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What Do You Want To See From JoS?

I forgot to mention.

Can we create a forum or a section or something.

On 5th Generational Warfare.

A Memes Forum or Memetic 5th Generational Full Spectrum Information Warfare section.

I know we have the SIB(Satanic Internet Battalion) but I mean a central planning for Memetic Technologies to create strike packages and perform raids on other forums and places on the internet to redpill people.

Like Salty Cracker's goes "Use your information bullets to troll, meme, vote, and engage harder against all the dupes and people who don't pay attention".

I'd like us if we were to expand into 5th Generational Warfare.

Everyone seems to be doing it even alphabet agencies around the World perform such actions. Can we have a property to perform a strike vector with a strike package and militarize memetic warfare and engage with it.

Ex: Cuck memes are hilarious like Joseph cuck meme. Joseph Father of Jesus Christ: down below: Joseph the biggest cuck in the Universe allows another man to impregnate his wife and raises another man's child.

Can we delve into discourse and communications on expanding our Military Arm for psychological warfare and memetic warfare.

In other words create a NS/SS/General strike package technology and start redpilling people. The Meme Warfare thread is nice and all but it fails to capture too many people as the General666 forum is too General and not isolated to a set of topic individual.

Like I said above this is why I like the Hardforums they subdivide many topics into their specific categories.


Besides that can we also add International warfare and engage in full memetic N, B, C, and C warfare. Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Conventional memetic enforcement strike packages.

Get more International memetic weapons technologies like Libya meme from 2011 where the several things Libya will never see ever again due to the enemy murdering Ghadaffi and his great nation now turned into a cuckstate for Kalergification plans.
DawStarlight said:
A bit late to the party, but I would really like a proper yoga section.

With how popular yoga is, it's very easy to stumble upon misinformation and fake gurus. There are JoS recommended sites of course, but it would be great to have several different routines hand picked by seasoned JoS yogis.
All of these can be done.
It is actually very good that most things proposed here are on the agenda for the future, and there is work being done.

A good thing to think over with one's self is how everyone can also personally contribute or help in these recommendations, so we can build these on a community level.
Bogow said:
3) VERY IMPORTANT: explain and give alternative economic models that do not take into account enemy control over the finances of the entire planet. At the moment, economic theory is oversaturated with Jews and is often completely unsuitable for enriching and understanding people. The functioning of banking, loans, etc., are Jewish instruments of enslavement through debt. Many people omit because they do not see how it can be done differently. This is a big goal and I understand that this cannot be done in a couple of evenings, perhaps there is knowledge on this issue, but I have not heard about them, in any case, I think that doing this would be a serious success.

I agree with this. I've spent my time over the years researching NS economy. For example modernizing NS Econ or alternative Econ. For example Parallel Economies like crypto or Stripe or things Don Bongino helped start up i.e. Parallel Economies. In other words as one person put it Parallel everything.

We've discussed this a number of times. Nothing to extreme in depth but enough that people can implement stuff. For example elimination of inflation, sure some inflation 1-3% could be leveraged to prevent companies from amassing wealth and buying without any negatives i.e. inflation. But loans for example as HP.Cobra and Stormblood mentioned on loans you take out money you sign a contract make it a few decades fair game. For example I've theorized C.O.I.P. Cognizance of Interest Payment.

You sign a contract for 100,000 dollars. You pay the down payment say 8,000 dollars and on top of that you add assurance to the bank by paying the interest hence COIP as an additional backing that you are a serious repayer and the bank will accept the interest capital as that is the financial gain. I don't know what a fair interest rate is up to 10% as Nazism states anything past 10% is usury. But you pay the down payment AND IF you want you pay off the interest right away to sweeten the deal and then you use the 100,000K and pay it back over 25 years. You pay it off maybe 3 years later since your business is booming and that is perfectly fine. No shekelberging shit like early payment punishment or whatever. You pay it off your golden thank you come again.

COIP is used in case the bank doesn't trust you or anything. Griffith in his Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. Does make a strong case for private banking. Instead of having the FDIC as a bail out I've theorized we can use the FDIC as a central government location that stores from all banks the financial pay people give to the bank. The insurance payment so the bank can cover stolen/lost money. For example Griffith mentiones and it's pretty good you pay an insurance fee a bit of money and if the bank fails your money the insurance fund gets pulled out and they cover the costs.

Also mentions uses of LYB, MYB, and HYB; Low-, Medium-, and High- Yield Bonds. 3.5%, 7.5%, and 14.5%. Banks in the 80s were making a killing on HYB that Drexler and White created. So-called Junk bonds by the elites and the enemy to berg and stein this to prevent banks from making money. They purposefully crashed the HYB market to rake it in at pennies on the dollar then stabilize, rebound, and poof berged and steined shekels of millions and billions of dollars in financial securities. Interesting system that HYB even the lower yields seem reasonable.

Historyreviewed does speak on Feder Bonds 4% back bonds for the Government to fund anything. You put down 18,000 dollars and you get 4% back so Hitler funded the war entirely with his people's money i.e. Germany and Germans only.

We've discussed backings for example Gold standard is nice but does constrict growth especially for war. Russia changed the Ruble to Gold. For example backings of Precious Metals, Infrastructure, Labor(big one here), E.O.T.M.O.E.(Exchange of the Medium of Exchange) (i.e. force multiplication of financial transactions empowering a citizen financially even a coin even a penny is POWERFUL in NSEcon), Bonds, Feder Bonds, Private Market Exchanges, crypto, etc.etc. so forth.

Crypto is great and all but there needs to be improvements for example Monero and other privacy focused. Proof of Work rather than Stake, imagine even smartphone apps with crypto PoW luck based gaining a person in India 7 dollars for a transaction that is huge for such person. Even Africans in Africa got crypto easier to get than the dollar.

For example Stormblood mentioning elimination of tax payment on gambling wins and lottery. That can be abused by people declaring gambling wins but we as foolish as this sounds use the honor and trust system and with tax remodulation i.e. reconstructing a better tax system hopefully people don't cheat the system.

I also believe we should reform tax laws completely and maybe ensure that taxes are so fair it's not WHY should I be robbed like Libertarians who believe taxing citizens is state sponsored robbery. But WHY NOT?

WHY NOT pay it helps my nation. In other words make it so fair you feel guilty not helping your nation.

For example PMEX, Private Market Exchanges. Basically Luddite technology as the Luddites wanted to implement something along the lines of a PMEX. In fact studying the Luddites they sound like British National Socialists of the era of the industrial and electrical revolutions.

https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-future-encyclopedia-of-luddism Despite a clickbaity system i.e. pocket. I did get inspired to do research on Luddites reading this and other things. It seems they are disenfranchised workers who value things if they work right and are safe and are basically Britonic NS before the NS or Knuffjen's 1911 NS Swedish Government. Reading this article and even the futura theorycrafting. Shows these Luddites are not in any way, shape, or form wanting the exploitation and deplorable conditions to exist rather improve on it. Not like Hitler did with factories and other work places even with Unions(Mein Kampf Explains Hitler's main view on Unions; Dr.Dalton's '39 version I still haven't read Ford but did read the 40% E.T.S. Dugdale the Dugdale contains nothing in depth on Unions). And as well as councils inside the workplace basically Human Resources and changing offices I believe they set term limits of once every 3 months a new worker election to establish the council to help the company.

Private Markets allow workers to own shares of a company along with investors a contract in PMEX lasting years with a grace period at least some time working before being given stock options. Your not going to BUY the company as your not the owners but can own shares of the company and be part owners later to sell. Look up CartaX on youtube they recently did a reimage of their company and it's awful the minimalist black and white dullness of their creativity. I like the old CartaX design. PMEX is certainly a very useful financial security of the future. Anti-speculative if anything it works off the growth and structure of the company the company gets bigger the more options there are for you.


PMEX isn't perfect the system in place i.e. tax laws capital gains and other taxes are just so terrible that we need a complete rewrite of the tax codes. Sorta like Herman Cain's 999 plan(9% capital gains, 9% income, and 9% something I forgot) the 999 plan. It would work if the tax system was overhauled and not a financial berging and steining of the population of the U.S. or any other country just to try and run the country with interest-debt system.

Implementations of Economic theorycrafting i.e. Brain storming. Implementation of education on various tube sites for example despite calling it Controlled Capitalism HistoryReviewed on Bitchute does mention NS economic properties with Germany almost displacing the U.S. in GDP by 1938. 1937 inflation dropped a bit and people made a lot of GDP and in 1938 inflation rose but it was the best GDP of Germany nearly surpassing the U.S. just a tad more and the U.S. would have been displaced. HistoryReviewed calls it Controlled Capitalism in other words anti-Laiasse Faire Capitalism. Could be an interesting strike package to get National Socialism going. I prefer calling it Regulated Capitalism. Controlled sounds odd almost totalitarian it needs an Authoritarian principle.


I sound a bit communistic sounding like a subverter of Nation-State economy but if Capitalism is the best we got now a days might as well regulate and fix it up.

Also our members have mega folders with information on NS stuff. For example the NS Economy is neither planned nor free market but a combination of both. It's called Directing Economy, think like Starcraft or any other economy game whereby you optimize your builds and economy for playing the game. It doesn't do planned but does plan stuff and it doesn't do free market so you out produce your competitors and power bomb others into submission and become the only game in town.

I'd also like to view the works of Walther Funk and his economic actions when Hitler wanted him to work out the details.

Obviously the system is German Socialism hell even Spenglerian(Oswald Spengler's) Prussian Socialism isn't bad.

As one of my foolish family members state "Nazism is communism that is nice and that provides some money". If people need to believe that so be it they'll realize soon enough this is a different beast altogether.

It's good to provide economic theorem/theorycrafting/brainstorming pick your memey word. I'd also like to see people involved more with the current economies and doing stuff like stock and crypto trading to make money.

Coofy has really made everything more online hands on and people are making lots of money. Be nice to help some of our speculators even if Speculation is seen as something of a death penalty as NSDAP 25-Point Principle speaks on. NOT Investors no speculators.

But we do have to berg and stein and not let the enemy berg and stein. Think Gamestop rebellion 2021.

So not just crafting of NSE and alternative economies but also how to work our current economies.

The fact of the matter is speculation is simply gambling without the mob breaking your legs over debt.

Still it's the system in place and it should be abused to the fullest to play the game.

Other warnings like Credit and Credit Cards. Stormblood and others agreed credit needs to go. Look at Ray Dalios 2012 video on Money vs Credit. There WAS back then approximately 3-5 trillion in money but 50.4 trillion in credit. Even mentions briefly how a nation uses it's GDP in a creditless civilization to work the elevation of it's people. Credit systems pump up the economy but your only as strong as your weakest link. Credit can powerbomb your economy and do things like interest rate adjustment and whatnot. Again that is speaking from the enemies system.

Anyways I can go all day and theorize and whatnot but you get the picture. Good you brought it up. I'd like to see JoS be more active with the physical World and as HP.Cobra said "Connect with the higher goals of financial security and changes to society. Just as the enemy uses it's magick and elevates it's people to connect with the higher realms to bring this stuff down to the ground level. [Paraphrasing of course]

HP.Cobra: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=79249

Connect with the higher and lower principles. Bring it down to Earth.

Although by saying that people will tell me we are exposing ourselves and endangering ourselves. Yep that's the sad reality but if you can hide it and still do it more power to you.

Money is power as the boost mobile commercial states.
DawStarlight said:
A bit late to the party, but I would really like a proper yoga section.

With how popular yoga is, it's very easy to stumble upon misinformation and fake gurus. There are JoS recommended sites of course, but it would be great to have several different routines hand picked by seasoned JoS yogis.

Hello :)

I have been told this is in the making, with some info from my yoga posts. Link in my signature, it will take you to a page of more yoga posts.
I will also add, beside expanding the information on the website regarding Healing Magick and Astrology, also adding more in information on Sex Magick. The info on JoS about that is too little. If I learnt enough about Tantra when I first read the JoS website, I would have reaped great benefits for years.

Moreover, why not include lessons and information on Tarot cards?
Osiris Silvio said:
There are those GIF of meditations done by a JoS member in here. I think such visuals can be added to the website to make visualization easier. Using such technology in general can be helpful.

I know some members who are clairvoyant have painted pictures of the Gods. Why don't we offer more realistic portraits of the Gods, if possible?

The Healing Magick on the website can be more elaborated. On the Forums there is more information, much of which is invaluable, than there is on the website regarding healing magic and different topics...

Also, the lessons on Astrology (4 so far) can be further expanded and added to the website. They are extremely helpful.

My third answer:
Fix the false information on the website. Belial is not a seraph and the Seraphim are the reptilians. On the website, you can explain better about the aliens, and give proof that the serpahim are reptilians.
I hate that name about Satan. because, this is cursed name by another side(jews). I just like that name become a change as Enki.

As time passed people is know about Enki but, so many christians believe Enki as yahweh...

So I like call him as Enki. but if you has plan, then i can trust you..

OFCOURSE, I will call him as Enki yet.
You made different background page!!!!!!! very thangs!!!

This is real Yin-Yang and Five-Elements. you has wife right??? actually right was and or first. And now light is first like bigbang.

I was comment about name of satan. I was forgot where i posted this post or another page. Thank you. . .
I forget this article. maybe another article posted before my reply now. i like more black background and white color article. Because as i mentioned to another article about light is first. but we can see sun more bright when dark background. You know, dark is not evil(maybe this word is come to diva and become a more as devil)always.
Big Dipper said:
1, we had a sermon on the greek gods on how each god represented masculinity, I would really like to hear one for femininity too.

I've actually been looking for that sermon. Not to post off-topic but could you link me?

Thanks a lot, Sibling.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=401298 time=1669186595 user_id=57]
DawStarlight said:
A bit late to the party, but I would really like a proper yoga section.

With how popular yoga is, it's very easy to stumble upon misinformation and fake gurus. There are JoS recommended sites of course, but it would be great to have several different routines hand picked by seasoned JoS yogis.

Hello :)

I have been told this is in the making, with some info from my yoga posts. Link in my signature, it will take you to a page of more yoga posts.

Thank you Lydia, that's good to know.
The varius "rituale" warnerd 2/3 days before for see it withouth jump days for Who do not log every day
Will there be rituals for solely making JoS much more popular with people? Rituals to reach greater exposure?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

SS has helped me realized more of my strengths and my reawakening of faith and spiritualism within me, that Christianity was not doing so much for me. That through my Personal Demon and by Father satan, I have make great strides in my Higher Education at College and am about to Graduate and Transfer to University. While also realizing that my toxic roommate Crystal Irene Blackman, is really just a evil piece of trash. That has been using my former Foster family. with also realizing that I didn't ever have to be ashamed of my Interest that everyone will an Obsession (due to lying Jews shrinks), with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as evil or a bad thing abuot me that needs t be fixed with meds therapy, or go recieve that retard Jesus. I think SS can do a great benifit to others who finally realiz tat ss and Satan are mre better and helpful t others growth like they are for me. Then what Christianity or other jewish programs do towards others. I do see others now as not awaken yet, but can and might be awakened n their own time too. If they choose. think this is so important to me that people realize this, so they can achieve more things in thier own lives. What I would want to see more of from jos is more power meditations, and also to see more articles that have to do with common issues of our world. That can help tse wo might be taken advantage of my the jews and their systmes. Like with the jewish inventions of like the fostercare systmes. and also how ur society like to get fools to see cripples as difensless good nice people, but in reality some of them i have come across like crystal irene blackman are evil, using, abusive people, that just drain your time, energy and money, and just rip you off all the time. yet ill keep calling you Hitler and tat you shoudl do stuff for them since they are christian, and receive jesus as your lord and savior. totla bs from these people. that wuld be great for so many people i know that might need a new religion that can awaken them to people like that ouse mate of mine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

SS has helped me realized more of my strengths and my reawakening of faith and spiritualism within me, that Christianity was not doing so much for me. That through my Personal Demon and by Father satan, I have make great strides in my Higher Education at College and am about to Graduate and Transfer to University. While also realizing that my toxic roommate Crystal Irene Blackman, is really just a evil piece of trash. That has been using my former Foster family. with also realizing that I didn't ever have to be ashamed of my Interest that everyone will an Obsession (due to lying Jews shrinks), with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as evil or a bad thing abuot me that needs t be fixed with meds therapy, or go recieve that retard Jesus. I think SS can do a great benifit to others who finally realiz tat ss and Satan are mre better and helpful t others growth like they are for me. Then what Christianity or other jewish programs do towards others. I do see others now as not awaken yet, but can and might be awakened n their own time too. If they choose. think this is so important to me that people realize this, so they can achieve more things in thier own lives. What I would want to see more of from jos is more power meditations, and also to see more articles that have to do with common issues of our world. That can help tse wo might be taken advantage of my the jews and their systmes. Like with the jewish inventions of like the fostercare systmes. and also how ur society like to get fools to see cripples as difensless good nice people, but in reality some of them i have come across like crystal irene blackman are evil, using, abusive people, that just drain your time, energy and money, and just rip you off all the time. yet ill keep calling you Hitler and tat you shoudl do stuff for them since they are christian, and receive jesus as your lord and savior. totla bs from these people. that wuld be great for so many people i know that might need a new religion that can awaken them to people like that ouse mate of mine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

I think that we need to see more about crystals and their properties
I want to remind you of the new icon of the site, there is a circle around the Baphomet star. I hope you correct it
Jackie Puppet said:
Many people may be afraid to say it but we need more updates and transparency regarding HPS Maxine and her current/future status.

Your Definitely a creepin kike troll people like you are retarded and extremely foolish the level of demise and destruction you would all be met with by satan and his demons for even dare trying to do or
wish any ILL intent on hp Maxine well
All I can say is if your at all wondering if satan and his demons exist then that's a bad way to find out
just how real they are... some people only learn the hard way
I want to remind you of the new icon of the site, there is a circle around the Baphomet star. I hope you correct it
I know this may be off topic, as I am a (newbie) in that I discovered Father Satan 2 and a 1/2 months ago and realized that my whole 58 and 7 month's of exsistence has been a fraud and a lie..

This JOS Ministry has been a blessing too me. I have never been cared for as much as Father Satan and his Demon's have shown me.. what with the fact my soul was basically swiss cheese due to the year's of programming.. I am a work in progress.. And Great and Mighty Satan is O.k with that and understand's me..

I will continue to skin these kike's alive with the RTR's. oh how i hate them with a passion and i will surely die, because i will not go quietly into that cold winter night..

I love all of you H.P and SS brother's and sister's...
On a side note: H.P. I was at walmart today getting my Reverse osmosis water like i usually do, but today was different. as I was standing at the machine waiting for my bottle's to fill up a(brother) and i use that name loosely walked by about 5 ft away and we kind of made eye contact for a minute, I alway's wear my Baphomet necklace on me now.. anyway as he walked past I felt a surge of energy like i never felt before and it was better than a orgasam, if i might be so direct... His Aura was strong.. I don't want to sound weird or anything, but i really could feel a positive energy.. Please tell me i"m not crazy..

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What Do You Want To See From JoS?
I think we as a community definitely need to "mature" more spiritually so in the future we can have a better understanding based on a lot more experience of how to fix life issues with spirituality, given that there were endless cases of people needing help with finding jobs, with health issues, social issues and everything else. Eventually there can be a section or something on JoS dedicated only to spiritual advice to material issues, like the ones above, a section to contain only practical experience of experienced members.

However this is not something that "JoS" can do but each of us individually must get more advanced and more experienced spiritually as time goes. The stronger we are individually, the stronger JoS will get. And the stronger we will get, we can accomplish bigger and more important plans. I don't know how many satanists are advancing steadily but there are many who get stuck on the same level for years. This is something that should be identified and dealt with, like find out why and where are many members getting stuck so correct advice can be applied for them to overcome and grow out of these issues.

I think is more or less a similar pattern, in the sense that many Satanists don't manage to project astrally, or to open their astral senses to see and hear in astral and to communicate with the Gods. This is a conclusion based on the years of observing the posts and it seems here is where many people are getting stuck, because if they could advance enough to hear the Gods, it would become easier from there on because the Guardian Demon/ess of each Satanist can guide them from that point on.

jrvan said:
I would like to eventually see cooperation between politicians and the JoS, politicians openly engaging with and seeking guidance from JoS clergy (both for the purpose of decision making and properly guiding society, and also their own spirituality and understanding). And society protecting the JoS and keeping jews away from it and preventing jewish infiltration.
Within the current politics, top politicians have "advisors" that supposedly "help" them take decisions, I am saying supposedly because for the big and powerful countries, these "advisors" are the people of the jews who most likely represent a sort of link or conduit between the big jewish families and the top politicians, and for the smaller and weaker countries the "advisors" are the people of the big and powerful countries who infiltrated the smaller ones to get them under their influence, and therefore under the influence of the jews.

This could be one way there can be connection and communication between JoS and politicians, for the clergy or the most advanced SS to become "advisors" of top politicians. However this is something that could be considered for the current political frame but it is likely the "democracy" that at this moment is just a nonsense will fall and be replaced with better systems. I am saying democracy is a nonsense because the word etymologically means "the power of the people" but in reality in most countries nowadays people have no power. They are given to choose some politicians from lists made by the jews and when these politicians are getting the power, they are executing what the jews say and not what their people want.

This is why I think "democracy" as we see it today will probably fall together with the jews and be replaced either with a "proper" democracy where the masses do have more power, or with a system that is not based on elections but on other laws, maybe something like National Socialism. I find it hard for a politician in the current system to understand the reality of Satanism in order to accept a Spiritual Satanist advisor given that the majority of politicians are culpable weak degenerates who can at any time be judged and imprisoned.

Artanis said:
I'd like to see Us going physical "again" (ie 3rd Reich)

Could you write a sermon about when this could happen, what it entails(how small or big are we going to start, do we members of the Joy of Satan get any spots(in the physical work), or is it just for the "VIP" members of the JOS(Singular Gentile satanists in already high positions of the world)
As far as the war against the jews is concerned, we do have a major advantage from the fact that we are anonymous compared to NS Germany, where the top Nazis were known and it was a lot easier for the jews to plot against them. There was a government and the jews used other powerful governments to attack and destroy it. There is no comparison though between a government with millitary and resources and an online spiritual organization, however is impossible for the jews to eliminate each one of us for this reason of having anonymity.

Where are the Spiritual Satanists? Catch them if you can, they can be anyone and anywhere. When we walk down the street to work or to supermarket we might go past Spiritual Satanists without realizing, is impossible to know. This is why this sort of invisible enemy like us is extremely dangerous to the jews, because they can't do shit against us. They can only attack what they can see, which are the forums and the sites, and they do this endlessly. The fact that we can afford to be anonymous nowadays is a huge advantage and not something to be renounced or discarded.

Also for what it entails for satanists to meet physically, definitely the jews must be dealt with, so they can have no power to find or harm us. That is the very first priority before any physical meeting can take place.

blackwizard said:
i want the main JOS website to be fully translated into ARABIC
The site is being currently translated into Arabic, any Arabic native Satanist can join. I think Osiris Silvio was interested as well, I will quote him to see this.

Henu the Great said:
I would like to see people operating for JoS in official capacity, and getting paid for it.
I think this would require JoS as an official religion or religious organization to get some form of stable and longterm income, maybe in the same way christianity gets money from governments. Maybe in the future after the jews are dealt with, on grounds of religious freedom, if christianity or other religions can get money from governments, we might as well grow enough to be in this position of obtaining such funds, and very rightfully compared to any other "religion".
What JoS did for me.

To be honest JoS first and foremost gave me answers to mostly everything I could ever ask. All my life I was into investigation of the occult and was always attracted to another worlds. I was interested in both Goetic grimoires and Paganism, one attracted me because there were persons of Demons that are most attractive to me at all in life. Other — by definition of Justice and opportunity to escape from the so hated abrahamist programs that I could not hear about without disgust and sickness. My only problem was that all so desired information about Demons was put together with extremely hostile attitude to them and horrible treatment of them that no decent person is able to. If you notice internet has forums where people (who did not yet found Satan) are literally seeking for creating relationship with Demons in friendlier ways asking questions how to befriend instead of «how to use / subdue» because they intuitively realize that what is provided in the mainstream is a spiritual crime. In those forums some are kike agents teaching people to insult our Gods, others are useless pieces of crap seeking only to use our Gods for improving their own little life. And the best people are sincerely interested in the other worlds and their creatures and seek true friendship and bonds. I was one of those seekers and in one of those forums I got link to JoS and this is how I found it. Here I got the answer to the question of all my life: how to build relationship with Gods, how to approach them in respectful way they accept and how to please them. I got answers to many other questions but this one was, is and will stay forever of the most crucial importance to me.

The other important matter. I got my purpose. This is not only my experience here. A lot of SS say the same: Hitler himself found his purpose he came for when he found Satan again in this life. First and foremost I speak here about finding the profession of the dream, but this can include some more aspects such as special role in Satanism and JoS itself. Gods and Father Satan himself bring us to what will benefit us the most and make us the most happy which for many is a right profession. For so many lifetimes we were cut from our potentials, dreams, forced into unwanted paths which made us unhappy and stagnated. Now in the century of seemingly freedom and independence we still bear the burden of karmic seeds of forced marriages, unwanted pregnancies, forced choice of unwanted fates and related. By freeing our souls here we return to our roots and naturally and by the guidance of Gods come to what is really desirable, correct lifestyles and paths. Reclaiming yourself is a great gift of Satanism unavailable anywhere else.

Other important thing is giving one a true friend. Unfortunately, relationship is the most fucked most problematic and most jewed thing in today world. I had worst disadvantage to see how fates got ruined through use of the most powerful of all human’s instincts - trust and love to other human being. While the online place is by definition the most dangerous to use for building any relationship, JoS granted me such people as HPs Maxine and HP Hooded Cobra 666 relationship with whom really changed my life to the better. Though even their single example would have been enough, Satan granted me their answers and attention which is complete miracle for those who understand what it is. Right now while I know far beyond my merits of where HPs Maxine is now, I am shocked and literally astonished at one thought I have shared emails with her. This is pure fantastic and science fiction at best if looked upon for what it is. She and HP Hooded Cobra 666 opened me things beyond my understanding. Having relationship with a higher being is an experience after which you literally need nothing else from this world. Let alone relationship with Gods if human has ever built one they seek no one from this world, ever.

Gods did mass of things for me that I asked them for, from health to career, from protection to building a desired friendships or getting desired answer. They literally took care of me 24/7 and still see that I am not endangered and all my needs are met.

I wish I could tell here a story of one complete miracle but I can’t yet. Some story of literal miracle of what JoS do to people I hope to be able to tell later.

What I wish to say the last, and I think many members despite of how old they are can say also and this is probably the most important – JoS gives potential, the dream, the possibility of something greater to occur. Something that is not yet there, but CAN be there, and this “CAN” is what was not before and what Satanism brings. JoS gives a chance of things to happen that were seen as totally impossible all way before. This includes all kind of miracles bible only promises and never does. Satanism is like a more-dimensional world where things that are impossible in less dimensions are now possible. Godhead being one of those things.

Thanks to those who are behind this, including Gods and future Gods, and let it be I am able to somewhen pay back!

Hail Satan!
Henu the Great said:
I would like to see people operating for JoS in official capacity, and getting paid for it.

People working for the JoS are working for Satan in equivalent.
We are working for this super powerful Being, that is experiencing everything in this world at once at a very profound and deep level, while are only perceiving a tiny fraction of what is really in his Power. This gives me goosebumps.
It is mesmerizing and freezes me deeply to realize this, I even can not specifically explain what I am refering to, or what it causes me to feel.

Therefore, no payment is needed and/or necessary, as Father Satan's wish is our wish, and Satan wishes only the best for Humanity and his Children overall. So in a sense, when you work for Satan, you work for yourself and your own future, in a way or another.
Altho not needed, Satan indeed appreciates your commitment and infact rewards all those who work under his will and supervision.
The Joy of Satan is not an ordinary organisation, it is the only house of Satan.
All the money that comes to the Joy of Satan, should not go into fragile personal benefits, but should be invested into Satan's cause, and for expansion and maintainance of the Truth and house of Satan.
Zammel said:
The varius "rituale" warnerd 2/3 days before for see it withouth jump days for Who do not log every day

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This is a very good point. Is it possible to create an Email distributor?
So people can subscribe to it, and get notifications whenever a new schedule is being released.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

many things came to my mind. It is interesting to observe the lack of unity of the white race in general around the world. how the levels of alienation and confusion of this race (my race) are so high. I am very worried about the survival of the white race, because I will certainly need to reincarnate to finish my magnus opus in a while, reincarnating genetically cleaner in a more Germanic body or similar. Europe should be a welcoming mother to gentile whites the world over, whites with acceptable levels of whiteness of course, but unfortunately, this is not the case.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?
Big Dipper said:
OuroborphicMystery said:
Big Dipper said:
1, we had a sermon on the greek gods on how each god represented masculinity, I would really like to hear one for femininity too.

I've actually been looking for that sermon. Not to post off-topic but could you link me?

Thanks a lot, Sibling.

I think this is it :D https://web.archive.org/web/20170722122316/http:/josministries.prophpbb.com/topic16239.html#p80745

Yes. This is it. Finally. I have sporadically looked for this many times over the years. I just hadn't entertained that it would be left on the old forums destroyed by the kikes.
Thank you very much, Brother.
The biggest step forth to the JoS would be that they start to deal with Qliphoth, Sephiroth, and kabbalistic magic. In case, you guys already did because of the "runic kabalah" and "Kabalistic Squares". There is not just only one form of the Kabbalistic magic. People recreated, and corrected it. Also the Sephiroth and the Qliphoth is a worldview that is seems to be valid in my opinion, they simply deals with dimensions, spheres, and stuff. There is no way that they are not in contact with demons, and so they are, how the fuck they didn't tell them that what they are doing is blasphemous, and self harming. They write a lot of gnosis about demonic being, and they do artwork of them, so how wouldn't they be in contact with them. I tried one of *don't advertise* evocational mantra, and it was very powerfull and worked very well. Yet i don't have good astral senses but i felt the demon's energy very strongly. So JoS have to take that step to be the best resource, and to have 1 billion followers by the end of the decade. This is not a hate speech against JoS, I just want JoS to be better. Also my english may not to be the best :) .
I would really like to see attention would also be paid to the petals of the chakras.
The central core(Bija)mantras there is information and even audio material on the website,but no one seems to want to deal with the petals,or just because it's not that important?

Here is an one example
I cannot decide for sure,is it right or not?
Of course I tried it, but I didn't feel anything,but that does not mean that the vibration of the man in the video is completely wrong,maybe I'm the only one who is so spiritually blocked, or maybe my astral sensitivity is not right.

I remember,that Maxine wrote in one of her writings about the mantra,to vibrate the mantras syllable by syllable.
But here, for example, the petals of the root chakra consist of only one syllable, so if I understand correctly, they have to be vibrated together.

This is how he vibrates the mantras in the video.

Or would it be better to vibrate them like this?
Alright I'm slowly figuring this out, as far as replying and utilizing the format more effectively or not. I already have a post on here about Temples and gathering. However I would also like to see insight into the Japanese Gods. Maybe some discussion on the countries long history and their connection with the Chinese pantheon. ( Which if I'm not mistaken originated in India before being inherited by these cultures that would create civilizations ).
I also request the opportunity to speak with the the senior clergy, as far as reflection, relation, insight. I also have questions I would only Trust to discuss with my seniors. One such topic involves potential connections to ancient figures as far back as Babylonia and Mesopotamia. I know Im new to the forum and however I've been awakened for more than 5 years not as much as some and more than others. As my peers and fellow Childeren of Truth I thank you for your time. I Hail to Father Satan Forever and Always with all of my Heart and Soul.
What JoS did for me. Part 2- Service

Most idiots think that to serve is something useless and burdening. One of the greatest things I thank my Gods for is granting me a possibility to serve – through translations, website building etc. those who think that “Satanism is for selfish use” such as just getting everything of the JoS magic section, attracting someone / something etc, they are FOOLS, because nothing can be more rewarding than giving and serving and it turns to be a literal treasure.

Just sat and thought what important points I did not write in my previous reply here:

- my intellect and learning ability grew and through service I learned numerous most wonderful things that helped me in my life

- through translation of various Nazi material JoS guided my political and social views into the right direction

- I learned so many wonderful things, so many dreams of my youth are not anymore an “utopia” but a possibility of reality, not anymore a science fiction. JoS opened me the veil under which ttrye reality is covered and so many new hopes came.

- (it’s the part of the previous one) JoS taught me to avaluate things for what they are, trashing the dross and appreciating and concentrating on those things that deserve appreciation and concentration on

- JoS introduced me into such completely miracluous things such as astrology and TCM for example that literally saves lives, preserves organs and did miracles for me

- JoS opened me a new deeper understanding of so many occult books I collected throughout my life and never understood before

- JoS gave me a totally different deeper understanding of science and art

- JoS gave me an opportunity to heal life long pains spiritual and physical

Just to point the few.

What I can tell also regarding my service is that whatever I took to translate or to serve in different way, I developed from it: I read the most interesting books while translating I would not read other way, I learned computer making websites, I got closer to my own culture and roots seeking Satanic information on them for the Russian forum, I got answers on so many tormenting questions trying to answer them to others. I always saw this mystical return of all my services.

Rewards are not always about material egocentric crap kikes usually offer, in Satanism you can hope for some way better things such as deeper understanding of a valuable subject or knowing way more thus being more protected through your knowledge which is priceless. Growing out of your ego of the yesterday is an extremely beautiful spiritual concept about the nature of our mind producing for us our reality.

For me nothing has been more rewarding experience than showing altruism to Satanism. This is really a two ways street.
As I think about it more and maybe I have missed it on this thread here somewhere but a section for spirit animals including insects as well as mythical creatures and symbolisms such as flowers, plants, different terrains, climates and signs and what not. This can definitely and easily appeal to many people as this is already a big thing for many seeking spirituality.
AFODO said:
The biggest step forth to the JoS would be that they start to deal with Qliphoth, Sephiroth, and kabbalistic magic. In case, you guys already did because of the "runic kabalah" and "Kabalistic Squares". There is not just only one form of the Kabbalistic magic. People recreated, and corrected it. Also the Sephiroth and the Qliphoth is a worldview that is seems to be valid in my opinion, they simply deals with dimensions, spheres, and stuff. There is no way that they are not in contact with demons, and so they are, how the fuck they didn't tell them that what they are doing is blasphemous, and self harming. They write a lot of gnosis about demonic being, and they do artwork of them, so how wouldn't they be in contact with them. I tried one of *don't advertise* evocational mantra, and it was very powerfull and worked very well. Yet i don't have good astral senses but i felt the demon's energy very strongly. So JoS have to take that step to be the best resource, and to have 1 billion followers by the end of the decade. This is not a hate speech against JoS, I just want JoS to be better. Also my english may not to be the best :) .

Greetings, thanks for your comment, I take it you are an external reader from the Left Hand Path. That's great to open a conversation here.

No, because all of this is actually jewish or stemming from jewish misrepresentations of the Demons. So called "Kabbalistic" such as in the Squares, are only number formations and do not have to do with Hebrew or the wider "Kabbalah". They are sourced from the formed squares that were used commonly in the past, and are not related to Hebrew, but are numerological squares jews took too.

In regards to the "worlds" and so on, these are generally Neoplatonic ideals [corrupted in Judaism], so they do not offer that much in the case of functionality.

In the Joy of Satan knowledge we get far more than a manifestation. But because most people do not know what to expect, anything will do. That happens frequently in the LHP where people don't really understand a lot, ie, anything that happens they think its a big deal.

In regards to what you mention [please do not advertise people on the forum], these people you mention can tap into things. Many people in the LHP do indeed tap into certain things, but through the jewish lenses, the Gods do not take them seriously. Getting a manifestation from a blasphemous perspective is not that much crediting to success.

If one is very serious about demonology and wanting to befriend the Gods, one can try the JoS system and stick to it. We are also improving all areas as time goes.

88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
I would really like to see attention would also be paid to the petals of the chakras.
The central core(Bija)mantras there is information and even audio material on the website,but no one seems to want to deal with the petals,or just because it's not that important?

The Petals of the chakras are powers incumbent in the chakra, which are also worked on when you work on the actual chakra. For that reason we did not consider this "as necessary". A lot of complex yoga past a point creates a sense of false knowledge, ie, one loses the meaning to compensate for "information".

The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What Do You Want To See From JoS?

I think we as a community definitely need to "mature" more spiritually so in the future we can have a better understanding based on a lot more experience of how to fix life issues with spirituality, given that there were endless cases of people needing help with finding jobs, with health issues, social issues and everything else. Eventually there can be a section or something on JoS dedicated only to spiritual advice to material issues, like the ones above, a section to contain only practical experience of experienced members.

However this is not something that "JoS" can do but each of us individually must get more advanced and more experienced spiritually as time goes. ...

Actually yes. That's why in all these years, I rather provide functional advice or "wake up" advice, which is actually the most spiritual advice, compared to nonsense, which often-times looks fancy, but provides nothing.

I realize what you mean strongly here. I will insist on going on certain subjects that have to do with specific knowledge, on the categories mentioned. This is part of real development.

Stolas216 said:
I want to remind you of the new icon of the site, there is a circle around the Baphomet star. I hope you correct it

I think that was corrected on the latest logo update? I'll check. Thank you.

morgana said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

I think that we need to see more about crystals and their properties

Greetings Morgana. Yes, it's incoming. There will be a section for this.

Osiris Silvio said:
Fix the false information on the website. Belial is not a seraph and the Seraphim are the reptilians. On the website, you can explain better about the aliens, and give proof that the serpahim are reptilians.

All of the words "Seraphim, Cherubim" and all of these, have to do with the rank of an entity, not a species. The "Seraph" has to do with fiery serpents, often-times related to the Gods as they are called "The Blazing ones".

Some of the Gods are actually on this rank that is called the "Seraphim", and others are the "Cheruvim".

Cherubim is actually from Keruv which goes back to Akkadian, related to the word of the "Blessing". Generally all of these terms are actually Mesopotamian, but the jews have perverted these to no end. These do not have to do with reptilians, just spiritual rank.

People who had no clue called them "Reptilians" as the Seraphim have to do with Blazing Serpents and they call anything that is called a Serpent a "Reptilian". That is not so. Many of our Gods are on the highest ranks. These titles for these rankings do go back into Akkad and Sumeria, but they have been ruined now with enemy meaning.

To avoid confusion I will upload a new section that is clear from jewish shit on the site, to clarify these and give a better overview on how this goes.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
I would really like to see attention would also be paid to the petals of the chakras.
The central core(Bija)mantras there is information and even audio material on the website,but no one seems to want to deal with the petals,or just because it's not that important?

Here is an one example
I cannot decide for sure,is it right or not?
Of course I tried it, but I didn't feel anything,but that does not mean that the vibration of the man in the video is completely wrong,maybe I'm the only one who is so spiritually blocked, or maybe my astral sensitivity is not right.

I remember,that Maxine wrote in one of her writings about the mantra,to vibrate the mantras syllable by syllable.
But here, for example, the petals of the root chakra consist of only one syllable, so if I understand correctly, they have to be vibrated together.

This is how he vibrates the mantras in the video.

Or would it be better to vibrate them like this?

To put it simply certain alphabets need letter per letter. Certain alphabets do syllable to syllable.

For example Runes = Letter per letter AAA-LLL-GGG-III-ZZZ. Sanskrit isn't letter sensitive YOU CAN do both nothing wrong but Sanskrit gives you some leeway.

Ex: Sanskrit: Thaur AU version of Thurisaz. TTTHHH-AAA-UUU-RRR.

Notice the TH it can be done as TTT-HHH(a exhaling sound like HAUM) or you vibrate as TTTHHH with your tongue. TH at the middle of your teeth closed. The other one being DH DDD-HHH whereby you vibrate the D and sorta roll it like R and vibrate on the back buckteeth the upper pallet to vibrate DH to produce a DUH like sound vs the ZZZ like sound of TH.

Think of it like doing a Kelchari mudra(Tongue Lock)(Not harm yourself no place your tongue on the top pallet behind your buckteeth and hold it there like when doing Falun Gong or Yoga moves since Yoga is mostly a quiet activity except certain mantras or certain exhalations).

On top of that I believe Maxine mentioned or she replied to someone. Mantras should be done with moderation in the middle. Not too short it doesn't generate as much energy but not too long it makes you out of breath.

Avoid straining the lungs/breath.

For example Vam. IF your doing a color you breath in the color to push in more color.

Then vibrate down the middle. Using 70 maybe 80% of our lungs but don't strain the lungs till our out of breath or stressing our breath your gasping for air.

Breath in 1/3, 2/3, 3/3. Then VVVVVVVV-AAAAAAA-MMMMMM it can even be done as VAN as N and M are double letters like AUM or AUN.

Use most of your breath but don't exceed too much past 70ish-80 or so keep some air and don't strain.

It's okay to stress the M and N as closed mouth vibrations don't use tremendous amounts of air thus hummed sounds with mouth closed such as M or N tongue style making the N sound you CAN extend it.

But still it might mess with your breath awareness of vibration so might as well keep it moderated to the most of the lungs not all of the lungs.

Remember Mantras are also part of the pranayama system just an individual because it's the subtle sounds of the Universal forces. If you use pranayama excessively or too much you can generate issues even we ask for moderation of pranic breath activities.
Bastetisloveme said:
I hate that name about Satan. because, this is cursed name by another side(jews). I just like that name become a change as Enki.

As time passed people is know about Enki but, so many christians believe Enki as yahweh...

So I like call him as Enki. but if you has plan, then i can trust you..

OFCOURSE, I will call him as Enki yet.

Satan is his name. This word means Truth. If you hate his name, this is your own problem and not any problem with the name.
NinRick said:
Henu the Great said:
I would like to see people operating for JoS in official capacity, and getting paid for it.

People working for the JoS are working for Satan in equivalent.
We are working for this super powerful Being, that is experiencing everything in this world at once at a very profound and deep level, while are only perceiving a tiny fraction of what is really in his Power. This gives me goosebumps.
It is mesmerizing and freezes me deeply to realize this, I even can not specifically explain what I am refering to, or what it causes me to feel.

Therefore, no payment is needed and/or necessary, as Father Satan's wish is our wish, and Satan wishes only the best for Humanity and his Children overall. So in a sense, when you work for Satan, you work for yourself and your own future, in a way or another.
Altho not needed, Satan indeed appreciates your commitment and infact rewards all those who work under his will and supervision.
The Joy of Satan is not an ordinary organisation, it is the only house of Satan.
All the money that comes to the Joy of Satan, should not go into fragile personal benefits, but should be invested into Satan's cause, and for expansion and maintainance of the Truth and house of Satan.
Bro, there is nothing fragile about building material wealth and what I want to see is totally reasonable and also inevitable past a point. I must say I am a bit disappointed with this anti-wealth attitude of yours, but it's your right to think whatever you want.
AFODO said:


The Qlippothic Kabbalah http://Www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=3089&p=17839

Satanism and Goetia

Goetic Enns? Fake and Disrespectful, or Legit?
I hope to see organizations like this materialize in face to face communities. To show our faces and lead by example, inspiring others to return to the old gods and resist judeo christian tyranny without fear or shame

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
