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The Grand Ritual [Schedule Concluded]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Below, I am posting one of the most powerful Rituals yet.

This Ritual is an emergency procedure. If anyone is reading the news, you know that Israel and Iran are about to rally us all into WW3. Let them sleep on the bed they are making, but we must do what we have to do, so that we and the innocent people do not have to be dragged into this.

Yes, if these events escalate, many people are doing to die. But those that must die should be those involved. Everyone here will have the protection of the Gods.

Our priorities in this madness that the world is experiencing should be the following:

1. Stay strong and rise ourselves, no matter the madness that is occurring. Stay positive and do your meditations. There is no real negativity for us in these events.
2. We must flock around to protect the JoS in every-way (financial, existence wise, spiritually, having communication with our collective, we educate people as there is a great cultural divide against the enemy)
3. We have to do the Rituals and other things bestowed by the Gods.

I hate to say that these grotesque events for Israel are almost dragging humanity into pure madness. Therefore, I have to publish that Ritual. It should be long, but it's an easy Ritual. Everyone must do this alongside the schedule, until at least April 30th.


The Grand Ritual:

Recite the following prayer to open the Ritual. Then, you do the Vibrations of this Ritual (they will be in bold) and declare the following prayers, once. No more will be needed. This Ritual is directly from Beelzebul Himself.

This Ritual is from the Gods and I will not disclose any details about it, let those with perception understand it. It's only for this very specific life and death situation that the enemy is bringing us in. It's the price they will pay for their attacks against the Gods and Humanity.

Do it mercilessly and with a pure heart, everyone.

Opening Prayer:

Vibrate AUM once:

"Lord God Beelzebul, you who reigns the heavens and the earth, you who have went by many Names, Zeus and Baal, Father of Humanity. We petition you in this day, to open your eyes and raise from your throne. Let your Justice arrive in the human realm, let us be heard in the highest sphere, for our inquiry is one of great and dire necessity. You shall decide everything, hear our plea for Justice."

Then Vibrate 1 time: "IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO,"

"Gods of the heavens and the earth, you who protect humanity from wrongdoing and want to see our species thrive, bring all your judgement and all your attention to the Nation of Israel. Keep your gaze of judgement on top of these evil beings, who are trying to instigate genocide and bloodshed in humanity. Remove all their protection, all their tricks, bring them naked in front of the heavenly assembly of the Gods and the Demonic Host. Let their crimes be stopped in their tracks and fall solely upon them. Let the human realm repay them hundredfold for the pain and misery they want to bring on humanity, on innocent people's and on their future."


"Great Gods of the heavens and the earth, Satan, Beelzebul, Astarte, Azazel, Gods of all. Demons and Gods: We declare to you: The Nation of Israel and it's people are not the people of the holy books, they are not the people of God, they are not the chosen ones, they are nothing but a criminal association. Let all contracts they have made be null and void, let all the heavens and the earth see them for the unholy beings that they are. We have nulled their Torah and their works of lies. Let them be unable to hide, void all of their spiritual and material protection, sustenance and empowerment. Let them collapse entirely, completely and without the ability of recourse, eternally."


"Dearest Gods, remove all the spiritual, ethical and moral protection from the Nation of Israel and all it's inhabitants. Let their sins and karmic debts shower upon them, to bring hundredfold all the pain and misery they want to bring against humanity with their genocidal ends. Let all the blood of innocents and all their plots return upon them hundredfold. Let them be without support, without help, without backup, let them collapse in the misery of their own created afflictions."


Dearest Gods, void and render non-existent all the spellwork of the jewish people, their Rabbis and anyone praying on their behalf. They are lying to you, Great Gods. They never belonged in the heavenly assembly and their hands are filled with the blood of the innocent and the weak. They are evil maniacs with ill intents who want to destroy humanity only for their ends. Let all they have ever made collapse and come down as arrows of painful destruction and desolation, let it all come down on them and then collapse on them before it all becomes non-existing, same as they. Let every blessing towards Israel to turn into a great curse that shall invite on them the most brutal and ultimate calamities. Let all those who support them become their enemies, for they see their true face and what they are. Let them experience the wrath, pain and genocide they are actively plotting and doing against all other human beings. Be great and unrelenting in your justice, we plea to all of you, Great Gods."


"Host of the Gods and the Demons, protect your people and the spiritual people of the planet from any calamity, damage, downfall, pain or misery. Stand above us as we are your creation, who will usher a greater aeon after the downfall of these rotten Israel and Jewish criminals. Stand above us as protection, we plea and we petition you to act for our protection, humbly and truthfully."


"Lord Gods, all of you who reign the heavens, transfer all your blessings, love, care and kindness, all your mercy and gracious caretaking to the people of the Joy of Satan. We are the real chosen people of God, who are the True sons and daughters of the Gods. Empty the assembly of the world and all it's offices of the false imposter jews, who are criminal and detestable, for they have lied and plotted the downfall of God and the Heavenly Order. Find your new home in the midst of the pure and the unadulterated hearts of your followers, us here in the Joy of Satan. Let the world first fall and then recover healed, free from the ailment of the disaster of the unholy and the impious damned souls of the enemy, above and below. We plea for your loving and caring assistance and Judgement."

Vibrate AUM once.

-End of Ritual-

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


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Below, I am posting one of the most powerful Rituals yet.

This Ritual is an emergency procedure. If anyone is reading the news, you know that Israel and Iran are about to rally us all into WW3. Let them sleep on the bed they are making, but we must do what we have to do, so that we and the innocent people do not have to be dragged into this.

Yes, if these events escalate, many people are doing to die. But those that must die should be those involved. Everyone here will have the protection of the Gods.

Our priorities in this madness that the world is experiencing should be the following:

1. Stay strong and rise ourselves, no matter the madness that is occurring. Stay positive and do your meditations. There is no real negativity for us in these events.
2. We must flock around to protect the JoS in every-way (financial, existence wise, spiritually, having communication with our collective, we educate people as there is a great cultural divide against the enemy)
3. We have to do the Rituals and other things bestowed by the Gods.

I hate to say that these grotesque events for Israel are almost dragging humanity into pure madness. Therefore, I have to publish that Ritual. It should be long, but it's an easy Ritual. Everyone must do this alongside the schedule, until at least April 30th.


The Grand Ritual:

Recite the following prayer to open the Ritual. Then, you do the Vibrations of this Ritual (they will be in bold) and declare the following prayers, once. No more will be needed. This Ritual is directly from Beelzebul Himself.

This Ritual is from the Gods and I will not disclose any details about it, let those with perception understand it. It's only for this very specific life and death situation that the enemy is bringing us in. It's the price they will pay for their attacks against the Gods and Humanity.

Do it mercilessly and with a pure heart, everyone.

Opening Prayer:

Vibrate AUM once:

"Lord God Beelzebul, you who reigns the heavens and the earth, you who have went by many Names, Zeus and Baal, Father of Humanity. We petition you in this day, to open your eyes and raise from your throne. Let your Justice arrive in the human realm, let us be heared in the highest sphere, for our inquiry is one of great and dire necessity. You shall decide everything, hear our plea for Justice."

Then Vibrate 12 times: "IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO,"

"Gods of the heavens and the earth, you who protect humanity from wrongdoing and want to see our species thrive, bring all your judgement and all your attention to the Nation of Israel. Keep your gaze of judgement on top of these evil beings, who are trying to instigate genocide and bloodshed in humanity. Remove all their protection, all their tricks, bring them naked in front of the heavenly assembly of the Gods and the Demonic Host. Let their crimes be stopped in their tracks and fall solely upon them. Let the human realm repay them hundredfold for the pain and misery they want to bring on humanity, on innocent people's and on their future."


"Great Gods of the heavens and the earth, Satan, Beelzebul, Astarte, Azazel, Gods of all. Demons and Gods: We declare to you: The Nation of Israel and it's people are not the people of the holy books, they are not the people of God, they are not the chosen ones, they are nothing but a criminal association. Let all contracts they have made be null and void, let all the heavens and the earth see them for the unholy beings that they are. Let them be unable to hide, void all of spiritual and material protection, sustenance and empowerment. Let them collapse entirely, completely and without the ability of recourse, eternally."


"Dearest Gods, remove all the spiritual, ethical and moral protection from the Nation of Israel and all it's inhabitants. Let their sins and karmic debts shower upon them, to bring hundredfold all the pain and misery they want to bring against humanity with their genocidal ends. Let all the blood of innocents and all their plots return upon them hundredfold. Let them be without support, without help, without backup, let them collapse in the misery of their own created afflictions."


Dearest Gods, void and render non-existent all the spellwork of the jewish people, their Rabbis and anyone praying on their behalf. They are lying to you, Great Gods. They never belonged in the heavenly assembly and their hands are filled with the blood of the innocent and the weak. They are evil maniacs with ill intents who want to destroy humanity only for their ends. Let all they have ever made collapse and come down as arrows of painful destruction and desolation, let it all come down on them and then collapse on them before it all becomes non-existing, same as they. Let every blessing towards Israel to turn into a great curse that shall invite on them the most brutal and ultimate calamities. Let all those who support them become their enemies, for they see their true face and what they are. Let them experience the wrath, pain and genocide they are actively plotting and doing against all other human beings. Be great and unrelenting in your justice, we plea to all of you, Great Gods."


"Host of the Gods and the Demons, protect your people and the spiritual people of the planet from any calamity, damage, downfall, pain or misery. Stand above us as we are your creation, who will usher a greater aeon after the downfall of these rotten Israel and Jewish criminals. Stand above us as protection, we plea and we petition you to act for our protection, humbly and truthfully."


"Lord Gods, all of you who reign the heavens, transfer all your blessings, love, care and kindness, all your mercy and love to the people of the Joy of Satan. We are the real chosen people of God, who are the True sons and daughters of the Gods. Empty the assembly of the false imposters, the criminal and the detestable jews, for they have lied and plotted the downfall of God and the Heavenly Order. Find your new home in the midst of the pure and the unadulterated hearts of your followers, us here in the Joy of Satan. Let the world first fall and then recover healed, free from the ailment of the disaster of the unholy and the impious damned souls of the enemy, above and below. We plea for your loving and caring assistance."

Vibrate AUM once.

-End of Ritual-

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Do we vibrate IAO 12 times or the 12 IAO x 12 =144?
Anything for Satan's creation: Humanity

Lets rise and change the world as kundalini does to the human body

Hail Satan!
I have fixed unclear instructions. This is not a Ritual that is warfare per se, it's a formal and global petition to the Gods.

Everyone who does this Ritual should of course double their Aura of Protection, same rules apply as with the schedule.
Oh my gosh. I just did the ritual and the amount of power this has is immense!

I didn't even think of them, but I literally felt, saw and heard reptilians hissing at me.
Oh my gosh. I just did the ritual and the amount of power this has is immense!

I didn't even think of them, but I literally felt, saw and heard reptilians hissing at me.

Whatever beings out there, they don't rule the world. The Gods rule the world. The rest are just fucking around. No worry should come over this. Whomever is on good terms with the Gods will have eternal life and existence, no matter what these bug headed fucks want to bring on the world.
Whatever beings out there, they don't rule the world. The Gods rule the world. The rest are just fucking around. No worry should come over this. Whomever is on good terms with the Gods will have eternal life and existence, no matter what these bug headed fucks want to bring on the world.
Thank you HP!!

I just did the ritual again and this time I felt protected and like a protective shield was placed around me. All I feel is positive, powerful, beautiful energy and loads of justice!!
I just did the ritual. It's OVERPOWERING.

May the Gods pour out all their wrath and merciless justice on the cursed.

Glory to the mighty Gods !
May the Gods keep us under their protective wings!
This Ritual is also now available on JoS Rituals.

JoS Rituals:

Old JoS Rituals:
Last edited:
I love you bro, No Homo.
just got home from work, getting on this and the schedule now.
This ritual is amazing, I'm going to do it again before bed, and multiple times everyday going forward. I feel so energized and pumped!
I thought IAU was the name of the Jewish God.
But it seems that this code word also appears on coins of the Gods, it must be something like "I am" and that makes a bit of sense inside my schizophrenic mind.
Is this ritual to be externally vibrated or internally? I vibrate RTR's outwards past my aura from myself and I focus the vibrations of the Gods rituals on the golden ring, with this one is it internally vibrating into my soul or outwards into the world, or does it not matter?
I tend to try not to vibrate destructive energy internally and based off my fellow Satanists reaction this ritual has some heavy power so I just want to be sure before I do it.

Looking forward to doing my part.
I thought IAU was the name of the Jewish God.
But it seems that this code word also appears on coins of the Gods, it must be something like "I am" and that makes a bit of sense inside my schizophrenic mind.

Stop blaming yourself with wrong words like that, even if you happen to struggle with schizophrenia.

The jews don't have a "God". Everything is stolen from them. Even their flag and the six pointed star.

No, the IAU, IAO, IAEO and so on, is actually a trine word of the three basic vowels that does not have to do with the Jews. The whole concept of "JHVH" is stolen from Bacchus/Dionysus and Zeus.

It is used in Ancient Greek coins and many other things because it's essentially for very specific types of Rituals, like the one I am posting here.

Is this ritual to be externally vibrated or internally? I vibrate RTR's outwards past my aura from myself and I focus the vibrations of the Gods rituals on the golden ring, with this one is it internally vibrating into my soul or outwards into the world, or does it not matter?
I tend to try not to vibrate destructive energy internally and based off my fellow Satanists reaction this ritual has some heavy power so I just want to be sure before I do it.

Looking forward to doing my part.

Just recite all of this, and slightly vibrate the sentences.


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How do you pronounce the IAO?

Is it like EYE-AY-OH?

Yes, simply as written. I-A-O

I as in Instant,
A as in Above
O as in Old

I love you bro, No Homo.
I appreciate your kind words brother.

Children of Satan who are not afraid of war, may the force be with us forever!

There is nothing there to be afraid of when one asks for the protection of the Gods, preach it brother!

This particular Ritual here is basically invitation to the Gods, not the sending of negativity from yourself or your behalf. It's literally like calling the special forces, in the strict sense.

The nature of the other schedule is more like "us", that is more like "Them first" and then "us".
Ah well, looks like the enemy is truly losing it.
I have fixed unclear instructions. This is not a Ritual that is warfare per se, it's a formal and global petition to the Gods.

Everyone who does this Ritual should of course double their Aura of Protection, same rules apply as with the schedule.

Dear High Priest, I have a couple of urgent questions, I will be very glad if you answer.

I did not go through the 40-day program, clearly experienced problems due to soul pollution in the past and did not build an aura of protection for at least 2 months ever.
Now I was doing rituals to the Gods, according to the days marked on the calendar. 2 days before these events, the Marbas ritual turned out to be EXTREMELY strong and rich in sensations, it seems to me that He may even have cleaned my aura (I have never felt this in rituals to the Gods). Now the rituals for Him feel extremely calm and moderate, the feeling of energies and experiences has greatly decreased from the usual level. I think that Marbas "Part Of The Long Arm Of Baalzebul" is currently occupied and the changes described above are a consequence.
Since the events are serious, there are many rituals and the Gods of the dates for April will obviously be busy, can I make a ritual to the Gods and ask them to provide me with the minimum necessary protection during the combat rituals?
I don't want to seem ignorant about this request, it is dictated by reflections and a desire to contribute. I could commit myself to doing everything possible during the rituals, including in terms of cleaning and protection for all this time (I literally have the opportunity study and fight all this month all day long). If I can show consistency and hard work, it can be an act that increases my value in their eyes. Is it possible and polite to ask Them for such a thing, or should I just do rituals to the Gods from the calendar and Baalzebul's rituals so as not to put myself in danger? I don't want to be the one who goes on the attack without the minimum necessary armor.
In my life, I have already met with the negative consequences of magic and perhaps even the retaliatory activity of the enemy (at one time I did RTRs without protection), serving at such an important hour is more important than unpleasant sensations to me. I will clarify once again that I do not want to be disrespectful to the Gods in any way, by minimal protection I mean that They help me not to go crazy or get other too dangerous harm, no more, absolutely no more.

I would be extremely grateful and glad if you would clarify my situation. Also, please keep in mind that I am still using a translator.
There are so many different languages used in this ritual; Sanskrit,Arabic,Greek even Scandinavian. When you feel like the time is write could you give us the translation of these words? And maybe explain more about how can different languages be blended together in a ritual/magical working?
Dear High Priest, I have a couple of urgent questions, I will be very glad if you answer.

I did not go through the 40-day program, clearly experienced problems due to soul pollution in the past and did not build an aura of protection for at least 2 months ever.
In my life, I have already met with the negative consequences of magic and perhaps even the retaliatory activity of the enemy (at one time I did RTRs without protection), serving at such an important hour is more important than unpleasant sensations to me. I will clarify once again that I do not want to be disrespectful to the Gods in any way, by minimal protection I mean that They help me not to go crazy or get other too dangerous harm, no more, absolutely no more.

I would be extremely grateful and glad if you would clarify my situation. Also, please keep in mind that I am still using a translator.

You should not do the RTR's or any of these Rituals if you just dedicated recently, let alone if you haven't meditated a lot or you are a new initiate. Please refrain from doing too much or any warfare.

Focus on meditating and growing, learning in peace. Rituals could be "attempted" if one wants to get a "taste", but one should not push themselves. It's only after 6 months of growth and being past the beginner level that one should participate in the Rituals.

There are so many different languages used in this ritual; Sanskrit,Arabic,Greek even Scandinavian. When you feel like the time is write could you give us the translation of these words? And maybe explain more about how can different languages be blended together in a ritual/magical working?

This is not a blending of language. I know there can be certain questions, but I cannot answer on the current timeline and on the public forum. It will be a matter discussed later on in time when certain conditions are met. That and the text are only the tip of the iceberg. When one does the Ritual and they are open, they might see what I mean here.
Oh my gosh. I just did the ritual and the amount of power this has is immense!

I didn't even think of them, but I literally felt, saw and heard reptilians hissing at me.
Oh my me too!! Such a powerful energy I felt just doing the ritual just now. I felt like the enemy was knocked down and dead through the whole ritual! Since I have about several likes at my university campus that have been slandering me and saying lies about me that I was exploiting people and other bs about me and mien Fuhrer Adolf Hitler!! I felt strong enough like I know those likes and their physically crippled wife of one of them flat out dead like I had a power club or fist in the energy to at surfed out of me just doing the ritual. Such a great ritual I look forward that even the Jews here in America are lying dead in their scaly bodies!
The jews rot. Like dogshit on grass, the jew's remains are too acidic for even the holy earth to fertilize off it. I'd recommend we feed them to the pigs as a poetic justice (Since they adore pork), but the Hog will gag.

Feel it, Kike.
Oh my me too!! Such a powerful energy I felt just doing the ritual just now. I felt like the enemy was knocked down and dead through the whole ritual! Since I have about several likes at my university campus that have been slandering me and saying lies about me that I was exploiting people and other bs about me and mien Fuhrer Adolf Hitler!! I felt strong enough like I know those likes and their physically crippled wife of one of them flat out dead like I had a power club or fist in the energy to at surfed out of me just doing the ritual. Such a great ritual I look forward that even the Jews here in America are lying dead in their scaly bodies!

Stop talking about these things in your campus please and stop playing gangsta with these topics. Retain the truth on a personal level. Do not put your existence in jeopardy. Be aware of what the planet is and where we are living.

Like dogshit on grass, the jew's remains are too acidic for even the holy earth to fertilize off it. I'd recommend we feed them to the pigs as a poetic justice (Since they adore pork), but the Hog will gag.

Feel it, Kike.

The Hog and the Gog and Magog, on Israel which is left without God, growling like a hog.
Hello. Could you clarify the pronunciation of the following?

Nemedth - is "th" like "there" or "thing"?
Azach and echet - is "ch" like the German "ich" or like "chair?"

Thank you.
The jews rot. Like dogshit on grass, the jew's remains are too acidic for even the holy earth to fertilize off it. I'd recommend we feed them to the pigs as a poetic justice (Since they adore pork), but the Hog will gag.

Feel it, Kike.
Just throw the acidic shit towards the sun and let it disintegrate 🤣
It was very easy to immerse in the recitation of these prayers. Every sentence genuine with truest intent.

It's as if my very soul has been waiting for this moment to come.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
