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The Goddess Astarte & Happy Ostara

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Goddess Astarte rules over this most beautiful time of the year, where nature reminds us of the importance of life, creativity, fertility, the knowledge that all adverse and bad things do come to an end.

The enemy's imposter holidays never have any positivity in them. It's about sad jews, grim jews, punishments one has to run from, psychologically disturbed kikes on hate comas, strange hoax stories about jews, worthless jewish historical drivel.

Deep down all people know this means nothing to nobody. But our primordial traditions of life, nature, and our Gods, do gladden the heart.

On the other hand, all Satanic celebrations are about positivity, remembrance and empowerment. They are about our ancestors, filled with hope and vitality for the future of our existence.

To leave the enemy programs is as one that has parted with the idea of death and decay in itself. One leaves from the prison of lies, negativity, and fear, ignorance, to enter into a newer, greener, more lively world. A world filled with spirit, with wonder, with creativity, with life.

Our dull society has numbed itself to many of the wonders of nature, love, or the living spirit of this world.

Don't forget that Satanism and the eternal tenets of our Gods, are about life. Meditation is done to increase life, to bring out wonders of inside a soul. Satanists do live for life.

Before the enemy came to lie about "Resurrection" and anything of the sort - Astarte, 5500+ of years ago, in the beginnings of our presently known 'history', was already part of the sacred myth of returning from the world of the dead, to the world of the living.

In the Sumerian Pantheon, under the name Inanna, an important alchemical Name, Lady Inanna descends on the underworld to save her lover Dumuzid, who is locked in the underworld. The mystical and symbolic character of this story, are deep and important dealing with the rising of the Kundalini Serpent.

In this myth, Goddess Inanna does make a "descent", which is symbolic in it's essence, crossing the gates of "death". Dumuzid is also symbolic of the fallen person, disoriented "man" in a sphere of ignorance.

Inanna, despite of her higher and supernal level, out of care for Dumuzid, does fight all the way down to the literal underworld to get to him, taking the dangerous and threatening route down to the underworld to save him and bring him back.

Eventually, out of this descent, the Serpent is borne with the help of Enki, and it ascends upwards to the Sun.

In a sense, the Queen of Life, enters the realm of death to salvage what has been destroyed. In a similar fashion, today, and in all the years we invite them in our unspiritual world, and she will descend to us, to help us through this realm of sleeping people, to move us out of the state of spiritual death.

Universally respected in the Ancient World by all Pagans of the Earth, Astarte/Inanna/Aphrodite also reminds us of the value of a woman, but also the woman at her higher level.

Purposefully, anywhere that Inanna is mentioned, the enemy focuses on her aspects as a Goddess of Love, while in her lore, she symbolizes infinite things more than that, and aside our Goddesses, the true meaning of femininity and womanhood.

The enemy is afraid of her grace and power, and her enemies flee from her. They have slandered her, but like this, gracefully, She will overcome them.

Humans honor her daily at every breath, at every new love, and at every birth. She is eternal. Inanna, the Queen of Heavens.

Those of us in the Joy of Satan who love the Gods, and believe in them, want to bring out for lack of a better word, a true resurrection.

Happy Ostara to everyone.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Astarte!

I hope every JoS member enjoys this beautiful season.

Happy Ostara everyone
This story about Lady Inanna really touched me, thank you.

Hail Inanna! <3
Perfect HPHC

Happy Ostara my fellow people.
Happy Ostara HP, as well to my other satanic brethren. Let’s show the enemy who they're really messing with. They’ve slandered our gods and goddesses for far too long and have ripped our spiritual abilities away. Now we can fight back. RTR time!!!
The female part of life is the sweetest. Enjoy the pleasure of life as it is absolute. Stay strong brothers and sisters.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Happy Ostara to everyone.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this most beautiful sermon Highpriest!

Happy Ostara for all spiritual members.

OS "Mouth" + TAR "Procreate" = ostar "Ishtar" procreation of the earth in Spring.

Rune :- correspond to Oss/Ansuz

source "Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit"
Beautiful post, Hail Astarte and Happy Ostara everyone :)

A few years ago, when vibrating her name mantra Inanna (for astral senses), she came to me and led me to some info regarding healthier options for cosmetics, deodorant, etc, making me more aware of the toxins that are in most conventional cosmetics.

Another time, she showed me a garden. It was walled in stone (short wall around 3 feet in height), with so much greenery everywhere, vines on the walls, and a bench in the middle to sit on. Trees were all around. It was more beautiful than I can describe here, sorry for the bland description.

I don't usually post about experiences with the Gods, but wanted to share these with my fellow SS, especially those who don't have much experience. The Gods really do want what is best for us, they show us ways to become better in many areas of life, not just strictly spiritual advancement.
Thank you for this sermon and everything you've done! Wouldn't be where I am today without the forums and JoS! Happy Ostara!

Hail Astarte! Hail Satan!
Funny enough in the Bible their is a passage were the jews worshipped the Queen of the heaven which if I recall correctly was another name for astaroth but the jews rejected her an preformed human sacrifices to we'll make her look bad eventually they returned to their thoughtform an was punished by it for rejecting him but when they worshipped astaroth they said they were more happy worshiping her than the trash thoughtform of theirs they probably worshipped her an was happy then they turned
On her an started doing human sacrifices which is probably to their thoughtform most scollars agree they would kill their on to worship the thoughtform but anyway thought you might like to know

Hail astarte
Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

That Sumerian myth was beautiful to read. Thank you.

I wish the world could truly see her the way she really is instead of believing all the filthy lies told by the enemy.

Maybe one day...

Hail Satan! Hail Inanna!
Happy Ostara HP Cobra and all my fellow SS.

Happy Ostara!! :)
Thank you Hp Hooded Cobra 666 for this beautiful sermon. i know Astarte as very helping Goddess.
she help me out when i was 6 years old for over coming my brothers dead she spoke to me
kind and loving words i newer forget this beautiful Goddess.

Happy Ostara to all my Brothers And Sisters

Hail Father Satan
Hail Astarte and all the gods of Duat

I am touched by this post. I feel intense anger against those who blaspheme against our beloved Gods and Goddesses. Every day I think about the time when we are in power, what it would be like to go on a Satanic Crusade. I'll spare details. I always keep in mind that Satan and the rest know best, and they'll do what is necessary. I can't wait until the time when this is all over and we can have a rest from all this madness.

Your account of your encounter with Astarte caused me to pause for a minute reflecting on it. It really described how I feel, and the emotional recovery and rejuvenation I need.

I look forward to a total reunion with our blessed Demons and Demonesses and the healing that will result. I'm ready to get over all this stress and fury, and rest in their loving-kindness, in an Eternal Golden Age.

I also look forward to Holidays, with crowds of Satanists having a blast all together, in-person, with lights, flowers and music, dancing and camaraderie.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

A truly amazing read, Commander. The descent of Astarte in the underworld to save Dumuzid.. I read this before (about Isis and Osiris/Orias) but it is only now that I could really understand what the allegory means, realizing the Gods come to us in this lower realm to help us 'be reborn' in a way. Also, the romanticism behind the story suggests me that it could be someone in particular that we find lovable/attractive(spiritually)/wonderful and that we feel a true bond with, like a Guardian Demon/Demoness. It wouldn't be the first time I hear of someone else who speaks of their Guardian with the same or likely MORE affection that they speak of a dear lover. Demons are Family, after all, I for one find it impossible not to feel the highest respect and love for every Demon I've ever known.. although I do feel closer to some than others, which I assume is a natural feeling when you're not so experienced and haven't met or worked with too many yet.

As for Dumuzid (in this story) I do assume that we wasn't completely uninterested in Inanna's journey to the "valley of the (brain)dead" and that he WAS actively trying whatever he could think of in order to catch a glimpse of her as soon as possible and strengthen their connection so that she would have the easiest possible effort in returning him to life when she reached him.
Meaning, our meditations and our rituals and workings are what will ultimately make all the difference when we're given the best odds one could hope for, and only the unprepared and unready for the Gods will be left behind, and their total undoing in the hands of the enemy (like the idiots lining up and rolling sleeves while wearing a face nappy hosting a bacteria Oktoberfest) will be their OWN self inflicted downfall.

Years ago, I believed everyone could see the righteousness and Truth of Spiritual Satanism. Today, I have made peace with my mind and know that not everyone has what it takes. Between the brain dead and (even worse) the ones that become lulled away from decent efforts in Spiritual Satanism through bribes or simply fear, it's clear that some people have lost the right to ask the Gods for help and advancement, especially those that choose the opposite, ignorance and lies, and finally death at the hands of monsters.

Happy Ostara, Brother.

Hail Astarte! Hail Duat Gods! I feel really powerful energy on this date.
A little while ago - at least three minutes, according to my clock - Rewera and I got to discussing the identities of Slavic Gods and Goddesses, and Astarte came up as a particular focus of that conversation. Her association with life, death and rebirth was highlighted, and both of us theorized that certain Slavic deities, some with male and female counterparts comprising a singular identity, were likely aspects of Astarte. I went and found the pertinent parts of that conversation (And had to cut them up, as otherwise the preview would cut out parts of it.), as I noted some similarities between those Slavic stories and Inanna & Dumuzid and I think it makes good food for thought.

.. and about Morana, I don't really know. For sure, She is highly important Goddess, but I haven't figured out who She is. Based on research, Goddesses Morana and Vesna are highly important together, as they represent cycles of life and death. I think however that goddess Vesna is Goddess Furfur. I got confirmed by my GD, that Lilith is Mokoš, Dažbog is God Azazel, as well as Lada being Ishtar. I have some thoughts about Morana myself, but all of this are just my opinions, and I would like to hear your opinion about all this too.

Lada being Ishtar/Astarte was another one that I was leaning towards given her mother goddess role and association with beauty and fertility. I hadn't gotten to Mokoš much, but seeing her association with women's rights and protecting women in childbirth, the connection is plain.

Morana/Marzanna is certainly the one who sticks out amongst the Gods and Goddesses listed here, in terms of vagueness in details that would allow for making a connection supported with evidence. I'm having a few thoughts here:

It's not unheard of for two or more deities to represent one actual God/Goddess in the same mythology. I don't know if Czarnobog and Bialobog have actual counterparts amongst our Satanic Gods, but I've read here and there from people who theorize that they may be aspects of one deity, who is represented by their duality.

Going by our good friend Wikipedia, we may potentially see a similar thing with Lada: "Lada and Lado together form one aspect of a multiple deity, whose other names and aspects relate to the Sun, water, and grain, respectively." So here Lada and her masculine counterpart, Lado, together form one aspect of the same deity. Wikipedia goes on to compare this to Dionysus (wonder who that might be, hm), and mentions other pairs that make up this deity, including Jarilo/Jarila. I can't say much about Jarilo's female counterpart of Jarila, but Jarilo is described as being the son of Perun and twin brother of Marzanna. Both have that life-death-rebirth cycle going on, and in the mythology they are wedded with the celebration taking place on the Summer Solstice. It is seen as a very harmonious, prosperity-ensuring event that unifies even the conflicting Veles and Perun. The symbolism of the Magnum Opus seems quite apparent with this tale.

In trying to tie said story to the identity of an actual Goddess, this leads me to hypothesize, although this feels a bit like a stretch, that Marzanna could be another identity, another aspect, of Ishtar altogether. We see that the "death" of Marzanna occurs at the end of winter, thus bringing winter to its actual end and sparking her rebirth - just in time for the Spring Equinox, which Ishtar has a connection to and also happens to be a date where Marzanna-related activities are celebrated in Slavic countries to this day. As Wikipedia puts it, "In Slavic rites the death of the Goddess Marzanna at the end winter, becomes the rebirth of Spring of the Goddess Kostroma (Russian), Lada, Vesna representing the coming of Spring." Of course, Vesna is also mentioned here, so we must take into account her association with this as well, but interestingly Kostroma is also mentioned as being a part, along with male counterpart Kostromo, of that one, singular entity that Lada and Jarilo also make up.

I bold it ....I was surprised at first glance, when I saw that we have same opinions XD

If we compare our Western tradition (all nations) we can clearly see that Ishtar plays a HUGE role as a Mother Goddess. It's obvious since She is one of the 4 Crowned Princes of Hell/Orion, but if we look at it in more details, we can clearly see that Goddess Ishtar and Mother Lilith together play bigger role in spirituality. What I am trying to say is that, if we take a look at Hinduism; Mother Parvati (Lilith) have various other "forms" as a Goddess. This is spiritual allegory, but still, She is described as; Kali, Lalita Sundari, Durga Maa, Sati and Parvati, SAME thing can be found in our Slavic Pantheon if this what we are talking about is true, where Goddess Ishtar is the one showing us same thing as Mother Lilith in Hindu Pantheon. If we take a look at HP Mageson's and HPHC's statements about Lalitha Sundari, we can conclude that it shows us something more important than just mythological stories. So, I am sure that it's same case with all others, including Mother Lilith's other names in Hinduism as well as Goddess Ishtar's other names in Slavic nations, after all Goddess Ishtar rules West ... which again is something important to add.

Another thing is presentation of Gods with their counterparts. I can clearly only see that this shows nothing more but a perfect soul state with ShivaShakti energies united, Ida and Pingala nadis or full state of Ardhnarishwar. There might be more of what it represents as well with situation of Jarilo and Lada.

The Ida and Pingala came to mind for me as well when looking at how all these different gods that really made up one multigod had gendered counterparts. If we consider this when looking at the marriage of Marzanna and Jarilo, then we can verify that it indeed wasn't a literal incestuous union as you no doubt knew as well. This is merely representative of them being counterparts of the same soul being unified. It makes even more sense if we're right that Marzanna is indeed another aspect/identity of Ishtar, with this being Her way of demonstrating advanced spiritual practices in the Slavic pantheon.
Astarte has done so much for me. To know her is one of the greatest blessings. Every contact with her is so touching and beautiful, I lack the words to truly express it.

Goddess Astarte has saved me on many occasions from decay and ignorance. All those experiences are still as vivid to me as when they happened. They are eternal memories I can never forget. They continue to inspire me and incentivize growth and healing on all levels.

Inanna O glorious goddess, may you always be most exalted and blessed, graceful and beautiful, and may all gentiles remember your grace and divine femininity once more, may you receive all the honors, praises and blessings you are due from us Satanists and all gentiles alike, and let once again our Earth be blessed in your name and glory for all eternity to come.

Thank you Inanna for watching over us Satanists, and over our Earth, lifting us up out of the rut our enemies plunged us in, and thank you for showing me and all others who have received your blessings, teachings and nurturing, the true beauty and value of life, leading us on this path to ascension so one day we may join you in exaltation.

Hail Inanna forever!

Happy Ostara to all Satanic brothers and sisters!
VoiceofEnki said:
Astarte has done so much for me. To know her is one of the greatest blessings. Every contact with her is so touching and beautiful, I lack the words to truly express it.

Goddess Astarte has saved me on many occasions from decay and ignorance. All those experiences are still as vivid to me as when they happened. They are eternal memories I can never forget. They continue to inspire me and incentivize growth and healing on all levels.

Inanna O glorious goddess, may you always be most exalted and blessed, graceful and beautiful, and may all gentiles remember your grace and divine femininity once more, may you receive all the honors, praises and blessings you are due from us Satanists and all gentiles alike, and let once again our Earth be blessed in your name and glory for all eternity to come.

Thank you Inanna for watching over us Satanists, and over our Earth, lifting us up out of the rut our enemies plunged us in, and thank you for showing me and all others who have received your blessings, teachings and nurturing, the true beauty and value of life, leading us on this path to ascension so one day we may join you in exaltation.

Hail Inanna forever!

Happy Ostara to all Satanic brothers and sisters!

Thanks to you brother and the great Goddess inanna.

Aop meditation, and meditation to open the astral senses are wonderful.

Thanks to you brother.

and thanks to inanna we honor his party.
Lydia said:
Beautiful post, Hail Astarte and Happy Ostara everyone :)

A few years ago, when vibrating her name mantra Inanna (for astral senses), she came to me and led me to some info regarding healthier options for cosmetics, deodorant, etc, making me more aware of the toxins that are in most conventional cosmetics.

Another time, she showed me a garden. It was walled in stone (short wall around 3 feet in height), with so much greenery everywhere, vines on the walls, and a bench in the middle to sit on. Trees were all around. It was more beautiful than I can describe here, sorry for the bland description.

I don't usually post about experiences with the Gods, but wanted to share these with my fellow SS, especially those who don't have much experience. The Gods really do want what is best for us, they show us ways to become better in many areas of life, not just strictly spiritual advancement.

This i can also attest to. Alot probably know by now but i am very good with dream recall and feel i get even outside information in dreams. Especially because i will see things in dreams that i havent before that end up having meaning later or prove to be accurate in some way. Theres a Particular Demon i am extremely close to and love and i feel im talked to in dreams through the meanins of stones and plants. One of the recent ones was when i dreamt about what turned out to be the chasteberry plant. I remember this tall stalk of purple flowers from the dream and that it stuck out to me. never saw it before in my life and had no idea that was chasteberry, although have heard of chasteberry itself once or twice.

So a few days later i am in my work and asking myself since i am working on my hip chakras for anger issues..."this is the most serene time of my cycle (the first day LOL). why cant i feel stable like this all the time? i wonder what he would tell me", thinking of Abraxas ofcourse. then i hear "chasteberry" i look it up and see that it is a primary suppliment used for PMS....on top of that i see images of chasteberry, and they look exactly like the flower that i saw in my dream having never seen the flower before besides in the dream, not knowing what chasteberry looked like beforehand. And this dream was days before i started my period. :lol: :lol: i proceeded ofcourse to order this online here: you may also find this site interesting! you know whats funny? an icon of his familiar is there! and i feel i have been led to this site before and only gave it a glancehttps://www.humnutrition.com/product/19/moody-bird TY Abraxas! i love you, you are awesome! <3. I feel he has been there for me and helped me alot.
That's Beautiful!⚘💗 Thank you for sharing that!💐🌸💗🦋🌷 Happy Ostara!! Hail Satan!! Hail Us!!❤💐
Wow. This brings even more meaning to the working that I've been doing, vibrating the name Inanna. The Sumerian story also allowed me to learn something new about her, and I bear intense respect for her.

Hail Astarte! Happy Ostara.
I did a wonderful ritual to her that night and asked for her blessings and I consecrated and dedicated a statue to her and her energy was very overwhelming it brought me to tears. A song I especially love this time of year is “The gates of Babylon” by Colbert because it’s about her.
A very beautiful sermon.

I think the custom of chocolate eggs is Satanic in nature. Eggs are symbols of life and in the tattvas they are used to represent the element of akasha. Chocolate is an aphrodisiac in nature and thus sacred to the Goddess of Love in any culture, again tying in the generative powers of this holiday as from love life is born. The Spring season also ties into this, etc. Chocolate is made from milk, which all mammals use as the first form of sustenance for all new-borns, and of course we already know it is a deeper allegory in the Vedas. For example, when the Devata and the Asura churn the ocean of milk to produce amrita through Vasuki. The Milky Way.
Astarte is so absolutely kind, beautiful, and uplifting. She could easily lift me out of my darkest moods in a moment, and I just don't know how she does it. Her energy, her manner, her way of speaking... everything about her is a breath of fresh air and sublime warmth. Whenever I talk to her I feel better immediately.

Thank you for everything you do for me and our Satanic family, Astarte. I know it's late for this, but Happy Ostara, and Happy Spring! Hail Astarte!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shadowcat said:
Awesome sermon :)! Happy Ostara Satanic fam!
A tribute To the great Goddess of the canaanites and to my favorite time of year
Hail Astarte!

Very nice drawing. :D

Thank you! I have many more :3. I intend to make one for everyone!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
