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Fitness from a Satanic Point of View

You've done it now lol. I have never felt so compelled to exercise. I tried consistently working out a couple of hours (twice a week) for almost half a year, but I slowly got out of it because I'm simply not built for it. I'm a very lean and skinny guy. The video of that old guy however; he was just like I am - premature and sickly.

Now that I'm totally awake, a Satanist and eating much better, I have an even better shot at it. Daily walking and stretching are simply not enough for building ourselves up to our best physique.

Thank you Aquarius for this exceptional topic!
Remember that like everything, it can after a while look like a chore, but you can make it fun, like trying different positions, exercises ecc

The beautiful thing about our body is you can train it in many many ways and also without tools. You can just for example press your palms together, and there you go you're strengthening your pectoral muscles. There's so many different ways to do it that you can't get tired of it, there's always something new to try or discover.
because I'm simply not built for it. I'm a very lean and skinny guy.
Everyone is despite any misguided thinking. We are meant to move around and physical exercise complements spiritual development. All one needs to do is to find something suitable for them.
Remember that like everything, it can after a while look like a chore, but you can make it fun, like trying different positions, exercises ecc

The beautiful thing about our body is you can train it in many many ways and also without tools. You can just for example press your palms together, and there you go you're strengthening your pectoral muscles. There's so many different ways to do it that you can't get tired of it, there's always something new to try or discover.
I read a book written by a prisoner, I think it was Charles Bronson, who came up with the idea of doing isometrics with his body in the small solitary cell he was confined in. Like pressing down on your upward facing palm with the other hand to put tension on the bicep, along with the one you mentioned.
How do you guys like to program?

Do you prefer to do full body, or splits? Upper/lower? Push/pull/lift?

High or low volume?

Gymnastics or calisthenics? Strongman or weightlifting?

Do you like doing circuits or supersets, or do you focus on one exercise until you're finished with it?

Interested in your thoughts/experiences.

I have a preference for cardio and bodyweight exercises (calisthenics) as they feel the most natural for me, and therefore, I put the most emphasis on these two fundamentals. My minimum requirement for cardio is at least 20 minutes of running, and ideally, 30 – I can go further depending on how I feel.

Regarding weightlifting, I do have weights in my possession and occasionally use them. However, I feel it doesn't work out what I want, which is a full-body workout. I believe planks are essential in every routine, aside from running. At the moment, I'm not strong enough to do pull-ups the way I'd like, but I do enjoy them as well.

In my opinion, going with the flow is best when it comes to physical exercise. I don't like doing things mechanically, and everything must serve a purpose for me to enjoy pushing for it. My focus is on one exercise at a time; I complete full sets before moving on to another.

High-volume reps feel the best, certainly.

As for timing, I don't adhere to a set clock for specific activities; I prefer going with what I feel like at the moment. For example, one day I might include yoga before exercising, and other times I may skip it for later.

Concerning experiences, exercises that physically stimulate the body seem to have a profound effect on the chakras, at least in my case. I have felt my primary chakras after running for some time multiple times. I will see tomorrow how this goes, whether I will feel them better right after or not. Weightlifting, however, doesn't seem to have this effect, or too much time might have passed since doing that type of exercise, and I have progressed spiritually more since then.
How do you guys like to program?

Do you prefer to do full body, or splits? Upper/lower? Push/pull/lift?

High or low volume?

Gymnastics or calisthenics? Strongman or weightlifting?

Do you like doing circuits or supersets, or do you focus on one exercise until you're finished with it?

Interested in your thoughts/experiences.
Programming depends on what your goals are.

Gymnastics is the most complete sport you can do in the current age. It can help you develop all kind of skills that other disciplines don't often. Unfortunately, the fitness part of it (not the skills part) has been tainted in some countries by incorrect thinking and enemy corruption, with the introduction of weight lifting which hinders fast results in this discipline instead. Guilty countries based on their lower understanding currently are Scandinavian countries and also Austria from what I have seen from looking at national level gymnasts and those beyond that level.

The only use for external weights in gymnastics is for certain mobility and flexibility drills, and even then the weight is never higher than 5kg / 11lbs. This is because the joints are very sensitive and targeting them with the specific drills that are used for mobility and flexibility a weight only up to that is appropriate.

Gymnastics is better not just for the variety of skills that external weight training doesn't even remotely fully encompass, but also for the amount of force used. Many elements are acrobatic in nature, which means you use several times your body weight in force, which is more than weightlifting and bodybuilding can achieve.

However, there are strong drawbacks in terms of logistics when you are over 12 years old or so. Most countries rarely offer classes to people over that age because you're considered "too old" (bias) and it's likely to have unsupervised access to any apparatus because gyms open late and are always busy with children classes. If you aren't lucky enough to start as a child or live in places like the UAE (i.e. Dubai) or own your gym or are on great terms with someone who owns a gym, you are unlikely to get sufficient training time.

When I say "lucky enough to live in places like the UAE", I mean exclusively in terms of gymnastics benefits, not in any other way.
At my age. I would start out with something comfortable like yoga, like that in a heated room, something like Bikram Yoga Style. And then I would get into mild weightlifting, and focus on that for about an hour and a half, I am somebody that doesn't want to force myself, into something that I'm not ready for just yet. And I am somebody that wants to work the whole body. And I focus on that until I am satisfied. Before I start on the next element? With that of dance and a calisthenics. Where I could focus on my legs and my speed working it up, to a comfortable Rhythm and tempo. And I have my days where I do pretty well and then I have my days where I just kind of want to take it easy and take it slow. Some days I just focus on my legs and my lower torso and other days I focus on my arms and my upper torso depending on the mood I'm in.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
