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Who created Satan?

One Wire Phenomenon said:
Stormblood said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Well it does go into a lot of detail about the creation of the universe and time ect.Which awansers a lot of questions. It allows one to crasp some the question he asked. And if you listened to the whole thing it does actually say where the Gods came from i figured it will be worth to post it here.

And whats your problem how can it not be any o my business? Who's business is it then?

It is not about the creation of the universe. It is about the creation of YOUR universe. In other words, alchemical processes. The physical universe was not created. It always existed.

As for Father Satan's origins, it's Father Satan's business, not ours.

Nobody will ever be able to awnser the question anyway so whats wrong with wondering about it. Its not your business to tell another SS thats father Satan's business is or not. Only Father Satan has the right to his business.
Well, He is the top being of ours. Naturally, people will be curious to know about Him. I don't think "it's His business" applies in this case. He is like... I don't want to say a celebrity because of the dirty and negative connotations with that, but something like a positive celebrity - a God! We want to know. Inquiring minds need to know!
FancyMancy said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Stormblood said:
It is not about the creation of the universe. It is about the creation of YOUR universe. In other words, alchemical processes. The physical universe was not created. It always existed.

As for Father Satan's origins, it's Father Satan's business, not ours.

Nobody will ever be able to awnser the question anyway so whats wrong with wondering about it. Its not your business to tell another SS thats father Satan's business is or not. Only Father Satan has the right to his business.
Well, He is the top being of ours. Naturally, people will be curious to know about Him. I don't think "it's His business" applies in this case. He is like... I don't want to say a celebrity because of the dirty and negative connotations with that, but something like a positive celebrity - a God! We want to know. Inquiring minds need to know!

This stuff all might be revealed at a later time to humans. Some of the things not revealed is because of humanities level right now or for some reason who knows. If there is something with it where we would twist it in some way or say something that would be hurtful to the Gods then they won't reveal it right now (I know not mature SS but someone will or the enemy might) so don't think it's not like we won't ever know a lot more things. When the enemy is gone a lot more will be known.
slyscorpion said:
FancyMancy said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Nobody will ever be able to awnser the question anyway so whats wrong with wondering about it. Its not your business to tell another SS thats father Satan's business is or not. Only Father Satan has the right to his business.
Well, He is the top being of ours. Naturally, people will be curious to know about Him. I don't think "it's His business" applies in this case. He is like... I don't want to say a celebrity because of the dirty and negative connotations with that, but something like a positive celebrity - a God! We want to know. Inquiring minds need to know!

This stuff all might be revealed at a later time to humans. Some of the things not revealed is because of humanities level right now or for some reason who knows. If there is something with it where we would twist it in some way or say something that would be hurtful to the Gods then they won't reveal it right now (I know not mature SS but someone will or the enemy might) so don't think it's not like we won't ever know a lot more things. When the enemy is gone a lot more will be known.

The other thing is some of the Gods don't really want to interact with humans that much at our current level or want to be known by humans. That's my honest guess here as to why he's not mentioned. People would try to contact him.
It's personal information. In this day and age people are used to have excessive access to information about other people, either by using Internet or by asking directly. People need to learn about confidentiality again. It's okay not to know the entire family tree of another person. It's also okay if you don't know their real name. Names hold power and shouldn't be carelessly shared. If someone wants you to know, they'll let you know. If not, there's no entitlement to this type of information. Simple.
FancyMancy said:
Kath el said:
OpenMind2 said:
He have a Father.Don't know details.

No he doesn’t
Satan is all powerful God
Which means Satan is the first and oldest being of all which means
Satan is the father
Satan has no father or mother
"All-powerful" is nonsense. It is impossible. If Satan was "all-powerful", then He'd be the jewish false god yahweh, who takes perverse pleasure in Humans' suffering, instead of wiping-out the choszen poo-ple, the j00z. Likewise, if He was "all-powerful", then He would be able to Be OuTsIdE oF tImE, and...

Brother During the prayer of protection Maxine said Father Satan I put myself under thy all powerful protection that means Satan is all powerful!
Look at it go to joy of satan the satanic rites and celebrations then go to
Satanic rituals then go to prayer for protection
There High priestess Maxine shows the evidence of Satan is all powerful whatever Maxine says is True
VoiceofEnki said:
Kath el said:
OpenMind2 said:
He have a Father.Don't know details.

No he doesn’t
Satan is all powerful God
Which means Satan is the first and oldest being of all which means
Satan is the father
Satan has no father or mother

This is simply incorrect. As explained earlier on in this topic.

That is not incorrect
VoiceofEnki said:
Serbon said:
OpenMind2 said:
He have a Father.Don't know details.

No, Anu is actually the ether, HPC wrote about this long ago.

Satan evolved from the ether.

Satan was born as a being same as us, from his own father and mother, who as of now are unknown to us.

He didn't magically appear out of ether one day, and then incarnate into some material form.

Satan's own people are a species of beings that successfully evolved to the stage they are on from a proto-sentient species to what they are today.

Their origins are unknown to us, same for how long that evolution took, but this is how they came to be.

Anu being the aether is an allegory about spiritual advancement, as are many of the relationships between the beings and the beings themselves in the Pagan mythology.

To reach the Godhead one has to go through stages of rebirth where the being reforms the self in a perfected form after gaining great mastery over the higher energies, which one may interpret as being born again from the aether, since the being is reshaped fundamentally by the universal energies of creation and destruction during that process, which is internalized and initiated from with the individual microcosm as it happens out there in the macrocosm.

This allegory states in simple terms that Satan as he is today, obtained what he has through his mastery over the aether and the forces of creation, and that he owes his existence and power also to the existence of this universal energy and conceptuality, as we all do since it is this omnipresent and infinite force that manifests existence.

You are wrong about that because Satan doesn’t have a father or mother
Kath el said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Serbon said:
No, Anu is actually the ether, HPC wrote about this long ago.

Satan evolved from the ether.

Satan was born as a being same as us, from his own father and mother, who as of now are unknown to us.

He didn't magically appear out of ether one day, and then incarnate into some material form.

Satan's own people are a species of beings that successfully evolved to the stage they are on from a proto-sentient species to what they are today.

Their origins are unknown to us, same for how long that evolution took, but this is how they came to be.

Anu being the aether is an allegory about spiritual advancement, as are many of the relationships between the beings and the beings themselves in the Pagan mythology.

To reach the Godhead one has to go through stages of rebirth where the being reforms the self in a perfected form after gaining great mastery over the higher energies, which one may interpret as being born again from the aether, since the being is reshaped fundamentally by the universal energies of creation and destruction during that process, which is internalized and initiated from with the individual microcosm as it happens out there in the macrocosm.

This allegory states in simple terms that Satan as he is today, obtained what he has through his mastery over the aether and the forces of creation, and that he owes his existence and power also to the existence of this universal energy and conceptuality, as we all do since it is this omnipresent and infinite force that manifests existence.

You are wrong about that because Satan doesn’t have a father or mother

Yes he does have parents, the same way we do. Satan is the first being of his kind to achieve immortality and beings before him probably evolve and grew sure, but Satan was indeed born from 2 parents just like us.
Kath el said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Kath el said:
No he doesn’t
Satan is all powerful God
Which means Satan is the first and oldest being of all which means
Satan is the father
Satan has no father or mother
This is simply incorrect. As explained earlier on in this topic.
That is not incorrect
Yep, we'll just take your word for it.

Kath el said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Serbon said:
No, Anu is actually the ether, HPC wrote about this long ago.

Satan evolved from the ether.

Satan was born as a being same as us, from his own father and mother, who as of now are unknown to us.

He didn't magically appear out of ether one day, and then incarnate into some material form.

Satan's own people are a species of beings that successfully evolved to the stage they are on from a proto-sentient species to what they are today.

Their origins are unknown to us, same for how long that evolution took, but this is how they came to be.

Anu being the aether is an allegory about spiritual advancement, as are many of the relationships between the beings and the beings themselves in the Pagan mythology.

To reach the Godhead one has to go through stages of rebirth where the being reforms the self in a perfected form after gaining great mastery over the higher energies, which one may interpret as being born again from the aether, since the being is reshaped fundamentally by the universal energies of creation and destruction during that process, which is internalized and initiated from with the individual microcosm as it happens out there in the macrocosm.

This allegory states in simple terms that Satan as he is today, obtained what he has through his mastery over the aether and the forces of creation, and that he owes his existence and power also to the existence of this universal energy and conceptuality, as we all do since it is this omnipresent and infinite force that manifests existence.
You are wrong about that because Satan doesn’t have a father or mother
So non-mothered/non-fathered Satan creates Humans with His own DNA but that we must be borne with mothers and fathers? OK. It's as if Satan is the "yahweh" of real-life, and we're supposed to just accept it.
Kath el said:
FancyMancy said:
Kath el said:
No he doesn’t
Satan is all powerful God
Which means Satan is the first and oldest being of all which means
Satan is the father
Satan has no father or mother
"All-powerful" is nonsense. It is impossible. If Satan was "all-powerful", then He'd be the jewish false god yahweh, who takes perverse pleasure in Humans' suffering, instead of wiping-out the choszen poo-ple, the j00z. Likewise, if He was "all-powerful", then He would be able to Be OuTsIdE oF tImE, and...

Brother During the prayer of protection Maxine said Father Satan I put myself under thy all powerful protection that means Satan is all powerful!
Look at it go to joy of satan the satanic rites and celebrations then go to
Satanic rituals then go to prayer for protection
There High priestess Maxine shows the evidence of Satan is all powerful whatever Maxine says is True
Thus, we sound like christians. "No, you're taking that out of context. That's not what it means!", so I repeat - definitions are required, no - demanded; e.g. "In this context, when I say 'all-powerful', I am referring to being more powerful than us in every way, not actually all-powerful".

HPS Maxine doesn't know everything, and people are poetic and creative. If Satan and the Gods and Goddesses had to retreat, because they were outnumbered, then ALL-powerful would not mean They'd have to retreat. Poetic license should be left to poetry.

Who Would Win?
The World's Strongest Man vs One Thousand Papercuts
All-powerful Satan vs Outnumbering Enemy Entities
Godzilla vs King Kong

Place yer bets! I'm placing 10:1 on Godzilla wiping out King Kong in the 3rd round. He has one mean and fierce lizard tail. One swipe of that and Kong will not longer be king. phone rings with theme from Prince and the Pauper BRB.
Kavya Shukra said:
Kath el said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Satan was born as a being same as us, from his own father and mother, who as of now are unknown to us.

He didn't magically appear out of ether one day, and then incarnate into some material form.

Satan's own people are a species of beings that successfully evolved to the stage they are on from a proto-sentient species to what they are today.

Their origins are unknown to us, same for how long that evolution took, but this is how they came to be.

Anu being the aether is an allegory about spiritual advancement, as are many of the relationships between the beings and the beings themselves in the Pagan mythology.

To reach the Godhead one has to go through stages of rebirth where the being reforms the self in a perfected form after gaining great mastery over the higher energies, which one may interpret as being born again from the aether, since the being is reshaped fundamentally by the universal energies of creation and destruction during that process, which is internalized and initiated from with the individual microcosm as it happens out there in the macrocosm.

This allegory states in simple terms that Satan as he is today, obtained what he has through his mastery over the aether and the forces of creation, and that he owes his existence and power also to the existence of this universal energy and conceptuality, as we all do since it is this omnipresent and infinite force that manifests existence.

You are wrong about that because Satan doesn’t have a father or mother

Yes he does have parents, the same way we do. Satan is the first being of his kind to achieve immortality and beings before him probably evolve and grew sure, but Satan was indeed born from 2 parents just like us.

Satan does not have parents
Because Satan is God
Satan is the first being that ever existed which means he doesn’t have parents
FancyMancy said:
Kath el said:
VoiceofEnki said:
This is simply incorrect. As explained earlier on in this topic.
That is not incorrect
Yep, we'll just take your word for it.

Kath el said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Satan was born as a being same as us, from his own father and mother, who as of now are unknown to us.

He didn't magically appear out of ether one day, and then incarnate into some material form.

Satan's own people are a species of beings that successfully evolved to the stage they are on from a proto-sentient species to what they are today.

Their origins are unknown to us, same for how long that evolution took, but this is how they came to be.

Anu being the aether is an allegory about spiritual advancement, as are many of the relationships between the beings and the beings themselves in the Pagan mythology.

To reach the Godhead one has to go through stages of rebirth where the being reforms the self in a perfected form after gaining great mastery over the higher energies, which one may interpret as being born again from the aether, since the being is reshaped fundamentally by the universal energies of creation and destruction during that process, which is internalized and initiated from with the individual microcosm as it happens out there in the macrocosm.

This allegory states in simple terms that Satan as he is today, obtained what he has through his mastery over the aether and the forces of creation, and that he owes his existence and power also to the existence of this universal energy and conceptuality, as we all do since it is this omnipresent and infinite force that manifests existence.
You are wrong about that because Satan doesn’t have a father or mother
So non-mothered/non-fathered Satan creates Humans with His own DNA but that we must be borne with mothers and fathers? OK. It's as if Satan is the "yahweh" of real-life, and we're supposed to just accept it.

Satan is God which means Satan doesn’t have parents
Satan is the first being that ever existed which means Father Satan doesn’t have parents
Kath el said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Kath el said:
You are wrong about that because Satan doesn’t have a father or mother

Yes he does have parents, the same way we do. Satan is the first being of his kind to achieve immortality and beings before him probably evolve and grew sure, but Satan was indeed born from 2 parents just like us.

Satan does not have parents
Because Satan is God
Satan is the first being that ever existed which means he doesn’t have parents

Satan does have parents. That is not up for debate because there are older beings than Satan, but he is the first to achieve immortality and godhood.
You have an abrahamic concept of the word "God" in your head, you need to deprogram yourself from the bible totally.
Kath el said:
FancyMancy said:
Kath el said:
That is not incorrect
Yep, we'll just take your word for it.

Kath el said:
You are wrong about that because Satan doesn’t have a father or mother
So non-mothered/non-fathered Satan creates Humans with His own DNA but that we must be borne with mothers and fathers? OK. It's as if Satan is the "yahweh" of real-life, and we're supposed to just accept it.

Satan is God which means Satan doesn’t have parents
Satan is the first being that ever existed which means Father Satan doesn’t have parents
LORD Azazel is a God - oh, and guess what. He has parents. LADY Astaroth/Inanna is a Goddess - oh, and guess what. She has parents. The "god" "yahweh" doesn't exist, and it is a corrupted, stolen, twisted, perverted concept of what the terms "God" and "Goddess" mean. Lord Hitler, if I am not mistaken, is a Daemon now, and one day surely might very well become a God - ohh... and guess what... yeah, you guessed it! He has/had parents! Others, such as some of the big names in Human history, e.g. Alexander the Great and anyone else - they are Daemons/Daemonesses and might one day become Gods and Goddesses and - yes, as we have started in this vein so we shall finish - they, also, have/had parents.

A God or Goddess does not just spring up like a big ole eggplant (aubergine) out of thin air. They have to start from very little, and increase and impove over a lot of time.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:
Satan does not have parents
Because Satan is God
Satan is the first being that ever existed which means he doesn’t have parents

This is just some nonsense thing that you have invented. There is no truth in your imaginary story.

What you say is nonsense because you are going against what High priestess Maxine has
She said Father Satan is the first and oldest being to have ever existed so that means we are right and you are wrong
Also since Father Satan is the first being to have existed that means Father Satan doesn’t have a mom and dad
The ether is not considered a mom or dad
The fact you don’t know that shows your low level of knowledge
So you are the one speaking non sense
So make sure you go study more
Kath el said:
What you say is nonsense because you are going against what High priestess Maxine has
She said Father Satan is the first and oldest being to have ever existed so that means we are right and you are wrong
Also since Father Satan is the first being to have existed that means Father Satan doesn’t have a mom and dad
The ether is not considered a mom or dad
The fact you don’t know that shows your low level of knowledge
So you are the one speaking non sense
So make sure you go study more

You misunderstand or completely forget what HPs Maxine has said about Satan. Nowhere has she stated any of these things you believe she has, it is purely your own conjecture.

Search anywhere on the Joy of Satan, the Forum, the archive of the Yahoo posts or the old forum, any of Maxine's audio sermons and any other material she has ever written and published, you will not find her saying this anywhere, because this perception of Satan is incorrect, which Maxine has explicitly explained that the sort of abrahamic idea of an all powerful omnipotent being is entirely false.

Maxine herself has stated there are other things in this universe which are more powerful than even Satan and our Gods, since he is not an omnipotent being who created the whole universe and has the entire universe under his palm.

HP HoodedCobra further explained on this, that while Satan is not omnipotent, the power he holds over affairs, especially anything related to us and to our Earth, is all mighty, and Satan and our Gods are the most powerful beings who interact with us and our affairs, which in that sense, it makes Satan nothing less than all mighty from our context, but in the greater context of all reality, there is so much out there and existence is infinite, therefore Satan is not the most ancient or most powerful omnipotent one, and neither can He or any being ever be because of what reality is.

Reality, the Universe, always by the very nature of it, encompasses everything that exists within it, and by virtue of how reality works, everything that exists is always within reality, never outside or beyond it. As for age, Satan is approximately 500.000 years old, as dictated by Him to HPs Maxine, and as explained by HPs Maxine herself.

There are countless beings who have existed before him, and there are likely many beings who have existed longer than him out there in the universe.

The universe has no beginning and no end, therefore beings have existed since forever, and through the course of trillions of years, it is impossible there have never been any other beings anywhere in the infinite existence that have lived for over a million years and have reached heights of power even greater than Satan himself.

However, to us, that is of no importance or consequence, since to us whatever beings like that may be out there is not relevant, and we are not relevant to them and never will be. Satan is all mighty beyond what the human mind can comprehend and as our progenitor he cares about us and helps us, he is also all mighty about the affairs related to our Earth and his entire empire.

He reigns supreme and is a God of Gods, in that sense, he is the mightiest being that is involved with our Earth, and thus he is all mighty in our perspective, that is why he is to be called as such when considering his power and influence over our world and our existence.

The epithet of "all mighty" is true contextually speaking, not in absolute literal terms. However that also doesn't make any difference from our perspective in practice, because whether Satan would be all mighty in the literal sense or not, from a human perspective, the difference cannot really be understood or comprehended, as when one comes to grasp Satan's true power, it will appear Omnipotent to the human mind since it is so great that it reaches beyond comprehension.

However it is important to understand there is a difference between Satan's incomprehensible power and omnipotence, and it is important to understand no single being, or force, or even existence, can be omnipotent. Even the greatest power is ultimately never omnipotent, as there is always more, always greater things out there to grasp and reach, due to the truly infinite nature of reality.

As for any beings greater than Satan, in practice, it makes no difference whether they exist, or where they exist, or if they exist at this moment. However, from simple logic it can be understood that in this infinite reality, there are infinite many things out there, which due to the nature of infinity, includes beings of greater power or existence than even our Gods, however this is simply not relevant to us as besides the enemy pests who try to conquer our worlds and enslave us for their disgusting purposes, Only Satan and the Gods are concerned with our affairs, and no other greater beings are involved with us in any way, and if they would be, it would be far beyond the scope of human understanding or ability to deal with this and none of those beings would concern themselves with us whatsoever regardless.

Perhaps only if one reaches a level of understanding and power of a powerful God, thousands of years after completing the MO, would it begin to make sense to concern yourself with what exists outside of the immediate reality we find ourselves in. Before that, it makes no sense whatsoever to try and make sense of things that are completely beyond you and of no relevance to your existence whatsoever.

Note, the only reason I am writing this, is to put into perspective how this works in reality, and to explain how the idea of Satan being the oldest and single most powerful being in all of existence is a fallacy. Thinking like that is the same dogmatic thinking that the enemy tries to put into peoples minds about the abrahamic "god" which is simply a blatant lie.

Lastly, even if I am wrong and there exists no single being older or more powerful than Satan ever throughout all of the infinite time and reality anywhere, that doesn't make Satan omnipotent and all mighty in the literal sense. Don't let that confuse you, but understand the perspective here.

That said, quantifying the power of the Gods is meaningless, and cannot even be done anyway by any person on Earth, and to us there is no existence greater than Satan and the Gods. He is our God and progenitor, and his power is unimaginable, so in that sense he is as All Mighty as any one being can be for us, probably more so than any of us can understand.

Hail Satan!
What's with all the xian bullshit cropping up more and more? I can't be the only one feeling it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:
She said Father Satan is the first and oldest being to have ever existed so that means we are right and you are wrong

She never said this. Nobody ever said this. You are just lying.

She has said this
I remember she did
I read it on the forums a long time ago
The fact you don’t know that shows apparently you haven’t been here for long
Unless everyone just doesn’t remember her saying that? Since it has been a long time
I shall explain some things to you
Father Satan is God
Father Satan is the first being to have ever existed evidence of that is Father Satan being God!
Father Satan is 500 thousand years old
High priestess Maxine admitted that
So by what we know it is safe to say Father Satan is the first and oldest being of all
Father Satan came from the akasha
By my understanding the akasha isn’t a mom or dad which means Father Satan doesn’t have a mom or dad
Therefore Father Satan is the first being to have ever existed and that means father Satan doesn’t have a mom or dad
It’s very simple to understand
Kath el said:

Don't insist on ignoring the explanations given to you. It is you who misunderstands the reality of this universe, Satan and our Gods, as well as what Maxine and the JoS teach about Him and the Gods.

There is no need to ascribe to him imaginary attributes, as His real and actual attributes speak for themselves. Refer to my prior reply to you here (Not the first time I have explained this to you, mind you), and especially the posts by HP HoodedCobra where he elaborated on this subject to clear up confusion.

Delusion only withholds you from truth and understanding, no matter which way it leans. If you continue to believe as you do about Satan, how will you ever get to know or understand Him? You aren't trying to understand or know Satan, but only an imaginary Satan made up in your mind, which is not useful for anyone, not even Him.

Hail Satan!
Kath el said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:
She said Father Satan is the first and oldest being to have ever existed so that means we are right and you are wrong

She never said this. Nobody ever said this. You are just lying.

She has said this
I remember she did
I read it on the forums a long time ago
The fact you don’t know that shows apparently you haven’t been here for long
Unless everyone just doesn’t remember her saying that? Since it has been a long time
I shall explain some things to you
Father Satan is God
Father Satan is the first being to have ever existed evidence of that is Father Satan being God!
Father Satan is 500 thousand years old
High priestess Maxine admitted that
So by what we know it is safe to say Father Satan is the first and oldest being of all
Father Satan came from the akasha
By my understanding the akasha isn’t a mom or dad which means Father Satan doesn’t have a mom or dad
Therefore Father Satan is the first being to have ever existed and that means father Satan doesn’t have a mom or dad
It’s very simple to understand
Maxine literally wrote a post in which she said Father Satan wasn't all powerful, that was literally the point of that post.
I found it on the old forum backup here it is:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Posts: 897
This is a reply I sent to the Teen group. I'm resending this to all the JoS groups, as it is important.

Given centuries of indoctrination, being force fed lies created from Jewish filth and such, too many people unknowingly apply this crap to Satan.

Judaism and its Christian idiots and Islamic vermin keep promoting the LIE that their "God" is omnipotent, omnipresent and all kinds of other "omni" shit.

This is an outrageous lie and is fueled by doubletalk and endless nonsense and excuses.

This is no different from people being indoctrinated with the "Sell your soul to the Devil for wealth, fame, power and riches." When this doesn't happen, then there is a huge letdown.

Satan and our Gods are here to help us spiritually advance. They give us knowledge. Also, there are certain things one cannot do without the direct help of a Demon/ess. They are here to help us.

If someone wants wealth, power, fame and riches, they have to do the workings for it. Many who have achieved this (from all walks of life), have had it programmed onto their souls and/or have already achieved this in past lives. It is etched into the soul.

The universe is infinity. No, our Gods are not the most powerful. The reference in the Al Jilwah (There is no place that does not know My presence), is an allegory for the life force, vril, energy that links everything. This is no different from the reference to how long we live, as this has to do with the soul. Our time of death is programmed into our souls from past lives.

I do want to add, Satan does have the power to change what is on the soul. This is individual though. My own time should have been up in 2005. Satan changed that for me. Death can be seen in one's astrology, but you really have to know what you're doing and not make thoughtless predictions.

Through Satan, we can be given the knowledge to remove this, as well as remove the program that causes aging.

Satan and our Gods are trying to help us. There are certain things each of us have on our souls as a result of experiences, past lives, etc. Our Gods give us the knowledge to remove these (many of which are negative and detrimental). Through meditation, we achieve the power to take control of our own destinies.

Christianity, Islam and other Jewish invented filth strives to remove all spiritual knowledge and to keep humanity as slaves.

Satan DOES have the power to reincarnate His own. Also, when any dedicated Satanists die, Demons escort them to Hell. This is to protect.

The reason we do the RTRs and such is to do our part. Astaroth once told me "You do your part and we will do ours."

We are fighting for our spiritual liberation and freedom. We must fight relentlessly and fight hard.

No, unfortunately Satan is not the most powerful.

The enemy also is NOT the most powerful.

We need to keep fighting.

True Satanism is about achieving spiritual freedom and the power to take control of our own destinies.

The universe, with 100+ billion galaxies is infinity. There is no "one" out there with total power.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Aquarius said:
Kath el said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
She never said this. Nobody ever said this. You are just lying.

She has said this
I remember she did
I read it on the forums a long time ago
The fact you don’t know that shows apparently you haven’t been here for long
Unless everyone just doesn’t remember her saying that? Since it has been a long time
I shall explain some things to you
Father Satan is God
Father Satan is the first being to have ever existed evidence of that is Father Satan being God!
Father Satan is 500 thousand years old
High priestess Maxine admitted that
So by what we know it is safe to say Father Satan is the first and oldest being of all
Father Satan came from the akasha
By my understanding the akasha isn’t a mom or dad which means Father Satan doesn’t have a mom or dad
Therefore Father Satan is the first being to have ever existed and that means father Satan doesn’t have a mom or dad
It’s very simple to understand
Maxine literally wrote a post in which she said Father Satan wasn't all powerful, that was literally the point of that post.
I found it on the old forum backup here it is:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Posts: 897
This is a reply I sent to the Teen group. I'm resending this to all the JoS groups, as it is important.

Given centuries of indoctrination, being force fed lies created from Jewish filth and such, too many people unknowingly apply this crap to Satan.

Judaism and its Christian idiots and Islamic vermin keep promoting the LIE that their "God" is omnipotent, omnipresent and all kinds of other "omni" shit.

This is an outrageous lie and is fueled by doubletalk and endless nonsense and excuses.

This is no different from people being indoctrinated with the "Sell your soul to the Devil for wealth, fame, power and riches." When this doesn't happen, then there is a huge letdown.

Satan and our Gods are here to help us spiritually advance. They give us knowledge. Also, there are certain things one cannot do without the direct help of a Demon/ess. They are here to help us.

If someone wants wealth, power, fame and riches, they have to do the workings for it. Many who have achieved this (from all walks of life), have had it programmed onto their souls and/or have already achieved this in past lives. It is etched into the soul.

The universe is infinity. No, our Gods are not the most powerful. The reference in the Al Jilwah (There is no place that does not know My presence), is an allegory for the life force, vril, energy that links everything. This is no different from the reference to how long we live, as this has to do with the soul. Our time of death is programmed into our souls from past lives.

I do want to add, Satan does have the power to change what is on the soul. This is individual though. My own time should have been up in 2005. Satan changed that for me. Death can be seen in one's astrology, but you really have to know what you're doing and not make thoughtless predictions.

Through Satan, we can be given the knowledge to remove this, as well as remove the program that causes aging.

Satan and our Gods are trying to help us. There are certain things each of us have on our souls as a result of experiences, past lives, etc. Our Gods give us the knowledge to remove these (many of which are negative and detrimental). Through meditation, we achieve the power to take control of our own destinies.

Christianity, Islam and other Jewish invented filth strives to remove all spiritual knowledge and to keep humanity as slaves.

Satan DOES have the power to reincarnate His own. Also, when any dedicated Satanists die, Demons escort them to Hell. This is to protect.

The reason we do the RTRs and such is to do our part. Astaroth once told me "You do your part and we will do ours."

We are fighting for our spiritual liberation and freedom. We must fight relentlessly and fight hard.

No, unfortunately Satan is not the most powerful.

The enemy also is NOT the most powerful.

We need to keep fighting.

True Satanism is about achieving spiritual freedom and the power to take control of our own destinies.

The universe, with 100+ billion galaxies is infinity. There is no "one" out there with total power.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

You are lying
Maxine never said Father Satan isn’t all powerful Maxine literally said Father Satan is all powerful on the prayer of protection on jos
Maxine said father Satan I place myself under thy ALL POWERFUL PROTECTION

You know what that means right? That means Father Satan is all powerful and there is nothing you can do about that
Which means you are lying!
Kath el said:
You are lying
Maxine never said Father Satan isn’t all powerful Maxine literally said Father Satan is all powerful on the prayer of protection on jos
Maxine said father Satan I place myself under thy ALL POWERFUL PROTECTION

You know what that means right? That means Father Satan is all powerful and there is nothing you can do about that
Which means you are lying!

Quit being delusional, you fool!

That sermon are HPs Maxine's own words, written specifically for foolish ignoramus like yourself.

Read and deprogram yourself from delusion and lies. Open yourself up to truth and real understanding.

Learn from Maxine and the JoS. Do not live in your own imagination.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Quit being delusional, you fool!

That sermon are HPs Maxine's own words, written specifically for foolish ignoramus like yourself.

Read and deprogram yourself from delusion and lies. Open yourself up to truth and real understanding.

Learn from Maxine and the JoS. Do not live in your own imagination.

Hail Satan!
Methinks this is not a fool nor an ignoramus. Rather a troll and is just trying to see how far it can go before getting booted; therefore; my giddiness for adding this to my new Nonsense thread is tingling!
VoiceofEnki said:
Kath el said:
You are lying
Maxine never said Father Satan isn’t all powerful Maxine literally said Father Satan is all powerful on the prayer of protection on jos
Maxine said father Satan I place myself under thy ALL POWERFUL PROTECTION

You know what that means right? That means Father Satan is all powerful and there is nothing you can do about that
Which means you are lying!

Quit being delusional, you fool!

That sermon are HPs Maxine's own words, written specifically for foolish ignoramus like yourself.

Read and deprogram yourself from delusion and lies. Open yourself up to truth and real understanding.

Learn from Maxine and the JoS. Do not live in your own imagination.

Hail Satan!

Yes you are a delusional fool
You are calling Maxine delusional
Maxine said Father Satan is all powerful so you just called Maxine a fool
You just exposed yourself as a Jew by calling Maxine delusional
Maxine and I are correct while you are wrong
FancyMancy said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Quit being delusional, you fool!

That sermon are HPs Maxine's own words, written specifically for foolish ignoramus like yourself.

Read and deprogram yourself from delusion and lies. Open yourself up to truth and real understanding.

Learn from Maxine and the JoS. Do not live in your own imagination.

Hail Satan!
Methinks this is not a fool nor an ignoramus. Rather a troll and is just trying to see how far it can go before getting booted; therefore; my giddiness for adding this to my new Nonsense thread is tingling!

Maxine said father Satan is all powerful while voice of enki just called maxines words delusional
Voice just exposed himself as a Jew I hate the fool voice of enki get out of here Jew
VoiceofEnki said:
Kath el said:
You are lying
Maxine never said Father Satan isn’t all powerful Maxine literally said Father Satan is all powerful on the prayer of protection on jos
Maxine said father Satan I place myself under thy ALL POWERFUL PROTECTION

You know what that means right? That means Father Satan is all powerful and there is nothing you can do about that
Which means you are lying!

Quit being delusional, you fool!

That sermon are HPs Maxine's own words, written specifically for foolish ignoramus like yourself.

Read and deprogram yourself from delusion and lies. Open yourself up to truth and real understanding.

Learn from Maxine and the JoS. Do not live in your own imagination.

Hail Satan!

You are a fool for calling maxines words a delusion
Get out of here you Jew
You are defeated in the name of Father Satan
So get out of here you delusional fool
Kath el said:
You are a fool for calling maxines words a delusion
Get out of here you Jew
You are defeated in the name of Father Satan
So get out of here you delusional fool

There is a limit to tolerable ignorance. You claim all of us here disregard Maxine's words, but it is you who ignores literally what she has written when it is shown to you.

There is nothing more to say.

Either you learn from Maxine's words, or you fade into delusion.

If you continue doing what you do now, your spiritual progress will halt and your advancement forever stagnates.

To advance one must seek truth and understand it. Those who favor delusion over truth doom themselves to fail on this path.

Understand that and advance, or don't and wonder why your advancement remains stuck, or even crumbles as you observe your failure to make any accomplishments decades from now.

Hail Satan!
Kath el said:
Yes you are a delusional fool
You are calling Maxine delusional
Maxine said Father Satan is all powerful so you just called Maxine a fool
You just exposed yourself as a Jew by calling Maxine delusional
Maxine and I are correct while you are wrong

Don't even dare smear HPS Maxine's name by equating her words and understanding to your delusion.

Since you seem to understand at least in part the greatness of HPS Maxine's soul and existence, you should know not to disrespect her and equate yourself to a being compared to whom you are less than a cockroach.

Twisting my words to validate your delusions serves you no purpose.

To help yourself, look past delusion and seek truth as is one of the prime purposes for an SS in their pursuit of the Godhead.

Hail Satan!
What I know from sources confirmed with astronomical placements in the sky (which were there before but aren't now anymore) is that Sanat Kumara or the one who was called Shiva physically walked this earth last time around 15000 years ago when he gave the structure of Yoga to 7 Disciples. All stories are part metaphorical but also part physical. This was possibly immediately after the Deluge. Sadhguru talked about this on Joe Rogan.

Was it 15.000 years ago tho? Because what I've read is that the Atlantic was about 900.000 to 1.000.000 years ago so does that mean our Gods were already here or those Atlantic people were just humans but hella developed ? I would like a replay to this please.
Reading apocryphal texts where they refer to and speak of enoch and vigilants, it seems that they were fallen angels and that they were condemned to live in darkness and in the rocky hinterland or the underworld then from what they then call God very high and father of angels, but they do not write who the creator of Satan is, but they write about Satans but it is not clear well, it seems that they were condemned for committing impurities and going with humans,so it is seen almost more dangerous azaz-el highlighting the final El that is to God and report both angel fallen in sin as... Which is all absurd and meaningless but this is the information that can be found.. which nobody knows the truth not even jos, maybe it was created in other dimensions by other most ancient gods who knows
Regarding Satan's Father which is none of our business but still what I've read I think on the Romanian Community or here is that Satan's father lost the battle 1v1 for ruling their planet . It's been said they do this fights on who will stay on power and rule it and Satan's father has lost it then he run away with a ship and a lot of those technologies and weapons.

I don't know if that's true or not and I don't want to misinform people but that's what I've heard and seen. I might be completely wrong. Anyone has any information's about this? I think if we do more research and investigation on the forum we will find it.
the hybrid said:
Regarding Satan's Father which is none of our business but still what I've read I think on the Romanian Community or here is that Satan's father lost the battle 1v1 for ruling their planet . It's been said they do this fights on who will stay on power and rule it and Satan's father has lost it then he run away with a ship and a lot of those technologies and weapons.

I don't know if that's true or not and I don't want to misinform people but that's what I've heard and seen. I might be completely wrong. Anyone has any information's about this? I think if we do more research and investigation on the forum we will find it.

This is just a very simplified way of looking at it. A better way to understand is that not all points within an entity, empire, or country can be equally protected.

If the enemy masses a huge amount of force at a set point, then they will win that local battle. That does not mean that the war will be lost, but we have just have to be realistic about how wars go. Certain losses are inevitable.

Saying that "Satan run away on a ship with weapons" ignores the tactical depth and knowledge behind his decisions, it also makes it sound like he is not invested in us. It is too easy to forget the massive and longstanding demonic influence on this planet, as the Gods tirelessly fight them, doing so for thousands of years. The enemy has certain physical control here, yet has been prevented from total domination by the will of the Gods. The fact that Satan is not on Earth itself does not mean much, with the above in mind.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=438228 time=1682200780 user_id=21286]
the hybrid said:
Regarding Satan's Father which is none of our business but still what I've read I think on the Romanian Community or here is that Satan's father lost the battle 1v1 for ruling their planet . It's been said they do this fights on who will stay on power and rule it and Satan's father has lost it then he run away with a ship and a lot of those technologies and weapons. Satan did not run anywhere I was referring to his Father of what I've heard.

I don't know if that's true or not and I don't want to misinform people but that's what I've heard and seen. I might be completely wrong. Anyone has any information's about this? I think if we do more research and investigation on the forum we will find it.

This is just a very simplified way of looking at it. A better way to understand is that not all points within an entity, empire, or country can be equally protected.

If the enemy masses a huge amount of force at a set point, then they will win that local battle. That does not mean that the war will be lost, but we have just have to be realistic about how wars go. Certain losses are inevitable.

Saying that "Satan run away on a ship with weapons" ignores the tactical depth and knowledge behind his decisions, it also makes it sound like he is not invested in us. It is too easy to forget the massive and longstanding demonic influence on this planet, as the Gods tirelessly fight them, doing so for thousands of years. The enemy has certain physical control here, yet has been prevented from total domination by the will of the Gods. The fact that Satan is not on Earth itself does not mean much, with the above in mind.

You misunderstood. Or I might explain it wrong.

I've said Satan's father lost the 1v1 against other lad [that's to decide who one stays in power there] his dad run away with a ship and a lot of weapons and technologies not Satan.

I've hard Satan and other Gods [they were called Astronauts] in that topic, that's when they actually came here on Earth and create us. I've heard that we were actually created to mine the earth and take the gold so they can use that Gold to remake their planet which was nearly destroyed because of the wars they were having in there. Some other Nordics were on Mars watching this project going on and they decided to exterminate us once we finish but Father Satan and Other Gods said : No .

And that's when the trouble started. Some of the Nordics allied with the gray,reptilians because the Reptilians planet was destroyed by the Nordics and grey wanted our souls to use it as battery for their ships probably or who knows or it might be the other way around.

Everything I've said here and in this topic I'm not saying I agree with this story is just something I've read and something that I would like to find more about if it's true or not true and find out the story of us and the Gods. So please do not take what I've said literally and seriously I might be 1000% wrong I'm just sharing what I've heard. I am deeply curious myself as well of finding more about.
the hybrid said:
You misunderstood. Or I might explain it wrong.

I've said Satan's father lost the 1v1 against other lad [that's to decide who one stays in power there] his dad run away with a ship and a lot of weapons and technologies not Satan.

I've hard Satan and other Gods [they were called Astronauts] in that topic, that's when they actually came here on Earth and create us. I've heard that we were actually created to mine the earth and take the gold so they can use that Gold to remake their planet which was nearly destroyed because of the wars they were having in there. Some other Nordics were on Mars watching this project going on and they decided to exterminate us once we finish but Father Satan and Other Gods said : No .

And that's when the trouble started. Some of the Nordics allied with the gray,reptilians because the Reptilians planet was destroyed by the Nordics and grey wanted our souls to use it as battery for their ships probably or who knows or it might be the other way around.

Everything I've said here and in this topic I'm not saying I agree with this story is just something I've read and something that I would like to find more about if it's true or not true and find out the story of us and the Gods. So please do not take what I've said literally and seriously I might be 1000% wrong I'm just sharing what I've heard. I am deeply curious myself as well of finding more about.

Yeah you definitely wrong here, and I would question if you have read that here, or have you read it right. First of all nobody knows this detailed, or if somebody knows than it's either HPHC or HPS Maxine, or maybe some other advanced members, that wouldn't just give away informations like this, as it is only told to them.

The gods came here to NOT TO DIG GOLD AND USE US AS SLAVES, but to created a god society like theirs. I feel we aren't the first civilization that they created, as we 100% know they created others. Gold is a spiritual allegorie to spiritual perfectness, therefore godhood. How do you "repair?" a planet with gold?????? But even tho if it would make sense this is not what happened. The idea of a Nordic teams with a reptilian is also hilarious (no profit from it, they have different souls, reptilians jsut parasites, ect...). The reptilians use us as energy source yes, but obviously not for their ship. It's basically gives them power in every way, you can use energy for everything, it's like an eternal and universal currency.

So our gods came here to create us to create another golden society, but reptilians managed to enslave us with their Human-like reptilian, blood sucker destroyers.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
