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Treating and curing flat feet?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I started treating this problem in the beginning of this year and have had some decent results but obviously it hasn't been 100% cured. Was a wondering if there was any advice I can get to help me out. The only two things I've been doing are, standing up straight with feet hip-lengthed apart and I'll stretch my big toe pointing up for several seconds while having the rest of my toes on the ground then switch to having my big toe on the ground while stretching the other toes up. I do this for each foot individually at a time. The other thing, I roll the bottom of my foot where the arch is on a tennis ball for about a minute.

I don't have insurance so going to the doctor would have to be paid out of pocket so any home remedies would be awesome.

Lemon said:
.... and flat feet (I'm treating feet tho, because it caused scoliosis in me) ....

Just quoting you here since I read this a while back and wanted to ask if you can share some of the treatments you're doing, if you don't mind.
Are the insides of your shoes very flat and hard? This can make your feet flat.

There are things that you can put into your shoes that might help with this. But most of these push your heal higher which just makes the problem worse. But you can probably get one that raises up the arch in your foot, and is lower by the heal and the toes.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think it is Sketchers is a shoe brand that makes a lot of shoes for old people, and they make some that will help the arch in your foot.

I was contemplating on either getting shoes like that or those things you put in your shoe like you mentioned. (Insoles?) There's some specifically for the arch. I believe I was born with this problem. I didn't realize it was a bad thing until like a few years ago but been told since I was a teen I had flat feet by trainers and would get a pain where the arch is supposed to be. Felt like I was stretching a vein but since doing the stuff I mentioned I haven't felt it even when doing kicks.

It's hard to always consciously walk with an arch so those insoles things might help a lot.
hailourtruegod said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think it is Sketchers is a shoe brand that makes a lot of shoes for old people, and they make some that will help the arch in your foot.

I was contemplating on either getting shoes like that or those things you put in your shoe like you mentioned. (Insoles?) There's some specifically for the arch. I believe I was born with this problem. I didn't realize it was a bad thing until like a few years ago but been told since I was a teen I had flat feet by trainers and would get a pain where the arch is supposed to be. Felt like I was stretching a vein but since doing the stuff I mentioned I haven't felt it even when doing kicks.

It's hard to always consciously walk with an arch so those insoles things might help a lot.
Insoles are what you want to look for. Just look for them online. There should be plenty of options with variable arc raising options available. They are pretty affordable too, so it should not hurt too much to try a few out.
I would personally advise against orthotics/insoles here, to provide a different perspective from what is already suggested.

Orthotics will only mask the symptoms, similar to how taking medical drugs imbalances the body and using glasses makes myopia worse, and will further weaken the imbalanced muscles, possibly causing more problems down the line. Anecdotally, I feel much better with barefoot minimal shoes and many people people seem to have similar experience (check reddit or elsewhere).

I suggest Katie Bowman as a resource about natural feet/posture health https://www.nutritiousmovement.com/the-highs-and-lows-of-foot-arches/
hailourtruegod said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think it is Sketchers is a shoe brand that makes a lot of shoes for old people, and they make some that will help the arch in your foot.

I was contemplating on either getting shoes like that or those things you put in your shoe like you mentioned. (Insoles?) There's some specifically for the arch. I believe I was born with this problem. I didn't realize it was a bad thing until like a few years ago but been told since I was a teen I had flat feet by trainers and would get a pain where the arch is supposed to be. Felt like I was stretching a vein but since doing the stuff I mentioned I haven't felt it even when doing kicks.

It's hard to always consciously walk with an arch so those insoles things might help a lot.

They do promote going barefoot (vibram fivefingers in example, freet, and others), theres also stepforwardorthotics, who have a moveable sole that is supposed to help learn your foot how to contract. Also, they do have some exercises they mention... but they don't mention the next thing..

Try rolling your feet out, from the inside to the outside, there is a muscle on the inside of your lower leg, past the ankle onto the foot that would help raise the arch. In general you could also try some feet exercises from classical ballet, just to get to know your feet in general.

They aren't telling you how to strengthen your feet specifically to fix the flat feet issue in ballet.. but the exercises are strengthening.
I'd highly recommend learning to walk properly(toe to heal, not heal to toe) and walking barefoot or with barefoot shoes. This will certainly help massively in terms of fixing your flat feet.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think it is Sketchers is a shoe brand that makes a lot of shoes for old people, and they make some that will help the arch in your foot.

I was contemplating on either getting shoes like that or those things you put in your shoe like you mentioned. (Insoles?) There's some specifically for the arch. I believe I was born with this problem. I didn't realize it was a bad thing until like a few years ago but been told since I was a teen I had flat feet by trainers and would get a pain where the arch is supposed to be. Felt like I was stretching a vein but since doing the stuff I mentioned I haven't felt it even when doing kicks.

It's hard to always consciously walk with an arch so those insoles things might help a lot.

They do promote going barefoot (vibram fivefingers in example, freet, and others), theres also stepforwardorthotics, who have a moveable sole that is supposed to help learn your foot how to contract. Also, they do have some exercises they mention... but they don't mention the next thing..

Try rolling your feet out, from the inside to the outside, there is a muscle on the inside of your lower leg, past the ankle onto the foot that would help raise the arch. In general you could also try some feet exercises from classical ballet, just to get to know your feet in general.

They aren't telling you how to strengthen your feet specifically to fix the flat feet issue in ballet.. but the exercises are strengthening.

I have looked into ballet earlier this year and it's true it does strengthen the feet even with the basics. I haven't done much of the feet exercises for a while except for the way they teach you your spine should be by tucking in the front of the stomach but keeping the chest up naturally (quick explanation). I used to have a bad posture from this too so ballet and yoga especially the last has helped tremendously.

I'll go back looking into basic ballet for this now that you reminded me. I'm trying to strengthen my feet/legs anyway for my kicks while having them flexible and ballet has always interested me for the athleticism aspect of it and also how it beneficial it can be for other things like mma and even some sports.
hailourtruegod said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
I was contemplating on either getting shoes like that or those things you put in your shoe like you mentioned. (Insoles?) There's some specifically for the arch. I believe I was born with this problem. I didn't realize it was a bad thing until like a few years ago but been told since I was a teen I had flat feet by trainers and would get a pain where the arch is supposed to be. Felt like I was stretching a vein but since doing the stuff I mentioned I haven't felt it even when doing kicks.

It's hard to always consciously walk with an arch so those insoles things might help a lot.

They do promote going barefoot (vibram fivefingers in example, freet, and others), theres also stepforwardorthotics, who have a moveable sole that is supposed to help learn your foot how to contract. Also, they do have some exercises they mention... but they don't mention the next thing..

Try rolling your feet out, from the inside to the outside, there is a muscle on the inside of your lower leg, past the ankle onto the foot that would help raise the arch. In general you could also try some feet exercises from classical ballet, just to get to know your feet in general.

They aren't telling you how to strengthen your feet specifically to fix the flat feet issue in ballet.. but the exercises are strengthening.

I have looked into ballet earlier this year and it's true it does strengthen the feet even with the basics. I haven't done much of the feet exercises for a while except for the way they teach you your spine should be by tucking in the front of the stomach but keeping the chest up naturally (quick explanation). I used to have a bad posture from this too so ballet and yoga especially the last has helped tremendously.

I'll go back looking into basic ballet for this now that you reminded me. I'm trying to strengthen my feet/legs anyway for my kicks while having them flexible and ballet has always interested me for the athleticism aspect of it and also how it beneficial it can be for other things like mma and even some sports.

Ballet teaches you stand up straight and tall with locked legs whereas martial arts even the ones that go more about chi tell you to keep your legs bend, at least slightly.

Keep that in mind. People that say "its good for martial arts" have never practiced it themselves.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ballet teaches you stand up straight and tall with locked legs whereas martial arts even the ones that go more about chi tell you to keep your legs bend, at least slightly.

Keep that in mind. People that say "its good for martial arts" have never practiced it themselves.

Good point. Thank you for actually letting me know where I was wrong on that. I was being very "normie" in the way I was thinking there lol. :oops:
hailourtruegod said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ballet teaches you stand up straight and tall with locked legs whereas martial arts even the ones that go more about chi tell you to keep your legs bend, at least slightly.

Keep that in mind. People that say "its good for martial arts" have never practiced it themselves.

Good point. Thank you for actually letting me know where I was wrong on that. I was being very "normie" in the way I was thinking there lol. :oops:

Its fine haha.
Its just the base foundation of the dance (ballet in this case) teaches you to lengthen, stretch out, be thin, show yourself. Make things look easy and effortless (and light).

Whereas martial arts (I only practiced tai-chi (home), aikido (only half a year cuz of covid :/) and kickboxing (long time ago) ). Has a more earthy vibe to it. Stay close to earth, shift your balance quickly or keep it on both your feet.

Basicly if I were to put it in different words, when you think about pointe work specificly, its more up and out there.
And when I think about martial arts its more about protecting the self, the body, adapting, etc.
hailourtruegod said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ballet teaches you stand up straight and tall with locked legs whereas martial arts even the ones that go more about chi tell you to keep your legs bend, at least slightly.

Keep that in mind. People that say "its good for martial arts" have never practiced it themselves.

Good point. Thank you for actually letting me know where I was wrong on that. I was being very "normie" in the way I was thinking there lol. :oops:

Actually there is something else I saw. It was in an ad about chinese dance, shen yun or something was the company called, that was touring around the world. They said that dance was inspired from martial arts and the dance then inspired the martial arts.

I think this might be closer to the truth than other stories.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ballet teaches you stand up straight and tall with locked legs whereas martial arts even the ones that go more about chi tell you to keep your legs bend, at least slightly.

Keep that in mind. People that say "its good for martial arts" have never practiced it themselves.

Good point. Thank you for actually letting me know where I was wrong on that. I was being very "normie" in the way I was thinking there lol. :oops:

Actually there is something else I saw. It was in an ad about chinese dance, shen yun or something was the company called, that was touring around the world. They said that dance was inspired from martial arts and the dance then inspired the martial arts.

I think this might be closer to the truth than other stories.

I heard of them and I have to agree with you there that's probably how dance and martial arts came to be today or at least that type of dance. Might explain why I used to love dancing in my teens too.

Interesting point in the other post and I see now why I live martial arts so much. That's a great way to see it and how I'll be seeing it from now. I feel like that's the mentality needed and looking forward to doing some shadow boxing later in a bit lol.

Aside the ballet part, you helped me realize a lot of stuff here Lunar haha. Thanks. :)
Lunar Dance 666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ballet teaches you stand up straight and tall with locked legs whereas martial arts even the ones that go more about chi tell you to keep your legs bend, at least slightly.

Keep that in mind. People that say "its good for martial arts" have never practiced it themselves.

Good point. Thank you for actually letting me know where I was wrong on that. I was being very "normie" in the way I was thinking there lol. :oops:

Actually there is something else I saw. It was in an ad about chinese dance, shen yun or something was the company called, that was touring around the world. They said that dance was inspired from martial arts and the dance then inspired the martial arts.

I think this might be closer to the truth than other stories.

Being light on the feet is what I want as well instead of just being fully on the ground especially since I have the body type to be agile a long with stamina. Ballet might be too much in this case so I'll look at other ways. Dance seems to be the better way, for my case, with what you mentioned earlier.
hailourtruegod said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
Good point. Thank you for actually letting me know where I was wrong on that. I was being very "normie" in the way I was thinking there lol. :oops:

Actually there is something else I saw. It was in an ad about chinese dance, shen yun or something was the company called, that was touring around the world. They said that dance was inspired from martial arts and the dance then inspired the martial arts.

I think this might be closer to the truth than other stories.

Being light on the feet is what I want as well instead of just being fully on the ground especially since I have the body type to be agile a long with stamina. Ballet might be too much in this case so I'll look at other ways. Dance seems to be the better way, for my case, with what you mentioned earlier.

Ye. If you really want to try ballet you should give it a shot though. Classical ballet is very different compared to dances like the tango or some of the folk dances (why did they ever almost completely disappear out of excistence?).
Breakdance works on stamina/condition. Probably not practical for fighting though. Then you have capoeira. But I am not sure if you should take that up if you're white or asian...
Theres also modern dance. Jazz ballet (also definetly not like classical). Not sure I can think of any other styles of dance that Ive heard about.
I'd suggest that you look up some videos of the different styles.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ye. If you really want to try ballet you should give it a shot though. Classical ballet is very different compared to dances like the tango or some of the folk dances (why did they ever almost completely disappear out of excistence?).
Breakdance works on stamina/condition. Probably not practical for fighting though. Then you have capoeira. But I am not sure if you should take that up if you're white or asian...
Theres also modern dance. Jazz ballet (also definetly not like classical). Not sure I can think of any other styles of dance that Ive heard about.
I'd suggest that you look up some videos of the different styles.

I like watching ballet for the actual art of it as well so I'll probably will end up taking classes for the sake of it, eventually. But yes im a guy too so imo women that have builds from doing ballet have the most beautiful postures so if I find myself one like me then that adds more to me wanting to join a class lmao :p

I've tried capoeria I'm alright at some kicks but it's obviously more for people with a black body (short torso long legs). I'm Mexican but Asian so I'm built like a pro Mexican boxer. (Longer torso long arms and shorter but strong legs) Close to Julio ceaser Chavez build. But I'm good at kick boxing and even though boxing is fun for me I enjoy the kick boxing way more because of the kicks.

I really appreciate the helpful tips btw going to look into dancing again. I got turned off by it after high school and it's been years since I wanted to dance *publicly* but I've been feeling like dancing more lately so might be time to look thru all that and try some new stuff out.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
