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The Normies, Society and Spiritual Development

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Okay so I'm having some problems with understanding here as there are two conflicting issues. One we have the Goyim as stated and then we have normies, who are for the most part unfortunately brainwashed of course by alien bastards known primarily as Jews.

While I can understand keeping a level head, how can one expect that normies can be allies, when the mass majority is under this influence? They aren't Jews but that still doesn't stop their brainwashing they are following under Xianity. It seems rather difficult to deal with when in one sense you have the head honcho Jews and the en masse Normies under Xianity. Kinda putting it light but doesn't it sound like we are fighting two sides besides one? How can you be level headed when dealing with that?

I see that makes sense. But another question. With Xianity causing strife amongst everyone( or rather just Jewish bullshit. My favorite insult of the day), how can one be against and yet not against normies.

Cuckjews( another term I love to give them.) seem to be rather annoying as fuck and they really usually Father Satan. I remember I was seeing a Jew just go in and on about how Jehovah was the greatest. I asked Khepu if we could do something about the so called righteous bastard. He said hold on.

Not long after the Jews was walking away still spouting off. He tripped and hit a bench. I couldn't help it, but I started to laugh. Jew looked downright upset. Like somebody took a shit on his face and ruined his parade. I know that this is not really on topic, but you've got love when cuckjews get fucked up for insulting Father. Now I apologize, and back into topic.

Hail Satan!! Hail Cimeries!! Hail Astaroth!!
Ramier108666 said:
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Okay so I'm having some problems with understanding here as there are two conflicting issues. One we have the Goyim as stated and then we have normies, who are for the most part unfortunately brainwashed of course by alien bastards known primarily as Jews.

While I can understand keeping a level head, how can one expect that normies can be allies, when the mass majority is under this influence? They aren't Jews but that still doesn't stop their brainwashing they are following under Xianity. It seems rather difficult to deal with when in one sense you have the head honcho Jews and the en masse Normies under Xianity. Kinda putting it light but doesn't it sound like we are fighting two sides besides one? How can you be level headed when dealing with that?

I see that makes sense. But another question. With Xianity causing strife amongst everyone( or rather just Jewish bullshit. My favorite insult of the day), how can one be against and yet not against normies.

Cuckjews( another term I love to give them.) seem to be rather annoying as fuck and they really usually Father Satan. I remember I was seeing a Jew just go in and on about how Jehovah was the greatest. I asked Khepu if we could do something about the so called righteous bastard. He said hold on.

Not long after the Jews was walking away still spouting off. He tripped and hit a bench. I couldn't help it, but I started to laugh. Jew looked downright upset. Like somebody took a shit on his face and ruined his parade. I know that this is not really on topic, but you've got love when cuckjews get fucked up for insulting Father. Now I apologize, and back into topic.

Hail Satan!! Hail Cimeries!! Hail Astaroth!!

Dude there are some people who 'believe' into this jewish 'god' thing as much as you believe in toothfairy, they simply do not, and they are idle in the middle. Just average people who are clueless. We are actively educating these people.

These people do not matter, and therefore, are not liable or necessary to receive your hate out of the blue, simply for being random people. You don't have to attack them for being like they are unless they attack you.

There are better targets for this as you describe in your own post, such as the jews.

Our war is not against auntie Matildha on the street which believes toothfairy stole her tooth and names it jesus because she thinks that's the good thing to do. Only if she attacks you tries to thwart you it makes sense to give her a round of crap. If not, she is delusional and your energies should be better going to the jews to take them down, not their decoys.
That's the point to the average person what is the difference between Socialism of North Korea or Germany under Hitler. They don't know. So they need to be informed. Since the cold war anything Socialism has been vilified as Marxism. So when people hear National Socialism they hear Socialism so now what. Well they need a basic education on Socialism. The other side of it a lot of people like Socialism so educating them about National Socialism gets them to like this kind of Socialism.

Hitler put the Marxist leadership in camps for trying to overthrow the elected German government. Most of the Marxists joined the National Socialist Party and many of the Brown Shirts came over from the Marxists.

The fact is the term Normie is still used in the context it was created in by the Church of the sub genius it has not changed. Its a fat guy in a fur suit marching next to Kike Enoch in a White Sharia march lead by Buttercup Dew.

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
And I have witnessed a few countries use the term 'Socialism' and 'Socialism' in their policies for decades, even multitudes of manifested states, based on the infinite dubiousness of the very term to justify whatever, on it's own to turn in what is effectively into the same argument as Democratic as the Democratic of North Korea is. Socialist parties like the Socialist Party of Germany Today that was nuked into non existence by Hitler, for example, and has existed for around a hundred years. People ending up in recreation centers for those 'class soldiers'.

A "Socialist Hitler" putting "Socialists" in the camps by the dozens, however, a "Socialist" still, and not doing a lot of the "Socialist" things by the "Socialist book", ie, putting them in the same basket as corrosive jews. The same SDP that today condemns him of all the crimes he did against the 'worker class socialism'.

Strange things, right, these terms, aren't they? Especially these strange ones which one pretends to overlook while judging random memes.

As to what has failed to be explained and what not just leave it to the readers, I would presume out of which, you're the only one complaining about the 60's and the SubGenius era or whatever.
Instead of Buttercup Dew anti-normie nationalism. We need to embrace the superior Clown Culture of Juggalo nationalism we will call ourselves "Ninja" and after all replies use the term of "Whoop Whoop". Clown struggle will replace class struggle and after our Clown Culture Kampf all the haters will be down with the Clowns.

Whoop Whoop Juggalo
Sinistra said:
Normie is easy to delineate they are the people who believe in holohoax, in muh liberalism, in universalism, that nazi means evil, that races don't exist etc all this kind of shit. Anyone believing in these programs while being otherwise generally civilized beings is a normie. Anyone acting like a walking biohazard, a psychopathe, or a savage is a goyim. The very large majority of mudslimes are goyim for instance, some are normies however.. the few who don't pray at all or really care and have secular values and try to act like decent people. In xtianity the proportion of normies is higher then for pisslam because there are quite a bunch of deist types who don't go to church never read a bible and simply follow a few random "feel good" verses they heard from others. Like they have been baptised as a child and their parents were baptised as children and none really cares about religion it's just a mild cultural disease in their case. Buddhism for instance, while a spiritual waste, it's full of normiesnot of goyim because they don't really cause any harm except to themselves. In the left/social marxist types, the goyim are all the ones involved in retarded activism such as pro rapefugee and pro pedophilia. And all the freak SJW types like the ugly whale that appears on all memes about sjws. And also all the violent domestic terrorist types like antifa. The others are normies.

When does a normie become a gentile ? I personally put the bar to realizing jews are a race (mandatory) and either knowing all jews working together for their common interest OR knowing about the holo-hoax OR knowing xtianity and pisslam serve jewish interests (that they all serve the same side or g_d would work as well). But being goyim prevents from being gentiles, thus the militant xtians who want leviticus style laws can't be gentiles even if they know about jews being a race and about the holoax.

thanks for clearing that up. so a xian can be classifed as either a normie or goyim and same goes for the other followers of other religions?
animeman666 said:
thanks for clearing that up. so a xian can be classified as either a normie or goyim and same goes for the other followers of other religions?
I'm not writing a fucking encyclopedia I simply tried to gave a framework that people can use. Even normies are not some innocent holy beings or anything like that, many take pleasure in the system or have been deriving a lot of benefits from collaborating with it. One example is the baby boomer generation in general they simply accepted bribed as a whole to turn the eye while the jews were ruining the world.

I don't personally even believe in this humanitarian MYTH that there are "innocent" humans note even children are often reincarnated and were goyim already before. And even if they aren't well anyone who grew up along subhuman children will understand children can be as evil and sadistic as people of any other age. And that they often get a slap on the wrist at most and can continue their rampage while an adult would have been thrown in jail for the same behaviours.

Most of the people into enemy religions are definitely goyim and are our enemies, because they are actively helping the enemy. So there is no point showing misguided mercy to any of them. But we must focus fire on the enemy captains who are the jews because they keep the jewtrix ship running. There is no point attacking randoms without a specific reason.

Another thing is the category I defined as "normies", in Nazi Germany they filled the army, worked in the fields and the factories etc. They were definitely useful once the system was going in a Satanic direction. Many were also deluded goyim in various ways before Nazis came to power. Even some who are the worst kind of goyim and are full subhuman trash inside.. they were put to work (be it forced or not). But it was because of the dire circumstances of the war not because they have a place in any clean gentile society.
I am a Normie which means since you want to be anti-normie that means you guys can stand way over there with the fat M'lady guy in the Fur suit that likes bestiality, Roosh the date rape guy, Kike Enoch and his sperg crew of White Sharia MGTOW's who demand the right to rape all White Women, the Bronies with their debate on classy clopping and that fat guy who wants to hump the entire third world. You know the people who bitch about Normies and Normie is the term from their subculture which they use as an insult in their sub culture to anyone not like them. Better save up your shekels for your Fur suit. How many of you guys are going to change your name to "Buttercup Dew" as you bro-hoof your way to Brony con.

Have fun with that. Thank goodness I am a Normie.
We have talked about climbing the financial ladder and getting into seats of power. What about the social ladder? If a SS gets involved in today's social life by getting "famous" or just well known in a sub-culture of your liking but first and foremost puts their Spritual advancements and doing the RTRs first in a COMPLETLY secretive way then the others stuff around this, is this bad in any way?

I understand and others should too that It's important to never lose yourself into degeneracy but a member can dumb things down for the people who are without and slowly but surely lead them towards the right path. The more influence or higher social status you have in these circles then the more people who will listen to you. You can lead the normal people for the better of this world. Like Hitler or those working under Him did in their society. The best example I can give for this. Even the beautiful Aryan soldier men were being being flaunted to a point back then.

 For someone who can not really just go around irl trying to wake up full white people because of being mixed/ latino going this other way might be the best way to wake up some of the people who look like me or at least lead them away from becoming a full blown goyim. Because of right now the only way I do my part, socially, for the white race besides a few exceptions irl is thru anonymity on the internet. I've actually  have people who hate me now because of my pro white stance even without going full Nazi. I don't mind the loner thing as it's in my nature to be like this and  a lot times when I was out with people I just felt like chilling on my own. This is a just an idea I had recently because of the discussions of society lately. Isolation feels nice to me but I have noticed I enjoy being social irl from time to time .

I myself don't want to be instagramy or utube famous since I know I would find it tedious to keep up with uploads or whatever but using these things as a tool to connect with people you're trying to lead towards the correct way is sounding like a good idea and all the while you're engaging and showing off a hobby you enjoy irl. My advice to anyone who wants to do the social media thing is to NEVER upload pictures that have to with NS or SS or speak about it as the enemy keeps an eye out on everyone. You just have to know how to play the game, so to say.

The only site I don't trust even to do normal everyday things is jewbook as i heard they somehow track the sites you visit. I'm hoping none of these sites go into your phone's or computer's gallery and looks thru things not uploaded on their site. This would be irrational to believe right?... :s

Like I said, of course to stay away from degeneracy and not getting sucked into doing degenerate things like getting wasted and doing drugs etc. I don't want to waste time thinking I can do change thru this way and it doesn't work, so I thought I should ask.
hailourtruegod said:
We have talked about climbing the financial ladder and getting into seats of power. What about the social ladder? If a SS gets involved in today's social life by getting "famous" or just well known in a sub-culture of your liking but first and foremost puts their Spritual advancements and doing the RTRs first in a COMPLETLY secretive way then the others stuff around this, is this bad in any way?

I understand and others should too that It's important to never lose yourself into degeneracy but a member can dumb things down for the people who are without and slowly but surely lead them towards the right path. The more influence or higher social status you have in these circles then the more people who will listen to you. You can lead the normal people for the better of this world. Like Hitler or those working under Him did in their society. The best example I can give for this. Even the beautiful Aryan soldier men were being being flaunted to a point back then.

 For someone who can not really just go around irl trying to wake up full white people because of being mixed/ latino going this other way might be the best way to wake up some of the people who look like me or at least lead them away from becoming a full blown goyim. Because of right now the only way I do my part, socially, for the white race besides a few exceptions irl is thru anonymity on the internet. I've actually  have people who hate me now because of my pro white stance even without going full Nazi. I don't mind the loner thing as it's in my nature to be like this and  a lot times when I was out with people I just felt like chilling on my own. This is a just an idea I had recently because of the discussions of society lately. Isolation feels nice to me but I have noticed I enjoy being social irl from time to time .

I myself don't want to be instagramy or utube famous since I know I would find it tedious to keep up with uploads or whatever but using these things as a tool to connect with people you're trying to lead towards the correct way is sounding like a good idea and all the while you're engaging and showing off a hobby you enjoy irl. My advice to anyone who wants to do the social media thing is to NEVER upload pictures that have to with NS or SS or speak about it as the enemy keeps an eye out on everyone. You just have to know how to play the game, so to say.

The only site I don't trust even to do normal everyday things is jewbook as i heard they somehow track the sites you visit. I'm hoping none of these sites go into your phone's or computer's gallery and looks thru things not uploaded on their site. This would be irrational to believe right?... :s

Like I said, of course to stay away from degeneracy and not getting sucked into doing degenerate things like getting wasted and doing drugs etc. I don't want to waste time thinking I can do change thru this way and it doesn't work, so I thought I should ask.

I'll answer you on an upcoming sermon on this.
hailourtruegod said:
We have talked about climbing the financial ladder and getting into seats of power. What about the social ladder? If a SS gets involved in today's social life by getting "famous" or just well known in a sub-culture of your liking but first and foremost puts their Spritual advancements and doing the RTRs first in a COMPLETLY secretive way then the others stuff around this, is this bad in any way?

I understand and others should too that It's important to never lose yourself into degeneracy but a member can dumb things down for the people who are without and slowly but surely lead them towards the right path. The more influence or higher social status you have in these circles then the more people who will listen to you. You can lead the normal people for the better of this world. Like Hitler or those working under Him did in their society. The best example I can give for this. Even the beautiful Aryan soldier men were being being flaunted to a point back then.

 For someone who can not really just go around irl trying to wake up full white people because of being mixed/ latino going this other way might be the best way to wake up some of the people who look like me or at least lead them away from becoming a full blown goyim. Because of right now the only way I do my part, socially, for the white race besides a few exceptions irl is thru anonymity on the internet. I've actually  have people who hate me now because of my pro white stance even without going full Nazi. I don't mind the loner thing as it's in my nature to be like this and  a lot times when I was out with people I just felt like chilling on my own. This is a just an idea I had recently because of the discussions of society lately. Isolation feels nice to me but I have noticed I enjoy being social irl from time to time .

I myself don't want to be instagramy or utube famous since I know I would find it tedious to keep up with uploads or whatever but using these things as a tool to connect with people you're trying to lead towards the correct way is sounding like a good idea and all the while you're engaging and showing off a hobby you enjoy irl. My advice to anyone who wants to do the social media thing is to NEVER upload pictures that have to with NS or SS or speak about it as the enemy keeps an eye out on everyone. You just have to know how to play the game, so to say.

The only site I don't trust even to do normal everyday things is jewbook as i heard they somehow track the sites you visit. I'm hoping none of these sites go into your phone's or computer's gallery and looks thru things not uploaded on their site. This would be irrational to believe right?... :s

Like I said, of course to stay away from degeneracy and not getting sucked into doing degenerate things like getting wasted and doing drugs etc. I don't want to waste time thinking I can do change thru this way and it doesn't work, so I thought I should ask.

In today's world, being a publicly known Spiritual Satanist while climbing in influence is an assured way of getting a bullet through the skull. My advice to anyone trying to climb is to first state your intentions so as to not lose yourself. If someone finds they are fit for this they should SERIOUSLY consider a full proof alibi.

As such on thing I can think of is having a solid memory for memorizing RTR's and mantras and spiritual routines. Placing these as a top priority EVERYDAY. Then of course for an alibi and way of masking this(The higher one goes in the social ladder the more attention and the more one has eyes looking their way), the best one I can think of is to claim one is a full practitioner of Hinduism and ancient vedic teachings. As thus one eliminates suspicions especially if they have worked on the covers ups and explanations.

To limit and reduce complications one should really state what they want to achieve out of this and ultimately ask the Gods and Satan if it is worthwhile to pursue such a task. Ideally the only reason I can think of wanting to attain this is solely for warfare purposes. Again this is where written intentions and statements on the reason why one is embarking on this task will help guide him/her to see its completion. Above all Satan and the Gods are needed for guidance if one would wish to proceed in the first place.
Braun666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
We have talked about climbing the financial ladder and getting into seats of power. What about the social ladder? If a SS gets involved in today's social life by getting "famous" or just well known in a sub-culture of your liking but first and foremost puts their Spritual advancements and doing the RTRs first in a COMPLETLY secretive way then the others stuff around this, is this bad in any way?

I understand and others should too that It's important to never lose yourself into degeneracy but a member can dumb things down for the people who are without and slowly but surely lead them towards the right path. The more influence or higher social status you have in these circles then the more people who will listen to you. You can lead the normal people for the better of this world. Like Hitler or those working under Him did in their society. The best example I can give for this. Even the beautiful Aryan soldier men were being being flaunted to a point back then.

 For someone who can not really just go around irl trying to wake up full white people because of being mixed/ latino going this other way might be the best way to wake up some of the people who look like me or at least lead them away from becoming a full blown goyim. Because of right now the only way I do my part, socially, for the white race besides a few exceptions irl is thru anonymity on the internet. I've actually  have people who hate me now because of my pro white stance even without going full Nazi. I don't mind the loner thing as it's in my nature to be like this and  a lot times when I was out with people I just felt like chilling on my own. This is a just an idea I had recently because of the discussions of society lately. Isolation feels nice to me but I have noticed I enjoy being social irl from time to time .

I myself don't want to be instagramy or utube famous since I know I would find it tedious to keep up with uploads or whatever but using these things as a tool to connect with people you're trying to lead towards the correct way is sounding like a good idea and all the while you're engaging and showing off a hobby you enjoy irl. My advice to anyone who wants to do the social media thing is to NEVER upload pictures that have to with NS or SS or speak about it as the enemy keeps an eye out on everyone. You just have to know how to play the game, so to say.

The only site I don't trust even to do normal everyday things is jewbook as i heard they somehow track the sites you visit. I'm hoping none of these sites go into your phone's or computer's gallery and looks thru things not uploaded on their site. This would be irrational to believe right?... :s

Like I said, of course to stay away from degeneracy and not getting sucked into doing degenerate things like getting wasted and doing drugs etc. I don't want to waste time thinking I can do change thru this way and it doesn't work, so I thought I should ask.

In today's world, being a publicly known Spiritual Satanist while climbing in influence is an assured way of getting a bullet through the skull. My advice to anyone trying to climb is to first state your intentions so as to not lose yourself. If someone finds they are fit for this they should SERIOUSLY consider a full proof alibi.

As such on thing I can think of is having a solid memory for memorizing RTR's and mantras and spiritual routines. Placing these as a top priority EVERYDAY. Then of course for an alibi and way of masking this(The higher one goes in the social ladder the more attention and the more one has eyes looking their way), the best one I can think of is to claim one is a full practitioner of Hinduism and ancient vedic teachings. As thus one eliminates suspicions especially if they have worked on the covers ups and explanations.

To limit and reduce complications one should really state what they want to achieve out of this and ultimately ask the Gods and Satan if it is worthwhile to pursue such a task. Ideally the only reason I can think of wanting to attain this is solely for warfare purposes. Again this is where written intentions and statements on the reason why one is embarking on this task will help guide him/her to see its completion. Above all Satan and the Gods are needed for guidance if one would wish to proceed in the first place.

Idk if you were responding to me or adding to what I said but it really seems like you didn't even read what I wrote if you were directly speaking to me. even the first part of my reply I wrote "but first and foremost puts their Spritual advancements and doing the RTRs first in a COMPLETLY secretive way". So idk why you wrote that first part unless you were just adding to my reply for general purposes. Then that would make sense. I also stated as to why this could or would be useful for our side as well so again for your response to be relevant it would have to be just adding to my response and not actually telling me directly. Regardless everything you said is true and has a point. I just am a bit confused if this was directed to me or not.

The part you said about acting like you are just following the Hindu religion is a good idea and yes this is probably something that would be best to have guidance on. It would be bad to get lost into this idea.

It's just a thought I've been having. It's nothing urgent anyways.
HP Mageson666 said:
I don't believe "Normies" exist. In society people are cautious about letting down their public persona's for different fears and reasons. And this public persona follows the social standard created by media and schools this is what is the base line acceptable public discourse. However when you really get to know someone and they feel comfortable to take down the walls its a different story as to what they actually think, believe and feel about things.

This is why people look so stupid when they go on about all the "Chads" and "Staceys" of the world, and how everybody is just copies of each other. Because that's how you'd see the world if you were just straight up shallow.

What bugs me is if someone says something even slightly out of the ordinary for them, then others will be like "Hey, that person's wearing a mask, it's a persona!"... as if we all aren't?

But that's the big problem, ain't it.... that since some folks have never expressed the person behind the mask, they eventually became the mask. Or at least, they tried. Which is strange, because nothing can truly hide the fact that people are just people and typically living very average lives. But the state of us all wearing personas shows very clearly how diverse our thoughts and minds actually are.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
