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What Do You Want To See From JoS?

Mentorship program.
If they want it, new SS get assigned to experienced SS, which make sure that they advance as fast as possible.

Make a private (or public, why not) section on the forum where mentor and mentee can exchange messages.
I will talk about how the joy of SATAN changed my life. I was a slave. I followed everyone's life concepts (of the people who passed through my life) because I didn't live in reality . I didn't even exist for me. Others chose how to live my life in my place. Because I was not aware of my existence as a real person. I always saw a girl totally different from what I am in reality in my imagination and I belive in that girl, I lived there completely forgetting about the real world. That's how I was from childhood, from a very young age. I lived at the lowest level (imagine a man on the street) and I don't even realize this. My coming to Satanism meant my awakening to reality. My awareness as a real person. That I am actually exist in this world. Not in other worlds. Since I found SATAN, I had an education. An education that I didn' t even receive from my parents they were too busy to educate me. I was a wild one, destroying my life and denigrating me. I denigrate myself a lot and I wasn't even aware of it. Because I was too busy living in an imaginary world. Since I discovered the Joy of SATAN and SATAN Himself, my life has changed in better. I started to take care of myself. I started to care about my life. I started to believe that everything that has life must be protected. I started to do or at least try to do only good things. For me, the clergy Joy of SATAN did what no one was able to do. They did what even my parents were not able to do. They educated me. They rehabilitated a man and put him on his feet. You gave him consciousness. I would like everyone to see the good that you offer. For me... in a world ruled by evil and people without conscience, you are the good. And Joy of SATAN never lied. Everything they said is real. Everything was proven to me. Just... Thank You... Because... The Joy of SATAN and SATAN saved my life. I would like people to see these things. Many children need education. Therefore, the world needs the joy of SATAN and SATAN. And I would like all nations to see the good offered by you.
sshivafr said:
A development of the JoS market would be great for members who offer something, as well as for members who buy / ask.
The jooz make each other work. Why not do the same.

I personally disagree with this one. The reward for those who contribute is that 1. they reward themselves by laying those bricks and building the foundation for everything to come. It all comes back to them. 2. They are further blessed by the Gods. 3. The Clergy and others already provide in the way of all the information they give freely, much of it being fruits of their own meditations and advancement and also their communication with the Gods.

As for services being bought, if the High Priest, for example, was preoccupied with astrology services like he was in the past then just think of all the other things he wouldn't be able to do which he is doing now. His time is freed up for other things that the community needs, as well as managing the warfare and other rituals, many other projects on the side, and everything else he does known and unknown to us. I believe he has also stated that there will be others who will eventually offer astrology services. How all of that will be set up and operated I'm sure will be handled at the appropriate time.

Perhaps I missed something of the meaning of your comment? This is my thoughts based on the way I interpreted it.
jrvan said:
sshivafr said:
A development of the JoS market would be great for members who offer something, as well as for members who buy / ask.
The jooz make each other work. Why not do the same.

I personally disagree with this one. The reward for those who contribute is that 1. they reward themselves by laying those bricks and building the foundation for everything to come. It all comes back to them. 2. They are further blessed by the Gods. 3. The Clergy and others already provide in the way of all the information they give freely, much of it being fruits of their own meditations and advancement and also their communication with the Gods.

As for services being bought, if the High Priest, for example, was preoccupied with astrology services like he was in the past then just think of all the other things he wouldn't be able to do which he is doing now. His time is freed up for other things that the community needs, as well as managing the warfare and other rituals, many other projects on the side, and everything else he does known and unknown to us. I believe he has also stated that there will be others who will eventually offer astrology services. How all of that will be set up and operated I'm sure will be handled at the appropriate time.

Perhaps I missed something of the meaning of your comment? This is my thoughts based on the way I interpreted it.

That will be handled, yes.

Given services and other subjects should be treated separately for clarity of thought. I can no longer give personal services of this manner, because of the time involved. The 1-1 benefit this gives might be immense, but my life exists to help the community on the large scale as much as possible, and only insofar the 1-1 benefit reflects on the community, then I can help.

As time goes, with the amount of knowledge and perception, it becomes difficult to increase the price to a level where it can be a marketed product. So I can no longer market this.

That is why I will only do charts for serious volunteers who are serious about JoS, to give them a great edge in their life, and look after them BECAUSE they help the JoS grow, not as a service. Those who help the JoS and their people in their Nations, with translations etc, or who work in JoS projects.

It's absolutely correct about the situation of mine and other people. I am under a mountain and can unfortunately not do any paid services myself, unless these are large scale or involve some sort of eventual reward for JoS itself. Yet, offering astrology as in the past is very difficult and impossible for the time being and the foreseeable future.

The above involves my individual case or that of others.

But others can and definitely will be able to give services [of the paid kind that are 1-1 person basis benefit, and therefore 1-1 liability for payments], and should actually do this, as they do not have the above schedule nor they need to have it. Especially in the Astrology department. Doing my Natal Chart from HPS Maxine a long time ago, saved me from a lot of grief.

Serious astrologers NEED to do charts for other people to grow into this, and making revenue of a reasonable amount is not a bad idea whatsoever.

They can have happier lives long story short and if one does not have higher and higher time constraints and responsibilities, they should by all measures gain for their help to other SS. With the necessary personal reward and the communal reward, while at the same time helping individuals in the same time.

There are quite a few smart solutions we are going to mobilize for this, so everyone can have maximum gain from this process.

I'll explain more in an appropriate place where the matter will be conversed by those who either donate, or are doing serious volunteer work for JoS.
Florina 22 said:
I will talk about how the joy of SATAN changed my life. I was a slave. I followed everyone's life concepts (of the people who passed through my life) because I didn't live in reality . I didn't even exist for me. Others chose how to live my life in my place. Because I was not aware of my existence as a real person. I always saw a girl totally different from what I am in reality in my imagination and I belive in that girl, I lived there completely forgetting about the real world. That's how I was from childhood, from a very young age. I lived at the lowest level (imagine a man on the street) and I don't even realize this. My coming to Satanism meant my awakening to reality. My awareness as a real person. That I am actually exist in this world. Not in other worlds. Since I found SATAN, I had an education. An education that I didn' t even receive from my parents they were too busy to educate me. I was a wild one, destroying my life and denigrating me. I denigrate myself a lot and I wasn't even aware of it. Because I was too busy living in an imaginary world. Since I discovered the Joy of SATAN and SATAN Himself, my life has changed in better. I started to take care of myself. I started to care about my life. I started to believe that everything that has life must be protected. I started to do or at least try to do only good things. For me, the clergy Joy of SATAN did what no one was able to do. They did what even my parents were not able to do. They educated me. They rehabilitated a man and put him on his feet. You gave him consciousness. I would like everyone to see the good that you offer. For me... in a world ruled by evil and people without conscience, you are the good. And Joy of SATAN never lied. Everything they said is real. Everything was proven to me. Just... Thank You... Because... The Joy of SATAN and SATAN saved my life. I would like people to see these things. Many children need education. Therefore, the world needs the joy of SATAN and SATAN. And I would like all nations to see the good offered by you.

Your comment is most beautiful, thank you for sharing all of this.

This is exactly what Spiritual Satanism is all about.
Well, I thought really had for a day about this topic.
Personally I'm satisfied, instead what come to mind is "what can I do for the JOS". I love this place. Due to my interest in wisdom and power, I sure know I would have been misled, and trapped if not for JOS.
The ways I feel I can help now is through finance. I'm nt that great in this aspect but I'm pushing or struggling.
Struggling probably because of not addressing personal issues yet, for example I missed all sun square workings which would hv made things better.
So I'll apply patience, yet apart of patience, is there knowledge that can give tremendous boost to material power?
I want to do things for the sake of Satan, because I am JOS and JOS is us.

Well, I thought really hard for a day about this topic.
Personally I'm satisfied, instead what come to mind is "what can I do for the JOS". I love this place. Due to my interest in wisdom and power, I sure know I would have been misled, and trapped if not for JOS.
The ways I feel I can help now is through finance. I'm nt that great in this aspect but I'm pushing or struggling.
Struggling probably because of not addressing personal issues yet, for example I missed all sun square workings which would hv made things better.
So I'll apply patience, yet apart of patience, is there knowledge that can give tremendous boost to material power?
I want to do things for the sake of Satan, because I am JOS and JOS is us.

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=400808 time=1668970776 user_id=346]
One idea I have is to expand into other areas that are less spiritual and more practical. Lifestyle guidelines, common sense, etc, all from a Satanic perspective, but not overtly Satanic. Even random wholesome topics like how to grow fresh vegetables! All we need are members who are knowledgeable to write good articles. (This would not result in a decrease in the amount of spiritual knowledge we publish, since that mostly comes from the clergy, and these would be written by ordinary members.)

These sections would serve to expand our reach by attracting people for other reasons, and of course every page would link back to the Joy of Satan. :D

I completely agree, and there is a big thing in store for this.
serpentwalker666 said:
RōmaInvictaDCLXVI said:
... Technical

Honestly I read everything and the exchange and I can only further agree, on both the JoS Related and the world related ideas expressed by both.

The JoS itself too is never at shortage of coders and people who can code. One can always help IMMENSELY with this skill.

If one can help to any extent, e-mail at [email protected] and there are projects already available that people can participate in or start anew.
Since the main goal for the 2030(10-y). As the enemy is doing globalization, we should in fact be doing what the enemy does in globalizing even if those words seem disgusting to many.

As you wish 1 billion known people paying attention.

I'd like to see a Super-SiG.org website.

1. SiG.org host affiliate sites such as Holocaustexposed or JoSAfrica. In other words add subsidiaries maximize SiG. Expansion of SiG.org to any nation. As translation comes online develop the infrastructure. I do like the fact HTML layout of JoS is older. As a former friend said "Sometimes the oldschool geocities like sites hold a treasure trove of information". Plus the older HTML doesn't seem to flashy so even people with crappy internet won't complain.

2. Expand to non-Whites as well so they don't believe like HPs.Shannon; National Socialism isn't a Whites-only organization.

Ex: Kanye(Ye) West, a non-White defending the White race. I'd like to see more racial-nation defend the White race. Which would extend to Whites thinking "holy shit WTF?" Why, Whitey b ebil 'n' debil.

I'd like to see other races push the support of White Power, White Nationality, and White Supremacy in accordance to understanding Power, Nationality, AND Supremacy towards the other races respective to their Racial-Nation ORION/ONIOR aspect. Asian, White, Black, Arabic, Latin, German etc.etc.

I'd like to see more representations by Asians I'd like African's but I can understand not every African is on the internet. I'd like to see more Hindustani/Bangladeshian/Pakistani the tripartite who hate each other come together. Same for the trintrious nations Japan, Korea, and China. Russia, Germany, America. In other words I'd like to see more 2nd/3rd Worlders out there build up a defense force against the enemy and the massive anti-White hate.

3. I'd like to see certain terminologies explained for example. I would love if we can take the word Woke from the enemy and label them asleep or sleepwalkers.

Lulling the Amalek/Goyim to sleep.

How can we redpill someone and turn them right away to Awakened it requires steps even people who are redpilled have a myriad of questions and doubts. I'd like us to take words such as Woke, Liberal, etc.etc. and reverse engineer the enemy.

4. I'd like to see other websites hosted by proxy for example Luciferian Liberation Front was shut down it's archived. I'd like to see Tube style saving.

Multi-Tube, Backup tube technology.

Ex: Andkom's Reich translation of NS technology many save his videos on Bitchute they channel back it and on top of that multi-tube it. So it's not just Andkom himself who is saving the videos but even other people back him up.

I'd like to see a hydra technology come into play. So if the enemy decides to play whack-a-mole there's too much defenses to get through.

5. I'd like to see dives into New Age territories. Many New Agers would make excellent meditators as many delve into the metaphysics despite how corrupted they are. Like with Buddhist at least they meditate even if it's for negativity.

Like one member said Buddhism is worse message wise than Xtianity. Xtianity turn the other cheek. Buddhism love and appreciate and do not fight back if you get attack love every moment appreciate bless your opponent.

Sorta like Fight Club scene with the guy spraying water on the priest. Even the pastor got pist off and fought back.

6. I'd like to see more expansion of WW2/NS principle.

I said this before. Satanism doesn't bother many people even Spiritual property makes them go "WTF, cool".

But one mention of the big bad boogie man Hitler and co. makes them recoil in horror.

I'd like to see more expansion of defense and understanding on appreciation of NS and Company.

As you put it HP.Cobra most NPCs on this planet hate Hitler.

Or like my friend states "People hate Hitler, why? lame pathetic nonsensical reasons as to why".

I'm reminded of a passage from the Spartan Battle Manual from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri(game)

"Information, the first principle of warfare, must form the foundation of all your efforts. Know, of course, thine enemy. But in knowing him do not forget above all to know thyself. The commander who embraces this totality of battle shall win even with the inferior force."

I got more but I think I speak pretty clearly we need to just outright expand. I mean JoS is one of the first websites majorly on the internet. It might not be as old as Geocities like Shadowlands website or LLF or others. But it's pretty much a beckoning of the old era of the internet.

The old military application. I'd like to see more militaristic application of JoS and expand through 5th Generational Information warfare. As Salty Cracker's put it "Use your information bullets to wake people up and inform them of the coming situation".

Sheer fact is I'd like to see a huge transformation. But I know it's going to take time.

It's the same with FATSJD and other rituals we do. I believe HP.Cobra sometime in the last two years. You mentioned it's a shame we have to deal with the enemy in this way and just recently you said the coming future shows us doing rituals 5 maybe 7 years more.

But you also said we are going to do more rituals to raise the vibration and energy patterns on Earth.

I'd like to see it and I wish we could do more. SS might be a minority enclave religion but it's a shame others aren't doing what we are doing. Seeing you mention Pagan forces uniting and doing some blastings as well is nice.

But it's kinda a shame that the Gods are going to take so long to come. I mean that is just we've been told. Not that we know truly it might be a situation whereby they come earlier the patterns change. Future is not set in stone as Lilith put it.

I'd like to see the World better and people knowing and improving. I'm one to talk as I got difficulty in meditation and whatnot even going back and forth and doubting myself if meditation even works.

But my own personal issues aside. I'd like to see more involvement with the real World such as for example being known being talked about. Satanic-Nazi group Joy of Satan making headway in various media and whatnot.

Not as a joke but a genuine battle cry for Freedom of Mankind.

I think we can all agree there is more communism, stupidity, and retardedness than ever in the past.

I have hope for mankind from time to time. But realistically speaking even the Gods can't wave their hand a magickally switch things around.

I don't know how the Gods operate especially recapturing a planet. But it seems to me like mankind needs to get a swift kick up the ass to wake it up.

I'd like to see mass awakenings.

But time will tell.

People believe Paganism, Spirituality, National Socialism, Hitler, Satan, Gods etc.etc. as jokes or stupidity or as the historian put it "The more I study religion and history the more I realize man worshiped himself".

I'd like to see us in academia, finances, etc.etc. just like the enemy.

I'd like to see the Satanic World Order(SWO) forefront in real-life against the Judiac New World Order.

For example involvement with parallel economy, involvement with superchats, and videos and conferences.

I'm probably speaking so many years and decades ahead of time it goes out of bounds with the 10 year plan.

What we need is discipline, loyalty, motivation, and above all a general guideline to everything. You said it people have Personal Truths.

We need to provide the basis for a revolution. As Hitler would agree we ARE revolutionaries.

Just not for destruction.

We might be an all-wing, all-position group centralist, left, right, reactionary, conservatist, and revolutionary. I'm not saying NS is everything just a doctrine of flexibility. But I'd like to see more education of National Socialism. We can't get it directly from the NS themselves. But I'd like to see experimentation and testing of our political system.

I'd like to see more fanatics join us and go woke to awakened. Unlull themselves from a sleeping goyim to a fully awakened Amalek.

I'd like to see more but my mind however much I think needs to keep it realistic and reachable.

If we don't have realistic and reachable goals we would be doomed to fail.

I'd like to see more doom and gloom on the enemy around the World.
jrvan said:
sshivafr said:
A development of the JoS market would be great for members who offer something, as well as for members who buy / ask.
The jooz make each other work. Why not do the same.

I personally disagree with this one. The reward for those who contribute is that 1. they reward themselves by laying those bricks and building the foundation for everything to come. It all comes back to them. 2. They are further blessed by the Gods. 3. The Clergy and others already provide in the way of all the information they give freely, much of it being fruits of their own meditations and advancement and also their communication with the Gods.

As for services being bought, if the High Priest, for example, was preoccupied with astrology services like he was in the past then just think of all the other things he wouldn't be able to do which he is doing now. His time is freed up for other things that the community needs, as well as managing the warfare and other rituals, many other projects on the side, and everything else he does known and unknown to us. I believe he has also stated that there will be others who will eventually offer astrology services. How all of that will be set up and operated I'm sure will be handled at the appropriate time.

Perhaps I missed something of the meaning of your comment? This is my thoughts based on the way I interpreted it.

Yes, you misunderstood me, because I was not clear. It is not about reward, nor only about astrology.

There are many talents here, in many fields, creativity must be encouraged, look at the Gods who are competent in many fields.
When I speak about JoS Market, I think about the sale of items and services, proposed by serious members. Artisanal objects, arts, etc. but also services like tarot readings, computer solution work, astrology readings, and many other things that are within the competence of the members. Others are free to buy or not.

Many suffer from lack of money even though they are competent and creative. It is a question of creating a satanist economy of solidarity.

If you read my first comment to the end, you can see that I quote Edward Lonsa who insists that HP should have more time, as well as the advanced members. So it is NOT to add more work for them with the natal card reading for example !!!

I finally clarify that this is just a suggestion!!!
Satanism grants one purpose which is what people are truly looking for in their lives.

Also, I think Arts & Crafts should be held in higher regard in JoS, and this deserves it's own sub-forum in my opinion.

A place where we can all share artwork whether it be ours or of others, and also discuss, teach one another how to create and improve at artistic pursuits. I think expanding the forum with subsections is required also so that the JoS666 forum, which is considered basically as the main one, becomes focused on JoS and Satanism specifically.

Arts & Crafts related topics are naturally posted on JoS666 as there is nowhere else which in my opinion does not belong in that forum. Arts is an example but there are other topics which I think should have their own section. This also helps organize the forums in general, and makes it easier for users to find specific information and threads they are looking for.

But back on my main point, I think arts deserves its own section also because this attracts another audience too. Art is in essence spiritual and as such should be considered a component of Satanism.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
sshivafr said:
A development of the JoS market would be great for members who offer something, as well as for members who buy / ask.
The jooz make each other work. Why not do the same.

I personally disagree with this one. The reward for those who contribute is that 1. they reward themselves by laying those bricks and building the foundation for everything to come. It all comes back to them. 2. They are further blessed by the Gods. 3. The Clergy and others already provide in the way of all the information they give freely, much of it being fruits of their own meditations and advancement and also their communication with the Gods.

As for services being bought, if the High Priest, for example, was preoccupied with astrology services like he was in the past then just think of all the other things he wouldn't be able to do which he is doing now. His time is freed up for other things that the community needs, as well as managing the warfare and other rituals, many other projects on the side, and everything else he does known and unknown to us. I believe he has also stated that there will be others who will eventually offer astrology services. How all of that will be set up and operated I'm sure will be handled at the appropriate time.

Perhaps I missed something of the meaning of your comment? This is my thoughts based on the way I interpreted it.

That will be handled, yes.

Given services and other subjects should be treated separately for clarity of thought. I can no longer give personal services of this manner, because of the time involved. The 1-1 benefit this gives might be immense, but my life exists to help the community on the large scale as much as possible, and only insofar the 1-1 benefit reflects on the community, then I can help.

As time goes, with the amount of knowledge and perception, it becomes difficult to increase the price to a level where it can be a marketed product. So I can no longer market this.

That is why I will only do charts for serious volunteers who are serious about JoS, to give them a great edge in their life, and look after them BECAUSE they help the JoS grow, not as a service. Those who help the JoS and their people in their Nations, with translations etc, or who work in JoS projects.

It's absolutely correct about the situation of mine and other people. I am under a mountain and can unfortunately not do any paid services myself, unless these are large scale or involve some sort of eventual reward for JoS itself. Yet, offering astrology as in the past is very difficult and impossible for the time being and the foreseeable future.

The above involves my individual case or that of others.

But others can and definitely will be able to give services [of the paid kind that are 1-1 person basis benefit, and therefore 1-1 liability for payments], and should actually do this, as they do not have the above schedule nor they need to have it. Especially in the Astrology department. Doing my Natal Chart from HPS Maxine a long time ago, saved me from a lot of grief.

Serious astrologers NEED to do charts for other people to grow into this, and making revenue of a reasonable amount is not a bad idea whatsoever.

They can have happier lives long story short and if one does not have higher and higher time constraints and responsibilities, they should by all measures gain for their help to other SS. With the necessary personal reward and the communal reward, while at the same time helping individuals in the same time.

There are quite a few smart solutions we are going to mobilize for this, so everyone can have maximum gain from this process.

I'll explain more in an appropriate place where the matter will be conversed by those who either donate, or are doing serious volunteer work for JoS.

I seriously agree with the part:

That is why I will only do charts for serious volunteers who are serious about JoS, to give them a great edge in their life, and look after them BECAUSE they help the JoS grow, not as a service. Those who help the JoS and their people in their Nations, with translations etc, or who work in JoS projects.

I think Aristocracy should be in everything.

I also wished to comment on JoS market increasing. We have all kinds of infiltrators, trolls and jews literally controlling all our periphery, eternally abusing the fact that we despise social media and are going to never be there, they create all those disgusting platforms of stealing data that serve them to have their kike versions of everything: JoS, healers and all good things and trade all this for money. Social Media were created as a kike version of the free internet with all that is there just in its kike spying way. We need our own free source non-spying services for such things as Astrology, Tarot, TCM etc. While we should put straight that we do not provide such low level shit like love spells, destroying other people's fate for clients' money etc like jews eternally do at our expense and under our names. We should put straight that we do not serve kikes and non-ethical beings who seek not to advance but to use others' magical skills to attain their desires, such as "attracting" everything etc.

I think ethical / agenda issue is the most important to be addressed here. We should put it straight that selling magical spells is not of JoS, never was and never will be. We seek advancement and bettering of Humanity not serving anyone's ego for shekels. Shekel should be of less importance. Market should exist only for the proved members not for those who are going to "sell love spells for money" or in any other way do business for the sake of business itself. Money, lovers etc should first and foremost be deserved and only then got. These should not become a question of 1-2 shekels paid to SS marketeer.

I seek that sacred JoS be more protected from the unworthy by stricter measures, such as entrance exams and ordeals judged by Gods, for example JoS Hierarchy system be more protected from jewson like types, while JoS Marketing system - protected from kikes who thrive on periphery, stealing what is not theirs.
When I think of the JoS I think of a place where I feel at home, accepted and encouraged to grow. I want to see this expand to many more people. To see others open their hearts to Satan and the Gods and advance.

I would love to see more information about the Gods. I understand that this comes with time.

Other than that, there is not much else I can think of. The goals we want to achieve come with patience, we have come such a long way already let's not lose our momentum by getting caught up in the minor details but instead focus on the overall achievement.

Many would love to see temples, I would too, but this isn't realistic. For now, I'm content with the temple I have built, my temple on the astral.

In a way, it serves its purpose. Though not physical, it still gives me all the protection and serenity I could ever need. Just a thought.
I forgot to mention one of the most important IF not out right most important positions.

I'd like to see more people talk and discuss about aliens by being provided with proper knowledge. Not unlike the New Age community who routinely communicates or discusses aliens. Even xtians from Above Top Secret(ATS) know about ayylmaos.

I'd like to see more information on aliens countering the information of "Good aliens" vs "Bad Aliens".

Sorta like Hitler, I hate Hitler/Nazi/Sosse!...how many times have we heard that in the last 9 decades especially more so when they started getting famous.

I'd like to see this blind hatred be turned into concrete rational information. So much unreasonable hatred towards aliens and Empire of Orion by these fools listening to greys, reptilians, asshole civilizations, thoughtforms and other hostile extra-terrestrials.

I think it would behoove JoS if we don't start categorizing aliens more so sorta like Luciferian Liberation Front or other websites out there especially truthful websites like the Xtian alien Egon mocked.

As Egon put it on the French Xtians who admit Satan is coming with better technology, science, and religion. BUT you should still believe in Christ.

Egon put it "They're basically saying, resist Satan or he will teach you how to have common sense and not be retarded."

I think it would be great if we start waking people up on aliens/ayylmaos etc.etc. whatever memey names people put on aliens.

I'd also like to see more information like how it says on Satan's page Top Leader of the Nordic Empire of Orion.

There needs to be stuff like categorization of aliens like for example aliens to our aliens. Lucifuge and company green-spectrum humanoid grey-like aliens. Or Nordics or Black Nordics(Afro-), Asiatic Aliens, Humans whom have had evolution through being around the Gods.

Generally I'd like to see historical examples and history meets the future and for the present.

As George Orwell and Kane from Command and Conquer series put it:

"He who controls the past commands the future. He who controls the future commands the present".

I'd like us to command all three past -> present <- future. Like the 8 on it's side the infinity of present.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
RōmaInvictaDCLXVI said:
... Technical

Honestly I read everything and the exchange and I can only further agree, on both the JoS Related and the world related ideas expressed by both.

The JoS itself too is never at shortage of coders and people who can code. One can always help IMMENSELY with this skill.

If one can help to any extent, e-mail at [email protected] and there are projects already available that people can participate in or start anew.

This would ideally be where I'd like to end up. Basivally I am dealing with alot of time constraints from other areas of my life, and don't get much time to study coding unfortunately.

I'm taking things slow and steady. So that I can learn how to code well. I do not have any idea how long this will take me, as I just can only study when I have a little time here and there.

But in time Commnader, this would ideally be the plan as this skill once learned would benefit my life in multiple ways, and make me useful to the Joy of Satan.
I personally can't wait for our own coven to manifest in the psychical world. Now i know this is not the time yet, it would be though in the future when the enemy will be nothing and the Joy of Satan will have tremendous power. We will have our own temple as Himmler had done in the past! They will be glorious times and if we work hard we will achieve them sooner.
I really love Spiritual Satanism and everything in here)))
In the future I hope we become more trustable so we could learn more about Gods and Goddesses.
I have not much time and energies, I help from the background here and I admit I cannot read most of the post. I see the quantity of topics has been growing, it's easy to skip many conversations as they rapidly scroll down the list.
I'd suggest to create additional sub-sections in the forums, like we have JoS Astrology, teens, health, pets, etc. for specific topics (environment, psychology, tarot readings, numerology, runes, etc). I mean more specific areas with possibly some "specialists" to help others, or so.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I also have thought oftentimes that a certain percent of JoS donations should be given to charity, even if it is a small percent. Not only to one type of charity but many. Yet, the overwhelming control of Jews into the field of Charity is a large dissuading factor, and I am rightfully worried they might steal money, which they already steal from Gentiles in copious amounts, likely never reaching the targets of charity.

This point I would respectfully not agree; charities could be taken over by the jews later on, money included. I also think people who donate to the JoS want that money to be used by JoS only, otherwise people would donate to selected charities directly, if they desire so.
I understand the will to help good efforts by outsiders, anyway.
How about instead of 'charity' per se, Earth healing projects like Mossy Earth, they seem to be legit from the few things I saw from them, like putting money into actual constructive work, in contrast to useless bioterrorists. Some of them might be legit at least, this reminds me about the sermon on Astarte's beautiful garden, and helping projects related to nature.

The Return of the Bison: Europe’s Largest Wild Animal

We flooded a forest

We’re Bringing Back Iceland’s Forgotten Forests

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
What if we start a campaign or something, just like we did with the Animal Support...

Yes to everything basically. Most of it is planned and is being executed on the background. We are working hard to deliver here.

I also have thought oftentimes that a certain percent of JoS donations should be given to charity, even if it is a small percent. Not only to one type of charity but many. Yet, the overwhelming control of Jews into the field of Charity is a large dissuading factor, and I am rightfully worried they might steal money, which they already steal from Gentiles in copious amounts, likely never reaching the targets of charity.
Hail Satan!
How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?
R: I need to say that I was growth under the catholic tradition, I feel shame about this but I had no choice and that's just like it happens, nobody asks if you agree, they just take the little baby as an animal to be initiated in one of the worst traditions that lead nowhere but personal destruction. Now I look backwards and can understand that my family didn't mean to, they were just following what they thought was the correct for me.
I felt never comfortable about jew-christian ideology, something was always missing, several doubts always in my mind and no personal advancement in my life, that´s how I can describe my life until I discovered Satanism.
My first contact with Satanism was not a really good experience as I was misinformed by a cheater that only looked to get money from me and I was afraid of Satan because all of the slander about him inside of my head, even so I kept searching for information by myself and something started to awake inside me.
One day, when I was searching for information on google, I found JOS, I thought it was just another cult or satanic church that would ask me for a payment in order to get a membership or something, but it wasn´t like thaat, I still remember the first lines I read: "THERE IS NO GOD BUT MYSELF" "KNOWING THIS, WHO DARES WORSHIP THE FALSE GODS OF THE KORAN AND BIBLE?" - SATAN FROM THE QU'RET AL-YEZID... that was absolutely new for me, then I kept reading the welcome section and so on, and since that day I knew I found what I was looking for. It took time for me to understand how it works as in my previous experiences it was required to pay to get access to blogs, rituals and so on, the greatest impact the JOS generated in my life was through the section "exposing christianity", I am and always will be grateful to be right here and right now, I know this is not by chance and now I'm one of the privileged few.
I'm in my way as we all are, I started from 0 with workings, meditations and I try to be active, Satanism has change me as I'm not the same guy than 3 years ago, I just can understand that this life was my chance to awake and I responded to the call, but honestly I don't think that most people out there is ready for this awakening.
I already conducted my dedication ritual, I'm still in a basic level for meditations and rituals but I apply discipline and I work everyday, I want to understand how I must help not only the JOS but the world, by now I do RTR's in a periodical basis, and I've been started to talk about Satanism to my kids, the must know the truth but I want to do much more.
I'm an environmental engineer and it's sad for me to see how the human stupidity is degrading the planet, this beautiful place that belongs to Satan, I think that JOS should be active regarding this... maybe rituals against those that hurt the planet, or any kind of ritual of restore.

I know that there's no a physical Church, but what about a members meeting? A kind of congress or annual conference.

I know there's the war room, that's excellent for RTR, what about live and real time power meditations guided by you?

Finally, we have no limits, as JOS members and Satanists we MUST apply every day the knowledge and gifts given by Father Satan and the Gods... not only for our personal growth, but also for those that claim for spiritual help around us!!!
With or without JoS, Satan is the answer to the question of the meaning of life. I come from him and strive to be more like him. That being said, this world is richer and has more of a chance to be a success story with the JoS. What I want to see from it is a political reform, social engineering and to make that possible a framework for the great push, the last stand, the final strike... you catch my drift. All of this is already under way but still in its infancy so to speak. Rushing things especially important ones is never a good idea so I guess I'll have to be patient and do my part in this great transition.
Some members here are very rude to others. For example when one new member ask some stupid question, some members are evil to him and insult him. This new member can decide to not join us because he was insulted. This needs to be changed. We all here were beginners.
JoS Cyber Security said:
Some members here are very rude to others. For example when one new member ask some stupid question, some members are evil to him and insult him. This new member can decide to not join us because he was insulted. This needs to be changed. We all here were beginners.

Sometimes this happens. But another thing that happens that not everybody is aware of is that enemies will come here who want to destroy all of us. They want to hurt people. And how they try to hurt people is by lying and giving people wrong ideas. Telling people to do dangerous things that will harm them. And trying to confuse everybody.

There are many people who come here and try to do this. But it only works if they can pretend to be an honest person so it doesn't work anymore when we all know who it is. So to try to look like an honest person again, they make another new account with a new name and keep trying to hurt and confuse people with that account. For somebody that doesn't know this, it looks like a new member because the account was made recently and only has a few posts. But what you aren't seeing is that the same enemy had its account banned the day before making the new one. And the same enemy has been coming back for multiple years with more than 50 different account names. There are many of us who have been seeing these same enemies keep coming back for years. We have seen them so much that we are able to recognize who it is from the way the person talks. And we treat the enemy like the enemy it is, and we make it very clear what the enemy is doing and how it is trying to hurt people by spreading harmful advice. Because we don't want anybody to trust it and listen to it and end up getting hurt.
JoS Cyber Security said:
Some members here are very rude to others. For example when one new member ask some stupid question, some members are evil to him and insult him. This new member can decide to not join us because he was insulted. This needs to be changed. We all here were beginners.


only one name comes to mind
ol arge…
JoS Cyber Security said:
Some members here are very rude to others. For example when one new member ask some stupid question, some members are evil to him and insult him. This new member can decide to not join us because he was insulted. This needs to be changed. We all here were beginners.

I agree, and this is a very bad policy. This lack of patience with new people as one was born from the baby crib and knew everything in JoS is simply unrealistic and in most cases very rude.

The only time where this can be accepted is on very obvious trolls, but the key words here are "VERY OBVIOUS", which some people are aggressive before making the considerations.

The overwhelming majority of the community is helpful and polite, until they see the red flags, in most times.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
JoS Cyber Security said:
Some members here are very rude to others. For example when one new member ask some stupid question, some members are evil to him and insult him. This new member can decide to not join us because he was insulted. This needs to be changed. We all here were beginners.

Sometimes this happens. But another thing that happens that not everybody is aware of is that enemies will come here who want to destroy all of us. They want to hurt people. And how they try to hurt people is by lying and giving people wrong ideas. Telling people to do dangerous things that will harm them. And trying to confuse everybody.

There are many people who come here and try to do this. But it only works if they can pretend to be an honest person so it doesn't work anymore when we all know who it is. So to try to look like an honest person again, they make another new account with a new name and keep trying to hurt and confuse people with that account. For somebody that doesn't know this, it looks like a new member because the account was made recently and only has a few posts. But what you aren't seeing is that the same enemy had its account banned the day before making the new one. And the same enemy has been coming back for multiple years with more than 50 different account names. There are many of us who have been seeing these same enemies keep coming back for years. We have seen them so much that we are able to recognize who it is from the way the person talks. And we treat the enemy like the enemy it is, and we make it very clear what the enemy is doing and how it is trying to hurt people by spreading harmful advice. Because we don't want anybody to trust it and listen to it and end up getting hurt.

Yes, but if all dedicated Spiritual Satanists would be friendly with each other, than jews on this forum would be easier to recognize. If there would be a member who will be rude to us it could mean he is not one of us. For those rude Satanists who are reading this, you can think how you behave to us (how you behave to your brothers and sisters). Your insulting doesnt help in this war. Think a little... you think Satan is happy that we argue between each other? You should encourage us not blame us.
jrvan said:
sshivafr said:
A development of the JoS market would be great for members who offer something, as well as for members who buy / ask.
The jooz make each other work. Why not do the same.

I personally disagree with this one. The reward for those who contribute is that 1. they reward themselves by laying those bricks and building the foundation for everything to come. It all comes back to them. 2. They are further blessed by the Gods. 3. The Clergy and others already provide in the way of all the information they give freely, much of it being fruits of their own meditations and advancement and also their communication with the Gods.

As for services being bought, if the High Priest, for example, was preoccupied with astrology services like he was in the past then just think of all the other things he wouldn't be able to do which he is doing now. His time is freed up for other things that the community needs, as well as managing the warfare and other rituals, many other projects on the side, and everything else he does known and unknown to us. I believe he has also stated that there will be others who will eventually offer astrology services. How all of that will be set up and operated I'm sure will be handled at the appropriate time.

Perhaps I missed something of the meaning of your comment? This is my thoughts based on the way I interpreted it.

Yes, you misunderstood me, because I was not clear. It is not about awards, nor is it only about astrology.

There is a lot of talent here, in many areas, creativity should be encouraged, look at the Gods who are skilled in many areas.

When I say JoS Market, I mean selling items and services, offered by serious members. Crafts, art, etc. but also services such as tarot readings, computer solution work, astrology readings, and many other things that are within the competence of the members. Others are free to buy or not.

Many suffer from lack of money even though they are competent and creative. It is about creating a satanic economy of solidarity.

If you read my first comment to the end, you can see that I am quoting Edward Lonsa who insists that HP should have more time, as well as the advanced members. So this is NOT to add more work for them with natal chart reading!!!

Finally, I should point out that this is just a suggestion!
It seems to me worthy of attention, it is partly already in other answers, but I'm going to expand on what was suggested a little.

1) Write detailed and quite valuable instructions for people who work in various political, public and municipal organizations - how exactly they should resist the Jews spiritually by doing what they can. Even though many people have an understanding of how to act and ideas, other people may be demoralized and frightened by the inability to withstand such a big machine as jews and sionism in their places, but they can.

2) Explain to scientists and people involved in science in any form, the Satanic view of these things, beyond the philosophical and natural concepts of the enemy who extrapolate their religion to these areas. Free science (and it is also possible to do this with the help of rituals, which will probably someday be) - from enemy dogmas. This will subsequently cause a sharp jump in the technical level of mankind and will give many strong advantages. Taking this idea further, the restoration of pagan science will make it possible to contact and receive the technologies of the Gods directly, as was practiced during the Third Reich.

3) VERY IMPORTANT: explain and give alternative economic models that do not take into account enemy control over the finances of the entire planet. At the moment, economic theory is oversaturated with Jews and is often completely unsuitable for enriching and understanding people. The functioning of banking, loans, etc., are Jewish instruments of enslavement through debt. Many people omit because they do not see how it can be done differently. This is a big goal and I understand that this cannot be done in a couple of evenings, perhaps there is knowledge on this issue, but I have not heard about them, in any case, I think that doing this would be a serious success.

4) The creative efforts of a group of people can be directed by the formation of a certain "style" in something. It's like creating a new genre of music that can carry a certain idea and spread spontaneously. People like something and they start doing it in a similar style spreading the idea further. It can also be a certain fashion. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what this "fashion" will look like here, but I'm definitely not talking about gothic black teenage clothes and black painted eyes. Rather, it is about a fashion for genuine spirituality, Gods and the creative flow associated with it. If it is possible to launch it with the help of rituals or something else, it would give a powerful impetus to the popularization of JoS.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

Answer for 1st:
I have learned the concept of "I am what I think", and that a poor mindset makes for low quality progress if any. I think when people realize that absorbing garbage (((media))) negatively affects their subconscious minds, they'll begin to abstain from it. The ever postponing "doomsday clock" they had ticking will fade away in doing so.

Answer for 2nd:
I think we'd all be more respectful of each other's space and time for spiritual work, and our homes would be our temples if they aren't already.

Answer for 3rd:
So those who value spiritual gains more than material gains won't be punished for it, but respected and maybe revered. As both spiritual and material power are parallels of each other, this wouldn't be a problem in a Satanic world.

Answer for 4th:
I'd like to see some books published, both spiritual and material oriented content. For those who are more advanced and open, books that fluidly combine both areas of life.
Dahaarkan said:
Satanism grants one purpose which is what people are truly looking for in their lives.

Also, I think Arts & Crafts should be held in higher regard in JoS, and this deserves it's own sub-forum in my opinion.

A place where we can all share artwork whether it be ours or of others, and also discuss, teach one another how to create and improve at artistic pursuits. I think expanding the forum with subsections is required also so that the JoS666 forum, which is considered basically as the main one, becomes focused on JoS and Satanism specifically.

Arts & Crafts related topics are naturally posted on JoS666 as there is nowhere else which in my opinion does not belong in that forum. Arts is an example but there are other topics which I think should have their own section. This also helps organize the forums in general, and makes it easier for users to find specific information and threads they are looking for.

But back on my main point, I think arts deserves its own section also because this attracts another audience too. Art is in essence spiritual and as such should be considered a component of Satanism.

This is a wonderful idea and I agree wholeheartedly. Artistic expression within Satanism is crucially important and very beautiful.
This may be redundant so apologies if it is however after looking around the forums and the main page for JoS I didn't see anywhere I could report spelling mistakes reading through the material. If there is already a place for this please tell me, if not that would be a welcome addition. Is there just someone in particular I'd send a private message to? I've found somewhere between three and five just reading through articles. Small things like form instead of from, or like you accidentally clicked earlier in the sentence and it starts to type from there.
Azazel Astrology page has to be updated with deepened information such as the information about debilitated planets by Shadowcat and the lessons on astrology by JG Blackdragon666.

There should be more explanations on everything about Astrology.
I love that all the knowledge one needs to advance is in the open when it comes to jos, i do not believe that the jos needs to do any more than we are already doing. What i would love to see tough is a makeover of the main site, it can be hard to find what one is looking for, sure there are search-engines to help with that, but especially for newer people it can be a real inconvenience.

So what i would mainly like to see is to make the site easier to use and navigate, also there are loose ends here and there. So it would be great if someone knowledgeable would look this over, just to make sure no misunderstandings are to happen. An example of this is that i did not understand how many reps of vibrations i needed to do with every separate rune, i do now but i needed to ask someone on the forums for this. There are many people that would not go out of their way to ask someone, so misunderstandings are bound to happen.
A bit late to the party, but I would really like a proper yoga section.

With how popular yoga is, it's very easy to stumble upon misinformation and fake gurus. There are JoS recommended sites of course, but it would be great to have several different routines hand picked by seasoned JoS yogis.
A more modern design of sites, but with the preservation of style.

More information about aliens, space, etc.

More spells and ways to improve life, physically/materially and spiritually/mindfully, in general knowledge)
There are those GIF of meditations done by a JoS member in here. I think such visuals can be added to the website to make visualization easier. Using such technology in general can be helpful.

I know some members who are clairvoyant have painted pictures of the Gods. Why don't we offer more realistic portraits of the Gods, if possible?

The Healing Magick on the website can be more elaborated. On the Forums there is more information, much of which is invaluable, than there is on the website regarding healing magic and different topics...

Also, the lessons on Astrology (4 so far) can be further expanded and added to the website. They are extremely helpful.
Bone Dust said:
A subforum dedicated strictly to the discussion and deliberation of all meditations.

Agree everything gets jammed up into General666. I think also an off-topic forum should be made.

I like our current forums.

But it be nice to do something sorta like [H]ardOCP forums. Their tech website looks certainly NSy/SSy.

Just another suggestion "Off-topic" forum.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
