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The Subconscious Mind And Its Role In Manifesting Our Reality

Power of Justice [TG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Nov 2, 2019
This post was inspired by High Priest Hooded Cobra’s sermons on Why You Must Never Give Up In Life As A Spiritual Satanist and About Our Parents - Healing Parental Problems. They have infinite depth and value to one who understands the workings of the mind.

I see so many people struggling and even using magic successfully to fix aspects of their lives, but only addressing symptoms and not their actual problems, which usually end up manifesting themselves later in a different way. This happens because they lack the insight to even know there is an underlying problem to begin with. I hope this post helps to resolve that.

It is of vital importance that every Satanist understand the workings of the mind. The human brain can ultimately be divided into two distinct yet connected systems: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is your logical mind. It receives information from your five senses. It is creative; here you do critical thinking and rationalization. However, the conscious mind does not control our actions. Our actions are almost exclusively controlled by the subconscious mind. This mind is largely ruled by emotions, habit, and instinct. It cannot think, reason, or reject an idea; it only acts upon the programming it already has. Fully 95 percent of our behaviours are habitual, or, in other words, we are consciously unaware that we are even doing them.

These two minds work together to determine your actions. They can bring you success or failure, happiness or anxiety, achievement or frustration. It is all in the way you use them.

When we come into this world we know nothing about it, a blank slate, every belief and behaviour we had to be taught by our parents, meticulously through repetition.[1] Like a computer coming off an assembly line, an infant doesn't have any programming.

The predominant brain activity during a child’s first two years of life is delta, the lowest EEG frequency range. Between two and six years of age, the child’s brain activity ramps up and operates primarily in the range of theta. Theta is associated with imagination, children this age spend much of their time mixing the imaginary world with the real world. The theta brain frequency is also known as hypnosis.

The predominant delta and theta activity expressed by children younger than six signifies that their brains are operating at levels below consciousness.

The only job the brain of a child has is to record new behaviours to add to its programming by observing parents, siblings, and the community; anything and everything it sees, hears, and experiences downloads straight into its subconscious, and that becomes its new programming. A child will remain in this brain frequency until about the age of 7.

The ancients knew this, Aristotle is quoted as saying, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

When the conscious mind works correctly, it protects us from bad programming by reasoning, analyzing, and concluding that incoming information is bad and rejecting it. You MUST be careful what you feed your mind. Most people get home from work, turn on the TV or the white noise of their choice, and usually don't even pay attention; they’re completely zoned out. That's the worst possible thing to do, as that program completely bypasses your conscious mind, which would usually be able to reason and tell you if what you're hearing is useful or not, and goes straight to the subconscious.

The subconscious makes your actions consistent with your programming. "As Within, So Without." You can think of the world around you as a mirror that reflects all your dominant thoughts back to you. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. That means we are solely responsible for the state of our lives. Most people look for someone or something to blame when things aren't going their way, but the mark of the superior person is that they ask themselves, "What is it in me that is causing me to get these results?"

How It All Ties Into Our Lives:

In the simplest terms, the process of manifestation is as follows: you impress a desired thought from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind, and that is then expressed through your physical body, causing you to attract situations, circumstances, people, whatever it takes to manifest it into reality.

Conscious awareness of the vibration frequency is called "feeling."

Remember, the subconscious is the emotional mind. Any thought or idea in which you become emotionally involved is instantly and automatically expressed by your subconscious through the only instrument available to it, your physical body, and you begin to manifest it into reality. This goes for all emotions; they all have a specific vibrational frequency that corresponds to them. Any time you "feel" an emotion, it means that your subconscious mind has already changed the frequency at which your body vibrates, causing you to "feel" the way you do.

Some people are depressed and miserable; they reside in a terribly low vibration frequency and only manifest disease and misfortune in their lives. Others shine so brightly you can't wipe the happiness off their faces; they manifest health and joy in their lives, and conversely reside in a much higher vibration frequency.

You become what you think about. Most people are very confused about what they want and don't accomplish anything as they keep changing the ideas in their minds. They end up manifesting nothing but confusion and chaos in their lives. Clarity and focus are where the power lies. If thoughts are to ever manifest into reality, they must be allowed to take root and grow into our subconscious; otherwise, they are just fleeting thoughts. It's like if a farmer planted a carrot in their field one day and dug it up the next day to plant something else.

Everything in this world has a gestation period before it can manifest into reality. Thoughts have that as well; it takes time for a thought to settle in the subconscious and become permanent programming. For a normal person to imprint a thought into their subconscious and for it to become permanent programming (a habit), it's believed to take over 2 months. That means they are consciously doing a thing repeatedly in a certain way until it becomes automatic.

How you can change your programming is the same way you got it in the first place. The most basic way is through repetition. Through conscious awareness of the old programming you want to change and repetition of the new desired programming, the old programming will be overwritten in the subconscious.

Another good way is through affirmation. This could include programming energy through a magickal working, but plain affirmations will work as well. There are times in the day, however, when affirmations are more effective. When only doing affirmations, the best times are right after waking up and just before going to sleep. When you first wake up in the morning, your brain switches from delta waves, which occur in deep sleep, to theta waves, and after a while, alpha waves, which is a relaxed yet still wakeful state. We’re interested in the first few minutes of theta activity in the brain, during which any programming is greatly enhanced.[2] The same process occurs right before falling sleep, only in reverse.

Possibly the most powerful way is through Satanic Hypnosis. The deeper the trance state, the more we can access and influence the subconscious. A very important note is that the subconscious mind cannot tell between real and imagined experiences. How you can use this is you can experience synthetically the success you desire in a trance state. By involving as many senses as you can in your visualizations, you will actually put yourself on the same level of vibrational frequency as your desired goal, artificially.[3] This is an extremely powerful way to reprogram the subconscious mind and make success not only something that is normal for you, but expected.

Energy is constantly moving into form and manifesting our reality. As Satanists, we work with energy on a level that is incomparable with the average human. Because of this, we manifest our goals much faster; however, not being in control of ourselves or even knowing what we truly want can bring us disaster.

Lastly, I wanted to say that if there's one thing you take away from this article, let it be this: stand guard at the door of your mind. Don't be a mindless consumer of media; think for yourselves and avoid buying into someone else's view of the world. Especially in our day, when we are constantly bombarded with messages of the most negative kind, it's easy to lose heart and have a grim outlook on life.

Faith and fear both demand you believe something you cannot see. So why choose fear over faith? By expecting good things to come into your life, you set yourself up to manifest that reality. You can face the future with apprehension or anticipation. Take your pick.

Notes & References:

1. As the page on Past Life Amnesia tells us, this isn’t entirely true as we bring our programming from past lives with us, but the principle still applies.

2. How you start your morning largely determines the rest of your day. One of the worst things you can do for yourself is to start scrolling on your phone or checking emails right after waking up. Remember, you need to allow your brain some time to switch out of theta waves; otherwise, whatever you see, especially bad news first thing in the morning, will have a much deeper impact on you and dictate the rest of your day.

3. “For example, with attracting money, you would want to visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.” - High Priestess Maxine The Three Steps of Witchcraft

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Stand Guard at the Door of Your Mind by Drew Young

You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor


Be mindful, your child learns through the subconscious MIND by Agata Pedzik
I enjoyed reading this very much Powerofjustice! Let's bump this up!
NakedPluto said:
I enjoyed reading this very much Powerofjustice! Let's bump this up!

Goldxaura said:
I really did enjoy this read.

I'm happy to hear it! This is the first time I'm writing a post like that and wanted it to be as good as possible. Originally it was over twice as long, but I gave so many examples and general advice that I felt like it diluted the core message, so I had to cut it down to what you see now. I do think it's legible at least, though there's so much info here that first-time readers might have to re-read it.
Children live within a constant state of trance for 7 years? I never knew!
The "subliminal messaging" of youth is all the more sinister. "Malleable" minds indeed.
Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” - Aristotle
A powerful statement! Of this I am reminded, The Gods Live In The Children - HP. Hoodedcobra666
I see your post as essential reading. Love it 😄

Thank you for the kind words! It isn't quite a trance state, but very close to it. They are extremely receptive at that age and will soak up anything and everything in their environment. Children of parents who speak multiple languages are practically linguistics geniuses and can pick up and speak multiple languages with ease, just because of their environment.

The opposite side of the coin, and why I linked to HP Cobras' sermon on parents is that we inherit the good and the bad habits and behaviours of our parents, passively just because we are in that environment. For any SS parents out there, you must lead by example. Children do what they see their parents do, not what they are told to do.

Also, criticism by the parents isn't received as something to be reflected upon, it's taken by the child as fact. If you keep telling a kid they're worthless, stupid, or any myriad of other derogatory remarks, you need not wonder why they turn out messed up as adults.
Thanks brother! So inspiring, eye opening, beneficial and interesting. One of topics that I saved to reread it again… subjects in this topic are of most importance, way how you write this makes readers be more conscious of their day to day live of their living.

I was reposting this article of metagenics by mageson on other topic where similar subjects was considered, but this article reminded me of this article again so I add it to my comment, so readers can see who didn’t read it yet, it has to do with programming of the mind by the enemy.

The enemy wanting to sink humanity controls the education systems and news/advertising media. And with that the perceptions of society.

With all of their negativity about the cost of living crises and the economy black hole from lockdowns. They're making the populations feeding on their media create the dystopian societies they want by manipulating their perceptions thus energetically working to manifest it.

It helps one find acceptance in the suffering one might see happening to others.

If a person creates their whole experience. Then if another see's their suffering. It's their reality because they've created it to be experiencing it. So it's not our responsibility, it's their vibration.

Our job is to create a great experience for ourselves and we must work on that end daily. It is our life experience to do so.

The only thing in the back of my mind is the strength of the individual. Most people probably don't create much because they have weak and scattered thoughts thus putting out weak and scattered forces.
great read thanks for making this article. It has helped me see some shortcoming of mine.
Powerofjustice said:
This post was inspired by High Priest Hooded Cobra’s sermons on Why You Must Never Give Up In Life As A Spiritual Satanist and About Our Parents - Healing Parental Problems. They have infinite depth and value to one who understands the workings of the mind.

I see so many people struggling and even using magic successfully to fix aspects of their lives, but only addressing symptoms and not their actual problems, which usually end up manifesting themselves later in a different way. This happens because they lack the insight to even know there is an underlying problem to begin with. I hope this post helps to resolve that.

It is of vital importance that every Satanist understand the workings of the mind. The human brain can ultimately be divided into two distinct yet connected systems: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is your logical mind. It receives information from your five senses. It is creative; here you do critical thinking and rationalization. However, the conscious mind does not control our actions. Our actions are almost exclusively controlled by the subconscious mind. This mind is largely ruled by emotions, habit, and instinct. It cannot think, reason, or reject an idea; it only acts upon the programming it already has. Fully 95 percent of our behaviours are habitual, or, in other words, we are consciously unaware that we are even doing them.

These two minds work together to determine your actions. They can bring you success or failure, happiness or anxiety, achievement or frustration. It is all in the way you use them.

When we come into this world we know nothing about it, a blank slate, every belief and behaviour we had to be taught by our parents, meticulously through repetition.[1] Like a computer coming off an assembly line, an infant doesn't have any programming.

The predominant brain activity during a child’s first two years of life is delta, the lowest EEG frequency range. Between two and six years of age, the child’s brain activity ramps up and operates primarily in the range of theta. Theta is associated with imagination, children this age spend much of their time mixing the imaginary world with the real world. The theta brain frequency is also known as hypnosis.

The predominant delta and theta activity expressed by children younger than six signifies that their brains are operating at levels below consciousness.

The only job the brain of a child has is to record new behaviours to add to its programming by observing parents, siblings, and the community; anything and everything it sees, hears, and experiences downloads straight into its subconscious, and that becomes its new programming. A child will remain in this brain frequency until about the age of 7.

The ancients knew this, Aristotle is quoted as saying, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

When the conscious mind works correctly, it protects us from bad programming by reasoning, analyzing, and concluding that incoming information is bad and rejecting it. You MUST be careful what you feed your mind. Most people get home from work, turn on the TV or the white noise of their choice, and usually don't even pay attention; they’re completely zoned out. That's the worst possible thing to do, as that program completely bypasses your conscious mind, which would usually be able to reason and tell you if what you're hearing is useful or not, and goes straight to the subconscious.

The subconscious makes your actions consistent with your programming. "As Within, So Without." You can think of the world around you as a mirror that reflects all your dominant thoughts back to you. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. That means we are solely responsible for the state of our lives. Most people look for someone or something to blame when things aren't going their way, but the mark of the superior person is that they ask themselves, "What is it in me that is causing me to get these results?"

How It All Ties Into Our Lives:

In the simplest terms, the process of manifestation is as follows: you impress a desired thought from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind, and that is then expressed through your physical body, causing you to attract situations, circumstances, people, whatever it takes to manifest it into reality.

Conscious awareness of the vibration frequency is called "feeling."

Remember, the subconscious is the emotional mind. Any thought or idea in which you become emotionally involved is instantly and automatically expressed by your subconscious through the only instrument available to it, your physical body, and you begin to manifest it into reality. This goes for all emotions; they all have a specific vibrational frequency that corresponds to them. Any time you "feel" an emotion, it means that your subconscious mind has already changed the frequency at which your body vibrates, causing you to "feel" the way you do.

Some people are depressed and miserable; they reside in a terribly low vibration frequency and only manifest disease and misfortune in their lives. Others shine so brightly you can't wipe the happiness off their faces; they manifest health and joy in their lives, and conversely reside in a much higher vibration frequency.

You become what you think about. Most people are very confused about what they want and don't accomplish anything as they keep changing the ideas in their minds. They end up manifesting nothing but confusion and chaos in their lives. Clarity and focus are where the power lies. If thoughts are to ever manifest into reality, they must be allowed to take root and grow into our subconscious; otherwise, they are just fleeting thoughts. It's like if a farmer planted a carrot in their field one day and dug it up the next day to plant something else.

Everything in this world has a gestation period before it can manifest into reality. Thoughts have that as well; it takes time for a thought to settle in the subconscious and become permanent programming. For a normal person to imprint a thought into their subconscious and for it to become permanent programming (a habit), it's believed to take over 2 months. That means they are consciously doing a thing repeatedly in a certain way until it becomes automatic.

How you can change your programming is the same way you got it in the first place. The most basic way is through repetition. Through conscious awareness of the old programming you want to change and repetition of the new desired programming, the old programming will be overwritten in the subconscious.

Another good way is through affirmation. This could include programming energy through a magickal working, but plain affirmations will work as well. There are times in the day, however, when affirmations are more effective. When only doing affirmations, the best times are right after waking up and just before going to sleep. When you first wake up in the morning, your brain switches from delta waves, which occur in deep sleep, to theta waves, and after a while, alpha waves, which is a relaxed yet still wakeful state. We’re interested in the first few minutes of theta activity in the brain, during which any programming is greatly enhanced.[2] The same process occurs right before falling sleep, only in reverse.

Possibly the most powerful way is through Satanic Hypnosis. The deeper the trance state, the more we can access and influence the subconscious. A very important note is that the subconscious mind cannot tell between real and imagined experiences. How you can use this is you can experience synthetically the success you desire in a trance state. By involving as many senses as you can in your visualizations, you will actually put yourself on the same level of vibrational frequency as your desired goal, artificially.[3] This is an extremely powerful way to reprogram the subconscious mind and make success not only something that is normal for you, but expected.

Energy is constantly moving into form and manifesting our reality. As Satanists, we work with energy on a level that is incomparable with the average human. Because of this, we manifest our goals much faster; however, not being in control of ourselves or even knowing what we truly want can bring us disaster.

Lastly, I wanted to say that if there's one thing you take away from this article, let it be this: stand guard at the door of your mind. Don't be a mindless consumer of media; think for yourselves and avoid buying into someone else's view of the world. Especially in our day, when we are constantly bombarded with messages of the most negative kind, it's easy to lose heart and have a grim outlook on life.

Faith and fear both demand you believe something you cannot see. So why choose fear over faith? By expecting good things to come into your life, you set yourself up to manifest that reality. You can face the future with apprehension or anticipation. Take your pick.

Notes & References:

1. As the page on Past Life Amnesia tells us, this isn’t entirely true as we bring our programming from past lives with us, but the principle still applies.

2. How you start your morning largely determines the rest of your day. One of the worst things you can do for yourself is to start scrolling on your phone or checking emails right after waking up. Remember, you need to allow your brain some time to switch out of theta waves; otherwise, whatever you see, especially bad news first thing in the morning, will have a much deeper impact on you and dictate the rest of your day.

3. “For example, with attracting money, you would want to visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.” - High Priestess Maxine The Three Steps of Witchcraft

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Stand Guard at the Door of Your Mind by Drew Young

You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor


Be mindful, your child learns through the subconscious MIND by Agata Pedzik

Excellent thank you.

I do so many rtrs i dream about doing them in my sleep too so i hope that manifests quickly. I have faith they are.
This takes the cake with how I have really negative thoughts. Sometimes, my own writing projects which are grimdark fiction in nature can get into my head and could be the cause of fucking myself over and others too...I'm going to need to clean up every time I get in and out of them.
This discussion carried with it what I consider to be the most profound and critical aspect underlying mental health and it's honestly helped me reconcile some of my own 'shadow-work' (as called by new age types I think). Thank you for being an outstanding role model. I wish every other person on earth had your same way with words, 'stead uh stuff lik diz talkin' 'bout petty drivel, whilst at times accompanied with a mouthful of food. Lo the lows of stupidity. The JoS is the zenith to all such nadirs.

Not going into elaborate detail but I feel like my whole life I've suffered with inferior physical ability and intellect. Bad parents, bad genetics/delivery, bad everything. This was only ever contrasted by concepts of peace and love which if I lacked would've perhaps made me a hollow machine. With love, sure I had become generally happy, driven, overly-optimistic and acquiescent yet in moments to myself I hated existence often.

That's the thing though... peace and love, I think these things are the ultimate answer to (Gentile) humanity's fear, paranoia and depression when I consider natural law and the collectivism seen in many mammalian species. That said individualism is what separates the wolves from sheep yet all life maintains an equilibrium, much like the homeostasis of an organism.

Oftentimes to genuinely face this love in others one must pass all of their emotional barriers (manifested by the subconscious) and thus in such circumstances love cannot be had without anger/sadness and peace cannot be had without war.

A certain relative once gave me some very sensible advice, that relationships require time with constant hard work and effort shared equally on both sides.

The relationship we have with ourselves also works a similar way. As such I'll be making this pursuit of struggle in earnest; learning what I can, staying inspired/driven and building myself up physically, mentally and spiritually.

Thinking about what I can't currently do, what I lost and what I missed out on; this only feeds into despair and escapism. Yet if I flip that and look at myself as 'The Terminator', strong and capable, I can more effectively build up the soldier I'd wished I could be when fate deemed me otherwise.

Reading these forums has helped me understand that intelligence isn't just how many things you can remember at once or how high one's IQ is. Intelligence in my view seems to manifest in all aspects of consciousness and thus energy which enhances our wisdom and intuition.

So although I may have an abysmal detriment in scholastic achievement I still have things I should appreciate that others don't have, such as arts, dexterity, etc. It's common for many of our strengths to be vastly unacknowledged.

In this sense complacency isn't an option. People can have it far worse than me, some without even a hope of a chance.

All things aside I enjoyed this post very much and I send you my sincere thanks! (And apologies for talking your ear off.)

May you continue to be blessed in the light of Satan/Lucifer!

And may all Gentiles, from now and beyond, be liberated by both his love and his truth.
Thank you thank you I really liked this

I despised the power of emotion and love because I never trully experienced it. Or I forgot. I had the potential but didnt activated it.

Like the fire of a bonfire increases when we feed it with fuel and air. It starts to get greater and warmer.

When I am with a high self steem people around me notice just by standing by them. I feel vibrant. They feel curious and look. They are more open. Even my voice changes. I express myself effortlessly.

I had glimpses of this power but didnt really know how I activated it. I thought I was just lucky that day. It was a transit or whatever.

Now I noticed that I supressed my desires too much and thus the fire. Then it got weaker. I desired things that I could have and do but then I thought " I can have it later", " I can do it later" and never doing. This was detrimental to myself. "I want that, but this wont help me". I didnt give enough attention to my inner child then it was unhappy.

I had this bad habit even before being satanist. I supressed my desires in order to study because I believed this would bring me power. On one side yes, but on the other I was weak. Emotionally and socially weak. When I found satanism I got facinated because I had the opportunity to get knowledge directly from the source. I stopped reading books and started meditating.

However, again, unhappy. I didnt understand the power of being happy. The saying " I want, then I can" or " Where there is a will, there is a way" didnt make sense for me beacuse I was low. And I was putting myself in that situation.

I understood the power of knowledge and logical mind. Now I am understanding the power of the emotional mind. The vibration. The heart.
Powerofjustice said:
This post was inspired by High Priest Hooded Cobra’s sermons on Why You Must Never Give Up In Life As A Spiritual Satanist and About Our Parents - Healing Parental Problems. They have infinite depth and value to one who understands the workings of the mind.

I see so many people struggling and even using magic successfully to fix aspects of their lives, but only addressing symptoms and not their actual problems, which usually end up manifesting themselves later in a different way. This happens because they lack the insight to even know there is an underlying problem to begin with. I hope this post helps to resolve that.

It is of vital importance that every Satanist understand the workings of the mind. The human brain can ultimately be divided into two distinct yet connected systems: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is your logical mind. It receives information from your five senses. It is creative; here you do critical thinking and rationalization. However, the conscious mind does not control our actions. Our actions are almost exclusively controlled by the subconscious mind. This mind is largely ruled by emotions, habit, and instinct. It cannot think, reason, or reject an idea; it only acts upon the programming it already has. Fully 95 percent of our behaviours are habitual, or, in other words, we are consciously unaware that we are even doing them.

These two minds work together to determine your actions. They can bring you success or failure, happiness or anxiety, achievement or frustration. It is all in the way you use them.

When we come into this world we know nothing about it, a blank slate, every belief and behaviour we had to be taught by our parents, meticulously through repetition.[1] Like a computer coming off an assembly line, an infant doesn't have any programming.

The predominant brain activity during a child’s first two years of life is delta, the lowest EEG frequency range. Between two and six years of age, the child’s brain activity ramps up and operates primarily in the range of theta. Theta is associated with imagination, children this age spend much of their time mixing the imaginary world with the real world. The theta brain frequency is also known as hypnosis.

The predominant delta and theta activity expressed by children younger than six signifies that their brains are operating at levels below consciousness.

The only job the brain of a child has is to record new behaviours to add to its programming by observing parents, siblings, and the community; anything and everything it sees, hears, and experiences downloads straight into its subconscious, and that becomes its new programming. A child will remain in this brain frequency until about the age of 7.

The ancients knew this, Aristotle is quoted as saying, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

When the conscious mind works correctly, it protects us from bad programming by reasoning, analyzing, and concluding that incoming information is bad and rejecting it. You MUST be careful what you feed your mind. Most people get home from work, turn on the TV or the white noise of their choice, and usually don't even pay attention; they’re completely zoned out. That's the worst possible thing to do, as that program completely bypasses your conscious mind, which would usually be able to reason and tell you if what you're hearing is useful or not, and goes straight to the subconscious.

The subconscious makes your actions consistent with your programming. "As Within, So Without." You can think of the world around you as a mirror that reflects all your dominant thoughts back to you. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. That means we are solely responsible for the state of our lives. Most people look for someone or something to blame when things aren't going their way, but the mark of the superior person is that they ask themselves, "What is it in me that is causing me to get these results?"

How It All Ties Into Our Lives:

In the simplest terms, the process of manifestation is as follows: you impress a desired thought from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind, and that is then expressed through your physical body, causing you to attract situations, circumstances, people, whatever it takes to manifest it into reality.

Conscious awareness of the vibration frequency is called "feeling."

Remember, the subconscious is the emotional mind. Any thought or idea in which you become emotionally involved is instantly and automatically expressed by your subconscious through the only instrument available to it, your physical body, and you begin to manifest it into reality. This goes for all emotions; they all have a specific vibrational frequency that corresponds to them. Any time you "feel" an emotion, it means that your subconscious mind has already changed the frequency at which your body vibrates, causing you to "feel" the way you do.

Some people are depressed and miserable; they reside in a terribly low vibration frequency and only manifest disease and misfortune in their lives. Others shine so brightly you can't wipe the happiness off their faces; they manifest health and joy in their lives, and conversely reside in a much higher vibration frequency.

You become what you think about. Most people are very confused about what they want and don't accomplish anything as they keep changing the ideas in their minds. They end up manifesting nothing but confusion and chaos in their lives. Clarity and focus are where the power lies. If thoughts are to ever manifest into reality, they must be allowed to take root and grow into our subconscious; otherwise, they are just fleeting thoughts. It's like if a farmer planted a carrot in their field one day and dug it up the next day to plant something else.

Everything in this world has a gestation period before it can manifest into reality. Thoughts have that as well; it takes time for a thought to settle in the subconscious and become permanent programming. For a normal person to imprint a thought into their subconscious and for it to become permanent programming (a habit), it's believed to take over 2 months. That means they are consciously doing a thing repeatedly in a certain way until it becomes automatic.

How you can change your programming is the same way you got it in the first place. The most basic way is through repetition. Through conscious awareness of the old programming you want to change and repetition of the new desired programming, the old programming will be overwritten in the subconscious.

Another good way is through affirmation. This could include programming energy through a magickal working, but plain affirmations will work as well. There are times in the day, however, when affirmations are more effective. When only doing affirmations, the best times are right after waking up and just before going to sleep. When you first wake up in the morning, your brain switches from delta waves, which occur in deep sleep, to theta waves, and after a while, alpha waves, which is a relaxed yet still wakeful state. We’re interested in the first few minutes of theta activity in the brain, during which any programming is greatly enhanced.[2] The same process occurs right before falling sleep, only in reverse.

Possibly the most powerful way is through Satanic Hypnosis. The deeper the trance state, the more we can access and influence the subconscious. A very important note is that the subconscious mind cannot tell between real and imagined experiences. How you can use this is you can experience synthetically the success you desire in a trance state. By involving as many senses as you can in your visualizations, you will actually put yourself on the same level of vibrational frequency as your desired goal, artificially.[3] This is an extremely powerful way to reprogram the subconscious mind and make success not only something that is normal for you, but expected.

Energy is constantly moving into form and manifesting our reality. As Satanists, we work with energy on a level that is incomparable with the average human. Because of this, we manifest our goals much faster; however, not being in control of ourselves or even knowing what we truly want can bring us disaster.

Lastly, I wanted to say that if there's one thing you take away from this article, let it be this: stand guard at the door of your mind. Don't be a mindless consumer of media; think for yourselves and avoid buying into someone else's view of the world. Especially in our day, when we are constantly bombarded with messages of the most negative kind, it's easy to lose heart and have a grim outlook on life.

Faith and fear both demand you believe something you cannot see. So why choose fear over faith? By expecting good things to come into your life, you set yourself up to manifest that reality. You can face the future with apprehension or anticipation. Take your pick.

Notes & References:

1. As the page on Past Life Amnesia tells us, this isn’t entirely true as we bring our programming from past lives with us, but the principle still applies.

2. How you start your morning largely determines the rest of your day. One of the worst things you can do for yourself is to start scrolling on your phone or checking emails right after waking up. Remember, you need to allow your brain some time to switch out of theta waves; otherwise, whatever you see, especially bad news first thing in the morning, will have a much deeper impact on you and dictate the rest of your day.

3. “For example, with attracting money, you would want to visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.” - High Priestess Maxine The Three Steps of Witchcraft

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Stand Guard at the Door of Your Mind by Drew Young

You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor


Be mindful, your child learns through the subconscious MIND by Agata Pedzik
Satan's the only one you should consult with... Anyone else who is not a demon high ranking or FATHER Satan HIMSELF... But yes... The conscious has lots of astral Intel that is sent to us while in the astrals.
Thank you, you clarified and refreshed me several things about the unconscious and the impotence of children's education from an early age (because I had heard it but I didn't understand the why).
This article gives so much to meditate and reflect on. I think there is a subject that may interest lots of SS and maybe we can get some insight on this. Babies and toddlers form their subconscious missions in their firts 6 or 7 years. This is also the aproximate period that the pineal gland stays active. This is why kids see and feel sometimes more than us. Should we meditate on our childrem while they are very young? Clean their aura, spin their sixth chakra, put an AoP on them, and so on? Or would this later take away the lessons of work and learning?
EasternFireLion666 said:
Should we meditate on our childrem while they are very young? Clean their aura, spin their sixth chakra, put an AoP on them, and so on? Or would this later take away the lessons of work and learning?

I know it's been stated before that we shouldn't spin the chakras of babies as that can disorient them, but i dont know at what point its safe to do to another person who is not fully matured. AoP and Cleaning should be safe to do, but other kinds of energy work can be dangerous in my view unless you can literally feel what the other person(or child in this case) feels while you are performing the working so you don't overload them with energy and potentially damage them, which is an extremely advanced skill. Though for your own child it should come easier as there is an extremely close bond.
Powerofjustice said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Should we meditate on our childrem while they are very young? Clean their aura, spin their sixth chakra, put an AoP on them, and so on? Or would this later take away the lessons of work and learning?

I know it's been stated before that we shouldn't spin the chakras of babies as that can disorient them, but i dont know at what point its safe to do to another person who is not fully matured. AoP and Cleaning should be safe to do, but other kinds of energy work can be dangerous in my view unless you can literally feel what the other person(or child in this case) feels while you are performing the working so you don't overload them with energy and potentially damage them, which is an extremely advanced skill. Though for your own child it should come easier as there is an extremely close bond.

Good advice in regards to the cleaning and protection. Perhaps it's best to let maturity come and they can decide for themselves. Then we can explain to them how to do those workings.
A video
Something rarely talked about is how the Jewish customs of circumcision have been promoted in our society by using false reasons and total ignorance if its consequences parents and promoters. Here is a video that explains ALL about it. I think one reason the Jews or so psychopathic is they have practiced this generation after generation. Genital mutilation of a baby boy does a few things that totally undermines their healthy psychology and sexuality for the rest of their life. they become crippled in many ways. First the baby is betrayed by the parents by taking them to be genitally mutilated without their choice. this causes a deep seated betrayal by the parents into the mind of the baby before they can understand it mentally. Then they have a deep pain in their genitals that causes an association of a subconscious pain relating to the genitals from that experience, which can create a psychological issue with sex as an adult. Since these events are before the child has developed a rational mind, they are difficult to resolve as an adult. I can see how the jewish lineage has this as one of the causes of their hate for nature and disregard for others. Not to mention the jewish rabbis that suck on the bleeding penis of the young child. what kind of subconscious imprint would that create towards rabbis when they are grown up. Probably similar type of imprint when non jewish children get the same treatment from those (((doctors))) in the white robes. it might be the source of so many people upholding doctors as an authority.
And last but not least, having 90% of ones pleasure organ removed might provide issues with raising the kundalini ........
All of those things look to me as just another way that the jews are sabotaging the gentile to damage the devine masculine and disempower us.
Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story by Eric Clopper
Thank you so much for your post. I am having a very hard time and I just saw this post and I felt hope again. I am literally crying while writing everything. I have been through tons of bad shit in my life and I try manifest good things but somehow I don't know I feel I always end up lacking something. I felt empty today as if I am dead but your post gave me the will to try again 😭
Ionlyseedaylight said:
Thank you so much for your post. I am having a very hard time and I just saw this post and I felt hope again. I am literally crying while writing everything. I have been through tons of bad shit in my life and I try manifest good things but somehow I don't know I feel I always end up lacking something. I felt empty today as if I am dead but your post gave me the will to try again 😭

Brother, do not give up on life or anything that is living because of difficulties we face, especially in this path.

When we study the occult and become SS and dedicate, we are having hard times as the enemy of humanity causes problems to us. But, here is a good thing and that is that: you are going to evolve and you will work your way to destroy the enemy programs' influence and also all the negative energies that have been in your mind and chakras.

You need to understand that if you do the adequate energetic workings like, for example, if you want money, put some work for money using Venus energies, if your workings involve gold and everything that is related to golden metals, use Sun energies and remember that it is also important to do the planetary squares, more info on the JoS main website for it.

Hail Satan and never renounce on this path.
Ionlyseedaylight said:
Thank you so much for your post. I am having a very hard time and I just saw this post and I felt hope again. I am literally crying while writing everything. I have been through tons of bad shit in my life and I try manifest good things but somehow I don't know I feel I always end up lacking something. I felt empty today as if I am dead but your post gave me the will to try again 😭

Happy to see you're still going strong! Don't get discouraged if you find there are many, many negative programs for you to change. Tackle them one at a time, this will give you an incredible boost of confidence, seeing the fruits of your labour, and having an easier time in life for once. This will just keep building into more and more velocity.

Start somewhere and know that your thoughts are the only thing you can control in life and which you DO control. Everything else follows after that.
Powerofjustice said:
This post was inspired by High Priest Hooded Cobra’s sermons on Why You Must Never Give Up In Life As A Spiritual Satanist and About Our Parents - Healing Parental Problems. They have infinite depth and value to one who understands the workings of the mind.

I see so many people struggling and even using magic successfully to fix aspects of their lives, but only addressing symptoms and not their actual problems, which usually end up manifesting themselves later in a different way. This happens because they lack the insight to even know there is an underlying problem to begin with. I hope this post helps to resolve that.

It is of vital importance that every Satanist understand the workings of the mind. The human brain can ultimately be divided into two distinct yet connected systems: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is your logical mind. It receives information from your five senses. It is creative; here you do critical thinking and rationalization. However, the conscious mind does not control our actions. Our actions are almost exclusively controlled by the subconscious mind. This mind is largely ruled by emotions, habit, and instinct. It cannot think, reason, or reject an idea; it only acts upon the programming it already has. Fully 95 percent of our behaviours are habitual, or, in other words, we are consciously unaware that we are even doing them.

These two minds work together to determine your actions. They can bring you success or failure, happiness or anxiety, achievement or frustration. It is all in the way you use them.

When we come into this world we know nothing about it, a blank slate, every belief and behaviour we had to be taught by our parents, meticulously through repetition.[1] Like a computer coming off an assembly line, an infant doesn't have any programming.

The predominant brain activity during a child’s first two years of life is delta, the lowest EEG frequency range. Between two and six years of age, the child’s brain activity ramps up and operates primarily in the range of theta. Theta is associated with imagination, children this age spend much of their time mixing the imaginary world with the real world. The theta brain frequency is also known as hypnosis.

The predominant delta and theta activity expressed by children younger than six signifies that their brains are operating at levels below consciousness.

The only job the brain of a child has is to record new behaviours to add to its programming by observing parents, siblings, and the community; anything and everything it sees, hears, and experiences downloads straight into its subconscious, and that becomes its new programming. A child will remain in this brain frequency until about the age of 7.

The ancients knew this, Aristotle is quoted as saying, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

When the conscious mind works correctly, it protects us from bad programming by reasoning, analyzing, and concluding that incoming information is bad and rejecting it. You MUST be careful what you feed your mind. Most people get home from work, turn on the TV or the white noise of their choice, and usually don't even pay attention; they’re completely zoned out. That's the worst possible thing to do, as that program completely bypasses your conscious mind, which would usually be able to reason and tell you if what you're hearing is useful or not, and goes straight to the subconscious.

The subconscious makes your actions consistent with your programming. "As Within, So Without." You can think of the world around you as a mirror that reflects all your dominant thoughts back to you. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. That means we are solely responsible for the state of our lives. Most people look for someone or something to blame when things aren't going their way, but the mark of the superior person is that they ask themselves, "What is it in me that is causing me to get these results?"

How It All Ties Into Our Lives:

In the simplest terms, the process of manifestation is as follows: you impress a desired thought from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind, and that is then expressed through your physical body, causing you to attract situations, circumstances, people, whatever it takes to manifest it into reality.

Conscious awareness of the vibration frequency is called "feeling."

Remember, the subconscious is the emotional mind. Any thought or idea in which you become emotionally involved is instantly and automatically expressed by your subconscious through the only instrument available to it, your physical body, and you begin to manifest it into reality. This goes for all emotions; they all have a specific vibrational frequency that corresponds to them. Any time you "feel" an emotion, it means that your subconscious mind has already changed the frequency at which your body vibrates, causing you to "feel" the way you do.

Some people are depressed and miserable; they reside in a terribly low vibration frequency and only manifest disease and misfortune in their lives. Others shine so brightly you can't wipe the happiness off their faces; they manifest health and joy in their lives, and conversely reside in a much higher vibration frequency.

You become what you think about. Most people are very confused about what they want and don't accomplish anything as they keep changing the ideas in their minds. They end up manifesting nothing but confusion and chaos in their lives. Clarity and focus are where the power lies. If thoughts are to ever manifest into reality, they must be allowed to take root and grow into our subconscious; otherwise, they are just fleeting thoughts. It's like if a farmer planted a carrot in their field one day and dug it up the next day to plant something else.

Everything in this world has a gestation period before it can manifest into reality. Thoughts have that as well; it takes time for a thought to settle in the subconscious and become permanent programming. For a normal person to imprint a thought into their subconscious and for it to become permanent programming (a habit), it's believed to take over 2 months. That means they are consciously doing a thing repeatedly in a certain way until it becomes automatic.

How you can change your programming is the same way you got it in the first place. The most basic way is through repetition. Through conscious awareness of the old programming you want to change and repetition of the new desired programming, the old programming will be overwritten in the subconscious.

Another good way is through affirmation. This could include programming energy through a magickal working, but plain affirmations will work as well. There are times in the day, however, when affirmations are more effective. When only doing affirmations, the best times are right after waking up and just before going to sleep. When you first wake up in the morning, your brain switches from delta waves, which occur in deep sleep, to theta waves, and after a while, alpha waves, which is a relaxed yet still wakeful state. We’re interested in the first few minutes of theta activity in the brain, during which any programming is greatly enhanced.[2] The same process occurs right before falling sleep, only in reverse.

Possibly the most powerful way is through Satanic Hypnosis. The deeper the trance state, the more we can access and influence the subconscious. A very important note is that the subconscious mind cannot tell between real and imagined experiences. How you can use this is you can experience synthetically the success you desire in a trance state. By involving as many senses as you can in your visualizations, you will actually put yourself on the same level of vibrational frequency as your desired goal, artificially.[3] This is an extremely powerful way to reprogram the subconscious mind and make success not only something that is normal for you, but expected.

Energy is constantly moving into form and manifesting our reality. As Satanists, we work with energy on a level that is incomparable with the average human. Because of this, we manifest our goals much faster; however, not being in control of ourselves or even knowing what we truly want can bring us disaster.

Lastly, I wanted to say that if there's one thing you take away from this article, let it be this: stand guard at the door of your mind. Don't be a mindless consumer of media; think for yourselves and avoid buying into someone else's view of the world. Especially in our day, when we are constantly bombarded with messages of the most negative kind, it's easy to lose heart and have a grim outlook on life.

Faith and fear both demand you believe something you cannot see. So why choose fear over faith? By expecting good things to come into your life, you set yourself up to manifest that reality. You can face the future with apprehension or anticipation. Take your pick.

Notes & References:

1. As the page on Past Life Amnesia tells us, this isn’t entirely true as we bring our programming from past lives with us, but the principle still applies.

2. How you start your morning largely determines the rest of your day. One of the worst things you can do for yourself is to start scrolling on your phone or checking emails right after waking up. Remember, you need to allow your brain some time to switch out of theta waves; otherwise, whatever you see, especially bad news first thing in the morning, will have a much deeper impact on you and dictate the rest of your day.

3. “For example, with attracting money, you would want to visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.” - High Priestess Maxine The Three Steps of Witchcraft

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Stand Guard at the Door of Your Mind by Drew Young

You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor


Be mindful, your child learns through the subconscious MIND by Agata Pedzik

This is a a very useful post :!: Nice post ;)

Thank you for this! This is a great post I hadn't read it in full until today, I'm sorry I didn't respond to it sooner, I've had a lot going on lately. But I really appreciate posts like this one. Very helpful and inspiring! :D
Powerofjustice said:
2. How you start your morning largely determines the rest of your day. One of the worst things you can do for yourself is to start scrolling on your phone or checking emails right after waking up. Remember, you need to allow your brain some time to switch out of theta waves; otherwise, whatever you see, especially bad news first thing in the morning, will have a much deeper impact on you and dictate the rest of your day.

3. “For example, with attracting money, you would want to visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.” - High Priestess Maxine The Three Steps of Witchcraft
I might as well play those mafia city ads when I get up

Great post, Brother. I love reading about the power of the human mind, it's truly impressive what we can achieve by just shifting our mindset into something productive.

Henu the Great said:

That channel is awesome, I've listened hundreds of hours of these, really love it, the affirmations there are really good quality.
Incredible post! Thank you for this.

I've found your insight into the workings of our minds incredibly helpful, and, as so many of us have experienced on these forums, your informative post came to help answer all my questions and boost my understanding on something important to me right as I needed it! You couldn't have timed it better if you tried, haha. :D This helps me tremendously.

What you've said suggested to me an explanation of the "mechanics" behind many of our practices here on the Joy of Satan. This includes the power meditations such as the 40 day affirmation-workings, self-hypnosis, trances, past-life regression, working with the human aura, the RTRs and a lot more - probably everything to some extent, after all, what magic or meditation works without mental input and a corresponding subconscious response?

I feel like I can do all spiritual work with greater mental clarity than ever before. I've found a deeper sense of conviction in my self and gained the inner knowing that whatever it is I'm practicing is working exactly as intended. Any doubts I've had are diminished, and this is thanks to you how cogent your reasoning was.

Thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
