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Yoga: 6th; 3rd Eye; Crown

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
Yoga: 6th; 3rd Eye; Crown

Warning: Do not do these exercises if you have any mental illness or are using drugs.

This completes my series on yoga for the chakras, see the links at the bottom for the other chakras. These will likely be updated over the years as new knowledge arises. Doing these exercises is a great way to help empower each chakra, and can be done before doing the chakra meditation (links provided for each). These definitely work.


6th Chakra

For info and meditation for the 6th chakra: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/6th_Chakra_Meditation.html

Yoga kriya for the 6th chakra: Cat-Cow sequence. The following paragraphs are all one sequence, explained.

Start on your hands and knees, hips directly over knees and shoulders directly over wrists. Your feet can be straight back (feet equal distance apart as your knees are), or your big toes can touch, whichever feels the best for your lower back.

If you have weak wrists, make sure to press down into the ground with your thumb and forefinger, this will flex the correct hand and wrist muscles needed. Have your forefinger of each hand pointing straight ahead, not your middle finger. (Use this alignment for all asanas that require stability through the wrists.)

Cat-Cow (here is a video showing Cat-Cow, you don’t need to watch the entire video, just the first 20 seconds). Do a few rounds slowly at first to warm up your back. (If you have a stiff back, do whatever warm-ups you like, such as the Sun Salutations or just any basic warm-up movements before starting this sequence.)

Then move into the cat-cow sequence fluidly, breathing full and quickly. Not long deep breathing, just a fairly full inhale and exhale. It should be one second is one full cat-cow round. Inhale into Cow (head and chest up, stomach down), exhale into Cat (head down, back arched, stomach pulled in towards the spine).

Do this for a set number, perhaps 40 if possible, or more. Those who are newer, 18 is fine; those who are more experienced, go with a power number of your choice. Not a huge deal if you lose count, just do as many as feels good. You can even just time this and go for a minute, for example.

When you have completed, go into Cow pose (head up, stomach down) and complete the following:
-inhale fully,
-apply mula bandha*,
-direct the energy up your spine into your 6th chakra, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra. Hold the inhale for however long is comfortable for you, never strain.
-Release mula bandha and exhale fully,
-apply mula bandha,
-direct the energy up your spine to your 6th chakra, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra. Hold the exhale for however long is comfortable for you, never strain.

The above (the part done while in Cow pose) is one round, do two rounds. There isn’t really any need to do more than two rounds. Now, sit comfortably and do a mantra of your choice for your 6th chakra.

*Mula Bandha, a simple explanation: Contract (squeeze) your anus, sex organ, and navel. Contracting the navel may be difficult in this position, focus mainly on contracting the anus and sex organ (penis for men, vagina for women).


3rd Eye

For info about the 3rd Eye: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Third_Eye.html

Yoga kriya for the 3rd Eye:

Sit in Rock pose*, you can be kneeling on your bed, on a pillow on the floor, or folded blanket for comfort, or have a pillow (or folded blanket) between your buttocks and calves/ankles if that is more comfortable, depending on your body type. Get comfortable enough so that your lower body does not cause a distraction.

Interlock your hands (Venus lock, thumbs also crossed), left thumb on top for women, right thumb on top for men. This means that for women, right pinky finger will be on the bottom; for men, left pinky finger will be on bottom.

Extend your arms in front of you, a few inches above your knees, keeping your arms straight. You can have a slight bend in your elbows if needed, if your elbows are weak.

1. On your inhale, raise your arms up (keeping the Venus lock, and arms straight) to a position slightly above your head, still in eyesight.

2. Exhale, bring hands back down to start position (slightly above knees).

Repeat steps 1 and 2, in a fairly quick momentum, 18 times. More is fine for those with more experience, Yogi Bhajan recommended 70 times (this is part of a KY kriya). Not a huge deal if you lose count, just do as many as feels good.

To finish:
-Hold your hands at the top position (slightly above head) still interlocked,
-inhale fully,
-apply mula bandha,
-direct your energy to your 3rd eye, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra. Hold the inhale for whatever is comfortable for you, never strain.
-Exhale, release the bandha, relax the arms.

You can complete this by doing a manta of your choice for your 3rd eye.

*Rock pose:





For info about the Crown chakra: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Crown666Chakra.html

Yoga for Crown chakra:

This kriya is ideal for those who can’t do inversions.

Sit in Rock pose (see picture in the section above). Interlace your hands, palms facing out, arms straight (slight bend in elbows if needed). Extend your arms straight up, hands will be directly above your head, palms facing up, fingers intertwined.

Breath of Fire, focusing on your crown chakra. Go for as many repetitions or however long you feel is right for you, Yogi Bhajan recommend doing this for one minute.

To finish:
-Inhale fully,
-apply mula bandha,
-direct your energy to your Crown chakra, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra.
-Exhale, release the bandha, relax your arms.

You can complete this by doing a manta of your choice for your Crown chakra.


Headstand For Crown Chakra, by High Priestess Maxine:

(She posted this about 7 or 8 years ago, I don’t have it to copy-paste but I know the method as I have done it often.)

-Get into a headstand, do Breath of Fire for 54 repetitions.
-After the BoF, inhale fully, vibrate “THTHTHTHTHTH” for a full exhale, while focusing on your crown chakra.
-Get down and relax on the floor, lying on your back, for a few moments.

Repeat this process for a few rounds, I forget how many she specified but I think it was 2 to 3.

You can complete this by doing a manta of your choice for your Crown chakra.

Careful not to stand up immediately after doing a headstand, you might fall over. There are many videos available online for instructions to safely get into a headstand, but do not attempt if you are overweight, or have any neck or spinal concern.


Yoga for Base
Yoga for Sacral
Yoga for Solar
Yoga for Center/Heart
Yoga for Throat
I have the whole series saved from base to crown. Thank-you so much for your effort.
Lydia said:
Yoga: 6th; 3rd Eye; Crown

Warning: Do not do these exercises if you have any mental illness or are using drugs.

This completes my series on yoga for the chakras, see the links at the bottom for the other chakras. These will likely be updated over the years as new knowledge arises. Doing these exercises is a great way to help empower each chakra, and can be done before doing the chakra meditation (links provided for each). These definitely work.


Yoga for Base
Yoga for Sacral
Yoga for Solar
Yoga for Center/Heart
Yoga for Throat

Thank you for your work on this series, Lydia.

I've found many good tips for my own sessions by reading it.
Lydia said:
The pictures aren't working for some reason, it might just be my browser, something temporary. This took me a lot of hours to write up so I'll leave it for now and see if the images show up later.
Hey, sister Lydia,
Use this instead of Imgur https://postimages.org/
Lydia said:
The pictures aren't working for some reason, it might just be my browser, something temporary. This took me a lot of hours to write up so I'll leave it for now and see if the images show up later.
Very useful post, thank you! The images are not showing because imgur is serving code instead of images at those links. To get the image links, you need to right-click on the image on imgur's site and select "Copy Image Location". Here are the correct image URLs:

Rock pose:

Crown chakra pose:
Lydia said:
Yoga: 6th; 3rd Eye; Crown

Warning: Do not do these exercises if you have any mental illness or are using drugs.

This completes my series on yoga for the chakras, see the links at the bottom for the other chakras. These will likely be updated over the years as new knowledge arises. Doing these exercises is a great way to help empower each chakra, and can be done before doing the chakra meditation (links provided for each). These definitely work.


6th Chakra

For info and meditation for the 6th chakra: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/6th_Chakra_Meditation.html

Yoga kriya for the 6th chakra: Cat-Cow sequence. The following paragraphs are all one sequence, explained.

Start on your hands and knees, hips directly over knees and shoulders directly over wrists. Your feet can be straight back (feet equal distance apart as your knees are), or your big toes can touch, whichever feels the best for your lower back.

If you have weak wrists, make sure to press down into the ground with your thumb and forefinger, this will flex the correct hand and wrist muscles needed. Have your forefinger of each hand pointing straight ahead, not your middle finger. (Use this alignment for all asanas that require stability through the wrists.)

Cat-Cow (here is a video showing Cat-Cow, you don’t need to watch the entire video, just the first 20 seconds). Do a few rounds slowly at first to warm up your back. (If you have a stiff back, do whatever warm-ups you like, such as the Sun Salutations or just any basic warm-up movements before starting this sequence.)

Then move into the cat-cow sequence fluidly, breathing full and quickly. Not long deep breathing, just a fairly full inhale and exhale. It should be one second is one full cat-cow round. Inhale into Cow (head and chest up, stomach down), exhale into Cat (head down, back arched, stomach pulled in towards the spine).

Do this for a set number, perhaps 40 if possible, or more. Those who are newer, 18 is fine; those who are more experienced, go with a power number of your choice. Not a huge deal if you lose count, just do as many as feels good. You can even just time this and go for a minute, for example.

When you have completed, go into Cow pose (head up, stomach down) and complete the following:
-inhale fully,
-apply mula bandha*,
-direct the energy up your spine into your 6th chakra, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra. Hold the inhale for however long is comfortable for you, never strain.
-Release mula bandha and exhale fully,
-apply mula bandha,
-direct the energy up your spine to your 6th chakra, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra. Hold the exhale for however long is comfortable for you, never strain.

The above (the part done while in Cow pose) is one round, do two rounds. There isn’t really any need to do more than two rounds. Now, sit comfortably and do a mantra of your choice for your 6th chakra.

*Mula Bandha, a simple explanation: Contract (squeeze) your anus, sex organ, and navel. Contracting the navel may be difficult in this position, focus mainly on contracting the anus and sex organ (penis for men, vagina for women).


3rd Eye

For info about the 3rd Eye: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Third_Eye.html

Yoga kriya for the 3rd Eye:

Sit in Rock pose*, you can be kneeling on your bed, on a pillow on the floor, or folded blanket for comfort, or have a pillow (or folded blanket) between your buttocks and calves/ankles if that is more comfortable, depending on your body type. Get comfortable enough so that your lower body does not cause a distraction.

Interlock your hands (Venus lock, thumbs also crossed), left thumb on top for women, right thumb on top for men. This means that for women, right pinky finger will be on the bottom; for men, left pinky finger will be on bottom.

Extend your arms in front of you, a few inches above your knees, keeping your arms straight. You can have a slight bend in your elbows if needed, if your elbows are weak.

1. On your inhale, raise your arms up (keeping the Venus lock, and arms straight) to a position slightly above your head, still in eyesight.

2. Exhale, bring hands back down to start position (slightly above knees).

Repeat steps 1 and 2, in a fairly quick momentum, 18 times. More is fine for those with more experience, Yogi Bhajan recommended 70 times (this is part of a KY kriya). Not a huge deal if you lose count, just do as many as feels good.

To finish:
-Hold your hands at the top position (slightly above head) still interlocked,
-inhale fully,
-apply mula bandha,
-direct your energy to your 3rd eye, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra. Hold the inhale for whatever is comfortable for you, never strain.
-Exhale, release the bandha, relax the arms.

You can complete this by doing a manta of your choice for your 3rd eye.

*Rock pose:





For info about the Crown chakra: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Crown666Chakra.html

Yoga for Crown chakra:

This kriya is ideal for those who can’t do inversions.

Sit in Rock pose (see picture in the section above). Interlace your hands, palms facing out, arms straight (slight bend in elbows if needed). Extend your arms straight up, hands will be directly above your head, palms facing up, fingers intertwined.

Breath of Fire, focusing on your crown chakra. Go for as many repetitions or however long you feel is right for you, Yogi Bhajan recommend doing this for one minute.

To finish:
-Inhale fully,
-apply mula bandha,
-direct your energy to your Crown chakra, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra.
-Exhale, release the bandha, relax your arms.

You can complete this by doing a manta of your choice for your Crown chakra.


Headstand For Crown Chakra, by High Priestess Maxine:

(She posted this about 7 or 8 years ago, I don’t have it to copy-paste but I know the method as I have done it often.)

-Get into a headstand, do Breath of Fire for 54 repetitions.
-After the BoF, inhale fully, vibrate “THTHTHTHTHTH” for a full exhale, while focusing on your crown chakra.
-Get down and relax on the floor, lying on your back, for a few moments.

Repeat this process for a few rounds, I forget how many she specified but I think it was 2 to 3.

You can complete this by doing a manta of your choice for your Crown chakra.

Careful not to stand up immediately after doing a headstand, you might fall over. There are many videos available online for instructions to safely get into a headstand, but do not attempt if you are overweight, or have any neck or spinal concern.


Yoga for Base
Yoga for Sacral
Yoga for Solar
Yoga for Center/Heart
Yoga for Throat

Thank you lydia! Another great series saved :)
Hi! Thank you so much for this super information, i only have one doubt, what is mula bandha?
Thank you for this series.

Of note: Every time I do the Cat-Cow sequence, I feel energy concentrating at my base chakra (perineum).
This is great, thanks!

By the way, could you specify what mental illnesses and what kind of drugs are you referring to?
Camila Javiera said:
This is great, thanks!

By the way, could you specify what mental illnesses and what kind of drugs are you referring to?

Psychedelic or weed or any drugs that create a delusional state or mental health pills I believe. Any mental illness that deals with delusions or paranoia or sensing (seeing hearing thinking feeling etc) stuff not there.

The reason for this is because work on the upper chakras can greatly enhance a delusional state especially if the person doesn't work on the lower ones also and can empower these delusions. I also heard starting with the upper chakras can do this too without empowering the lower ones.
Just for some people on here, Mental illness can vary and can be really misunderstood but to clear things up for anyone, I’ve learned recently that the most defining factor for mental illness is the way it effects your life. Everyone has their issues, but the most important thing is the level of control and understanding you have over the issue. I’m no expert on this and everyone is so individual. There’s this qoute that continually ran through my mind a while back before having heard this from professionals that the only difference between sanity and insanity is your level of control. There are many many things a person can do to master their issues and gain control. States of consciousness vary vary widely while still being in the range of sanity. It looks so different for everyone, for me losing the sense of a need to control after a certain point of gaining control taught me the most. One thing might work for someone else while another thing could hurt someone else. Take guidance from the gods on where you can increase your mental well being. I was always very uncomfortable with the prospect of altered states in a way, you can always take things as slow as you want. An altered state through meditation is NOT for everyone, and no one needs to do anything too drastic to see changes. I’m the kind of person who can get high off of a day dream and just my day to day attitude, and after a while deeper meditations have effected me negatively due to the lack of necessity. A lot of people would probably be fine to do a basic headstand. It might also bring you comfort to actually take a few mental health exams and get some input from professionals, if you can be honest to a degree and have a level perspective on things that’s important. Just before I had any in depth experiences that had me feeling weird I had taken a mental health exam and impressed the physician, so this brought me a lot of comfort. I took another one recently and that also brought me a lot of comfort.
slyscorpion said:
Camila Javiera said:
This is great, thanks!

By the way, could you specify what mental illnesses and what kind of drugs are you referring to?

Psychedelic or weed or any drugs that create a delusional state or mental health pills I believe. Any mental illness that deals with delusions or paranoia or sensing (seeing hearing thinking feeling etc) stuff not there.

The reason for this is because work on the upper chakras can greatly enhance a delusional state especially if the person doesn't work on the lower ones also and can empower these delusions. I also heard starting with the upper chakras can do this too without empowering the lower ones.

Oh, now I get it. Thank you! :D
balo666 said:
Hi! Thank you so much for this super information, i only have one doubt, what is mula bandha?

I wrote it in the post, it's in bold. You can look it up online for further information.

Camila Javiera said:
This is great, thanks!

By the way, could you specify what mental illnesses and what kind of drugs are you referring to?

Having any mental illness or doing any drugs can make for any unpredictable and negative effects when sending energy like this to the chakras, especially the upper chakras. Slyscorpion answered correctly, as it can definitely aggravate delusions.

If anyone decides to try it anyway, they do so at their own risk, the warning had to be included.
Lydia said:
Yoga: 6th; 3rd Eye; Crown

Warning: Do not do these exercises if you have any mental illness or are using drugs.

This completes my series on yoga for the chakras, see the links at the bottom for the other chakras. These will likely be updated over the years as new knowledge arises. Doing these exercises is a great way to help empower each chakra, and can be done before doing the chakra meditation (links provided for each). These definitely work.


6th Chakra

For info and meditation for the 6th chakra: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/6th_Chakra_Meditation.html

Yoga kriya for the 6th chakra: Cat-Cow sequence. The following paragraphs are all one sequence, explained.

Start on your hands and knees, hips directly over knees and shoulders directly over wrists. Your feet can be straight back (feet equal distance apart as your knees are), or your big toes can touch, whichever feels the best for your lower back.

If you have weak wrists, make sure to press down into the ground with your thumb and forefinger, this will flex the correct hand and wrist muscles needed. Have your forefinger of each hand pointing straight ahead, not your middle finger. (Use this alignment for all asanas that require stability through the wrists.)

Cat-Cow (here is a video showing Cat-Cow, you don’t need to watch the entire video, just the first 20 seconds). Do a few rounds slowly at first to warm up your back. (If you have a stiff back, do whatever warm-ups you like, such as the Sun Salutations or just any basic warm-up movements before starting this sequence.)

Then move into the cat-cow sequence fluidly, breathing full and quickly. Not long deep breathing, just a fairly full inhale and exhale. It should be one second is one full cat-cow round. Inhale into Cow (head and chest up, stomach down), exhale into Cat (head down, back arched, stomach pulled in towards the spine).

Do this for a set number, perhaps 40 if possible, or more. Those who are newer, 18 is fine; those who are more experienced, go with a power number of your choice. Not a huge deal if you lose count, just do as many as feels good. You can even just time this and go for a minute, for example.

When you have completed, go into Cow pose (head up, stomach down) and complete the following:
-inhale fully,
-apply mula bandha*,
-direct the energy up your spine into your 6th chakra, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra. Hold the inhale for however long is comfortable for you, never strain.
-Release mula bandha and exhale fully,
-apply mula bandha,
-direct the energy up your spine to your 6th chakra, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra. Hold the exhale for however long is comfortable for you, never strain.

The above (the part done while in Cow pose) is one round, do two rounds. There isn’t really any need to do more than two rounds. Now, sit comfortably and do a mantra of your choice for your 6th chakra.

*Mula Bandha, a simple explanation: Contract (squeeze) your anus, sex organ, and navel. Contracting the navel may be difficult in this position, focus mainly on contracting the anus and sex organ (penis for men, vagina for women).


3rd Eye

For info about the 3rd Eye: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Third_Eye.html

Yoga kriya for the 3rd Eye:

Sit in Rock pose*, you can be kneeling on your bed, on a pillow on the floor, or folded blanket for comfort, or have a pillow (or folded blanket) between your buttocks and calves/ankles if that is more comfortable, depending on your body type. Get comfortable enough so that your lower body does not cause a distraction.

Interlock your hands (Venus lock, thumbs also crossed), left thumb on top for women, right thumb on top for men. This means that for women, right pinky finger will be on the bottom; for men, left pinky finger will be on bottom.

Extend your arms in front of you, a few inches above your knees, keeping your arms straight. You can have a slight bend in your elbows if needed, if your elbows are weak.

1. On your inhale, raise your arms up (keeping the Venus lock, and arms straight) to a position slightly above your head, still in eyesight.

2. Exhale, bring hands back down to start position (slightly above knees).

Repeat steps 1 and 2, in a fairly quick momentum, 18 times. More is fine for those with more experience, Yogi Bhajan recommended 70 times (this is part of a KY kriya). Not a huge deal if you lose count, just do as many as feels good.

To finish:
-Hold your hands at the top position (slightly above head) still interlocked,
-inhale fully,
-apply mula bandha,
-direct your energy to your 3rd eye, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra. Hold the inhale for whatever is comfortable for you, never strain.
-Exhale, release the bandha, relax the arms.

You can complete this by doing a manta of your choice for your 3rd eye.

*Rock pose:





For info about the Crown chakra: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Crown666Chakra.html

Yoga for Crown chakra:

This kriya is ideal for those who can’t do inversions.

Sit in Rock pose (see picture in the section above). Interlace your hands, palms facing out, arms straight (slight bend in elbows if needed). Extend your arms straight up, hands will be directly above your head, palms facing up, fingers intertwined.

Breath of Fire, focusing on your crown chakra. Go for as many repetitions or however long you feel is right for you, Yogi Bhajan recommend doing this for one minute.

To finish:
-Inhale fully,
-apply mula bandha,
-direct your energy to your Crown chakra, lighting it up. Maintain focus on this chakra.
-Exhale, release the bandha, relax your arms.

You can complete this by doing a manta of your choice for your Crown chakra.


Headstand For Crown Chakra, by High Priestess Maxine:

(She posted this about 7 or 8 years ago, I don’t have it to copy-paste but I know the method as I have done it often.)

-Get into a headstand, do Breath of Fire for 54 repetitions.
-After the BoF, inhale fully, vibrate “THTHTHTHTHTH” for a full exhale, while focusing on your crown chakra.
-Get down and relax on the floor, lying on your back, for a few moments.

Repeat this process for a few rounds, I forget how many she specified but I think it was 2 to 3.

You can complete this by doing a manta of your choice for your Crown chakra.

Careful not to stand up immediately after doing a headstand, you might fall over. There are many videos available online for instructions to safely get into a headstand, but do not attempt if you are overweight, or have any neck or spinal concern.


Yoga for Base
Yoga for Sacral
Yoga for Solar
Yoga for Center/Heart
Yoga for Throat
Thanks for posting Lydia. I do have a question though. For Crown Chakra can I use MAUM instead of TH? I am having trouble pronouncing TH.
Lydia said:
balo666 said:
Hi! Thank you so much for this super information, i only have one doubt, what is mula bandha?

I wrote it in the post, it's in bold. You can look it up online for further information.

balo666, here's the link you'll want to study from: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Bandhas.html

Lydia, you're amazing. This series you wrote is something we all needed.

PS. I just started translating your work in Italian, if there is any particular post you wrote in the past that you believe SS (especially novices) would definitely benefit from, please let me know (here or at "seed of duat (AT) (pr0t0nm41L) (d0t) (c0m)" no spaces.. hope that's readable lol). I have a couple Sermons from HP HC to take care of first but I feel your advice has been really useful so far and that many will benefit from it, starting with me. :)

I'm glad to be of help to everyone :)

Siatris Ioholo said:
Thanks for posting Lydia. I do have a question though. For Crown Chakra can I use MAUM instead of TH? I am having trouble pronouncing TH.

The TH is a seed mantra to open certain chakras. Just make the sound, like saying the word "the" or "that" but prolong the th and keep it going. Practice a few times and you will get it :)

Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Lydia, you're amazing. This series you wrote is something we all needed.

PS. I just started translating your work in Italian, if there is any particular post you wrote in the past that you believe SS (especially novices) would definitely benefit from, please let me know (here or at "seed of duat (AT) (pr0t0nm41L) (d0t) (c0m)" no spaces.. hope that's readable lol). I have a couple Sermons from HP HC to take care of first but I feel your advice has been really useful so far and that many will benefit from it, starting with me. :)

Thank you, yes your email is readable lol, but start with HP Cobra's sermons as they are most important, I can't think of any of mine that would be as important.
Sundara said:
Just for some people on here, Mental illness can vary and can be really misunderstood but to clear things up for anyone, I’ve learned recently that the most defining factor for mental illness is the way it effects your life. Everyone has their issues, but the most important thing is the level of control and understanding you have over the issue. I’m no expert on this and everyone is so individual. There’s this qoute that continually ran through my mind a while back before having heard this from professionals that the only difference between sanity and insanity is your level of control. There are many many things a person can do to master their issues and gain control. States of consciousness vary vary widely while still being in the range of sanity. It looks so different for everyone, for me losing the sense of a need to control after a certain point of gaining control taught me the most. One thing might work for someone else while another thing could hurt someone else. Take guidance from the gods on where you can increase your mental well being. I was always very uncomfortable with the prospect of altered states in a way, you can always take things as slow as you want. An altered state through meditation is NOT for everyone, and no one needs to do anything too drastic to see changes. I’m the kind of person who can get high off of a day dream and just my day to day attitude, and after a while deeper meditations have effected me negatively due to the lack of necessity. A lot of people would probably be fine to do a basic headstand. It might also bring you comfort to actually take a few mental health exams and get some input from professionals, if you can be honest to a degree and have a level perspective on things that’s important. Just before I had any in depth experiences that had me feeling weird I had taken a mental health exam and impressed the physician, so this brought me a lot of comfort. I took another one recently and that also brought me a lot of comfort.

I was worried when Lydia said not to meditate on the upper chakras when one has mental illnesses. Even read about HP. Hoodedcobra666's sermon about mental illnesses (some of the examples he mentioned somewhat resonated with me a couple months back)

But you, slyscorpion, and Lydia have reassured me :D

Before coming into True Satanism, I was very prone to maladaptive daydreaming. So much that even now, it bleeds into the physical realm. Like a voice, maybe a random person my mind recognizes, clearly talking to me as I wash the dishes, take a bath, or when I'm tired.

Since then, it only disappears when I'm with people, when I'm clearly focused or fixated on something, or when I'm meditating. It's so funny how I can focus on a bright, white-gold light on my aura for sixteen minutes straight, but I can't focus on silencing my mind when I'm in the physical :lol:

Even then, because of me not meditating for five and a half months due to heavy depression, extreme paranoia and guilt (the enemy was also doing heavy cursing, so I could've absorbed it since I was in this state), maladaptive daydreaming getting worse to the point of me considering it to be schizophrenia...

I decided not to meditate, thinking it was the main cause, completely forgetting what I have been through from what I mentioned above.

It cleared out when I asked Father and my three demon friends for guidance.

I got accurate guidance, yet I doubt it.

I felt their positive energies, even them smiling at me, yet I doubted it and thought it's the enemy fooling me.

I also tried not to think about them and focused on my life, but sometimes, I can feel them observing me, knowing what I'm thinking about them.

There was this praise I did, too.
"Hail Father Satan!
Hail, my guardian demons!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!
I believe in your existence!
Ave Satanas!!"

Father Satan pointed this out to me and said humorously, "Didn't you said you believed in my existence?"

There's also the fact that I was getting attacked and I doubted it was ever happening to me because I don't want to believe it. The effects of that lack of meditation in five and a half months pretty much affected me.

So I'm going to take the advise and empower my lower chakras first. Even my feet chakras. Because clearly, I need more earth? We'll see. I still feel doubts, but I know it would clear away :D

Also, don't worry. I know what to do on those above situations :D

If the enemy tries to get me to pay attention, I tune it out.
If I'm too busy to counter back, I ask for Father Satan and his demons to help me.
If I have time to defend, I do Aura of Protection since they can pull my aura/do telekinesis shit.
Even Banishing Rituals.
Never forget RTRs.

It's just weird to accept the astral as part of my life now. I don't know how to describe it. It's a phase I'm going through...
Lydia said:
Yoga for Crown chakra:

This kriya is ideal for those who can’t do inversions.

By this you mean those who can't do the head stand correct??, Or are we supposed to do both for crown?
Hail Satan
Lydia said:
Thank you, yes your email is readable lol, but start with HP Cobra's sermons as they are most important, I can't think of any of mine that would be as important.

HP HC's Sermons are the next in line but there are at least other 4 very active translators to steal my translations as soon as they pop up (whenever I log in the Forum in the morning, maybe because of my timezone, it seems everyone's been super active and I find lots of replies under Sermons I have yet to read), while I don't think yours have been given the proper attention. I recently translated this one ( https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=262696#p262696 ) and I found it to be one of the best advice. I believe this needs to be seen by as many as possible, especially when people's daily routines can be so unproductive and lead to little or nothing because of bad timing.

I'll look into more of yours as soon as I'm done with the current ones. I know that Sermons about warfare are extremely important, but someone reminded me that Father Satan's purpose is for us to evolve, before we do anything else, so Sermons that help with this are equally necessary (if not more).

Lydia said:
For info and meditation for the 6th chakra: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/6th_Chakra_Meditation.html

Yoga kriya for the 6th chakra: Cat-Cow sequence. The following paragraphs are all one sequence, explained.

After reading the description of the Cat-Cow as you explained it I thought of this one.


I did this before and it's been one of the meditations even a less experienced one like me could perceive in a decent measure, so I know this is powerful for more advanced members, but when I did it I was actually doing the Cat-Cow asanas.

Is that similar to the one you mentioned with the energy up the spine into the 6th chakra and the mula bandha?

Lydia said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Here are the correct image URLs:

Thank you, I had gone hard on RTR's and needed sleep lol. I fixed it now with the links you provided :)

Don't underestimate the importance of sleep. The short-term consequences are mild and you readjust when you go to sleep but the long-term consequences are worrisome.
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Lydia said:
Thank you, yes your email is readable lol, but start with HP Cobra's sermons as they are most important, I can't think of any of mine that would be as important.
... to steal my translations as soon as they pop up (whenever I log in the Forum in the morning, maybe because of my timezone, it seems everyone's been super active and I find lots of replies under Sermons I have yet to read) ...
Don't worry Lydia, i'll have both your and Hp Cobra's posts translated before Eagle Bearer wakes up
PinOcchio said:
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Lydia said:
Thank you, yes your email is readable lol, but start with HP Cobra's sermons as they are most important, I can't think of any of mine that would be as important.
... to steal my translations as soon as they pop up (whenever I log in the Forum in the morning, maybe because of my timezone, it seems everyone's been super active and I find lots of replies under Sermons I have yet to read) ...
Don't worry Lydia, i'll have both your and Hp Cobra's posts translated before Eagle Bearer wakes up

Very funny mate. Well, better for me, I have more time to keep doing more RTRs everyday. Actually, you too should probably postpone translations at this time (during Yom Kippur) and focus on warfare before anything else. We can resume translations after the schedule, this is far more important at the moment.

Eagle Bearer 666 said:
... Actually, you too should probably postpone translations at this time (during Yom Kippur) and focus on warfare before anything else. We can resume translations after the schedule, this is far more important at the moment.

Don't worry, I translate when my brain is about to explode from rtrs, I found myself having extra time these days and I would like to return at least a fraction of the blessings i got from the Gods and this forum in all these years
anyway i tought yours was a joke, no one steals you anything, there are tons of old sermons yet to be done...
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
After reading the description of the Cat-Cow as you explained it I thought of this one.


I did this before and it's been one of the meditations even a less experienced one like me could perceive in a decent measure, so I know this is powerful for more advanced members, but when I did it I was actually doing the Cat-Cow asanas.

Is that similar to the one you mentioned with the energy up the spine into the 6th chakra and the mula bandha?


Yes, similar concept. That one you linked is a great mediation to do.

PinOcchio said:
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
... to steal my translations as soon as they pop up (whenever I log in the Forum in the morning, maybe because of my timezone, it seems everyone's been super active and I find lots of replies under Sermons I have yet to read) ...
Don't worry Lydia, i'll have both your and Hp Cobra's posts translated before Eagle Bearer wakes up
Lol. You translators are awesome for the work you do :)
Please can you post a link for the Sun salutations
Can I do the entire yoga, by that I mean base to crown at once? And do I have to affirm after each chakra?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
