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The Good News and a Message from Azazel

Almost 15 years of sacrifice, and I have received SO MUCH in return. Thank You all for fighting beside me! Let's continue like that :)
How soon can we expect significant changes on this? I assume the RTRs have worked to Rewired the Jewish Matrix Thoughtform to rechannel the energy towards the destruction of the Jews?

The jews getting exposed left and right, every day something new disgusting comes up with jew as a main protagonist.

Most excellent! We will continue to plunge them into their own dark ages. They will get what they deserve!

Hail Satan and all the gods and demons!
Tomland68 said:
How soon can we expect significant changes on this? I assume the RTRs have worked to Rewired the Jewish Matrix Thoughtform to rechannel the energy towards the destruction of the Jews?

They do a ritual where all their negative karma (of each jews) wich is negative Natal aspect of planets, curses and so on they put them on us plus all their curses agains us. By doing the Rtrs we reversed this and all this karma is now on them and knowing how energy manifest there could be a lag time but it will definitily manifest. They are not protected anymore becouse of the Rtrs and this will destroy them.

I'm sure we will start to see more and more ugly things happen to me from this year. They are actualy already happening if you think about it. The xian religion being destroyed is one of these manifestation.
Tomland68 said:
How soon can we expect significant changes on this? I assume the RTRs have worked to Rewired the Jewish Matrix Thoughtform to rechannel the energy towards the destruction of the Jews?

No, we have been cancelling the jewtrix.
Hearsync said:
Most excellent! We will continue to plunge them into their own dark ages. They will get what they deserve!

Hail Satan and all the gods and demons!

lol... Actually... Demons ARE Gods(Demon means God in Sanskrit) :D
Only the strong are gonna be free
From a world of fools
Tooth and nail
Tooth and nail
Straight to the top
Tooth and nail
-dokken ; ) :x
I've never felt so much relief in my entire life. It makes me so elated that our efforts are beginning to show more than just flowers now as they begin showing fruit. Thank you for this wonderful news and thank you to Satan and Azazel as well and all the other gods and demons of hell.
Catholic church rotten to the core paedophillia free for all
''...The Ram will crush (((their))) temples
The Wolf will slay (((their))) priests...''


The Alchemist7 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
As for the Jews. Satan showed me, all of their ugly, hideous karma is now upon every Jew. I never saw anything so hideously creepy. I mean creepy. I've never seen anything so ugly. This will manifest.
Sorry I don't understand, what this exactly means?

What is there not to understand?

HP Maxine had a vision of some of the atrocities the jooish race has done to humanity. And they really have done an unimaginable amount of atrocities.

For starters stealing our heritage and spirituality we should own by birthright.

And taking our loving, caring and nurturing Gods and twisting them into evil monsters which they're definitely not. Making up the Xtianity and Pisslam religions and forcing it on us Gentiles by violence. Murdering so called heretics and usurping all of the worlds labour and wealth.

The list is endless. Child abuse, rape and molestation. They get into all positions of authority and power for control over us Gentiles.

So Karma is a term for 'what goes around comes around'.

The joos use their hebrew alphabet to do curses and protection spells, etc for themselves.

We cancel their alphabet by performing the Final RTR. And then there's no energy left in their alphabet for their magick. And so their protection spells fail.

And all of the bad and wrongdoing they have done collectively will come home to roost.

They've lost their protection, their scapegoat. And every jew is going to have to pay for their absolutely disgusting and atrocious crimes against humanity.
HP Mageson666 said:
The media reported the Pope is holding a council to discuss the sexual abuse in the Church from that of children to the raping and beating of nuns. This is the major issue that has been costing them everything and now the Pope has to publically address this they can't control it anymore so they are trying to put PR onto such its defeat for them. Its also reported the Vatican destroyed many documents of the sexual scandals to remove evidence. The council of nine the nine most powerful Cardinal's in the Vatican that elect Popes. Three of them have been charged and convicted of sexual abuse now. Its reached the very top of the Vatican.

3/9? When was the 3rd one convicted??? I remember only George Pell and McCarrick :?
Excellent. We absolutely have to win ... for us and for our Gods. I propose to do another group ritual to awaken the masses almost completely if not completely. The absolute best thing to do is to influence them in the unconscious, all the Gentiles, to seek, find, accept and study the truth inevitably. Doing such a thing, all the Gentiles will know how things are, more or less ... obviously, based on the level of intelligence, others will understand more and others less ... but even the most stupid will understand something and will be at least aware of being at war and of acting as much as they can. And not to be like unaware animals. Actually, it is necessary to wake up the gentiles. It is a very good thing that we used Othal Sowilo and Ansuz ... but it is also necessary to use other runes ... Isa, Thurisaz, Nauthiz and above all HAGL. Obviously, the statements must be for the perfection, completeness and victory of the gentiles. We must psychically direct the Gentiles to the path of victory. It is not necessary to let them choose. There is nothing to choose from. Truth is one, eternal and infinite. Whether you like it or not, they have to accept the truth if they want to exist. It is not at all wise to wait for literature from illiterate. We must not allow the ignorant to offend the truth. They have to accept the truth with good manners or bad manners. As I said, there is nothing to choose from regarding the truth. They have to accept the truth in an obligatory way. Please understand me. I hate infinitely ignorance, incompleteness, failure, weakness, lies and similar shits. Anyone and any enemy must cease to exist in all senses and in eternity and in infinity. HAIL SATAN
EasternFireLion666 said:
I am interested in your opinions. Do you think if, let's say, hypotetically tomorrow all the legislations regarding the censoring of opinions about jews and history are gone, do you think that with the documentation that still remains now the truth about the holo could be exposed?
Of course. But for this you need people to expose it. And you need organised media to widespread all that information around the world. Yet most are brainwashed with the oficial theories which are teached in the schools.
Scion of Atlantis said:
I can see the contempt for the enemy increase every day in the real world, and on the internet, people are furious at the Jews and at their programs. The enemy is melting very quickly and their schemes fail and over and over again each time they try something. Regime change and war in Venezuela has been delayed, Israel has failed time and time again to start war in Iran, Trump's chances of a 2020 victory are getting higher and higher, and people are awakening even more rapidly.

At the same time I am noticing they are becoming more desperate. I've have been under numerous enemy attacks lately and I know plenty of other members on here have as well. The entire energy of the Astral is changing as the enemy weakens and becomes desperate.

It's amazing how much progress has been made in only 8 months of doing the Final RTR. Let's keep going forwards! Do one more RTR than you did the previous day each day, and remember the importance of numerology in doing these. I was told by one of the Gods that using the numbers 9, 11, and 3 is massively effective against the enemy.

What are some ways we can protect ourselves from enemy attacks and deflect them?
theserpentrises666 said:
What are some ways we can protect ourselves from enemy attacks and deflect them?

Returning Curses, Parts 1 & 2. These don't take long at all, and are very effective. Note the affirmation: “My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning these directly right back to the senders.”

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html (Part 1)
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html (Part 2)
Personal Growth said:
The Alchemist7 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
As for the Jews. Satan showed me, all of their ugly, hideous karma is now upon every Jew. I never saw anything so hideously creepy. I mean creepy. I've never seen anything so ugly. This will manifest.
Sorry I don't understand, what this exactly means?

What is there not to understand?

HP Maxine had a vision of some of the atrocities the jooish race has done to humanity. And they really have done an unimaginable amount of atrocities.

For starters stealing our heritage and spirituality we should own by birthright.

And taking our loving, caring and nurturing Gods and twisting them into evil monsters which they're definitely not. Making up the Xtianity and Pisslam religions and forcing it on us Gentiles by violence. Murdering so called heretics and usurping all of the worlds labour and wealth.

The list is endless. Child abuse, rape and molestation. They get into all positions of authority and power for control over us Gentiles.

So Karma is a term for 'what goes around comes around'.

The joos use their hebrew alphabet to do curses and protection spells, etc for themselves.

We cancel their alphabet by performing the Final RTR. And then there's no energy left in their alphabet for their magick. And so their protection spells fail.

And all of the bad and wrongdoing they have done collectively will come home to roost.

They've lost their protection, their scapegoat. And every jew is going to have to pay for their absolutely disgusting and atrocious crimes against humanity.
YES! YES! YES! We were all flat out robbed, worse even. I remember when I first learned of these atrocities- our people being tortured for centuries and having knowledge given to us by the gods stripped away from us, and slandering the gods and putting out hideous images of them- I teared up. Just couldn’t believe these unforgivable injustices and realized we lived in this crazy world because of it. I’m so ecstatic that these fuckers are finally going down. I’m still young, so it’s amazing and thrilling to know I’ll be around to see this unfold, their reign is over.
birds of a feather flock together. where there's one coakroache there's more pedos... it takes a ring
occultumlapidem said:
birds of a feather flock together. where there's one coakroache there's more pedos... it takes a ring

And as they say with rats. If you see one the place is probably infested with hundreds of rats. Luckily we're here to carry out the pest control.
YES! YES! YES! We were all flat out robbed, worse even. I remember when I first learned of these atrocities- our people being tortured for centuries and having knowledge given to us by the gods stripped away from us, and slandering the gods and putting out hideous images of them- I teared up. Just couldn’t believe these unforgivable injustices and realized we lived in this crazy world because of it. I’m so ecstatic that these fuckers are finally going down. I’m still young, so it’s amazing and thrilling to know I’ll be around to see this unfold, their reign is over.
HAIL SATAN![/quote]

It's blatant. There's advertising everywhere against hate crimes. I was a salesman and was learning about the psychology of sales.

What I see with the billboards and radio ads is them overdoing the emotion and fear tactics. It's painfully obvious to me it's manipulation. But the populace tends to be hooked to the media the whole time so they are not sensitive to the bollocks it is.

I believe there are lots of people more intelligent than me out there. I hope many people can start seeing it for what it is.

You can't call a spade a spade. Their jeboo thought form is getting decimated. People are not thinking some spook in the sky is watching their every thought. So now they're sending the police to nab you if you say anything wrong.

Scary times and ridiculous. People must think why is this so enforced?

The world is still under occupation and the enemy is using the state to oppress its citizens.

Sadly innocent people need to say the wrong thing, get thrown in the slammer and then open their eyes.

These brain washed liberals live in good and safe areas. And because they're too comfortable they get stupid.

Sometimes a person needs to feel pain to wake up.

The world is very fake and I'm committed to Satans side.

We have already won we just need to keep on until we manifest it.

Great to be young. You have lots of time to grow and fully empower yourself and do lots of good for the world.

Hail Satan
Lydia said:
theserpentrises666 said:
What are some ways we can protect ourselves from enemy attacks and deflect them?

Returning Curses, Parts 1 & 2. These don't take long at all, and are very effective. Note the affirmation: “My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning these directly right back to the senders.”

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html (Part 1)
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html (Part 2)

Having looked at those two again, that is what I use for my Aura Cleaning and Aura of Protection. What I seem to have omitted was the prayer at the end of part 2.

There is a difference in that after completing these Aura Cleaning and Aura of Protection visualisations. I feel like I have much more energy. And I'm happy too. To which everyone can see and they wonder why and enquire after my happiness.
YES! YES! YES! We were all flat out robbed, worse even. I remember when I first learned of these atrocities- our people being tortured for centuries and having knowledge given to us by the gods stripped away from us, and slandering the gods and putting out hideous images of them- I teared up. Just couldn’t believe these unforgivable injustices and realized we lived in this crazy world because of it. I’m so ecstatic that these fuckers are finally going down. I’m still young, so it’s amazing and thrilling to know I’ll be around to see this unfold, their reign is over.
HAIL SATAN![/quote]

It's blatant. There's advertising everywhere against hate crimes. I was a salesman and was learning about the psychology of sales.

What I see with the billboards and radio ads is them overdoing the emotion and fear tactics. It's painfully obvious to me it's manipulation. But the populace tends to be hooked to the media the whole time so they are not sensitive to the bollocks it is.

I believe there are lots of people more intelligent than me out there. I hope many people can start seeing it for what it is.

You can't call a spade a spade. Their jeboo thought form is getting decimated. People are not thinking some spook in the sky is watching their every thought. So now they're sending the police to nab you if you say anything wrong.

Scary times and ridiculous. People must think why is this so enforced?

The world is still under occupation and the enemy is using the state to oppress its citizens.

Sadly innocent people need to say the wrong thing, get thrown in the slammer and then open their eyes.

These brain washed liberals live in good and safe areas. And because they're too comfortable they get stupid.

Sometimes a person needs to feel pain to wake up.

The world is very fake and I'm committed to Satans side.

We have already won we just need to keep on until we manifest it.

Great to be young. You have lots of time to grow and fully empower yourself and do lots of good for the world.

Hail Satan[/quote]

Thanks for the good news! My dreams tell the same and I did my prediction on tweeter! Hail Satan Forever!!!!
This is amazing news!!!

I knew this day would come, they had it coming and I'm so happy we get to see them meet their doom!

HAIL SATAN!!! \,,/
Lydia said:
theserpentrises666 said:
What are some ways we can protect ourselves from enemy attacks and deflect them?

Returning Curses, Parts 1 & 2. These don't take long at all, and are very effective. Note the affirmation: “My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning these directly right back to the senders.”

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html (Part 1)
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html (Part 2)
Thank you so much
I don't think the enemy want ppl knowing the churches and media are all scripted by the same fleas

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
