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The "Revolt"/"Insurrection" In Canada?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The "Governments" that want to syringe everyone by force over what has effectively been given up as a meme by all the rest of the World, are growing arrogant.

They can change your life in it's entirety or even demand anything from you. But don't you dare protest to change their opinion over anything, as you are in the very least a Terrorist nowadays.

In this exchange of them changing EVERYTHING about our lives and uprooting our whole existence, we are told that even the least amount of protesting or saying NO or having any dislike of it is unacceptable.

This is how you can clearly know we are living now in tyrranical governments in many Nations. Not all, but in many.

We knew they had grown arrogant in the last 2 years, but now their arrogance is reaching higher and higher levels.

They want to chip you, to bankrupt you, and they essentially want to enforce the "Great Reset". These soyboys that want to enforce the cancel culture, mass censorship, mass surveillance, and wanting to essentially destroy every freedom that has ever existed, are however not very brave or capable to do their great dreams of soylent globalized Jewish dictatorship.

Most countries are already done with this "pandemic" nonsense, Klaus's plan is revealed - more and more understand that Governments didn't care to save you from what ended up to be nothing more severe than a flu.

Even I with basic medical knowledge from a basic curriculum have said at the beginning of this that we will merely co-exist with the "Co-Vid" and that we will in the end have to accept this.

"Accept this? How dare you goy? That would collapse the narrative. We might even have to tell people that vitamin C is good for your health and to not be afraid! This collapses the narrative! There is nothing to accept here. It's the most deadly bubonic plague the world has ever seen! Get your QR code and magic shot now! Run for your lives!!!!!!!1"

But how can you let something go when it's such a beautiful and likely human inflicted cause, the Great opportunity to promote the Great Reset? Is it of any reason to listen to common sense at all?

"We want a Great Reset done here, goy. We have no time for this common sense garbage."

Most people understand we not only aren't done yet, but that they will continue. For numerous reasons and outflows of these measures that they want to enforce, people are suffering. And people who suffer are protesting.

We live in a world where you literally cannot express discontent even over a Youtube video. You cannot press a dislike button.

In the same way, you are at no liberty to dislike or even protest against Trudaeu and the Great Reset gang. In their infamous statement, the soylent greens explain to us: "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY!".

This ownership of nothing clearly has to do not only with material goods, but not owning any rights or any human dignity on top of it.

While they globally keep people distracted with utmost nonsense, such as #MeToo and other delusions that want to make women and other people think that we live in a fair society or a society of laws. Yet in the meanwhile, all the foundations for any of the legal society and human rights are being removed in their entirety.

The reality is that many countries are being forced by this Conspiracy to a point of "No Return" path of the "Great Reset". Others have called it off for now. Will they re-boot the program? We will see in the closeby future.

This involves radically casting down all freedoms and liberties people had "Once upon a time", this "Once upon a time" being only 2 years ago. It looks like it was centuries ago you would go to a literal cafe without a goddamned QR code.

A segment of the human population still remains brainwashed, a brainwashing that happened deliberately by mass media bombardment, that still assume any of this had to do with any Pandemic and not really about turning us into a living farm of animals.

Meanwhile, they live it exactly as they believe they never would.

They envision you all with chips in your brain, your personal QR code, and mining you as a living resource. They will tell you beautiful words to disarm you to no end until they annex your life.

Behind most of their beautiful statements their lingering dreams of darkness have become apparent.

Everytime humanity reacts, they hide in their holes, surrounded by military and other protection, because they are that precious.

They pretend it's something so much worse, unexpected, even unacceptable of people to even consider reacting to any of this. They consider their plan impossible to escape from and a sin to be protested against it. It's like Middle Ages and Christianity all over again.

It's like this DISLIKE button in Youtube. When it used to be pressed, it caused an existential meltdown to Trudeau to see the dislike ratio on his nonsense at 95% percent.

What do we do about that? We just remove the dislike button! Now people can only like everything we do on them!

For those that don't, we have the Military ready to bust in their households or the media or brainwash them until they agree that the Co-Vid will be the end of us all.

In his mind, we are all going to love the Great Resetters whether we want to or not. It's very much akin to rape, but on a globalized scale.

Meanwhile, the media tell you that the great victory of stopping rape is the nonsense of the #MeToo, while we are all on the edge of getting raped perpetually by people that want to literally make you chipped cattle.

Meanwhile, they are fucking your Constitutions and all the freedoms and individual rights charters. No, they are literally fucking them and jacking off to the fact they will make you into a borg.

I don't make a joke here, this happened in Australia 10 months ago. Yes, the same Nation that was literally creating Co-Vid camps to rally it's own citizens inside because they could be theoretically infected even if proving this would be practically improbable.


These dudes literally had you locked in like cattle and they were fucking in the parliament possibly enjoying your infinite inception lockdown in a series or something. "Oh yeah baby, a lockdown! Wait until you see the Co-Vid camps we are building for them to put them all in on a 0,01% death rate disease that kills people above the age of 75! Ahhhh!".

The above garbage I write to explain what kind of animals these people are, and in essence, to show you that they deserve no respect whatsoever.

Their plans about "Great Resets" are as poor as them, and deserve no respect. They in fact, deserve any and all opposition they receive. It's a duty for people who still value everything in this world to disagree with them.

The above is called ARROGANCE, of which the enemy is rife. It's also called DISRESPECT, except of pure evil. People used to punish these notions in their society. Resistance and denying them is one way to resist them.

If these things don't look abnormal to you, then you can go back to being tear gassed that #MeToo is the only real problem and not all your life and existence getting fucked by these crazy people. .

Sort of like sitting on top of a boat that is sinking and watching one little hole on the wall or something. Like a guy in half sunk Titanic that is looking at a glass and says, "oh, there is a little hole there!" with the ship half sunk.

That's what they instruct you to do: "Look at only the broken window goy, while we remove all your personal and individual freedoms. Don't worry it will all go well."

But as it appears this doesn't work on everyone. That's a real problem for the "powers that be" right now.

How dare you dislike Justin forcing a syringe that you might not even need on you without your consent, to modify you like a vegetable only so that you can exist, for what is proven by all accounts to be less deadly than even the goddamn flu?

Typically, Justin Trudeau literally run for a hole to save himself when some people merely took some trucks and wanted to protest his insanity.

We are in a period of global schizophrenia that was triggered very deliberately by the enemy.

It's inconceivable to these soylent creatures how impolite you are since you don't want to get brainchipped, QR coded, and it's beyond them why you don't want x64 doses for your Co-Vid vaccine only to live your life as you did before.

Justin is losing sleep over this. You will be a terrorist if you disagree. You'll be Osama Bin Laden or something.

Justin Trudeau is statement to his caste of people. While they remove all human freedoms, cast down Constitutional rights and individual liberties, they essentially pretend it's the Holocaust all over again when they are questioned or when people react to their insanity in anyway.

They love to speak about these things, but when people actually go for these, they hide. When their actions are to speak about your freedoms and all this, they will speak louder than ever by shoving syringes on you whether you have reasonably decided the necessity for this or not.

Any reaction to the Great Reset, be this a protest, or a disagreement, or even internal discontent, will NOT be tolerated. AS with the Borg from Star Trek, "resistence", they hope, is "futile".

However, in their case, they are weak - so it is not "futile". It is just "unacceptable". And they expect human beings to act like sissies eternally as they get chipped and replaced by robots, sitting on their nest like chickens, while we wait for our impending doom.

And to copulate this marriage through the holy sacrament of having pointless vaccines over a pointless flu, just because Justin was as foolish and irresponsible to sign too many agreements to become a Vaccine dealer. Amen to that, everyone.

Have you accepted Justin Trudeau as your personal vaccine lord and QR code saviour?

Remove this dislike button from Youtube and even Porn websites. You cannot not like the propaganda of the Jews in either platforms, platforms that they own. You will see only cat videos and cooking videos. You will like these videos whether you like it or not.

You will watch only news that tell you the Coronavirus is very deadly even-though most people worldwide seldom give a shit and are for months now on the "It's a goddamn thing no more than the flu" consciousness about it. You will be so scared about a virus that has 0.01% or so death rate in it's recent variant, and you will shake in your boots for the 0,01% chance to die. Oy vey, another holocaust.

The soy infested overlords have decided we can no longer disagree with or not accept the Great Reset.

"You will NOT be allowed to disagree with their vision of your planet, and you must behave as if you and your children won't exist on it. In fact it's better to not have any as these consume too much CO2 even if people will hardly own anything. You WILL be assimilated, YOU *WILL* OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY, GOY. You WILL get your 60 shots to be able to work, you WILL be observed in every transaction, you WILL have forcibly peaceful opinions, you WILL love all other humans and assimilate with them, you WILL do anything "WE", Klaus and Gang want you to do."

Any reaction, no matter how small, is taken as a National Security threat, and any protest from people is an attempt of "Insurrection". It's Hitler and Holocaust every single time these people are questioned. This is where we are at as a Western World.

Every time there is a little reaction from people about anything, it's a National Security threat deserving of military or state apparatus intervention. Long before us look the days when we had a Western World of rights and discourse.

They are fragile, weak, evil, and they are just looking for any opportunity to mobilize the State's apparatus to merely harass and enforce the Great Reset.

This world is where it is at because of absence of common sense and strong people.

No Justin, what you do is morbidly insane and these people are not a "Security threat to the Nation". They just want you to scram and stop desecrating their rights and Nation.

What the reactions from people mean is merely for you to cut the crap. But will you? Give a phone call to Klaus and ask for updates.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Karnonnos said:
Trudeau casually describing the strikers as 'swastika wavers' a few days ago should give people pause for thought. They always use us as their example of metaphysical evil because they are deeply scared.

It's always the Nazis doing everything and always the good "Democratic Liberal Jews Great Reset" governments that are the source of all goodness in the universe.

Nazis haven't existed politically since 1945 but this is our one and only problem 80 years later as a society.

It's Nazi Zombies everywhere and Pfizer and a lot of Coronavirus and Trudaeu have the cure to edit our genome [and genocide us as per the Talmud dictates] to stop this.

The Nazi slang thoughtform has been charged so much by the Jew that they literally use it for everything now.

Everyone that says anything against them, it's a Racist, Nazi, Swastika bearing person, and every thought against the Co-Vid political agenda is another Holocaust that killed 6 trillion jews.

That's because they internally know they execute exactly the agenda of the Jews, so that's a form of psychological reverse blame of attacking their "Nemesis", admitting that they are Jews and that they promote a Jewish agenda for the Great "Reset".

Otherwise they wouldn't talk about Nazis and all this nonsense. Since it's plain out not only a lie, but borderline schizophrenic to say that when there are literally no "Nazis" any more.

Other than this as we all can understand we are at this phase of the Global Great Reset Agenda where all people despite of anything are "Nazi Terrorists" mainly because they want to live and want their lives back.

It's Nazi and Terrorist and Another Holocaust to want this, and you kill 6 trillion jews everytime you think about this, so be careful goy, that's the Jewish race's greatest guilt tripping soap opera.

Everything you do against the Chosen People and their Agenda is equal to a full on genocidal holocaust of 6 trillion, and you are no different than Osama Bin Laden.

Every thought you make on if this was wrong is another literal Holocaust and you create a literal National Socialist State with every thought you make with battalions rallying poor and totally innocent people like Klaus straight into concetration camps or soap production in the megatons.

All of this is real in Justin Trudaeu's humourless mind same as that some people with Trucks making a protest are literally an armed invasion or insurrection or probably a well elaborate revolt meant to agitate his 8 booster doses until 2024 and then about 24 until 2030, medical and supreme political magnificence.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I got the COVID at the moment. Everyone was so scared that I would die because I am not vaccinated. I just took a bunch of vitamins and other supplements and I am just fine. I had a bad fever the first day and that was it. I had basically the same symptoms as my family did with the vaccine. Which proves the vaccines are totally useless...

I have had flu worse than this.

I am honestly dumbfounded by this whole situation, they screwed the entire world over something so simple as this and they even want more of it. It shouldn't really be that hard to see that there's an agenda behind all of this. Nothing of this makes sense and fortunately people are waking up to this fact.
the "revolt" in Canada was surprisingly abrupt. sadly its probably only around 5% of what it needs to be.

I was having a conversation with someone how on he thought the elections in certain cities were rigged. considering how in your face the covid crap has been, more people are starting to question jewstein trudeau and legitimacy of the elections of the liberals
BlackOnyx8 said:
I got the COVID at the moment. Everyone was so scared that I would die because I am not vaccinated. I just took a bunch of vitamins and other supplements and I am just fine. I had a bad fever the first day and that was it. I had basically the same symptoms as my family did with the vaccine. Which proves the vaccines are totally useless...

90% of this was warmongering. You will be fine within a few days. You have to have extremely serious underlying disorders to even struggle from this. The striking majority of people do not.

As for the Vaccine, that's what 2 years of wasting our time globally on lies looks like. Basically everyone that got the "Vaccine" which isn't even a vaccine is in the same case on getting this, transmitting this, passing it and so on - but people are divided over imaginary rights violations over exactly the same thing.

The virus is also getting weaker and weaker [as is the natural case for these types of viruses] and soon it will be nothing to worry about whatsoever.

Yes, I too had colds like this being way worse before, way long before the Co-Vid. Years ago, the "regular cold" had seasons that were equally or more deadly.

Exaggeration and all the insanity is for another purpose not for public health. This Co-Vid was actually one of the mildest ones.

Unless you are 65+ with many problems, or extremely overweight, or immunorepressed, then you are not in the category that will likely die from this. Even those in this category overwhelmingly do not even struggle, with only very few being at any real danger, and likely, it's up to chance like with anything else.

Almost everyone will eventually get it vaccinated or not. It's a circle loop that will finish when people actually accept this and we move on as a society.

Governments don't want this to end because it's a Great Reset attempt taking place.
ChaosBringer666 said:
the "revolt" in Canada was surprisingly abrupt. sadly its probably only around 5% of what it needs to be.

It's not even a revolt they just call this in these very negative words to make people scared and to rally them to support the government over this nonsense.

It's just people protesting over viable and true reasons such as wanting to work, for us to accept this Co-Vid nonsense is finished with most people having got this already, and that it doesn't matter anymore, and to continue on with existence and life.

They will call it alien invasion soon and claim the Truckers are only Nazi Ghosts and Aliens that block the streets because Justin is a very good guy and the jews are the holy people who want to Great Reset everyone.

This guy is such a corny liar he said these people were Nazis or something. That's for all intents just outrageous but it goes on to show how stupid they have become in their efforts to criminalize normal people.

Everyone is a Nazi today guys so don't worry, if you disagree with being enslaved just know you are a Hitler now.
And this all started with something not much worse than the flu. As a survival youtube video host said about wars,, '"It always starts with something small". ( ""Yours is smaller than mine."" ). Just kidding. But all Hell breaks loose on the planet from a somewhat harmful virus that may be safer than the vaccine. ( Sickness safer than the cure ). Anyone with Radionics equipment can put pictures of the Vaccine, and Corona Virus cells on the sending end of the machine, and the picture of someone responsible with causing this situation, government leaders, medical personnel, big business people, etc. . on the receiving end, and so allow the negative energy of the virus and vaccine to infect the target person. Or just put the target picture together with the vaccine, and virus pictures, the target person's picture facing the pictures of the vaccine and virus. Like Osmosis. the energies of the pictures will merge. Might be able to do a death curse with this.
BlackOnyx8 said:
I got the COVID at the moment. Everyone was so scared that I would die because I am not vaccinated. I just took a bunch of vitamins and other supplements and I am just fine. I had a bad fever the first day and that was it. I had basically the same symptoms as my family did with the vaccine. Which proves the vaccines are totally useless...

I have had flu worse than this.

I am honestly dumbfounded by this whole situation, they screwed the entire world over something so simple as this and they even want more of it. It shouldn't really be that hard to see that there's an agenda behind all of this. Nothing of this makes sense and fortunately people are waking up to this fact.

I am sure your aura of protection was blocking a lot out. I am pretty sure i had the 'rona on the first job i was on after new years. I was going up back on the unit after break and suddenly felt so run down and almost dizzy. my head hurt and my hips all of a sudden. I thought it was because of the position i was welding in all day long, but it felt like i was just completely run down so i told my foreman i had to leave early. That night i tried to sleep and couldn't and had chills and sweats...i'm sure i had a low grade fever. My throat ached abit and my hips hurt very badly and my sinuses were very irritated. My air bnb host actually took real good care of me and even had ivermectin on hand. Whatever i had it broke within 24 hours when she administered it to me. I realized though i had loss of taste and smell for awhile which persisted for some weeks. That's when i was sure it was the 'rona. I literally shat it out like it was nothing more than the cold.

I remember before traveling back home that i felt an almost overwhelming energy buzz come over me during the time i was run down. It was just like the most intense energy burst i had during my first lengthy intense yoga session, but i wasn't meditating or anything at the time that day. I wonder if someone was there helping me mend. It overwhelmed me so much that i crouched down in the child's pose for awhile and felt this sort of feeling that someone was there somehow.
A lot of people are waking up more and more to the scamdemic. There should be truckers from the US doing this as well, I am sad to see this is not the case yet. Even in Germany a lot were doing this recently. Hopefully more will follow suit. Perhaps when saturn leaves aquarius there will be a breakthrough as far as personal freedoms. More and more dangers about the vaccine are being exposed and more people are experiencing it first hand which is only adding to the people who will not stay silent, and go along with being herded like sheep to their deaths.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
the "revolt" in Canada was surprisingly abrupt. sadly its probably only around 5% of what it needs to be.

It's not even a revolt they just call this in these very negative words to make people scared and to rally them to support the government over this nonsense.

It's just people protesting over viable and true reasons such as wanting to work, for us to accept this Co-Vid nonsense is finished with most people having got this already, and that it doesn't matter anymore, and to continue on with existence and life.

They will call it alien invasion soon and claim the Truckers are only Nazi Ghosts and Aliens that block the streets because Justin is a very good guy and the jews are the holy people who want to Great Reset everyone.

This guy is such a corny liar he said these people were Nazis or something. That's for all intents just outrageous but it goes on to show how stupid they have become in their efforts to criminalize normal people.

Everyone is a Nazi today guys so don't worry, if you disagree with being enslaved just know you are a Hitler now.

just to be clear I do understand that it's just a protest. I was using an exaggerated term, but I do understand the confusion considering the follow up of my remark.
ChaosBringer666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
the "revolt" in Canada was surprisingly abrupt. sadly its probably only around 5% of what it needs to be.

It's not even a revolt they just call this in these very negative words to make people scared and to rally them to support the government over this nonsense.

It's just people protesting over viable and true reasons such as wanting to work, for us to accept this Co-Vid nonsense is finished with most people having got this already, and that it doesn't matter anymore, and to continue on with existence and life.

They will call it alien invasion soon and claim the Truckers are only Nazi Ghosts and Aliens that block the streets because Justin is a very good guy and the jews are the holy people who want to Great Reset everyone.

This guy is such a corny liar he said these people were Nazis or something. That's for all intents just outrageous but it goes on to show how stupid they have become in their efforts to criminalize normal people.

Everyone is a Nazi today guys so don't worry, if you disagree with being enslaved just know you are a Hitler now.

just to be clear I do understand that it's just a protest. I was using an exaggerated term, but I do understand the confusion considering the follow up of my remark.

I definitely understood what you wrote I had to reply however because of others who might also be outsiders etc and might read the topic, because they need to know we have a proper pointer to the whole situation. Thank you.
Can't say I am surprised. Canadians do indeed still have a big backbone.

Canada has went suddenly from this country where they did as they pleased and they had already pre-planned the infinite doses, to the country that is now carrying the biggest revolt against the suppression of our freedom values on a global scale.

I thought this was a Pandemic and that we all needed to stick together, but as it appears the Governments decided that even though this is basically over for a while now, we ought attack citizens ad nauseum because they didn't accept the unilateral and failed solution the "Governments" told them which was a blank vaccine that had anyone transmitting and contacting the virus anyway.

This scum of the gutter is becoming increasingly more arrogant.

I think one thing to consider that could break a few people out of this stupidity is pointing out that according to leftists since time immemorial, disrupting any strike makes you a 'scab'. Yet that's what all leftist lunatics are attempting to do with this one protest globally... why? CNN, Biden, Netflix, IMF, binyamin and yirmyahu (Ben and Jerry's) and WHO says so, bigot! The same Dr. Death who recommended those with HIV be killed and cast out three and a half decades ago according to Tanakhic law cannot be wrong!

This proves more than anything leftism is not about 'ideology', workers rights or even materialist analysis and never was, it's about gratuitous parasites who love corrosion and decay.

Trudeau casually describing the strikers as 'swastika wavers' a few days ago should give people pause for thought. They always use us as their example of metaphysical evil because they are deeply scared.
Karnonnos said:
This scum of the gutter is becoming increasingly more arrogant.

I think one thing to consider that could break a few people out of this stupidity is pointing out that according to leftists since time immemorial, disrupting any strike makes you a 'scab'. Yet that's what all leftist lunatics are attempting to do with this one protest globally... why? CNN, Biden, Netflix, IMF, binyamin and yirmyahu (Ben and Jerry's) and WHO says so, bigot! The same Dr. Death who recommended those with HIV be killed and cast out three and a half decades ago according to Tanakhic law cannot be wrong!

This proves more than anything leftism is not about 'ideology', workers rights or even materialist analysis and never was, it's about gratuitous parasites who love corrosion and decay.

Trudeau casually describing the strikers as 'swastika wavers' a few days ago should give people pause for thought. They always use us as their example of metaphysical evil because they are deeply scared.

"It's the Swastika Wavers!!!! Ottawa is taken over by them!!!!!

They are everywhere!!!!

Swastika's Everywhere!!!

I am Soap!!!

Well no I am not soap it's all a lie as we jews now, I am actually only having a psychotic episode that I am faking, really, but this will sell a great deal in Hollywood!! I am definitely soap!!

It's the Holocaust all over again!! Nobody wants to get chipped in this planet it's all terrible and nobody listened to Bibi's advice to microchip the Coronavirus patients with GPS location devices!! It's the end times!!!!"

-Rabbi Shimeon prophecy during psychotic episode, written while he was spraying a Swastika on his Synagogue door
BlackOnyx8 said:
I got the COVID at the moment. Everyone was so scared that I would die because I am not vaccinated. I just took a bunch of vitamins and other supplements and I am just fine. I had a bad fever the first day and that was it. I had basically the same symptoms as my family did with the vaccine. Which proves the vaccines are totally useless...

I have had flu worse than this.

I am honestly dumbfounded by this whole situation, they screwed the entire world over something so simple as this and they even want more of it. It shouldn't really be that hard to see that there's an agenda behind all of this. Nothing of this makes sense and fortunately people are waking up to this fact.

Sounds more like a common cold to me.
Just like Cobra said, it influences your Crown Chakra first of all, "Corona".
Making you think only about this, talking only about this.
About "their" plans. What about our plans? Your plans?
Fuck their plans and pursue yours. Life is short.
BlackOnyx8 said:
I just took a bunch of vitamins and other supplements and I am just fine.
I just keep some colloidal silver and a nasal spray bottle for inhalations nearby.

It's nice to know that if I get it I've got the answer.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Can't say I am surprised. Canadians do indeed still have a big backbone.


My Gods that was so beautiful and inspirational! I'm not sure I ever cheered for someone like that as they spoke. To see a random Gentile like this brings tears of joy. This man just revaltized me even after slightly mentally breaking down today and was planning to just sleep in a bit right after my yoga and do today's RTRs tomorrow but no! I'm going to a quality RTRs and in honor of this man and everyone like him and their families.

Hail Satan!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone is a Nazi today guys so don't worry, if you disagree with being enslaved just know you are a Hitler now.

And what's gonna happen when the actual Nazis if they ever truly rise up from the utter mortal blow 80 years ago(historical issue from 80+ years ago > real current issues).

Well what's gonna happen when they do return?

It's like the memes of the jews are pushing people to the point whereby 2A Gun rights = Nazi stuff. Indeed at what point does the Nazi train come up and go. We are Nazis AND what are you gonna do shemaforashic kosherite?

It seems these social marxist construct work against the enemy. I don't know the exact stance on Hitler's views on protest. On one hand Stormblood(think?) mentioned Hitler is against them but in Mein Kampf the '39 Dr.Dalton edition he states protest is important for the worker for better workers rights, safety, and concerns with company management.

Karnonnos said:
This proves more than anything leftism is not about 'ideology', workers rights or even materialist analysis and never was, it's about gratuitous parasites who love corrosion and decay.

Oh quite indeed well said. If you read Dr.Dalton's Mein Kampf Hitler outlines the very same issue he had. Really the issue dates back to not just Rabbi Luria after Pluto in Scorpio but also Jacobin/Frankist left wing power grab of left-wing.

In essence while the enemy is revolutionaries. Hitler goes on to state that we are also revolutionaries.

While the enemy deals with rainbow spectrum political opposition with pinko-red spectrum being the most important for communism. Even grey spectrum Fascism can be manipulated. In Marcus Garvey's and Mussolini's uprising on Fascism. He is considered reasonable within communist containment. In modern times Fascism can even co-exist in the enemies political spectrum due to Fascism being able to be manipulated. It's akin to Argentina, Fascist, and one of the World's top industrial and innovative property only to collapse to state-capitalist dupes and corruption as time went on.

This is why I iterate National Socialism is black spectrum/Nigrido spectrum political opposition in opposition to other spectrums of political color. Rather we have gold flanges on the outside similar to the statues of Anubis in his jackal form showing a deep black with gold.

We are black spectrum always performing the magnum opus a rise from the darkness to the gold spectrum.

Quirky way I imagine our politics to be but makes sense never had anyone say I'm wrong no praises or anything. But I'd like to think some people are going about "At least this guy(me) is thinking".

Karnonnos said:
Trudeau casually describing the strikers as 'swastika wavers' a few days ago should give people pause for thought. They always use us as their example of metaphysical evil because they are deeply scared.

Like my friend said in an email. Everyone believes and is told Nazism and Satanism both S and NS to be utter scum shit garbage.

The problem is people don't apply logic or learn logic. They automatically believe whatever it is they are told and some people continue popping blue pills, long after they taken their first.

If anything just to make you feel better. It's gonna back fire the enemy pumps and pumps and pumps Nazi this, Nazi that, racist this racist that. And eventually people will be going "Okay I had enough I'm studying this Nazi racist all this stuff these people pump into the andrapods(NPCs). I'll research it".

IF anything the enemy is digging their own graves with the memes and statements they make. Maybe not now but let the pressure build a bit. Give it time.

Protesting = Swastika wavers = Nazi = Fellow protesters against Great Reset, JNWO. If they are literally saying this is the NSDAP rally of the 1930s. Then the obvious solution is be a Nazi.

Justin you guys are Nazis. Okay from now on we'll be the Nazis you want us to be. You keep using that terminology so we shall apply it to us. National Socialism Now WTB Nazi Kanada.

Human decency and rights = Nazi

So in essence for the enemy everything is Nazi, even the Nazis are Nazis.

That sounds to me like they are telling you your political and with the JoS the spiritual aspect.

Funny enemy memes they just don't stop with this 80+ year issue. IF anything it's just more fuel to the fire. Someone post the Brazel meme from Nugenix commerical. Justin You guys are ebil, debil Nazis, Brazel "That's just adding more fuel to the fire".
In my part of Canada this has been going on since last year, I'm glad it seems to be getting bigger. Hopefully people see this and it goes from national to worldwide
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This is how you can clearly know we are living now in tyrranical governments in many Nations. Not all, but in many.

We knew they had grown arrogant in the last 2 years, but now their arrogance is reaching higher and higher levels.

They want to chip you, to bankrupt you, and they essentially want to enforce the "Great Reset". These soyboys that want to enforce the cancel culture, mass censorship, mass surveillance, and wanting to essentially destroy every freedom that has ever existed, are however not very brave or capable to do their great dreams of soylent globalized Jewish dictatorship.


"We want a Great Reset done here, goy. We have no time for this common sense garbage."

Most people understand we not only aren't done yet, but that they will continue. For numerous reasons and outflows of these measures that they want to enforce, people are suffering. And people who suffer are protesting.

Their plans about "Great Resets" are as poor as them, and deserve no respect. They in fact, deserve any and all opposition they receive. It's a duty for people who still value everything in this world to disagree with them.

The above is called ARROGANCE, of which the enemy is rife. It's also called DISRESPECT, except of pure evil. People used to punish these notions in their society. Resistance and denying them is one way to resist them.

Thanks HP for another enlightening Sermon.
I was thinking since some days at "Spiritual message from Satan" https://www.joyofsatan.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Message-From-Satan.html where He says "Since the time is not yet, and you are in the time that is not yet, destruction and creation are in your hands as they are Mine. Do not be afraid to do these things. Until the time comes where these things have found more peaceable means you must keep the earth in balance."
Here I found a reply to my thoughts, I think we are simply not allowing any great reset to happen so he enemy cannot take over until a new Leader will come. Earth in balance?
So 2 things.

I'll start with the lighthearted one.

I was watching a live stream from Tim Pool and I found it amusing when he said how strange it is that in clown world the honk (the truckers horn) is what causes mayhem to the current system.


I had a very vivid dream a few days ago about something bad happening and I thought I might be in danger or it was telling me something else but after last night watching the latest on the Freedom Convoy I'm a little worried the government is going to try to do something that might look like an "accident" on a some bridge...
I find it interesting that this all started on the tenth day of the previous schedule.
I caught it from a family member who is vaccinated. I obviously didn't wear a mask in my own house, and I told them to not either as that's just insane. One of these days I had to go outside to get something from my car, and I used the mask, I noticed that it made me dizzy because I was on a high fever and aggravated my condition. Now imagine these people who give in to the fear, and use the mask all day long while on fevers or worse. This is how people who are prone to it, further develop respiratory symptoms and worse. I mean unless you live with elderly people or other vulnerable people, I find it totally insane to wear a mask at home.

That is correct, I happen to have doubled my AoP a few weeks before, so that was nice. I also doubled my Yoga reps when I found out I had Covid.
What you described is exactly what happened to me. I felt all that on the first day except taste and smell which are fine. Started with slight throat pain (nothing even compared to the throat pain you get from a flu...), then high fever and related symptoms. And that was about it. I only took Vit.C, D, Multi Vitamins. And other supplements such as garlic extract for the anti-viral properties and curcumin for the anti-inflammatory properties. And also a bunch of different herbal teas that I have around for when I get the flu, and it worked for covid as well.

I actually do have those, but I didn't need it. I just use the bottle of sea water spray for sinusitis.
The freedom convoy is the best example how the things cannot go back, the gorv and police entered full retarded tyranny mode:
''Go found me'' stole milions of dollars that should had gone to the truckers but instead they donated them to antifa and blm.
Police cant arrest all the truckers so now they are arresting people who support them.
Police also tried to steal the fuel of the trucks multiple time.
Also the police had been seen dragging violently an 72 years old man...
Everything is so messed up but this is a good sign, a good sign that everything is coming to an end, finally *** together with the kikes.

It's time to eat your vitamin gummies guys and pump the Final Rituals like crazy!!!
BlackOnyx8 said:
I caught it from a family member who is vaccinated. I obviously didn't wear a mask in my own house, and I told them to not either as that's just insane. One of these days I had to go outside to get something from my car, and I used the mask, I noticed that it made me dizzy because I was on a high fever and aggravated my condition. Now imagine these people who give in to the fear, and use the mask all day long while on fevers or worse. This is how people who are prone to it, further develop respiratory symptoms and worse. I mean unless you live with elderly people or other vulnerable people, I find it totally insane to wear a mask at home.

I too definitely got it from a recently, 3 shots vaccinated fellow, who falsely assumed they were immune, but also when they had a cold, they assumed it couldn't be Co-Vid since they had the vaccine about 1 month before they actually got it.

They tested positive again after 1 month. I asked if they had the third dose and they said that they definitely did. Granted they need this for sure in their profession, they couldn't have lied, nor they were the person to fake anything. They were super pro "vaccine".

The timing made me of course think on if the vaccine has an indirect result in contact, such as in, fooling the Immune System that one is immune, yet the virus can still enter, creating a delayed response and other issues.

This based on mere observation of cases pointed me out to the fact that the vaccinated must actually produce more spreading of the virus than a regular person who has had no contact whatsoever with this or has had natural immunity.

Even worse, I know of whole households who had x3 Pfizer shots at all the given dates, and they got Co-Vid again twice. They all got it without exemption.

The above only tells us the "Vaccine" provided no inoculation and was just snake oil claims that were at best morbid exaggerations. These also created even more false expectations and gave many people the idea that since they had the vaccine they wouldn't even get anything seriously, but sometimes they too did.

They regardless spread the virus to anyone else in the same way. In regards to the "it will make your symptoms milder" that is a bullshit excuse that nobody can really functionally measure, since most people nowadays pretend the Flu is like the biggest conceivable illness a person can have, ie, it's all media propaganda.

Regardless, I am certain with an almost total certainty I got my personal dose of this oversized hype flu, by a vaccinated person too.

I did experience closely nothing or not much at all further compared to a regular seasonal flu of medium strength. The whole thing lasted 4 days, and that was it. It wasn't even enough to stop me from doing any daily task whatsoever.

I know only one person that "died" from this that had terminal diseases and would die within 3 months anyway. They made their death into a Co-Vid death to gain the necessary hype and sympathy.

However, the amount of people I know that died of heart attacks and other reasons such as poor personal care [related to the pandemic measures, financial, stress, anxiety] has definitely increased compared to a normal year.

The above reflects my personal experience and past this anyone can make their own mind.

If you block oxygen intake, fluid intake, and good diet etc, you are already on a spiral of dying by default. It's not Co-Vid.
antiochus said:
I find it interesting that this all started on the tenth day of the previous schedule.

We have triggered a lot more than this, we have done a great work. More will be upcoming.
That's the problem with the nazi thoughtform. It's everywhere, including in the Alt right controlled opposition and this idea seems to be getting stronger and more often played. I have been saying this for over one year and now it is getting more obvious. The JWO is shifting ideologies, they are slowly burying the left and replacing it with the right. This is a crucial moment, the massive revolts and revolutions are of unprecedented scales, tons of alt right servers have been formed, the big corporations are losing, left wing politicians are being arrested, threatened or blackmailed to step away, same with judges, CEOs and other shits. Even sporadic movies or entertainment segments are slowly producing anti establishment movies, songs etc... Surely we must realize what is happening here. Either the enemy directs this controlled reaction towards the "get the nazi satanic illuminati masons and we will be the end game" or this gets out of hand, turns into the biggest white movement in the history of this planet and ultimately the enemy gets genocided while we jack off into their skulls. We must take extreme care, prepare, do the RTRs and the ones in the field reading HP Cobra's posts, take notes of his inputs and act with care in the field!

As for the leaders issue and the present situation with Russia and Ukraine the things are as follows: Some leaders have smelled the unavoidable change that is coming and some others are stupid fanatic fucks that will go forward with their soy ideology till even death. Trudeau does not seem to get the picture and will go forward till his destruction. Macron on the other hand is smarter thug. He knows he has an election to win and senses the danger of the Great reset falling apart. Therefore all this Russian aggression theater is made as an electoral campaign for both Macron and Putin the two secret friends (their friendship is a bit obvious to some of us). Macron is Putin's man in Europe and he will always buy Russia's oil no matter what. Putin does not want to lose Macron which is his best man behind enemy lines. They will ultimately negotiate a peace treaty and both of them will be seen as heroes by both of their countries. Macron will try and make the French forget about him almost firing everyone unvaxxed from work ahead of elections based on this geopolitical event!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
I caught it from a family member who is vaccinated. I obviously didn't wear a mask in my own house, and I told them to not either as that's just insane. One of these days I had to go outside to get something from my car, and I used the mask, I noticed that it made me dizzy because I was on a high fever and aggravated my condition. Now imagine these people who give in to the fear, and use the mask all day long while on fevers or worse. This is how people who are prone to it, further develop respiratory symptoms and worse. I mean unless you live with elderly people or other vulnerable people, I find it totally insane to wear a mask at home.

I too definitely got it from a recently, 3 shots vaccinated fellow, who falsely assumed they were immune, but also when they had a cold, they assumed it couldn't be Co-Vid since they had the vaccine about 1 month before they actually got it.

They tested positive again after 1 month. I asked if they had the third dose and they said that they definitely did. Granted they need this for sure in their profession, they couldn't have lied, nor they were the person to fake anything. They were super pro "vaccine".

The timing made me of course think on if the vaccine has an indirect result in contact, such as in, fooling the Immune System that one is immune, yet the virus can still enter, creating a delayed response and other issues.

This based on mere observation of cases pointed me out to the fact that the vaccinated must actually produce more spreading of the virus than a regular person who has had no contact whatsoever with this or has had natural immunity.

Even worse, I know of whole households who had x3 Pfizer shots at all the given dates, and they got Co-Vid again twice. They all got it without exemption.

The above only tells us the "Vaccine" provided no inoculation and was just snake oil claims that were at best morbid exaggerations. These also created even more false expectations and gave many people the idea that since they had the vaccine they wouldn't even get anything seriously, but sometimes they too did.

They regardless spread the virus to anyone else in the same way. In regards to the "it will make your symptoms milder" that is a bullshit excuse that nobody can really functionally measure, since most people nowadays pretend the Flu is like the biggest conceivable illness a person can have, ie, it's all media propaganda.

Regardless, I am certain with an almost total certainty I got my personal dose of this oversized hype flu, by a vaccinated person too.

I did experience closely nothing or not much at all further compared to a regular seasonal flu of medium strength. The whole thing lasted 4 days, and that was it. It wasn't even enough to stop me from doing any daily task whatsoever.

I know only one person that "died" from this that had terminal diseases and would die within 3 months anyway. They made their death into a Co-Vid death to gain the necessary hype and sympathy.

However, the amount of people I know that died of heart attacks and other reasons such as poor personal care [related to the pandemic measures, financial, stress, anxiety] has definitely increased compared to a normal year.

The above reflects my personal experience and past this anyone can make their own mind.

If you block oxygen intake, fluid intake, and good diet etc, you are already on a spiral of dying by default. It's not Co-Vid.
I too know a household of people, after the third dose they all got the virus. The even spread it to my grandmother and she was about to do the third dose.

if you want real news as to whats going on in Australia you can go on telegram and get on the channel WA to Canberra convoy chat or the reignite democracy Australia chat they usually have pretty accurate news videos and pictures judging from the size of the mass out the front of Canberra id say there is either a little under or over a million Australians there currently with 10,000s more on the way every day people are finally having enough of it i will be glad if it collapses early here in Australia i think if we can all keep doing the right to rule our own nations rituals over the next few months and do many this will be a continuing trend around the world with nations dropping their bullshit left right and center.

i will be laughing very hard if the katiyuga went down the drain early 4 years isnt very bad really and its already screwing them much harder then it is us the death toll in isreal is climbing higher every day and most gentiles refuse to get their 2nd and 3rd jab even at threat of no income and loss of their homes it is a very interesting time already i would say a considerable amount of jewish wemon will be unable to give birth at the rate of vaccination per population capita meaning that the next generation for them will fade into nothing
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stop quoting the MSM, it's pure disinformation and it's purely unreliable.
Here's some far more trustworthy new websites instead:
danewpath said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stop quoting the MSM, it's pure disinformation and it's purely unreliable.
Here's some far more trustworthy new websites instead:

There are too many bogus "news" sites are almost as equally unreliable as the mainstream media, if not way worse.

Saying it's "Non mainstream" does not mean "true" by necessity.

Therefore, any factual news are to be used whenever they are found. Many "alternative news" sites are constantly hoaxing no different than CNN and others, and that's part of false information which is a given now in the internet.
Ramses said:

if you want real news as to whats going on in Australia you can go on telegram and get on the channel WA to Canberra convoy chat or the reignite democracy Australia chat they usually have pretty accurate news videos and pictures judging from the size of the mass out the front of Canberra id say there is either a little under or over a million Australians there currently with 10,000s more on the way every day people are finally having enough of it i will be glad if it collapses early here in Australia i think if we can all keep doing the right to rule our own nations rituals over the next few months and do many this will be a continuing trend around the world with nations dropping their bullshit left right and center.

Thank you, i'd like to know of more sources of news like this. There is a major problem with receiving news anymore. For example, on the Canadian situation, were it not for certain sites, many details would remain unknown.

I don't have a Telegram but for News I might consider getting one. Yet, it should be used with care as I am certain that anyone who is subscribed to these pages there in Telegram is more than likely already in some form of a list.
Rand Paul hopes lorry protest in Canada will "clog up cities", and during Super Bowl and in DC

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramses said:

if you want real news as to whats going on in Australia you can go on telegram and get on the channel WA to Canberra convoy chat or the reignite democracy Australia chat they usually have pretty accurate news videos and pictures judging from the size of the mass out the front of Canberra id say there is either a little under or over a million Australians there currently with 10,000s more on the way every day people are finally having enough of it i will be glad if it collapses early here in Australia i think if we can all keep doing the right to rule our own nations rituals over the next few months and do many this will be a continuing trend around the world with nations dropping their bullshit left right and center.

Thank you, i'd like to know of more sources of news like this. There is a major problem with receiving news anymore. For example, on the Canadian situation, were it not for certain sites, many details would remain unknown.

I don't have a Telegram but for News I might consider getting one. Yet, it should be used with care as I am certain that anyone who is subscribed to these pages there in Telegram is more than likely already in some form of a list.

Yeah your not wrong they do however atleast automatically encrypt your messages and posts so unless you call your group after a terrorist organisation they shouldn't pry into it too badly the only downfall of it is really is that you need a phone number to get onto it however since I participate in shall we say "extracurricular activites" (my Uranus placement is in the 12th house what do you expect) a burner phone does do the job just fine.

And yeah I can't believe they tried to deploy snipers and the Australian Fedral Police used LARD style weapon a sound and energy weapon to disperse crowds they are already being prosecuted in the court but still who ever gave the go ahead to fire on civilians will get their ass reemed.

As for myself I have been fortunate or though I suspect the gods have a bit of divine intervention going on I have remained employed throughout almost this entire debarchle they are beginning to now tout about vaccines in my workplace but haven't mandated it yet I'd say at most I have another 3 weeks on employment but I have quite a lot of savings in South Australia and Queensland some services are beginning to drop their mandates I'm hoping they will drop them here in WA also but yeah I guess we will see. They are also dropping mask and qr code bullshit here in Australia by the end of February the next lot of rtrs can't come soon enough.

I wanted to ask you can we do right to rule nations every day and not just rtrs or would this be a waste of man hours I try to do the final rtr ++ every day and the curse Israel as well but yeah I'll swap it for the Right to rule own nations if it will help keep knocking them down
Canada's First-ever martial law was declared because of a bunch of truckers. :lol: :roll:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
antiochus said:
I find it interesting that this all started on the tenth day of the previous schedule.

We have triggered a lot more than this, we have done a great work. More will be upcoming.

Excellent. The last schedule really drove home for me the reality of the magic.
We will see what parliament does on Monday when they vote. The SPD (another liberal party) has voiced concern over the liberal minority governments ability to hurt those who financially contribute to the trucker protest. I am not sure what the reasoning behind that is but thus far the liberal government has not made a good case for enacting the emergency powers, which has not fully surprised me.

This government has from time to time fail in make or break moments, the conservatives which are equally poor performers in elections against them, have chosen to probably vote no on emergency power rather than push for a public committee to see what the liberals are not telling the public. Most of them (public) have taken the stance of giving them the benefit of the doubt at least publicly. Not surprisingly the conservatives(official opposition) will probably not capitalize on this moment. It falls on the NDP to make or break this on Monday. I am not sure how they will vote.

This government is already on thin ice and if it is seen as an overreach then it will likely see Trudeau put of office (he has expired anyway since last election run).
I have to say the situation in Canada is rather heartbreaking with a lot of negativity. Of all Nations, one wouldn't expect this from Canada.

Canada was like this country that gave lessons when it came to peaceful diplomacy and peaceful resolution of internal state matters. Now it has went on full swing. They even threaten regular people with falsehoods labeling them as Terrorists now.

The next Ritual and Schedule will address this topic. We just have to enter into a good date, which it will be soon.

Stay strong for anyone living in Canada. The situation WILL get better.

Pumpkin671 said:
We will see what parliament does on Monday when they vote. The SPD (another liberal party) has voiced concern over the liberal minority governments ability to hurt those who financially contribute to the trucker protest. I am not sure what the reasoning behind that is but thus far the liberal government has not made a good case for enacting the emergency powers, which has not fully surprised me.

This government has from time to time fail in make or break moments, the conservatives which are equally poor performers in elections against them, have chosen to probably vote no on emergency power rather than push for a public committee to see what the liberals are not telling the public. Most of them (public) have taken the stance of giving them the benefit of the doubt at least publicly. Not surprisingly the conservatives(official opposition) will probably not capitalize on this moment. It falls on the NDP to make or break this on Monday. I am not sure how they will vote.

This government is already on thin ice and if it is seen as an overreach then it will likely see Trudeau put of office (he has expired anyway since last election run).

Eagerly awaiting for the news on Monday. Please update us. I hope it will resolve in a positive manner.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have to say the situation in Canada is rather heartbreaking with a lot of negativity. Of all Nations, one wouldn't expect this from Canada.

Canada was like this country that gave lessons when it came to peaceful diplomacy and peaceful resolution of internal state matters. Now it has went on full swing. They even threaten regular people with falsehoods labeling them as Terrorists now.

The next Ritual and Schedule will address this topic. We just have to enter into a good date, which it will be soon.

Stay strong for anyone living in Canada. The situation WILL get better.


Yeah, it's shocking, and the government is not even giving reasons, just talking in Trudeau's usual round-and-round way without actually saying anything concrete.

Some members of parliament have voiced support for the truckers though.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
