s entirety, and then enforce laws against it trough military force. That would cause civil war and internal strife which would have ruined the nation.

Instead, he exposed xianity for what it is, showed tangibly it’s negative effects and the problems caused by it, and gave people something better to believe in instead, which at the time was actually National
socialism itself, and through NS he introduced healthier and beneficial spirituality to the people as well.

This is how something like xianity basically died out within just a decade in NS Germany. The choice to be a xian was eliminated from society in practice, because it was understood to be so inferior and awful compared to the alternatives, that people would never choose to follow it.

This is the way to eliminate negative elements from society, and how to limit negative choices.

Race mixing should be outlawed, obviously, but in the current state of the world, it would be impossible to do so, because there are far too many people who simply don’t get anything related to Race at all.

Outlawing race mixing is going to be a fairly slow process that requires a complete re-education of the worlds people on the concept of Race as a whole.

Once a majority does actually get it, a society can instill more direct measures that enforce the practice, because the majority of people will agree and also gladly help the rest of the people understand why it must be done.

There will be still be fringe elements who simply don’t get it or willfully ignore it, because their thinking is too warped, these can be dealt with by the law at that time.

This kind of thing is a process. To avoid total chaos and civil war situations, things like this need to be done gradually, shifting the values of society back to their rightful values over time.

After they have been shifted back, keeping them there is easy and stricter laws can then be created to enforce these if necessary to prevent some retards who still don’t understand from ruining the efforts taken to get there.

You cannot expect people will just listen to you because you are elected as the leader of the country. People will definitely not do that, especially if it concerns things they themselves disagree vehemently with, no matter how wrong they are to disagree.

As a leader you serve the nation, you don’t get the nation to serve you. Therefore you need to facilitate understanding towards your reasoning from the folk you serve in order to have them follow your reasoning without resistance.

Our Fuhrer Adolf Hitler said exactly that and understood this better than anyone.
VoiceofEnki said:
Some are very stubborn and will find it nigh impossible to integrate as they despise the society and reality we live in so much. This results in them becoming outcast, sometimes willingly and sometimes subconsciously.
This happened to me. I moved through the layers of society and never clicked with any of them. Now, in retrospect, I feel that this was the only path left for me to take. I just love solitude and peace. I can have one or two normie bros and use them to get grounded so to speak (e.g. a shooting club).

Ghost in the Machine said:
a running theme that we old souls always get the shit end of the stick in this lifetime where we start out hating life or feeling disgusted/outcast/twisted or everything is wrong with everything we do or the enemy has attacked and swarmed us the most with the most shit beginnings or to ruin us as fast as possible in their attempts to hinder us from finding truth in this lifetime
Before dedicating, whenever I felt like I'm about to discover something hidden deep within myself, a nasty distraction or derailment occured. Sometimes it still happens. Felt very similar to the movie The Truman Show. "Oy vey, he started doing Void and digging in his subconscious. Quickly send a buddy over with beers!"

ATM I'm amazed at the volume of work needed to keep the lights on. Doesn't leave too much free energy/time for meditations and warfare. Fuck them kikes.
OTOH we are at war so I'm gonna STFU and carry on, with hope, sometimes nodding off during my AoP.

As for young souls and how to save them, this is a tough one. We can only do so much in a world full of all kinds of shallow shit coming from them kikes (substance abuse, different religions, media, movie industry). Online warfare in comments can save some but there are too many variables involved at keeping someone on the SS path. When the enemy is gone and clean, strong, illuminated, astrally open SS souls are set as the pillars of our society, then, in time, the young souls will tag along.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
Maybe a good-dictator, as opposed to a dictator would be it; a good-dictator, rather than a tyrant.
I think is called "enlightened despot"
That sounds like a reasonable term.
astrally flame said:
slyscorpion said:
astrally flame said:
Can someone please try to share some few signs of the old souls..because more then 5 people have told me this, they say i look like ancient.. even my girlfriend say i look very different i'm like people from the 80's but i'm just too young..and this confused me a lot.

Your probably an old soul I get a slight feeling of energy and I can tell. However I am guessing on these boards 90 percent or more of the people here at least the origional members are older souls. So welcome to the club.

Older souls I can give you some of the signs. I will note that soul age doesnt per say have anything to do with a person's power or ability in my experience there are old souls that are completely shut off from the spiritual however I believe most older souls sense things more when they were young but sometimes it is possible to lose these abilities so just because someone has very little power doesnt mean they are not an old soul. Some people think that all of them have powers various places.

For two all older souls are generally more calm and detached like older people they are wise in general. Many these days will complain about the way people interact or how bad people are etc. The main reason for this is as we know there was a much different way of interacting with eachother even in the 50s let alone the ancient times.

There are a lot of things missing that we remember such as a sense of community solidarity connection with others there was much more ability to be free to Express yourself in your own way. These days they call you insane and put you on drugs for things that 50 to 100 years ago might have even been seen as a special ability or talent.

In the case of my partner she likes old movies and shows from older times. Because it gives a sense of what is missing today in the way the people interact on them.

Possibly an outer planet sign ascending or outer planet in the first house or conjunct the Ascendant is a sign I am not sure of all the time. However I believe my Aquarius rising Pisces intercepted thing was intentional on my part to tune me into the energy of Pisces and Aquarius and help with transitioning the world to age of Aquarius. This is just one example.

The Chart often in older souls will look unique cause a lot of them choose a few things to work with certain areas of life. Like my girl appears to have Chosen a lot of planets in Capricorn and focus for some reason.

Anyways the other thing they are sensitive often. Old souls often have a lot of trauma events or at least more things happening in a few years in their life than ever happens in the entire lives of younger souls.

I dont know this is what I can think of right now. I think if your on this board and feeling a strong pull to Satanism it means you are most likely much older than most people in the world. It's not a for sure thing but it seems to be mainly older souls here like was stated.
The other thing it like you are not guessing at all, in fact it like you are reading me..you created this post and you know what you are talking about, i was pulled in satanism at the age of 13..I give you a price of the topic of the month..this is the topic of the true satanist .HAIL SLYSCORPION

People need to talk about things sometimes. In your life if you do a working to attract an older soul as a friend or partner or get to know one you will feel a lot better even if they are not Satanist at this point.

I was just giving my personal opinion I think an older soul person will need to take the lead in helping return things to a more healthy way like bring back many of these values as they were what held civilization together. The older souls know this inside and still have many of these values but sometimes become rebels and outcasts just cause they are so frustrated.

I joined at around age 15 or 16 Cant remember for sure.
Btw I was talking about it but this loss of the old values is exactly why we do a dedication ritual now to the Gods before they fully protect us. This is also the reason many of the Gods as the HPs state outside of the ones listed on the JOS site and a few others that work with these Gods do not really want to interact directly with humans.

Older souls more so feel this in their nature. But 95 percent of the world doesnt anymore they just drop people after they are done with them use people. Dont keep their word it really is hard for older souls even to relate to most people for this reason. I honestly empathize with the Gods who dont like humans or humanity much (but of course wont harm us cause they are allied with Satan and sometimes do things to help if ordered without interacting with us directly) I myself dont want to deal with what they are thinking of either.

This is the most major thing some of us will go on about and feel frustrated about.

So if your older soul and you feel very frustrated at your family or in a relationship or with some friends etc.

Look inside yourself this is the reason why they are not following the Code of ethics in some way that is in your soul and are breaking it in a bad way. You may not know this is why your angry but it probably is. Try to calm down and think rationally though in this case and also find some people you can relate too.

People dont want to learn or live a better way of life and may not want to in the majority till the enemy is more exposed. They lost all ability to respect those that try to teach them and instead mock them which sucks. In some cases with the positions some of the older souls were in possibly me included not fully sure. The way some people treat us today if they had done the same to us back in the ancient times and showed the same attitude they would have at the very least gotten most people against them and at worst been executed.

Humanity seems to have lost a lot and if we are to survive needs to get back to a sane way of living.
Jack said:
" In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. "

Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.

All of us have some sort of issues, more or less, before we reach Godhood. Working on these and gaining understanding should be the priority.

Violence between us will not solve anything.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
" In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. "

Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.

I didn't catch that part to be honest I only skimmed over his post. I believe Jack still has some xtian programming like I said before I dont know if he's working on it or not. In the ancient times women and men were equal in a way that we didn't even have to talk about it. They most certainly should be a part of the vote there was even women leaders in the ancient times Cleopatra for example is what I can think off right off the bat but there were plenty more. They most certainly did not restrict women from taking part in the process of the government or society in the ancient times.

Just wanted to back you up that I dont agree with this either.

Immigrants if they are a different race should be totally restricted from voting. I would agree to that.
I have been told by several people also some who claimed to be psychic that im an old soul. My mom always used to mention how i got along better with older people too. I dont know how to explain it but i feel this yet still feel like im still a teen in many ways..its quite wierd at times. (If accurate) ive been also told during some ouija sessions that i have 6 past lives. Some of the names of our Gods spelled out as the greeks and romans (or by other names others knew them by) knew them back then. I asked if i knew them by this name in a past life and the answer was yes. I have ancient canaanite/phonecian roots and later found out that alot of them mixed with romans and greeks.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
" In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. "

Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.
What it should be is that there must be no mix of races and that the races live and function properly. No slaves are needed. Development is needed.

Men and women have the same rights but we are not all equal, both men and women in society.

As for power, the choice should be based on the requirements of wisdom. And I fully agree with HP Mageson that citizenship should be given on genetic requirements. To have people's support, people must have an interest in supporting you, but that alone doesn't secure the position. To hold the position it is necessary to be strong and wise, and this is achieved only with development and advancement. It is right and natural that people do not accept people who do not deserve to power. And you can't foolishly choose to all be president for a year in shifts. It is like lying about the solar system, saying that the planets become the sun in turns. The hierarchy is part of the laws of nature and nothing and no one can change this eternal reality. This concerns the jewish deception that all non-jews are equal, i.e. under the jews and therefore are puppets in the hands of the jews who secretly rule for centuries. Rabbis are literally the best jews, the most studious, the most intelligent and the wisest. And it is those who govern and manage their people and also the non-jewish peoples who have conquered and enslaved. These are true leaders. It was the same for non-jewish peoples before the jews corrupted them. Our leaders are the Satanic High Priests and the Gods. Power is knowledge. The present governments of the Gentiles depend on jewish corruption and therefore are slaves. Matter and energy work and compose existence and life together. To have higher power, it is necessary to have multiple forces together and not just the force of gravity or just the electromagnetic force so to speak. I invite all those who seriously want to develop and elevate themselves, to understand the meaning and importance of knowledge that is the power of knowledge.
Shadowcat said:
I have been told by several people also some who claimed to be psychic that im an old soul. My mom always used to mention how i got along better with older people too. I dont know how to explain it but i feel this yet still feel like im still a teen in many ways..its quite wierd at times. (If accurate) ive been also told during some ouija sessions that i have 6 past lives. Some of the names of our Gods spelled out as the greeks and romans (or by other names others knew them by) knew them back then. I asked if i knew them by this name in a past life and the answer was yes. I have ancient canaanite/phonecian roots and later found out that alot of them mixed with romans and greeks.

Be a little cautious of just trusting stuff from the Ouija board i always felt your mind could influence this and i never even ever got one to work to begin with probably cause i was skeptical of it when trying. If you were around in those times it seems to me you should have had more lives than 6.

You will know for sure whan you are fully open. This however would mean you spent hundreds of years in the astral each time if true.
Master said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
" In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. "

Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.
What it should be is that there must be no mix of races and that the races live and function properly. No slaves are needed. Development is needed.

Men and women have the same rights but we are not all equal, both men and women in society.

As for power, the choice should be based on the requirements of wisdom. And I fully agree with HP Mageson that citizenship should be given on genetic requirements. To have people's support, people must have an interest in supporting you, but that alone doesn't secure the position. To hold the position it is necessary to be strong and wise, and this is achieved only with development and advancement. It is right and natural that people do not accept people who do not deserve to power. And you can't foolishly choose to all be president for a year in shifts. It is like lying about the solar system, saying that the planets become the sun in turns. The hierarchy is part of the laws of nature and nothing and no one can change this eternal reality. This concerns the jewish deception that all non-jews are equal, i.e. under the jews and therefore are puppets in the hands of the jews who secretly rule for centuries. Rabbis are literally the best jews, the most studious, the most intelligent and the wisest. And it is those who govern and manage their people and also the non-jewish peoples who have conquered and enslaved. These are true leaders. It was the same for non-jewish peoples before the jews corrupted them. Our leaders are the Satanic High Priests and the Gods. Power is knowledge. The present governments of the Gentiles depend on jewish corruption and therefore are slaves. Matter and energy work and compose existence and life together. To have higher power, it is necessary to have multiple forces together and not just the force of gravity or just the electromagnetic force so to speak. I invite all those who seriously want to develop and elevate themselves, to understand the meaning and importance of knowledge that is the power of knowledge.

Even without the Jews at the level most people are on right now Democratic elections wouldn't work cause people would choose the most dumb or corrupt person. Maybe there should be educational requirements to vote.
slyscorpion said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
" In Original America, only white men who owned land were able to vote for the things they wanted as a society. Women, Immigrants who could not become legal citizens according to law could not vote for the laws that the people elected to congress would put forth effectively making it that they did not have a say or Choice in the matter. Which is how it should be. "

Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.

I didn't catch that part to be honest I only skimmed over his post. I believe Jack still has some xtian programming like I said before I dont know if he's working on it or not. In the ancient times women and men were equal in a way that we didn't even have to talk about it. They most certainly should be a part of the vote there was even women leaders in the ancient times Cleopatra for example is what I can think off right off the bat but there were plenty more. They most certainly did not restrict women from taking part in the process of the government or society in the ancient times.

Just wanted to back you up that I dont agree with this either.

Immigrants if they are a different race should be totally restricted from voting. I would agree to that.

I dont think its just a xian thing. Considering the dictaror kind of rule that he says would be right.

This is also not the first time. He has been insulting women a lot. We're not some kind of second rate thing that has no mind or thought of its own;

Heck we have GODDESSES of knowledge, no less! That should be a big flag that politics IS a womans business also.

Maybe I am too early to say this and I understand deprogramming from jewish crap is hard, but considering the amount of times its kept up so far and disregarded and that he keeps posting these kinds of jewish things, makes me wonder if hes not saying these things on purpose.
Its been pointed out multiple times, with kind words, no less. And it doesnt seem like he is listening or at least considering the things at least once.

Someone that doesnt want to listen will have to feel. Feel could either be a punch in the face or some other drastic lifeturning event.

Maybe its some kind of schizophrenic episode. Being stuck in ones own fantasy world. Who knows?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote.

Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid.

What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?!
Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.

I didn't catch that part to be honest I only skimmed over his post. I believe Jack still has some xtian programming like I said before I dont know if he's working on it or not. In the ancient times women and men were equal in a way that we didn't even have to talk about it. They most certainly should be a part of the vote there was even women leaders in the ancient times Cleopatra for example is what I can think off right off the bat but there were plenty more. They most certainly did not restrict women from taking part in the process of the government or society in the ancient times.

Just wanted to back you up that I dont agree with this either.

Immigrants if they are a different race should be totally restricted from voting. I would agree to that.

I dont think its just a xian thing. Considering the dictaror kind of rule that he says would be right.

This is also not the first time. He has been insulting women a lot. We're not some kind of second rate thing that has no mind or thought of its own;

Heck we have GODDESSES of knowledge, no less! That should be a big flag that politics IS a womans business also.

Maybe I am too early to say this and I understand deprogramming from jewish crap is hard, but considering the amount of times its kept up so far and disregarded and that he keeps posting these kinds of jewish things, makes me wonder if hes not saying these things on purpose.
Its been pointed out multiple times, with kind words, no less. And it doesnt seem like he is listening or at least considering the things at least once.

Someone that doesnt want to listen will have to feel. Feel could either be a punch in the face or some other drastic lifeturning event.

Maybe its some kind of schizophrenic episode. Being stuck in ones own fantasy world. Who knows?
As far as I know the administration of the nation was a male thing with a few exceptions in Pagan societies. Lydia also stated that men have to build the civilization and women have to bring art to it or something along the lines. Women also seem to be more inclined to spiritual affairs.
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
I have been told by several people also some who claimed to be psychic that im an old soul. My mom always used to mention how i got along better with older people too. I dont know how to explain it but i feel this yet still feel like im still a teen in many ways..its quite wierd at times. (If accurate) ive been also told during some ouija sessions that i have 6 past lives. Some of the names of our Gods spelled out as the greeks and romans (or by other names others knew them by) knew them back then. I asked if i knew them by this name in a past life and the answer was yes. I have ancient canaanite/phonecian roots and later found out that alot of them mixed with romans and greeks.

Be a little cautious of just trusting stuff from the Ouija board i always felt your mind could influence this and i never even ever got one to work to begin with probably cause i was skeptical of it when trying. If you were around in those times it seems to me you should have had more lives than 6.

You will know for sure whan you are fully open. This however would mean you spent hundreds of years in the astral each time if true.
Master said:
Lunar Dance 666" Frankly I dont care what this discussion is about and/or whether or not someone has already replied to the above quote. BUT I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE ANYONE DICTATE MY LIFE TO ME. Voting for women should be allowed. We are NOT property. We are NOT imbeciles! We can think for ourselves and make our own decisions. We are NOT stupid. What are you so fucking afraid of that you have constantly dominate others and literally whip and punish others if they dont do what you want them to do?! Words can just be as harsh and tormenting as deeds can be. It takes a strong mind to stay sane. And every self protecting person would stand up to you and punch you in the face for what your ideas are.[/quote said:
What it should be is that there must be no mix of races and that the races live and function properly. No slaves are needed. Development is needed.

Men and women have the same rights but we are not all equal, both men and women in society.

As for power, the choice should be based on the requirements of wisdom. And I fully agree with HP Mageson that citizenship should be given on genetic requirements. To have people's support, people must have an interest in supporting you, but that alone doesn't secure the position. To hold the position it is necessary to be strong and wise, and this is achieved only with development and advancement. It is right and natural that people do not accept people who do not deserve to power. And you can't foolishly choose to all be president for a year in shifts. It is like lying about the solar system, saying that the planets become the sun in turns. The hierarchy is part of the laws of nature and nothing and no one can change this eternal reality. This concerns the jewish deception that all non-jews are equal, i.e. under the jews and therefore are puppets in the hands of the jews who secretly rule for centuries. Rabbis are literally the best jews, the most studious, the most intelligent and the wisest. And it is those who govern and manage their people and also the non-jewish peoples who have conquered and enslaved. These are true leaders. It was the same for non-jewish peoples before the jews corrupted them. Our leaders are the Satanic High Priests and the Gods. Power is knowledge. The present governments of the Gentiles depend on jewish corruption and therefore are slaves. Matter and energy work and compose existence and life together. To have higher power, it is necessary to have multiple forces together and not just the force of gravity or just the electromagnetic force so to speak. I invite all those who seriously want to develop and elevate themselves, to understand the meaning and importance of knowledge that is the power of knowledge.

Even without the Jews at the level most people are on right now Democratic elections wouldn't work cause people would choose the most dumb or corrupt person. Maybe there should be educational requirements to vote.
i try to be on my guard. I definately wont say everything has been accurate but ive gotten really interesting coincidences with readings as well as information i didnt know, that was accurate, that i knew was accurate after looking it up after out of curiosity. I usually dont take everything 100%. (Yet)
I am not sure how long a soul is supposed to spend on the astral. Im guessing it varies?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
