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Dam, looks like i missed reading a good olde rant :/

Ol argedco luciftias said:
She was even bragging in the other topic about how she was in love with a hitman and helped him bury his victims. That's the kind of person this is!
are you referring to sunrise? lol is this for real, i'm pretty sure that's illegal, i think also knowing about a crime and not reporting it is also illegal in some areas.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What did he say exactly that is so terribly wrong? I get the vibes but what is wrong or immoral about two people taking each other as a partner for life, even if this is their first? What is the problem exactly here, from people who claim open mindedness? This sort of thing is how many of our generation were born, and generations beforehand. Good or bad that is a matter or preference.

People choosing to have fewer partners or ideolizing a specific mode of relationships is not xianity. What can be stated about people who say all sorts of random stuff, are they more "Unxianized" because they basically preach things that others will consider just lunacy?

That stated, this rant of Sunrise was plain psychotic and it was deleted. Deplorable rant. Why wish him death? Why all of these words about prostitution, a topic that is totally unrelated to his words or the post?

I guess there is no why but psycho breakdown here.

Do not worry all the gates of imaginary freedom, crossing over the adobe degeneracy are open nowadays, nobody is closing them, and nobody is willing.

I think she means that it's like Pandora's box.

If sex = fun and exciting; what would sex be like with others.

If we view it from a repressed Catholic school girl. Once the fun pops it doesn't stop and she wants and craves more so how does she control herself.

What sunrise is trying to state is if the person doesn't get with some people her desire to stray may be high either sooner or later.

I guess what she is trying to state is if someone is like this and decides to find someone her instinct might be find others.

I view it as strange cause there ARE woman like that but there are also woman that do release themselves with pornography or on their own and despite lacking experience with others but one. She isn't gonna do anything crazy or cheat or abandon or anything.

So really it's more of a question concerning the person and their upbringing. She does make a valid point to a degree but exaggerates it, unless of course the person is repressed heavily in a conditioned manner.
Jack said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Do women prefer virgin or experienced men?
I have heard about preselection ,meaning if a male is with many females, the female in question assumes that the male must be a good genetic and reproductive specimen. Since everyone else selected him so he must be a good prospect. Obviously everyone cannot be wrong ? I.e groupthink. I have no idea if this is actually true though. It could be since we used to pair in high class polygynous marriages for a long time in our history I.e before Christianity.


I know a few cases where some guys would like to go out with a hot girl not to get that girl, because of the reason you did state above.
Some did succeed with this stategie.
sunrise said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Who asked you to excuse yourself? Nobody cares if you excuse yourself or not.

"I respect everyone opinions but he needed to be corrected".

Yes of course, we are aware, you are extremely noble, it's that you have to trash everyone to get down to their inferior level.

I am aware being indignant and acting like a typical 2019 "open minded" hypocrite is something many people love.

That was his opinion, what is the problem of you getting to infuriated with it? He wrote a line and you wrote an essay cursing his whole life.

Nobody vilified sex workers or anything. You straw man too much for me to ever reply again. Nobody talked against one's sexual choices.

Indignant behavior is not exactly a lady trait. If you want to be treated as a lady, then be one. If you want to act like a bad low behavior feminist trucker, then expect the same. This is your choice.

Next time also remember to throw a rant when people forcibly try to state everyone is homosexual or bisexual, will you? But you will not - easier to single him out instead for not even saying a fraction of a lot of insanity and forced opinions going on here, than others who will act likewise like feminist truckers on steroids and boose rage.
Initially I approved the message as reading 80% of it looked like an opinion etc. I can say I even agree with the opinion of the "virginity" dream being off and implausible at the current rate or world, or even 'risky' as an idea, but that is an "opinion". Also, based on reality, yes, some people could actually make this happen, it is not an 'ugly dream' and they should be left be. A hundred years ago this was perfectly possible, or 200 years.

There are things way more bizarre and stupid and nobody raises an eyelid.

Breaking your marriage 10 times in the span of a 50 to 60 year old lifetime is not a particular trait that was very useful, it was inconceivable a few years earlier. As for the social implications of this we can see this around today.

This is because currently it is less normal for someone to say they want a woman of their own race to stay from beginning to end to life, than to say they want a gloryhole BBC gangbang on meth y0l0 as a meaning to life. We also tend to think on these characters as 'liberated' due to jewish indoctrination, but in the end of the day, it's far worse than the above and a heap of shit.

Two people falling in love and having a family, even as "virgins" is not an outrageous or xian concept.

And yes, to me, this strikes as wrong as a concept. To defend anything that is bullshit, while vilifying and going for the throat for something way more soft is absurd.

The statement of the vagina was plain flat inaccurate. There are exercises that women can do, and sexually experienced women do these, or sex workers, to keep the vagina tight and at peak condition. And yes, that is also genetic, and it has to do with the body of a woman, rather than her sexual experiences or how many partners she has. A lot of sexual activity can only temporarily change this, but it does not 'change' you for life or for months.

Then, it was flagged because it contained useless threats of death, dwindling dicks, and curses about an otherwise 'brother'. Education isn't exactly what this was about more than exhuming pointless wishes for death or hatred on a brother.
Jack said:
Wtf are you doing. Induce a sexual aura and program it with Klim to attract women. Then go out and talk to girls. Flirt with them. Tell them they're cute and sexy etc. Figure out logistics, schedule a date,go on a day two,pull and then good things can happen.

...you state all that and I hate to anger you but how?

You don't say anything specific or use orange color or vibrate this much or program. I'm starting to wonder if your response was because of me spending some time weeks ago doing orange aura of attraction with the aura of attraction from JoS "My aura is attracting my perfect sexual/love partner to me in the most happiest and most beneficial way for me". I guess some sort of deprogramming or learning phase to learn about this from my own lack of learning. Also the venus square I'm doing at the moment.

To be honest Jack, everything you said in my personal sensations sounds awful. I have to do all that when I don't have the slightest clue on any of all that. How can I schedule a date and go somewhere if I have no idea how to get there nor no idea on where I would find it. Saying GPS is fine and I use GPS but it's the concept of how do human beings even know where to go or find information or do anything to discover places. Doesn't make any sense what so ever.

And no Jack I don't say those things I don't go out of my way to interact with women and whatnot. Especially considering the only women I see are just normal older women or old women or something since I live in an area with a lot of old people.

It's like this sensation I get "How can I do all that", if I have zero desire to do any of that. I don't want to talk to some girl and state something like that. I literally have no mood nor desire to be with her at that time. Why would I even bother her and make my life a problem for her.

I mean I literally do nothing in my life. What do you want me to say to her. She states what do you do "Oh currently unemployed I do nothing with my life and have no desire to do anything with my life". "Really the only thing I do is the same repetitive thing I've been doing since the end of high school". Friends? "Oh I have one friend who lives like me, my parents thought he is made up by me, but I don't have friends nor go out". You don't go out "Well the only places I go out to is my therapist, my clinic once every two months for medication" "But yeah I don't go out no idea where or why or what to do. I literally have no idea why people even go out of their house. What is there to do how can a human being even waste their time, money, and effort going outside of their house doesn't make any sense".

So notice how much of a worthless piece of shit untermensch I am. I question even basic reality, much like how I was growing up in school since elementary. I'm not smart, nerdy, or anything. In fact girls liked me because I didn't look like a nerd they just saw my long hair and reasonable charming face and liked me. But I always shy'd away or nothing materialized. At least the 4 or 5 occasions a opposite sex would be attracted to me.

Nikolas said:
How you never got a girl???

(I'll check out your videos at a later time)

I don't know why I never got a girl. How is it my fault? Why are you throwing the cake at me?

It didn't materialize, it didn't happen. So what, moving on, life is a worthless piece of shit waste of time until we die and start the same piece of shit process going again and again. If reincarnation is real then it's just another stupid shit of repetition stupid shit all the time. I've come to the conclusion long ago life is about living and continuing mistakes cause the human race is too fucking stupid to solve anything and make it right.

I just don't understand how a person like me who's been thinking about sex since 3-4-5 years old never encountered anything and been masturbating since 7. It seems like it's wrong to understand knowledge or ahead of your years. I guess maybe I'm biblically assaulted or something because it seems everything I did is wrong. Be comprehensive of sex, "Oh no that is evil" but be ignorant "Okay".

So what can I say nothing happened. I moved on, does it hurt "sure" but I learned long ago perhaps that my epiphany years ago should have occurred years sooner maybe even as a kid. But life is a worthless piece of shit system of shitting on you and leaving you dead in the water.

Social media is something I truly loathe. Why do people need social media, I never liked it never felt right or anything. And now I'm the bad guy cause I don't have a girlfriend nor experience with women.

I can assure you I don't look like no loser in fact quite the opposite I did have a girl in high school tell me I scare her. I simply have long hair and a beard that is shaved and trimmed down to the least amount so it exists but isn't long and doesn't look like pubes on my face. In fact my shaved beard makes me look quite reasonable a balance between young and older looking. Other than that I don't really give a shit about my appearance or anything. I wear the same clothes all the time. Pretty much the same black jeans and same black shirts. Hell I still posses the same black shirt I was arrested back during my schizophrenic psychotic breakdown.

Since I hardly go out except once a week to my therapist and once every two months to my clinic for medication. I pretty much wear the same shit. Gets to the point of why bother never liked buying clothes or whatnot. No idea why people need to waste money on clothes or go shopping or whatever. Always seemed weird always going out and whatnot.

So I don't know if nothing happened no idea why I bothered to reply on this thread. Maybe it's my venus square, or aura attraction, curiosity.

Not sure why a worthless piece of shit like myself wants a girlfriend or anything. I can see the conversation in the future "What do you do" "I don't do anything, I did work under the table but I don't do anything at all" Do you have friends "I have a friend who does like me and lives like me my parents thought he was me and I made up until I told them the address of where he lives". Do you do anything "I literally do nothing, I do the same thing I've been doing since I left high school and left summer school. I wake up drink my coffee and just do what I normally do, which is nothing, use the computer a bit here and there but other than that I don't do much. In fact funny enough I do spend a number of hours doing something consistently. She "Oh yeah what?" I "I do spend a lot of hours sometimes two to six hours a day walking around my house and talking to myself". So yeah I talk to myself a lot and invent things, I've come to the conclusion that my four retrogrades and my retrogrades astrological stuff manipulate me into inventing my own things and not searching information. So as you can see I'm not intelligent nor smart or anything just a stupid fucking worthless piece of shit.

So I guess the only reason why I'm wanting a girlfriend is just "POSSIBLY" to know what it is like. I guess after people like my grandfather telling me when I'm going to get one and my feelings in recent times. I guess I'm just curious but genuinely not interested in doing it because it's another period of time to waste. Then I gotta do stuff like spend time with her and this and that and I genuinely do not like spending time outside my house nor do anything. No idea why people or humans want to spend time outside their house it's weird kinda strange.

Anyways I guess I want a girlfriend just to experience it. If it helps, it helps, if not, then I shun it forever and realize all my desires and fantasies are worthless and stupid like always. I should just keep doing the same thing I always do nothing cause in reality nothing is the most appropriate thing for me. Kinda like the song from Rush "Even if you haven't made a choice, you still made a choice".

What can I say I'm just a loser. Worse than some "nice guy loser", worse because I might seem like a good person in public but I'm truly hateful person and I hate a lot and have deep anger always moved by my anger. Always thinking the same thing like a robot and never changing. I literally am the same person I was ten-fifteen years ago just without neo-nazism just regular Satanic Nazism.

So what can I say, there is no such thing as love. It's just a silly weakness employed by humans to be with each other. We all hate each other no idea why people like other people.

Anyways that's my 2-cents on the subject.
Nikolas said:
Gear88 said:
sunrise said:
Indeed some dicks might be too small, but women don't have a necessary vaginal orgasm, they do have as a majority the clitoris related one. For the ones lacking sexual education maybe this worthed mentioning. No, your size DOESN'T MATTER, OR CAN BE A PROBLEM IF THE REVERSE

Another point aimed at the men who think they are 'too small', rest reassured, you are the ones that 90% of women want. Having a huge dick is always a problem for women. ALWAYS. Because those guys are behaving like barbarians, they think their size is enough BUT sex can be painful. Shortly, this sort of guys should be concerned and attentive, not the rest of you.

Anyways, what if you went through puberty and the one area you expect to grow never grew. I will admit I have delved into reading about size wise and technically as long as your not medically improper at about 9cm or less your fine. I recall watching a Mexican erotic/pornstar woman on youtube, state as long as your like 10cm your fine. For someone who is 11.25cm(4.43inches) would that be a problem?

Also for someone who is 28 years old and in no way, shape, or form ever so much as interacted sexually nor even intimately like a kiss. Well what would you say to such person? and keep the loser talk down as I don't need more ammunition to attack myself. Mind you that despite all the sexual things I've been thinking since about toddler 3-4-5 years old and spending a considerable amount of time thinking about sex during school starting in elementary. And even with that I was told "The fact you haven't had sex is considered sexual repression"; so I guess I'm sexually repressed then. I just can't seem to encounter it in real-life and always shy away or freak out. It occurred a few times to the few girls that interacted with me back in high school. Unfortunately in one case it was a race mixed situation which made me freak out. I felt bad and to this day do cause she was a really sweet person but unfortunately it was wrong. I shy'd away and freaked out and when I looked back she had a strange face like "WTF just happened".

Anyways for someone like me who doesn't go out or anything and is if that has any influence a homebody zodiac. Well what to do you do? I do live in a major city considered both sexual and sexually problematic with diseases. I'd like to avoid problems but for the life of me do need to experience life. And yes I have thought about applications and whatnot but I'm not into social media it would be out of character with my stance on social media. It's starting to become one of those necessary evil, situations when I think about it.

You also wrote this on the teens forum " In fact if my succubus is with others, I'm happy for her, at least she enjoys her life unlike me. "
No one taught me these. My father was always making money and I had to self teach me how to handle women. Im gonna try to explain to you as best as I can.
How you never got a girl??? Get into social media and post some pics. At the beginning u wont get a ton of likes but that will change with time. Check this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK-AJXq-wKA
I mean all the vids to understand more. Also look at his insta to see how pics should be made.
Go to a professional studio and pay them 20 pounds to get a few really nice pics for ur profile, then u will be fine. Get inspired from others. This is important to get girls. You need to be more sociable.
Now , you need to work on yourself.

Stand always tall : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA3O0NVb-sk&list=LLb0d25o1tFgzRHrf9GzcYCw&index=58&t=2s
You ALREADY seem like a smart guy. Girls LIKE smart guys. KEEP being like this and read books for leisure.
You need to do some sport. Go to gym. Dont worry about 6 pack. Just have flat abs and get big.
A huge turn on is to be really passionate about something.Mine is informatics. Girs hate the type of smart guy who seem like a looser with glasses and lame style, haircut .... weak body, you know. In the same time they hate those who are masculine but way too stupid. So you know what i want to say. Find the balance between this.
Dont be rude, arrogant. Be responsible. Show manliness. Speak confidently.
Dress nice. Get a leather jacket, jeans, A WATCH.

Just have a style. Dont be feminine. Girls dont like guys who spend 1 hours in the bathroom. You have to tke care of your face ( wash it twice daily...) , use fragrance, take care of your armpits, SMELL GOOD.
Find some cool things to do like having a kawasaki byke, playing the guitar, doing artial marts. Just to anything . If you want to be more sociable DO SOMETHING so you have what to talk about, you know?
Speak at least one foreign language.
Also meditate a lot and use you aura. Do workings for confidence on your solar chakra. This all is going to take time. Practice talking with women even useless things. I used to ask women for direction even though i had no intention to go there, etc. Just talk with them.
Check this guy. Notice how he speaks with them. See the confidence?
" she doesnt even know what she wants, but when she sees it, she wants it "
Do I have to say anything more? Be 100% confident in yourself. You are amazing. You get get ANY girl in the world , just work on yourself for a year or so.

Boost your testosteron : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqHunHCiVuY
Im a really horny guy. I would fuck a girl for 3 hours 7 days per week. You are a god dude. How the f did u resist so much time ??!! It has to stop now.
About your height... if you have height complexions. I am almost 180 and I had fallen for me women taller than me. Forget about height. If you are 175 you are fine.
Now the penis thing. I have a 12 cm one . I dont know how you are so insecure about it. Im rather too confident. She says " i love when you fuck my brain out" . Dude.... learn how to fuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sky_DQ8kj2k&t=495s
Who said about inserthing their whole arm or whatever bullshit should just watch this.
When you have a small one, it HITS the g spot nicely. Why do you think a lot of women dont orgasm during sex???

Why do you think TAOL said : I'd expect a man to at least know that sex is not like 'stick it in and fuck her.
Or sunrise : you are the ones that 90% of women want. Because those guys are behaving like barbarians, they think their size is enough BUT sex can be painful. Shortly, this sort of guys should be concerned and attentive, not the rest of you.
The big guys either insert it all and then the woman is not satisfied, either know how to fuck and try to hit the g spot, so they dont insert it all. Do I have to say how lucky we are for being able to put it all in ? Also in the mouth ? Do you even realize this? If i would be so strong i could use biokenesis, i would not increase its size not even 1 cm, and you complain about it.
Just learn the positions, how to play with her clit and then how to hit the g spot. Even more, if you like to fuck hard and fast you know you have a perfect one, right? Women tend to get disappointed when they see a small one, MAKE THEM REGRET IT. Fuck them so good they will ask you for more. Since a lot of guys have no idea how to fuck a woman, some women think bigger is better . Not true.

I wrote a lot just to teach you. I hope you appreciate. Last thing is about being a bad boy . Some women are into bad boys, some into " nice" . Notice the " .. " .
Fast forward to min 8. See how she said BORING and ADORABLE? Thats the " loser ' nice.
Being nice is not being a loser like that guy. Be nice while being manly. And yes this is different from being a bad guy.
And dont be too much into her. Dont text her every 5 min. Dont be obsessed. Maybe make her a little jealous too. Go into society and stand out as great. Thats how a woman likes to see her man. Let her come to you, ok ? DONT BE OBSESSED !
And fuck her well , really. A woman will never ever never complain about ANYTHING if you fuck her really good. Remember this. This is a romanian saying but its so so true.
All the best.Do you notice how you speak about yourself? STOP.

Im waiting for sunrise and taol to confirm everything I said.
I would suggest him to program his subcounscious with confidence and optimism together and having a big penis separately one after another, after finishing one of the programing then the he can go with the next. I did it to have a "big penis" and it got bigger and i also don't see my penis small any more even if it's not that big.
I know that working on yourself is good but as you explained it, work on yourself for 1 year i think is much for him from what he said in a post some time back. I think he would need to get another, better and optimistic perspective. He is not the type to put much in to spiritual work but he can get better in an easier way with the subcounscious that's clear for me. And that way he can also get to put more in to the spiritual work and physical work to get better.
And i'm thinking, first he needs to know what he wants and what does he need to do to get it or what is him holding back from getting it.
Gear88 said:
When sun goes in Leo, do the spiritual sun square for Confidence and a Healthy Soul. Leo sun shine your whole self and soul full of good, healthy, confident energy. Where people naturally like you and you like yourself, because it makes you so good in a lot of different ways that you naturally deserve and earn to be respected and liked.

Yes, you really should talk to those old ladies. Not trying to be in a relationship with them obviously, but I mean it really would be a great thing for you to do. Just be polite. Just to get you in the confidence and habit of talking to people. So you're at the point you can calmly, happily, and confidently talk to anyone in the world about anything.

The Leo Sun energies go right together with this. Leo Sun energies give you the confidence in yourself to know that you are so great, that it doesn't even matter what anyone else thinks because if they ever think anything bad about you, you know that they are wrong and you are actually better than they are. And when people do say good things about you, you know that it's true and you really are that great. So there isn't any worry about thinking about what someone might say, because you just know that, no matter what, you are better than them, or at least equally as great as them.

Just don't care what anyone thinks about you unless it's something good. If they think something good about you, appreciate that it is true. And if they think something bad, know that they don't really know what they're talking about so it doesn't matter anyway.
Gear88 said:
Also for someone who is 28 years old and in no way, shape, or form ever so much as interacted sexually nor even intimately like a kiss. Well what would you say to such person? and keep the loser talk down as I don't need more ammunition to attack myself. Mind you that despite all the sexual things I've been thinking since about toddler 3-4-5 years old and spending a considerable amount of time thinking about sex during school starting in elementary. And even with that I was told "The fact you haven't had sex is considered sexual repression"; so I guess I'm sexually repressed then. I just can't seem to encounter it in real-life and always shy away or freak out. It occurred a few times to the few girls that interacted with me back in high school. Unfortunately in one case it was a race mixed situation which made me freak out. I felt bad and to this day do cause she was a really sweet person but unfortunately it was wrong. I shy'd away and freaked out and when I looked back she had a strange face like "WTF just happened".

Anyways for someone like me who doesn't go out or anything and is if that has any influence a homebody zodiac. Well what to do you do? I do live in a major city considered both sexual and sexually problematic with diseases. I'd like to avoid problems but for the life of me do need to experience life. And yes I have thought about applications and whatnot but I'm not into social media it would be out of character with my stance on social media. It's starting to become one of those necessary evil, situations when I think about it.
Knowing and understanding the problem is the 1st step to fixing it, i remember the last time wrote to you extensively you got triggered so i decide to leave you alone for a while, are you fine now perhaps?
but i'll tell you this, you don't just go out and start picking up girls like people claim, if it was that easy everyone would be doing it.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'homebody zodiac' are you asking if you have astrological influences that make you introverted?
what's in your natal chart shows what's fated in life, you may have a retrograde planet that rules your 8th house(the 8th house rules sex) in which case these affairs will show up later in life.
having a lot of retrograde planets especially pluto can make you introverted, because in the early environment in life wasn't ideal for you to develop yourself.

either way, like i said things take time, if you're introverted you're going to have to break out of your shell, do you know much times i see people online say just go talk to a girl bruh it'll be fine.
This is not the case however, you don't 'just' start riding a bike without 1st practicing with training wheels,
you don't 'just' start driving a car either, these people who've learnt to do so can simply 'just' do it as they've learnt and developed the skills for it.

if you're introverted you need to slowly crack your shell so to say and build confidence,
once a day just find a stranger and start some small talk, just ask him/her about a random topic or some shit like that, or just ask him a random question like what's the time etc, and slowly build your confidence, I've seen this, especially in school when people say "just go talk to her bro and tell her", they get rejected and it's the end of the world for them:
1 - they lacked the experience so obviously they'd approach her in an awkward way.
2 - once this happens your confidence is shattered and it's even harder for you to break out of your shell.
you start of with random people, because you're obviously gonna be a bit awkward at 1st, so if it goes bad it's just random people, no big deal.
like i said everyone starts somewhere, you don't just become a programmer or artist, if you're a late bloomer/introverted the environment you start of in didn't give you the chance to develop these skills when you were younger, but you can always start.

you need to have patience, everything needs to be built on foundations, so don't frustrate yourself, but work towards the goals you want, like i said, understanding the problem is 1st time to solving it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
When sun goes in Leo, do the spiritual sun square for Confidence and a Healthy Soul.

While that sounds great not gonna lie, but doing another sun square is a bit daunting. These past nearing 100 days has been Sun square till May 12th and Venus Square from May 17-July 4th. I really want to return to Jupiter Squares. I feel like I did the squares incorrectly since November of last year when Jupiter -> Saggitarius, I believe November of the 23rd, if I remember.

I kinda goofed on the affirmations. Stated awful affirmations or poorly constructed. I did two Svaha ones to boost Jupiter, Pisces, Cancer, and Saggitarius. My Jupiter is in cancer so it's already in second best position.

And the rest I believe three or almost four were for good luck and good fortune. I kinda wanted and was surprised at Jupiter being Sag for 2018-2019 due to finally doing an appropriate square and a beneficial. Sometime during Fall of 2018 I performed at least once Saturn Square. No idea what it did perhaps the affirmation was too much for it but it felt like nothing. I did feel bad after doing it thinking "Gosh can't believe I did something malefic" particularly with how prominent Saturn is in my chart. But non-the less I felt okay doing Jupiter it's quick and I wish to spam them till around November and potentially do Mars square. I know that I can avoid Mars square and continue to do another two maybe three Jupiter sqaures before December 19th 2019, Jupiter moves out of Sag.

Plus while another Sun square is nice for pushing away negativity from Saturn Return. I kinda rather spam the hell out of Jupiter squares.

I guess my affirmation for Sun and Jupiter would be.

Svaha Sun = My soul is eternally healthy and my confidence is eternally rising in the most happiest, most beneficial, and most healthiest way for me.

Nama Jupiter = My good luck and good fortune are eternally rising in the most happiest and most beneficial way for me.

BTW, on Jupiter is the only thing that needs increasing good luck and good fortune? Are there other things people have done to improve their nama material square. Anyone else want to chime in on other uses of Jupiter seems like most people are after luck and fortune.

At Argedco give me a chance to think about doing a Sun square again after Venus is done in July 4th particularly a few days afterwards 2-5 days to let the square sink in. I want to return to Jupiter badly as it was manageable but non the less I may reconsider and sacrifice some Jupiter squares.

I may consider it also Argedco how long is Sun going to stay at Leo? and is there other ways of utilizing solar energies besides square that encompasses Leonian energies?
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
Wtf are you doing. Induce a sexual aura and program it with Klim to attract women. Then go out and talk to girls. Flirt with them. Tell them they're cute and sexy etc. Figure out logistics, schedule a date,go on a day two,pull and then good things can happen.

...you state all that and I hate to anger you but how?

You don't say anything specific or use orange color or vibrate this much or program. I'm starting to wonder if your response was because of me spending some time weeks ago doing orange aura of attraction with the aura of attraction from JoS "My aura is attracting my perfect sexual/love partner to me in the most happiest and most beneficial way for me". I guess some sort of deprogramming or learning phase to learn about this from my own lack of learning. Also the venus square I'm doing at the moment.

To be honest Jack, everything you said in my personal sensations sounds awful. I have to do all that when I don't have the slightest clue on any of all that. How can I schedule a date and go somewhere if I have no idea how to get there nor no idea on where I would find it. Saying GPS is fine and I use GPS but it's the concept of how do human beings even know where to go or find information or do anything to discover places. Doesn't make any sense what so ever.

And no Jack I don't say those things I don't go out of my way to interact with women and whatnot. Especially considering the only women I see are just normal older women or old women or something since I live in an area with a lot of old people.

It's like this sensation I get "How can I do all that", if I have zero desire to do any of that. I don't want to talk to some girl and state something like that. I literally have no mood nor desire to be with her at that time. Why would I even bother her and make my life a problem for her.

I mean I literally do nothing in my life. What do you want me to say to her. She states what do you do "Oh currently unemployed I do nothing with my life and have no desire to do anything with my life". "Really the only thing I do is the same repetitive thing I've been doing since the end of high school". Friends? "Oh I have one friend who lives like me, my parents thought he is made up by me, but I don't have friends nor go out". You don't go out "Well the only places I go out to is my therapist, my clinic once every two months for medication" "But yeah I don't go out no idea where or why or what to do. I literally have no idea why people even go out of their house. What is there to do how can a human being even waste their time, money, and effort going outside of their house doesn't make any sense".

So notice how much of a worthless piece of shit untermensch I am. I question even basic reality, much like how I was growing up in school since elementary. I'm not smart, nerdy, or anything. In fact girls liked me because I didn't look like a nerd they just saw my long hair and reasonable charming face and liked me. But I always shy'd away or nothing materialized. At least the 4 or 5 occasions a opposite sex would be attracted to me.

Nikolas said:
How you never got a girl???

(I'll check out your videos at a later time)

I don't know why I never got a girl. How is it my fault? Why are you throwing the cake at me?

It didn't materialize, it didn't happen. So what, moving on, life is a worthless piece of shit waste of time until we die and start the same piece of shit process going again and again. If reincarnation is real then it's just another stupid shit of repetition stupid shit all the time. I've come to the conclusion long ago life is about living and continuing mistakes cause the human race is too fucking stupid to solve anything and make it right.

I just don't understand how a person like me who's been thinking about sex since 3-4-5 years old never encountered anything and been masturbating since 7. It seems like it's wrong to understand knowledge or ahead of your years. I guess maybe I'm biblically assaulted or something because it seems everything I did is wrong. Be comprehensive of sex, "Oh no that is evil" but be ignorant "Okay".

So what can I say nothing happened. I moved on, does it hurt "sure" but I learned long ago perhaps that my epiphany years ago should have occurred years sooner maybe even as a kid. But life is a worthless piece of shit system of shitting on you and leaving you dead in the water.

Social media is something I truly loathe. Why do people need social media, I never liked it never felt right or anything. And now I'm the bad guy cause I don't have a girlfriend nor experience with women.

I can assure you I don't look like no loser in fact quite the opposite I did have a girl in high school tell me I scare her. I simply have long hair and a beard that is shaved and trimmed down to the least amount so it exists but isn't long and doesn't look like pubes on my face. In fact my shaved beard makes me look quite reasonable a balance between young and older looking. Other than that I don't really give a shit about my appearance or anything. I wear the same clothes all the time. Pretty much the same black jeans and same black shirts. Hell I still posses the same black shirt I was arrested back during my schizophrenic psychotic breakdown.

Since I hardly go out except once a week to my therapist and once every two months to my clinic for medication. I pretty much wear the same shit. Gets to the point of why bother never liked buying clothes or whatnot. No idea why people need to waste money on clothes or go shopping or whatever. Always seemed weird always going out and whatnot.

So I don't know if nothing happened no idea why I bothered to reply on this thread. Maybe it's my venus square, or aura attraction, curiosity.

Not sure why a worthless piece of shit like myself wants a girlfriend or anything. I can see the conversation in the future "What do you do" "I don't do anything, I did work under the table but I don't do anything at all" Do you have friends "I have a friend who does like me and lives like me my parents thought he was me and I made up until I told them the address of where he lives". Do you do anything "I literally do nothing, I do the same thing I've been doing since I left high school and left summer school. I wake up drink my coffee and just do what I normally do, which is nothing, use the computer a bit here and there but other than that I don't do much. In fact funny enough I do spend a number of hours doing something consistently. She "Oh yeah what?" I "I do spend a lot of hours sometimes two to six hours a day walking around my house and talking to myself". So yeah I talk to myself a lot and invent things, I've come to the conclusion that my four retrogrades and my retrogrades astrological stuff manipulate me into inventing my own things and not searching information. So as you can see I'm not intelligent nor smart or anything just a stupid fucking worthless piece of shit.

So I guess the only reason why I'm wanting a girlfriend is just "POSSIBLY" to know what it is like. I guess after people like my grandfather telling me when I'm going to get one and my feelings in recent times. I guess I'm just curious but genuinely not interested in doing it because it's another period of time to waste. Then I gotta do stuff like spend time with her and this and that and I genuinely do not like spending time outside my house nor do anything. No idea why people or humans want to spend time outside their house it's weird kinda strange.

Anyways I guess I want a girlfriend just to experience it. If it helps, it helps, if not, then I shun it forever and realize all my desires and fantasies are worthless and stupid like always. I should just keep doing the same thing I always do nothing cause in reality nothing is the most appropriate thing for me. Kinda like the song from Rush "Even if you haven't made a choice, you still made a choice".

What can I say I'm just a loser. Worse than some "nice guy loser", worse because I might seem like a good person in public but I'm truly hateful person and I hate a lot and have deep anger always moved by my anger. Always thinking the same thing like a robot and never changing. I literally am the same person I was ten-fifteen years ago just without neo-nazism just regular Satanic Nazism.

So what can I say, there is no such thing as love. It's just a silly weakness employed by humans to be with each other. We all hate each other no idea why people like other people.

Anyways that's my 2-cents on the subject.
You have serious psychological problems and hangups which is related to your material problems which you should fix by doing a psychological healing working (from Lydia using greater reps.) You have self hate and I need to address this issue in a zen way to make you understand. You are constantly affirming to yourself that your a piece of shit which makes you delusionally believe your a piece of shit. You need to let go of your self hate and heal your psychological issues. To better illustrate this, go out and see a happy couple. See a happy guy, he's laughing, having fun. Now imagine you took all your negative programming and transported it inside his brain. What do you think will happen, a day from now, a week from now, a month ? That's right he'll be fucking miserable, sad, lonely. Your negative programming is keeping you back!!!

"Posting this as I've recommended it to a few SS. The healthier we are in every way, the better our success, the better our future. You can do a few cycles of 40 days, or one 90 day working, or whatever you feel you need.

This is best done when the Moon is in Scorpio, as Scorpio rules transformations, drastic changes, and psychological issues. Moon in Pisces is the only other moon sign appropriate for this working.

The day itself doesn't matter so much as the Moon sign/phase, so even Venus day is fine. The waning side of a full moon is best but the timing doesn't always work out.

Hour of Sun (Self), Moon (unconscious, emotions, habits), Jupiter (good stuff) or just whatever works in your schedule for the day. Don't obsess over the hour too much, occasionally doing it in say Mars won't ruin the working.

Rune: Wunjo (or any other variations, Waunyo, Vend, Vin, Wynn). Its number is 8 so you can do 88 reps, 40 for people who aren't used to higher reps, or whatever amount you feel is best for you.

Affirmation 9x: "In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energies of [Wunjo or variation of] are totally and completely healing me from any and all psychological, mental, and emotional damage and pain".

Now, this is going to bring up some ugly stuff. For example, if you lived in fear as a child and always had stomach aches, this working might bring them back. You might also get flashes throughout the day of memories of trauma and so on. But it won't last long. Just keep it up and you will come out of it stronger (and saner) than ever." -

Now to give you my advice on your situation. Use "Klim" and induce a crimson red color aura. Not an orange. Program it for pure lust.
pure sexual lust.Incites lust, energy, strength, sexual energy, dynamism, passionate love, physical desire, courage, will power, athletics
Do not program it for happiest, beneficial, perfect etc. Program it simply. "In a healthy and positive manner,WOMEN desire me sexually,physically and emotionally and find me completely irresistible." Yes, be indiscriminate,and no old women won't fall in love with you if you don't specify which kind of women. And no you do not need the perfect language. You need a strong will, good visualization and piercing intent. Whatever your intent ,the affirmation will drive the energy to make it come true. Focus on the energy and the intent more. The most important thing is knowing it is coming true. If you ever doubt yourself, then even if things are going your way your going to self sabotage. KNOW that its working. Beggars cannot be choosers. You need to have experiences with different kinds of women before you make a decision which kind you want to settle down with of what kind of perfect partner is actually perfect for me. Do I like shy girls who are introverted, do I like sexually explicit girls who are wild, do I like a hard working worth ethic woman, do I like a woman who wants to be a housewive and care for my children ? Until you experience many personality types you are lacking in data to know who you actually love.

Next part is becoming and rising higher.The material struggle. Why are you suffering ? You have cognitive dissonance and you say you don't care about these things but I'm going to be brutally honest with you. Its a coping mechanism. There are two types of delusional people. A person who is a narcissist will never take blame. He will always blame others. Why don't I have friends ? Because I'm above these imbeciles. Why don't I have fun ? Because I'm above this material shit,its useless. I'm a loser that jerks off to porn, has no job, no education, no friends, my mother probably hates me but I'm still awesome and these people should be approaching me to bathe in my greatness. That is a superiority complex. Another guy is the complete opposite. No matter what I do,everyone hates me, the whole world is against me, I'm a piece of shit, I'll never be good enough,im genetic waste, etc. This is guy is also narcissistic. He blames himself and others for not accepting a loser. He won't change himself because he does not want to let go of that delusional victim blaming mentality. If he takes responsibility he won't be able to blame others and say, I don't like these people who have fun, who wear nice clothes and go shopping. I'm just a piece of shit. No that is a coping mechanism too.

And should you be yourself ? This is another redpill. No. If you are unhappy with your predicament, if your unhappy with your life and then you say I'll be just myself living in moms basement, jerking off to porn and be anti social. Ask yourself, should you change yourself ? Yes. Do not do it for others,do it for yourself. Do it for your own happiness because you have a metric of what happiness is. If you objectively get the things that you lack, you know you will be happy. First realize and be aware of who you are. Are you a loser ?* No your currently experiencing a situation where you feel like a loser because of your actions. That is changeable and due to better actions you will soon feel like a winner.*

Another thing is commitment to change. Do you understand that having bangs is unattractive for your specific face because the girl specifically told you ? Cut your hair. People are in love with achievement. But most of them don't do shit in life. Why ? Because they're in love with the idea of achievement. They're not in love with the struggle and the rigorous hours of practice that comes with it. Do you want a good looking body ? Yeah. But do you want the struggle that comes with it, exercising, not eating junk food, eating healthy etc ? Do you want to be a rockstar ? Yes. Do you want the rigorous practice hours, the hauling exercise to take your gear from low end gigs where you get paid shit money, constantly writing new songs, improving your skill. ? Do you want to be good with women ? Yes. Are you prepared to engage in countless interactions where you shall experience awkwardness, rejections,emotional hell in relationships constantly figuring life out as it goes ? So my friend this is important so listen carefully. *Your success in anything does does depend on whatever achievement you'd love to have but your love towards that hardship and that struggle that accompanies that goal. *An untermench is one who rejects struggle and progress, one who accepts being a lifelong loser. One who is striving for progress and is objectively getting good by noticeable feedback from reality, is an ubermensch in the making. "Happiness is the feeling when power is rising and resistance is being overcome."- Nietzsche . Happiness is a constant work in progress. It's not like you get this one thing and your life will be devoid of suffering. Suffering is inevitable. An orphan suffers because he has no family, a normal child suffers because of his family,a poor man suffers because of his poverty and a rich man suffers because of his assets. A nihilist suffers because of his nihilism and a positivist suffers because of his positivity. All suffering is not equal, the second examples all are examples of considerably less unhappiness than the first. What is happiness is to choose your suffering which you shall conquer to get happiness. And yes, magickal power is a part of your power. So use it in addition to your material, physical and mental prowess.

You need to judge what gives you happiness, not what others feel is happiness. Do not judge yourself relative to others. Always judge yourself relative to yourself. Okay im unhappy now. I'll get some skills, read,get a scholarship, get some education. Okay im a little happy now. Okay I don't have a gf. I'll get a gf. Maybe I'll get even more happy now ? Okay I've always thought about having a family and having kids. Let me marry this girl and start a family. I'm even more happy Now. My first child is born. I'm even more happy now. My kids unhappy for some reason. I'll try to help him get over his problem. I'm so happy Now. My kid brought home that girl he wants to marry. I'm so so happy now. I need to take my grandchildren to Disneyland. It feels like a land of ease and happiness. I've meditated and long and hard and consistently. My kundalini is now risen. This feels like the ultimate happiness. Maybe if I get the magnum opus I'll get the ultimate reality of happiness ?
*Happiness is a constant work in progress and that progress shall never end, and that is life.*

So solutions are many. You need to keep at it and dedicate your time and energy to it. And judge yourself objectively with the feedback that reality gives you. Power is not will, it is the act of physically making things happen.

Now let me tell you something interesting. Yesterday as I was walking, and your reply made me think about this and that I should boost your confidence with this by sharing it. So I was walking and a girl called me somewhere at the side of the road near the house. So I went near her startled how she knew my name and then I realized it was one of my old school classmates who I'd forgotten. This girl who never talked to me in school was Calling me near the road and asking me about what I was doing,if I'd forgotten her etc etc. And she did this in front of her employer ,she was working there as a home tutor for the woman's kids. She tried to take me number but I didn't give it to her. She wasn't unattractive. However there was no throbbing in my chest,she didn't make my heart race. I didn't get attracted to her. There was no uneasiness while talking to her. I have standards and she didn't fit these standards. Everywhere I go I see women visibly checking me out. If I look into some of their eyes for a few seconds and then look away, they'll eye me periodically to check if I'm still looking, wondering if I'll go talk to her ,if I'll approach her. You see ? KLIM. RED ENERGY.ASTRAL POWER. DIRECT FEEDBACK. Was I always like this ? No I was still tall and my face was pretty much the same before in high school except I kept my hair down instead of up. The difference came after applying this Magickal Power that this organization has so gifted us freely that has the ability to change ones life. Now I know I'm attractive and actively wanted. There is no anxiety if a girl looks at me or talks to me. Because I have objectively real feedback to back it up. Magick is not some fairly tale world thing. Its going to manifest in reality and reality will objectively give you feedback if its working. And when you KNOW its working ,it is working. Imagine this you never kissed a girl and you feel like shit. You change yourself and apply your power ,knowing that its working.So now you do kiss a girl. You now have physical objective proof to back up your claim that it is working which snowballs your confidence that yes, I can do this shit because I've done it before and I know this shit works.

As for specifically what to say to a girl, I'm afraid I can't help you. No particular script covers every response she'll give you. No book can teach you this, except probably how not to be a total weirdo if you are one. What you want to do is develop your personality, sense of humor and sexual vibe by having lots of interactions with women. Okay when I do this, she doesn't like it. Okay when I tease her like this, she blushes. Okay when I tell her she's sexy by looking at her she's pursing and licking her lips. Okay I look at her eyes and then at her lips and then at her eyes. She's still having eye contact. This is when I kiss her. Okay this kiss feels bland to her. Maybe I'll use my tongue,maybe I'll pull her closer. DIRECT FEEDBACK. CONSTANT WORK IN PROGRESS. Talk to old ladies. Learn about their stories and experiences,be curious and mark when women open up and which behaviour of yours makes her do that.Learn to graudually come out of that dark hole youve put yourself in.Do what Ol argedco luciftias told you with the sun square too. If your unemployed with nothing to do at home,you have ample time to use magick,read, crack exams, get employed somewhere, improve your life. Your life begins here. You are the master of your destiny. You can literally do anything humanly possible, others have done this before you!!!
Lastly stop any kind of schizophrenic medication your taking. That shit is making you anti social.
Do not take chemical meditation unless you physically have some problem. Schizophrenia is not a disease.
Jack said:
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
Wtf are you doing. Induce a sexual aura and program it with Klim to attract women. Then go out and talk to girls. Flirt with them. Tell them they're cute and sexy etc. Figure out logistics, schedule a date,go on a day two,pull and then good things can happen.

...you state all that and I hate to anger you but how?

You don't say anything specific or use orange color or vibrate this much or program. I'm starting to wonder if your response was because of me spending some time weeks ago doing orange aura of attraction with the aura of attraction from JoS "My aura is attracting my perfect sexual/love partner to me in the most happiest and most beneficial way for me". I guess some sort of deprogramming or learning phase to learn about this from my own lack of learning. Also the venus square I'm doing at the moment.

To be honest Jack, everything you said in my personal sensations sounds awful. I have to do all that when I don't have the slightest clue on any of all that. How can I schedule a date and go somewhere if I have no idea how to get there nor no idea on where I would find it. Saying GPS is fine and I use GPS but it's the concept of how do human beings even know where to go or find information or do anything to discover places. Doesn't make any sense what so ever.

And no Jack I don't say those things I don't go out of my way to interact with women and whatnot. Especially considering the only women I see are just normal older women or old women or something since I live in an area with a lot of old people.

It's like this sensation I get "How can I do all that", if I have zero desire to do any of that. I don't want to talk to some girl and state something like that. I literally have no mood nor desire to be with her at that time. Why would I even bother her and make my life a problem for her.

I mean I literally do nothing in my life. What do you want me to say to her. She states what do you do "Oh currently unemployed I do nothing with my life and have no desire to do anything with my life". "Really the only thing I do is the same repetitive thing I've been doing since the end of high school". Friends? "Oh I have one friend who lives like me, my parents thought he is made up by me, but I don't have friends nor go out". You don't go out "Well the only places I go out to is my therapist, my clinic once every two months for medication" "But yeah I don't go out no idea where or why or what to do. I literally have no idea why people even go out of their house. What is there to do how can a human being even waste their time, money, and effort going outside of their house doesn't make any sense".

So notice how much of a worthless piece of shit untermensch I am. I question even basic reality, much like how I was growing up in school since elementary. I'm not smart, nerdy, or anything. In fact girls liked me because I didn't look like a nerd they just saw my long hair and reasonable charming face and liked me. But I always shy'd away or nothing materialized. At least the 4 or 5 occasions a opposite sex would be attracted to me.

Nikolas said:
How you never got a girl???

(I'll check out your videos at a later time)

I don't know why I never got a girl. How is it my fault? Why are you throwing the cake at me?

It didn't materialize, it didn't happen. So what, moving on, life is a worthless piece of shit waste of time until we die and start the same piece of shit process going again and again. If reincarnation is real then it's just another stupid shit of repetition stupid shit all the time. I've come to the conclusion long ago life is about living and continuing mistakes cause the human race is too fucking stupid to solve anything and make it right.

I just don't understand how a person like me who's been thinking about sex since 3-4-5 years old never encountered anything and been masturbating since 7. It seems like it's wrong to understand knowledge or ahead of your years. I guess maybe I'm biblically assaulted or something because it seems everything I did is wrong. Be comprehensive of sex, "Oh no that is evil" but be ignorant "Okay".

So what can I say nothing happened. I moved on, does it hurt "sure" but I learned long ago perhaps that my epiphany years ago should have occurred years sooner maybe even as a kid. But life is a worthless piece of shit system of shitting on you and leaving you dead in the water.

Social media is something I truly loathe. Why do people need social media, I never liked it never felt right or anything. And now I'm the bad guy cause I don't have a girlfriend nor experience with women.

I can assure you I don't look like no loser in fact quite the opposite I did have a girl in high school tell me I scare her. I simply have long hair and a beard that is shaved and trimmed down to the least amount so it exists but isn't long and doesn't look like pubes on my face. In fact my shaved beard makes me look quite reasonable a balance between young and older looking. Other than that I don't really give a shit about my appearance or anything. I wear the same clothes all the time. Pretty much the same black jeans and same black shirts. Hell I still posses the same black shirt I was arrested back during my schizophrenic psychotic breakdown.

Since I hardly go out except once a week to my therapist and once every two months to my clinic for medication. I pretty much wear the same shit. Gets to the point of why bother never liked buying clothes or whatnot. No idea why people need to waste money on clothes or go shopping or whatever. Always seemed weird always going out and whatnot.

So I don't know if nothing happened no idea why I bothered to reply on this thread. Maybe it's my venus square, or aura attraction, curiosity.

Not sure why a worthless piece of shit like myself wants a girlfriend or anything. I can see the conversation in the future "What do you do" "I don't do anything, I did work under the table but I don't do anything at all" Do you have friends "I have a friend who does like me and lives like me my parents thought he was me and I made up until I told them the address of where he lives". Do you do anything "I literally do nothing, I do the same thing I've been doing since I left high school and left summer school. I wake up drink my coffee and just do what I normally do, which is nothing, use the computer a bit here and there but other than that I don't do much. In fact funny enough I do spend a number of hours doing something consistently. She "Oh yeah what?" I "I do spend a lot of hours sometimes two to six hours a day walking around my house and talking to myself". So yeah I talk to myself a lot and invent things, I've come to the conclusion that my four retrogrades and my retrogrades astrological stuff manipulate me into inventing my own things and not searching information. So as you can see I'm not intelligent nor smart or anything just a stupid fucking worthless piece of shit.

So I guess the only reason why I'm wanting a girlfriend is just "POSSIBLY" to know what it is like. I guess after people like my grandfather telling me when I'm going to get one and my feelings in recent times. I guess I'm just curious but genuinely not interested in doing it because it's another period of time to waste. Then I gotta do stuff like spend time with her and this and that and I genuinely do not like spending time outside my house nor do anything. No idea why people or humans want to spend time outside their house it's weird kinda strange.

Anyways I guess I want a girlfriend just to experience it. If it helps, it helps, if not, then I shun it forever and realize all my desires and fantasies are worthless and stupid like always. I should just keep doing the same thing I always do nothing cause in reality nothing is the most appropriate thing for me. Kinda like the song from Rush "Even if you haven't made a choice, you still made a choice".

What can I say I'm just a loser. Worse than some "nice guy loser", worse because I might seem like a good person in public but I'm truly hateful person and I hate a lot and have deep anger always moved by my anger. Always thinking the same thing like a robot and never changing. I literally am the same person I was ten-fifteen years ago just without neo-nazism just regular Satanic Nazism.

So what can I say, there is no such thing as love. It's just a silly weakness employed by humans to be with each other. We all hate each other no idea why people like other people.

Anyways that's my 2-cents on the subject.
You have serious psychological problems and hangups which is related to your material problems which you should fix by doing a psychological healing working (from Lydia using greater reps.) You have self hate and I need to address this issue in a zen way to make you understand. You are constantly affirming to yourself that your a piece of shit which makes you delusionally believe your a piece of shit. You need to let go of your self hate and heal your psychological issues. To better illustrate this, go out and see a happy couple. See a happy guy, he's laughing, having fun. Now imagine you took all your negative programming and transported it inside his brain. What do you think will happen, a day from now, a week from now, a month ? That's right he'll be fucking miserable, sad, lonely. Your negative programming is keeping you back!!!

"Posting this as I've recommended it to a few SS. The healthier we are in every way, the better our success, the better our future. You can do a few cycles of 40 days, or one 90 day working, or whatever you feel you need.

This is best done when the Moon is in Scorpio, as Scorpio rules transformations, drastic changes, and psychological issues. Moon in Pisces is the only other moon sign appropriate for this working.

The day itself doesn't matter so much as the Moon sign/phase, so even Venus day is fine. The waning side of a full moon is best but the timing doesn't always work out.

Hour of Sun (Self), Moon (unconscious, emotions, habits), Jupiter (good stuff) or just whatever works in your schedule for the day. Don't obsess over the hour too much, occasionally doing it in say Mars won't ruin the working.

Rune: Wunjo (or any other variations, Waunyo, Vend, Vin, Wynn). Its number is 8 so you can do 88 reps, 40 for people who aren't used to higher reps, or whatever amount you feel is best for you.

Affirmation 9x: "In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energies of [Wunjo or variation of] are totally and completely healing me from any and all psychological, mental, and emotional damage and pain".

Now, this is going to bring up some ugly stuff. For example, if you lived in fear as a child and always had stomach aches, this working might bring them back. You might also get flashes throughout the day of memories of trauma and so on. But it won't last long. Just keep it up and you will come out of it stronger (and saner) than ever." -

Now to give you my advice on your situation. Use "Klim" and induce a crimson red color aura. Not an orange. Program it for pure lust.
pure sexual lust.Incites lust, energy, strength, sexual energy, dynamism, passionate love, physical desire, courage, will power, athletics
Do not program it for happiest, beneficial, perfect etc. Program it simply. "In a healthy and positive manner,WOMEN desire me sexually,physically and emotionally and find me completely irresistible." Yes, be indiscriminate,and no old women won't fall in love with you if you don't specify which kind of women. And no you do not need the perfect language. You need a strong will, good visualization and piercing intent. Whatever your intent ,the affirmation will drive the energy to make it come true. Focus on the energy and the intent more. The most important thing is knowing it is coming true. If you ever doubt yourself, then even if things are going your way your going to self sabotage. KNOW that its working. Beggars cannot be choosers. You need to have experiences with different kinds of women before you make a decision which kind you want to settle down with of what kind of perfect partner is actually perfect for me. Do I like shy girls who are introverted, do I like sexually explicit girls who are wild, do I like a hard working worth ethic woman, do I like a woman who wants to be a housewive and care for my children ? Until you experience many personality types you are lacking in data to know who you actually love.

Next part is becoming and rising higher.The material struggle. Why are you suffering ? You have cognitive dissonance and you say you don't care about these things but I'm going to be brutally honest with you. Its a coping mechanism. There are two types of delusional people. A person who is a narcissist will never take blame. He will always blame others. Why don't I have friends ? Because I'm above these imbeciles. Why don't I have fun ? Because I'm above this material shit,its useless. I'm a loser that jerks off to porn, has no job, no education, no friends, my mother probably hates me but I'm still awesome and these people should be approaching me to bathe in my greatness. That is a superiority complex. Another guy is the complete opposite. No matter what I do,everyone hates me, the whole world is against me, I'm a piece of shit, I'll never be good enough,im genetic waste, etc. This is guy is also narcissistic. He blames himself and others for not accepting a loser. He won't change himself because he does not want to let go of that delusional victim blaming mentality. If he takes responsibility he won't be able to blame others and say, I don't like these people who have fun, who wear nice clothes and go shopping. I'm just a piece of shit. No that is a coping mechanism too.

And should you be yourself ? This is another redpill. No. If you are unhappy with your predicament, if your unhappy with your life and then you say I'll be just myself living in moms basement, jerking off to porn and be anti social. Ask yourself, should you change yourself ? Yes. Do not do it for others,do it for yourself. Do it for your own happiness because you have a metric of what happiness is. If you objectively get the things that you lack, you know you will be happy. First realize and be aware of who you are. Are you a loser ?* No your currently experiencing a situation where you feel like a loser because of your actions. That is changeable and due to better actions you will soon feel like a winner.*

Another thing is commitment to change. Do you understand that having bangs is unattractive for your specific face because the girl specifically told you ? Cut your hair. People are in love with achievement. But most of them don't do shit in life. Why ? Because they're in love with the idea of achievement. They're not in love with the struggle and the rigorous hours of practice that comes with it. Do you want a good looking body ? Yeah. But do you want the struggle that comes with it, exercising, not eating junk food, eating healthy etc ? Do you want to be a rockstar ? Yes. Do you want the rigorous practice hours, the hauling exercise to take your gear from low end gigs where you get paid shit money, constantly writing new songs, improving your skill. ? Do you want to be good with women ? Yes. Are you prepared to engage in countless interactions where you shall experience awkwardness, rejections,emotional hell in relationships constantly figuring life out as it goes ? So my friend this is important so listen carefully. *Your success in anything does does depend on whatever achievement you'd love to have but your love towards that hardship and that struggle that accompanies that goal. *An untermench is one who rejects struggle and progress, one who accepts being a lifelong loser. One who is striving for progress and is objectively getting good by noticeable feedback from reality, is an ubermensch in the making. "Happiness is the feeling when power is rising and resistance is being overcome."- Nietzsche . Happiness is a constant work in progress. It's not like you get this one thing and your life will be devoid of suffering. Suffering is inevitable. An orphan suffers because he has no family, a normal child suffers because of his family,a poor man suffers because of his poverty and a rich man suffers because of his assets. A nihilist suffers because of his nihilism and a positivist suffers because of his positivity. All suffering is not equal, the second examples all are examples of considerably less unhappiness than the first. What is happiness is to choose your suffering which you shall conquer to get happiness. And yes, magickal power is a part of your power. So use it in addition to your material, physical and mental prowess.

You need to judge what gives you happiness, not what others feel is happiness. Do not judge yourself relative to others. Always judge yourself relative to yourself. Okay im unhappy now. I'll get some skills, read,get a scholarship, get some education. Okay im a little happy now. Okay I don't have a gf. I'll get a gf. Maybe I'll get even more happy now ? Okay I've always thought about having a family and having kids. Let me marry this girl and start a family. I'm even more happy Now. My first child is born. I'm even more happy now. My kids unhappy for some reason. I'll try to help him get over his problem. I'm so happy Now. My kid brought home that girl he wants to marry. I'm so so happy now. I need to take my grandchildren to Disneyland. It feels like a land of ease and happiness. I've meditated and long and hard and consistently. My kundalini is now risen. This feels like the ultimate happiness. Maybe if I get the magnum opus I'll get the ultimate reality of happiness ?
*Happiness is a constant work in progress and that progress shall never end, and that is life.*

So solutions are many. You need to keep at it and dedicate your time and energy to it. And judge yourself objectively with the feedback that reality gives you. Power is not will, it is the act of physically making things happen.

Now let me tell you something interesting. Yesterday as I was walking, and your reply made me think about this and that I should boost your confidence with this by sharing it. So I was walking and a girl called me somewhere at the side of the road near the house. So I went near her startled how she knew my name and then I realized it was one of my old school classmates who I'd forgotten. This girl who never talked to me in school was Calling me near the road and asking me about what I was doing,if I'd forgotten her etc etc. And she did this in front of her employer ,she was working there as a home tutor for the woman's kids. She tried to take me number but I didn't give it to her. She wasn't unattractive. However there was no throbbing in my chest,she didn't make my heart race. I didn't get attracted to her. There was no uneasiness while talking to her. I have standards and she didn't fit these standards. Everywhere I go I see women visibly checking me out. If I look into some of their eyes for a few seconds and then look away, they'll eye me periodically to check if I'm still looking, wondering if I'll go talk to her ,if I'll approach her. You see ? KLIM. RED ENERGY.ASTRAL POWER. DIRECT FEEDBACK. Was I always like this ? No I was still tall and my face was pretty much the same before in high school except I kept my hair down instead of up. The difference came after applying this Magickal Power that this organization has so gifted us freely that has the ability to change ones life. Now I know I'm attractive and actively wanted. There is no anxiety if a girl looks at me or talks to me. Because I have objectively real feedback to back it up. Magick is not some fairly tale world thing. Its going to manifest in reality and reality will objectively give you feedback if its working. And when you KNOW its working ,it is working. Imagine this you never kissed a girl and you feel like shit. You change yourself and apply your power ,knowing that its working.So now you do kiss a girl. You now have physical objective proof to back up your claim that it is working which snowballs your confidence that yes, I can do this shit because I've done it before and I know this shit works.

As for specifically what to say to a girl, I'm afraid I can't help you. No particular script covers every response she'll give you. No book can teach you this, except probably how not to be a total weirdo if you are one. What you want to do is develop your personality, sense of humor and sexual vibe by having lots of interactions with women. Okay when I do this, she doesn't like it. Okay when I tease her like this, she blushes. Okay when I tell her she's sexy by looking at her she's pursing and licking her lips. Okay I look at her eyes and then at her lips and then at her eyes. She's still having eye contact. This is when I kiss her. Okay this kiss feels bland to her. Maybe I'll use my tongue,maybe I'll pull her closer. DIRECT FEEDBACK. CONSTANT WORK IN PROGRESS. Talk to old ladies. Learn about their stories and experiences,be curious and mark when women open up and which behaviour of yours makes her do that.Learn to graudually come out of that dark hole youve put yourself in.Do what Ol argedco luciftias told you with the sun square too. If your unemployed with nothing to do at home,you have ample time to use magick,read, crack exams, get employed somewhere, improve your life. Your life begins here. You are the master of your destiny. You can literally do anything humanly possible, others have done this before you!!!
Lastly stop any kind of schizophrenic medication your taking. That shit is making you anti social.
Do not take chemical meditation unless you physically have some problem. Schizophrenia is not a disease.
Yeah bro as you said (didn't read everything XD). And Gear88 stop the medication (gradualy) and talk to people, i was on medication too for the same reason and now from time to time i go out with my cousin and another one to talk and stuff and it is great moustly xD and the treatement (antidepressants) gives people suicidal thoughts (and many long term side effects) i got that too and it may last for a longer time after the treatement i had a suicidat thought that stuck to me and didn't disappeared and coudn't block it or ignore it so then i asked the Gods for help and in a few secounds it disappeared xD so if you can't do something that you really need and being in danger ask for help from Satan or the Gods by concentrating on them. Be sincere with them.
I still talk to my self sometimes but that's a desire that shows i want to talk to people, same thing as in my birth chart that i'm talkative and from time to time i hear the "voice" but not when i'm with friends. when i was on treatement i knew the treatement will limit my life as a person and will make everything worse so after wanting to know how to get rid of that problem (i think i asked Satan to help me and understand things in what to do) so then i found the website www.successfulschizophrenia.org and after reading it was really impressed and made the decision to get rid of the treatement but it wasn't easy, my beliefs that i had then where that if i do it i may die for real so i was like i do it even if i die because if i stay like this would be the same as dying, like not living life to the fullest because people will see me as "schizophrenic" and no one wants to hire or be with a "schizophrenic" and others things that i don't rememer now. So there is no "schizophrenics" the website explains it well enough. Just read it.
Bro Gear88 i tell you i feel more powerful without the treatement and i see more posibilities in life than with the treatement.
I also during the treatement i programed my subcounscious to get rid of "schizophrenia" which i believe it's non existent only for those who believe it is real but it is an inner turmoil and in combination with enemy attaks or just enemy attaks mind tricks. On the website are thestimonies and also says that people got rid 80% and more and some have got 100% recovery and some got even better than before, why is that...
Jack said:
...Klim working..

Alright Jack you did touch up on some things about me. Not gonna quote the other thing and it's a bit long to state my opinion on it. But all I have to say is you touched on quite a few points.

Non-the less this Klim working. Here is the thing I think in all the years I've been dedicated the only two workings I ever did for long period of time is a recent munka 40 day was gonna do 90 day but my therapist suggested I stop with the affirmations for a week and take a week break from meditation and whatnot, I did except for venus square. So now I'm back and perfect timing as June 11th is Moon in Libra and it's a VoCless day. The only other 40 day working is Lydia's work which you posted. Not sure if it was 2018 or 2017 when I did it. And yes I did 88 repetitions of Vynn, no idea what it did. Didn't even like the affirmation which she posted. If it worked I don't know, don't remember. And BTW not short vibrations long vibrations would wage to guess averaging 15-20 minutes.

I'm not saying magick is fake or useless or something. But it's gotten to the point whereby I feel like magic is just much like the information I attain. Simply a mental curiosity. I could speak to people about it perhaps a fib a little due to my astrological aspect kinda aggrandize stuff. And then they ask me I tell "oh that is just things I learned I don't know if it works or not, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't who knows if it did anything. I simply do it cause I got nothing better to do and it's the natural thing humans do". So on some level I've never proven Spiritual Satanism nor even National Socialism at least to a comfortable degree as being assured of say economic aspect or say deep government understanding. I'm a Nazi-Satanist that believes whatever it is to believe but never proved. Have I lucid dreamed, yeah sure nothing spectacular but did but any other fun stuff like trance, void, or magic, or astral projection. Nope they just remain mental curiosities and topics of theorization and discussion cause I got nothing better to do with how bored and existentially bored I am.

So let me ask Klim, I know how to vibrate it and you are using the Frawley stated magnetic aspects. Okay now how much reps should I do and for how long. Is it as simple as a 40day or 90day or what is the deal till something pops in, what is the situation with this.

FYI I'm not trying to be lazy just simply telling me to do something without instructions is kinda annoying.

BTW just to point out I've never in my life been some master of vibrating perfectly, affirming, directing, and intent. You gotta understand I'm just a normal person with an overdrive in my mind of thoughts. Void or whatever the hell it's called is nice and all but it's not me. It's not within my capacity to quite the mind and or focus on a single task. I just do it. In simplest terms I just perform the magical ritual. It works, it works, it doesn't work, it doesn't work moving on. It's like meditation it works, it works, it doesn't work whatever.

There might be a collective; Why are you here? and my response is no idea, just for the sake of it, got nothing better to do.

So I'll do the Klim vibration and whatnot once I receive proper instructions but I'm not expecting it to work at all.

As for Lydia's working on June 13 there is a Moon in Scorpio situation and can do it on the hour of the moon. Just gotta calculate the hours over the course of 90 days. Still doing 88 reps or higher and spending at least 15 minutes or longer and if it's 216 even 45 minutes is not my idea of fun. Already with Klim, Venus Square, and This Vynn vibration it's already too much.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sunrise said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Who asked you to excuse yourself? Nobody cares if you excuse yourself or not.

"I respect everyone opinions but he needed to be corrected".

Yes of course, we are aware, you are extremely noble, it's that you have to trash everyone to get down to their inferior level.

I am aware being indignant and acting like a typical 2019 "open minded" hypocrite is something many people love.

That was his opinion, what is the problem of you getting to infuriated with it? He wrote a line and you wrote an essay cursing his whole life.

Nobody vilified sex workers or anything. You straw man too much for me to ever reply again. Nobody talked against one's sexual choices.

Indignant behavior is not exactly a lady trait. If you want to be treated as a lady, then be one. If you want to act like a bad low behavior feminist trucker, then expect the same. This is your choice.

Next time also remember to throw a rant when people forcibly try to state everyone is homosexual or bisexual, will you? But you will not - easier to single him out instead for not even saying a fraction of a lot of insanity and forced opinions going on here, than others who will act likewise like feminist truckers on steroids and boose rage.

Lady trait you say,

Let me put it simply, boys around here spoke in other topics in all sorts of various despicable manners and you didn't have anything to say, nor did I ever complain at the clergy. I took personal responsibility and dealt with it myself. they were speaking about my tampoons and making meme's about it and you didn't give a fuck, but ultimately a lady has to always stay a lady, be quiet and ladylike isn't it? while you all masculine forces in the universe trash us however you want. now when a poor little boy is in need all the manhood is jumping. plain hypocrisy. but let's get over this, is offtopic.

What It did upset me at you is the following: you didn't come to say that this comment you deleted is out of the posting rules and can affect the image, legal means etc. If you were coming to say this, I would have answered: FAIR ENOUGH, I APOLOGIES, IT MAKES SENSE.

What you did is coming to say THAT YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS SO UPSETTING IN HIS POSTING. This is what you did. And your lack of understanding is something that disappointed me fully and profoundly.

No arguments other than "lady-like', no essence, just mediocrity, let's keep the appearances, just double standards and emotional responses, and other things with zero value or meaning.

Another important point to mention is that I didn't wish him death. There is nowhere death over there I just said something like 'I would kill you all who do not respect x etc'... a way of saying.

Do not worry, there will be no next time. I am too mature to get butthurt over this sort of insignificant incidents like getting stuck on them all day long or something. Hypocrisy...mmm...think again when you use this kind of word, or other similar, putting me in a box is ridiculous. Anybody trying to define me in a way is ridiculous. Read again the guy comment, you still do not find it PROFOUNDLY DISRESPECTFUL for the women kind, then I and you have nothing else to talk in this existence.

The subject was ridiculous, my time wasted is ridiculous, just make sure you educate people in a healthy manner because most do not even filter what you say, they believe you on your word, so take full responsibility as I won't be visible on the forum never again. I do not have nerves for all of this. all this playing fake, mediocrity and eternal bullshit.
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
...Klim working..

Alright Jack you did touch up on some things about me. Not gonna quote the other thing and it's a bit long to state my opinion on it. But all I have to say is you touched on quite a few points.

Non-the less this Klim working. Here is the thing I think in all the years I've been dedicated the only two workings I ever did for long period of time is a recent munka 40 day was gonna do 90 day but my therapist suggested I stop with the affirmations for a week and take a week break from meditation and whatnot, I did except for venus square. So now I'm back and perfect timing as June 11th is Moon in Libra and it's a VoCless day. The only other 40 day working is Lydia's work which you posted. Not sure if it was 2018 or 2017 when I did it. And yes I did 88 repetitions of Vynn, no idea what it did. Didn't even like the affirmation which she posted. If it worked I don't know, don't remember. And BTW not short vibrations long vibrations would wage to guess averaging 15-20 minutes.

I'm not saying magick is fake or useless or something. But it's gotten to the point whereby I feel like magic is just much like the information I attain. Simply a mental curiosity. I could speak to people about it perhaps a fib a little due to my astrological aspect kinda aggrandize stuff. And then they ask me I tell "oh that is just things I learned I don't know if it works or not, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't who knows if it did anything. I simply do it cause I got nothing better to do and it's the natural thing humans do". So on some level I've never proven Spiritual Satanism nor even National Socialism at least to a comfortable degree as being assured of say economic aspect or say deep government understanding. I'm a Nazi-Satanist that believes whatever it is to believe but never proved. Have I lucid dreamed, yeah sure nothing spectacular but did but any other fun stuff like trance, void, or magic, or astral projection. Nope they just remain mental curiosities and topics of theorization and discussion cause I got nothing better to do with how bored and existentially bored I am.

So let me ask Klim, I know how to vibrate it and you are using the Frawley stated magnetic aspects. Okay now how much reps should I do and for how long. Is it as simple as a 40day or 90day or what is the deal till something pops in, what is the situation with this.

FYI I'm not trying to be lazy just simply telling me to do something without instructions is kinda annoying.

BTW just to point out I've never in my life been some master of vibrating perfectly, affirming, directing, and intent. You gotta understand I'm just a normal person with an overdrive in my mind of thoughts. Void or whatever the hell it's called is nice and all but it's not me. It's not within my capacity to quite the mind and or focus on a single task. I just do it. In simplest terms I just perform the magical ritual. It works, it works, it doesn't work, it doesn't work moving on. It's like meditation it works, it works, it doesn't work whatever.

There might be a collective; Why are you here? and my response is no idea, just for the sake of it, got nothing better to do.

So I'll do the Klim vibration and whatnot once I receive proper instructions but I'm not expecting it to work at all.

As for Lydia's working on June 13 there is a Moon in Scorpio situation and can do it on the hour of the moon. Just gotta calculate the hours over the course of 90 days. Still doing 88 reps or higher and spending at least 15 minutes or longer and if it's 216 even 45 minutes is not my idea of fun. Already with Klim, Venus Square, and This Vynn vibration it's already too much.
You should do 216 reps for 90 days straight in which time period you also should go out and talk to random girls as I stated and build your social skills and sexual vibe.. The klim working will greatly increase your odds, make sure to look her in her eyes and speak loudly enough. If your not a midget and above average looks, it's highly improbable that you won't get any numbers I.e with this brutal working plus the constant effort your putting in to improve. Learn to be centered with void meditation. Do not be over reactive. Just chill and enjoy. Be like water, flowing.
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
...Klim working..

Alright Jack you did touch up on some things about me. Not gonna quote the other thing and it's a bit long to state my opinion on it. But all I have to say is you touched on quite a few points.

Non-the less this Klim working. Here is the thing I think in all the years I've been dedicated the only two workings I ever did for long period of time is a recent munka 40 day was gonna do 90 day but my therapist suggested I stop with the affirmations for a week and take a week break from meditation and whatnot, I did except for venus square. So now I'm back and perfect timing as June 11th is Moon in Libra and it's a VoCless day. The only other 40 day working is Lydia's work which you posted. Not sure if it was 2018 or 2017 when I did it. And yes I did 88 repetitions of Vynn, no idea what it did. Didn't even like the affirmation which she posted. If it worked I don't know, don't remember. And BTW not short vibrations long vibrations would wage to guess averaging 15-20 minutes.

I'm not saying magick is fake or useless or something. But it's gotten to the point whereby I feel like magic is just much like the information I attain. Simply a mental curiosity. I could speak to people about it perhaps a fib a little due to my astrological aspect kinda aggrandize stuff. And then they ask me I tell "oh that is just things I learned I don't know if it works or not, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't who knows if it did anything. I simply do it cause I got nothing better to do and it's the natural thing humans do". So on some level I've never proven Spiritual Satanism nor even National Socialism at least to a comfortable degree as being assured of say economic aspect or say deep government understanding. I'm a Nazi-Satanist that believes whatever it is to believe but never proved. Have I lucid dreamed, yeah sure nothing spectacular but did but any other fun stuff like trance, void, or magic, or astral projection. Nope they just remain mental curiosities and topics of theorization and discussion cause I got nothing better to do with how bored and existentially bored I am.

So let me ask Klim, I know how to vibrate it and you are using the Frawley stated magnetic aspects. Okay now how much reps should I do and for how long. Is it as simple as a 40day or 90day or what is the deal till something pops in, what is the situation with this.

FYI I'm not trying to be lazy just simply telling me to do something without instructions is kinda annoying.

BTW just to point out I've never in my life been some master of vibrating perfectly, affirming, directing, and intent. You gotta understand I'm just a normal person with an overdrive in my mind of thoughts. Void or whatever the hell it's called is nice and all but it's not me. It's not within my capacity to quite the mind and or focus on a single task. I just do it. In simplest terms I just perform the magical ritual. It works, it works, it doesn't work, it doesn't work moving on. It's like meditation it works, it works, it doesn't work whatever.

There might be a collective; Why are you here? and my response is no idea, just for the sake of it, got nothing better to do.

So I'll do the Klim vibration and whatnot once I receive proper instructions but I'm not expecting it to work at all.

As for Lydia's working on June 13 there is a Moon in Scorpio situation and can do it on the hour of the moon. Just gotta calculate the hours over the course of 90 days. Still doing 88 reps or higher and spending at least 15 minutes or longer and if it's 216 even 45 minutes is not my idea of fun. Already with Klim, Venus Square, and This Vynn vibration it's already too much.
My brother you seem to be utterly confused with your own situation. Its not bad to ask for advice or admit that you fucked up because now you have the understanding that yes, I can try to fix this situation and take responsibility for it.

As for why you are here, I'm going to explain to you using Nietzschean philosophy. Nietzsche understood in his time that civilization and people were descending into a purely materialistic paradigm of being and we're being devoid of spirituality, morals,civilizational,social and cultural values. He predicted that man would in fact rise above this situation into a higher paradigm, a higher reality based on truth rather than vice. That man was to be known as the Ubermensch, the overman, the Superman. Look around you. You find the culture of a world in late stage capitalism and late stage communism. Man has lost his roots,his culture, his values, his ethics, his sense of right and wrong. He is driven now purely by biological needs. The scientists who are inventing things ,the philosopher's who keep philosophizing, the idealists who keep spreading their idealism are still with that same paradigm of decay. Most of the actual scientists are banned,censored their work never reported. The scientists of now work from a purely Darwinism standpoint for military industrial complexes, the philosophers of the age try to justify vice,materialism and nihilism. The ideas are centered for acquiring a never ending stream of physical pleasures to the point your entire existence is based on them. This paradigm is of death and decay. You my brother are here to rise higher. To rise to a spiritual paradigm, to open your senses to truth,wisdom and understanding. To base your faith in a higher order that is eternal truth,not in truth that is transient. You are here to rise above this paradigm and become an Overman, an ubermensch.

As for what you were doing with your meditational practices and why you have not practiced and honed these things that are stated to be done in the eight fold path everyday is not for me to ask. It is something you must introspect over. Why are you doing the things your doing ? Why are you self sabotaging your life ? Why are you unhappy ? What are the behaviors that cause recurring patterns of self sabotage ? What is the cause of these behaviors. Where in my period of life did these behaviors originate and what happened that started these. Gain self awareness of yourself and accept everything that happened. Acceptance creates a situation where you now know why and how you fucked up and tool responsibility for it. Now you have the avenue to fix your life as you see fit.

Use the affirmation in Lydia's working "In a healthy and positive manner ,the self hate and self doubt I'm experiencing are permanently and completely GONE". Or something similar.

There is a necronomicon rune (Gibil) that can help you gain self awareness. Vibrate that then think about all these things and what your gonna do next.

Remember not to blame anyone but take responsibility for everything you do and commit to change afterwards.
Jack said:
...Lydia work..

I'd rather use the original working affirmation since it deals with emotional aspects. Believe it or not if you viewed my astrological chart you'd see a very potent emotion. In other words emotional as a strength not a weakness despite one aspect being inconjunct.

Jack said:
There is a necronomicon rune (Gibil) that can help you gain self awareness. Vibrate that then think about all these things and what your gonna do next.

The Forty-Sixth Name is GIBIL

This Power has been given the Realm of the Fire and the Forge. He keepeth the sharp point of the Sword and the Lance, and giveth understanding in the working of metals. He also raises the Lightning that comes from the Earth, and maketh Swords to appear in the Sky. His Word is BAALAGNITARRA and his Seal is this:

Eh...non of what that says sounds very self-awareness. Perhaps my ignorance is bliss but reading that kinda makes me think it sounds like some offensive spell work. Unless of course occultically you read it more in-depth and tells you about self-awareness.

Still at the end of the day it's another two mantras to vibrate and program which is like, too much.

Jack said:
Remember not to blame anyone but take responsibility for everything you do and commit to change afterwards.

I know when I do something wrong but time and time again has proven that others are at fault. Even with my altruistic astrological chart aspects. I still can't seem to not find blame in others. Not my fault they throw it out in the World and it becomes a situation for themselves or others.

And I do shoulder the blame for humanity a lot like my astrological chart states. I need to stop guilting myself for the World's problems if they happen, they happen.

Jack said:
As for what you were doing with your meditational practices and why you have not practiced and honed these things that are stated to be done in the eight fold path everyday is not for me to ask. It is something you must introspect over. Why are you doing the things your doing ? Why are you self sabotaging your life ? Why are you unhappy ? What are the behaviors that cause recurring patterns of self sabotage ? What is the cause of these behaviors. Where in my period of life did these behaviors originate and what happened that started these. Gain self awareness of yourself and accept everything that happened. Acceptance creates a situation where you now know why and how you fucked up and tool responsibility for it. Now you have the avenue to fix your life as you see fit.

I guess if I had to explain myself. When I first learned about meditation years ago it was kinda like a drug vibe. Despite not studying drugs for many years since I spent a few months studying various drugs and coming to the conclusion the best one for me would be LSD.

I felt and believed that meditation would produce a drug like effect of removing me from the real world like a dream. And when I returned after the meditation I would be relaxed and feeling great like a great rest perhaps greater rest as my body is asleep and my mind is awake but re-energized and brought greater relaxation and thus my body feels better.

My biggest problem is my body is an obstacle to meditation always feeling and hurting and aching and just pains everywhere. My mind is also an obstacle as I try and relax it and wanting it to feel asleep and relaxed and rejuvenated after the meditation is done.

In other words my idea of meditation is zone out so much that when you return it's like hypnosis you slept 8 hours and are back to a similar high of coming out of bed and drinking a nice coffee after awakening.

In the end meditation is boring, a chore, a exercise in futility, and just something that crushes my mind, body, and soul. I mean I'm not even allowed to think during meditation because that isn't meditation.

So in the end I chalked up meditation to being contrary to my own normal state as a human being. I'm a thinking person who uses their mind a lot to the point of mental, physical, and spiritual exhaustion. What can I say I'm just a normal, worthless piece of shit that thinks and thinks and thinks. Why do I think so much cause there is genuinely nothing better to do and at the end of the day what other thing can you do. Your stuck in this vessel till you die and on top of that if death is as boring as they state I might as well see myself thinking in death and waiting for another reincarnation just to think all over again.

And it gets to a pattern of the only thing humans can do right and never be wrong despite wrong information is think.

So I think the biggest problem facing humanity is they don't think nor want to think properly. They just wish to remain in their stupid little universes thinking stupid shit that a kike in the sky will save their souls at the end of the day.

They don't follow the motto of the Waffen-SS "To take death and to accept death".

In the end Jack I'm just a simple thinker. Has it helped me out, no, apparently in life you have to waste time and effort doing things cause thinking doesn't help. So my lesson is thinking = wrong, thus I'm = wrong.

So thinking = sin, thus being smart = sin.

So I figured it out in this response. Apparently I've never meditated, no idea how to meditate, and even if I did will it even bring me happiness or this drug like effect of refreshing me as if I slept 8 hours. No idea, at the end, it's just a mental curiosity and I only know these things to think differently.

I can't void, meditate nor do anything spiritual. I just do it through a brute force method. I'm gonna sit down or walk around cause I walk around vibrating mantras as I cannot for the life of me desire to sit down for minutes on end even a single minute sitting down is overwhelming and perform 216 this and that and just see if it works.

Okay, I can't meditate, I just do it. So let's hope it works. I guess I'm stuck from June 13 to September 10th 90 days doing these exercises in futility.
Gear88 said:
The Forty-Sixth Name is GIBIL

This Power has been given the Realm of the Fire and the Forge. He keepeth the sharp point of the Sword and the Lance, and giveth understanding in the working of metals. He also raises the Lightning that comes from the Earth, and maketh Swords to appear in the Sky. His Word is BAALAGNITARRA and his Seal is this:
There is more to that. There are 2 paragraphs in the actual book, when if you look at a website it will only have the first paragraph. The first paragraph is always the ancient description, which is often like esoteric and vague. Remember they had to talk in coded ways to preserve the knowledge, and they had stronger souls to sense what these vague descriptions really mean. But the second paragraph is a newer description of what that energy actually does. It says this:

"According to the esoteric teaching, this spirit initiates the magician into the process of self-knowledge, refining those base components of ourselves that remain secret even to us - or are revealed through the costly process of psychotherapy and analysis. Helps you to understand why you are the victim of passions and urges you cannot control - and how to eventually control them. Worth the trouble involved to invoke for the serious student."

Download this book from my link so you have the full descriptions. The parts you're missing are the most important parts of all the descriptions. "Necronomicon Spellbook" in the PDFs folder in my link.
In my point of view, that's allegorical.
The sword and lance represents the kundalini.
The metals represent the chakras.
The lightning that comes from the Earth represents the serpent energy at the base chakra.
The sky represents the crown chakra.
Heaven and Earth.

I suggest using GAUM.
Gear88 said:
The Forty-Sixth Name is GIBIL

This Power has been given the Realm of the Fire and the Forge. He keepeth the sharp point of the Sword and the Lance, and giveth understanding in the working of metals. He also raises the Lightning that comes from the Earth, and maketh Swords to appear in the Sky. His Word is BAALAGNITARRA and his Seal is this:
In my opinion, meditation is not to be forced.
No one is forcing you to advance. You can leave this path if you like.
No one is forcing you to stay.

I suggest working on all your chakras and extensions
with low amount of vibrations and then increasing over time.
As well working on the pineal gland.


I do the above meditation and it makes me feel in a more relaxed, calm state.
Also feeling of happiness.
Especially in the rush hour traffic I drive everyday.
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
...Lydia work..

I'd rather use the original working affirmation since it deals with emotional aspects. Believe it or not if you viewed my astrological chart you'd see a very potent emotion. In other words emotional as a strength not a weakness despite one aspect being inconjunct.

Jack said:
There is a necronomicon rune (Gibil) that can help you gain self awareness. Vibrate that then think about all these things and what your gonna do next.

The Forty-Sixth Name is GIBIL

This Power has been given the Realm of the Fire and the Forge. He keepeth the sharp point of the Sword and the Lance, and giveth understanding in the working of metals. He also raises the Lightning that comes from the Earth, and maketh Swords to appear in the Sky. His Word is BAALAGNITARRA and his Seal is this:

Eh...non of what that says sounds very self-awareness. Perhaps my ignorance is bliss but reading that kinda makes me think it sounds like some offensive spell work. Unless of course occultically you read it more in-depth and tells you about self-awareness.

Still at the end of the day it's another two mantras to vibrate and program which is like, too much.

Jack said:
Remember not to blame anyone but take responsibility for everything you do and commit to change afterwards.

I know when I do something wrong but time and time again has proven that others are at fault. Even with my altruistic astrological chart aspects. I still can't seem to not find blame in others. Not my fault they throw it out in the World and it becomes a situation for themselves or others.

And I do shoulder the blame for humanity a lot like my astrological chart states. I need to stop guilting myself for the World's problems if they happen, they happen.

Jack said:
As for what you were doing with your meditational practices and why you have not practiced and honed these things that are stated to be done in the eight fold path everyday is not for me to ask. It is something you must introspect over. Why are you doing the things your doing ? Why are you self sabotaging your life ? Why are you unhappy ? What are the behaviors that cause recurring patterns of self sabotage ? What is the cause of these behaviors. Where in my period of life did these behaviors originate and what happened that started these. Gain self awareness of yourself and accept everything that happened. Acceptance creates a situation where you now know why and how you fucked up and tool responsibility for it. Now you have the avenue to fix your life as you see fit.

I guess if I had to explain myself. When I first learned about meditation years ago it was kinda like a drug vibe. Despite not studying drugs for many years since I spent a few months studying various drugs and coming to the conclusion the best one for me would be LSD.

I felt and believed that meditation would produce a drug like effect of removing me from the real world like a dream. And when I returned after the meditation I would be relaxed and feeling great like a great rest perhaps greater rest as my body is asleep and my mind is awake but re-energized and brought greater relaxation and thus my body feels better.

My biggest problem is my body is an obstacle to meditation always feeling and hurting and aching and just pains everywhere. My mind is also an obstacle as I try and relax it and wanting it to feel asleep and relaxed and rejuvenated after the meditation is done.

In other words my idea of meditation is zone out so much that when you return it's like hypnosis you slept 8 hours and are back to a similar high of coming out of bed and drinking a nice coffee after awakening.

In the end meditation is boring, a chore, a exercise in futility, and just something that crushes my mind, body, and soul. I mean I'm not even allowed to think during meditation because that isn't meditation.

So in the end I chalked up meditation to being contrary to my own normal state as a human being. I'm a thinking person who uses their mind a lot to the point of mental, physical, and spiritual exhaustion. What can I say I'm just a normal, worthless piece of shit that thinks and thinks and thinks. Why do I think so much cause there is genuinely nothing better to do and at the end of the day what other thing can you do. Your stuck in this vessel till you die and on top of that if death is as boring as they state I might as well see myself thinking in death and waiting for another reincarnation just to think all over again.

And it gets to a pattern of the only thing humans can do right and never be wrong despite wrong information is think.

So I think the biggest problem facing humanity is they don't think nor want to think properly. They just wish to remain in their stupid little universes thinking stupid shit that a kike in the sky will save their souls at the end of the day.

They don't follow the motto of the Waffen-SS "To take death and to accept death".

In the end Jack I'm just a simple thinker. Has it helped me out, no, apparently in life you have to waste time and effort doing things cause thinking doesn't help. So my lesson is thinking = wrong, thus I'm = wrong.

So thinking = sin, thus being smart = sin.

So I figured it out in this response. Apparently I've never meditated, no idea how to meditate, and even if I did will it even bring me happiness or this drug like effect of refreshing me as if I slept 8 hours. No idea, at the end, it's just a mental curiosity and I only know these things to think differently.

I can't void, meditate nor do anything spiritual. I just do it through a brute force method. I'm gonna sit down or walk around cause I walk around vibrating mantras as I cannot for the life of me desire to sit down for minutes on end even a single minute sitting down is overwhelming and perform 216 this and that and just see if it works.

Okay, I can't meditate, I just do it. So let's hope it works. I guess I'm stuck from June 13 to September 10th 90 days doing these exercises in futility.

Why do I think so much cause there is genuinely nothing better to do
I had the same question 1-2 years back and found out that the treatement that i took had a side effect that makes people think more and i remembered before the treatement i had more control over my mind.

I can't void, meditate nor do anything spiritual. I just do it through a brute force method. I'm gonna sit down or walk around cause I walk around vibrating mantras as I cannot for the life of me desire to sit down for minutes on end even a single minute sitting down is overwhelming and perform 216 this and that and just see if it works
This is called agitation it's also a side effect of many psihotic drugs, you are on treatement right? I remember being so agitated as you said and didn't liked that and before i was really calm and could sit for longer periods of time in one place with no problem.
And after a time getting off the treatement i got better and calmer physically.

And 216 is only for advanced SS you are a beginner in SS for the spiritual practices part so don't do like the stronges man in the world does in the gym from the first day, so don't do from the first day like that start with less 9, 18, 27, 36 or 54.

So I think the biggest problem facing humanity is they don't think nor want to think properly. They just wish to remain in their stupid little universes thinking stupid shit that a kike in the sky will save their souls at the end of the day.
Not all wish like that there are many who want to change for better and improving their lives.

And i would say you do subcounscious programing to get rid of negative thinking patern with pozitive affirmations optimism and confidence, the subcounscious programing is much more laid back but don't do it if you are doing workings, 2 or more workings.
Catalincata94 said:
And 216 is only for advanced SS you are a beginner in SS for the spiritual practices part so don't do like the stronges man in the world does in the gym from the first day, so don't do from the first day like that start with less 9, 18, 27, 36 or 54.

Alright thank you for that I always forget the smaller numbers. But feel inclined for the big ones to produce an effect. Just it's kinda hard to justify small numbers and the ramp up period.

I'm sure you might state over the course of 90 days ramp it up. Or stay with the same number?

I mean small numbers don't do much, do they?

Catalincata94 said:
...everyone and medication..

Look when your a person whom when after stopping medication enters a fugue state a black out state and do things automatically without conscious control it's not fun nor it's fun when no one is around helping you out to go get hospitalized and spend 5-to-15 days in the hospital. It might take me 6 months to a year but I lose control. It happened on 4 occasions twice in 2012, once in 2013, and one final time in 2014.

I take two medications to avoid this black out state. My first time when I had an incident I was arrested by the police for throwing a punch at someone.

I did something in a blacked out, fugue state.

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and psychosis, thus I take two medication one is the agent the other is the counter-agent. Is it possible for it to be something else sure.

But all I'm gonna say is I cannot stop this medication because there is no problem except after stopping it and waiting months maybe a year until this state is reached.

I cannot control myself and MUST be hospitalized.

So I understand guys medication is bad and whatnot but there is no cure nor alternative solution that actually works and prevents things in a very healthy manner.

Whatever it is I have is not a soft schizophrenia like those people at succesfulschizophrenia. It's almost like I'm asleep and the closest example is sleeping. I wake up in the world, then sleep, do things automatically. Not unlike my actual sleep in my dream world.

I've never heard of a person state it's schizophrenia and psychosis in my way of occurring. Like I stated if it was me conscious of myself and going through the motions. Fine I'll keep at it without medication but when your a danger waiting to pop out and being out in the streets or at home when no one is around. It gets to the point of I need to be careful.

TLDR; No idea what I have but doesn't match schizophrenic effects, psychotic as severe mental illness but no schizophrenia.
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
...Lydia work..

I'd rather use the original working affirmation since it deals with emotional aspects. Believe it or not if you viewed my astrological chart you'd see a very potent emotion. In other words emotional as a strength not a weakness despite one aspect being inconjunct.

Jack said:
There is a necronomicon rune (Gibil) that can help you gain self awareness. Vibrate that then think about all these things and what your gonna do next.

The Forty-Sixth Name is GIBIL

This Power has been given the Realm of the Fire and the Forge. He keepeth the sharp point of the Sword and the Lance, and giveth understanding in the working of metals. He also raises the Lightning that comes from the Earth, and maketh Swords to appear in the Sky. His Word is BAALAGNITARRA and his Seal is this:

Eh...non of what that says sounds very self-awareness. Perhaps my ignorance is bliss but reading that kinda makes me think it sounds like some offensive spell work. Unless of course occultically you read it more in-depth and tells you about self-awareness.

Still at the end of the day it's another two mantras to vibrate and program which is like, too much.

Jack said:
Remember not to blame anyone but take responsibility for everything you do and commit to change afterwards.

I know when I do something wrong but time and time again has proven that others are at fault. Even with my altruistic astrological chart aspects. I still can't seem to not find blame in others. Not my fault they throw it out in the World and it becomes a situation for themselves or others.

And I do shoulder the blame for humanity a lot like my astrological chart states. I need to stop guilting myself for the World's problems if they happen, they happen.

Jack said:
As for what you were doing with your meditational practices and why you have not practiced and honed these things that are stated to be done in the eight fold path everyday is not for me to ask. It is something you must introspect over. Why are you doing the things your doing ? Why are you self sabotaging your life ? Why are you unhappy ? What are the behaviors that cause recurring patterns of self sabotage ? What is the cause of these behaviors. Where in my period of life did these behaviors originate and what happened that started these. Gain self awareness of yourself and accept everything that happened. Acceptance creates a situation where you now know why and how you fucked up and tool responsibility for it. Now you have the avenue to fix your life as you see fit.

I guess if I had to explain myself. When I first learned about meditation years ago it was kinda like a drug vibe. Despite not studying drugs for many years since I spent a few months studying various drugs and coming to the conclusion the best one for me would be LSD.

I felt and believed that meditation would produce a drug like effect of removing me from the real world like a dream. And when I returned after the meditation I would be relaxed and feeling great like a great rest perhaps greater rest as my body is asleep and my mind is awake but re-energized and brought greater relaxation and thus my body feels better.

My biggest problem is my body is an obstacle to meditation always feeling and hurting and aching and just pains everywhere. My mind is also an obstacle as I try and relax it and wanting it to feel asleep and relaxed and rejuvenated after the meditation is done.

In other words my idea of meditation is zone out so much that when you return it's like hypnosis you slept 8 hours and are back to a similar high of coming out of bed and drinking a nice coffee after awakening.

In the end meditation is boring, a chore, a exercise in futility, and just something that crushes my mind, body, and soul. I mean I'm not even allowed to think during meditation because that isn't meditation.

So in the end I chalked up meditation to being contrary to my own normal state as a human being. I'm a thinking person who uses their mind a lot to the point of mental, physical, and spiritual exhaustion. What can I say I'm just a normal, worthless piece of shit that thinks and thinks and thinks. Why do I think so much cause there is genuinely nothing better to do and at the end of the day what other thing can you do. Your stuck in this vessel till you die and on top of that if death is as boring as they state I might as well see myself thinking in death and waiting for another reincarnation just to think all over again.

And it gets to a pattern of the only thing humans can do right and never be wrong despite wrong information is think.

So I think the biggest problem facing humanity is they don't think nor want to think properly. They just wish to remain in their stupid little universes thinking stupid shit that a kike in the sky will save their souls at the end of the day.

They don't follow the motto of the Waffen-SS "To take death and to accept death".

In the end Jack I'm just a simple thinker. Has it helped me out, no, apparently in life you have to waste time and effort doing things cause thinking doesn't help. So my lesson is thinking = wrong, thus I'm = wrong.

So thinking = sin, thus being smart = sin.

So I figured it out in this response. Apparently I've never meditated, no idea how to meditate, and even if I did will it even bring me happiness or this drug like effect of refreshing me as if I slept 8 hours. No idea, at the end, it's just a mental curiosity and I only know these things to think differently.

I can't void, meditate nor do anything spiritual. I just do it through a brute force method. I'm gonna sit down or walk around cause I walk around vibrating mantras as I cannot for the life of me desire to sit down for minutes on end even a single minute sitting down is overwhelming and perform 216 this and that and just see if it works.

Okay, I can't meditate, I just do it. So let's hope it works. I guess I'm stuck from June 13 to September 10th 90 days doing these exercises in futility.
I'm going to tell you something so listen carefully. I won't try to convince you or give you advice on this topic anymore since you already know what you have to do even if you do not realize it,yet.
"You will keep getting what you've always gotten if you keep doing the same things and keep thinking the same thoughts."

You've been doing things your way. Are you happy and satisfied ? No. So I would suggest you take in some of the suggestions and thinking patterns I'll provide you shortly and try to live your life that way.

I'm going to introduce you to an idea called "Radical Responsibility". Whatever action you take from this point onward is your responsibility. I want you to separate fault and responsibility, and especially the responsibility of your own actions.
Imagine you were coming back from a hockey game and a man hits you with his car. Now pause, .......the man is definitely at fault for hitting you. But,...the actions you take from now on will be your own responsibility. You may choose to beat the shit out of him using the hockey stick, you may become verbally aggressive against him, you may try to extract monetary compensation from him,you may try to call the whole team to beat the shit out of him and destroy his car. Whatever actions you take will be your own responsibility. And whatever actions he takes will be his own responsibility. Maybe he tries to backtrack and run away. He's still responsibile for not taking responsibility. Maybe you got into a fight with your girlfriend. You might punch her head in, tease her and ignore her, make joking faces and diffuse the anger, be diplomatic about it. Whatever action you take will be your responsibility. Life throws shit at you. If you do not do anything. You are still responsible for doing nothing. Yes the Jews own money ,industry, and majorly everything else. Yes the education industry is fucked up. But if you take action anyway, get a scholarship, read anyway and ignore the Marxist brainwashing, get a job anyway and ignore the Marxist indoctrination, quit the job after getting enough money to realize your own business. Or whine at home being a keyboard warrior about the world but not doing anything in your own personal path ,is well your Responsibility.

Whatever you do in life is your responsibility and no one is at fault for that. Whatever choice or action you take and whatever you do when the world gives you stimulus, how you react to it ,is your responsibility. No one else is responsible for your own actions except yourself.

Adopting this paradigm of thought will make you take responsibility for your own failures. And by taking responsibility now you can improve because you know now that there's a problem you need to fix.
You can never change the outside world and the stimulus it throws at you. You can only change and control your own inner world and there's a high probability the outside world will follow i.e by doing workings, and using your mental, physical and material prowess. And if it doesn't, you know your doing something wrong and you need to change it. Life is very complex and intricate. Its not all black and white. And that is the last advice I can give you. Whatever you do from now on is your own responsibility. So MAN UP!!!!

Now as for your meditational practices, you seem to already know what's going wrong. If meditation was an onion and you start peeling it, you'd find the central pulp component is Concentration. There's a reason why in the 40 days meditation program and in the 6months meditation program concentration based void meditation is always done before advancing further. Without concentration, your mind cannot direct the energy. Merely stating an affirmation does not work, you need to have concentration over your goal and a piercing intent when you KNOW its working. Your not not thinking. Your concentrated on a particular thought, a particular goal,a particular visualization where you KNOW its happening.Your mind is constantly having erratic thoughts because your probably of the vata temperament. You should as Savitar suggested some time ago in another forum Vibrate Aum Apanaya Svaha everyday and that would be the most important meditation you do. Do void meditation for extended periods of time. Its impossible that a human being cannot do void meditation even if he's struggling to do it at first. People with vata temperament have done this in the past and you can do it too!!! Just do it. Either you achieve your goal or you keep trying until you do. Become fanatical in your personal actions. Never back down. Never back down on yourself.

Good luck.
Gear88 said:
Catalincata94 said:
And 216 is only for advanced SS you are a beginner in SS for the spiritual practices part so don't do like the stronges man in the world does in the gym from the first day, so don't do from the first day like that start with less 9, 18, 27, 36 or 54.

Alright thank you for that I always forget the smaller numbers. But feel inclined for the big ones to produce an effect. Just it's kinda hard to justify small numbers and the ramp up period.

I'm sure you might state over the course of 90 days ramp it up. Or stay with the same number?

I mean small numbers don't do much, do they?

Catalincata94 said:
...everyone and medication..

Look when your a person whom when after stopping medication enters a fugue state a black out state and do things automatically without conscious control it's not fun nor it's fun when no one is around helping you out to go get hospitalized and spend 5-to-15 days in the hospital. It might take me 6 months to a year but I lose control. It happened on 4 occasions twice in 2012, once in 2013, and one final time in 2014.

I take two medications to avoid this black out state. My first time when I had an incident I was arrested by the police for throwing a punch at someone.

I did something in a blacked out, fugue state.

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and psychosis, thus I take two medication one is the agent the other is the counter-agent. Is it possible for it to be something else sure.

But all I'm gonna say is I cannot stop this medication because there is no problem except after stopping it and waiting months maybe a year until this state is reached.

I cannot control myself and MUST be hospitalized.

So I understand guys medication is bad and whatnot but there is no cure nor alternative solution that actually works and prevents things in a very healthy manner.

Whatever it is I have is not a soft schizophrenia like those people at succesfulschizophrenia. It's almost like I'm asleep and the closest example is sleeping. I wake up in the world, then sleep, do things automatically. Not unlike my actual sleep in my dream world.

I've never heard of a person state it's schizophrenia and psychosis in my way of occurring. Like I stated if it was me conscious of myself and going through the motions. Fine I'll keep at it without medication but when your a danger waiting to pop out and being out in the streets or at home when no one is around. It gets to the point of I need to be careful.

TLDR; No idea what I have but doesn't match schizophrenic effects, psychotic as severe mental illness but no schizophrenia.

But feel inclined for the big ones to produce an effect. Just it's kinda hard to justify small numbers and the ramp up period.

Don't want to sound rude but, of course let's get the big ones and fuck yourself widouth realising that there is consecuences let's act like i can do like de strongests and choose first the big one but how much will you be able to sustain it if it's too much? There is a limit to everyone.

I'm sure you might state over the course of 90 days ramp it up. Or stay with the same number?

I would say stay relaxed do the minimum not the maximum for now.
And also i want to say don't do to many workings in a day.

And about days I tried doing some workings for over 90 days and skipped them and not even managed to reach 90 days just once i think because things got in the way or forgetting about them. So i think it's better to do 40 days at a time because this way is less posibility of geting something in the way not like by doing 180 days and at the middle or last day somethings comes up and coudn't do or skipped a day and this way of course i lost all those days.

Ok no schizophrenia i got it. In this case i don't really know...
Jack said:
You should as Savitar suggested some time ago in another forum Vibrate Aum Apanaya Svaha everyday and that would be the most important meditation you do.

Again not to sound disrespectful but you aren't exactly giving me proper instructions.

Are you stating one single vibration of whatever this mantra does, which would be nice to know what it does. Aum I got that gold in the works kinda like a Hail, Apanaya no idea what that does, and Svaha would be the spiritualized form of Nama in producing a subtle spiritual effect rather than a dense nama vibration.

So judging from this your asking me to do a spiritual vibration to affect the spiritual centers. But have no idea what Apanaya does.

I say single cause are you implying this mantra is like the Pluto mantra that was posted a while back and stated affirmations to give you the drive to meditate and focus on it whereby the people who posted stated even a single vibration is enough.

It's kinda like ISA and void control. Only a few reps and an affirmation and that is it for a short period of time and then stop it.

(P.S. Apparently Apnaya is Apana = general use, long term, not sure what the extra [ya] does but I guess it must be an extender perhaps a full power mantric formula)

Anyways I hope it's okay to ask for further instructions such as affirmation and rep range and whatnot. Not to sound ignorant but I'm not sure what that mantra does exactly.
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
You should as Savitar suggested some time ago in another forum Vibrate Aum Apanaya Svaha everyday and that would be the most important meditation you do.

Again not to sound disrespectful but you aren't exactly giving me proper instructions.

Are you stating one single vibration of whatever this mantra does, which would be nice to know what it does. Aum I got that gold in the works kinda like a Hail, Apanaya no idea what that does, and Svaha would be the spiritualized form of Nama in producing a subtle spiritual effect rather than a dense nama vibration.

So judging from this your asking me to do a spiritual vibration to affect the spiritual centers. But have no idea what Apanaya does.

I say single cause are you implying this mantra is like the Pluto mantra that was posted a while back and stated affirmations to give you the drive to meditate and focus on it whereby the people who posted stated even a single vibration is enough.

It's kinda like ISA and void control. Only a few reps and an affirmation and that is it for a short period of time and then stop it.

(P.S. Apparently Apnaya is Apana = general use, long term, not sure what the extra [ya] does but I guess it must be an extender perhaps a full power mantric formula)

Anyways I hope it's okay to ask for further instructions such as affirmation and rep range and whatnot. Not to sound ignorant but I'm not sure what that mantra does exactly.
I asked Savitar first ,
Hey man ,does the vata dosha also have symptoms like constant barrage of thoughts all day, no concentration, constant daydreaming, thinking about something else while doing something etc and can the mantra Aum Kshaum Upanaya svaha help with this ? What affirmation should I use to fix my particular issue ?
to which he says,
Vata is very light, thus movable, dry and cold, Air and Aether based. The state of Mind reflects the state of energies. If the energies are balanced, centered, grounded and strong, the thougths will also be clear, forceful, the mind tranquil, calm but creative and constructive.

Udana can help when you’re in the need of clear and forceful mental expression, want to become sharp and put an end to the day dreaming, however do not overdo it: Udana’s direction is upward flowing, therefore it can unground you in excess. To sum it up, It helps with the energy output, but Vatas need energy Input and energy balancing/grounding more, than anything.

The most important pranic current for Vata types is Apana, which is the downward flowing force, that serves as a foundation/base for all the other currents. It also keeps the energetic system clear(and your thougths), since It’s main function is elimination.

The mantra to be used for Apana: AUM KSAUM APANAYA SVAHAH

As a long term strategy to deal with your Vata challanges is to put a bigger focus on balancing and grounding instead of simple energy raising. The goal is to increase the capacity to hold on to higher levels of energy, learn to control it, preserve it, and integrate it into your being, instead of using it all up in a very short period.
to which i say,
So are you saying instead of using the upanaya svaha mantra ,I should use the apanaya svaha mantra ?
to which he says
Aum udanaya svahah for us is more of a technical, particular use, a specific purpose (such as getting your mind sharp quickly or fighting off a cold, etc) while Apana is a fundamental and basic need.

The planetary squares can be used as an analogy: In general, the Sun Square is the best option. The best option for general empowerment, and such. For specific purposes (Love -Venus, Spirituality -Jupiter, Studying -Mercury) the other planets can/should be used.
Udana = specific goals, short term
Apana = general use, long term
And at the end of the topic, he posted
There are correspondences between the chakras and doshas on several levels are indicated by the ruling elements and organs.

Kapha is ruled by Water, and the carrying element is Earth, therefore the Root and Sacral, Earth and Water element chakras correspond to kapha.

Pitta is Fire element and carrying element is Water - Ruled by the Solar Chakra and Sacral to a certain extent.

Vata is of the Element of Air while the carrying element is Ether - Heart and Throat Chakras.

The Three upper Chakras:
Throat, Ajna and Crown rule over the highest form of each dosha:

-The Throat rules Udana, the upward flowing life force of expression, clear thinking, memory, nervous strength, will and self control.

-The 6th rules Sadhaka Pitta, the power of insight and the abillity to see Truth, or see through lies. It rules over intellect and mental power. Sucessful people have highly developed Sadhaka Pitta, which is why they have clear goals in their head and an action oriented mind.

-Tarpaka Kapha, ruled by the Crown is the form of Water that grants you the feeling of happiness and content, feeling good in your body. It’s the grosser form of Amrita.

The practice of Yoga and meditation increases these high forms of doshas in general. Ajurvedic text mention that the three highest forms all relate to the heart, but I believe this is not the Heart Chakra, but the Ajna, the point where the nadis meet and form the heart shape. It makes sense as the control center.

The Foundation of doshas and their location

Each dosha has a form, that serves as a foundation and support, controling all the other forms. Problems relating to a given dosha most likely originate from the disturbance of this foundation and can be healed by reastablishing balance.

-The Foundation of Vata is Apana, the downward/ouwtward flowing force of elimination. Primary location is the anus and colon. The latter is the point of accumulation of Vata, and the main organ relating to it. Both are ruled by the Root Chakra

-Foundation of Pitta is called Pachaka the fire of elimination. Location is the small intenstine which is the point of accumulation and the main organ of Pitta, ruled by the Solar Chakra.

-Foundation of Kapha is Avalambaka supporting Water that resides in the Heart and Lungs. Plasm is distributed from the Heart. However the main point of accumulation is not here, but in the stomach ruled by the Solar Chakra.

How to heal doshic problems

The main point of Ayurvedic healing is that you have to go back to source of the problem, do the healing work there which will lead to deep healing and long lasting health. The other important point is to avoid diseases by eliminating their sources before manifesting. If a problem is left unhandeled it will manifest and become more and more complex. First it accumulates in the main organ, then it overflows into different organs and becomes mixed with other doshas and even ama. This state is much harder to handle, since the cure has to be complex.
How would you heal a disease that is the product of the mixture of Vata and Pitta?
If you try to simply cool down pitta, the cold can aggrevate Vata. If you try to lubricate vata, it will give more room for Pitta to expand, as water is the carrying element.

Thinking in terms of qualities will help to find the actual source.
-Vata: Dry, Cold and Light/Mutable
-Pitta: Hot, Liquid and Mutable
-Kapha: Heavy, Cold and Sluggish/Liquid

Think about the quality you lack or a quality that is too strong/out of balance. -Am I feeling dry, cold and ungrounded? Or Do I feel irritable and burnt out? Am I lazy? Do I feel like I’m too heavy to move?

This way of thinking will help to pinpoint the origin of the problem.

If you feel your brain is frying and feel agression, unable to let go, that is certainly a pitta problem. A spiritual remedy could be to work on releasing the accumulated fire from the Solar Chakra with Asanas such as Cobra pose, with deep, relaxing breathing. Breathing exercises like Sithali and Sitkari are great. Driking some Green tea with Mint will aid in cooling down and relaxing, before or afterward.

Am I feeling anxious, clumsy and cold? -Definetly a Vata problem.
Doing slow series of Sun Salutations will help with grounded, developing heat which will remove blocks and reduce anxiety as well. Drinking a tea of fresh ginger is a great choice to aid in the process.

Are you feeling so lazy and heavy I don’t want to move at all? - Kapha
Starting with some intense Breath of Fire takes care of the problem. It creates heat, which removes the coldness of Kapha. It gets the energy going and this dynamism will take care of heaviness. The pranic heat helps in drying out your comfortable ass. Some intense Yoga and exercise can follow. Note that we are working on the Solar Chakra (ruling the stomach) and the lungs and heart are also involved, all relating to kapha.

Dealing with Ama
Ama has the same qualities as kapha: Heavy, slugghish, dark, damp and cold.
It can be removed by drying it first, then bruning it out. With the elements of air and fire. Prana and heat energy. Ama is the byproduct of weak digestion, no elimination and the imbalance of doshas.
Working on digestion and elimination helps the most along with other forms of purificarion such as sweating.
Solar and Root Chakras are important here.
The best and most simple outer remedy is trikatu: combine one tea spoon of grinded black pepper, ginger and cayanne with a large spoon of honey and eat it. You will feel the ama being burnt out in your whole body.
So basically you should do any number of vibrations 55,100,216 whatever you can handle and affirm is fixing your erratic thoughts i.e
"In a healthy and positive manner im calm,concentrated and focused at all times." Or whatever you want accordingly ,i don't use long sentences in my affirmations. I keep it sharp and to the point.You could also affirm,
"In a healthy and positive manner,i have complete control over my thoughts and actions"
Jack said:
So basically you should do any number of vibrations 55,100,216 whatever you can handle and affirm is fixing your erratic thoughts i.e
"In a healthy and positive manner im calm,concentrated and focused at all times." Or whatever you want accordingly ,i don't use long sentences in my affirmations. I keep it sharp and to the point.You could also affirm,
"In a healthy and positive manner,i have complete control over my thoughts and actions"

I'll keep the number reasonable never used any mantra longer than a single word. So not sure how to approach sentence mantras and how much they should be vibrated with comparison to lungful of blasts.

BTW I notice two things you keep stating affirmations as "healthy and positive manner" but why do you drop the "for me" part. Is there a specific reason why you don't personalize the affirmation? It's still affecting you cause your stating I'm or I have. But it's kinda strange noticing that, is the depersonalizing something that gets you out of your comfort zone? Something like if the reality materializes it's not personalized to your experiences but depersonalized to create new ones?

And the second thing you don't use the word permanent or eternal. You keep it simple are you telling me action words like permanent and eternal aren't necessary? Is there a specific reason why you wish not to create a permanent effect? I've noticed lately there are few affirmations mentioned with permanence clauses.

That's my theory on people not using "for me" kinda like the fat loss affirmation in JoS; Using your powers: Specific meditation.
Gear88 said:
I would not put Permanent or Eternal on a working with doshas because what if you do it wrong? One time years ago I was playing with doshas because I thought one of them would help heal a cold I had. But I misunderstood the situation and used the opposite dosha that I should have used, and it made it so much worse than it was before. So I don't think you should make it permanent unless you have a lot of practice with it and you're sure that it's the right thing to do.
Gear88 said:
Jack said:
So basically you should do any number of vibrations 55,100,216 whatever you can handle and affirm is fixing your erratic thoughts i.e
"In a healthy and positive manner im calm,concentrated and focused at all times." Or whatever you want accordingly ,i don't use long sentences in my affirmations. I keep it sharp and to the point.You could also affirm,
"In a healthy and positive manner,i have complete control over my thoughts and actions"

I'll keep the number reasonable never used any mantra longer than a single word. So not sure how to approach sentence mantras and how much they should be vibrated with comparison to lungful of blasts.

BTW I notice two things you keep stating affirmations as "healthy and positive manner" but why do you drop the "for me" part. Is there a specific reason why you don't personalize the affirmation? It's still affecting you cause your stating I'm or I have. But it's kinda strange noticing that, is the depersonalizing something that gets you out of your comfort zone? Something like if the reality materializes it's not personalized to your experiences but depersonalized to create new ones?

And the second thing you don't use the word permanent or eternal. You keep it simple are you telling me action words like permanent and eternal aren't necessary? Is there a specific reason why you wish not to create a permanent effect? I've noticed lately there are few affirmations mentioned with permanence clauses.

That's my theory on people not using "for me" kinda like the fat loss affirmation in JoS; Using your powers: Specific meditation.
I told you previously, because what you state ,it just has to be verbally consise and not perfect. Rather the power of your intent ,visualization and feeling that energy is more important. The brain is not like a computer that works with data like 0 or 1. The brain deals with energy ,bioelectricity flowing within your neurons. Your unconscious knows what you want better than your conscious and will appropriately fill in the blanks for you, provided you don't have some sort of self sabotage program going on within. When you know the working is for yourself, the brain will add that intent to the energy generated,you don't have to verbalize every intricacy and detail. In fact the more vague the affirmation is the more chances of something happening, because the unconscious knows what's good for you and it will seek out appropriate realities based on the end goal. Because sometimes what you consciously want to be true and what you unconsiously want are two different things. For example if you stated an extremely intricate affirmation about you wanted a job at this company with this pay scale within this time span. This will prevent the unconscious to seek out better,more easy to channel energy into reality.

In your affirmation,Your basically verbalizing your intent that gets converted into energy. Think of it like a vector. For example if you generated 20 magnitudes of energy, the j cap is the affirmation I.e the direction given to it.

If you state a very convoluted and verbally confusing affirmation with words that add to the same kind of intent, your unconscious will get confused and you'll be engaging your conscious mind trying to recite that big affirmation perfectly rather than visualizing while reciting an easy to recite affirmation,which engages the unconscious.

Basically in summary ,
(((Consise,short, vague affirmation.........>engages the unconscious to fill in the blanks and find out best reality.)))
(((Convoluted precise affirmation........>may engage the conscious, closes doors to better,easier to manifest realities.)))

Yeah,I think I missed the permanent part as I was replying while doing something, although that is something you do add.
"In a healthy and positive manner, I'm eternally/permanently calm,concentrated and focused at all times."
"In a healthy and positive manner, I'm permanently in control of my thoughts and actions."
Easy. I'm not sure why but my intuition tells me to use permanently instead of eternally,maybe its a personal choice.
Ok, guys so I want to write the last comment here in respect to everyone and maybe explaining myself better. It won't be perfectly explained as I don't have the proper time, but I will make it as concise as possible and be done with it.

First, I have a volcanic nature when I am pissed. I am sorry for the sensitive ones, this is me. I am sensitive myself otherwise I would not react so horrible in situations. This is me, extremely calm usually, sweet and as normal as a person can be up until I get pissed.
I do not get pissed by small things what so ever. In my acceptance, they are never small.

Indeed, the guy's comment which I replied so 'horribly', triggered me, it has more implications, maybe all the bloody shit I ever read in the Islamic news about women sew in their private area, abuses all over the globe made to women, etc etc I won't dig into my own mind to no end, why and how I got triggered...and to cut it short, simply seeing stupid mentalities among our own people, was unacceptable. I got too far indeed, language-wise. For me was an artistic posting with some Vlad Tepes sadistic accents, for me was proper, to be honest.

Again, for everybody to understand, the killing threads weren't there as properly made, come on, and descriptions were exaggerated as far as my memory goes. I explained this in other comments. I don't mean to tame it down now, but I am saying. But indeed, was an aggressive, honest, blunt, expanded comm that I wrote and was deleted as of a result.

I do not apologise for it, because it represents me, this is me. If it was deleted with the legal, moral, image etc reasons, I would have apologised, but not for the content and/or to the guy, but strictly to the HP for the language; but HP defended fiercely the guy by telling me that he didn't understand what was so disturbing. This is the thing that made me realise that I will not participate here anymore.

Well, since HP called me in various ways I lost the interest in participating; he called me even worse but later edited and I didn't get the chance to read it properly as, to be honest, his opinion was the only one concerning me since he moderates this place; not blaming him in that deep sense, or anybody, but I cannot tolerate being disrespected with this sort of words, maybe I deserve them and even worse, I do not know this honestly, but I cannot get over it in terms of continuing posting - at the same time: I cannot and I will never 'fight' back or throw similar shit at the clergy - out of principle. My honest, primitive urge will be to say some shit in return, but I won't.
My logic is simple since I cannot answer back with the same coin to a person is better to take a big step back.
I will main my own offline spiritual journey. I was actually doing this alone for the last 3-4 years so it's fine.
This is me: usually, If I don't answer back in the same manner and/or speak my mind, I kill my spirit, I am dying inside if I don't react and ...when It comes to clergy I cannot treat it like with any other member. is about respect. That respect based on community work, responsibilities, the burden they carry day to day, etc etc. I look at the big picture, those people are working endlessly for the community, the respect and gratitude are there and no matter how angry or unfairly I would feel treated I would never cross this line with the HPs. But further commenting on here in an adjusted manner is not an option for me, either. My ego can't allow it. So since I can't make a compromise with myself as I am being true to my own self and at the same time don't want to offend or disturb hp, what I will do is the best for everybody.

I think is about my mere incapacity to function 'decent' in this group. I have said in other comments that there are double standards here, and some people are more tolerated or favoured than others based on random reasons, some proper some not, I do not care to understand.

Another reason to not participate is that I do not have obviously a good influence or impact. Nor the other way around. Honestly and fairly said, I cannot bring any healthy contribution to the community, moreover, I tend to affect it in a bad way - according to the reactions.

Another reason is that I am not a person to bend down or 'trainable' like a dog or something and nothing can be imposed on me. This didn't happen to me since 13, I do have my own personality, shitty or less shitty, define it however you want, it is as it is.

Also, there is a lot of compromises to be done here and to alter who I am in order to sound in a specific way that will somehow please the majority, or kissing ass tactics, or other manoeuvres I am not willing to do in order to FIT. I am as true as a person can be. And getting the chance to express this fact here with this occasion, I really encourage you all to be yourself because I have seen so many people pretending here like they have an id and home address attached; or like they want to create out of their nicknames some legendary personalities to be remembered in 20 years when the Gods will come. Ridiculous. Or people who are so desperate to feel validated and/or accepted. Be yourself, in the decent limits of course, and not like me, but if you cannot be honest while anonymous, I do not want to imagine how you are in real life social interactions. Be yourself, have your own word on a matter even if the majority says otherwise. Be true to yourself.

yeah, I might be a bit from all I have been accused of, I won't deny it, I accept it, is not like I would like to appear some ineffable splendid being around here or something. I am a person with good and bad, whatever. I am indeed aggressive, this is a personality trait that I inherited from a grandfather, I am a perfect copy of him and is nothing I can do about it but embrace it and direct it where is proper. Here is not proper.

other than this, I looked briefly and saw a guy or two speaking about nonsense like MY EX BF. ***** . Was some years ago, before ss, how the hell can I justify it, ... I wasn't the type to take life too serious, really,
it happened to be like this, this person worked for some institutions prior to this, he wasn't doing shit to random targets on the streets or cheap shit you can imagine. This info was randomly stated anyhow, I never intended to highlight it but since it grabs your attention to this point of 'judging' me based on it, I will write a bit on it. If I was to feel ashamed about it I would have simply hidden the fact, but it is only true plus I have zero shame for my existence what so ever - one of the reasons I engaged myself with him was his complexity which I will not justify to the planet in details for no reason, he was something truly intriguing, IQ above anybody can imagine, plus my eccentric curious nature, learning a lot of useful dark shit, adrenaline addiction, youth and rebellious nature, etc, furthermore pissing off my family- which was a pleasure to do for reasons I will not mention, or EVEN, IN THE END, helping my brother to man up by giving him a serious task and challenge to complete - by making him to confront this situation directly. Was fun overall.
I did a lot of similar shit to help my brother to become more 'masculine', assertive and strong-willed. My strategies are unorthodox, but whatever, they always work and it was as it was. Usually when I decide to do something is for more than one reason. All those reasons were in my mind before engaging. The magnetism between us was there indeed and the reasoning as well, but not to marry this guy, but to... experiment this and for the above-mentioned reasons. Doesn't make sense to you? Sounds mad and risky, well, it doesn't matter.
This is not to influence people, this is simply an experience of my life. And is a tiny bit of the crazy shit I did, that might worth at least a novel one day,
Sorry to the person/s being so confused about my option and asking why, but the reality of my life up until a few years ago before engaging in SS was quite ...unusual for ...normal people and so-called normal choices. At least in parts. So enough about this story, but I felt like justifying this in a sense for the very curious one/s digging up my older posts and bringing details up here.
I don't want to leave this forum with such a bad reputation others are imposing on me. I would feel good for people to understand that deep inside I am a normal person despite this or that. Actually most probably the sanest and normal person you will ever hear about especially when it comes to treating others. I never dragged people in shit or situation without me managing them accordingly meaning that I did not compromise other people's life due to my decisions. I am a big paradox in many aspects, but this is me, there is no internal conflict what so ever, is the people who are confused over the poorly communication possibilities and circumstances we have over here. But I treated my life as I pleased. My life is my life. No justifications in real life! I brought just some bits here for the sake of this impulsive moment of unusual (for me) justification.
But again, defining yourself as a person is impossible, at least for me, there are some things I can state, the rest is up to certain situations where I see myself in action. That's the reason why I actually used to get into sort of 'situations'-to know myself better. Theoretically, we all know ourselves which is most of the time unverified bullshit. Some things need to be tested. I said 'some'.

I wrote a lot already, can't remember others wonders or questioning me, I think this is all, and it's aimed at the people who I really genuinely liked like Rook, Nickolas, and others like T.A.O.L for being a woman with guts OR the ones I admired from the distance who read this shit - which I would not like to leave a bad or cheap impression upon myself. At least, I tried. There are people who I care what they think and people which I don't, which is normal. Like guys, I really love HP HC, but I do not care about his opinion anymore despite the respect, admiration, and reverence I have towards him.
I am sorry if I failed you in any way, guys. I will keep the good work anyhow offline mode. I've been told before that I am too honest, this is not something good or a virtue, it's how I am.

I take full reasonability for my outrageous insane behaviour which can't be modified in order to please here or there and I am treating this situation with dignity by taking a step back. As I said, It is the best I do the SS work offline and when the time will come, we shall meet face to face all of us. And really now communication in writing is not helping the message I can convey. Communication is like 80% nonverbal so mixing his up with my poor English is getting even worse. That's the bloody reality. And even if I hypothetically calm down now, tomorrow I might strike again so I ask politely, a humble gesture from the HP HC to just ban my account after approving this comm, so I can avoid any further temptations on future posting. I am sorry HP for the bad language I had, your quality as a professional, astrologer or spiritual person is undoubtedly unshaken in my eyes and self-evident, ..the way you moderate things around here, again, is not for me to judge because I am not in your shoes to truly see the pressure you have to face every day, but what is done is done, I provoked it, I got some reactions back which were fully deserved or not or to what extent, it doesn't matter anymore. So, again, please, ban my account. Thank you.
I will not ban you because I think you are starting to understand how you may impact others who are genuinely our family.

We do not necessarily owe politeness to those who are our enemies and/or just purely slander or try to make idiots out of us as a whole, or those who are jackshit to us, but to our family, we are to be more sensible.

For example you have shit talked me before but that is absolutely fine, I approved it all, and I tend to do this with anyone who will shit-talk me but at least is trying to make a point and is not a troll campaign or an enemy.

Also, I do not have a problems if you hate or dislike me personally, just keep it civil with other people and do not attack them, that's nothing limiting, its social existence 101.

Asking you to not attack others who did not attack you based on misconception of what they meant is not any form of training, it's called common fucking sense.

This whole "Muh I does what I want" and the related, is your own inner sense of rebellion which as you said has to do with your life, events, whatever. It brings a personality type based on your choices. Now, in settings when this is not required, it becomes an problem.

Imagine a war veteran like going to eat casually in a restaurant and carrying an assault rifle, keeping people on gunpoint, and just saying "Oh, but I was in Iraq, and this was normal procedure". Well nobody gives a fuck and if you get shot then that's on you in this case. This in plain slang is called being nuts. It is not a matter of discipline, just common sense.

As far as I saw in this incident, you could have made a point, but you perceived that the other person who said something (even if it had some wrong undertones) was related to some extreme brutal xian memetics, which I think it was clear it wasn't the case. So you reacted to this very hardcore, you had a point, but you just trashed a brother too hard, wishing him even death.

If you find out you cannot "Adjust" your behavior as in not giving death curses and related to others for simply relating a point, or just attacking a legit for years brother without basis, or like analyzing what another person may actually mean vs what you believe they meant as a reason to just attack them without logical restraint, then yes, maybe you can go.

I will not ban you, as it appears you got an understanding of the situation at least. You can leave if you want.

Lastly, I removed a weird piece from this about your weird actions, these are your personal details, keep them personal. You can imagine what this is about since you wrote the post.
He who laughs last laughs loudest. Probably waiting to be last deliberately!
sunrise said:
Ok... So, again, please, ban my account. Thank you.
You are not ass licking if you change your behavior. In fact your not changing your behavior, your improving yourself and everyone should strive to improve themselves. If your following an ideology or a pattern of thinking you must at least follow the basic tenets presiding in it,namely centeredness, concentration, being in control of your thoughts and actions,not being impulsive and erratic,being grounded etc. This is void meditation 101 and is taught in the basic 40 days meditation program, a base upon which everything rests. Being driven by emotions and urges is infact being yourself, ....in the most primitive form of man. Thinking from your amydilla, from your basic fight or flight response, being driven by your emotional urges is a very backwards behavior that people in Satanism hope to overcome. They want to be in control of their emotions. They feel that emotion in equanimity without judging it. And they logically decide what course of action they should take. Its called being emotionally mature. You can also overcome your astrological karma that you inherited from your grandfather. Just because something is currently happening to you or your currently behaving a certain way, doesn't mean that your inherently that way. Human behavior is transient and can be improved or degraded. A loser with no control over his life can in time grip the world through utilizing his power. Power and control is ever increasing in our journey as Satanists. Whatever practice that you claim you've done for 3 years has been for naught. That is the cold hard truth. If you could not realize these basic foundations of personal change,transformation and aiming for complete control, then nothing else will work. If you believe satanism is about childish rebellion, doing stupid shit when you know it's going to bring suffering, it doesn't make sense yet you do it driven by your sense of fleeting liberation which translates into being driven by hormones, then I'm afraid that is not being a Satanist. You should have tried or aimed to improve yourself when you came to us, yet you continued to act in the same thinking patterns and behaviours. All is yet not lost. Your ego when it is telling you to do things that you know is not right.....,is of no consequence to you and you should ignore it. Your ego will be refined through meditation and you will come to experience the ever improving way of the self. Do the RTR everyday. Start from scratch with the 40 days meditation program. Do consistent meditation. Aim to control your thoughts,emotions and behavior. Strive to achieve greatness. I wish you best of luck. And kill your solipsism. Take constructive guidance. And act on it.
sunrise said:

I like you sunrise, don't get me wrong, you're kinda annoying and go completely mental over stupid shit, but you express yourself honestly, without any real fear of what others think or if they approve of you.

That's pretty cool in my opinion, but there is this thing called balance and self control. Personally I find dishonesty to oneself more irritating than a psychotic rant here and there but I'm probably alone on that. Biased even.

In the end you can express yourself honestly without coming off as a full blown psychopath, you know. In all honesty, the only thing that made me a little worried about your hilarious psychotic rant was the bit about being chosen by the gods to be the ambassador of sex workers (?).

In my experience people who sing that sort of tune tend to go completely insane after a little while. Be careful.

You had a cobra tell you to calm your tits and shut the fuck up. That's pretty okay. It's worse when a sloth notices you going full retard and climbs down a tree to drop a mad roast on you lol
Sunrise raises one good point the way you moderate the place is completely unacceptable if there is any justice in these forums Fancy needs to be banned immediately for writing posts longer than the time it takes to reach godhood
Nooo but I just met you.
And this is crazy.
So here’s my Twitter
So tweet me maybe? :D

On a serious note.
There’s no need to be negative.
I used to think like that sister.
I’ve been banned before.
By my brother/Aryan High Priest/Commander HC.
I didn’t take it personally,

So I learn from my mistakes.
Meditate, read, analyze and understand everyday.
Grow In this Satanic community.
Being alone just brings limits.

So I’m telling you to please not leave this family.
In the end, there’s the freedom of choice.

sunrise said:
Dahaarkan said:
Sunrise raises one good point the way you moderate the place is completely unacceptable if there is any justice in these forums Fancy needs to be banned immediately for writing posts longer than the time it takes to reach godhood
All the sermon authours, i.e. clergy, also need to be banned for the same reasons, then. Your sad attempt at hatred is just poor and that logic is also sad. Dare you tell me what you think your problem with me is?
Dahaarkan said:
sunrise said:

I like you sunrise, don't get me wrong, you're kinda annoying and go completely mental over stupid shit, but you express yourself honestly, without any real fear of what others think or if they approve of you.

That's pretty cool in my opinion, but there is this thing called balance and self control. Personally I find dishonesty to oneself more irritating than a psychotic rant here and there but I'm probably alone on that. Biased even.

In the end you can express yourself honestly without coming off as a full blown psychopath, you know. In all honesty, the only thing that made me a little worried about your hilarious psychotic rant was the bit about being chosen by the gods to be the ambassador of sex workers (?).

In my experience people who sing that sort of tune tend to go completely insane after a little while. Be careful.

You had a cobra tell you to calm your tits and shut the fuck up. That's pretty okay. It's worse when a sloth notices you going full retard and climbs down a tree to drop a mad roast on you lol
A psychopath is someone who is defined as completely lacking empathy. That rant was not psychotic, probably could be defined as having a loose screw though. (Pun not intended.)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
