Let's explain this Myth about Prometheus. Myth = Symbolism and coded divine information, and never literal events that transpired physically. Myths exist to illustrate ultimate realities and what the Initiate is supposed to do to enlighten themselves in the context of their spiritual processes.
The Myth of Prometheus
In the time before humans walked the earth, two Titan brothers, Prometheus and Epimetheus, played a crucial role in shaping the world. Their names reflected their nature—Prometheus, meaning “Forethought,” was wise and farsighted, while Epimetheus, meaning “Afterthought,” acted impulsively, only considering the consequences of his actions after they had already occurred. These are symbolic powers of the human mind.
The Creation of Man and the Gifts of the Creatures
After the great war between the Titans and the Olympian gods, Zeus, the new ruler of Mount Olympus, assigned Prometheus and Epimetheus the task of distributing abilities to all living creatures.
Epimetheus eagerly took on the responsibility, giving strength to lions, speed to deer, wings to birds, and scales to fish, ensuring that each creature had a way to survive. But in his excitement, he foolishly used up all the gifts before reaching humans, leaving them weak, naked, and defenseless.
Seeing this mistake, Prometheus took pity on humanity. Determined to help them thrive, he devised a daring plan—one that would defy the will of Zeus.
The Theft of Fire by Prometheus
Prometheus knew that fire, the divine element, was the key to survival. It provided warmth, protection, and the ability to craft tools, but Zeus had forbidden mortals from having it, fearing that they would become too powerful.
Undeterred, Prometheus ascended Mount Olympus under the cover of night. He crept into the forge of Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmanship, and stole a glowing ember from the sacred flames. Hiding it within a hollow fennel stalk, he carried it down to Earth and gifted it to humanity.
With fire, humans flourished. They built homes, cooked food, forged weapons, and began to challenge the dominance of the gods in their ingenuity.
Zeus’ Wrath and the Punishment of Prometheus - Freeing Prometheus by Hercules
When Zeus saw humans mastering fire and growing in power, he was enraged. As punishment, he devised a terrible fate for Prometheus. The mighty god ordered his minions to seize the Titan and chain him to a desolate rock in the Caucasus Mountains. There, each day, an enormous eagle—the sacred bird of Zeus—descended upon him and devoured his liver. Being immortal, Prometheus could not die, and his liver would regrow overnight, subjecting him to eternal torment.
Prometheus endured this agony for countless centuries, never regretting his gift to humanity. Eventually, his suffering came to an end when the great hero Heracles (Hercules), during one of his legendary labors, killed the eagle and freed Prometheus, earning Zeus’ reluctant approval.
The Creation of Pandora and the Doom of Mankind
Zeus, however, was not finished with his vengeance. Seeking to punish humanity for receiving fire, he ordered Hephaestus to craft the first woman, Pandora, whose name means “All-Gifted.” She was given beauty, charm, and curiosity but also a sealed jar (often called “Pandora’s Box”), containing all the evils of the world.
Pandora was sent to Epimetheus, who, despite Prometheus’ warnings never to accept gifts from Zeus, was captivated by her beauty and took her as his wife. Eventually, Pandora’s curiosity got the better of her, and she opened the jar, unleashing sickness, sorrow, greed, war, and death into the world. Only hope remained inside, providing humanity with the strength to endure suffering.
The Legacy of Prometheus
Prometheus became a symbol of defiance, intelligence, and sacrifice. His love for humanity and his willingness to suffer for them made him one of the most revered figures in Greek mythology. His tale serves as a warning of the consequences of defying the gods, yet also an inspiration—showing that wisdom and rebellion can lead to progress.
Zeus's Role In the Myth - Conclusion
Lastly, Zeus can affirm the position of all the greatest blessings and the greatest perils, depending on what humanity needs to learn from a mythological story. As Zeus is symbolic of the cosmic intelligence, he can see all the sides to all matters directly; he knew for example, the knowledge of fire could be used to cook food, but also create perilous weapons, or rockets, or who knows what else; this is symbolic of the state of being all knowing.
Zeus in all these stories, enforces Justice; however, even in these stories, it shows he also has love and mercy for humanity and all the characters involved, as he eventually, after they learn their lessons, he saves them in the end. This is not about human emotions on the topic, it's about how Divine Intelligence teaches us to become higher beings. If we take the wrong path, we argue with the Cosmic Intelligence of the universe, and therefore, pay the price for this. When we move on from that state, we attain consistency with these laws and therefore, Godhead.
The end of all mythological stories and their evolving story, is supposed to show you what to do and viable risks and rewards of the Path. On the above Myth, it literally explains to you what to avoid and what emotional or intellectual energies to utilize to understand the cosmic order. It also explains, how the Cosmic Intelligence will respond to you, when you take this or another path, directly.
Zeus is called the God of Gods, because He symbolizes the universe itself. The universe itself, has constant laws of existence, which are supposed to operate fairly for all creatures. Like Solar power, it can be tapped gently to warm water, or if one goes too close to the sun, one might burn. Both are aspects of solar power.
Zeus in this Myth is symbolically presenting justice and also leads all the associated heroes [even Pandora or Prometheus or Epimetheus or Humanity] in a more total understanding, through the use of all these coded characters, to highlight to the Initiate the things I have explained here and eventually, lead them to the Godhead.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Myth of Prometheus
In the time before humans walked the earth, two Titan brothers, Prometheus and Epimetheus, played a crucial role in shaping the world. Their names reflected their nature—Prometheus, meaning “Forethought,” was wise and farsighted, while Epimetheus, meaning “Afterthought,” acted impulsively, only considering the consequences of his actions after they had already occurred. These are symbolic powers of the human mind.
CODE HERE: Prometheus in Ancient Greek this this:
"ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΥΣ" - the Pro here, means "Pre-thinker" - he who thinks before events transpire, logical level of consciousness.
"ΕΠΙΜΗΘΕΥΣ" - the Epi here, means "After-thinker" - he who thinks AFTER events transpire or deeds are done, animal level of consciousness, when it is too late.
The Creation of Man and the Gifts of the Creatures
After the great war between the Titans and the Olympian gods, Zeus, the new ruler of Mount Olympus, assigned Prometheus and Epimetheus the task of distributing abilities to all living creatures.
Epimetheus eagerly took on the responsibility, giving strength to lions, speed to deer, wings to birds, and scales to fish, ensuring that each creature had a way to survive. But in his excitement, he foolishly used up all the gifts before reaching humans, leaving them weak, naked, and defenseless.
Seeing this mistake, Prometheus took pity on humanity. Determined to help them thrive, he devised a daring plan—one that would defy the will of Zeus.
CODE HERE: Epimetheus, is essentially the "blind" forces of nature, those that have no reason. In that context, the cycle of NATURAL LIFE is explained; the lesser aspect of nature, where powers are distributed blindly or the non-logical aspect of existence. Zeus rules over both the "blind natural forces" and also the realm of pure intellect [Prometheus].
The Theft of Fire by Prometheus
Prometheus knew that fire, the divine element, was the key to survival. It provided warmth, protection, and the ability to craft tools, but Zeus had forbidden mortals from having it, fearing that they would become too powerful.
Undeterred, Prometheus ascended Mount Olympus under the cover of night. He crept into the forge of Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmanship, and stole a glowing ember from the sacred flames. Hiding it within a hollow fennel stalk, he carried it down to Earth and gifted it to humanity.
With fire, humans flourished. They built homes, cooked food, forged weapons, and began to challenge the dominance of the gods in their ingenuity.
CODE HERE: Due to the above imbalances that incur when nature bestows things blindly, Prometheus, also proceeds with another imbalance of giving humanity knowledge before it was ready [symbolized by Fire] to even out this error. Of course, the Gods being all knowing, do know that he is going to do this and that he did this. Mount Olympus is a figurative notion for the 3rd eye and the Mind of the Soul - when this awakes, it gives insight into the Mind of Zeus and in the Knowledge of the Gods. Albeit, when humanity is on the animal level of Epimetheus, this power can be catastrophic if improperly handled.
In the same way the mind "jumps to conclusions", wants "accelerated Godhead", thinks "it deserves everything by default" and so on, so forth, IMAGINATION and OVER-REACHING THOUGHT PROCESSES can deny the rules of fundamental, natural life, leading to disaster. Code work here is "Theft". Theft is the unwarranted and undeserved acquisition of something; that belongs to something else. In this case, Prometheus steals because humans are not "ready yet" to attain this level of consciousness, but it is given anyway. Further, Prometheus does not act on holistic judgement, but just out of mercy for mankind. He feels mercy, but he does not take in consideration the evolutionary process that must take place, which, would render "theft" irrelevant.
Zeus’ Wrath and the Punishment of Prometheus - Freeing Prometheus by Hercules
When Zeus saw humans mastering fire and growing in power, he was enraged. As punishment, he devised a terrible fate for Prometheus. The mighty god ordered his minions to seize the Titan and chain him to a desolate rock in the Caucasus Mountains. There, each day, an enormous eagle—the sacred bird of Zeus—descended upon him and devoured his liver. Being immortal, Prometheus could not die, and his liver would regrow overnight, subjecting him to eternal torment.
Prometheus endured this agony for countless centuries, never regretting his gift to humanity. Eventually, his suffering came to an end when the great hero Heracles (Hercules), during one of his legendary labors, killed the eagle and freed Prometheus, earning Zeus’ reluctant approval.
CODE HERE: As you can see, Prometheus did not make any thought process or judgement in giving out fire to humans [ie, violating divine laws]. In that case, when the 3rd eye improperly awakes, insanity, problems of the mind can occur due to lack of readiness. Regardless, Hercules, sent later on by Hera and Athena [the daughter of Zeus] is symbolized as the Hero who has the power to make themselves truly ready to incarnate this knowledge. Hercules, "Frees Prometheus" or the Power of the Third Eye, from the illogical aspect of it merely existing for no reason, and "Prometheus" is granted his freedom which then of course, "Zeus Accepts".
The Creation of Pandora and the Doom of Mankind
Zeus, however, was not finished with his vengeance. Seeking to punish humanity for receiving fire, he ordered Hephaestus to craft the first woman, Pandora, whose name means “All-Gifted.” She was given beauty, charm, and curiosity but also a sealed jar (often called “Pandora’s Box”), containing all the evils of the world.
Pandora was sent to Epimetheus, who, despite Prometheus’ warnings never to accept gifts from Zeus, was captivated by her beauty and took her as his wife. Eventually, Pandora’s curiosity got the better of her, and she opened the jar, unleashing sickness, sorrow, greed, war, and death into the world. Only hope remained inside, providing humanity with the strength to endure suffering.
CODE HERE: Now, spiritual knowledge and all these abilities of the Gods, when properly mishandled, can of course create either ultimate evolution for people, or damnation. A common parallel here is also the use of AI and related technologies. These supreme powers, if used improperly, can either elevate the soul to highest levels, or sink them to lesser levels.
Pandora = ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ (translated meaning: she who accepts everything without filtering - "accepts all gifts" ie, without judgement) warned by Prometheus to essentially, use knowledge and power wisely as the Powers of Zeus are too vast and too supreme. She doesn't take it seriously and goes ahead and opens the box, without thinking or due to curiosity. Same process that essentially, Prometheus and Epimetheus engaged in. Point of focus: Not having a "whole" intelligence, which is the task the Myth tries to explain.
The combination of 2 personalities must exist in order to handle the Power of the Gods: Herculean Power, labor, persistence and bravery. Prometheus's good intents and judgement. Without these, one cannot tap into, control or master the powers of the Gods. One must not be like Pandora (accept everything without judgement, or allow curiosity to take ultimate hold versus patience and the essences of Hercules and Prometheus) The universal laws of the Cosmic Order [Zeus] and spirituality are unalienable and through the interplay of the Myths, the Gods are teaching you all these things in order to finally ascent.
The Legacy of Prometheus
Prometheus became a symbol of defiance, intelligence, and sacrifice. His love for humanity and his willingness to suffer for them made him one of the most revered figures in Greek mythology. His tale serves as a warning of the consequences of defying the gods, yet also an inspiration—showing that wisdom and rebellion can lead to progress.
CODE HERE: The above are integral values for a spiritualist, occultist or seeker and must be embodied in one to attain the "Powers of the Gods". However, these on their own, are NOT enough. Hercules is required to "Free Prometheus" and good intents, without judgement, power and understanding, are in themselves good inclinations for spirituality, but one must embark the deeper path in order to awake spiritually, not just have egalitarian feelings about topics, since these are inconsistent with the flow of cosmic evolutionary process. Hercules undergoes 12 labors, in order to understand all the 12 layers of the cosmic intelligence, while Prometheus operates as a "Titan" motivated mostly by emotional reactionary responses.
CODE HERE: If you "out of mercy" let's say give "Fire" to someone [the power of the Gods] then you are also inadvertently sharing with them, let's say, the ability to remove innocent life through fire and not only to cook; Prometheus did not think about this at all, but solely thought he "wanted to help". Emotions and love went first, and albeit admirable [which is why Zeus allows Hercules to free him], these are not enough in themselves for full enlightenment. This level of thinking is not complete thinking, but it's the starting baseline to consider your journey in the spiritual realms and the occult - a love of humanity must be present, including your own humanity and defiance to given "order" when it comes to thinking. Yet, the full course of knowledge unveils as one evolves fully into the Godhead and not merely by reactionary thought processes.
Zeus's Role In the Myth - Conclusion
Lastly, Zeus can affirm the position of all the greatest blessings and the greatest perils, depending on what humanity needs to learn from a mythological story. As Zeus is symbolic of the cosmic intelligence, he can see all the sides to all matters directly; he knew for example, the knowledge of fire could be used to cook food, but also create perilous weapons, or rockets, or who knows what else; this is symbolic of the state of being all knowing.
Zeus in all these stories, enforces Justice; however, even in these stories, it shows he also has love and mercy for humanity and all the characters involved, as he eventually, after they learn their lessons, he saves them in the end. This is not about human emotions on the topic, it's about how Divine Intelligence teaches us to become higher beings. If we take the wrong path, we argue with the Cosmic Intelligence of the universe, and therefore, pay the price for this. When we move on from that state, we attain consistency with these laws and therefore, Godhead.
The end of all mythological stories and their evolving story, is supposed to show you what to do and viable risks and rewards of the Path. On the above Myth, it literally explains to you what to avoid and what emotional or intellectual energies to utilize to understand the cosmic order. It also explains, how the Cosmic Intelligence will respond to you, when you take this or another path, directly.
Zeus is called the God of Gods, because He symbolizes the universe itself. The universe itself, has constant laws of existence, which are supposed to operate fairly for all creatures. Like Solar power, it can be tapped gently to warm water, or if one goes too close to the sun, one might burn. Both are aspects of solar power.
Zeus in this Myth is symbolically presenting justice and also leads all the associated heroes [even Pandora or Prometheus or Epimetheus or Humanity] in a more total understanding, through the use of all these coded characters, to highlight to the Initiate the things I have explained here and eventually, lead them to the Godhead.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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