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The Divine Purpose & Spiritual Warfare Schedule - April 17 to May 1st

I am humbled by these types of kind words.

I am just trying to do my best for everyone else here.

Norse 88 said:
Hail Hooded Cobra!

Thank you for such a wonderful and inspiring post. Truly, you deserve your rewards.

I believe in your vision, and have held it personally in my thoughts since I came here that you are a quintessential force on the forums and in the SS. Your skills in warfare and leadership outshine the others; you rally us together.

I think of Azazel when I read your words. I've always felt his beneficence shine in much of what you have said both by your Sermons and in your posts to others including myself. I hope one day to be great, as you are. It is my dream to uplift myself higher! It is my duty to carry this dream into reality. For the oath!

Thank you!



Ol argedco luciftias said:
hailourtruegod said:
For example, when these rituals first came out I was foolishly believing I was White and the energies felt off every time i did it because I was directing it in the wrong way but once I came to my sense and starting doing the rituals as the way I explained I felt no push back at all.
So you are not white? Are you mixed? If you are mixed, then that explains why you are not feeling connected to your shared racial soul. And that explains why it does not feel like you are able to connect into the ritual deeply or effectively. Because if you are trying to do a race awakening ritual for a race other than your own, you just aren't going to be able to connect with it.

This is exactly what I was trying to say. These rituals work directly between a person and their shared racial soul, as the person doing the ritual create a force which resonates through the whole shared racial soul. And almost everybody here who has done the ritual, they know exactly what I'm saying because we have all felt it.

I'm a handsome mestizo man with more on the indegenous/native side because of my daddy. My momma is pretty light skinned. I would say the same skin tone as Tim pool but it's obvious she's not white either by her other facial features. I know we have *some* white blood because of the white xians coming over to my ancestral nation but in my case it's not as prominent as some other Mexicans that you can tell they definitely have more White blood than me.

A lot of Mexicans have the traits I mentioned about me and my family so I'm not really giving away too much here. I mention this last part in case anyone thinks I'm giving personal info that'll hurt me.

I totally understand what you're saying Brother. I definetly couldn't connect to the ritual as you can with the White one. Lately, I have been doing these rituals as an outsider and had to slightly modify them. I explained myself here a little more to Slyscorpion.

hailourtruegod said:

When one does it the way I explained it is done in a way to wake up other races in an indirect manner, so to say.

In the past, when I was directing energy in an "direct" manner to connect to White racial conscience it "felt" VERY wrong but I was ignoring it until I finally was convinced of the fact that I'm not white. I stopped doing the Race Awakening rituals all together for like two or three schedules I think and once I read it's ok for other races to them but in the manner I explained (first explained by HPHC) i felt nothing wrong or "off" about the energies.

I almost made a choice last night not to do the Race Awakening rituals last night after Argedco's reply but I immediately got what I perceived as a sign.

I saw meme that had a white child learning how to defend themself and it had 666 likes.

I thought deeply if this had any meaning and right away I felt like I should still proceed with the Race Awakening rituals and once I finished both of them I felt very positive energy and felt the need to focus on the Gods and Goddesses.

Like I said, no pressure on anyone to do a ritual focused outside of their race but I am only making it clear that's it's perfectly fine if anyone wishes to do so. :)

Feel free to give a rebuttal to this. Regardless if I wasn't doing these racial rituals I would just be spamming the other ones instead so it's not a big deal if I have to stop doing them.
Hail to thee old friend and master!
May you be remembered as a man of truth par excellence fighting a world full of lies!
Heil Hitler!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If people whine about "Gestapo" they still don't understand how Facebook even works. Facebook has done x10000 times the damage of any "Gestapo" could ever do. Facebook knows what time you take a piss and for how long.

For Gestapo to care about this, you would have to be top tier National Threat, such as terrorist, supreme Communist, agent of Stalin, spy, or related. Facebook is simply interested in what time you piss and just in case if your piss makes Anti-Semetic sounds.

Gestapo chose top criminal targets for investigation, not small fries. The stuff nobody would even want to deal with. It was quite similar like agencies of today, with few differences if at all.

Now people are investigated over twitter posts that trash talk online. Gestapo was top secret service as does exist right now in every other country.

It also destroyed many pedos in the Vatican by the dozens, alongside Goebbels, which was a world first. Up until that time, nobody even had the nerve to literally go after these people. It was Gestapo that started to go after them in full force. Most people cowered back then, and everyone knew what was going on, but not much historic intervention was done to stop the suffering of children. Gestapo handled this type of dirty and dangerous work. This harmed the pedo rings of the time so much, so they now whine and this police department went down as a negative slang.

Gestapo wouldn't investigate uncle Matt or normal everyday people who aren't National threat else for literally saying some shit online. Facebook will definitely do that, do reports, put people in terrorist watchlists and so on arbitarily. Gestapo worked more with leads and actual actions committed. The stuff people see in movies was not happening as much as people think.

Also, modern US agencies do a lot more of the same, if not the same. Ever heard of Guantanamo? FEMA camps? All these things still exist. Have we ever heard of what secret police in China may possibly do to dissidents? We probably never will.

Why? Because these dissidents aren't Jews and the Jewish Lobby is what controls the media, which creates the narratives. So we only heard about "Gestapo" in our lives.

Even Putin's secret police is probably far more firm, properly working, and focused, than many other "Gestapo like" branches of the West. Our USA equivalents of Gestapo are busy chasing down 14 year olds online who told Jews to fuck off in Call of Duty Warzone. Hillary, Bidens, Epsteins, these always make it somehow.

It's a total shame, especially because most of the Secret Agencies actually gained manpower, methodology, and knowledge for a huge part, you guessed it from where: National Socialists.

Satanswarlord666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I see that people are protesting now due to our RTR's. But the annoying thing is in many places in Europe, people are still calling the ministers and globalist jews: Gestapo or Nazi's. For example here in the Netherlands. If they would know the difference between National Socialism and communism, people wouldn't act this retarded. So how do you think people will eventually know the jews lied about the 2nd world war and all this scamdemic stuff? The majority of people I mean. That they know it was the jews all the time. I'm beyond tired to hear the BS on our Antichrist. Even influentual people against the lockdown are constantly comparing what so called happened with the lolocaust, to this global situation. I want to see their faces of the same influential people, when they find out the Antichrist is our savior. :shock: Or it would already be to late for them to be saved. It's great to see the uprising. And as you Cobra Commander predicted, many clashes will follow. Denmark does it with style, Men in Black. I could see this turning into a National Socialistic movement. It's interesting the thought of how National Socialism would eventually unveil. In the mean time I keep doing my part of spiritual warfare!

Hail Satan/88!!!

How did freedom of speech play out in Nazi Germany. So far as every day people or the media.

I know for a fact a lot of degeneracy we see today is not really "free speech" but subversion and if given a better alternative at least most people would willingly choose not to listen to or watch it anymore but I am still curious I never saw anything that wasn't anti Nazi Propaganda on this. Not even on this site or forum did I see anyone really speak on this much. If I am wrong can you point me to the article or thread.
hailourtruegod said:
Do whatever you want Brother. :)
Maybe you could modify your own version to wake up the Mexican people. I wish the best for you and your people. :)

My answer wasn't really for you as much, it was more for other people who may be reading your answers. Because it could be so much less effective for white and black people to be doing each other's race ritual, so I didn't want them to waste their time trying to do both when they could only connect with one.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
hailourtruegod said:
Do whatever you want Brother. :)
Maybe you could modify your own version to wake up the Mexican people. I wish the best for you and your people. :)

My answer wasn't really for you as much, it was more for other people who may be reading your answers. Because it could be so much less effective for white and black people to be doing each other's race ritual, so I didn't want them to waste their time trying to do both when they could only connect with one.

A lot of my people tend to be racist which in a way is a good thing because they stick to their own. I don't mean the ones in America who hate white Americans but tend only date whites (the self hating ones) :roll: but I don't want to digress into something else on this topic.

In regards to your 2nd paragraph, I totally understand and good point. :)
Hooded Cobra. I want to put an End. I attacked maxine, because for me she is responsible for many disasters, to me and my brother that gave me this web site. I don't regret for this.Life was and is impossible, in his name.I known too mutch misery, umiliation, and worst, after my dedication( 12 Years ago). Now stop.
I asked to Them, just to punish my fondamentalistics, psicopatics, cristians family.
They Never done. I can't live, because of them, like a slave, without my house that those shits took me ,another time. Etc.
I dont allow anymore, another anniversary.
They stoled my portait of Hitler, as well, that drowe a child whit the Fuerer in front. They must Pay.
I believe only in you.
But nobody never stopped this curses criminal.
My magical works does nothing.
They have fortune,as well.
Where is our power and protection?
Ok, i got crazy, i'm mental sick, but done et do my rtr daily etc.
They ( family)are not powerful people. They are nothing. But does not pay.
So i will stop them. Now.
So, please, if you can see everythings, i ask just one last question: what i have to do, in your opinion, before to make, and to have, my Real Justice?
Thank You.
I hope to see you in the next life. Maybe
~This is how I see things as well with my life... it is for Satan and Satan alone. I spend my entire life in his service and I put him first in my life before anything else, including family and friends and a social life, which I barely partake in to begin with. I spend all of my time either researching Satan and the Gods and Satanism in general, meditations and power meditation work everyday, hours of meditation work as well, and I maintain my life through a healthy, fit lifestyle so that I can continue to be in his service for many years to come, and I am grateful to finally understand my place is with him and my brother sand sisters in Satan, and I right where I need to be. Your sermon is inspiring and I am grateful for all the hard work and effort that HPS Maxine as well as yourself and other clergy of the JOS have put out here for all of us. I wanted to share a webpage that is similar to yahoo e-groups, because I feel it could be of use for the Joy of Satan and perhaps the Joy of Satan can find a place there. It is called Discord. A friend of mine sent me this website and my first immediate thought was that it could possibly be something that the Joy of Satan could create a new e-group with. If you, HP HoodedCobra would like the link to this group website, I will post it below for you. I haven't really explored this webpage, so I do not know if it is free to use, or has a monthly cost, but it appears to allow Theistic Satanists to create e-groups. Please understand that I am not trying to separate people from the ancient forums. I would never do that. I only thought of Joy of Satan and that it could use this for a replacement for yahoo e-groups and become a new place for e-group pages since yahoo shut theirs down. Here is the link for you...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Satan truly takes care of his own. Where I am today is thanks to nobody but Satan himself. I am forever grateful!

Hail Satan!!!

My great congratulations to you. It's well deserved Brother.

Thank you HP Hooded Cobra, this means a lot to me!
What would you do if you were president? : "Genocide the Jews, the homosexuals! "(video)


The "bien-pensance" (((good thinking))) is not at its first exercise of ideological flexibility.

The RTR does damage here.



Letter from the military calling for the extermination of the Islamist invader.

A race between the Marxists and the Macronists to see who will be the appointed protector of the Mohammedans against the army.


(((They))) have become much more nervous in the last 48 hours. Israeli billionaire Patrick Drahi's channel explicitly calls for a purge. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/18/3/1588173236-hannibalgrosplanhinhihin.png

There are more and more signatures.

In France, it is a crime to want to defend your country.
Enlightened.Serpent said:
~This is how I see things as well with my life... it is for Satan and Satan alone. I spend my entire life in his service and I put him first in my life before anything else, including family and friends and a social life, which I barely partake in to begin with. I spend all of my time either researching Satan and the Gods and Satanism in general, meditations and power meditation work everyday, hours of meditation work as well, and I maintain my life through a healthy, fit lifestyle so that I can continue to be in his service for many years to come, and I am grateful to finally understand my place is with him and my brother sand sisters in Satan, and I right where I need to be. Your sermon is inspiring and I am grateful for all the hard work and effort that HPS Maxine as well as yourself and other clergy of the JOS have put out here for all of us. I wanted to share a webpage that is similar to yahoo e-groups, because I feel it could be of use for the Joy of Satan and perhaps the Joy of Satan can find a place there. It is called Discord. A friend of mine sent me this website and my first immediate thought was that it could possibly be something that the Joy of Satan could create a new e-group with. If you, HP HoodedCobra would like the link to this group website, I will post it below for you. I haven't really explored this webpage, so I do not know if it is free to use, or has a monthly cost, but it appears to allow Theistic Satanists to create e-groups. Please understand that I am not trying to separate people from the ancient forums. I would never do that. I only thought of Joy of Satan and that it could use this for a replacement for yahoo e-groups and become a new place for e-group pages since yahoo shut theirs down. Here is the link for you...


Thank you for caring. It is alright, we are fine. We are confident in the forums and we stay here. Discord is a really weird place. Please use the search function to understand the reasoning behind this decision.
Havok said:
In France, it is a crime to want to defend your country.

Regardless of everything, France has strong light, and strong people. I am surprised on the things I see manifesting from France, despite of the enemy's news. France is of the most woke in all of Europe, despite the attacks it receives.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Enlightened.Serpent said:
~This is how I see things as well with my life... it is for Satan and Satan alone. I spend my entire life in his service and I put him first in my life before anything else, including family and friends and a social life, which I barely partake in to begin with. I spend all of my time either researching Satan and the Gods and Satanism in general, meditations and power meditation work everyday, hours of meditation work as well, and I maintain my life through a healthy, fit lifestyle so that I can continue to be in his service for many years to come, and I am grateful to finally understand my place is with him and my brother sand sisters in Satan, and I right where I need to be. Your sermon is inspiring and I am grateful for all the hard work and effort that HPS Maxine as well as yourself and other clergy of the JOS have put out here for all of us. I wanted to share a webpage that is similar to yahoo e-groups, because I feel it could be of use for the Joy of Satan and perhaps the Joy of Satan can find a place there. It is called Discord. A friend of mine sent me this website and my first immediate thought was that it could possibly be something that the Joy of Satan could create a new e-group with. If you, HP HoodedCobra would like the link to this group website, I will post it below for you. I haven't really explored this webpage, so I do not know if it is free to use, or has a monthly cost, but it appears to allow Theistic Satanists to create e-groups. Please understand that I am not trying to separate people from the ancient forums. I would never do that. I only thought of Joy of Satan and that it could use this for a replacement for yahoo e-groups and become a new place for e-group pages since yahoo shut theirs down. Here is the link for you...


Thank you for caring. It is alright, we are fine. We are confident in the forums and we stay here. Discord is a really weird place. Please use the search function to understand the reasoning behind this decision.
You're welcome, and I do understand.
I would like to thank everyone for their hard work on the FRTR and Killing Tetragrammaton. I myself have started 11 days ago with this spiritual journey and I am seeing results. Today I heard the news about the enemy and their mass panic attack. This is not a coincidence.
Thanks to all my brothers and sisters of Satan!!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
April 20th is to be put special attention on this schedule. Specific higher and advanced individuals will be doing specific works on this date from our side. Even other Pagans are joining on this date, and that is positive.

The power date of Hitler's birthday is extremely important and should be utilized as a day of maximum force.

HP, I always wondered what was really meant when other Pagans joined us during Adolf Hitler's birthday. It is boggling to believe that there is still hope for most individuals out there if they really saw the importance of what good we are doing for the world. Most of the information from other Pagans I have come across on us is slander, lies, and blasphemy. Hearing about this the first time gave me a bit of hope for the world.
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
April 20th is to be put special attention on this schedule. Specific higher and advanced individuals will be doing specific works on this date from our side. Even other Pagans are joining on this date, and that is positive.

The power date of Hitler's birthday is extremely important and should be utilized as a day of maximum force.

HP, I always wondered what was really meant when other Pagans joined us during Adolf Hitler's birthday. It is boggling to believe that there is still hope for most individuals out there if they really saw the importance of what good we are doing for the world. Most of the information from other Pagans I have come across on us is slander, lies, and blasphemy. Hearing about this the first time gave me a bit of hope for the world.

There are two Pagan groups who in a sense, their leaders let's say, are largely if not completely in understanding of our ideas. But they don't want to upset their own peace, for things such as what you state.

One newfound group, is also literally saying all the JoS does, but they have simply omitted specific things, while sharing all our ideas, arguments from our videos, volkisch and racial things, even meditations. But on a far lower level with less things revealed.

This group might actually advance as it's in accordance with Satan's desires, if people don't get infiltrated or somehow destroyed by Christcukcs and inbred jews.

Paganism has been no different than Satanism in that regard, endless jews have been going rampant in Paganism for decades. They fucked up the Pagan movement up completely, almost made it collapse onto itself. People with surnames like Levi and other shit like that. Even Pagan Folklore music...

We are not exclusive in being infiltrated or attempted at subversion by the tribe. They attempt and will constantly attempt to do this EVERYWHERE.

This is starting to slowly give in.

They therefore join us in rituals, but they don't exactly come here or anything, which is perfectly fine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
April 20th is to be put special attention on this schedule. Specific higher and advanced individuals will be doing specific works on this date from our side. Even other Pagans are joining on this date, and that is positive.

The power date of Hitler's birthday is extremely important and should be utilized as a day of maximum force.

HP, I always wondered what was really meant when other Pagans joined us during Adolf Hitler's birthday. It is boggling to believe that there is still hope for most individuals out there if they really saw the importance of what good we are doing for the world. Most of the information from other Pagans I have come across on us is slander, lies, and blasphemy. Hearing about this the first time gave me a bit of hope for the world.

There are two Pagan groups who in a sense, their leaders let's say, are largely if not completely in understanding of our ideas. But they don't want to upset their own peace, for things such as what you state.

One newfound group, is also literally saying all the JoS does, but they have simply omitted specific things, while sharing all our ideas, arguments from our videos, volkisch and racial things, even meditations. But on a far lower level with less things revealed.

This group might actually advance as it's in accordance with Satan's desires, if people don't get infiltrated or somehow destroyed by Christcukcs and inbred jews.

Paganism has been no different than Satanism in that regard, endless jews have been going rampant in Paganism for decades. They fucked up the Pagan movement up completely, almost made it collapse onto itself. People with surnames like Levi and other shit like that. Even Pagan Folklore music...

We are not exclusive in being infiltrated or attempted at subversion by the tribe. They attempt and will constantly attempt to do this EVERYWHERE.

This is starting to slowly give in.

They therefore join us in rituals, but they don't exactly come here or anything, which is perfectly fine.
I have fear for these other groups, they may get infiltrated more easily than us. Here we are more protected. Maybe some from these groups will join us with time.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wildfire said:
HP, I always wondered what was really meant when other Pagans joined us during Adolf Hitler's birthday. It is boggling to believe that there is still hope for most individuals out there if they really saw the importance of what good we are doing for the world. Most of the information from other Pagans I have come across on us is slander, lies, and blasphemy. Hearing about this the first time gave me a bit of hope for the world.

There are two Pagan groups who in a sense, their leaders let's say, are largely if not completely in understanding of our ideas. But they don't want to upset their own peace, for things such as what you state.

One newfound group, is also literally saying all the JoS does, but they have simply omitted specific things, while sharing all our ideas, arguments from our videos, volkisch and racial things, even meditations. But on a far lower level with less things revealed.

This group might actually advance as it's in accordance with Satan's desires, if people don't get infiltrated or somehow destroyed by Christcukcs and inbred jews.

Paganism has been no different than Satanism in that regard, endless jews have been going rampant in Paganism for decades. They fucked up the Pagan movement up completely, almost made it collapse onto itself. People with surnames like Levi and other shit like that. Even Pagan Folklore music...

We are not exclusive in being infiltrated or attempted at subversion by the tribe. They attempt and will constantly attempt to do this EVERYWHERE.

This is starting to slowly give in.

They therefore join us in rituals, but they don't exactly come here or anything, which is perfectly fine.
I have fear for these other groups, they may get infiltrated more easily than us. Here we are more protected. Maybe some from these groups will join us with time.

It actually depends on how smart and Jew are the people there are to a lesser extent in them and more so those that run and moderate them. Maybe so but maybe not as well. There is no hard and fast rule with this. Anything in accordance with the Gods or helping them would be protected to be honest.
Some of the people may be members here it sounds like or members here may have joined there as well seems like what would happen if they are doing some of the same rituals and using some of the same stuff. I personally am not familiar with what he is talking about myself so I can't comment more.
slyscorpion said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are two Pagan groups who in a sense, their leaders let's say, are largely if not completely in understanding of our ideas. But they don't want to upset their own peace, for things such as what you state.

One newfound group, is also literally saying all the JoS does, but they have simply omitted specific things, while sharing all our ideas, arguments from our videos, volkisch and racial things, even meditations. But on a far lower level with less things revealed.

This group might actually advance as it's in accordance with Satan's desires, if people don't get infiltrated or somehow destroyed by Christcukcs and inbred jews.

Paganism has been no different than Satanism in that regard, endless jews have been going rampant in Paganism for decades. They fucked up the Pagan movement up completely, almost made it collapse onto itself. People with surnames like Levi and other shit like that. Even Pagan Folklore music...

We are not exclusive in being infiltrated or attempted at subversion by the tribe. They attempt and will constantly attempt to do this EVERYWHERE.

This is starting to slowly give in.

They therefore join us in rituals, but they don't exactly come here or anything, which is perfectly fine.
I have fear for these other groups, they may get infiltrated more easily than us. Here we are more protected. Maybe some from these groups will join us with time.

It actually depends on how smart and Jew are the people there are to a lesser extent in them and more so those that run and moderate them. Maybe so but maybe not as well. There is no hard and fast rule with this. Anything in accordance with the Gods or helping them would be protected to be honest.
Some of the people may be members here it sounds like or members here may have joined there as well seems like what would happen if they are doing some of the same rituals and using some of the same stuff. I personally am not familiar with what he is talking about myself so I can't comment more.

The first part is Jew Aware not Jew are.
Greetings to all our Satanic brothers and sisters.I finally have time to post this :) ..I must confess after participating in this last warfare RTR I felt something,I felt changes towards my meditation routines..I said I must post it to inspire others to keep doing the rtrs..I now have the urge to meditate more and also recently I have the urge to learn more ..I do the final RTR+tetragrammaton daily as of this year 2021,last year I did only final RTR and other spiritual warfare.. I dedicated last year 2020 around May...After participating in this last spiritual warfare I have urge, I now empower my pineal gland and all my chakras even planning this Sunday (cancer) to start empowering my astral senses ..And oh yes The rtrs also made me make Returning curses a part of me I like this my improvement and it shows the RTRs are working and are changing us and also empowering us..Please I urge everyone to keep doing the final RTR+ killing tentragramaton and also engage in spiritual warfare. as well as it destroys the enemy it also empowering for our soul so who wouldn't want to do it,it's a double for me because it destroys enemy and also empowers . HAIL SATAN FOREVER,
HAIL MY GUARDIAN DEMON(don't know you yet but I will)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
