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Why IS black intelligence so low?


New member
Feb 1, 2023
Based on a couple of statistics, including IQ by race, asvab scores and SAT scores, we can reach the obvious conclusion. Is it because of the inferiority of the black soul? Not just this but 75% of black boys in the state of California do not meet literacy standards in school.
If you are black, it might be hard for you to comprehend your low intelligence but it is the truth.

If you're considering yourself more intelligent than the average black individual then why present this post in this matter that comes off as race baiting and condescending. If you're expecting push back then wouldn't a wiser person spend a paragraph or two adding as to what you might think will be the rebuttals instead of "you might too stupid to understand". ?

Come on now.

Anyways, every race has their own strength and weakness on the general base level but as Gentiles we all individually have the capabilities to uplift ourselves along with our race thru racial studying and use of genetics.

That's the simple and quick answer but if you are so into reading info then why not use the search function to read on our many discussions on race and read the current post by HPHC about races.


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Something I have wondered about for awhile, is if someone with an average IQ and intelligence, could work to advance their intellect to that of a genius?

I'm fairly certain that this is possible. However I feel it would take quite some time and is not a process that should be taken lightly.

This is something I would eventually want to try to accomplish with workings because of the great benefit of being able to create at such a large scale.

I don't want to sound overly dreamy or dramatic here, but based on our brains alone, it's evident that we can all become smarter and smarter only if we put our attention to learning etc.

While Tesla level genius is, I am convinced, a racial and very extreme level of development, that can take lifetimes and lifetimes, the reality is that everyone can keep advancing and that all the basis for this already exists.

Also, there are many different types of intelligence, some of which have to do with physical intelligence [sports, dancing etc] so one might not be a genius in one area but be one in another.

Technically speaking the issue with humans currently is that they don't live "long", and the time they live, they don't do anything positive for themselves in many cases while alive, and then the fact that due to lack of racial knowledge and eugenics practices, many of the things developed go to waste.

Fixing the above would keep raising the baseline of the good in a species. But the "powers that be" today want people to be as retarded as possible.
hvemrdu said:
Based on a couple of statistics, including IQ by race, asvab scores and SAT scores, we can reach the obvious conclusion. Is it because of the inferiority of the black soul? Not just this but 75% of black boys in the state of California do not meet literacy standards in school.
If you are black, it might be hard for you to comprehend your low intelligence but it is the truth.
Leaving aside the obvious unnecessary attack to the Black Race, what happens in Africa in my personal understanding is due to 3 reasons:
1. Extreme poverty
2. Religious brainwashing
3. Political corruption

Those 3 phenomenas are all related and dependant to each other, is a toxic circle. Why are African countries so poor? Because everyone has to be as poor and weak and possible in order for the jewish elites so be as rich and powerful as possible. What they are doing is that in every country where they have control, they are pushing poverty as far as the population can tolerate without rebelling and causing chaos and revolutions. Not only many African states but many other countries in the world are very tolerant to poverty and the population does not unite to take down their governments and vote or promote a head of state that will care to oppose the jewish influence and raise the living standards.

Further this is one factor that leads to chaos and revolutions but of a different nature, caused directly by the same jewish elites using their instruments such as NATO, the US industrial millitary complex, CIA, Mossad etc. Examples here are the middle-eastern countries that have been invaded by US and NATO to ""restore democracy"". Countries like Syria and Iraq were very prosperous 25-30 years ago and generally before the enemy waged war on them for refusing to hand over their souvereignty and natural resources to the jews and their private corporations. Now they are consifered third world countries and among the poorest.

So why are native populations in Africa overly tolerant to poverty, despite most of them knowing very well how rich their countries are? Because of religious brainwashing. Most African countries are like 99% islam or 99% christian or generally the percentage of religious population is very close to 100%. People brainwashed into the abrahamic "religions" are programmed since infancy that poverty is a virtue, that rebellion is of Satan and therefore evil, that when slapped in the face one should turn the other cheek and other destructive religious advice that can destroy societies and nations. Not only in Black countries but most people generally don't even conceive the need to revolt or protest if their government has damaged their living standards or is stealing billions from them every year. Most people are too focused on their immediate well-being and don't care about the bigger picture where, if a percentage of a population unites to take down a government, the entire nation can live a lot better if ruled by caring and responsible people.

Another factor that keeps people into poverty is corruption, which is determined exactly by poverty itself. Most people are weak and spineless and don't have a patriotic consciousness for their nation. Many people and generally poorer people when obtaining power to the level of a head of state or government, they will abuse it for their own personal benefit and against everyone else, and they will do everything to stay in power for as much as they can so the fortune tap never ends. A great leader that is charismatic and powerful enough as a person to do all his best to empower, improve and revolutionalize their nation is very rare. A nation might get such a leader once every 100 years if even that, the rest are mostly there for their personal benefit and to obey external orders since many leaders are appointed by the jewish elites to rule certain nations where they have grabbed the power.

All this leads to severe lack of education, because a government that is extremely corrupted and keeps people in deliberate extreme poverty refuses to invest in education to uplift their populations. To built schools and provide the necessary resources yearly for what can be millions of children cost billions, which many corrupted countries don't care to invest into because in such places as I said above people are at the power to enrich themselves, therefore they prefer to keep the population basically on a very low level of existence and very low quality of life. This applies to all countries, not only to Black people. And most people accept, maybe they in their limited and deliberately shaped understanding think that if they are poor they will to heaven or the politicians will go to hell because of their greediness. Many people consider themselves too weak and small to change anything, many people are afraid of being arrested and tortured or even killed if they try to overthrow their governments, also many nations are very divided and is very difficult for people to unite under a common goal. Governments are the most scared of an educated and aware population that would not allow them to do drift and do very harmful things to their nations.

All these factors are contributing to people's general understanding, awareness, intelligence and conscience. In richer countries people already have a certain standard of living cultivated and grown in decades or even centuries, standard of living that if damaged by external influences, can cause mass revolts and rebellion. See France for example where the Yellow Vests protested for one year straight or something, every week. Or the farmers protests in Netherlands where the government wants to literally cut them from existence out of enemy paranoia and agenda with reducing the amount of carbon people release in the atmosphere, which is very stupid and useless.

The enemy has professionals in mass psychology working for them. They understand how masses think and they can engineer and model how far they can push control and poverty so they don't get exposed and destroyed. Without Joy of Satan and the help of the Gods directly and also through us, humanity is doomed.
hvemrdu said:
Based on a couple of statistics, including IQ by race, asvab scores and SAT scores, we can reach the obvious conclusion. Is it because of the inferiority of the black soul? Not just this but 75% of black boys in the state of California do not meet literacy standards in school.
If you are black, it might be hard for you to comprehend your low intelligence but it is the truth.

hvemrdu said:
Based on a couple of statistics, including IQ by race, asvab scores and SAT scores, we can reach the obvious conclusion. Is it because of the inferiority of the black soul? Not just this but 75% of black boys in the state of California do not meet literacy standards in school.
If you are black, it might be hard for you to comprehend your low intelligence but it is the truth.

You should change your tone in how you approach the black race.

Race baiting and being an asshole suggesting things like "inferiority of the black soul" is rather abominable.

Blacks do not have "Low Intelligence".

Anyone with half a brain could deduct that the black race is very intelligent and capable when they apply themselves.

Yes, some of them do not appy themselves. But the same can be said to varying degrees for all Gentile races and groups.

There's many different forms of Intelligence. IQ is just one part of this.

I would also feel inclined to say that you should look at things better. Watch documentaries, research, whatever you must do to change your erroneous view of this.

The black race like all gentiles has been subjected to centuries of brainwashing, christianity, gang and crime glorification, drugs introduced into their culture and communities to destroy them.

The jews have attacked all races and hit them where they are vulnerable. They are like a blood sucking lamprey always on the ankles of a superior being.

You have to look at the whole picture. Not just about test scores and statistics.

All issues in the black race and all other Gentile races will be corrected in time.
IQ is only measured in strict Mercury related categories. A standardized intelligence quotient is stupid and pointless by its very concept, and it shouldn't be exclusively used for measuring the broad category that we call "intelligence." Group X excels in mathematics, reading comprehension, pattern recognition, science, puzzle solving, articulation, etc... while Group Y fares poorly in these same categories when juxtaposed to Group X. How is that data useful to anyone in society right now besides hiring managers? And thanks to the affirmative action band-aid, it's useless even to them (seriously, if they wanted to help Black people get jobs then why not CREATE JOBS for them specifically instead of forcing them into fields where they can't compete as well? Nurture their natural talents and predispositions for crying out loud. Everyone can be useful to society in their own way. I digress). But all this means is that the average member of Group Y shouldn't be seeking jobs/careers in office type jobs or other Mercury related fields, and instead should focus on their particular types of intelligence which are strengths for them. Maybe Group Y has a trend of high creative intelligence, and would enjoy careers as composers or lyricists, or any of the creative arts. Maybe they have a penchant for show biz, or as entertainers in general. Maybe as a group they have a trait of sensitivity which enables really great bedside manner as nurses and other types of nurturers or healers, or could be employed in diplomacy (diplomats are smart people, and it's a different type of intellect).

I don't even understand why it's such a point of pride for some White folk to lord their average IQ over another race (not saying everyone does, but I'm not going to pretend that that doesn't happen in some circles in society because I've seen it) when the average commoner in India can make almost any White person feel stupid in mathematics, for one example. Their mental math skills are phenomenal.

Black people have a lot to be proud of as a race, and I don't think they should feel any shame over average IQ levels in the USA which are due to many factors beyond their control at this time (as mentioned by another member here). There's some really smart Black folk too, just like we White folk have our geniuses. Black folk also have a lot of admirable qualities on average that I've noticed when they are raised in good environments. It's good to focus on these positive traits that are natural to people in the right conditions. If you sterilize an environment by removing its poison (judaism), then people in that environment will flourish with their best traits coming forth.

I also want to mention that Mercury type intelligence can be developed like anything else. It can also be improved generationally.

By the way, I agree your OP reeks of race baiting.
We all humans are incredibly similar to each other, however, each race is very different.

For example, the black race is more earthly/firey in nature, like the base chakra. They have strong bodies, have the best athletic abilities of all races, are taller, and have top endurance. They are also per default the better survivalists, and when you observe them you see that when they encounter danger, they react with an intense „fight or flight“ response. Those make excellent warriors, as you can see, the only real warriors left on earth are black in fact.

The Asian race, are slim, short, light, have the weakest bodies, however, the sharpest minds, extraordinary focus, and have the best dexterity, body control and the best fine motor skills. Here you have the skilled Ninja, Mathematician and Programmer. They are very good at communication too, and are probably more to the air element. Those people are also superficially very kind due to their culture, however, they are not necessarily warm, as for example in Japan you are not allowed to hug each other in public, kiss a girl or show affection in such a way. Also animal cruelty is the highest in Asian countries. Which shows the air element very well, superficial, but no deep emotions, as moral rules are not very well established there. There is much abuse, and a craze towards efficiency and growth.

Then you have the white race. The white race is the most beautiful race of all. Those people are the most attractive. They have all the good qualities of the other races merged together, for example tall bodies, stronger than Asians, weaker then Black people, however. White people also have much empathy and also good organization and structure, which is manifesting in the fact that in white countries there is much prosperity, freedom, and also human rights are very well established. Freedom and quality of life is the best in White countries. As the White race is pretty balanced it is probably more Akasha, element wise. Like the pentagram that symbolizes the Humanbody and also the 5 Elements united. White people are also the direct descendants of the Gods.

Your statement that one race is inherently superior or inferior, in terms of Intelligence is baseless and a discredited notion. Intelligence is a very complex trait, and not to be misunderstood with „education“. IQ is also Highly individual. Every Human being has at least a threshold level of intelligence, Humans are not stupid, but very intelligent per default. This is a trait all of us share.

If the world was purely Asian, our home planet mother earth, would have been in much worse shape. Polition , terms of human rights, and animal abuse would be worse, as well as a huge loss of habitat, natural resources and wildlife. On the other Hand, Black would treat the earth better, as they are more connected to earth. So what does this say about intelligence?

We need to advance together as a Species, embrace our differences, maintain them, Hone them, and work together to make the best out of Humanity, as each and every race, sub-race, and even individual are part of the cycle of Humanity. You can not exclude even a single individual, everyone is inherently part of it. As this is our nature, and we are deeply connected to the nature of the world and part of it.

Every human being, even if you don’t like them, is part of the same house and cycle you are part of (esp your own race), you are interconnected by your own existence together, so there is more reason to work together, than fight each other. The future you share together is more than the differences you notice.

In Satan all Races are united in Humanity, as this is Satan‘s will. We have understood, that each race and even each individual is part of the same Empire of Satan, and Humanity flourishes the best, as well as our home planet, the closer we get towards Satan’s will. The Freedom of Humanity, and the arose Kingdom of Satan.

Hail Satan!
The Alchemist7 said:
hvemrdu said:
Based on a couple of statistics, including IQ by race, asvab scores and SAT scores, we can reach the obvious conclusion. Is it because of the inferiority of the black soul? Not just this but 75% of black boys in the state of California do not meet literacy standards in school.
If you are black, it might be hard for you to comprehend your low intelligence but it is the truth.

Wether out of ignorance or malice the OPs post was very low quality and answered more than enough. What caught my attention was your reply. You seem to understand sociology well and I agree with most of what you wrote. So even if it is off topic can you tell me what you think is the best way to instigate change in a decaying country besides running for office? In other words do you think there's an alternative to taking action within this system which is corrupt beyond repair?
Also in line with this do you think that if one builds a political career by doing what's right there's a chance that he/she could reach the top positions of influence without getting assassinated, framed, made to have an "accident" or suicided if that individual enjoys the protection of the gods?
I see it as the only way but is it naive?
Btw this is purely hypothetical, I do not intend to go into politics (at least not yet) not because it's wrong but because I'm still unfit for that and I have a family.
The Alchemist7 said:

Something to add, I think there is a history of africa being corrupted by false spiritual teachings by the reptillians. There was a west african cult that practiced cannibalism by eating a live person's heart and by drugging the victim to make him/her enjoy being eaten too. This would degrade the soul, thus destroying the mind. They also had a lot of corrupted warring tribes destroying other satanic tribes because the reptilloids/ greys said so. Even to this day, some corrupted priest would try to cure a person's aids by sacrificing a virgin child and making the blood of this child be drank by the people he wanted to cure. Some people with albinism are hacked with their body being used for potions or talismans.

Compare this to generations in Northern Europe where Odin was primarily worshiped, In Southern Europe where Mercury was honored, in India where Saraswati's mantra is chanted, and in China and Japan where Tai Chi and Reiki were practiced.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuSS0iiFyo - in this documentary, made by Vice, General Butt Naked (yes he called himself that), tells the story that he would kill a child and eat his heart with his rebel soldiers which would give them supernatural strength and prowess. The reason he was naked is that he thinks being nude will blend him into his surroundings and become invisible. During his warring, he found an old black man who asked him if he is a king, Butt Naked agrees, then the man replied on why is he slaving (like a soldier). Then the old man disappeared, then Butt Naked thought it was a spiritual message. This changed Butt naked, and he decided to reform himself. I personally think it was Satan using the form of Legba to change his ways, but Butt Naked thought it was the reptillo rabbi which made him to became a pastor.
??? (I can't find the article) - In an african country, a tourist with his friend in a truck finding a bloodied girl running towards them for help but they didn't stop because there were many men running towards them too.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3eyfR7rokQ - an african Zulu Shaman talking about aliens, also look at the symbol behind the shaman. A very familiar symbol.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F6UpuJIFaY - albino africans being killed for their body parts to be used for (((witchcraft)))
Shemsu said:

Wether out of ignorance or malice the OPs post was very low quality and answered more than enough. What caught my attention was your reply. You seem to understand sociology well and I agree with most of what you wrote. So even if it is off topic can you tell me what you think is the best way to instigate change in a decaying country besides running for office? In other words do you think there's an alternative to taking action within this system which is corrupt beyond repair?
Also in line with this do you think that if one builds a political career by doing what's right there's a chance that he/she could reach the top positions of influence without getting assassinated, framed, made to have an "accident" or suicided if that individual enjoys the protection of the gods?
I see it as the only way but is it naive?
Btw this is purely hypothetical, I do not intend to go into politics (at least not yet) not because it's wrong but because I'm still unfit for that and I have a family.

There's more to politics than just doing what is right. It's incredibly complicated, and it's infinitely more complicated due to multiculturalism. You'll always be good to someone, and evil to someone else. There's never any "right" answer. Your policies end up controlling the destinies of so many different groups of people who have nothing in common with each other and are entirely divided. So whose country is it? Who do the politicians have to work for? Nobody dares to answer that question, let alone ask it.

And that's just one aspect of it all.

It's no wonder they mostly all choose to line their pockets at this point and simply listen to whoever seems the most threatening to them (usually the jews). The tide will turn against the enemy soon though. Eventually it won't be in their best interest or seem advantageous in the least to listen to jews. One skill that many good politicians have is the keen ability to tell which way the wind is blowing.

By reversing the Torah, we are creating the change you speak of. That is literally the best way right now to turn decaying matter into something that a little more closely resembles life.
hvemrdu said:
Based on a couple of statistics, including IQ by race, asvab scores and SAT scores, we can reach the obvious conclusion. Is it because of the inferiority of the black soul? Not just this but 75% of black boys in the state of California do not meet literacy standards in school.
If you are black, it might be hard for you to comprehend your low intelligence but it is the truth.

Lack of a developed prefrontal cortex. It's genetic. Their brains are different. You can compare White European skulls with African skulls to see the difference in prefrontal cortex.
Shemsu said:
So even if it is off topic can you tell me what you think is the best way to instigate change in a decaying country besides running for office? In other words do you think there's an alternative to taking action within this system which is corrupt beyond repair?
Also in line with this do you think that if one builds a political career by doing what's right there's a chance that he/she could reach the top positions of influence without getting assassinated, framed, made to have an "accident" or suicided if that individual enjoys the protection of the gods?
I see it as the only way but is it naive?
In most cases one has to be at the buttons in order to enforce massive changes in a country, because there is where all the instruments to make that possible are. From a top position reforms can be adopted on a national scale, whereas if not at the top, some people do manage to implement things on small scale or regionally, such as activists getting funds to build hospitals or shelters.

What can save a decaying country is education, but not just in the sense of formal school stages, but also expansion of science and knowledge of all sorts. This is best implemented on a country scale from a top position in a government or presidency. Countries like Singapore and South Korea were very poor 30 years ago and is through education that they got where they are today.

Even a corrupt system can then be changed if a person getting into power manages to remove all corrupted people from the system, as they are the ones making the system ”corrupt”, and then implement strict conditions so only honest and competent people can be fit to have power positions. This is natural and normal to happen but in most countries today such ideals are vehemently attacked and rejected because the jews need weak and controllable people into the world's offices.

About the risk of being assassinated, this is always present irrespective of country. I think there is no president in the vast majority of countries that doesn't have a sort of protection or personal security. In poor countries the biggest danger comes from outside because many corporations (and subsequently the jewish elite that owns them) strive and prospere by extorting poor countries of natural reasources. There is also the risk of internal civil war caused by paramilitary or groups of different ethnicities that want to grab power in the country. In some cases NATO, US and/or the jews control such paramilitary forces and provide them with weapons in order to take down the government and instate themselves into power. It depends a lot on how big the jewish interests are in a said country. There interests were huge in countries like Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan that refused to hand down their petrol and other resources, which is why US and NATO invaded and destroyed them. But as long as one would be advanced enough and under the directives of the Gods, for the most part they will be protected from assassination attempts, like Hitler was, and even HPS Maxine who did not have a political position but she did go through assassination attempts, and was even warned by Satan beforehand that these will happen, but none of them will succeed.

A major mistake that weak and decaying countries do is to handover raw resources to an external entity at very small prices, whereas a country in order to prospere needs to extract the raw materials, process them and manufacture things that they can then sell at much higher prices and therefore stimulate a better economy. This is what richer countries do, they don't sell freshly cut trees, but they cut trees, manufacture furniture and sell it overseas at higher prices, as an example, whereas in poor countries ruled by weak people, corporations are easily managing to just pay some money to the leadership so they can get access to the country's raw materials. For example I think it was in Burkina Faso where people were working in horrible conditions to extract a certain mineral or rock (I don't remember exactly, it wasn't gold) that they then sell for a pity price to a Chinese company that is buying it all. There was an intermediate that was collecting all the rocks extracted from the ground, deliver them to the docks or something so they can go to China and the workers were paid something like 4-5 dollars a day. People dying from suffocation or collapse of mines or other causes would just be burried on spot around the mines.

External corporations are the main promotors of poverty in many countries because they "buy" their raw natural resources at ridiculously small prices, forcing the intermediates to pay the labour ridiculously small sallaries, so there are very small amounts of money that eventually go to the government, which are then stolen by people that most likely used to be very poor themselves so when they get to power, they don't miss the opportunity to steal whatever they can. This is why corruption and poverty are strongly related together. People that were poor and in many cases uneducated don't care a lot about principles.

RockSeed13 said:
Something to add, I think there is a history of africa being corrupted by false spiritual teachings by the reptillians. There was a west african cult that practiced cannibalism by eating a live person's heart and by drugging the victim to make him/her enjoy being eaten too. This would degrade the soul, thus destroying the mind. They also had a lot of corrupted warring tribes destroying other satanic tribes because the reptilloids/ greys said so. Even to this day, some corrupted priest would try to cure a person's aids by sacrificing a virgin child and making the blood of this child be drank by the people he wanted to cure. Some people with albinism are hacked with their body being used for potions or talismans.
100% religion plays a major role in poor countries because it keeps people under control. There is no poor country that doesn't have a huge percentage of very religious people, some practice christianity, some islam, and some others practice local corrupted spiritual beliefs that you said.

RockSeed13 said:
I personally think it was Satan using the form of Legba to change his ways, but Butt Naked thought it was the reptillo rabbi which made him to became a pastor.
I did see that documentary actually some time ago, I don't remember exactly when. I am not sure to what extend Satan or the Gods get involved in such conflicts. That person killed a lot of people if I recall correctly and it seems for no good reason whatsoever.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
