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Who created Satan?

the hybrid said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=438228 time=1682200780 user_id=21286]
the hybrid said:
Regarding Satan's Father which is none of our business but still what I've read I think on the Romanian Community or here is that Satan's father lost the battle 1v1 for ruling their planet . It's been said they do this fights on who will stay on power and rule it and Satan's father has lost it then he run away with a ship and a lot of those technologies and weapons. Satan did not run anywhere I was referring to his Father of what I've heard.

I don't know if that's true or not and I don't want to misinform people but that's what I've heard and seen. I might be completely wrong. Anyone has any information's about this? I think if we do more research and investigation on the forum we will find it.

This is just a very simplified way of looking at it. A better way to understand is that not all points within an entity, empire, or country can be equally protected.

If the enemy masses a huge amount of force at a set point, then they will win that local battle. That does not mean that the war will be lost, but we have just have to be realistic about how wars go. Certain losses are inevitable.

Saying that "Satan run away on a ship with weapons" ignores the tactical depth and knowledge behind his decisions, it also makes it sound like he is not invested in us. It is too easy to forget the massive and longstanding demonic influence on this planet, as the Gods tirelessly fight them, doing so for thousands of years. The enemy has certain physical control here, yet has been prevented from total domination by the will of the Gods. The fact that Satan is not on Earth itself does not mean much, with the above in mind.

You misunderstood. Or I might explain it wrong.

I've said Satan's father lost the 1v1 against other lad [that's to decide who one stays in power there] his dad run away with a ship and a lot of weapons and technologies not Satan.

I've hard Satan and other Gods [they were called Astronauts] in that topic, that's when they actually came here on Earth and create us. I've heard that we were actually created to mine the earth and take the gold so they can use that Gold to remake their planet which was nearly destroyed because of the wars they were having in there. Some other Nordics were on Mars watching this project going on and they decided to exterminate us once we finish but Father Satan and Other Gods said : No .

And that's when the trouble started. Some of the Nordics allied with the gray,reptilians because the Reptilians planet was destroyed by the Nordics and grey wanted our souls to use it as battery for their ships probably or who knows or it might be the other way around.

Everything I've said here and in this topic I'm not saying I agree with this story is just something I've read and something that I would like to find more about if it's true or not true and find out the story of us and the Gods. So please do not take what I've said literally and seriously I might be 1000% wrong I'm just sharing what I've heard. I am deeply curious myself as well of finding more about.

The Gods didn't use us as gold mining slaves and didn't put us to work 24/7 in gold mines.

Such information is of a very interesting and also sensitive weight of manner, and I find it really strange how you got such information.

The idea is that we are enslaved and we have been enslaved not by the Gods but because of the Reptilians who are destroying the Earth and its positive aspects.

Please double check what information you come across, especially at this time since the Age of Aquarius makes its presence and we are reaching the climax of our cause, and Jews / Reptilians will try what they have at worst to shutdown things.
AFODO said:
the hybrid said:
You misunderstood. Or I might explain it wrong.

I've said Satan's father lost the 1v1 against other lad [that's to decide who one stays in power there] his dad run away with a ship and a lot of weapons and technologies not Satan.

I've hard Satan and other Gods [they were called Astronauts] in that topic, that's when they actually came here on Earth and create us. I've heard that we were actually created to mine the earth and take the gold so they can use that Gold to remake their planet which was nearly destroyed because of the wars they were having in there. Some other Nordics were on Mars watching this project going on and they decided to exterminate us once we finish but Father Satan and Other Gods said : No .

And that's when the trouble started. Some of the Nordics allied with the gray,reptilians because the Reptilians planet was destroyed by the Nordics and grey wanted our souls to use it as battery for their ships probably or who knows or it might be the other way around.

Everything I've said here and in this topic I'm not saying I agree with this story is just something I've read and something that I would like to find more about if it's true or not true and find out the story of us and the Gods. So please do not take what I've said literally and seriously I might be 1000% wrong I'm just sharing what I've heard. I am deeply curious myself as well of finding more about.

Yeah you definitely wrong here, and I would question if you have read that here, or have you read it right. First of all nobody knows this detailed, or if somebody knows than it's either HPHC or HPS Maxine, or maybe some other advanced members, that wouldn't just give away informations like this, as it is only told to them.

The gods came here to NOT TO DIG GOLD AND USE US AS SLAVES, but to created a god society like theirs. I feel we aren't the first civilization that they created, as we 100% know they created others. Gold is a spiritual allegorie to spiritual perfectness, therefore godhood. How do you "repair?" a planet with gold?????? But even tho if it would make sense this is not what happened. The idea of a Nordic teams with a reptilian is also hilarious (no profit from it, they have different souls, reptilians jsut parasites, ect...). The reptilians use us as energy source yes, but obviously not for their ship. It's basically gives them power in every way, you can use energy for everything, it's like an eternal and universal currency.

So our gods came here to create us to create another golden society, but reptilians managed to enslave us with their Human-like reptilian, blood sucker destroyers.

I am not approving anything that I have said. I know it's even silly to mention it but I think those information's were discussed actually in here.

Now, me personally I don't really how it happened or what exactly since once again we are not the first one to be here as you've mention and I did as well.

You are right about the gold, then in this case us would had been a great resource regardless. Now , I don't think this story is true and I don't know if the gold itself can be used as a 'thing' to repair climatic One's planet [our Gods] with literally gold or whatever. I do not approve the story I was just sharing it.

Regarding your question.
Some information's are hidden for a reason.

What I do know for certain is that our Gods are great, they really are. Same thing go for our leaders , for our HP's and our brothers and sisters , especially the one who stood where they are [and by that I mean still what they are].
Oh just to add on the story I don't think I have mentioned.

So no matter what the Nordics had a conflict between them themselves, the concept of society is great and whatever but things change, things fall, some things are just 'fated' by the Universal Laws to happened.

The difference between us and by us I mean our brothers and sisters and myself included, is that we use stronger laws against smaller ones, in magic for instance.

Anyways I can't talk because of various reasons which is not worth mentioning for obviously duh.

But our Gods I admit certainly , They are great.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
