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This War Has Entered A New Phase - We Are Resolute

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greeting to all of our Satanic Warriors and Comrades in Satan!

Before the enemy completely goes down, and because the enemy is a conspiracy [which has been revealed beyond repair] it's to be expected the enemy will go full straight forward in the next years where it comes to their agenda. There will be use of force more often from now on.

Progressively, as it has been stated, masks have been dropping worldwide. This is almost as if becoming unstoppable. What has changed between let's say the 80's and today is that now, everything the enemy does, gets far more attention, and billions of people are aware of them. However, there hasn't been any direct reactions yet because people still think they have more to gain by not acting.

This situation will change in the years to come. Many people worldwide will see that sitting back and doing nothing only exponentially increases our problems with the enemy. The enemy will rally people with violence, and with oppression, and with excessive strangulation of freedoms, rights, cause a death of privacy, and many other things. Eventually, people will start cracking under this pressure.

The enemy is not only arrogant, but they are also cornered. With the amount of people worldwide being aware of them and their agenda, the only thing that has kept them together is their spiritual power which is gradually collapsing, and their disinformation capacity, and ability to co-ordinate in a hidden and conspiracy like manner. This has been going off the window with the internet. Lastly, their physical capacities, which they have parasitism from human beings from centuries, or seized them by force. But all the forts of the world are for nothing if the kings in them do not have the loyalty of the people.

And the jews have lost all the care and trust of all people worldwide. That has no going back to it. Only forward.

When this thing happens, the Slaves of Israel, will essentially do what is expected: Become more and more oppressive, more and more aggressive, and more brutal towards the people of the world. And this is what will cause the great reactions.

To understand the nature of the enemy, the enemy never wages wars in a "Solar" manner, unless absolutely forced to do so. They are all about deception, brainwashing, using other people to do their nasty work, and hiding behind others, using their own enemies to do their own cleaning, and so forth. But they are no different now than a skinny short bully at school, which parades with the dumb goy he has enslaved, and everyone at school knows that the real perpetrator is not the person that does the beating, but the skinny hairless rat behind him.

So what has happened now is that this bullying rat is left with less and less choices, and every move risks further exposure of them? What happens when everyone in the school corners the bully? You can make sure that the bully will be armed and ready, as the time for weaseling and deception is over. But the thing is, the only place where jewish bullies have had power, was in covert, secret warfare based on deception and blinding their opponents. Direct confrontations is where they are exceptionally weak.

Every plot now is thrown into the light in the matter of a few seconds with the internet. An attempt to modulate the internet with excessive disinformation and use of Quantum Computing, will be done in the short-term as an attempt to regulate the internet. But by then it will already be too late. Think of this as the Youtube Purge but on a more "General Internet" scale. Bots are already infesting comment sections, same as living internet military that the enemy owns, and disinformation agencies. The fact is, that people are also now more capable to understand this as it is, and this ability will become more pronounced in the future.

Before that, the enemy has controlled of the public press, information flow, and therefore, every information that circulated the planet. As such there could never be an opening of information about their conspiracy. Things like the internet belong to humanity at large, and this is something the enemy hates. This form of power distribution makes it impossible for them to rule this landscape named Internet.

Those who think that the enemy, which is an International Element, can be dealt by one people, or one race, or one Nation, are in error and harbor strong delusions. There was one time where this MAY have brought SOME results, but now this will bring none. The enemy has had many enemies from many races for thousands of years, but while one of them was against them, another housed them in - they made sure to always be friends with the enemy of their enemy, and this has saved them.

In order to turn Gentiles against one another, the cases were numerous - teasing them with looting, murder and war, or creating circumstances where Nations fought so that the enemy would escape to another, while taking down their first enemy. They had a problem with Germany, they went to hide in and agitate Britain and the United States. As now they are having issues with the United States, they are agitating China, and many of them are leaving in Israel, which is their new den.

This cycle has been ongoing for centuries, and actors constantly change here. The fact remains that due to this behavior, and lack of communication between countries and races of mankind, the enemy was always capable of escape, to fortify again, and to come back harder and harder. Last century the whole world was plummeted into nothingness and we were saved by an inch.

The enemy may be talking about "Globalization", but their version does only imply that Israel and them will be ruling over everyone else and destroy them in a worldwide slave state. This has nothing to do with building any understanding between the people of the world, but is rather a policy focused on brutal race mixing, assimilation of all culture, and the giving in of anything humanity created. The Reptilian Borg only "Globalizes" as to more easily digest and assimilate the planet it requires to ingest into it's poisonous mouth.

Our side on the other hand sees the value of co-operation. The differences people harbor are acceptable and they can remain, but we have to deal with these aliens before it is too late. Assimilation is not required for any of this, it is the enemy. Global awareness however is crucial.

Recently I was reading the work of a yet another Rabbi, originally published to his inner circle in 2013 and "Cohencidentally" made it to the public like a few months earlier.

Being that he is in his 70's, and doing too much "hold your breath until you almost die" strange Kabbalah practices to loot goyim and to curse goyim, he has been going mentally insane. However, he has went open with how his race is reptilian [We know this already, many others have admitted it] and added a lot of lies into the mix, to deceive readers. Reading a lot of this is just as if surveying a sewer, and the reasons here are because these are ugly things.

According to this Rabbi, Jews are "Reptilian Souls" that "Fell" on this vibrational field that we call earth. He added how it's "time" to actually go open with this and stop hiding it. In it was included on how past human civilizations have been destroyed or attempted to be destroyed through the use of the living agent that is defined on this planet as "Jews".

As with any inferior and parasitic race such as themselves, their idea of themselves is extremely exaggerated and inflated, and way beyond the highest scales of psychopathy. The case of psychopathy can be observed in videos such as this, where the Reptilian Master Race displays their Greatness:


Going back to the Holier Than Thou Reptilian Rabbi [this above may actually be his cousin or something, since they are all interbred also], he also highlighted how the reptilians [using a verse from the bible] are destructive according to human standard, ie, that they will brutally annihilate, poison, and destroy humanity as they see fit, just because they can, and because we aren't follow THEIR version of how "we should be". For example in their mind it's a sin that humanity doesn't want to become assimilated, go figure. The enemy follows no consensus of justice in anyway, shape or form. They just either assimilate or destroy. This in plain slang is called war.

In the same text, the Rabbi was complaining that the "Natural Souls of Nahash" [The Serpent, Satan] are reacting to this and opposing this by spiritual means, and included also, that it is *US* who are the actual inheritors of the Ea-rth, and not them. Which is something well known. They just came here to displace us and essentially steal our planet, that is all.

Consider the Jews nothing else but a parasite or a virus, engineered specifically to just keep earth back, and to grow so strong within the midst of the people of the earth, that their removal would be impossible [which it definitely IS POSSIBLE] and come at major ramifications. The DNA of the parasite is supposed to become the DNA of the host, and take over all cells until the body of humanity is a corpse. Naturally, the cells that are in the defense, will wake up from slumber and react.

Naturally, the body every so often has tremors, raises fevers, and occasional outbursts against the invader of it's structure. Jews call this "Anti-Semitism", but they know it's all a trick that they use. The Rabbi there explained that the case for this is because the "Eartheners" are "Resisting" the reptilian agenda. Imagine that people still lack understanding and they are highly blinded, but this comes straight from our unconscious. The Rabbi went further to explain on how this is the case because "Gentiles" are "Natural Souls", while the Jews come from a reptilian dimension that holds the label of "JHVH".

The human body is having tremors trying to move out of itself this very nasty virus. The virus knows, but as viruses cloak themselves with a cell membrane to fool the immune system, so have the jews pretended they were "Like us but only a little different" for all this time. This cell membrane has only given in now, and they know that soon, the white cells of the human body will be after them.

As we don't cite this garbage, this garbage doesn't cite us, but they are aware, everyone knows: This is War. This is also why there has been increased psychic noise as of late, but that is all for naught so long the RTR's are continued. Also, the enemy has many traitors and others who are scared, who essentially see what is coming and have been asking for "Repentance" of the jewish people, and to let go of the Gentiles, or fake a truce, or ask for forgiveness and fold out from our affairs. But they are around 3000 years to late for this "Correction" to come from them. Humanity has had enough.

As they know they have been exposed for being aliens, invaders, and the cause of destruction of mankind, and the sole reason humanity has went down the drain, their last hopes are now these:

1. To pervert the knowledge about them - Which will fail because of the Internet, they are too late for that now. An example here is that they will accept all of that, as they are found guilty, but try to lie about the details, hoping that humanity will not destroy them.

Its time past that humanity can be bullshitted anymore that the jews are going to change, or the jews can hide their reptilian origins and web of influence.

2. To fight a war of annihilation against mankind - This is the route they will be following. This is what will cause their self-fulfilling prophecy of all of humanity turning against them and punishing them to the full level that is deserved.

If you pay attention, the time for games is over. Now it's increasingly becoming either us or the enemy. It takes not much to understand, that the enemy is now doing a full "All In" to try to make a last gamble for mankind. As is the case in the United States, look at the Jew Bernie Sanders and his obvious Communist agenda. They are really going to attempt to put a Communist into office, inside the Nation that took down the USSR. If not in 2020, then this is planned for immediately after. Given that they are really pressed spiritually, they may simply be too late, but this doesn't mean that they will not try.

People have been noticing some strange events that have happened on the earth, out of the blue, in the start of 2020. Due the spiritual warfare going on, the enemy is reacting, and as their rulership goes down, so do such events emerge as a form of energetic disturbance. This also has to do with the energetic fabric of the earth. Think of removing ticks and how this leaves behind a big scab. Worse may be the case, that some of these scabs are infected. However, none of that is threatening to a greater extent than removing the giant ticks themselves. We must stay focused on removing the ticks.

Do not forget to do the Final RTR constantly and unceasingly as we all should. The aim of everyone should be to do this at least twice per day. This will make you immune to their nasty hebrew curses, and also push everything on the place where it needs to be so that this world is absolved.

The Final RTR


This is exactly the reason lots of SS have not been able to focus .
Apart from this any SS who feels scared just remember 2 things which always gives immense peace-
1. Melek Ta'us- Lord of the Earth(Satan) Dont ever think that the greys or their agenda can ever come true on Earth. The Universe knows who created human life on Earth. Dont stop the rtrs under any condition.(this is for your own benefit)
2. They will know ME( as was told to one of the HPs by SATAN himself). This phrase is applicable to all those who truly work WITH him(its never "for") . Any action you do for HIM will always be guided by HIM , you just have to be open. And protection is always there for all of us and those who harm or curse SS (those who have seen greys know what i am talking about, not the ones in movies , but real ones) they are lierally brought to justice .

Personal story-
I have some free time and really freaked out when i came to know about the war they were planning. And literally spammed 20rtrs in a day and more double digits the next day (not sure about the number) and there was a grey always bothering me . One night few days back at 3am i literally saw the grey standing in front of me while i was sleeping. And all i heard was "Sleep". i closed my eyes and kept seeing Satan's sigil. The grey is destroyed completely.(Satan told me).

They will with their curses make you fee like you are cursing the GODS and this can break you down but EVERY SS should know we cannot curse them truly (our souls wont allow it).

Just stay alert and Know All Of Us Are PROTECTED.
Hail Satan
Hail the TRUE GODS
Hail SS
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Do not forget to do the Final RTR constantly and unceasingly as we all should. The aim of everyone should be to do this at least twice per day. This will make you immune to their nasty hebrew curses, and also push everything on the place where it needs to be so that this world is absolved.

The Final RTR



Well said, excellent sermon. Excuse me for asking, what level of energy is the hebrew alphabet at?
If we do the final RTR twice per day do we have to wait 30 mins in between? Like with any magic working
Hail Satan! A needed sermon this is.
Vaal said:
Sauce of the Rabbi's work, pls.

I am sorry but I will not link about this creep, since there is already too much evidence already present. If you are really interested you can read about this online. Also, the sources already are present in abundance [10's of Rabbis spilling the beans] in my documentaries.

A specific source of this which is the most important one is Rabbi Laitman, which is sort of like a top level leader for the Kabbalistic Rabbis.

The enemy has been taking measures against these Rabbis who have went open with this also, but thankfully they are too late for that now. Rabbi Laitman specifically really fucked up, big time, with the leaked video from the Israeli University where he taught Hebrew Kabbalah.

After this source has been disclosed, Laitman never posted anything relevant on this topic again and all the evidence got wiped out from the internet. Who knows what Laitman would have said weren't it for many to catch wind of all that? Not only this, but they have been trying to adjust and create lies now to cover these blatant incidents. Even the Google algorithm won't really fetch a lot of this anymore.

I hope this helps you understand why the sources will be coming step by step on the matter.
Thank you for the sermon! :D
Catalincata94 said:
If we do the final RTR twice per day do we have to wait 30 mins in between? Like with any magic working
Nope, you can do it back to back. Think about It, its not like you are doing a different spell, After you finish one Final Rtr you can do another one, they are the same spell so you do not have to wait.
Catalincata94 said:
If we do the final RTR twice per day do we have to wait 30 mins in between? Like with any magic working
No, there is no need to wait. If you feel that you must wait inbetween (on your own preference), then you can do so for 5-15 minutes until you feel ready again.
You can also do it in one go (18x each letter), and this is personal preference. I do them in cycles of three (27x each letter).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Vaal said:
Sauce of the Rabbi's work, pls.

I am sorry but I will not link about this creep, since there is already too much evidence already present. If you are really interested you can read about this online. Also, the sources already are present in abundance [10's of Rabbis spilling the beans] in my documentaries.

A specific source of this which is the most important one is Rabbi Laitman, which is sort of like a top level leader for the Kabbalistic Rabbis.

The enemy has been taking measures against these Rabbis who have went open with this also, but thankfully they are too late for that now. Rabbi Laitman specifically really fucked up, big time, with the leaked video from the Israeli University where he taught Hebrew Kabbalah.

After this source has been disclosed, Laitman never posted anything relevant on this topic again and all the evidence got wiped out from the internet. Who knows what Laitman would have said weren't it for many to catch wind of all that? Not only this, but they have been trying to adjust and create lies now to cover these blatant incidents. Even the Google algorithm won't really fetch a lot of this anymore.

I hope this helps you understand why the sources will be coming step by step on the matter.

Will we soon be doing the ´´psychic barrier neutralization`` ritual, that was announced last year that we will do this year?
And will that ritual be solely for the Enemies spiritual force or what?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Vaal said:
Sauce of the Rabbi's work, pls.

I am sorry but I will not link about this creep, since there is already too much evidence already present. If you are really interested you can read about this online. Also, the sources already are present in abundance [10's of Rabbis spilling the beans] in my documentaries.

A specific source of this which is the most important one is Rabbi Laitman, which is sort of like a top level leader for the Kabbalistic Rabbis.

The enemy has been taking measures against these Rabbis who have went open with this also, but thankfully they are too late for that now. Rabbi Laitman specifically really fucked up, big time, with the leaked video from the Israeli University where he taught Hebrew Kabbalah.

After this source has been disclosed, Laitman never posted anything relevant on this topic again and all the evidence got wiped out from the internet. Who knows what Laitman would have said weren't it for many to catch wind of all that? Not only this, but they have been trying to adjust and create lies now to cover these blatant incidents. Even the Google algorithm won't really fetch a lot of this anymore.

I hope this helps you understand why the sources will be coming step by step on the matter.

Yeah, I understand. Thank you for the reply, HPHC.

I already saw the video with Laitman, so what you have wrote here is ,probably, legit.
Vaal said:
Sauce of the Rabbi's work, pls.

I've endeavored to discover such things myself. Though had to clean my aura upon doing so. Luckily I had the Gods on my side to protect me. This was in trying to get even more convincing materials from rabbis themselves, not that the JoS didn't provide enough. This was just me being curious.

Well lets just say I not only got more extensive proof but my initial thoughts were surpassed. There are countless rabbi channels on youtube, the kind of things they spew out should make anyone vomit.

Sometimes there are slip ups in what they state, as they can't help but reveal the true reptilian agenda at times. Such is encoded in their soul. I saw not only the clear alien nature and behavior, but also what permeates their thoughts underneath the masks and fronts they put on at synagogues. There are other teachings, secret, that thanks the internet one can find, with skills in research.

Feel free to search this but I highly recommend cleaning your aura upon doing so, as this is not a fun studying endeavor, unless one has Satan and the Gods by one's side and mentions to them they'd like to undertake such. Thread carefully and heed the warnings.

For the time being the JoS has all the proof one needs. Going further is unnecessary, until the layer of curses are removed. Once these layers are destroyed from our efforts more will be revealed and this will occur naturally as it should.
The Jewish media is supporting Sander's the lack of reaction to any of the numerous scandals from his campaign office demonstrates this. If Sander's does not get the front runner they might try and put him as VP then move him into the Presidents chair. Warren is just making Sander's platform more popular by promoting it as her own. Biden is probably not going to last and he might be sucked into the impeachment hearings in the Senate to testify which could be the end of his campaign. There is already a lot of scandals around him and this would be too much.
If the RTRs/RNTRs and F-RTR have done so much damage. Plus all the rituals since 2002/2003 like the anti-vatican ritual back in '03/'04.

Then what is the new ritual going to be doing to the enemy?

This astral(psychic) grid destruction ritual, I'm sure our fellow #1 spammer Artanis( :p) would love to know what it'll do as do many of our members. So HP.Cobra what is that ritual going to be doing considering it kinda works like a dematrix kinda like the F-RTR and the jewtrix.

In terms of moving this war to away from the enemy, is what I mean.
Catalincata94 said:
If we do the final RTR twice per day do we have to wait 30 mins in between? Like with any magic working

I am just guessing here, but if you are pressed for time, I would take a small 5-10 minute break, enough to regain any lost energy or focus. Given that the your 2nd session would merely be empowering the same overall working, I cannot imagine there being a downside to doing them close to each other. I think it is almost akin to doing 18x vibrations, instead of the normal 9.

This is just a guess, though. If you aren't pressed for time, try waiting, especially if what you read about the 30 minutes was given in the context of RTR's. I think this advice only applies to separate workings, however, of which you don't want to mix the energy raised/used.
nice sermon HP. Now, were the jews every really stronger than our gentile cultures who practiced the original religions or were they just a lot sneakier...

love destroying the hebrew letters.
To those who may be worried, concerned or fearful of potential approaching hardships

I know times ahead may be a bit harsh and some members might stress themselves with worry, it should be well known especially from Cobra's sermon here that the enemy IS being destroyed, our efforts are bringing this forward and the enemy has come to greatly fear us. It has only been a year and a half of doing RTRs and this is what the enemy is ALREADY lead to, being cornered and fearing for their lives and future to the point where their own are betraying them and begging for forgiveness and mercy, of which we will never provide. All they created took them over 2,000 years to build up to.... and we have brought them to this point in merely 20. They have already crawled into the throes of desperation and they are not escaping our wrath.

Build up your aura of protection and have confidence in it's ability to keep you safe. Trust and have faith in Satan and the gods, they are our allies, friends and family and are looking out for our safety, freedom and well-being more than ever before. The more you do to fight off the enemy, the higher you are prioritized in protection and guidance from the gods. The time is now to do your part, there is little to no reward for those who choose to sit back and do nothing or play video games and watch movies instead, choosing to do nothing at all. It is bad enough that there are people who hadn't cared for so long and still have yet to do anything while they don't even yet know the full truth. It is a straight up insult to be a member here who DOES know the full truth of what is going on, has ALL of the means to fight back and ALL of the tools and yet still chooses to do next to nothing.

For those who are fighting and dealing with any fears or anxieties, clean yourself and protect yourself. If you are really feeling the pressure on yourself, do what needs to be done and afterwords I personally recommend finding a quiet space to yourself where you can relax, and then focus and meditate on Satan's energy. Turn your attention to it, focus on it and gently bathe yourself in his light and energy, feel it within you and around you like a comforting hug, it is very blissful and comforting and is what I do if I ever start to feel stressed from fighting. It will remind you that you are not alone and are protected and looked out for in your efforts. It increases bonds with Satan and in my personal experiences feels very much like a comforting hug from a parent and it instills that affectionate connection, reminding you still why you fight.

We are not alone in any struggles. Remember that.

Master said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Do not forget to do the Final RTR constantly and unceasingly as we all should. The aim of everyone should be to do this at least twice per day. This will make you immune to their nasty hebrew curses, and also push everything on the place where it needs to be so that this world is absolved.

The Final RTR



Well said, excellent sermon. Excuse me for asking, what level of energy is the hebrew alphabet at?
They sure picked up a lot of energy. It's many centuries of collecting energy from xian, muslims who project energy from their asses every day. From sacrifices and massacres of animals and humans. The xian and muslims slaughter and mass sacrifice animals to their jewish god in the feasts or dates run by the jews to collect energy. Wars and terrorist massacres induced by jews, children sacrificed by jews to gain energy. I want to remember, before doing the RTR, it is very useful and beneficial to increase energy and then do the RTR. Depending on the spiritual level, you can use runes, elements, colors, to call and increase energy.
I'm so proud of all of us haha. We still yet have a long way to go lets make the Gods proud mein Bros and mein Sis's
Gear88 said:
If the RTRs/RNTRs and F-RTR have done so much damage. Plus all the rituals since 2002/2003 like the anti-vatican ritual back in '03/'04.

Then what is the new ritual going to be doing to the enemy?

This astral(psychic) grid destruction ritual, I'm sure our fellow #1 spammer Artanis( :p) would love to know what it'll do as do many of our members. So HP.Cobra what is that ritual going to be doing considering it kinda works like a dematrix kinda like the F-RTR and the jewtrix.

In terms of moving this war to away from the enemy, is what I mean.

I only spam, because i just want the answer to my question. Ive been thinking a LOT, that when i have asked a question concerning the effects of the new RTR in the past, the HP have almost never(?) answered me. I think its only because their not even allowed to say, that ´´we cant talk about it. Youll have to wait until we post it here on the forums``, because the Enemy could take that as a ´´warning`` and bolster their defenses for the ritual to be less effective or something. Secrecy is #1 most important thing in a working arsenal, ESPECIALLY, if its a weapon that wakes up(And SAVES) literally BILLIONS of lives.

Im just many times been too excited about new WUD(Weapons of ULTIMATE destruction) against the Enemy of All That Is, so i have just been ´´hopeful`` in getting my questions answered by spamming the same question over and over and over again. I DONT mean in ANY way, shape or form disrespect to the Clergy by ´´acting like a spammer`` or something. Every time i just hear that we are moving ´´in a new phase of this war`` or ´´we are getting a new ritual to do soon``, i just get SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. :D
Darksage666 said:
nice sermon HP. Now, were the jews every really stronger than our gentile cultures who practiced the original religions or were they just a lot sneakier...

love destroying the hebrew letters.
They did to our civilizations, something similar to serious injuries and then infiltrated like germs and viruses. Evidently we could not keep them away with protection, most likely they gathered more energy than we did with their ways and they could invade us.
Artanis said:
Secrecy is #1

I wish I had that thought flash over my mind when I posted. Appreciate the heads up on that I'll try and remember in the future.

Anyways I meant spammer in a good way. Hopefully you don't take it wrong. I meant your doing a good thing.
Yeah i agree with everyone here i had my own vison of what is to come...... i stood on a road and on both sides was places where the enemy whorshiped , the town's they lived in and so on .as i stood on this road i notced it got hot but it wasn't unbearble but all the places i saw went to flames and after that was over i saw a man. This man i saw had dark blonde hair, blue eyes , and wore armor and he told me to look . So i looked and Where the buildings stood brunt and broken people came pouring out. They stunk of sickness , dirt , and they fell dead at my feet and at the feet of the man so i turned around and saw other people around me and the man. I cant wait for father satans return.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Vaal said:
Sauce of the Rabbi's work, pls.

I am sorry but I will not link about this creep, since there is already too much evidence already present. If you are really interested you can read about this online. Also, the sources already are present in abundance [10's of Rabbis spilling the beans] in my documentaries.

A specific source of this which is the most important one is Rabbi Laitman, which is sort of like a top level leader for the Kabbalistic Rabbis.

The enemy has been taking measures against these Rabbis who have went open with this also, but thankfully they are too late for that now. Rabbi Laitman specifically really fucked up, big time, with the leaked video from the Israeli University where he taught Hebrew Kabbalah.

After this source has been disclosed, Laitman never posted anything relevant on this topic again and all the evidence got wiped out from the internet. Who knows what Laitman would have said weren't it for many to catch wind of all that? Not only this, but they have been trying to adjust and create lies now to cover these blatant incidents. Even the Google algorithm won't really fetch a lot of this anymore.

I hope this helps you understand why the sources will be coming step by step on the matter.
A few months ago the Laitman clip was still on YouTube when I checked. I wonder if it was taken down. I made sure to download it.

Here is a video of this Sermon, great to listen to whenever.
Usthepeople666 said:
Personal story-
I have some free time and really freaked out when i came to know about the war they were planning. And literally spammed 20rtrs in a day and more double digits the next day (not sure about the number) and there was a grey always bothering me . One night few days back at 3am i literally saw the grey standing in front of me while i was sleeping. And all i heard was "Sleep". i closed my eyes and kept seeing Satan's sigil. The grey is destroyed completely.(Satan told me).

They will with their curses make you fee like you are cursing the GODS and this can break you down but EVERY SS should know we cannot curse them truly (our souls wont allow it).
Thank you for your story, and I think your last sentence is very interesting as I have experienced the same phenomenon. During or at the peak of the RTR they truly can and do try to make it seem like you're actually cursing the Gods... It's so obviously just jewish curses though it's not too hard to just brush it off though.

I've also often felt other attempts at mental manipulation similar to this, in many ways. I've just bumped up my aura of protection meditations four-fold and will try to start fitting at least 2 RTR's in a day instead of one.

Hail Satan!
Bigot Boy said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Personal story-
I have some free time and really freaked out when i came to know about the war they were planning. And literally spammed 20rtrs in a day and more double digits the next day (not sure about the number) and there was a grey always bothering me . One night few days back at 3am i literally saw the grey standing in front of me while i was sleeping. And all i heard was "Sleep". i closed my eyes and kept seeing Satan's sigil. The grey is destroyed completely.(Satan told me).

They will with their curses make you fee like you are cursing the GODS and this can break you down but EVERY SS should know we cannot curse them truly (our souls wont allow it).
Thank you for your story, and I think your last sentence is very interesting as I have experienced the same phenomenon. During or at the peak of the RTR they truly can and do try to make it seem like you're actually cursing the Gods... It's so obviously just jewish curses though it's not too hard to just brush it off though.

I've also often felt other attempts at mental manipulation similar to this, in many ways. I've just bumped up my aura of protection meditations four-fold and will try to start fitting at least 2 RTR's in a day instead of one.

Hail Satan!
Hail Satan
Hello everybody, I'm a dedicated satanist since 2015, from Romania. I've been reading this forum, and Satan's teachings almost everyday, and i thank Him and His Demons, and you guys, from the bottom of my heart for this. I can really say that returning to Satan really made a difference. I have always been somehow conscious of the brainwash that is happening in this world since i was a child. I could sense the spiritual world and had astral projections and lucid dreaming since i can remember. Sometimes i could spoke to dead people in my dreams. Furthermore i am an artist, been drawing since i was three. at least that is my oldest drawing i found. Anyway, i have a huge question, and i hope you guys can help me with an answer. What if a person with jewish heritage,either half jewish or full blown jew, dedicates his soul to Satan? Would he be accepted by Satan and His Demons? And please take my question seriously as i have a huge curiosity about this.
bartro13 said:
Anyway, i have a huge question, and i hope you guys can help me with an answer. What if a person with jewish heritage,either half jewish or full blown jew, dedicates his soul to Satan? Would he be accepted by Satan and His Demons? And please take my question seriously as i have a huge curiosity about this.

The following sermons hold the answers to your questions:

Half-Jews, Quarter-Jews, ETC - HP Hooded Cobra
Satan, The First Enemy of the Jews - HP Hooded Cobra
Why the Gods Hate the Jews? - HP Hooded Cobra
Debunking the Myth of the Possibility of "Good Jews" - HP Hooded Cobra
Elves, Gnomes, Unicorns, Bigfoot, Good Jews - HP Mageson

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
