Here’s a fundamental issue I have though. How can I truly trust anything you say if you may perhaps believe something else entirely as part of the “inner secret doctrine” or it may be revealed later by the Gods that this information was false, sort of like HPS Maxine figuring out enemy Nordics weren’t a thing.
It’s kind of frustrating for me trying to figure out what we truly believe in if I have to second guess everything we think to be true. Jews were alien souls until they were not, Satan and Baal were brothers and now they’re the same person. Are Apollo and Astarte the same person too since they’re also strongly related? I mean this could be revealed to be the case later on or perhaps not.
Idk, I don’t see the point of secrecy (besides secrets kept for our security) or the Gods slowly revealing things to us rather than just making everything clear from the start.
If you look at the information that is revealed over time, and compare it to what was revealed before, there really isn't any such large contradiction where this is "entirely different" from what was spoken off before. Most of the time, people end up seeing very large contradictions where they don't really exist, because they did not properly perceive what was told before, due to all information going through the filter of the individual mind and people thus coming to incorrect conclusions that are not implied by the original information that was shared.
Yes, information does evolve with time as more knowledge is gained, however, it does not contradict very much what was known before, but is completes and expands what is already known to a greater extend each time, thus brining us closer to Truth with each pass.
An example of information being filtered through the individual mind being different from the knowledge that is shared, is what you say here yourself:
sort of like HPS Maxine figuring out enemy Nordics weren’t a thing.
HPS Maxine understood the whole Zecharia Sitchin sci-fi fiction story of humans having been created as slaves to mine gold on Earth for the Annunaki aliens, and the resulting conflict between Enki and Enlil and the whole "Two factions" of Nordic Aliens that fought each other, to be completely false, and she explained from extremely early on this was bogus.
However she did not say enemy nordics do not exist at all, the blue eyed, blonde haired, white nordic looking beings that are hostile to us and can be found on the Astral. These certainly exist, and are known to exist. Where the confusion comes from is people not understanding what these are, thinking these are Gods who opposed Satan or something.
The only reason these are called "enemy Nordics" is because they have a Nordic appearance when seen, and they are hostile to us.
HPS Maxine rejected this false notion of different factions of Gods that according to a jew written fictional story opposed each other and fought each other over the fate of humans on Earth. That is all.
What we truly believe in hasn't really changed at all, even with a change such as this. We always believed in the Ancient Pre-xian Gods, the True Gods, who are our real creators and whom have existed since time immemorial. What we followed were the Ancient Teachings of the Gods on Spiritual Knowledge and the Advancement of the Human Being which has the purpose of uplifting a human being to the Godhead through self evolution on all aspects of Life.
You can very clearly see, nothing has changed at all, neither has anything become different. All that happens with time and outflow of knowledge is that we get closer to Satya and full understanding, thus letting us embark properly on the Path, instead of on surface level reflections that do not advance someone at all.
One will never reach the Godhead by following things in a jewish context and through inferior manifestations as explained by HPHC.
To address a few of the things you brought up, such as jews being alien souls. All that has happened here is this topic was demystified. Jews like to refer to themselves as things which they are not. Alien beings from a different dimension, send here on a higher mission by some godly being to enslave the planet earth under them, etc. They do this to prop themselves up, make themselves appear greater than they really are.
HPHC simply demystified this, after understanding what jews really are, rather than following the false narrative that jews like to use to make themselves appear bigger or more special than they are. However, this still does not contradict at all what was said before. As you can see, the way jews live, exist, what they believe, how they look at the world, etc, is all completely antithetical to us and to any of our people. They are in that sense, absolutely Alien to this world and to life in general.
Alien means Foreign, not native, etc, and the jews absolutely are foreign to life in general, because of the influences they placed themselves under and the way they chose to go as a species. They are alien to us and to Earth in the sense that they are completely incompatible with us and the direction of our planet. Not literally alien beings from a different dimension on some super secret special mission. That is what HPHC has helped us to understand, so we know what we are dealing with in a proper context, rather than in any delusional or false context, but despite that, the essence of what we deal with does not change at all, and the doctrine around all of this is no different.
Do you see what I mean? The information might evolve or change, but the essence does not change. Whether jews literally are aliens from andromeda or not, doesn't change that they are a problem and have disgusting ideas and plans for humanity that cannot be tolerated, and does not change the spiritual crimes they committed against us, but it does change how we perceive them and the role of our own people in this whole story. This thing of making jews into something which they are not is extremely dangerous for people, as it serves as all kinds of excuses, blame-shifting and the like "Ooh, the jews are such special powerful beings, aliens from andromeda galaxy and another dimension, no wonder they have gained so much influence over the planet. Ooh also, they are reptilians in human skin, no wonder they are where they are now, we cannot deal with them at all! We must beg the Gods to save us since this is out of our hands." etc.
No, we are not dealing with shapeshifting reptilians, but with an errant tribe of Neolithic humans that took advantage of the ineptitude and lackadaisical nature of our own gentile peoples to profiteer immensely and become secretly a powerful group of people with significant influence over the world. Responsibility to the responsible. That is the difference, nothing else.
Satan and Baal were brothers and now they’re the same person
Now, go back through this a little, and see how this actually hasn't changed all that much?
When we look back, there are a lot of things that do not really make sense with Satan and Baalzevulon being separate beings. Such as, at first it was said Azazel and Astarte were children of Baalzevul, then they were children of Satan. Where was Baalzevul placed really? Where was Satan placed? How did they appear?
They appeared the same in rituals, almost identical. They've been referred to as the All in All, both, as the Seen and Unseen, the Manifest and Unmanifest. The God Rituals HPHC released were the first clue, and the first step in furthering our understanding to get back to the Ancient Satya that has been lost and missing for so long.
Both of Them share the same attributes. Now think what the word "Brother" might mean in a spiritual context, rather than a literal context.
Brother, in the literal context makes us think they must be brothers born from a same mother. We humans place things in our human context, which is where most confusion comes from. Satan, as we now know, is a self created God, not a person born from a mother like a human being is. Baalzevul is the manifest part of Him, They are One and the Same Being, but they are also Separate in a way, they are Brothers in that They both are two sides of the same manifestation.
Issues happen when humans look at the Gods through their human lenses, and when they read things as "x God is child of x God, or is Brother of x God", and take this literally, a lot of confusion and false perception happens. HPS Maxine, and especially HPHC has told many times, do not attribute the human qualities to the Gods, for they are Gods, so do not conflate human perceptions onto Them if you truly want to understand Them.
I will say, I was also guilty of doing that. Rather than look at our Gods as They are, the descriptions of Them are often taken literally, and then do not make sense when you approach the Gods and receive some visions or knowledge that goes completely beyond that. It becomes a source of confusion. If you learn to differentiate these things, not take them literally, and approach the Gods with a proper openness, not to cloud your perception of Them with human lenses, things start making more sense, but this is not easy and is part of a learning process, which goes hand in hand with the evolution of our knowledge as shared by our High Priests who are advanced enough to fully pioneer this understanding and bring everyone closer to Satya step by step.
or the Gods slowly revealing things to us rather than just making everything clear from the start.
If this were possible, it would be done already, however, due to limitations in the human perception, this is impossible. You can see this here.
How confused are you over this very small thing that is actually perfectly sensible? Imagine now if all the knowledge would be attempted to be given straight. You wouldn't be able to understand anything at all.
The reason things are given out step by step is to allow the human perception and consciousness to grow step by step, opening up more and more with each piece of knowledge given. This is done specifically right now to facilitate a proper evolution towards Satya in the Ancient Souls who are here now, and help us all return to the true essence of the Ancient culture and religion that has been lost and attempted to be fully erased these past 2000 years.
Because of how much has been lost, it takes time to rebuild this, since we have had to start almost from square one. All we had was memories, experiences and Soul Memory.
In the future, a lot of information can be given straight, because the false notions would be eradicated, therefore there is little other noise to bring confusion. Right now, with there being endless noise, we have to cut through it all bit by bit until we understand everything we need to in order to eliminate the noise and thus give everything straight. However, even when things are given straight in the future, it will still take time for people to understand everything, likely upwards of 10 years on the Path, for things to actually begin to make sense to people, even when the noise is eliminated and we can give everything straight.
I understand things now that 10 years ago I could never have understood, even if someone explained it to me straight, not only because there is more knowledge, but because I have expanded my consciousness and my mind, and can thus perceive things that previously I couldn't fathom at all. Not due to a lack of knowledge existing (HPHC understood things 10 years ago that I had no idea about until very recently), but because of personal evolution that had to take place in order to build understanding.