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THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks so much: JG ApolloAbove and HP HoodedCobra666!
I am very glad that we will have new JoS Guardians :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Absolutely beautiful. This will last a nice impression on new visitors.
Many thanks to everyone who worked hard on this.
May the Gods Bless you all with love and prosperity for eternity.

Hail Satan!
Shiva666 said:
Ancient Africa said:
It's nice i like it but i like the old one more plus don't take this offensive but why are you guys not working on fixing all the broken links on the old site and in the JoS library.

Both items are important. There has been effort put into fixing broken links in the past. Which links are you referring to, exactly?

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476851 time=1702367815 user_id=57]

I don't know why i must be the one to point this out I'm not even important. I feel JoS should have fixed this a long time ago. All of Adolf Hilter's speechless are gone and a lot of other links like the satanic arts and stuff. Also i see a lot of SS share beautiful poems and stuff but it's added there. Its like the growth stopped when HPS Maxine left the site should of kept growing. For some reason i feel it is my fault because i was a coward and decided to stick my head i ln the sand when all hell broke loose. So what I'm asking is please expand on those sites that HPS Maxine left for us for example the movie section.Why don't we get people who like watching movies and find good movies for SS to watch and share it there

I feel there is nothing wrong with the old site and to honest without meaning any disrespect i don't see the point of changing JoS original web page infact it make me upset in a way but not that I'm against the new one it's just not making any sense to me to change to JoS original site it was extremely perfect the way it was

Also i have found a lot of links on JoS library that don't work. I'm thinking that if i was a ministry member this was the first thing i would check ALL of the links to make sure it works.

I shared a few links expecting they work then to find out later they don't for example the protocols of the learned elders of Zion. Go check the links some are not even the whole book and the others don't work.
This is really cool! I was afraid it would some kind of super slow crap like the new Jos Rituals site, but no, this is great! It's speedy and decorative. I love it! :D

There's few little glitchy things, like text wrapping when you hover or the Bitcoin icon, but I know you can smooth those out.

Thanks JG Apollo Above and all others involved!!!
Looks great, but heads up I usually access the site through tor and im assuming so do some other members and the links don't work properly when using the tor browser, no big deal but just a heads up.
if its for security reason I fully understand and will just use a regular VPN instead.
This is very great from many viewpoints.
1. It's easier to memories which section is which, as you don't have to read anything, you recognize it from the picture.
2. It gives more room for more sections
3. Looks cool

I wish the pages would be updated with current knowledge. Maybe that would be the most important, more important than visuals.
Can someone make a layout for printing the new url with qr code like this?


It would be most useful.
Thank you for this! It looks great, i kinda feel nostalgic of the old design but walking to the future with new ideas is the way of improving, i believe it will be easier for new people to understand the page this way.

Hail Satan!
Aquarius said:
Aquarius said:
It's completely broken for me, unfortunately.
It works for me now, it didn't when I posted. Thought it was because I have a little phone.

I find it amazing, it gives me a super cozy feeling.

For me most picture links are broken, always get a 404 error message.
Good job to everyone who made this beautiful website. Im sure Satan and the Gods are proud of you.

Hail Satan
My only complaint is that each scroll shouldn’t make its own link so that you have to press back bunch of time to go back. Other than that, it looks nice
Thank you all for the heartwarming comments, very much needed. Please post all positive comments and reviews.

Also, post negative reviews if needed. Bear in mind in any criticism that we are currently [even right now as I type this] we are working on the site for:

1. Content updates and new integrations of topics
2. Coding errors/Blank pages
3. Redesigning every page to look beautiful and presentable

Therefore, we will see many of these errors and any reported will be fixed as well.
Thank you very much HP Hooded Cobra and JG ApolloAbove for the beautiful and elegant new look. The main page really deserved it. We need to look modern and presentable. Not that the old page was bad, but I personally found the page being divided between categories on the left and the disclaimers on the right to be really distracting, I am glad that is now changed.

Hail Satan!
Ancient Africa said:
I don't know why i must be the one to point this out I'm not even important. I feel JoS should have fixed this a long time ago. All of Adolf Hilter's speechless are gone and a lot of other links like the satanic arts and stuff. Also i see a lot of SS share beautiful poems and stuff but it's added there. Its like the growth stopped when HPS Maxine left the site should of kept growing. For some reason i feel it is my fault because i was a coward and decided to stick my head i ln the sand when all hell broke loose. So what I'm asking is please expand on those sites that HPS Maxine left for us for example the movie section.Why don't we get people who like watching movies and find good movies for SS to watch and share it there

I feel there is nothing wrong with the old site and to honest without meaning any disrespect i don't see the point of changing JoS original web page infact it make me upset in a way but not that I'm against the new one it's just not making any sense to me to change to JoS original site it was extremely perfect the way it was

Also i have found a lot of links on JoS library that don't work. I'm thinking that if i was a ministry member this was the first thing i would check ALL of the links to make sure it works.

I shared a few links expecting they work then to find out later they don't for example the protocols of the learned elders of Zion. Go check the links some are not even the whole book and the others don't work.

Everyone here knows what you are, and why you make such statements on this important date.

They are false, and everyone knows this. Your attempt to make it look otherwise is just pathetic.

I checked every single link personally, and none is broken. There are only a few, and that's only because the author turned out to be a traitor. There is no broken link about any art in the Library, no broken link about any speech, and no broken links regarding "stuff".

Then, you try to diverge from your point and start ranting about other irrelevant matters, trying to make it seem like there's a problem in the JoS, where none exists. We are growing steadfastly, and you and your race know it. We are expanding in every possible direction, and everyone here is aware of this. You can write all you want, trying to lie about it, but it's pointless at this time. Even new members who join today and read your comment will just laugh at your unfortunate attempt to denigrate the massive growth of the JoS.

For some reason i feel it is my fault because i was a coward and decided to stick my head i ln the sand when all hell broke loose.

None of what you falsely claim was or is your fault because you are what you are, and thus, irrelevant to us Gentiles, nothing that you say or do could ever stop us. And you know this.

The update of the site is a necessary change, as the JoS is eternal and must adapt to new times. Much more growth and expansion will come in all areas of life, whether you like it or not, and whether you lie about circumstances or not.
This is very important move , it Shows a decent picture of us, the art and pictures is good, the older site will always be deep in my memories after all it's the webpage that i entered 10 years ago and changed my life forever ♾️

Thanks to all of you who partakers in this.

I bet that HP Maxin would like it too.

Last thing congratulations to Apolloabove for the promotion, if you make "something" to us so we can download the whole JOS , this will be great, many of us need this for different reasons thank you.

Fuchs said:
Aquarius said:
Aquarius said:
It's completely broken for me, unfortunately.
It works for me now, it didn't when I posted. Thought it was because I have a little phone.

I find it amazing, it gives me a super cozy feeling.

For me most picture links are broken, always get a 404 error message.

Now all links work, thanks.
Wow.. that's a great look! It's much more attractive and attention grabbing. It should keep even the sceptic normie sheep wanting to browse some before looking away.
Great job! :D

Looks good, looking forward for the addition of more advanced material,
which is okay to be shared for the public.

Επιλέχθηκαν τόσο όμορφες αρχαιοελληνικές εικόνες,
μου αρέσουν αυτές των αρχαίων μαχών.

Λίγο παραπάνω άγγιγμα ανατολικού ή αιγυπτιακού σατανισμού δεν θα με ενοχλούσε,
και λίγο πιο ανοιχτά και ελκυστικά χρώματα, εκτός από τα σκούρα.
Λίγο λευκό, χρυσό, πράσινο και κάποιοι μαιάνδροι, θα του έδιναν μια κομψή πινελιά.
Fuchs said:
Aquarius said:
Aquarius said:
It's completely broken for me, unfortunately.
It works for me now, it didn't when I posted. Thought it was because I have a little phone.

I find it amazing, it gives me a super cozy feeling.

For me most picture links are broken, always get a 404 error message.
Try deleting your cookies and cache.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I checked the website on my phone, and I must say, the pictures are nice, but 2 pictures with link (subsection) take up the whole page on my phone.

Something more phone friendly would be very helpful.

... And maybe it is just me but nowadays a lot of updates tend to not be as much 'user friendly' as that they claim to be.. (hidden settings, big bars that take up loads of the screen, etc etc) I am speaking here about other apps in general, mostly windows or microsoft office related ...
Some things probably changed since the last time I checked because I have been running on an older system for a while because of this..
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476851 time=1702367815 user_id=57]
This is exciting. At first I wasn't so sure about updating the original homepage of JoS, as like many older members I have it permanently memorized, but this looks really good. It does not take away from the original character, and the pictures are beautiful.

It is all very clear and well organized. Thank you JG ApolloAbove for your hard work on this, and HP HoodedCobra.

I remember how HPS Maxine made it so there was a version where people could access it without graphics issues even on older phones or with poorer connections. There were versions where people could get the pages with greater ease and print them easier as a result. It would be helpful to keep that in mind as it makes a big difference to alot of people (especially those younger starting out) in the end.
The main page looks awesome. It made my day. I'm soo excited for the upcoming updates.
Hail satan
The new outlook is truly beautiful! Although I kind of miss the introductory text on the front page, it is nonetheless intriguing and nice to look at (I guess I am just being nostalgic). It is easy to navigate through the pages, which is excellent! I love the glow up of the fonts when I point at one of the categories :)

All in all, excellent work!
I love the new design. It will certainly bring in more people and it will make a great impression. I thank everyone for all of their hard work, it paid off!
Aquarius said:
Fuchs said:
Aquarius said:
It works for me now, it didn't when I posted. Thought it was because I have a little phone.

I find it amazing, it gives me a super cozy feeling.

For me most picture links are broken, always get a 404 error message.
Try deleting your cookies and cache.

Did neither, suddenly it did work.
= D

The new JoS website layout is AMAZING 😍
Truly a step ahead from previously.
I was able to discover a new page about yoga. Looking forward to looking around.

This (website) is a great example of advancing over time. Look at how far we've come as a family & as children of the Gods.

Blessed be all of the family of Satan, The Joy of Satan.
Together, we grow as individuals.

I am so grateful for the Gods.

" I remain overwhelmingly an optimist & level headed. I cannot be pessimistic when I know the existence of the Gods to be valid."
quote from HPHC,
sermon titled "How To Remain Positive as a Spiritual Satanist",
Sat. Mar 05, 2022 6:53pm 🥰
The new site is beautiful.
I know various spots need updates and I was wondering if a thread should be started dedicated wholly and soley for Testimonials and giving thanks. That way when that section gets it's chance to be updated you have plenty of material to use.

We all know tons of idiots that want to sing the praises of god so why not give the true God Father Satan his due credit and proper praise? We all know that such praise hasn't been heard in this world for such a long time.

Hail Father Satan
Wow! Thank you to the individuals who worked on this. It looks great on mobile. This is a really huge step towards sharing our knowledge with potential allies. I personally will miss the geocities/angelfire vibe of the main page aesthetic, but when considering the goal of bringing new awareness to the site, this was an overdue evolution.

In terms of expanding JoS, has any consideration been given to creating a presence on social media platforms, specifically Telegram? I think a group on there would help spread our message to new eyes. I've encountered likemindedness in some corners, and I think there is definitely some potential on there. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there.

Regardless, well done on progress so far and here's to even more as time moves forward! :)
I like very much the pagan artworks. The new layout is very good because the images make immediately clear a relation between the pagan religion and Satanism. In this way people would be more interested in reading our content, avoiding a reaction based on mental programming.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
