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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
The main reason I support the idea of an Empire or a gentile version of globalism is due to the opportunities it presents for humanity. As presented in the previous volume, when you get to certain achievements, you start focusing on the next goals and missions. Instead of focusing endlessly on security, humanity can focus on scientific research, spirituality and transforming the human body. An empire, if ruled by wise and responsible leaders, can grant a great degree of security and comfort in terms of resources, commerce, defensive abilities, diplomacy, travel and so on.

A global empire in the context of modern-day technology, communication and fast transportation capabilities, if managed without any enemy rule or influence, would almost completely invalidate the need for wars and conflict for the purpose of gaining resources, land and large geographical logistical capabilities.

Many people, including some aspiring members from the Joy of Satan, would see White Supremacy as the enemy’s definition of it and not realize that the comfort we have right now, including the opportunity we all had to join our community is due to the Western Empire. Although mostly controlled by the Jew at this point, the work and effort put in creating, maintaining and educating our Western societies was achieved by white people and further outsourced to other external groups. A country who is constantly worrying about its border security, relations with neighbors and trade contracts will never be able to focus on energy research or communication and transportation technology. That requires time, resources, money and a certain solid degree of peace and comfort.

This is why as long as we still have this whole system structured with the institutions and organizations intact, I would rather advocate for taking those back from the enemy and having the empire for ourselves, rather than dismantling the institutions and alliances and plunging the world back into 19th and 20th century type of conflicts. Segregationists are controlled opposition. Even if we would win against the enemy through massive conflicts and enormous human casualties, we would still have to rebuild all the former type of alliances from scratch. The areas which we would call “third world countries” are not what they used to be during the former colonial times, mainly dues to the enemy’s control over the West and empires such as the USSR that have pumped heavy military technology in countries such as Iran or North Korea.

It's true that control and rulers change periodically in history. I see what some people mean by ruling one's own race, this is why in the White Supremacy chapter of “Conclusions before the great storm” I am making the difference between foreigners on our land and us on foreign lands. There are aspects of logistics, military and resources when it comes to empires that extend past the borders of their own race. This is why most systems have a senate where we debate such decisions and strategies.

For example, let's say in either the near or distant future, Sudan is under our control instead of the enemy and that we have secured most of the white nations creating the Western Empire. Corporations and state relations are affiliated with the US and Europe, but race and their culture and way of life is respected to the fullest. Some moral debates spring through the world about the "evil west and whites being occupiers" and that each country should have no external or corporate influence over their government. We take our corporations, embassies and maybe troops out of there, then China comes in. They do not bother their minds with such matters, they import their resources for cheap prices, resources that we struggle to produce at decent prices on our soil. Sudan is now under Chinese puppet control so imports towards Europe are either halted or resumed at unnaturally high prices. Also, a military air base is placed there along with some ICBMs. Debate changes subject to whether all those moral concerns were worth it or not and we start recognizing the seed of an old enemy's thinking that made us weak on this decision.

Then, the Western coalition draws out of the Middle east for the same considerations. Russia comes in and monopolizes 50% of the Earth's energy through Lukoil and Gazprom. Then puts ICBMs and air bases at the border of our empire in striking grange of military bases and oil facilities in Eastern Europe. Europe then, has a choice to either go 80% on green energy and fail due to the lack of sustainability or buy Russian oil and gas at the expense of demands of control over some of our institutions. Bribery and blackmail work fantastically.
When managing a foreign area, to maintain proper control, one must earn the locals' trust and develop their communities rather than suppress them as the enemy does. Ceding land can also be fatal in terms of resources, commerce and military whether there is an enemy or an enemy might appear in time. As an Eastern European, I do not mind that foreign stronger European powers have a strong degree of control over our government, as long as they do not cause open immigration policies, heavy tax evasion or non-profitable trade agreements. As long as trade is fair and politics are for both our benefits, I welcome such forms of collaboration. Without this, we would not have such cheap opportunities to travel of access to brands such as Volkswagen, Renault and so on. One must be wise enough to recognize the benefits of a fair collaboration.
Those are subjects that must be meditated on with great care.

The keys are balance and wisdom. An empire can turn into a force of evil, not only due to an infiltrator with subversive skills that sabotages the fabric of society, but also due to incompetence, corruption, stupidity and a lack of consideration. One must have a vision and maintain it.

The idea is that as long as a major achievement or breakthrough takes place in a certain part of the Empire, it can be later, after it has been tested successfully, be exported and implemented throughout the Empire. This is why in certain areas of the world, societies have improved, despite all the hypocritical whining about colonialism and foreign control. The technology and medical products we have exported and the systems we have outsourced, have made the death rate in areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa, decrease by a lot. Now families can focus on raising, educating and loving their children instead of burying half or more of them because of lethal diseases. The problem is that if technology or medical advancements such as those are ahead of human advancement it may have repercussions such as a dangerous boom in population. This happens due to poor demographical management and a total lack of education and natural understanding. It is the opposite of the even more dangerous phenomenon which is taking place in the Western societies, which is the decrease in the white birth rates, obviously pushed by the enemy in order to genetically mix us and replace us.

In this volume I am talking about achieving the Global White Empire and for what purposes, but in the future one, I will be elaborating on how to maintain it after we have achieved and secured it as winning a title in sports is hard, but keeping the title in the next competition can be way more challenging. When comfort kicks in after a certain period of time, people may become lazy and take the things they have for granted. If people are constantly challenged and continuously work to advance both themselves and their community, this will keep the instinct of preservation going and not erase all aspects of civic duty and loyalty. This is why another correlation can be made between physical fitness and the need for achievement through work. Mind and muscle combined trigger all growth aspects about ourselves as once you get a certain taste for victory, you will not want to fall back into the comfort zone as much as you try.

Here, I also wish to elaborate a bit and draw some conclusions after I have been on board with some Joy of Satan projects such as the donations system and writing for the community for over a year.

Some members from the forums may remember I was very skeptical at one point. Such uncertainties for many of us may come after living for a long time in environments with scammers and liars. You can become so closed that you sometimes fail to recognize the good fruit and benefits of real friendship. In my case there were such case where I even doubted very close relatives because of some episodes I had during my life experience. It also has to do with the maturity of the mind and soul which comes with experience and age, both being major factors.

The unexpected element of taking part into the donations system, even before the rewarding system came, is that it makes one feel more part of the movement and way more involved. In my case, it made me think about all the aspects relating to the enemy versus our personal development plus the aid we give to others in order to advance and got on board with writing "Conclusions before the great storm" which I hope can be used to attract people of a higher intellectual caliber with integrity more towards our side. Many of the PDF's we have received from Commander Cobra made me contemplate further towards things that could be tied to solutions to our problems and ways to advance and protect ourselves and our close ones. For me personally, such simple and logical writings have made me put some meditations and runic works in a better and more organized way. The result is that the whole 2023 year has been a major breakthrough for me, that came in gradual steps. I started writing the book in January at the beginning of the year while in parallel, I was doing some intense physical home training. I was triggered by this whole feeling of being deeper involved and also watching several films, videos and materials about ancient Greek and Roman warriors. At that time, I was also listening to a YouTube composer (Sebastien Angel Epic Music Composer) which has some very powerful and aggressive soundtracks about Greek, Egyptian and Norse Gods and warriors. Some of the runic works I was engaging in, combined with the PDF guides have made me get several results like a hair thickening and abundance working as well as a money working which I have been doing the whole year, not necessarily daily, but whenever I had the time and mood. The first 40 days I did it continuously in order to get that good old energetic momentum, after that it can be done from time to time. It worked as I gained a promotion and raise plus a context in which the work got overall easier. This year, I also married my wife and she got a promotion and raise as well. Energy affects those closest to the subject. Here there is also a direct correlation with the ones getting involved more into a movement. Basically, you draw, send and exchange energy with the group or movement in which you are in. It is not only a reward in the algorithmic or rational sense that we often perceive, but also like a scientific phenomenon relating to magnetism and the law of attraction. The best and unexpected thing about getting involved in such a movement is that it triggers and event after event type of advancement as one gets a taste for success and solving personal or general problems. It is almost as if the previous event is the cause for the next event or consequence. One can further contemplate of the benefits of community over selfish individualism and make the correlation with the notion of “empire” or “alliance” and perceive the mutual benefits.

I have started doing some medical investigations on some of the problems I had with the respiratory system (ex: nose turbinates obstruction reduction) which were a great success for meditation, physical training and the overall good disposition and capacity to focus. This is why after the first medical success I resumed going to the gym in a way that I never did before, plus had the opportunity to get some help and guidance from a friend who really knows how to be a coach and make sure I make every lifting move the optimal way. The only regret I may have, is not doing it sooner.

Also, the Commander's personal coaching has given me some great insights about how to take advantage of certain astrological aspects as well actions relating to the medical issues I am continuing to investigate and solve one by one. I am honored and grateful for Commander Cobra’s guidance that has pushed me do grow in the year 2023 more that I could have imagined possible! High Priestess Lydia’s medical writings about canker sores, hair and scalp health have been of great value, which is why I am grateful for the forums and community.

Me and my wife have even managed to solve a medical issue her grandmother had with the eyesight so this is another chain reaction of the energy and momentum which were created. All this period with challenges has further made me develop my day-to-day skills and traits as a man even further in areas such as plumbing, car mechanics, software programming and communication, cooking, courage and guts, knowledge in the area of legislation and other personal traits involving family. In various type of issues relating to conflict and disputes I manage to stay calm and even attract the adversary into check mate situations that made them panic and lose their momentum. I learned how certain psychological types feed of our anger and fear if they are not properly managed into a confrontation. If this momentum keeps up, I may even start practicing combat sports once I completely get my health and physical fitness in order.

This whole phenomenon becomes a continuous chain of missions and improvements and it is an analogy to a job that one really enjoys. And taking a few minutes to meditate on this whole idea, how honorable is being part of a historic event that is literally making the transition from the enemy's era to the Age of the Gods? As energy and the natural laws of growth and evolution progress being pushed both by time and work, circumstances will give us more unexpected opportunities to make revolutionary changes. The upcoming astrological transits may push people out of their comfort zones and into missions that will remove the virus from its leadership position and trigger an entire phenomenon of advancement and growing on all fronts. In time, you start feeling those upcoming events by instinct.

Most of us here are above 99% of the population in terms of mind and intellectual capacity as we know the whole situation around the world. The next step is always acquiring the guts to get out of the comfort zone and jump into the missions that are assigned to us by our own natural predispositions. Contemplate on those and you will know what your missions are!

The path is not about being easy or comfortable, but it gives great satisfaction and once you get a taste of that "good meat", you don't really want to get back to that comfort zone, even if you have the opportunity to do so at any time. It's like the red pill from Matrix and this is the same with the Satanic dedication as once you know the truth you cannot lie to yourself and go back as hard as you would try.

Getting back to the whole idea of an Empire, the benefits are clear as it has to do with the strength of many cultures being allied, properly preserved and advanced, all working towards certain common goals. Achieving breakthroughs in fields such as medical research and products, infrastructure, communication, transport and logistics, military strength and legal, financial and political ideologies outsourcing can be done through peaceful ways and based on mutual benefit instead of conflict. A wise person will understand the analogy between a divided community where selfishness and individualism dominate and countries separated for the same reasons. The enemy has tried its best to pervert this exact idea to mix different races and replace whites, purposefully not taking into considerations that even inside alliances you must have separated groups to flourish on their own individual similarities as in nature different groups and racial elements have both separate and individual missions as well as common goals, but the wise man must discern between the two and root out the enemy’s perversions and subversions.

I have seen your chapters on the New Empire series and I can say that I like them a lot.

You have a very good view on politics.

Can't wait for more posts like this :)
Evorum said:

I have seen your chapters on the New Empire series and I can say that I like them a lot.

You have a very good view on politics.

Can't wait for more posts like this :)

Thank you so much! I will be writing a new chapter pretty soon :)
The astrology transit for the next years will not support this kind of regime you are defending, the left and communism will be rising. Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Aries and Pluto in Aquarius, these energies don't support totalitarianism and conservationism.
Darkside said:
The astrology transit for the next years will not support this kind of regime you are defending, the left and communism will be rising. Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Aries and Pluto in Aquarius, these energies don't support totalitarianism and conservationism.

I very respectfully disagree because Uranus and Aquarian energies give intellect, and the radical left is anything but intelligent. No Aquarian person is stupid enough to let some transgender woman(aka a MAN) compete in women's sports regardless of whatever hormones that they take. I agree some of them might be brainwashed aquarians but anyone who is intelligent DOES NOT buy into any of the nonsense that the left spouts.

They literally believe everything is culturally determined ie all behavior is determined by culture not biology. Anyone who does even a little bit of research into genes and biology will see that biology is very indicative of a person's behavior.

And who tf came up with Post Modernism??? It literally states that there is no objective truth which makes 0 sense.
The main reason I support the idea of an Empire or a gentile version of globalism is due to the opportunities it presents for humanity. As presented in the previous volume, when you get to certain achievements, you start focusing on the next goals and missions. Instead of focusing endlessly on security, humanity can focus on scientific research, spirituality and transforming the human body. An empire, if ruled by wise and responsible leaders, can grant a great degree of security and comfort in terms of resources, commerce, defensive abilities, diplomacy, travel and so on.

A global empire in the context of modern-day technology, communication and fast transportation capabilities, if managed without any enemy rule or influence, would almost completely invalidate the need for wars and conflict for the purpose of gaining resources, land and large geographical logistical capabilities.

Many people, including some aspiring members from the Joy of Satan, would see White Supremacy as the enemy’s definition of it and not realize that the comfort we have right now, including the opportunity we all had to join our community is due to the Western Empire. Although mostly controlled by the Jew at this point, the work and effort put in creating, maintaining and educating our Western societies was achieved by white people and further outsourced to other external groups. A country who is constantly worrying about its border security, relations with neighbors and trade contracts will never be able to focus on energy research or communication and transportation technology. That requires time, resources, money and a certain solid degree of peace and comfort.

This is why as long as we still have this whole system structured with the institutions and organizations intact, I would rather advocate for taking those back from the enemy and having the empire for ourselves, rather than dismantling the institutions and alliances and plunging the world back into 19th and 20th century type of conflicts. Segregationists are controlled opposition. Even if we would win against the enemy through massive conflicts and enormous human casualties, we would still have to rebuild all the former type of alliances from scratch. The areas which we would call “third world countries” are not what they used to be during the former colonial times, mainly dues to the enemy’s control over the West and empires such as the USSR that have pumped heavy military technology in countries such as Iran or North Korea.

It's true that control and rulers change periodically in history. I see what some people mean by ruling one's own race, this is why in the White Supremacy chapter of “Conclusions before the great storm” I am making the difference between foreigners on our land and us on foreign lands. There are aspects of logistics, military and resources when it comes to empires that extend past the borders of their own race. This is why most systems have a senate where we debate such decisions and strategies.

For example, let's say in either the near or distant future, Sudan is under our control instead of the enemy and that we have secured most of the white nations creating the Western Empire. Corporations and state relations are affiliated with the US and Europe, but race and their culture and way of life is respected to the fullest. Some moral debates spring through the world about the "evil west and whites being occupiers" and that each country should have no external or corporate influence over their government. We take our corporations, embassies and maybe troops out of there, then China comes in. They do not bother their minds with such matters, they import their resources for cheap prices, resources that we struggle to produce at decent prices on our soil. Sudan is now under Chinese puppet control so imports towards Europe are either halted or resumed at unnaturally high prices. Also, a military air base is placed there along with some ICBMs. Debate changes subject to whether all those moral concerns were worth it or not and we start recognizing the seed of an old enemy's thinking that made us weak on this decision.

Then, the Western coalition draws out of the Middle east for the same considerations. Russia comes in and monopolizes 50% of the Earth's energy through Lukoil and Gazprom. Then puts ICBMs and air bases at the border of our empire in striking grange of military bases and oil facilities in Eastern Europe. Europe then, has a choice to either go 80% on green energy and fail due to the lack of sustainability or buy Russian oil and gas at the expense of demands of control over some of our institutions. Bribery and blackmail work fantastically.
When managing a foreign area, to maintain proper control, one must earn the locals' trust and develop their communities rather than suppress them as the enemy does. Ceding land can also be fatal in terms of resources, commerce and military whether there is an enemy or an enemy might appear in time. As an Eastern European, I do not mind that foreign stronger European powers have a strong degree of control over our government, as long as they do not cause open immigration policies, heavy tax evasion or non-profitable trade agreements. As long as trade is fair and politics are for both our benefits, I welcome such forms of collaboration. Without this, we would not have such cheap opportunities to travel of access to brands such as Volkswagen, Renault and so on. One must be wise enough to recognize the benefits of a fair collaboration.
Those are subjects that must be meditated on with great care.

The keys are balance and wisdom. An empire can turn into a force of evil, not only due to an infiltrator with subversive skills that sabotages the fabric of society, but also due to incompetence, corruption, stupidity and a lack of consideration. One must have a vision and maintain it.

The idea is that as long as a major achievement or breakthrough takes place in a certain part of the Empire, it can be later, after it has been tested successfully, be exported and implemented throughout the Empire. This is why in certain areas of the world, societies have improved, despite all the hypocritical whining about colonialism and foreign control. The technology and medical products we have exported and the systems we have outsourced, have made the death rate in areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa, decrease by a lot. Now families can focus on raising, educating and loving their children instead of burying half or more of them because of lethal diseases. The problem is that if technology or medical advancements such as those are ahead of human advancement it may have repercussions such as a dangerous boom in population. This happens due to poor demographical management and a total lack of education and natural understanding. It is the opposite of the even more dangerous phenomenon which is taking place in the Western societies, which is the decrease in the white birth rates, obviously pushed by the enemy in order to genetically mix us and replace us.

In this volume I am talking about achieving the Global White Empire and for what purposes, but in the future one, I will be elaborating on how to maintain it after we have achieved and secured it as winning a title in sports is hard, but keeping the title in the next competition can be way more challenging. When comfort kicks in after a certain period of time, people may become lazy and take the things they have for granted. If people are constantly challenged and continuously work to advance both themselves and their community, this will keep the instinct of preservation going and not erase all aspects of civic duty and loyalty. This is why another correlation can be made between physical fitness and the need for achievement through work. Mind and muscle combined trigger all growth aspects about ourselves as once you get a certain taste for victory, you will not want to fall back into the comfort zone as much as you try.

Here, I also wish to elaborate a bit and draw some conclusions after I have been on board with some Joy of Satan projects such as the donations system and writing for the community for over a year.

Some members from the forums may remember I was very skeptical at one point. Such uncertainties for many of us may come after living for a long time in environments with scammers and liars. You can become so closed that you sometimes fail to recognize the good fruit and benefits of real friendship. In my case there were such case where I even doubted very close relatives because of some episodes I had during my life experience. It also has to do with the maturity of the mind and soul which comes with experience and age, both being major factors.

The unexpected element of taking part into the donations system, even before the rewarding system came, is that it makes one feel more part of the movement and way more involved. In my case, it made me think about all the aspects relating to the enemy versus our personal development plus the aid we give to others in order to advance and got on board with writing "Conclusions before the great storm" which I hope can be used to attract people of a higher intellectual caliber with integrity more towards our side. Many of the PDF's we have received from Commander Cobra made me contemplate further towards things that could be tied to solutions to our problems and ways to advance and protect ourselves and our close ones. For me personally, such simple and logical writings have made me put some meditations and runic works in a better and more organized way. The result is that the whole 2023 year has been a major breakthrough for me, that came in gradual steps. I started writing the book in January at the beginning of the year while in parallel, I was doing some intense physical home training. I was triggered by this whole feeling of being deeper involved and also watching several films, videos and materials about ancient Greek and Roman warriors. At that time, I was also listening to a YouTube composer (Sebastien Angel Epic Music Composer) which has some very powerful and aggressive soundtracks about Greek, Egyptian and Norse Gods and warriors. Some of the runic works I was engaging in, combined with the PDF guides have made me get several results like a hair thickening and abundance working as well as a money working which I have been doing the whole year, not necessarily daily, but whenever I had the time and mood. The first 40 days I did it continuously in order to get that good old energetic momentum, after that it can be done from time to time. It worked as I gained a promotion and raise plus a context in which the work got overall easier. This year, I also married my wife and she got a promotion and raise as well. Energy affects those closest to the subject. Here there is also a direct correlation with the ones getting involved more into a movement. Basically, you draw, send and exchange energy with the group or movement in which you are in. It is not only a reward in the algorithmic or rational sense that we often perceive, but also like a scientific phenomenon relating to magnetism and the law of attraction. The best and unexpected thing about getting involved in such a movement is that it triggers and event after event type of advancement as one gets a taste for success and solving personal or general problems. It is almost as if the previous event is the cause for the next event or consequence. One can further contemplate of the benefits of community over selfish individualism and make the correlation with the notion of “empire” or “alliance” and perceive the mutual benefits.

I have started doing some medical investigations on some of the problems I had with the respiratory system (ex: nose turbinates obstruction reduction) which were a great success for meditation, physical training and the overall good disposition and capacity to focus. This is why after the first medical success I resumed going to the gym in a way that I never did before, plus had the opportunity to get some help and guidance from a friend who really knows how to be a coach and make sure I make every lifting move the optimal way. The only regret I may have, is not doing it sooner.

Also, the Commander's personal coaching has given me some great insights about how to take advantage of certain astrological aspects as well actions relating to the medical issues I am continuing to investigate and solve one by one. I am honored and grateful for Commander Cobra’s guidance that has pushed me do grow in the year 2023 more that I could have imagined possible! High Priestess Lydia’s medical writings about canker sores, hair and scalp health have been of great value, which is why I am grateful for the forums and community.

Me and my wife have even managed to solve a medical issue her grandmother had with the eyesight so this is another chain reaction of the energy and momentum which were created. All this period with challenges has further made me develop my day-to-day skills and traits as a man even further in areas such as plumbing, car mechanics, software programming and communication, cooking, courage and guts, knowledge in the area of legislation and other personal traits involving family. In various type of issues relating to conflict and disputes I manage to stay calm and even attract the adversary into check mate situations that made them panic and lose their momentum. I learned how certain psychological types feed of our anger and fear if they are not properly managed into a confrontation. If this momentum keeps up, I may even start practicing combat sports once I completely get my health and physical fitness in order.

This whole phenomenon becomes a continuous chain of missions and improvements and it is an analogy to a job that one really enjoys. And taking a few minutes to meditate on this whole idea, how honorable is being part of a historic event that is literally making the transition from the enemy's era to the Age of the Gods? As energy and the natural laws of growth and evolution progress being pushed both by time and work, circumstances will give us more unexpected opportunities to make revolutionary changes. The upcoming astrological transits may push people out of their comfort zones and into missions that will remove the virus from its leadership position and trigger an entire phenomenon of advancement and growing on all fronts. In time, you start feeling those upcoming events by instinct.

Most of us here are above 99% of the population in terms of mind and intellectual capacity as we know the whole situation around the world. The next step is always acquiring the guts to get out of the comfort zone and jump into the missions that are assigned to us by our own natural predispositions. Contemplate on those and you will know what your missions are!

The path is not about being easy or comfortable, but it gives great satisfaction and once you get a taste of that "good meat", you don't really want to get back to that comfort zone, even if you have the opportunity to do so at any time. It's like the red pill from Matrix and this is the same with the Satanic dedication as once you know the truth you cannot lie to yourself and go back as hard as you would try.

Getting back to the whole idea of an Empire, the benefits are clear as it has to do with the strength of many cultures being allied, properly preserved and advanced, all working towards certain common goals. Achieving breakthroughs in fields such as medical research and products, infrastructure, communication, transport and logistics, military strength and legal, financial and political ideologies outsourcing can be done through peaceful ways and based on mutual benefit instead of conflict. A wise person will understand the analogy between a divided community where selfishness and individualism dominate and countries separated for the same reasons. The enemy has tried its best to pervert this exact idea to mix different races and replace whites, purposefully not taking into considerations that even inside alliances you must have separated groups to flourish on their own individual similarities as in nature different groups and racial elements have both separate and individual missions as well as common goals, but the wise man must discern between the two and root out the enemy’s perversions and subversions.
The gist I’ve gathered is a coalition force run by whites for the benefit of whites and other races? Is this what I’m surmising correctly?
I love this idea! 🙂
The gist I’ve gathered is a coalition force run by whites for the benefit of whites and other races? Is this what I’m surmising correctly?
Exactly! Whites having the same or more power than jews have right now, but benefiting all races and keeping them pure!
Exactly! Whites having the same or more power than jews have right now, but benefiting all races and keeping them pure!
If I may, it’s unlikely. As a black, I would be in charge of my race to keep them pure. And as such, I answer to no other race but my own in terms of governing. Outside of that I follow Satan and the Gods. I would not be inclined to allow whites to govern me and my people just because it sounds like a good idea. I’d recommend an allied force where we work together, but not one governing the other or to keep them in check. It is very unlikely.
If I may, it’s unlikely. As a black, I would be in charge of my race to keep them pure. And as such, I answer to no other race but my own in terms of governing. Outside of that I follow Satan and the Gods. I would not be inclined to allow whites to govern me and my people just because it sounds like a good idea. I’d recommend an allied force where we work together, but not one governing the other or to keep them in check. It is very unlikely.
Normally I would fully agree, but the present situation shows a different reality. I see that the vast majority of the black population of the Earth has chosen to allow the enemy to rule over their lands with no mention about them whatsoever. In many cases, blacks condemn anti-Semitism as they are perfectly able to make the correlation between Jews and the so-called protected diversity spectrum. The exceptions cannot speak for the entire group as a single flower does not mean spring is coming. While different relations between Europe and Africa, kept through trade, multinational companies and diplomacy have dissipated due to weak leftist policies revolving around whining about colonies, China, Israel and Russia are taking over your countries and nobody from Africa will be able to win any empathy based on similar methods. You will not be able to call the Chinese CEO or businessman racist and win some perceived freedom. More than that, the Chinese will be able to export your resources and trade them at his own prices to the detriment of our world, playing havoc with the international market. If you could show the world that this is not the case anymore than we would feel safer in that regard and have a different approach.

An enemy missile system placed in Sudan, can be a threat to Saudi Arabia. Or the enemy could choose to block the Red Sear or Hormuz to cause an international trade crisis. What I am talking here is each race's ability to participate in the complex scheme of geopolitics, international trade and travel. For now, the black population is mainly used by the Jew as a genetic weapon to destroy whites. Trust relations are what they are. If Eastern Europe would decide to kick NATO out because "we want to rule ourselves" instead of fixing the issues of NATO then:
1. Russia could invade us in 2 months and we would have a hard time repelling such an invasion
2. West and Central Europe would be at an immediate threat from the New Russian Federation, due to land, resource, trading routes, and military installation advantages. In short we left the Poles and Romanians to inflate their egos and now they let the enemy knock on our door. And this comes from a Romanian, I am objectively thinking.

So you see, I elaborate in my books some very complex interconnections between countries that the exceptional people understand their importance for keeping peace. It is way easier for an enemy to invade "independent" countries one by one than strike an Empire or Alliance. What I wrote in those chapters implies that other countries be allowed to host corporations and military installations as part of an alliance rather than play the independent segregation that so many pseudo-conservatives do and wake up one day with an enemy missile system way closer to us. This alliance of us does not involve any demographic replacement or racial mixing as the enemy does using the vast majority of the black population. All discussions about this topic I have with blacks end up with "you are racist because you hate interracial relations". It is clear to me that so many blacks do not like or respect their own race, but at the same time accuse us of racism because we want to preserve our blood. They don't care or want to hear about Jews or anything from that story, but enjoy replacing us whether through racial war as the Democrats would want or through universal peace and love as Republicans preach. One way or another the black is an instrument of demographic warfare in this moment of our conversation. Feel free to disagree, but I gave you my view of the reality. I live in a country that never had any colonies or influence on others, was conquered and ruled by other empires and now is being flooded with people from your race. The excuse of history is null in this case.

As for the past, I would rather look at what people have gained from the rule of former empires or alliances, rather than the simple fact of that rulership. I have wrote about this, but none of the ones that disagreed have addressed this in detail, just simple and quick triggered replies, seemingly not understanding the complexity of global trade and relations. All races have fought for land, resources and trade routes, neither were "better" than the others in terms of morality. The fact that some made more progress on land, others on the sea and others none at all, was only a matter of ability which is not a fact I am prepared to dismiss for the sake of "feelings".
Normally I would fully agree, but the present situation shows a different reality. I see that the vast majority of the black population of the Earth has chosen to allow the enemy to rule over their lands with no mention about them whatsoever. In many cases, blacks condemn anti-Semitism as they are perfectly able to make the correlation between Jews and the so-called protected diversity spectrum. The exceptions cannot speak for the entire group as a single flower does not mean spring is coming. While different relations between Europe and Africa, kept through trade, multinational companies and diplomacy have dissipated due to weak leftist policies revolving around whining about colonies, China, Israel and Russia are taking over your countries and nobody from Africa will be able to win any empathy based on similar methods. You will not be able to call the Chinese CEO or businessman racist and win some perceived freedom. More than that, the Chinese will be able to export your resources and trade them at his own prices to the detriment of our world, playing havoc with the international market. If you could show the world that this is not the case anymore than we would feel safer in that regard and have a different approach.

An enemy missile system placed in Sudan, can be a threat to Saudi Arabia. Or the enemy could choose to block the Red Sear or Hormuz to cause an international trade crisis. What I am talking here is each race's ability to participate in the complex scheme of geopolitics, international trade and travel. For now, the black population is mainly used by the Jew as a genetic weapon to destroy whites. Trust relations are what they are. If Eastern Europe would decide to kick NATO out because "we want to rule ourselves" instead of fixing the issues of NATO then:
1. Russia could invade us in 2 months and we would have a hard time repelling such an invasion
2. West and Central Europe would be at an immediate threat from the New Russian Federation, due to land, resource, trading routes, and military installation advantages. In short we left the Poles and Romanians to inflate their egos and now they let the enemy knock on our door. And this comes from a Romanian, I am objectively thinking.

So you see, I elaborate in my books some very complex interconnections between countries that the exceptional people understand their importance for keeping peace. It is way easier for an enemy to invade "independent" countries one by one than strike an Empire or Alliance. What I wrote in those chapters implies that other countries be allowed to host corporations and military installations as part of an alliance rather than play the independent segregation that so many pseudo-conservatives do and wake up one day with an enemy missile system way closer to us. This alliance of us does not involve any demographic replacement or racial mixing as the enemy does using the vast majority of the black population. All discussions about this topic I have with blacks end up with "you are racist because you hate interracial relations". It is clear to me that so many blacks do not like or respect their own race, but at the same time accuse us of racism because we want to preserve our blood. They don't care or want to hear about Jews or anything from that story, but enjoy replacing us whether through racial war as the Democrats would want or through universal peace and love as Republicans preach. One way or another the black is an instrument of demographic warfare in this moment of our conversation. Feel free to disagree, but I gave you my view of the reality. I live in a country that never had any colonies or influence on others, was conquered and ruled by other empires and now is being flooded with people from your race. The excuse of history is null in this case.

As for the past, I would rather look at what people have gained from the rule of former empires or alliances, rather than the simple fact of that rulership. I have wrote about this, but none of the ones that disagreed have addressed this in detail, just simple and quick triggered replies, seemingly not understanding the complexity of global trade and relations. All races have fought for land, resources and trade routes, neither were "better" than the others in terms of morality. The fact that some made more progress on land, others on the sea and others none at all, was only a matter of ability which is not a fact I am prepared to dismiss for the sake of "feelings".
I can see your point made of the current situation and of my people neglect for want of knowledge. However there are blacks don’t don’t agree with everything of the Jewish media and programs. Yes it will seem hopeless as that still doesn’t count for the fact that many blacks are so heavily degenerated.

You just said blacks called you racist for wanting to preserve your race, as there are also blacks that feel the same as you. The result is th same even for your people to a degree. We are all played to the tune of the Jews for quite some time. You applications are admirable, and without doubt practical. But in the end it is idealism at its best, as the proponents of human nature persist in the baser instincts, and in this way manifested negatively at least with those heavily degenerative in mindset.

If you want a more practical approach, let use SS that are black take care of this. Remember the spiritual is superior in regards to influence, although material training is necessary as well. Black SS should be the ones to lead our people out of the shadow of doubt. Yes there are those who will never escape the paradigm of the Jews, but that is not of importance, as they cannot be helped. We help those who can be.

I don’t think your idea is bad, but it can’t be applicable, as it’s not your race’s role to play warden. You govern your own, and we govern our own. We can still apply certain tactics that is for the most part akin to NATO or the Allied Nations.
The justification for empire that you give about global security and improving the living standards of the subjugated (the vary people tirelessly working with jews to exterminate us) sounds more like late British imperial apologists then an imperial cult ideology that will animate men to fight.

Our justification for empire is that we are the children of Satan, and that this world solely belongs to him. As the people who carry his blood every scrap of soil and ray of sunshine belongs to him and therefore us, that being the case the borders of nations are totally at our discretion to draw and other races will only be allowed to live here because of our grace. You don’t mention our rightful inheritance anyway in your treaty of empire.

You also never mentioned justice, the white race faced grisly atrocities that must be answered for. The idea of an empire existing to befit those who have tormented us will be found ridiculous to anyone who has the will to actually fight to attain such an empire. Justice will be a key motivation in wars to come in the future, for those that have done wrong to the white race have done wrong to Satans blood, unforgivable!

Collective punishment and collective guilt are a key component in nationalism, “turning the other cheek” as the jews would say is the same as saying an individual cannot be held responsible for the actions of his race because we are all individuals. When it comes to ideology first principles are more important then ideas and you have to view personhood as blood rather then ideas in their head before you can make a compelling case for an empire.

Ancient civilizations that participated in empire did not view war death as bad because they had first hand experience of reincarnation, your appeal to global peace is not the point of empire, the argument for empire should be that if we as white men unite under one banner for the first time in history no war is unwise or unwinnable and that the world will simply belong to us by default of no one competent enough to fight us exists. Convincing the people that can only be subjects of us or share the jews fate is a fool’s errand and it should be assumed (and hoped) that they will make us fight for it.

Glory and the opportunity to die a warriors death should be prized, you actually have to be blood thirsty to lead an empire you can’t endlessly talk about peace and progress.

I think you’re a man attracted to the aesthetics of empire but that is a consequence of empire and not the bases.

The bases of empire is arrogance, aggression, and greed. These things are associated with evil but are actually animating fires that make mankind what it is, in order for an age of empire to return we have to abandon morality as the highest good and return to an age where spirit and beauty is the highest good.

You need to have first principles of a Bronze Age man in order to write about empire and have it be compelling. First principles are tricky because those are beliefs systems that are unexamined and taken for granted rather then beliefs that people talk about and claim to hold, first principles are actually way more important then beliefs when shaping a person.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
