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The Grand Ritual [Schedule Concluded]

I did the Curse Israel rtr right after this Grand Ritual, it felt very fitting.

Onwards to victory!
I noticed that the first 3 RTRs were very tiring, but today I tried to do FRTR+Tetra+Shattering first and I can say that the other 3 RTRs then were easier, like removing some obstacles.

Otherwise I always recite the invocation to Satan before starting, I also need the energy to continue my routine, and to continue the attacks the following days.
Thank you for the service and rituals! But any advice for those who are in the army or reservists who will be called in case of something?
After reciting the ritual, I get the feeling that this is less to make the Gods aware of the enemy and more so ourselves. Kind of like removing the blindfold and finally waking up.

The ritual is immerse and causes flashes of images of all the wretched things these "people" have done to humanity. I think the Gods are well aware of the issue and have been for quite some time, so why would they need to be reminded of something they already know? But that's just my two cents.

These two aspects are faces of the same coin.

Now I am going to shave.

Better to grow a beard, IMO.

Thank you for the service and rituals! But any advice for those who are in the army or reservists who will be called in case of something?

As there are many others who could go to die for Israel, my recommendation would be to find ways around this. There are many. Examples: Health related issues. Others should die for Israel not the few SS we have here.

Only those enlisted as part of their work and destiny should remain there. These SS will handle themselves, they are the toughest people by definition.

Thank you so much for taking time to provide the audio file for this ritual sir. I am grateful.

I should have done this earlier, but thank you.
It's so remarkable how you can create a ritual which requires so little effort yet produces such a profound effect, I have been a Satanist for almost two decades and the more I learn the more I feel like a beginner, I have just had so many health problems I had to tackle first, my spiritual advancement had to take a backseat I feel so far behind.

Also its crazy how much of an effect we are having, literally everyone I know makes anti-jew jokes keep in mind im very subtle so I never show my hand about my true allegiances and politics so its not sample bias and every time I go online more and more people are connecting the dots about the kikes, hell even the black people I know are starting to see the truth about the jews, did you see the sydney attacker almost everyone assumed he was a kike (he clearly was), they can't hide at all anymore.

And truthfully its been affecting me big time, I always opposed the jews but more so out of Satanic duty than any real motivation, but man I just keep getting angrier about them all the time, everytime I see something bad happen in this world I know its the jews I check some last names and surprise surprise the jews are involved.
It's so remarkable how you can create a ritual which requires so little effort yet produces such a profound effect, I have been a Satanist for almost two decades and the more I learn the more I feel like a beginner, I have just had so many health problems I had to tackle first, my spiritual advancement had to take a backseat I feel so far behind.

Also its crazy how much of an effect we are having, literally everyone I know makes anti-jew jokes keep in mind im very subtle so I never show my hand about my true allegiances and politics so its not sample bias and every time I go online more and more people are connecting the dots about the kikes, hell even the black people I know are starting to see the truth about the jews, did you see the sydney attacker almost everyone assumed he was a kike (he clearly was), they can't hide at all anymore.

And truthfully its been affecting me big time, I always opposed the jews but more so out of Satanic duty than any real motivation, but man I just keep getting angrier about them all the time, everytime I see something bad happen in this world I know its the jews I check some last names and surprise surprise the jews are involved.

You have done remarkable progress and you shouldn't feel left behind. We all have things we must sort in our lives.

The situation with the jews is that you don't necessarily have to hate them or spend too much energy. A vigilant approach that is dutiful is enough. One shouldn't poison themselves with too much "hate".

If I was to choose I would choose that we would never have to care about them. But it's not up to me what I have to encounter, it's up to the reality in front of my eyes.

One wouldn't want to fight a Muslim or their ignorance, yet simultaneously the same Muslim would want to bomb me. Therefore, I have to learn how to navigate my life and existence in order to not be bombed.

That is a very sad tale overall, but that's the work of the enemy and why we stand against them in the first place.

Albeit one might want to ignore this for realistic reasons of calmness or serenity (or ignorance), Jews or Islamics "care" about us, and we have to defend ourselves.

That's not a choice I have made, my initial choice was to follow the Gods and grow spiritually. But they stand against both, let alone against the path of mankind. So eventually one has to defend themselves in order to proceed.

The situation is that crazy with these lunatics that one has to encounter them in order to stop WW3 right now, spiritually speaking.

I am sure most people on the planet are literally not interested about this topic (and they shouldn't be because it's natural to want to live without these strange worries) but when someone is being actively attacked and conspired against, they have to have at least a dislike, a distance, or a stance of opposition when this is done against them, because it's part of vital interest. If it gets worse and one doesn't fight back, their life can end, same as their culture and all that they hold dear.

The price of ignoring these usual suspects is that what remains of the Gentile cultures in most cases is ashes and ruins. That's the price other people paid before us and the JoS cannot pay the same price. Civilizations that ignore that issue go down. The West evades the question about them and they have it cornered or controlled. The more the issue is ignored, the stronger their influence gets, and the more detrimental it is for everyone concerned.

Ignoring the jews or not educating about them would mean 100% destruction, failure and disappearance of everything we stand for, the situation is THAT escalated with these lunatics.

Therefore the Gods whom jews forcibly removed from the culture of the earth, wants us to be aware and vigilant of them, and ready to defend our tenets against them, so they don't have to see more massacres against people like us taking place. Not because of hate but because they want us to survive and see what is going on.

Ignoring the issue will have catastrophic consequences and it already has. For centuries and centuries people didn't even know they have an aura or a chakra, they lived like animals without a soul.

It's fair and natural from the side of the Gods that they want us to be informed about that and act to preserve ourselves.
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HPHC, I seem to recall reading something on here somewhere a recommendation to continue The Grand Ritual all the way through to Beltane after finishing the other scheduled rituals. Is that correct? Looking for clarification here.
This ritual is exceptional.

I am extremely grateful, to be part of our army, while the majority of humanity floats in ignorance, we Spiritual Satanists are literally the representation and conduit of the Gods on this earth, in this moment and with this ritual, now more than never.

I don't know if all the people here realize the magnitude of this.....

we are literally Satan's chosen body on earth, with this ritual we ask the Gods to intervene against these damned parasites in the name of all the rest of humanity!

Everyone especially those who are quite new should look at the sorry state the world is in, and compare it to what we have here!


I will always fight under the guidance of the Gods and Cobra Commander and alongside all you SS!

THIS IS THE GREATEST honor life can give me!

I also thank this ritual because it gives me a further sense of responsibility, although lately I have made exceptional progress from every point of view this ritual has changed me further by making me feel more "responsible" towards the world of those around me and myself. From today I will work even harder, I am a soldier of Satan, what I have is great, but it is only a small percentage of what I can achieve!
This ritual is exceptional.

I am extremely grateful, to be part of our army, while the majority of humanity floats in ignorance, we Spiritual Satanists are literally the representation and conduit of the Gods on this earth, in this moment and with this ritual, now more than never.

I don't know if all the people here realize the magnitude of this.....

we are literally Satan's chosen body on earth, with this ritual we ask the Gods to intervene against these damned parasites in the name of all the rest of humanity!

Everyone especially those who are quite new should look at the sorry state the world is in, and compare it to what we have here!


I will always fight under the guidance of the Gods and Cobra Commander and alongside all you SS!

THIS IS THE GREATEST honor life can give me!

I also thank this ritual because it gives me a further sense of responsibility, although lately I have made exceptional progress from every point of view this ritual has changed me further by making me feel more "responsible" towards the world of those around me and myself. From today I will work even harder, I am a soldier of Satan, what I have is great, but it is only a small percentage of what I can achieve!
《we are literally Satan's chosen body on earth, with this ritual we ask the Gods to intervene against these damned parasites in the name of all the rest of humanity!》

special corps
"Lord God Beelzebul, you who reigns the heavens and the earth, you who have went by many Names, Zeus and Baal, Father of Humanity. We petition you in this day, to open your eyes and raise from your throne. Let your Justice arrive in the human realm, let us be heard in the highest sphere, for our inquiry is one of great and dire necessity. You shall decide everything, hear our plea for Justice."
This isn't a mistake here but on the version in the War Room it is misspelled as "Heared" not "Heard" like corrected here.
"Great Gods of the heavens and the earth, Satan, Beelzebul, Astarte, Azazel, Gods of all. Demons and Gods: We declare to you: The Nation of Israel and it's people are not the people of the holy books, they are not the people of God, they are not the chosen ones, they are nothing but a criminal association. Let all contracts they have made be null and void, let all the heavens and the earth see them for the unholy beings that they are. We have nulled their Torah and their works of lies. Let them be unable to hide, void all of spiritual and material protection, sustenance and empowerment. Let them collapse entirely, completely and without the ability of recourse, eternally."
Is this not meant to say "Void of all spiritual and material protection" ??? "Void All of spiritual and material protection" I assume is not correct given that's asking for everyone to be without.

I understand this was done in a rush so the mistakes are understandable, but that second one can be taken very wrong, not that I think this affects the ritual must if at all, but I'd not be surprised if I was mistaken there as well.

Thank you either way for the work you do again High Priest.
Unfortunately, I don't feel anything after having this ritual done. I vibrate the words exactly as it's done in the audio. Maybe I have to do longer vibrations of each letter in each word ?
You have done remarkable progress and you shouldn't feel left behind. We all have things we must sort in our lives.

The situation with the jews is that you don't necessarily have to hate them or spend too much energy. A vigilant approach that is dutiful is enough. One shouldn't poison themselves with too much "hate".

If I was to choose I would choose that we would never have to care about them. But it's not up to me what I have to encounter, it's up to the reality in front of my eyes.

One wouldn't want to fight a Muslim or their ignorance, yet simultaneously the same Muslim would want to bomb me. Therefore, I have to learn how to navigate my life and existence in order to not be bombed.

That is a very sad tale overall, but that's the work of the enemy and why we stand against them in the first place.

Albeit one might want to ignore this for realistic reasons of calmness or serenity (or ignorance), Jews or Islamics "care" about us, and we have to defend ourselves.

That's not a choice I have made, my initial choice was to follow the Gods and grow spiritually. But they stand against both, let alone against the path of mankind. So eventually one has to defend themselves in order to proceed.

The situation is that crazy with these lunatics that one has to encounter them in order to stop WW3 right now, spiritually speaking.

I am sure most people on the planet are literally not interested about this topic (and they shouldn't be because it's natural to want to live without these strange worries) but when someone is being actively attacked and conspired against, they have to have at least a dislike, a distance, or a stance of opposition when this is done against them, because it's part of vital interest. If it gets worse and one doesn't fight back, their life can end, same as their culture and all that they hold dear.

The price of ignoring these usual suspects is that what remains of the Gentile cultures in most cases is ashes and ruins. That's the price other people paid before us and the JoS cannot pay the same price. Civilizations that ignore that issue go down. The West evades the question about them and they have it cornered or controlled. The more the issue is ignored, the stronger their influence gets, and the more detrimental it is for everyone concerned.

Ignoring the jews or not educating about them would mean 100% destruction, failure and disappearance of everything we stand for, the situation is THAT escalated with these lunatics.

Therefore the Gods whom jews forcibly removed from the culture of the earth, wants us to be aware and vigilant of them, and ready to defend our tenets against them, so they don't have to see more massacres against people like us taking place. Not because of hate but because they want us to survive and see what is going on.

Ignoring the issue will have catastrophic consequences and it already has. For centuries and centuries people didn't even know they have an aura or a chakra, they lived like animals without a soul.

It's fair and natural from the side of the Gods that they want us to be informed about that and act to preserve ourselves.
Unfortunately, I don't feel anything after having this ritual done. I vibrate the words exactly as it's done in the audio. Maybe I have to do longer vibrations of each letter in each word ?
HPHC, I seem to recall reading something on here somewhere a recommendation to continue The Grand Ritual all the way through to Beltane after finishing the other scheduled rituals. Is that correct? Looking for clarification here.

Yes, essentially until the End of April, as the rest of April is where the jews were planning some really serious business.
This part of the ritual: "...their hands are filled with the blood of the innocent and the weak. They are evil maniacs with ill intents who want to destroy humanity only for their ends."

I actually feel quite uncomfortable saying it, for some reason. The first time I did it, I didn't fully understand what I felt - it was like a "sparkle" - and I still don't know exactly what it is, but it leaves a very bad aftertaste in my mouth. :/

Our gods are so sad about the condition of the people on Earth. They wish so much for us to join them in their level of existence, and they wish so much that we could have already been with them as their equals and as their siblings. It is such an enormous degradation that has been done to Earth and to all of humanity on Earth. Our gods wish that none of this ever happened, and that we may already be their equals among their same level. Our only "crime" is that our souls were living in a younger and more recent generation after these evil things have been done to our world, and that we are not old enough to have lived in the Golden Age before.
I started the ritual almost two days late- didn't know there was an update- my question is do we stop the grand ritual on the 20th or can we keep going?
Thank you.

Hail Father Satan
Yes, that's right. When I read this ritual out loud, my diction is extremely improved at that time and the words fly like arrows. It's amazing and powerful. Especially since Israel deserves the harshest punishment for all its crimes against humanity.

P.S. Fools Shabesgoi presidents, stop supporting the Jews! Anyone who supports Jews is degrading his human dignity, such a person looks extremely ridiculous, stupid and humiliating.
It was easy. It was healing and it was beautiful!
And all the anger and the rage I have towards the Jews was surging right through me, with every word. Especially when I did the sound vibrations.
The Grand Ritual was perfect! And it's well written. 🔥
This really hits different, I've been enjoying this ritual a lot. Death to pissrael, eternal judgment and the most baleful of damnation to all jews, bar none.

Two questions.

Is it a good idea to include this into our daily routine from now on? Would it be an efficient use of our time and energy?

Are we going to do more of this Grand Ritual in the future?
I started the ritual almost two days late- didn't know there was an update- my question is do we stop the grand ritual on the 20th or can we keep going?
Thank you.

Hail Father Satan
HPHC said in a reply to me a while ago the Grand Ritual needs to be done all the way until April 30th. Which means doing on the 30th too.
After reciting the ritual, I get the feeling that this is less to make the Gods aware of the enemy and more so ourselves. Kind of like removing the blindfold and finally waking up.
The ritual is immerse and causes flashes of images of all the wretched things these "people" have done to humanity. I think the Gods are well aware of the issue and have been for quite some time, so why would they need to be reminded of something they already know? But that's just my two cents.
After reciting the ritual, I get the feeling that this is less to make the Gods aware of the enemy and more so ourselves. Kind of like removing the blindfold and finally waking up.

The ritual is immerse and causes flashes of images of all the wretched things these "people" have done to humanity. I think the Gods are well aware of the issue and have been for quite some time, so why would they need to be reminded of something they already know? But that's just my two cents.
I think it’s because we have to focus intensely on the enemy during the ritual (rather than turn the other cheek).

And then for the rest of the day, we know our work is done, we don’t have to think or be angry about the enemy, because we focussed all our destructive energy to them during the ritual. The ritual evokes any negative energy we have for them, so we can release it and direct it to them. Unlike, religions which suppress anger, which then leads to disease.

We are letting the gods know we are doing the warfare work, to help humanity, which also helps the gods, because we are connected to them.
For those having issues with the JoS RTR Websites here's an archive wayback machine link that doesn't fail, for the old RTR's Website: RTRs Archive

This does not include some of the more recent rituals like the Grand Ritual Against Israel, but atleast you get some the Gods Rituals and also the RTR's from this current schedule.
thank you. in the original post it only goes till the 20th.

Hail Father Satan
HPHC said in a reply to me a while ago the Grand Ritual needs to be done all the way until April 30th. Which means doing on the 30th too.
I started the ritual almost two days late- didn't know there was an update- my question is do we stop the grand ritual on the 20th or can we keep going?
Thank you.

Hail Father Satan

The schedule is extended to 30th of April. We do all of the rituals until 30th of April, not only the Grand Ritual.
The schedule is extended to 30th of April. We do all of the rituals until 30th of April, not only the Grand Ritual.
Thank you for notifying me of this, I hadn’t noticed the update prior to this.
“Find your new home in the midst of the pure and the unadulterated hearts of your followers, us here in the Joy of Satan.”

- I’m a bit confused about this part, I’m guessing you aren’t saying that the gods have been making home in the hearts of the Jews?!
My jaws ache when vibrating certain words here and in the schedule. Is it because the energy behind them or health related?
Look up information about the TMJ joint in the jaw. I've had this problem before. It can happen by the way you are holding your mouth when you are sleeping. Like if you have a lot of stress so you are biting down hard all night. Or how you are lining up your top and bottom teeth when holding your mouth closed.

This can go away on its own by being careful about this, and trying to stop doing this while sleeping. And the usual ways to fix tight and painful muscles like making sure you have enough magnesium and potassium. Coconut water has more potassium than any of the sports drinks or electrolyte powders I have tried.
Pls can you tell me what is a demonic host? Hail satan

Demons, The Demonic power, Satan's empire altogether.
“Find your new home in the midst of the pure and the unadulterated hearts of your followers, us here in the Joy of Satan.”

- I’m a bit confused about this part, I’m guessing you aren’t saying that the gods have been making home in the hearts of the Jews?!

We are now re-building their "home" which got destroyed by the Jews. You may thinking too much behind little details, don't take all parts of it literally.
In ancient Egypt, the term “IAO” was used for the ritual “calling” of the gods.

This term seems to indicate one of the most ancient names of God. Used as a mantra, it seems to stimulate the 6th, 3rd and somehow the 4th chakras.

It also seems to intensify the connection, the connection between us and the gods, in the planes of existence “where” the soul is “found.”

But I am also waiting for a response from Hp, for better understanding.
In ancient Egypt, the term “IAO” was used for the ritual “calling” of the gods.

This term seems to indicate one of the most ancient names of God. Used as a mantra, it seems to stimulate the 6th, 3rd and somehow the 4th chakras.

It also seems to intensify the connection, the connection between us and the gods, in the planes of existence “where” the soul is “found.”

But I am also waiting for a response from Hp, for better understanding.

Don't forget to look into Satan's Library:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
