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What Do You Want To See From JoS?

I hope to see organizations like this materialize in face to face communities. To show our faces and lead by example, inspiring others to return to the old gods and resist judeo christian tyranny without fear or shame
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
Henu the Great said:
I would like to see people operating for JoS in official capacity, and getting paid for it.

People working for the JoS are working for Satan in equivalent.
We are working for this super powerful Being, that is experiencing everything in this world at once at a very profound and deep level, while are only perceiving a tiny fraction of what is really in his Power. This gives me goosebumps.
It is mesmerizing and freezes me deeply to realize this, I even can not specifically explain what I am refering to, or what it causes me to feel.

Therefore, no payment is needed and/or necessary, as Father Satan's wish is our wish, and Satan wishes only the best for Humanity and his Children overall. So in a sense, when you work for Satan, you work for yourself and your own future, in a way or another.
Altho not needed, Satan indeed appreciates your commitment and infact rewards all those who work under his will and supervision.
The Joy of Satan is not an ordinary organisation, it is the only house of Satan.
All the money that comes to the Joy of Satan, should not go into fragile personal benefits, but should be invested into Satan's cause, and for expansion and maintainance of the Truth and house of Satan.
Bro, there is nothing fragile about building material wealth and what I want to see is totally reasonable and also inevitable past a point. I must say I am a bit disappointed with this anti-wealth attitude of yours, but it's your right to think whatever you want.
Even Maxine herself didn't use the donations for her personal life, she has no superior here so why would anyone else be paid?
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
Henu the Great said:
I would like to see people operating for JoS in official capacity, and getting paid for it.

People working for the JoS are working for Satan in equivalent.
We are working for this super powerful Being, that is experiencing everything in this world at once at a very profound and deep level, while are only perceiving a tiny fraction of what is really in his Power. This gives me goosebumps.
It is mesmerizing and freezes me deeply to realize this, I even can not specifically explain what I am refering to, or what it causes me to feel.

Therefore, no payment is needed and/or necessary, as Father Satan's wish is our wish, and Satan wishes only the best for Humanity and his Children overall. So in a sense, when you work for Satan, you work for yourself and your own future, in a way or another.
Altho not needed, Satan indeed appreciates your commitment and infact rewards all those who work under his will and supervision.
The Joy of Satan is not an ordinary organisation, it is the only house of Satan.
All the money that comes to the Joy of Satan, should not go into fragile personal benefits, but should be invested into Satan's cause, and for expansion and maintainance of the Truth and house of Satan.
Bro, there is nothing fragile about building material wealth and what I want to see is totally reasonable and also inevitable past a point. I must say I am a bit disappointed with this anti-wealth attitude of yours, but it's your right to think whatever you want.

You draw wrong conclusions here.
There is a big difference between working for material wealth, which I am doing, and feeding off donations towards the Joy of Satan, which should be ressources solely invested into expanding Satan's empire.
As for this forum: as others have pointed out it would be nice with some subforums for various things like history, philosophy, humor etc. Many threads here already fit into those categories, and it could also be a way of connecting people here even more and make it easier for people who are looking for certain subjects.

How JoS has affected me is something I've already written about, but it has overall boosted my health and wellbeing ever since my discovery of JoS back in 2005. HPS Maxine is a very inspiring person, and the main website really hooked me back then since it contains truly interesting and mindblowing knowledge. This is the knowledge the world needs; about how to advance ourselves instead of the current world agenda of decadence and downfall.

The knowledge from JoS not only boosted my health but also my view on life and the world we live in. It's a shit show for sure, but it's always much better to know how things really are, no matter how bad they are, than to live in ignorance.

I try to ask myself what I can do for JoS also, and when I come up with something it can actually be really fun projects (like videos etc.). Perhaps a subforum for such contributions would be a good idea.
NinRick said:
You draw wrong conclusions here.
There is a big difference between working for material wealth, which I am doing, and feeding off donations towards the Joy of Satan, which should be ressources solely invested into expanding Satan's empire.

Are those two not inevitably one in the same? In order to expand Satan's empire, eventually you will have need to fully employ people in the effort of doing so. We can't subsist off volunteer work alone, and the great honor of being able to make a living expanding the Gods reach was already a position in ancient times as well was it not? How else did the old temples and shrines have people who served their efforts? These people who work full time for the Gods need to eat too.
NinRick said:
You draw wrong conclusions here.
There is a big difference between working for material wealth, which I am doing, and feeding off donations towards the Joy of Satan, which should be ressources solely invested into expanding Satan's empire.
People giving their services and being compensated for it are in line with expanding JoS.

Aquarius said:
Even Maxine herself didn't use the donations for her personal life, she has no superior here so why would anyone else be paid?
I am looking further down the line.
Henu the Great said:
I would like to see people operating for JoS in official capacity, and getting paid for it.

People who work for the Gods know this work is beyond any amount. There is no amount you can simply have to have a Demom show up and care for you. The real JoS on the higher level never operated under the rule of money.

Lower levels where services are provided is another thing.

With that being stated in the very far future, I would not be against this idea for certain things. Its a longterm idea.

However, such ideas have to also be backed by substantial reality, otherwise, these are mere demands or just jack off tier imagination, since I would not prefer to disclose other things which would reveal this to be such for now.

Walking is necessary, and we can walk there of course.

Aquarius said:
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
People working for the JoS are working for Satan in equivalent. ...
Even Maxine herself didn't use the donations for her personal life, she has no superior here so why would anyone else be paid?

What I believe people are referring to is more on a far future. At a level of institution level growth, is what people mean. Ie, when people cannot have a work at all but stay strictly in JoS as a full on institution service work. No job or other things, 24/7/365 in JoS.
I’m just throwing peanuts here.

1. More forum features that provide feedback for users in the forms of reacting to posts, providing user feedback that members can leave positive or negative with the ability to write their feelings. Maybe user badges, this would probably be just unfun work as I beleive only one person is managing the website.

2.) Maybe fun contests like simple spell guides that condense, reformat certain webpages or just a simple pdf file. Basically some kind of creative involvement by the community in other words. It would certainty help them feel like they’re leaving a mark on this community forming stronger attachments. Say I take the breathing guide from the main site and put pictures of posture and other helpful tidbits without breaking copywrite. Praise hell, I would say even a professional video by a member that properly articulates it would help.

3.) it would be nice to get a consultation on website flow and design. I’m certainly not one that is a professional. I will say the allure of the joy of Satan page is geared towards people of, forgive me for saying this, edgy and gothic. A lot of people might not see it this way, but I have a good guess about the public eye. Perhaps it’s good that it stays this way like knowing taking the redpill is the only way to wake up from this dream. Though it is damning if they choose to ignore it.

4.) A public wiki would be nice given to only proven members of the community who have proven themselves. This way members of the community could provide or cite sources of information in a more digestible manner… yes there are doubts how effective this can be. The actual source code of the wiki and could not be hosted by the actual wiki website as they would definitely dispose of it. We can’t just continue to rely on one person to do all the work, we need to prepare in advance by having other heads available in case our main one ever goes down.

Just a thought passing by
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...QP subject on walking to the future...

I don't mean to ask this as a crass aspect. But if it can't be said cool. You don't need to mention anything revealing.

My question is: Do you expect us to continue working in the shadows behind the scenes like the enemy and or friendly people such as the various internet armies(Salty Army, Reddit Army[Even if Reddit is filled with degenerates, Financial Armies etc.etc.) for long period of time?

I mean knowing how the NPCs of the World are I still see the whole "Muh Satanic World Domination" just recently saw a video of Salty Crackers talking and the retards at Bitchute lulz worthy comments. Only one guy got it mentioning how almost everyone in the cabinet of Biden is a little hymie so to speak.

Do you ever see us be an above ground organization actually solving the situation in the World. I don't know looking back now in retrospect I think Maxine was wrong about mentioning in March 2019. The Gods return but not for another 20 or so years, it puts too much of a savior situation to some people. Or well if the Gods are coming might as well wait around two decades or so and see what's going on.

I know it's tough as hell to pop out or say or do anything. If anything happens a metal slug will pop out and blow your chest open. But at the same time are we just going to remain an internet group hanging around for decades rustling around the boonies of the internet and trying to fulfill military orders with the various internet armies if they are willing to listen.

My concern is that we sputter about and not make any headway. I'd hate to be the Gods coming back and all the humans going WTF what is this alien crap. Hell the amount of anti-alien, anti-scientific I'd say we are reliving the middle ages metaphorically for some people in the World.

Anyways I apologize if I sound doom and gloom or casting down or whatever. I'm not too sure what the JoS is doing. I don't know if it's my own personal problems with meditation and going WTF am I doing. Directionless drive and lack of motivation and discipline. Yeah I still clean/protect/spin do something.

But honestly I've never ever had anything from JoS work on me. Sure I don't meditate on my chakras. Funny we got in a debate recently and the person was like [paraphrasing], "Even if you do high rep once a day on the hour of the chakra day per day per specific chakra it's not worth it. Later eventually at first sure but later you should be pumping in all of them all the time."

Honestly I have plenty of time in my day to meditate but circumstances with myself and other issues leaves me this nagging feeling that I just can't meditate. And surely I have not, honestly like Henu said [paraphrasing], "You did squares, vibrations, mental imagery they were just mental exercises nothing occurred unless you enter a trance and solve your issues involving improper meditation your not doing anything."

I'm glad Blitz replied and said, "Your still doing something don't read too much into Henu you did SOMETHING just need to work on your soul better".

Honestly it feels like meditation is a huge burden. And I'm just saying this now cause if your planning on developing the organization and wanting the World to at minimum be like Egyptian times several thousand years ago whereby people were taught a few meditations a year and told work on your soul a bit. It's going to create issues.

Your in essence going to have a camp of people who want to do it, can't or more specifically don't want to, and people who are like logically cleaning/protecting(another form of clean and keeping clean)/spinning/and some of these mental exercises like mindfulness, void, single-pointed meditation it makes logical sense like a scientific/life activity. Some are gonna be like okay I'll try it out maybe it helps me out or others go nope or others go well if that is life.

In other words it's been mentioned we don't proselytize nor do we force nor even with peoples pathetic non-existent free will do people even bother to be changed to our system. The Gods and ethically as JoS if you say no just keep an open mind but we are not going to force you. Even if your life improves.

I can easily see many people in positions such as myself. Completely aware of meditation and understanding I mean I've pretty much known about meditation, psychology, and other mental things since I was like 3 years old. And back then that was just guided and certain stuff old 80s-90s stuff popping in.

It's like Spiritual warfare eventually it gets old. Meditation gets old.

I think my specific issue is I've never had a goddamn sensation of anything from meditation. Other day I did falun gong to my memory before rewatching the video Egon put. And I felt pumped but I don't know if that is physical or spiritual.

Same for my friend, he emailed me out of the blue saying he performed mindfulness. I was surprised he is a pure Saturn machine pure Earth person. But he did say I did it for 5 minutes, he came out and said I did it three more times then no more it's hard to engrave a new habit in me. But he did say I did it came out not sleepy calm/relaxed but also "oneness" or "proper". He said he doesn't want to make it a big deal but this friend of mines did it 3 times and had sensations that most people don't even bother to feel for a while maybe weeks or months of mindfulness.

I've typed up an email to him and yeah he is dedicated but just like me he dedicated just for the sake of dedication. I found JoS read everything a week later dedicated then beginnings of next year he dedicated. And that is it.

I've had people go so your just joined to be on the side of good or the right team. Yeah I guess what can I say. It's not like I'm a rich person or well off or living the vida loca with meditation.

I've educated myself here I study this place I await new technology and databank updates. And what can I say I live in my mind. Everyday is just SS;DD(Same shit; different day).

I mean if what I wrote bothers people I'm not trying to be a bother. I'm just asking what about the people who meditate and nothing happens. I'm not saying I'm soulless but certainly if meditation worked I'd probably be something. I've had people go how can you be here nearly 20 years and not advance. Ah life works in mysterious ways doesn't it.

I don't know I'm just rambling on but if I'm one guy then what about others who've had such things or masses of people going this doesn't work. Or what if the Gods come and go what we teach is fine and all but for people of this civilizational level you can't go too far.

Sometimes I wish meditation was colder and just a saturn ice frozen thing. Too much fluffed up things like becoming a God or seeing colors or sensations. I think some people such as myself need to be forced into basic things and develop a habit/discipline.

Here I am with a machine gun that I can't firing wildly and crazily and everyone else is with a 22 caliber pistol plingking around and getting proper practice.

I mean I can be delusional as hell. I just carry on I get older probably going to die at some day in the next 70 or so decades.

I don't know.

HP.Cobra how are you going to deal with people like myself or people who don't want to do this. Or people who just dedicate or join for the sake of joining and go I'll just pray like before only replace the previous god with a new god.

I mean it seems like we are just waiting for our aliens to show up and solve the situation.

I've been criticized for this by people and it's like so? people are going to ask the same question I'm just using my north node Aquarius to express the plight of the common person.

I mean eventually it's going to get to the point where some people will just tune out and go religion I don't know what it is anymore I don't know if I like religion because I was a young kid and hanged around kids and played around with them. But I'm now an adult and I don't know WTF religion is and it seems like fuck religion and fuck everything on religion lets just destroy everything and keep our minds from being polluted.

It seems for most people they just want to live and be NPC be just passing by time another blip on the scales of the time continuum that has existed since this species came to prominence after the Dinosaurs were displaced.

Again are we just going to remain an internet only army with no physicality in other words we do all the heavy magick lifting and everyone else does all the physical lifting.

To be honest I'm kinda waiting around for 2023(Mini-AoA) and 2025(Exocosmic Fixed Sign) and especially since one planet will remain till 2044. Wanting to see what happens.

I mean I'm not trying to say I live a lie or maybe I do I don't know maybe delusional maybe living in my own World.

Like my friend said "We are probably NPCs of our own little World we exist in".

How would someone such as myself or others who go despite powerless being a power plus a power unto itself. At the end of the day I'm powerless to do anything and stop anything the World keeps on turning people born, live, die etc.etc.

Sorta like my grandfather said, "The World can't be fixed but I don't want to die of a nuclear strike."
OhNoItsMook said:
Satanism has granted me forms of knowledge that have essentially changed the course of my life for the best.

Upon proper and consistent application of such knowledge, I have come to attain greater capabilities and extents of insight, judgment, reflection, and most importantly, individuality, as a living, thinking individual amidst a world in which the majority of people live lives barely worth calling "living".

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

Meditation raises our very extent of existence in life, this universe, and even different dimensions. I landed smack right into JoS without any prior experience relating to Satanism, meditation, yoga, etc., so our meditation section was the very first form of it that I had ever truly done. Then I found out it's also the most ancient and valid in the universe. Either ineffably lucky, or fate.

Although I laid off meditation for the first few years, it was actually some traumatic experience I had about 2 years ago, that caused me to start taking meditation more seriously. The way I was able to save myself in rather adverse conditions reminded me of what Satan said in the Al-Jilwah, Chapter III, "All my teachings are easily applicable to all times and all conditions." It's absolutely true.

Astrology has also allowed me to bend my fate and break what normal people would be doomed to suffer through. Although I myself am not too well-versed in astrology, and it was Lydia who conducted a chart reading for me, I was able to know what I needed to work on, and change the course of fate by my own hand.

The kind of power Satanic knowledge grants a human being upon proper application and understanding of it, is the kind of stuff of supernatural mystery stories. Seriously.

As for how I believe my experience in Satanism has affected other people, I have personally experienced that those directly around me rapidly improve in emotional state, understanding, and well-being when I am there to influence their lives. It's something related to the elevation of our minds, auras, and how as we advance we begin to shine as a beacon for those whom are yet lost but possess a will to live, some form of desire that salvages their existence more so than those on a path to self-ruin.

Again, I gained this knowledge (and therefore power) from the teachings of JoS, for which I am eternally grateful.

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

When we meditate, we begin to attract not only favourable outcomes in our lives, but also encounter interestingly intelligent people of similarly calculative calibre. I have made some very, very intelligent friends who pretty much possess the worldly insight and strength akin to that of a Satanist, but obviously aren't SS yet.

It takes only one of us awakened, to light the life of those around us whose suffering has dimmed their own. If I am able to be a form of light to the close ones whom I hold dear, and a form of inspiration to those not as familiar with me yet, I'm glad to bestow a sense of hope to those who are mutually tired of the mess that many humans in this world have become.

And if I am able to maximize the quality of my life as I have done through Satanic knowledge, any Gentile willful enough to learn and apply such, will be capable as well.

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

If every person on Earth in the right mind, ability, understanding, and circumstances consistently and maximally applied the teachings of Satan and his Demons, I truly believe that humanity would light each others' lives like a chain reaction, and no one in this world would need to bear any more suffering, any longer.

Therefore, we will win. For ourselves, and for others. And ultimately, for the Gods.

Had never noticed you here before, in fact there are probably hundreds others just like you. Extremely successful on this path.

I have recently undergone a quest to "link" my logical brain to my spiritual training. Seeing stories like this, a similar perspective to my own, really begins to set this Spiritual Truth into Stone.

I had dedicated because I was bombarded with Truths. And finally the Spiritual world is not just "magicks", I see it as something Real and "Physical", laws of our Universe.

I had accepted the "illogical" spiritual practices, because The JOS ministry did always give Worship to Satya, Eternal Truth.

Years before I could logically accept the spiritual world, I did fight anyways, because the Truths provided here are of highest quality.

The fact that we are the only place on this planet that fully embraces and studies Eternal Truth. Even without Spirituality, is of greatest Logical manifestation.

But we always always gave honor and glory to Satan. Always it was the JOS Ministry that provided Truth and always gave glory and honor to the God's of our Ancestors. Constantly my mind was required to meditate upon the reality of my choices and actions. Constantly I did realize that the JOS was right about Race, Family and Nation, the deliberate deterioration of such set about by the jews.

In a sense I was an Athiest SS, but over the years, I see the Gods are here. I saw how our RTRs did awaken the Aryan Soul, expose and bring the enemy to its deathbed, exposed the churches, communism, anything and everything was laid Bare.

And by constantly studying and meditating here, I do attribute my success to Eternal Truths.

Now I will finish what I've started, I will find the Truth in the Spiritual connection to our current "reality".
I think this would require JoS as an official religion or religious organization to get some form of stable and longterm income, maybe in the same way christianity gets money from governments. Maybe in the future after the jews are dealt with, on grounds of religious freedom, if christianity or other religions can get money from governments, we might as well grow enough to be in this position of obtaining such funds, and very rightfully compared to any other "religion".

Well, if our "10 year plan" includes reaching 1 BILLION people by by the end of 2029(?), you'd think that like 50% of them(at least) would join us(We ARE the Truth, after all), making us 1 of the world's top religions, by that alone.
Hi, I am a male in my late 20's from Southern Africa.
This account is relatively new, but I have been studying your content for a few years.
I'd love a bit more detailed meditation/lifestyle plan to begin applying this vast knowledge in a serious life shift.

I would like to also use this opportunity to invite any South African members that are interested in chatting to send me a greeting to **
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People who work for the Gods know this work is beyond any amount. There is no amount you can simply have to have a Demom show up and care for you. The real JoS on the higher level never operated under the rule of money.
I know and did not imply this.

Lower levels where services are provided is another thing.

With that being stated in the very far future, I would not be against this idea for certain things. Its a longterm idea.

However, such ideas have to also be backed by substantial reality, otherwise, these are mere demands or just jack off tier imagination, since I would not prefer to disclose other things which would reveal this to be such for now.

Walking is necessary, and we can walk there of course.
Yes, it is a very long-term idea. Ten years forward might not be enough.

What I believe people are referring to is more on a far future. At a level of institution level growth, is what people mean. Ie, when people cannot have a work at all but stay strictly in JoS as a full on institution service work. No job or other things, 24/7/365 in JoS.
Something along these lines. Glad that in addition to less understanding viewpoints there were more understanding ones as well.
Jacket said:
This may be redundant so apologies if it is however after looking around the forums and the main page for JoS I didn't see anywhere I could report spelling mistakes reading through the material. If there is already a place for this please tell me, if not that would be a welcome addition. Is there just someone in particular I'd send a private message to? I've found somewhere between three and five just reading through articles. Small things like form instead of from, or like you accidentally clicked earlier in the sentence and it starts to type from there.
Yes, you can help with this. Most of them have already been reported but you can share the ones you find.

Artanis said:
I think this would require JoS as an official religion or religious organization to get some form of stable and longterm income, maybe in the same way christianity gets money from governments. Maybe in the future after the jews are dealt with, on grounds of religious freedom, if christianity or other religions can get money from governments, we might as well grow enough to be in this position of obtaining such funds, and very rightfully compared to any other "religion".

Well, if our "10 year plan" includes reaching 1 BILLION people by by the end of 2029(?), you'd think that like 50% of them(at least) would join us(We ARE the Truth, after all), making us 1 of the world's top religions, by that alone.

You wouldn't think this based on a realistic standard.

Do not rule out nothing, but people see that they must go to the gym everyday, and most people never go. In other words, don't estimate the value of the Truth for the value that people are willing to take and bring into their lives and apply. The JoS brings a major change, which most people will likely not digest immediately.

It doesn't preach lies and therefore requires application and the bullshit it needs to be adopted immediately such as foolishness like "Believe in jeboo = be saved eternal goy".

As a first plausible goal it would be to show people that we are present there for them.
Artanis said:
I'd like to see Us going physical "again" (ie 3rd Reich)

Could you write a sermon about when this could happen, what it entails(how small or big are we going to start, do we members of the Joy of Satan get any spots(in the physical work), or is it just for the "VIP" members of the JOS(Singular Gentile satanists in already high positions of the world)

I definitely agree. I think the energy that we would all bring could make more happen in this world, especially now in the United States
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What Do You Want To See From JoS?
I think we as a community definitely need to "mature" more spiritually so in the future we can have a better understanding based on a lot more experience of how to fix life issues with spirituality, given that there were endless cases of people needing help with finding jobs, with health issues, social issues and everything else. Eventually there can be a section or something on JoS dedicated only to spiritual advice to material issues, like the ones above, a section to contain only practical experience of experienced members.

However this is not something that "JoS" can do but each of us individually must get more advanced and more experienced spiritually as time goes. The stronger we are individually, the stronger JoS will get. And the stronger we will get, we can accomplish bigger and more important plans. I don't know how many satanists are advancing steadily but there are many who get stuck on the same level for years. This is something that should be identified and dealt with, like find out why and where are many members getting stuck so correct advice can be applied for them to overcome and grow out of these issues.

I think is more or less a similar pattern, in the sense that many Satanists don't manage to project astrally, or to open their astral senses to see and hear in astral and to communicate with the Gods. This is a conclusion based on the years of observing the posts and it seems here is where many people are getting stuck, because if they could advance enough to hear the Gods, it would become easier from there on because the Guardian Demon/ess of each Satanist can guide them from that point on.

jrvan said:
I would like to eventually see cooperation between politicians and the JoS, politicians openly engaging with and seeking guidance from JoS clergy (both for the purpose of decision making and properly guiding society, and also their own spirituality and understanding). And society protecting the JoS and keeping jews away from it and preventing jewish infiltration.
Within the current politics, top politicians have "advisors" that supposedly "help" them take decisions, I am saying supposedly because for the big and powerful countries, these "advisors" are the people of the jews who most likely represent a sort of link or conduit between the big jewish families and the top politicians, and for the smaller and weaker countries the "advisors" are the people of the big and powerful countries who infiltrated the smaller ones to get them under their influence, and therefore under the influence of the jews.

This could be one way there can be connection and communication between JoS and politicians, for the clergy or the most advanced SS to become "advisors" of top politicians. However this is something that could be considered for the current political frame but it is likely the "democracy" that at this moment is just a nonsense will fall and be replaced with better systems. I am saying democracy is a nonsense because the word etymologically means "the power of the people" but in reality in most countries nowadays people have no power. They are given to choose some politicians from lists made by the jews and when these politicians are getting the power, they are executing what the jews say and not what their people want.

This is why I think "democracy" as we see it today will probably fall together with the jews and be replaced either with a "proper" democracy where the masses do have more power, or with a system that is not based on elections but on other laws, maybe something like National Socialism. I find it hard for a politician in the current system to understand the reality of Satanism in order to accept a Spiritual Satanist advisor given that the majority of politicians are culpable weak degenerates who can at any time be judged and imprisoned.

Artanis said:
I'd like to see Us going physical "again" (ie 3rd Reich)

Could you write a sermon about when this could happen, what it entails(how small or big are we going to start, do we members of the Joy of Satan get any spots(in the physical work), or is it just for the "VIP" members of the JOS(Singular Gentile satanists in already high positions of the world)
As far as the war against the jews is concerned, we do have a major advantage from the fact that we are anonymous compared to NS Germany, where the top Nazis were known and it was a lot easier for the jews to plot against them. There was a government and the jews used other powerful governments to attack and destroy it. There is no comparison though between a government with millitary and resources and an online spiritual organization, however is impossible for the jews to eliminate each one of us for this reason of having anonymity.

Where are the Spiritual Satanists? Catch them if you can, they can be anyone and anywhere. When we walk down the street to work or to supermarket we might go past Spiritual Satanists without realizing, is impossible to know. This is why this sort of invisible enemy like us is extremely dangerous to the jews, because they can't do shit against us. They can only attack what they can see, which are the forums and the sites, and they do this endlessly. The fact that we can afford to be anonymous nowadays is a huge advantage and not something to be renounced or discarded.

Also for what it entails for satanists to meet physically, definitely the jews must be dealt with, so they can have no power to find or harm us. That is the very first priority before any physical meeting can take place.

blackwizard said:
i want the main JOS website to be fully translated into ARABIC
The site is being currently translated into Arabic, any Arabic native Satanist can join. I think Osiris Silvio was interested as well, I will quote him to see this.

Henu the Great said:
I would like to see people operating for JoS in official capacity, and getting paid for it.
I think this would require JoS as an official religion or religious organization to get some form of stable and longterm income, maybe in the same way christianity gets money from governments. Maybe in the future after the jews are dealt with, on grounds of religious freedom, if christianity or other religions can get money from governments, we might as well grow enough to be in this position of obtaining such funds, and very rightfully compared to any other "religion".

Yes, I can help with that. Do you have an email to discuss it?
Gear88 said:
One very valuable and beautiful answer,please click on the arrow next to the Name(Gear88)!
I have nothing to say about these,so good and valuable answer.

I don't want to engage in mindless flattery,but until now since my whole time on the forum you gave the best and most helpful answer.
But I also got valuable answers from Henu the Great,Blitzkreig[JG] and HP.Hoodedcobra666,but I have yet to receive such a well-developed and valuable response from them,but however they also helped a lot me(Especially in his valuable ansvers e-mail correspondence with HP.Hoodedcobra666).
But on the whole Henu tried has helped me the most and the most persistent(which was also successful).
1_ Hi, Can we have a special tarot deck from Jos? I know this not so important.
2_ will we see hps Maxine again? I read all of her sermons again and I miss her so much.
3_ will we have a Persian language in Jos?
4_ are gods happy for us? I think they are
Thank you so much for everything and hail all gods
Don't have much to add since there is so much thrown in here and plenty of great ideas. I cracked a smile while reading some. I'll be here for the support since JOS has given me the support over the years.
Perhaps a website that is entirely dedicated to the jews, not like kabbalah exposed, something literally dedicated specifically to them and all their crimes against humanity, literally every ounce of truth about them on that website.
Another thing I'd like to see from JoS would be torrents for the library, could pack it all into a few zip files and post them in torrents. Torrents can act as a backup in case of server issues, as anyone with the whole file on a device can leave the device running as a seeder. A torrent file itself is very tiny, so it can be easily attached to an email and shared as well.
I really like doing the Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action, and would like to see more along the lines of race awakening, especially for white people as whites are my people and are greatly under threat at present
@ HoodedCobra666, I am thankful that you asked this question. The answer I seek may already be available in these forms, yet I am having difficulty safely navigating this minefield of powerful and explosive information. I am very careful to follow instructions exactly from my mentors, I never re-invent the wheel until my knowledge has passed my superiors and I do not see my knowledge surpassing yours sir. If I’m lucky perhaps in many moons with your guidance. Not reinventing the wheel crafted by my mentor is why I believe I saw success when so many other students failed and wasted $1,000.00’s on a two-weekend class.

I digress, I would like to see a step-by-step instruction manual to be created. This is very different than Heathenism and the Ritual I learned through The Odinic Rite and Asatru Folk Assembly. I performed my Dedication Ritual to Satan last night. BTW I am glad to see that Beezelbub and Thor are the same gods. It is nice to find a resemblance.

I am not 100% sure what is my next step. It appears I am to begin with the Power Meditations. But which breathing does a Novice work with? Is it The Breath Foundation Meditation? Perhaps I missed something else completely?
Could a manual be made in an A, B, C, D format? When I use to mentor students in my Local Real Estate Investment Club I took all of the guesswork out of it. The faster they were successful the more student would join my monthly focus group, and the more doors and new ideas would open for all involved.

Again please forgive my ignorance. I am truly a bit overwhelmed and I hope to one day make you and many other members proud that I fight alongside you in battle. Your patience is appreciated.
Artanis said:
I'd like to see Us going physical "again" (ie 3rd Reich)

Could you write a sermon about when this could happen, what it entails(how small or big are we going to start, do we members of the Joy of Satan get any spots(in the physical work), or is it just for the "VIP" members of the JOS(Singular Gentile satanists in already high positions of the world)

@ Artanis. If you are looking for Like-Minded National Socialists that are not Identity Christians, you need to look more to your Folkish Heathen Tribes. Odinists, Not men that identify as Heathen as more of those are transgender watering holes. You are going to have to wade your way through, but it is not hard to find the more dedicated and loyal members, They can open doors to groups such as the Defunct Black Sun Tribe or Order of Odalists. Start at Asatru Folk Assembly as they are the largest in the nation at the moment. I wish you luck.
Promethean Flame said:
Artanis said:
I'd like to see Us going physical "again" (ie 3rd Reich)

Could you write a sermon about when this could happen, what it entails(how small or big are we going to start, do we members of the Joy of Satan get any spots(in the physical work), or is it just for the "VIP" members of the JOS(Singular Gentile satanists in already high positions of the world)

@ Artanis. If you are looking for Like-Minded National Socialists that are not Identity Christians, you need to look more to your Folkish Heathen Tribes. Odinists, Not men that identify as Heathen as more of those are transgender watering holes. You are going to have to wade your way through, but it is not hard to find the more dedicated and loyal members, They can open doors to groups such as the Defunct Black Sun Tribe or Order of Odalists. Start at Asatru Folk Assembly as they are the largest in the nation at the moment. I wish you luck.

No... NO groups, meet-ups etc OUTSIDE THE FORUMS! This has been stated 666x times already.
Im only saying that i hope that somewhere in the near future(in the next 10 years), we could start going physical in some forms.

I hope that the "10 year plan" of ours, which included small bits of physical things, as stated in the 6th paragraph "Half of our collective effort will go into self improvement, WORLD IMPROVEMENT", will include "Spots in the work", for SS like me.
I can say I want to see the JoS grow and become big to where we have countless people from all over the world participating in the forums. Asking questions and receiving guidance.
What about information about quartz and stones? how to use them and their history with humanity, I am very sure more than one here would like to know how was the relationship that Egyptians had with stones

for example as I know, and let me know if I am wrong but, the pharaohs used lapis lazuli, I haven't found information about why, but my idea is that, because of the properties this stone have (opening the third eye and balance the throat chakra) it was perfect for communicating with the gods

things like this I think are not only important but also fascinating, the quartz and stones are something beautiful and I am sure every person have at least one stone with perfect properties for him or her, I think I have decent knowledge about stones so I can help if it is necessary
balo666 said:
What about information about quartz and stones? how to use them and their history with humanity, I am very sure more than one here would like to know how was the relationship that Egyptians had with stones

for example as I know, and let me know if I am wrong but, the pharaohs used lapis lazuli, I haven't found information about why, but my idea is that, because of the properties this stone have (opening the third eye and balance the throat chakra) it was perfect for communicating with the gods

things like this I think are not only important but also fascinating, the quartz and stones are something beautiful and I am sure every person have at least one stone with perfect properties for him or her, I think I have decent knowledge about stones so I can help if it is necessary

There is a link somewhere here on the Forums to download a good books about minerals. It's called The Crystal Bible from Judy Hall. Use the search function and I am sure you will find the link.
A yoga app.

I know ppl reference outside sources but itd be neat to have all that material in one app. Starting with the hatha yoga and ky samples.

Or just postures you can browse with also added more *correct* spiritual info ..

If 'no' then thats cool too.
I would love to see more teaching about astrology, and maybe geomancy too (I didn't searched about geomancy, so Idk if there is already posts about it)

It would be interesting to know how it was at the age where Satan discovered about imortality. How it was back then and etc. Maybe not only about Satan, but the other Gods too. Would be amazing read their stories :mrgreen:

I'm new yet in all of this so idk if there is already posts about all of this
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?
I don't want to go in exact details in public, but here's something.

I have had a clear purpose after dedication, it's refining as I go, but unlike before when I was still searching now many things are clearer.

Multiple positive influences regarding health, happiness, satisfaction and joy. Many more to come, certainly.

I think our greatest and the most monumental effect on the Earth and Humanity is that we largely dismantle Jewish programs in what, five decades when they set them up for a millenia. The implications for freedom are appealing. And lastly, next generations having a better and more free environment for growing up and more readily available framework for reaching Godhood.
solinvictvs94 said:
less censorship

There really is no censorship here except for very specific things.

Anything that is illegal like anything that could be considered as incitement of violence is not allowed here. This is a legal requirement.

And people who are jews, trolls, and just generally a biohazard to everyone around them. Even they will be given multiple chances in case they are not jews and they are just stupid people who may improve and gain education. They only are banned after proving time and time again that they are worthless and that they have no intention of ever not being worthless.

And robots automatically posting links of fake advertisements, viruses, and trying to make money by getting people to click links. These robots are banned.

Other than these things, there is no censorship. Anybody is allowed to post any thing. And if it is something stupid, it will still be posted and have people reply to it saying why it is wrong.
Queen of the Stars said:
1) Information about the hierarchy of the enemy nordics


There are no Nordic enemies. Nordic are the species of our gods.

Enemies are the grey and reptilian species. But the enemy species are psychically powerful and they are able to project an image into people's minds. They can do this to make people see a human or a nordic, when really it is a grey doing it. This is where the stories come from of angels or enemy nordics.
Promethean Flame said:
@ Artanis. If you are looking for Like-Minded National Socialists that are not Identity Christians, you need to look more to your Folkish Heathen Tribes. Odinists, Not men that identify as Heathen as more of those are transgender watering holes. You are going to have to wade your way through, but it is not hard to find the more dedicated and loyal members, They can open doors to groups such as the Defunct Black Sun Tribe or Order of Odalists. Start at Asatru Folk Assembly as they are the largest in the nation at the moment. I wish you luck.

This is great advice if your goal is to become "friends" with many FBI jews. They swarm to groups like that like mosquitos.
TheVampyre said:
I really like doing the Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action, and would like to see more along the lines of race awakening, especially for white people as whites are my people and are greatly under threat at present

We do these as often as we can, but to be effective they require the planets to be in correct alignment. So that the astrological energies will carry and amplify the power of the ritual throughout the world.

Doing it at the wrong times, and it is possible that the astrological energies will work against it and cause it to be weak.

But you can say that doing it with the perfect planet alignments is something like many thousands of times stronger and more effective.

Just look at all that was accomplished by the most recent round of Race Awakening. Look at Kanye and Kyrie and how much of an enormous difference they have made with awakening the Black race.
solinvictvs94 said:
less censorship

Censorship is a government or public place or online public forums not allowing certain kinds of speech. This is a private forum, so the word "censorship" doesn't apply here. It's called moderation instead. A private forum can do whatever it wants and if you don't like you can either leave and join another or create your own, that's how it works.

This is called freedom of association and is the counterpart of freedom of speech. It's like some Jehovas' witnesses banging at your door trying to proselytize you. Without freedom of association, you would be forced to open the door and listen to them telling you about Jokehova for hours. You can shoo them away, because it's your own house and you can accept whoever you want in it, and their "freedom of speech" doesn't mean they are free to harass you in your private area. And the exact same thing is with a private forum.

We all know the reason you complain about supposed "censorship" is because you want to troll without consequences. Private forums don't have to cater to random trolls like you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
