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Fitness from a Satanic Point of View

For weight training, there can be situations where 30 minutes is enough, but in most cases that I can imagine, working for such a small amount of time is not enough. For instance, you would need to warm up. Have you already done it before the gym, say, in the form of commuting by bike, or perhaps by running? Fine, then it's done. But also another aspect, optimal results require more warmup than a simple treadmill/exercise bike/rowing machine warming up and is related to directing prana to your joints and ligaments. I would be surprised if this and actual working sets were done in thirty minutes.
Just weights only. Half hour per day 3-5 days is enough for me to maintain/increase mass depending on what im doing.

I used to do Yoga to increase suppleness it worked for my sore back, then i done it with props and pulled a hamstring lol.

Bodybuilders spend up to 3 hours in gym they are mainly posers,

For myself this at the minimum works.
I used to being weight training back in high school. They had me working out in the weight room at least three times a week for about 3 hours. Usually in the morning before school started. Along with gymnastics practice! I got to where I was really good at it. And it seemed to make my performances better and better
For weight training, there can be situations where 30 minutes is enough, but in most cases that I can imagine, working for such a small amount of time is not enough. For instance, you would need to warm up. Have you already done it before the gym, say, in the form of commuting by bike, or perhaps by running? Fine, then it's done. But also another aspect, optimal results require more warmup than a simple treadmill/exercise bike/rowing machine warming up and is related to directing prana to your joints and ligaments. I would be surprised if this and actual working sets were done in thirty minutes.
I think you also need movement-specific warming up at a lower intensity. So, if you're doing press-ups/push-ups, you go with either a lower amount of reps for a few sets or, if your max reps is too low, then a easier variation of the exercise.
Thirty minutes for any fit person is not enough. There is also the component of intensity along with duration. When we talk about endurance sports the longer the duration, the lower the intensity. This lower-intensity work is much needed for many useful physical adaptations such as mitochondrial synthesis, development of the cardiovascular system, and muscle endurance. None of these adaptations are attainable with thirty minutes of working out past a very early point. When we talk about someone who does things like parkour, gymnastics, and bouldering, for example. Thirty minutes is a good time to spend warming up. You can probably get away with fifteen minutes, but more is better for decreasing the risk of injury. These very short examples are just the tip of the iceberg.

So please, do not make excuses as excuses for unfitness are not allowed.
Yoga by itself wouldn't even be enough. More than a handful of women out there who I met or seen who are yoga teachers but are not slim but not fat fat either.

High body % and not the good fat, either.

These people would tell me they don't care for cardio and just get their exercise from teaching classes but it clearly wasn't enough. I know diet and hormones could play into it but I think that's an excuse for most of the ones I'm specifically speaking about.

Being sculpted (without too much bulk) and being able to bike or run for more than 30-45 minutes without being close to death is not being a fitness freak but what is supposed to be the bare minimum for humans.
Sometimes I like to turn on the radio and dance after doing a yoga class. Especially after doing a Kundalini class just to keep up the energy! I love that feeling! After having a good workout and a sort of feel like I'm combining both kind of making it into more of a callousetic aerobic fitness and it adds to the exercise program so that way I get a good stretch practice of breathing exercise and then just go into something else I enjoy doing! Such as dancing and then that way I can get more out of my daily routine along with my yoga classes I do workout with weights and I go along with what I need according to the yoga class and I usually take two yoga classes a day followed by a Kundalini class and that's usually in the morning when I wake up just to get the day started and since I am on my feet all day long at work! It seems nice to come home and take off my shoes and stretch and turn on the radio or put on a CD and dance and then go into a yoga session and then it makes it easier for me to enjoy my dinner and relax for a bit before I go to bed and if I need to and if it's necessary I will take another yoga session to help me go to sleep and go into another Kundalini so that I can meditate. I do whatever I can! And I'm always up for some good advice!🙂 Thank you !
This is so interesting , i would Marry the old grandma She looks great for 91 years old, i Will Run right now
Seasonal depression! Is what I'm dealing with right now! So when it comes down to it! I go to the gym and try to work out for at least an hour and a half a day! Or go swimming for a couple of hours! It doesn't even bother me to go outside and shovel the snow? I don't mind doing some heavy labor work I actually enjoy it! And it my age I need to keep myself up anyway as it is! If not I will end up an old crippled lady in an old folks is home! And I do not want that! Considering how the elderly get treated in these nursing homes! It is like hell on Earth Watching what these old people go through! So listen to be learned! Whether you're a man or a woman at age! It pays to take care of yourself and it pays to listen and learn and do it right! I don't want to end up throwing my back out! I am usually pretty careful! And yet with everything being so expensive! Going to a gym these days it acquires digital cash which is something that I don't have! And don't believe in! I am from the old school I believe in having a checking account and using regular paper money! Like we did back in the '70s and '80s! And I am somebody that used to go dancing and dance halls all the time as a teenager! Place like that nowadays are expensive! And it's sad that people don't have the time or the money to go out and enjoy themselves! They do when they can and if you can afford it? More power to you! I am glad that I've got a nice big basement! Where I can stretch out and do yoga dance and listen to music! And little by little I get my own collection of Weights that I need according to my program! Watching videos or doing whatever it takes to keep myself busy and to keep myself in! Even at my own expense I still have to go out and get a weight set and get my gym set going! Especially if I want to do this right and save money! You just have to do what you can! I do whatever it is that I have to do! And the fun part about it is that I can be creative invite people to come over to do videos and to work out with me? Or take turns carpooling and going to the gym is often as I can throughout the week paying for an individual class if they allow it depending on the studio? And the teacher
Really thank you for this post, fitness is indispensable for achieving the godhead, i wish this post inspire those who train to keep going and those who doesnt train start now, for both, remember to try to be better than yourself of yesterday, even if you become half second better holding an exercise if you keep that way you cannot imagine where will you be in 1 or 5 or 10 years, discipline and the hability to stay on the same path for years is a godlike skill.
I think the 90-year-old grandma looks incredible! I hope I look that good in my 90s and that man at his age! Laugh out loud he is incredible! It's amazing with some of these people can do? And how people continue on no matter how old they get! It is inspiring!🔥✨
It makes me happy when I see people this age still getting out and doing things like that! And the strength that lady had was amazing! And she still had her flexibility as well! A lot of people as they get older lose that! And for some it is not easy to get back! No matter how many classes they take in yoga
Thank you for this Aquarius this is a great post. I when people post things that everyone can actually use. I actually started doing these neck exercises in physical rehab when I messed up my upper back and neck some months ago. I do them now in the gym as well! As for the underhyped muscles they definitely need attention or in some ways, this can also put a strain on other areas of the body. An example is an emphasis of a forward posture of the shoulders and an emphasis of only training the front part of the chest and shoulders which can really mess up your upper back and neck. This might have been part of my big recent mistake.
Thank you for this Aquarius this is a great post. I when people post things that everyone can actually use. I actually started doing these neck exercises in physical rehab when I messed up my upper back and neck some months ago. I do them now in the gym as well! As for the underhyped muscles they definitely need attention or in some ways, this can also put a strain on other areas of the body. An example is an emphasis of a forward posture of the shoulders and an emphasis of only training the front part of the chest and shoulders which can really mess up your upper back and neck. This might have been part of my big recent mistake.
*love when. Idk how that got typoed out. ffs lol
Aquarius thanks for this post, it helped me a lot! I bought Hand Gripper and Grip Buddy on Amazon, and it they are great for forearms (i recommend them). I didnt know sport is so important, im going to work out every day. Thank you!
I think this might be a never ending controversial topic.
And that's because everyone has different goals and viewpoints on optimal fitness levels.
Let's forget substandard standards for once. Regardless of goals, thirty minutes is nothing. Because of the enemy people have difficulties with something as simple as running for 10 kilometers. I am not talking what is optimal fitness, but rather that people need to reorient what is important and what is nonsense.
Thank you Aquarius.

Physical training is something that has so many significant benefits mentally, physically and spiritually as well. It's a must.

Like I said in my last reply it builds willpower and confidence, but it also improves your mood, your overall health, it teaches you discipline, consistency and much more. From my experience I can say that the mood improvement is really noticeable, both right after a workout and in my life in general, I think this is also a proven fact.

Physical training gives you a sense of purpose and getting stronger and stronger gives you a sense of achievement. One mistake I see people making though it's that they become extremely obssessed with their physique and this leads them to develop body dismorphia. After that, many start taking steroids and they end up with a worse health than they would've had if they just stayed an average fat guy who doesn't train. It's quite sad, many people really have zero care for the health part, which is actually the foundation of everything.

The thing is also that if you're a natural you make the most of your gains in terms of muscle in the first three to five years of training, if you train and eat well. I'm not sure if these numbers are 100% correct, but what I'm trying to say is that if you train only to improve your physique as a natural, you reach a point where no matter how much you train anymore, you reached your genetic potential and that's where many can become depressed, they see all these juiceheads on social media and they end up doing steroids. My advice is to start training martial arts like BJJ or Boxing when you reach that point. You will keep improving and keep having that sense of accomplishment as long as you train and you will learn how to fight, which is extremely important in my opinion.
Very good post, Brother, thanks for that. Physical training is extremely important for a spiritual person. I remember when I started taking daily yoga practice seriously and I had visions of my chakras expanding and growing while I was in a stance. There are SO MANY energy channels that activate and work a lot more smoothly when physical effort forces them to open up. I think I never felt as cleansed or empowered like after a solid physical training (mostly coadjuvant to my martial art training).

Thanks also for the inspiring exercises, like the sledgehammer one. I train with staff and sword and having strong wrists is definitely a must.

Also, I'd like to add my personal something to this, as I've experienced a notable development in my body over the last 3/4 years:

I'm not going to go into details of how much I think X martial art style is more effective than Y style, but I can tell you that to train your upper back muscles (lats, shoulder and mostly triceps) one should try training with Wing Chun, and not "all" Wing Chun, but just a simple exercise.

The one thing that made me increase my back muscles like it never did in all my years in martial arts was what people call "Chain Fist".
You might have seen this in the Ip Man movies, where Donnie Yen unleashes a barrage of very quick vertical punch fists. This type of fist includes one of the main concepts of Wing Chun, that everything starts from the central/sagittal line of the body.

The rapid succession one trains to throw and retract the last punch, has a great motion in the arms, then in the shoulders, and finally you'll notice you start "throwing fists with your back".

Note: this isn't a complete training either for Wing Chun (although it's practical in a real fight, with 2/3 fists to disorient an opponent and push back with VERY fast fists), or for a full upper body training.

I do believe that this also helps with balance and (definitely) with speed. My personal record (against a heavy bag) is 54 fists in 8 seconds. This is where you FEEL the back at work, and the energy borrowed by your arms from your back muscles, forcing them to activate energy channels they likely never used.

I hope that helps you like it has helped me. The energy from the back to your arms is undeniable and a permanent energy circuit is established, making your arms stronger in time (so keep training).

I can't wait until it's summer time here. I have some ideas! I am going to try.
Other than working in my garden! 🙂
Are you going to try some mountain climbing this summer! That way I can get out of the house and go camping for a couple of days! And get out and see the world and how much is changed past 5 years! Give me some climbing equipment! And go out and see how many mountains I can climb and how far I can go! Testing out my strength and overcoming sleepiness and fatigue for being in the house all winter! And Take a Walk on the Wild Side!😀
It is possible to train your muscles in 3 different ways:
-In length
-In width
-In strength.

The length is how flexible, with yoga and stretching, mobility exercises, we lengthen our muscles.
The width is the modern body building.
The strength is one of the most important. These could be similar to body building exercises but still different. While your muscles may build, but they are focused to build strength. Even with a small muscles, it is possible to build insane strength.

One eventually should build their body to be like that of Hellenical Olympiads, but some of your pictures above are too much.



Hey Aquarius thanks for this wonderful article bro :love:❤️ !

I would also say that too much confusion is precisely what prevents man from living a long life.Too much confusion (in addition to electronic devices designed to be on them for a long time) eats away at our health and our physical and mental strength, just like smoking, alcohol and soft drinks.This is what I see with my old mother at 50 who has problems with her heart (she didn't pratice sports) and her teeth (she had to have dentures fitted because her teeth were all rotten because of cigarette) who had to have surgery.

Personally, I'm very lucky that I hate drinking alcohol, hate smoking cigarettes and drinking crappy American soft drinks like Coke and I hate mint gum to the core. be.
In addition, I now do sports (afterwards, it's squat + yoga + weight training) at least once a day for 20 minutes in total.

And to tell you : I consulted an AI which was designed to estimate how many years you will live by asking you lots of questions and the AI told me very sincerely “up to 90 years”. I am a warrior 💪😇.
I think this might be a never ending controversial topic.
And that's because everyone has different goals and viewpoints on optimal fitness levels.

I agree with you, as somebody who practices sports since the age of 7, the first 30 minutes are only enough to properly warm you up and prepare you for the actual training.
I have good friends that are world champions at aerobic gymnastics, they train for 6 hours a day, this is indeed a lot for somebody who does not wish to be the best in the world.
But sometimes not even enough for them as they put in extra hours, this much training turned them into actual physical beasts when it comes to strength and endurance.
I can imagine that being true. In artistic gymnastics (different from aerobic gymnastics), people seem to train around the same amount and the same is true for all professional sportsmen and elite athletes. In artistic gymnastics, you have to:
  • Warm-up
  • Work on flexibility and mobility
  • Work on other attributes (i.e. strength, power, endurance...)
  • Work on skills related to each apparatus
  • Cool down
There's 6 pieces of apparatus for men (pommel horse, rings, parallel bars, high bar, floor, vault) and 4 for women (floor, vault, uneven bars, beam). Each piece require 40 minutes by itself already to gain any improvements when one is at high levels. And there's no point in doing less than 2 pieces a day, so... we can see how those fall short. Even beginners that don't do all pieces but just focus on 1 or 2 pieces in their first years, still need way more than 30 minutes to become confident and skilled.

I can also see Henu's point because the majority of the population (at least 70%) is physically disabled and they have been trapped into enemy programmes such as 8-12 working hours a day, long commutes, unhealthy eating, unhealthy or incomplete training methods (i.e. weight-lifting, bodybuilding...), no stress/anxiety management, no emotional regulation in general, TV channel/subscription addiction, videogames, etc. Pursuing physical excellence in an environment like that is hardly possible. Many of those regarded by the population as fit also wrongly consider themselves, with overemphasis on certain areas of physical development and little to no emphasis on other areas, creating imbalances. Not a ground for physical excellence again.

I wish people who suggest training programmes/styles would look at what NS Germany was doing and what people looked like in their manifestos, instead of making shallow assumptions based on enemy programmes/styles that are overly popular since after WW2.
I have a question dont yoga target all those body parts we need to work on
Well yes, you can definitely work fullbody with Yoga, and build strength with yoga asanas.
I just mix yoga with calisthenics, calisthenics being just a much more strength oriented practice based on yoga tbh.
For example the Crow Pose is a progression for the calisthenics/gymnastics planche, the next variation would be tuck planche, advanced tuck, straddle and then full...

You can build muscles with only bodyweight, in a pretty balanced way since you are never working only one muscle when it comes to bodyweight exercises.
Well yes, you can definitely work fullbody with Yoga, and build strength with yoga asanas.
I just mix yoga with calisthenics, calisthenics being just a much more strength oriented practice based on yoga tbh.
For example the Crow Pose is a progression for the calisthenics/gymnastics planche, the next variation would be tuck planche, advanced tuck, straddle and then full...

You can build muscles with only bodyweight, in a pretty balanced way since you are never working only one muscle when it comes to bodyweight exercises.
Make since cause by us stretching we build and tone our body and become flexible I get the mix though and running
Greetings my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Satan.
I would like to reiterate how important physical exercise is.

Here is some ancient wisdom for your heart to understand.

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

"Besides, it is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit. But you cannot see that if you are careless, for it will not come of its own accord.”

"Without exercise, a good diet alone is not sufficient and eventually medical treatment will be needed"
– Hippocrates

"Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it" – Epictetus
Ours is a philosophy of Truth and Braveness, we can't embody it if we don't at least strive to have a Healthy and Strong body.

The immortal gods have made it so: To achieve excellence, we first must sweat.

As you can see, fitness was regarded as extremely important even thousands of years ago.

As movement and going forward is the basis of life, stagnancy is death. Fitness is about the body's freedom of movement, muscles and joints let your body move and exert force, without muscles there would be no movement, that is why developing them is extremely important.

We constantly see people with bodily problems like back ache, hip pain and other related problems, what is the similarity between all of them? They don't take care of their body with exercise. Their muscles don't work as they should and as thus their body starts to decay, what follows are all kind of surgeries that put many shekels in the doctor's pocket and don't fix people's problems, because at the root of the problem is always lack of exercise. People who get their hips replaced could've just strengthened and stretched their hips, and they would feel the results in weeks if not days, instead they are ignorant and go to the (((experts))) who suggest them deeply invasive and expensive surgeries that leave people worse than before.

Our bodies are supposed to move a lot. The 21st century habit of never even taking a walk is extremely destructive to the human body.

Strength training is extremely important not just for the now, but especially for the future. I believe we all have in mind the classical example of the grandpa or grandma who has trouble just standing up, that is not the result of old age, that is the result of having spent a lifetime not taking care of the body. I think we all heard about old farmers who can still lift heavy and move, without their age holding them back, that is because, while the farmer wasn't exactly a gym enthusiast, his work for all of his life was about movement and doing strenuous things every day, and as thus his body held up.

Here is an example of a 90 years old Grandma who took care of her body:
And here is an example of a 90 years old man who took care of his body:

As you can see, training the body will have a huge impact on whether you will be able to move or not while old.

There are different types of strength training, but people mostly categorize it in calisthenics and weight lifting, people even argue about what is the best between those. Let's leave the fighting about that to the normies and understand that even doing pushups is "weight lifting", as you are lifting your own weight. What is proven is that bodyweight exercises(calisthenics) translate to weight lifting gains, while weight lifting doesn't translate to bodyweight exercises gains. For example, people who can do weighted pushups, will have a good time doing a bench press, while those doing bench presses won't have the same strength as those who do weighted pushups, that's because the pushup is more holistical and works many more muscles than the bench press. Ideally one will mix the two, but keep in mind that there are totally retarded weight lifting exercises, such as the lat pull down, which is extremely inferior to simple pull-ups, and cannot even build the strength to reach pull-ups.

Running is very important and everybody should run. Running will strengthen your heart, and it's ironical that people want to lift weights and build muscle but not train the muscle that keeps them alive. Running will also make your body much more energetic and able to do strenuous things more easily. Nothing beats running, HPS Maxine has also said that there is nothing that can replace running and it should be done every day, if not every day at least 3 times a week. Mixing long distance running and sprinting is great and necessary. It's very important to get the running form correctly, for that I would watch youtube videos and/or get a running coach for a couple of times. But to make it short: Hold good posture, keep your core braced(not too much as to distract you from the run), and make sure to have your feet facing forward and using your ankles against the floor when running. If your ankles aren't weak after running, then you're not using them.
Running also is not an extremely pleasurful act, at the beginning at least, so it will also develop willpower and make you mentally stronger.

Being flexible is extremely important, by being flexible your QI, or bioelectricity and your blood will flow much better. Stagnating QI is literal death, thus comes the statement that "movement is life". Being flexible will make your life much more easier, how pathetic is it for a grown adult to not even be able to touch his toes. One myth about flexibility is that your range of motion is determined by your muscles being tight, we can say they're tight, but it's not the actual muscles that decide to get tight, it's your nervous system that decides if your range of motion will be limited or not. Your body also stores trauma in the form of muscle tightness, by stretching your muscles you will come to terms with traumas that you have interiorized and be able to release yourself from them. And also, I don't know about you, but in my view, being able to do splits is pretty fucking cool.
PNF stretching is great as it stretches the muscles but also created strenght in these new ranges of motion you have created. Hatha yoga is also great for flexibility, but don't stretch hard every day or you will risk pulling a muscle.

The image below is cool, we want that.

This is fundamental, your core is the base of the pyramid, all else will fall if you don't train it. I can't emphasize how important your core is, I'd rather train the core than anything else if I had to pick just one thing to exercise. It includes your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdominal muscles. Core exercises train the muscles in your core to work in harmony. People who complain of whatever pain in their body, most often than not (99% of the cases) have a weak core. Our 21st century sitting lifestyle make our core muscles atrophy, our glutes become non existant just by sitting all day, and our abdominals become weak and under utilised. Training the core is extremely important, Planks, side planks, hollow body holds, glute bridges ecc. It becomes difficult for someone to train these if he has never trained them and they are atrophied, in that case you need to work on reactivating them, remember that these muscles should be utilized throughout the whole day, it's not just something you train for 10 minutes and you forget about them, your glutes should be used whenever you walk, your core should lightly be braced at all times unless you are resting. If you can't or don't know how to use these muscles, start learning about them and how to use them, try and feel in your immagination how they should work and try to imitate that feeling by contracting them. If you need help just post a comment asking and I will help you.

In the modern fitness scene there are muscles that people don't consider important to train but are also important to train, like the neck or the forearms.
Let's start with my favourite, the forearms. Strong forearms are strongly correlated with a strong willpower, I can't describe you how much it feels good to have strong forearms, it's the kind of strength that let's you hold someone's wrist and without them being able to free themselves, it's the strength to hold yourself on a bar with one hand or the strength to crush an apple with your hand. Old time strong men would train these, today it's much more unheard of, and a man bending a coin is seen as something supernatural while it's just a man that trained his forearms.


I personally train my forearms with a mix of hanging with one arm, or hanging with weights on a backpack, or hanging with just my fingers(be careful and don't overdo it, or you might hurt your fingers), I also train the pinching ability of my thumb by pinching the side of a door and hanging just with that on the door side. I also train supination and pronation with a sledgehammer like this:
and radial and ulnar deviations like this:
Then I also do wrist pushups which imo are the most important as they allow you to create the strength necessary for your wrists to hold you in a handstand, here's a video demonstrating them

As for about the neck, this is the part of your body that holds your head, which is very heavy, having a strong neck will make you look more fierce and is gonna protect your neck from incidents like car crashes or bad falls. All men would like a neck like that of Mike Tyson's.


Here are videos that show the best exercises for the neck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgNGiDMS2DE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsKYRvOu0Cw

I will also share, with those who managed to read till here, a little but great and exoteric secret that not everybody knows of that will have great advantages on your fitness: When working out, only breath with your nose, that seems to make your body much less tired, this seems to be the secret to the godly ability of the Raràmuri mexican tribe to run many many Kilometers without getting tired.

Remember, fitness is life, we need it, it's not a matter of being a gym junkie, it's about enjoying and living life. Adding some time for fitness everyday means making yourself stronger and healthy, which means a lot to us Spiritual Satanists. Life is sacred, life is movement.

Hopefully you understand the importance of fitness with this post. And I hope you all find it useful.

If you have any problems with your body please ask me, I have spent a lot of time fixing my problems, so much that I'm sure I can send people the right way in regards to healing theirs.
I have doubts that you advise -
1. Why do you say to breathe only with your nose, when Bruce Lee advised to breathe with his mouth and nose at the same time.
2. There are outlets of strong harm to the neck due to unnatural sizes.
3. Why do you completely hide how the exercises of the “War of Ancient Greece” have passed and offer methods of Jewish training?
4. Do you think, according to the Jewish agenda in fitness, that the muscles should be destroyed for growth?
I have doubts that you advise -
1. Why do you say to breathe only with your nose, when Bruce Lee advised to breathe with his mouth and nose at the same time.
2. There are outlets of strong harm to the neck due to unnatural sizes.
3. Why do you completely hide how the exercises of the “War of Ancient Greece” have passed and offer methods of Jewish training?
4. Do you think, according to the Jewish agenda in fitness, that the muscles should be destroyed for growth?
1)Not informed on that.

2)I don't understand your question.

3)Enlighten us with these exercises instead of complaining.

4)That's the common theory that muscle cells get damaged and get repaired and become stronger. I don't know of any other theory, you can share an alternative theory if you want.
3. Why do you completely hide how the exercises of the “War of Ancient Greece” have passed and offer methods of Jewish training?
What jewish methods of training has he offered exactly?
Well yes, you can definitely work fullbody with Yoga, and build strength with yoga asanas.
I just mix yoga with calisthenics, calisthenics being just a much more strength oriented practice based on yoga tbh.
For example the Crow Pose is a progression for the calisthenics/gymnastics planche, the next variation would be tuck planche, advanced tuck, straddle and then full...

You can build muscles with only bodyweight, in a pretty balanced way since you are never working only one muscle when it comes to bodyweight exexercises.
The problem with calisthenics is there is not many good options for building the posterior chain. There is only the bridge, that I know of. Deadlifts are more effective for this chain.

Squat progressions are also not available for everyone, due to limitations in flexibility once one progresses to shrimp/pistol squats or possibly other unilateral exercises.
The problem with calisthenics is there is not many good options for building the posterior chain. There is only the bridge, that I know of. Deadlifts are more effective for this chain.

Squat progressions are also not available for everyone, due to limitations in flexibility once one progresses to shrimp/pistol squats or possibly other unilateral exercises.
Doing several hundred squats a day is a good alternative to single-leg squats.

little but great and exoteric secret that not everybody knows of that will have great advantages on your fitness: When working out, only breath with your nose, that seems to make your body much less tired
tried, true

i've done a lot of research on this, apparently nasal breathing/mewing or whatever you want to call it is great for a lot of things, and generally a good habit to mantain always

i discovered it because of the "looksmaxxing" trend and i'm becoming more and more surprised, it wasn't bullshit
The problem with calisthenics is there is not many good options for building the posterior chain. There is only the bridge, that I know of. Deadlifts are more effective for this chain.

Squat progressions are also not available for everyone, due to limitations in flexibility once one progresses to shrimp/pistol squats or possibly other unilateral exercises.
Limitations in flexibility can be overcome. In fact, it's very wrong to progress to a new exercise without addressing the flexibility requirements first. It's a wrong mentality coming from enemy forms of weight training that are very popular nowadays.

You also have other exercises that help you develop your posterior chain, not just bridges and squats. You have lunges, high knees, planks, "supermen", "bird-dogs", mountain climbers. Bodyweight training is more well-rounded than weight training.
What jewish methods of training has he offered exactly?
Women should not lift so many kilograms, because no amount of training of the body muscles will save them from the fact that their intestines, uterus and appendages are attached by very thin ligaments, and may collapse when lifting too heavy weights, because the pressure on the pelvic area is simply greatly increased. There are no muscles among human muscles that are designed to "support" or fence against this in any way. Elephants and horned hoofed cattle because they carry it all easily, not in their hands when walking upright, but on their backs when walking on all four is different. Not to mention the greatly increased propensity of the female pelvis to Blood Stasis (any period pain and almost all abdominal pain in general). The periods of professional female athletes in certain sports are notorious for being painful due to ignorance of this fact. Men do not have this problem, because their body is shaped like a fire/air sign (triangle pointing down), not earth/water like women (triangle pointing up), because they do not have to bear children. they do not have to bear children, as a result of which they are less prone to natural Blood Stasis and in general to large accumulation of blood below, but more in the heart area, which breaks from heavy weights, and this same geometrical shape, in particular, allows muscles to play a role of protection against pressure from above when standing upright, which is not peculiar for them.
Women should not lift so many kilograms, because no amount of training of the body muscles will save them from the fact that their intestines, uterus and appendages are attached by very thin ligaments, and may collapse when lifting too heavy weights, because the pressure on the pelvic area is simply greatly increased. There are no muscles among human muscles that are designed to "support" or fence against this in any way. Elephants and horned hoofed cattle because they carry it all easily, not in their hands when walking upright, but on their backs when walking on all four is different. Not to mention the greatly increased propensity of the female pelvis to Blood Stasis (any period pain and almost all abdominal pain in general). The periods of professional female athletes in certain sports are notorious for being painful due to ignorance of this fact. Men do not have this problem, because their body is shaped like a fire/air sign (triangle pointing down), not earth/water like women (triangle pointing up), because they do not have to bear children. they do not have to bear children, as a result of which they are less prone to natural Blood Stasis and in general to large accumulation of blood below, but more in the heart area, which breaks from heavy weights, and this same geometrical shape, in particular, allows muscles to play a role of protection against pressure from above when standing upright, which is not peculiar for them.
It's an interesting point you bring up. I think more exercise science research should take biophysics into account from the geometrical point of view.

I would ask any female SS who trains consistently - to let us know here about her experience. However, if a grandma can do artistic gymnastics into their 80s and 90s, I would assume the issue you described only affects women who train with external weights rather than using their own body, bearing in mind however that for many gymnastics exercises your mass is multiplied by many times, especially with acrobatic elements such as saltos and aerials.

External weights only create semi-transferable gains anyway. They are mostly for show. Smoke and mirrors. And limited in dimensionality of progress as well. The correct use for external weights is specific flexibility and mobility exercises.

Side note: the triangle pointing down is water, the triangle pointing up is fire. Bodies can have different shapes, such as men that have a rectangular body too with their shoulder span being the same as their hip span (bone-wise).
It's an interesting point you bring up. I think more exercise science research should take biophysics into account from the geometrical point of view.

I would ask any female SS who trains consistently - to let us know here about her experience. However, if a grandma can do artistic gymnastics into their 80s and 90s, I would assume the issue you described only affects women who train with external weights rather than using their own body, bearing in mind however that for many gymnastics exercises your mass is multiplied by many times, especially with acrobatic elements such as saltos and aerials.

External weights only create semi-transferable gains anyway. They are mostly for show. Smoke and mirrors. And limited in dimensionality of progress as well. The correct use for external weights is specific flexibility and mobility exercises.

Side note: the triangle pointing down is water, the triangle pointing up is fire. Bodies can have different shapes, such as men that have a rectangular body too with their shoulder span being the same as their hip span (bone-wise).
I don't care what I brought up. You remind me of afodo, isn't that your second account? Even gymnastics has irreparable damage to a woman's soul
I don't care what I brought up. You remind me of afodo, isn't that your second account? Even gymnastics has irreparable damage to a woman's soul
Didn't you know Stormblood? Women are just meant to pickup berries and herbs, and don't they dare do any other kind of movement or it's over for them.
You've done it now lol. I have never felt so compelled to exercise. I tried consistently working out a couple of hours (twice a week) for almost half a year, but I slowly got out of it because I'm simply not built for it. I'm a very lean and skinny guy. The video of that old guy however; he was just like I am - premature and sickly.

Now that I'm totally awake, a Satanist and eating much better, I have an even better shot at it. Daily walking and stretching are simply not enough for building ourselves up to our best physique.

Thank you Aquarius for this exceptional topic!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
