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The Devil Is Your Friend

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Most humans out there have a falsified assumption about the Gods and more specifically the Great Being that we call the "Devil". They don't recognize the greatest of them all, who is the Devil, Father Satan Lucifer Himself.

The Gods are very real in their friendship, care and support. They guide, they tell humanity what is the best investment of their time and existence.

Whether or not we follow this, that is a whole other subject, as humanity is renown of being stupid. It's not that easy, but always worth it.

So good are also the Gods that they teach us on our level instead of their own, so that we rise there, and always treat us as we need.

One of the major stupidities it has done is to forsake this aeons long respected and valued Friendship, which extends further and deeper than anyone could comprehend. We had this, because many of us in earth maintained this standard.

Now with this gone, the Friendship is only for those who will actively go after the Truth and seek it, those who will make these beings their allies and their teachers.

Why is friendship also mentioned here? Because most people have no clue how to grow one. A very good way to tell between two friends, is when there is an giving and taking relationship of care, support, and needs met. Those who don't walk this two ways, are not really friends.

Further, what is the most common mistake people do in "Friendships"? They generally only look after their own "self" and what they can gain, or what they "received" from anything, never what they gave. No relation in the history of mankind has survived in this way.

This behaviour, as it distances people from other people, it also distances people from the Gods, too.

One befriends the Gods in a similar way, but one has to do the tasks required by this other more dignified relationship.

Friendship also, especially in the case of the Gods, does not involve equals, but complete unequals. We are those that seek to rise to THEIR level. Yet, the Gods, as our friends and protectors, do emphasize on how we can climb up there - step by step.

The Devil is our friend, and we must cherish this bond.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
👏 ;)
This is all very important to understand and properly put into perspective. This is why I live, why I breathe.

Why I continue when I am in pain, why I continue when I am weak. It is for you all and Satan I show up here and push myself through.

I long for the day as I keep building myself up, to one day graciously and deeply give back to Satan and the Joy of Satan for all that has been given to me and us all here.

Wholeheartedly, I know one day this day will come and I'll be ready.

It is through comprehending the give and take of a proper friendship, that we can grow in this direction in understanding the Gods, and how they are our guides and eternal teachers.

Yes, they are our parents in a spiritual and literal sense on all aspects, but as we grow we must partake of the ambrosia, and fires of the serpent, and join the gods in the eternal challenge, becoming partakers of eternity itself.

Thank you for all you do for our community, High Priest Hooded Cobra.

Thank you to all dedicated Joy of Satan Guardians and any and all members, donors, everyone for what you do in us being a strong community as we advance upwards.

May Satan and all the Gods who are the living embodiment of the highest universal qualities and divine aspects, choose to bless us all abundantly.

May the Joy of Satan be eternally blessed and safeguarded for what this holy place gives to humanity.

In the same way Prometheus gave the flame from Olympians to the Mortals, so does Satan work through us here and our community.
this can't be coincidence.... just yesterday I got visited by a God who told me that he wanted to be my friend, thank you so much for this publication.

Hail Satan!!
The love and bond I feel with my Guardian is something that is almost unexplainable. It's something I never felt with a human. And I'm not talking about Her energy being more powerful or anything like that. I'm talking about a feeling of pure love and connection so so strong and pure that it leaves you speechless. I'm a person that almost never cries, but each time I have those experiences I always do, I can't control it.

I feel like the Gods love us extremely deeply, even more than a mother loves her children. I don't know how to explain it. It's amazing and invaluable, really.
When I was doing the Satan Ritual I got a glimpse of his Image, maybe my Imagination only, Him, kinda in space, surrounded by golden light, so beautiful, then I realize why rituals are so important, I realized I had never felt a connection of Him as an actual being despite of "knowing" he is, Ive always been doubtfoul, and sometimes knowing is not enough.
I thank Hp HoodedCobra for this Ritual, made me actually feel Satan's presence and greatness, at least for seconds.
Doing the RTRs and spreading the information is a good start to seeking 'their' interests and not just our own.
Devil = Devi(l)=Devi and deva mean 'heavenly, divine, anything of excellence', and are also gender-specific terms for a deity in Hinduism.
I notice how everything extremist Christians praise is "being of the Devil" is 100% humanity, things like personal success, wealth, health, well-being and self-esteem, or teaching the importance of mental well-being to "get closer to God", in so much to the point whenever the less extreme Christians preach those things, the extremists always blow up and then end up lambasting the former as being "evil" or "fake Christians".

Correct, that's because "real Christianity" is nothing but a poverty and murder cult. I notice that so many of the people who work low-end jobs, not as a temporary launch pad (as in the case of many high-schoolers or college students) - but literally FOREVER and end up wasting all of their hard-earned minimum wage money on cigarettes, alcohol, lottery what-have-you, all tend to be extremist Christians or at least have their souls harmed by that foul program. Many hardcore pastors who "claim" to be against all of those have even been caught drinking (and abusing their families) and scamming tilthes for lotteries, yachts what-have-you.

Because the failed rabbi says you must be a chainsmoking alcoholic janitor forever........and you go curse the those EVIL WEALTHY Gentiles that hired you in the first place......... :roll:

Although we Asians have our issues and problems with Buddhism, or corrupted forms of Taoism and Falun Gong but from my experience extreme "real" Christians have always been the ones who proudly show off their lowlife toxic personalities and lambasting the successful opposites as being "of the Devil"........the Westboro Baptist Church event brags about being "evil angels" (NOT KIDDING, look it up!)

Well, that's no longer an insult, I'll take that as a positive complement!
:D :D 👏👏
Excellent short piece, High Priest. We need simple reminders like this sometimes.

We can sometimes take it for granted but if you stop to think, the deal we got is incredibly, indescribably awesome. Just think, literal Gods of unimaginable wisdom and power are not only willing to guide and teach you but in a very real way, you get to cultivate a very real friendship with Them that They also value. There are no words in any human tongue to sufficiently describe how ridiculously lucky we are. Praise be to the Gods, for ever.

Also, I have a question. If a Satanist is doing the things he/she can (in terms of meditation, spiritual warfare, etc.) and they ask for something specific of a God as a favor (like in a formal ritual), what else can be offered in return? I was told many years ago by a pretty advanced SS that extra RTRs is a good deal, so is spreading the message of Father and/or the glory and beauty of the Gods -though it's not everyone's specialty-. In fact, this Sister of mine related to me that even making a commitment to improve more (as in more meditation/inner work, for example) could be a viable repayment for the favor. I understand the wisdom behind this now but I still need to ask you for confirmation of this bit of knowledge, because while I can see the logic of this very well, the war situation has developed since then and perhaps, less direct repayments are not as appreciated anymore.

Could you weigh in on the matter? Thanks a ton. May the Gods bless you and may every step you take shine with Satanic blue lightning.
Thank you.

At my level, I cannot fully comprehend what Gods are like.
But I understand that they are incredibly wonderful.

Hail Satan!
Hail Gods!
Even at times when I act like some wild monkey on ecstacy side effects, I don't get how they still have the capacity to let me stay around them. Well I'm thankful that they do or I'd be completely locked in prison or in a mental hospital by now.
Our Gods are wonderful. Thank you HP for this sermon
Our Gods are wonderful. Thank you HP for this sermon
Free will is forsaken.

I am reading a book about Apollonius and there is this part:

"What induced our philosopher to make so long and dangerous a journey nowhere appears from Philostratus, who simply says that Apollonius thought it a good thing for a young man to travel. It is abundantly evident, however, that Apollonius never travelled merely for the sake of travelling. What he does he does with a distinct purpose. And his guides on this occasion, as he assures his disciples who tried to dissuade him from his endeavour and refused to accompany him, were wisdom and his inner monitor(daemon).'Since ye are faint hearted', says the solitary pilgrim, 'I bid you farewell. As for myself I must go whithersoever wisdom and my inner self may lead me. The Gods are my advisers and I can but rely on their counsels'.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you High priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is something I have confirmed in daily life in my short time 3 or 4 month coming to JOS. Now I don't have to worry about everything because I know everything before weak or month in Asteral or dream. In my daily life I'll just confirm what I saw in Asteral weeks or months ago.God gaide me in any carcumistance . I am so happy to have such an opportunity.
Thankfully be to our light gaider God Lucifer.
Speaking of the devil is our friend...want add this curiosity:
Voltaire's last words.

Voltaire, one of the greatest European thinkers of all time, was assisted by a priest on his deathbed. The priest asked him to renounce the devil. Voltaire responded by saying, "This is not the time to make enemies."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Devil is our friend, and we must cherish this bond.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is very true some people are friends only because it's convenient for them. They want what they can get out of the friendship without putting much in it.

I've been the victim in the past of giving too much into a friendship only to realize it was only one sided. I was giving my time and energy only to see when I really needed help as well it wouldn't be returned.

It's a sad and painful truth to realize how so many people only want to be your friend to use you.

If we want a true relationship with the Gods it can't only be one sided. We must put in the love, respect and work into it as well so it can become a beautiful and sacred thing.

Otherwise why would the Gods want to be part of a relationship where they do all the work but are never repaid with even a thank you? No one in their right mind would want to endure such a toxic relationship.

We aren't parasites meant to suck off others and never give back anything productive, leave that braindead behavior to the kikes and their puppets.

If you want something of lasting value you have to work for it and put time and energy into it. And this also applies to a relationship, a true friendship with the Gods.

True friendship doesn't just happen immediately. A garden doesn't just grow over night, it must first be tilled and sowed, watered and cared for until it has yielded a beautiful bounty.
serpentwalker666 said:
This is all very important to understand and properly put into perspective. This is why I live, why I breathe.

Why I continue when I am in pain, why I continue when I am weak. It is for you all and Satan I show up here and push myself through.

I long for the day as I keep building myself up, to one day graciously and deeply give back to Satan and the Joy of Satan for all that has been given to me and us all here.

Wholeheartedly, I know one day this day will come and I'll be ready.

It is through comprehending the give and take of a proper friendship, that we can grow in this direction in understanding the Gods, and how they are our guides and eternal teachers.

Yes, they are our parents in a spiritual and literal sense on all aspects, but as we grow we must partake of the ambrosia, and fires of the serpent, and join the gods in the eternal challenge, becoming partakers of eternity itself.

Thank you for all you do for our community, High Priest Hooded Cobra.

Thank you to all dedicated Joy of Satan Guardians and any and all members, donors, everyone for what you do in us being a strong community as we advance upwards.

May Satan and all the Gods who are the living embodiment of the highest universal qualities and divine aspects, choose to bless us all abundantly.

May the Joy of Satan be eternally blessed and safeguarded for what this holy place gives to humanity.

In the same way Prometheus gave the flame from Olympians to the Mortals, so does Satan work through us here and our community.

It’s amazing and feels so good to read these words of yours but also to recognise that last few weeks exactly same toughts was lingering in my mind.

May Gods bless us, and may we become ever stronger and higher like never before! Hail Gods and all the members of this most amazing family!
It's a very beautiful topic. And especially considering sometimes I just watch Satanists interact with each other like family, and sometimes take a good look at some of my friends and see a small glimpse of the gods they will become. And sometimes, I see a glimpse of Satan and the Gods' faces. It's a very beautiful heartwarming feeling. It brings back memories of nostalgia sometimes. Even though it feels like family is scattered across the horizon and the only thing we can watch together is the moon and the stars, and the Sun setting, hoping that one day, all of the troubles in this planet will pass, and we will make shit again and become the badasses we were always meant to be.

Hope you guys had an amazing day and year.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most humans out there have a falsified assumption about the Gods and more specifically the Great Being that we call the "Devil". They don't recognize the greatest of them all, who is the Devil, Father Satan Lucifer Himself.

So would it be fair to state. We shouldn't contemplate the Gods?

In other words we Humans tend to Humanize things or place them within our realm of knowledge. But fail to detach the Human concept. I noticed over the years many people can't think in a detached manner without personalizing or imbuing some sort of Human limitation.

I know the Gods look like any normal person only at a much greater level. Unless they are an alien race of people like Gargoyles or Bird people or some other alien entity that operates with the Gods.

But is it fair to state never contemplate the Gods or never put the Gods in Human understanding?

In other words is it wrong to think about the Gods? Or should we simply leave it to a scientific afterthought from reading on them or placing information unto our minds for research. If XYZ is stated and derived as factual or truth or truer information we can by limited association, associate God/Gods/Goddess with ABC or DGF.

But other than that limit it to a few principles. A big issue I notice is the Gods in many cases operate or imbue knowledge too spiritually the historicity broken and twisted up often leaves people with gaps and life-long preoccupations fixated in gross material understanding. Which isn't 100% wrong but isn't 100% a factor of a spiritual or higher strata of reality.

For example it's silly to believe Venus is Astarte always cause Astarte seems to be defined as a very attractive blonde lady. But Venus is simply not just an allegorical principle and a primordial vestige of someone who is not as attractive to express to women, "Hey as Athena or Astarte, I'm quit gorgeous as the Ancients held out. But to express a diminutive form I'm trying to express to any girl or lady our there that you do have beauty in your own way or you shouldn't be compulsive on fixation of beauty of others in a negative way, like in modern times.

In other words the statues and images of the Gods don't seem all that special. I understand these Human constructs and a basal amalgam of trying to express that anyone can be attractive or have abilities. But it seems like many people read too much into certain almost pornographic terms of the Gods i.e. extremely handsome/beautiful and it seems like many people positively, negatize the Gods through being extremes. Or the opposite they degenerate the Gods to extremes and people eat the shit by the spoonful.

It seems either people want extreme expression of positive or extreme expression of negativity i.e. antithesis of the Gods; Humans who hate the Gods or hate the way of the Ancients. It seems there is no middle ground. And not to limit or decree Gods as being like Humans. But it seems like I said too much Humanizing or limiting or even out right UN-limiting. Like for example Satan controlling the Earth and all misdeeds are Demonic/Satanic properties. Almost like the entire point of xtianity is to induce mental illness and mental corrosion or the opposite childishly control people through a form of comical communism.

So is it wrong to contemplate the Gods?
Yes and when one of them do take you under their wing dont screw them around on it take it seriously they will give you some things usually tests that they want you to complete to stick to the first thing they gave me was basically just study the site and get good at meditation trance states and basic magic it took me 10 years to go and do all of that to educate myself fully from a brat who didn't really know what he was doing or even saying half the time to having a much more developed mentality in that course of time now they are like nice you did that now its time for you to get rid of the bad habits and create good habits.

bad habits
wasting money on shit
any other forms of self destruction
being too clingy
wallowing in depressions and anxiety's

Good habits
basic routine
working out staying fit and healthy
doing study work
getting a good job
regular donations
regular spiritual sessions
controlling your blasphemous self serving narcissistic thoughts

when one actually bothers to stick to spiritual warfare for a year straight without getting tired or run down the gods take notice of this

when one sticks to good habit objectives they are tasked with doing they take notice of this

when one actually acts on the advice and tutorship one is given then one gets better at life in general but you may find that they will be more inclined to take you onto better teachings and will make you into a powerhouse in this world but they don't want to invest in you like this if your just going to become some fat rich greedy moron so they give you steps up in life in bits so you don't start letting crazy shit get to your head they want you to iron out every fucking kink and patch every hole in your armour because if you do get powerful say you do rise high and become a leader of the people the negative powers of this world shall target you more then the average human you will become the prime target they will throw all their might into corrupting you they will do everything in their power to destroy you and to limit your efforts so the gods will train you into becoming an unstoppable force something they will be willing to put their name to something they will be proud to associate themselves with.

i have recently entered the beginner phase of this with Baal i feel a constant hum of positive energy between the two of us and i don't want to loose that because i value our relationship far too much Baal is a king maker he don't play around as long as your doing what your told to do he will reward you having the top God of the military might of the Orion empire taking a slight interest in you is a pretty big deal so when i think about using drugs i remember what his request was and i refuse to do it the same goes with pornography the same goes with doing wasteful shit with money and of course the same goes with just blatant ignorant self destruction some super powerful being pays you a nice light constant source of attachment you don't fuck around or disappoint him every time i do the right thing by myself and others i get a little pat on the back once a week or so im hoping to be groomed by him for leadership in the political spectrum but i still got some kinks to iron out and i follow the mans advice on this topic.
TerKorian666 said:
Thank you for this amazing post. ❤️‍🩹
Also if we take out L letter from word “Devil” we would get Sanskrit word “Devi” which means divine.

Sadhguru once mentioned Divine being the root word of Devil in a lecture.

Also interesting is that the words Good and Evil is very similar to God and Devil.
And how the english word for library is Bibliotek in swedish, and Biblioteca in italian; similar to Bible.
In the beginning was the Word.. shit goes deep man.
What create devil be greater other demons
Why does Satan lead the demons
IShatterFur said:
What create devil be greater other demons

Stop doing drugs.
All my life I was told the "devil" was evil and to be avoided.
As we move into Aquarius, all delusion will fall away, and the real truth and reality will move forward and destroy the enemy. There are those who are destined to be nothing more then to be the stooges of the Jews, and will be nothing but history.

But the Gods already have a place for us. We are the eternal children of the Gods.

Greetings HPHC 666, I will never give up on JoS and the Gods. Don't give up on me.
EriktheRed said:
All my life I was told the "devil" was evil and to be avoided.
As we move into Aquarius, all delusion will fall away, and the real truth and reality will move forward and destroy the enemy. There are those who are destined to be nothing more then to be the stooges of the Jews, and will be nothing but history.

But the Gods already have a place for us. We are the eternal children of the Gods.

Greetings HPHC 666, I will never give up on JoS and the Gods. Don't give up on me.

The JoS has never given up on anyone, no different than the Gods have never done this. It's on ourselves if we falter. The Gods are always there, always loyal, caring, and consistent.

IShatterFur said:
Why does Satan lead the demons

Satan [Truth] leads to the Demons [Daemons in Ancient Greek, Divine Teachers, Knowledgeable ones]. They all reside beneath the Truth as eternal guides to humanity. That is why.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
