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72 virgins in Quran?


Active member
Aug 31, 2021
I've heard this time and again; something of Mohammed promising 72 fair-skinned, broad-eyed and eternally perpetual virgins that do not urinate or defecate.

How did this idea come to be? In terms of second wives, I cannot think of it being rooted only in polygamy and perversion. From my understanding a second wife to many Muslims is a sort-of fail safe to their oft corrupt political systems meant therein to preserve their assets and estates. Albeit the same, they are frequently it seems the most vile humans of all religion, save from the non-humans of which said religion came from.

Simply my heart, soul and mind is unable to accept almost anything as black/white, good/evil, etc. I feel strongly that something must have happened to Islam to further pervert it, one aspect being Shariah law, thus resulting in an even greater controlled division within Abrahamic religion, yet I have no understanding as to how this occurred. Any thoughts, link(s) and/or resources on this subject?

Thank you all very kindly for your time!
This is just another example of stolen alchemical concepts. "72 pure and perfect, perpetually young beautiful maidens who remain virgins forever." I think it is a rip off of the Chakras, as 7+2 =9 (number of total major Chakras including the 7 along the spine and the shoulder Chakras.)

The enemy has repeatedly used this number in their blasphemous literature, such as the key of solomon.

Also, the description of them being pure and fair, etc sounds like a rip off of achieving the Magnum Opus, i.e. eternal youth and beauty + spiritual purity. The "72 virgins" is a purified soul. In islam, they have taken this allegory and twisted it in a truly sick and perverse way for a literal interpretation of an actual physical death and a "reward" of basically eternal sex slaves. It's disgusting.

The quran is full of these sorts of sick and twisted examples of theft of Alchemical knowledge from Pagans.

The program of islam is truly vile to it's very core. It is the most death obsessed cult that exists on earth. Second in depravity only to judaism itself.
Another explanation would be that ancient Satanism counts 72 Goetic demons. - I read that somewhere...

Abrahamic religions being designed to bury Satanism/Paganism, they use the same codes and symbolisms to ensure the subconcious level of population accept the corrupted version.

So there is 72 geni in the Mercury sphere knowing more than every one according to jewish kabbalah or allah promises 72 virgins in the heaven just for sex...

72 being the 1/5th of 360 while being a multiple of 9, you can easily embroider many things with this material.
This number has surely really interesting properties in numerolgy and sacred mathematic. Being related with the pentagram, it conceals the Golden Ratio and so on.

Muslims ignorants praying around magic number - with low level pulsions in mind - leads them to efficiently charging their egregore which is indirectly yhwh.
It's just a bunch of smut and curses referencing Demons and other perfect beings as 'gifts' for Muslims, also promising some sort of 'virgin state' in being cleansed. It's not that different to the denizens of the 'City of God' in revelation.

Along with being the number of Goetic figures, 72 is a ritual number, it ties into the geometric patterns of the thing 'promised', it adding up to 9 is also a factor (completion).

There's a verse in the Jami' at-Tirmidhi about how in heaven a Muslim can go into a bazaar where images of random men and women are sold. This is a verse considered with skepticism by Muslims but it's still just low-minded nonsense. They take the houris thing very seriously, however, same as the 'beautiful white skinned' servant boys (ghulam) who serve them with alcohol in heaven.

The point is that you are both wasting your time caring about Islam and you are tying yourself to its vortex of negativity. I do not go and read the Talmud wondering why the Gentile slaves of the Jews must be exactly 28,000 and not maybe 30,000 to make a round figure. I do not care in the least about this mental illness and I do not buy six million rabbinical studies of Jewish cabistic numerology because I know that I would only be tying my soul to curses.

On JoS it is truly FULL of useful stuff to understand how the universe really works and paths to improve one's existence that not even someone like me who has been Dedicated for 8 years has ever fully read and understood to the fullest. Rather than wondering why 72 virgins and not 72 gold bars or even 72 slaves, I prefer to ask myself how to recognize the Andrapoda in my life. Rather than wondering what fetish Jews have for unrounded numbers, I'd rather ask myself how I can have a better relationship with my Guardian Demon.
I don't agree with this. In cases like this, people actually need to understand how psychologically low-minded and dangerous to the soul this nonsense is and in so doing contrast it to their Satanic routine, as long as they don't confuse Islam for something meaningful.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
