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The Correct Perception On The Subject: About Jews

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Joy of Satan is a developmental system of the Gods and is positioned to help you develop, eventually making you the best version that you can be as an evolving being.

In that context, everything you read here and understand from here, must be put inside this context and nowhere else.

As a Spiritual Satanist one must learn to deal with what the Gods teach and what we are relating here from the positive and good perspective and not through a perspective of foolishness, which invalidates what one is given, and causes a back-peddling.

This caused back-peddling is what the enemy loves to make happen, as no matter what a person is given, when the wrong perception is adopted, this causes a ruin of anything one receives.

We must also, as Spiritual Satanists, be aware of this: The enemy preys upon human ignorance, stupidity, bad choices, and everything that is from the negative side of things. Unless that side is managed, enemy or not, we will become a ruin anyway - the enemy wins on the extent that they are "allowed" to.

The "allowance" happens because people cannot really position themselves properly into the developmental path. It was on the removal of this path that the enemy became anything else but a mostly irrelevant spec of dust, and not because they weren't "hated" or something. They have been "hated" for a long time.

The key to win over them is not only to usher the power of hate and anger, but to indeed uplift the developmental path with love and an undying will to save ourselves and humanity.

If one leaves this path, this allowance to decay increases, and the enemy as an agent that exploits that, becomes dominant. The solution is not to focus on the enemy solely, but also on the enemy "within". People out there, remain in this state of being exploited, because of a situation existing that allows this.

As one can also understand, the pre-occupation of the Gods is to essentially uplift humanity, a situation that will end the enemy by a given default. This situation is beyond perceivable struggles on the surface, and it has to do with a rising of human consciousness past the point where the infection can even happen.

To explain it simply.

Reasons why we have told you about this:

We are doing this out of love and out of compassion for humanity, and to help our collective evolution.

1. Because you are an evolving entity, and you need to know what potential dangers might abound.
2. Since the enemy has a very weird and inhuman agenda, to avoid falling a victim into this.
3. To stop having a victim mentality, ie, instead of being among the victims and useless of this world, to actually take your set amount of responsibility for this.
4. To develop during the Kali Yuga, despite of the above reality, to not get lost into that.
5. To become a happier and more aware person as a result of this awareness, empowering your resolve as a warrior.
6. To eventually cleanse your heart from the victimizations and all the traps the enemy tries to set, that could impede you from advancing.
7. To not become like them, and to become an agent of Justice in this world.
8. To reach the Gods and to remember that we have an eternal journey ahead.
9. So that we can all collectively work to limit them and force them down the bottom where all of these negative entities belong.
10. To show you that you must develop anyway despite of the danger and opposition that is posed and to have faith in the Gods and walk the Sanatana Dharma away from the example of the children of decay which are the enemy.
11. For you to actually become an advanced entity that will be immune to jewish fuckery, by having defeated internally what the enemy preys upon - that is the victory.
12. As we immunize ourselves from ignorance, stupidity and weakness, we will immunize others in the same way, rendering any parasite useless.
13. To live a good life despite of their existence, and to advance forward in AWARENESS of dangers, but without being a victim to that knowledge.
14. To create large families or do the right thing, or be a useful entity, or have a legacy, and promote values and understanding that will stop this and make our individual and collective existence immunized to this danger.
15. Hate and anger have a place insofar they are in the service of justice, and they should be away of the type that bolsters the enemy in anyway.

Make a vision now and see that person I describe above, and you will see great beings, worthwhile of trust and elevation.

The above is the correct perception of the subject.

The above perception will cure the situation and end it in the longterm.

We did NOT tell you this to:

1. Make a stupid radicalized fool like a muslim out of you.
2. To make you "fear" and to become another pussy that has taken the black pill.
3. To make you desperate, or anything related.
4. To make you into just another idiot who cannot reason.
5. To make you disapprove life or disapprove your advancement and focus only on "hate" and other things that have their place in life but should NOT take more than necessary.
6. To make you a being trapped into the state of being a "hater", as the enemy always tries to construct evil haters without a purpose, both towards life and towards the Gods and one another.
7. To give you a sense of paranoia or make you a coward.
8. To make you into someone that will become like the dross that we are trying to remove, therefore, moving outside of the Divine way of Sanatana Dharma which these ghouls are representing.
9. To become a measly jealous hater, who dwells on this all day and is totally unproductive but just spends time dwelling on lower domains of consciousness, like a Xian or a dumb Muslim.
10. To dwell all day in the same levels and states that the enemy uses to bring us here in the first place, which are actually the core of why this thing happened in the first place.
11. For you to do nonsense things in life by being a crude entity, and pretending that knowing about this subject is seriously justifying this nonsensical route of behavior [which is entirely YOUR choice], which in the end, empowers the enemy to act against us all.
12. Christians and Muslims hate the jews and have claimed to do this, yet as you can see this dumb "hate" did not solve anything, and in fact, the jews have still enslaved them all. Therefore, one must understand that the above handling is the correct handling, instead of just being just another dumb hater.

Make a vision now on that too and you will see only a shit trainwreck and nothing else. Do you think really this train-wreck and useless entity the above produces, can do anything in life, let alone put the enemy into their justified place?

The above is a wrong perception of the subject.

Having explained this, this puts the subject behind us and now we have an awareness and an understanding: Handle the Truth properly; the subject has been explained.

We must become the better versions of ourselves, in this ever-going journey of development. The enemy's case is a very small subject compared to this, and central only insofar this requires strikes against itself in order to fall down and let us be in our evolutionary process.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It is sad that you have to explain things that anyone can realise by thinking. Spiritual Satanists should develop intellectually as well as spiritually.
I know and see many of our own are aware of the proper perception and reasoning for how they view the jews and the enemy, this is certainly a good thing that this is the majority.

However every once in awhile we have a random poster or somebody who looks at this the wrong way, and this is definitely a good post to direct people towards who still have lingering misperceptions and understanding, or someone who is susceptible to extremes.

That and how we have Fed posters who occasionally show up and try to make people take the bait and say some outrageous things that could justify our removal.

Excellent post. This will set things straight and be a good post to link when someone is like "oy vey why do you hate the jews they wus innocent and were soap and lampshades and shieett"
serpentwalker666 said:
That and how we have Fed posters who occasionally show up and try to make people take the bait and say some outrageous things that could justify our removal.

Excellent post. This will set things straight and be a good post to link when someone is like "oy vey why do you hate the jews they wus innocent and were soap and lampshades and shieett"

Their favorite is also to pretend that this has happened or just try to jump around about this, and claim somehow this was Hitler's idea while in fact it never happened.

Thing is fed posters and kikes themselves know Hitler never gassed 60 trillion as they claim and that this was only a scam in the first place so they could gobble up mercy and resources from Gentiles for centuries and get us to build their delusional Israel state. It's a jewish fake narrative they built.

If 6 million jews actually did die on the "Holocaust", I reassure you, they would never be the dominant power they currently have been, which is eclipsing now. They couldn't take that hit. They were very low in numbers back then.

Maybe 1 million of them died among the many other Gentiles who are in the tens and tens of millions, out of generalized circumstances of war, and because they wanted to move them away from society so that we could advance in peace. They died because of hardships of war like others did, and many others have had worse on this earth but they never kvetched about this long enough.

It's all lies and we know this to be lies.

Armenians and others had worse, Greeks had worse, many had it worse. Mao exterminated at least 50 to 100 million Chinese people. Nobody told us about any "holohoax" there.

Now with all their fuckery and deception what will happen is subject to the divine judgement from above and what this will manifest, as their crimes are collectively the highest.
I believe your example of Christians and Muslims is a great case of how not to go about fighting the enemy. For us to be effective at fighting all problems, including that of war, we have to advance ourselves as well. When faced with stress, we have to react appropriately.

Armies spend years training, drilling, researching, and equipping themselves before conflicts. In support of this, politicians and media create a PR campaign to support the war effort, and so on. All of this requires success within all realms of life, including intelligence, discipline, emotional appeal, and productivity. Countries spend lots of money to keep up their image, regardless of the validity of their claims and actions.

A breakdown in one area of life threatens the entirety of the situation. As seen on earlier threads pertaining to sex or having a wife, this side of life is still essential to our lives. Nobody should destroy their personal lives as a result of their fight with the enemy. I guarantee that most people who feel this way can find extra productivity within the time they already have, rather than creating an unhappy life.

hp. hoodedcobra666

do you feel that the world at this very moment already walks with a different vibration?

which covers the behavior of people who were most influenced by the age of pisces in a negative way?

and what is most commented on in general by people, interests, etc…?

the world getting more serious and no room for useless garbage?

Thank you for taking the time to break this down for everyone to understand. I hope it will clear things up for people who are caught up in the confusion.
Some people live in a state of fear and let the jewish agenda taint their entire perception as to where they themselves start hating everything around them. Instead of using the hate against the enemy in a healthy way, they use the hate to poison their minds and in return poison other people.

This poisoning leads to some serious negativity and dirtying of the soul. The term you are what you eat can be used here. If you're feeding off negativity always seeing the bad side of things you're feeding into what the enemy wants.

Instead, as you've said we should remain steadfast to the ways of the Gods and this path and be focused on our advancement and helping uplift each other. the world needs more positivity, I see to many people complain about why the world is so negative, instead they should be saying how can I bring more positivity into this world, what can I do to help? I'm grateful to be a part of this community so I can take part in helping.

And thank you for always enlightening everyone to understanding HP. You words are always a valuable source of inspiration and helpful truths.
Thank you for your sermon, HP HC :)

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I 100% agree on this HP Hooded Cobra 666!!
Since I have joined JoS I have been making great strides and now i am having chances where fellow students are asking me about the truth at times. Even when it comes to how they can Manifest things in their lives and evolve. from the dross their families wan them to be, since a couple of classmates of mine come from families who are xain sheep. now they want to now why I am making improvements and how they can have the same improvements themselves.
Hail Satan!!
Heil Hitler!!
Ave Satanas!
Yes it's definitely a war within thats where the enemy lives on our weakness, ignorance,fear ect.

Thank you HP
So this is what being an SS is, becoming a happier and better person than the enemy or whatever puts more weight on his life. This path this whole time does not only teach you how to withstand hits but with correct literacy of justice, know when to really throw hits back at whatever did it first.

I went through many realizations that I didn't need to become a lost and violent guy which is what the enemy wanted or even a lazy dipshit that had so much bad luck with socializing which I was in the past before meeting you guys, now I realized why there was still bullying problems because I was still in the process of trying to cleanse myself, still in the low levels of self-control I bitched out and caused people havoc out of snapping. Those dark days already should have ended in my mind by the time I decided to join you all and dedicate my soul to a better god which is Satan himself. An event a very long time ago should have been the day I really meant to let go of every useless thing about me so I can get myself better out of this world's situation and finally help it.

So what if the enemy is irritated anymore, or the evil voices in my head that tried to scare me off from finally winning life, getting their guinea pigs to try stopping me that is. They won't win, those stupid fuckers won't win in any way they attempt it.

Want to know the new meaning of why my account name is Wildfire now? It is because I decided to keep burning brightly through all forms of enemy influence wherever it is with the help of the JoS' knowledge. "I burn" so I can protect every tomorrow where I can always walk this golden path.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They couldn't take that hit. They were very low in numbers back then.

Have the Gods or your own research ever allowed you to understand just how many exist in modern times?

For example at the era you mention c.1945. Some 160,000-240,000-300,000 died; while estimates believe that about 220,000 died on average with as high as 268,000 died. And up to 300,000 died in other words 300,000 - 268,000 = 32,000. Some state DURING the War due to the allies fault from destroying all of Europe; hell I've read of civilians being attacked by Americans flying around in P47s and P51s gunning, rocketing, and bombing everything in sight. Sorta reminds me of Obama's message on Colbert's show a few years ago when he became host of the late show.

The reason we stopped the drone strikes is it didn't kill enough people nor justified us going into those places to put contracts down and get money from building structures there.

Also after the war the allies killed a bunch of Jews directly and indirectly by feeding them. They didn't eat in weeks, months so they gave them food. People like The Red Cross and other groups had to intervene and then when the allies pulled back a bit to wait for these organizations more died.

So all in all most Jews died under the 4-5-6 month period but some did die as a result of Allied negligence and stupidity.

If the Jewish Almanac states the mortality rate is only slightly higher than normal akin to a bad flu season or cold season which killed a few thousand more. Hell maybe it's the opposite maybe it even made mortality rates drop as the enemy moved around and left in large droves earlier on and through the beginnings of the War.

Then they state about 200,000ish nearing 300,000ish or so casualties. Which is nothing as the Jewish Almanac points out the population actually grew over 315,000 Jews. From '38-'45 the population actually expanded another nearly 314,000 or so give or take. From about 15 millionish to about 16 millionish.

So in modern times how many exist?

Currently Hu's-manity sits at approximately a little over 8 billion and growing. But for the enemy 1-2-3% is anywhere from 87 million to about 247 million. That seems a little low a fair amount for their growth over the course of 80 years especially with Eugenics practices. But it seems like it could be more as the enemy hides it's numbers and has done so for millennias of time. I wouldn't be surprised during the first uprisings when the enemy established it's infamy that they hid their numbers and concealed their numbers. Either way for income purposes such tactics have been used and are effective.

Solzhenitsyn's book paints this picture. Hiding numbers to avoid census and taxation purposes plus further on they also had the same or similar hebriac names or modified Gentile names into kosher bullshit. So even if you somehow got one they all seemingly had the same name.

Either way how many exist? Have the Gods ever given an estimate or peered into their Spiritual advanced properties and provided a number of how many might exist?

They can't just be that low. I mean they got Israel and other centers of kosher domination like New Jersey i.e. Mini-Tel Aviv; shithole communist New York, Little Israel. I mean New York needs to get 50-60% or more of it's civilian population armed up. The shit going on in New York is a sign of warfare on American Citizens.

I've asked this question many times but no one has shed any real light on it except the WW2 statistics of the Jewish Almanac and even then. Plus the Jews have been kvetching incessantly about 6,000,000 Jews since at least the war of 1820s Crimea. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if we discover Newspapers or documents from England stating 6,000,000 Jews in danger in America for the war of 1812 or something to do with 6,000,000. Maybe 6,000,000 gold invested by the Bank of England to conquer America for the war of 1812.

So how many exist?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
That and how we have Fed posters who occasionally show up and try to make people take the bait and say some outrageous things that could justify our removal.

Excellent post. This will set things straight and be a good post to link when someone is like "oy vey why do you hate the jews they wus innocent and were soap and lampshades and shieett"

Their favorite is also to pretend that this has happened or just try to jump around about this, and claim somehow this was Hitler's idea while in fact it never happened.

Thing is fed posters and kikes themselves know Hitler never gassed 60 trillion as they claim and that this was only a scam in the first place so they could gobble up mercy and resources from Gentiles for centuries and get us to build their delusional Israel state. It's a jewish fake narrative they built.

If 6 million jews actually did die on the "Holocaust", I reassure you, they would never be the dominant power they currently have been, which is eclipsing now. They couldn't take that hit. They were very low in numbers back then.

Maybe 1 million of them died among the many other Gentiles who are in the tens and tens of millions, out of generalized circumstances of war, and because they wanted to move them away from society so that we could advance in peace. They died because of hardships of war like others did, and many others have had worse on this earth but they never kvetched about this long enough.

It's all lies and we know this to be lies.

Armenians and others had worse, Greeks had worse, many had it worse. Mao exterminated at least 50 to 100 million Chinese people. Nobody told us about any "holohoax" there.

Now with all their fuckery and deception what will happen is subject to the divine judgement from above and what this will manifest, as their crimes are collectively the highest.

You are absolutely correct. Also what you mentioned with the crimes of Mao. I found this most horrendous. Some months ago I watched a documentary on this.

We hear so much about the holohoax but absolutely evil genocides like this, are not mentioned often.

Yes, Collectively the Jewish races crimes are high beyond belief. They have piled the bodies high, it's absolutely sickening.

Divine judgement will be upon them. That's for damn sure.
Adam darski said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Get out of here.

We don't need you insulting High Priest Hooded Cobra.

And you just go around here being a disrespectful maggot.

The best form of protection has always been to elevate one's Consciousness towards Atma Consciousness.
No one wants to go against a Rishi that is one has fully activated the crown chakra through Kundalini rising. An attack on such would just bounce back. Power meditation, power meditation is the key. Yoga is virtue. Virtue is the best form of protection. You see even the RTRs we have done over the years is a Reversal of what they have initiated.
The power of Jews has mainly been based one thing. Man's ignorance that they are Atma and the Kundalini power they have to fully realize this , that's it. That's why they destroyed pagan libraries,the minute they had the chance.
If one makes a firm resolve to work under the Gods to realize their own Atma within. Just this in itself ,is a protection. Tying people in lower consciousness of the animal nature,is their gimmick , this has happened as a result of keeping people ignorant of their Atma nature and the Kundalini power with the full activation of this power required to fully realize Atma within.
You see the crown chakra has 1008 petals or nadis. These represent siddhis or powers ,1008!
That's why no one really wants to go against a Rishi.
Dedicate to the Gods and exercise will to meditate.
Pegasus666 said:
Crimean war is at between 1854-56 bro.

Excuse me your right. I do clearly recall Colt Peacemakers being sent to Crimea for the war from the U.S. Colt Peacemakers were nearing that area 1840s-1850s when the first centerfire non-pinfire cartridges started coming out.

It seems I confused both even though in Crimean/Ukrainian/Russian Newspapers 6,000,000 has been used a lot.

Just comes to show you how pervasive 6,000,000 is and how far the rabbit hole goes for the kosher meme.
Gear88 said:
Pegasus666 said:
Crimean war is at between 1854-56 bro.
It seems I confused both even though in Crimean/Ukrainian/Russian Newspapers 6,000,000 has been used a lot.

Just comes to show you how pervasive 6,000,000 is and how far the rabbit hole goes for the kosher meme.

That's because the 6,000,000 is a Kabbalistic number and spell based on the numbers 6 and 10 which have to do with washing out the Jewish people of their past "sins", which is a weird Ritual they did.

They could say 4 million or 2 million, or 10 million, but they chose to say 6,000,000 because of the Kabbalistic Ritual related to the 6 and the 10.

They also heavily used 6,000,000 back then, as they owned the press, and they used the number a lot when it came to oppressions and genocides.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
Pegasus666 said:
Crimean war is at between 1854-56 bro.
It seems I confused both even though in Crimean/Ukrainian/Russian Newspapers 6,000,000 has been used a lot.

Just comes to show you how pervasive 6,000,000 is and how far the rabbit hole goes for the kosher meme.

That's because the 6,000,000 is a Kabbalistic number and spell based on the numbers 6 and 10 which have to do with washing out the Jewish people of their past "sins", which is a weird Ritual they did.

They could say 4 million or 2 million, or 10 million, but they chose to say 6,000,000 because of the Kabbalistic Ritual related to the 6 and the 10.

They also heavily used 6,000,000 back then, as they owned the press, and they used the number a lot when it came to oppressions and genocides.

Is this also why they claimed initially that Auschwitz-Birkenau alone was 6 million deaths?

The way people brush this aside as "just a mistake.. umm that they claimed for 50 years and taught in every Eastern bloc textbook and most Western books" is insane to me.
Karnonnos said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
It seems I confused both even though in Crimean/Ukrainian/Russian Newspapers 6,000,000 has been used a lot.

Just comes to show you how pervasive 6,000,000 is and how far the rabbit hole goes for the kosher meme.

That's because the 6,000,000 is a Kabbalistic number and spell based on the numbers 6 and 10 which have to do with washing out the Jewish people of their past "sins", which is a weird Ritual they did.

They could say 4 million or 2 million, or 10 million, but they chose to say 6,000,000 because of the Kabbalistic Ritual related to the 6 and the 10.

They also heavily used 6,000,000 back then, as they owned the press, and they used the number a lot when it came to oppressions and genocides.

Is this also why they claimed initially that Auschwitz-Birkenau alone was 6 million deaths?

The way people brush this aside as "just a mistake.. umm that they claimed for 50 years and taught in every Eastern bloc textbook and most Western books" is insane to me.

They were making up the hoax of the "unidentified suffering of 6,000,000 jews" since well before Hitler was even elected. Then, they kept pushing this narrative until the masses started believing it and making connections. Hitler was a kid when they made this nonsense. This number was related to Zionism and what "Poor Zionists" are "going through".

And then when they saw Hitler didn't like them and wanted them out of Germany, they just found the opportunity to claim they were gassed in the 60's of trillions in imaginary chambers that could never fit them in, to just promote the Kabbalistic Spell and play the victims in the worldwide scene.

Jews were literally 15 millions in the late 30's and then in the late 40's again 15 millions as if none had ever died. This all after a purported holocaust that killed "6 million" of them in gas chambers with cookies. As the numbers never added up, the jews just made laws and other hoaxes to keep it covered and by repetition of the lie, people ended up believing it.

They just wrote whatever the fuck they wanted as they had full control of the press and publishing houses, and then nobody could dispute the information, because most people didn't even have a Television back then. Any review or looking into the subject was only able to be done on the higher echelons of knowledge and academia, if even there, and almost nobody was left to dispute it.

Those who did, simply were dismissed as "anti-semites" for even thinking of that.

6 has to do with rectification [cleansing of sins] and 10 has to do with the power of the 6, which the Jews in Kabbalah have a myth that says how 6,000,000 jews will be saved in the last days and make it to heavenly Jerusalem.

This 6,000,000 Kabbalistically has to do with the "purification of the souls of Ben Adam" which has to do with the jewish "soul" and how it must be cleansed of negative karma in order for the jews to ascend to "Yerushalaim" and get their "Nation".

I do believe the realistic death toll could be anywhere from 500,000 to 1 million "at best". Jews are very privileged and most people have no idea of this. Stalin must have exterminated an equal or higher number of Jews than Hitler, especially since they had beefs in regards to who would run the Jewish USSR.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This 6,000,000 Kabbalistically has to do with the "purification of the souls of Ben Adam" which has to do with the jewish "soul" and how it must be cleansed of negative karma in order for the jews to ascend to "Yerushalaim" and get their "Nation".

Is this irreversible? Can we bring back their lengthy criminal karma?

They have done the magick a century ago. I wonder if it's truly possible to get cleansed of all of their crimes. Or maybe they just covered and delayed the actual karma, not destroyed or permanently dodged it.

Is this even possible, to committing such serious crimes, and then get rid of the karma with a ritual?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Karnonnos said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's because the 6,000,000 is a Kabbalistic number and spell based on the numbers 6 and 10 which have to do with washing out the Jewish people of their past "sins", which is a weird Ritual they did.

They could say 4 million or 2 million, or 10 million, but they chose to say 6,000,000 because of the Kabbalistic Ritual related to the 6 and the 10.

They also heavily used 6,000,000 back then, as they owned the press, and they used the number a lot when it came to oppressions and genocides.

Is this also why they claimed initially that Auschwitz-Birkenau alone was 6 million deaths?

The way people brush this aside as "just a mistake.. umm that they claimed for 50 years and taught in every Eastern bloc textbook and most Western books" is insane to me.

They were making up the hoax of the "unidentified suffering of 6,000,000 jews" since well before Hitler was even elected. Then, they kept pushing this narrative until the masses started believing it and making connections. Hitler was a kid when they made this nonsense. This number was related to Zionism and what "Poor Zionists" are "going through".

And then when they saw Hitler didn't like them and wanted them out of Germany, they just found the opportunity to claim they were gassed in the 60's of trillions in imaginary chambers that could never fit them in, to just promote the Kabbalistic Spell and play the victims in the worldwide scene.

Jews were literally 15 millions in the late 30's and then in the late 40's again 15 millions as if none had ever died. This all after a purported holocaust that killed "6 million" of them in gas chambers with cookies. As the numbers never added up, the jews just made laws and other hoaxes to keep it covered and by repetition of the lie, people ended up believing it.

They just wrote whatever the fuck they wanted as they had full control of the press and publishing houses, and then nobody could dispute the information, because most people didn't even have a Television back then. Any review or looking into the subject was only able to be done on the higher echelons of knowledge and academia, if even there, and almost nobody was left to dispute it.

Those who did, simply were dismissed as "anti-semites" for even thinking of that.

6 has to do with rectification [cleansing of sins] and 10 has to do with the power of the 6, which the Jews in Kabbalah have a myth that says how 6,000,000 jews will be saved in the last days and make it to heavenly Jerusalem.

This 6,000,000 Kabbalistically has to do with the "purification of the souls of Ben Adam" which has to do with the jewish "soul" and how it must be cleansed of negative karma in order for the jews to ascend to "Yerushalaim" and get their "Nation".

I do believe the realistic death toll could be anywhere from 500,000 to 1 million "at best". Jews are very privileged and most people have no idea of this. Stalin must have exterminated an equal or higher number of Jews than Hitler, especially since they had beefs in regards to who would run the Jewish USSR.


I'm not shocked, and if I remember correctly as you reminded me of this you linked the 6 into the vahv letter of jews and the corrupted 6th-12th House axis of existence. Whenever I do FRTR I always make sure to imagine that shit letter being pulverized into nothing the most, along with aleph [the lifeblood], heh and yuud [the two other piles of shit that make up the 'tetragrammaton'].

Another thing people never mention is that in the Soviet Union, the disabled simply disappeared from existence in 1940 and 1941 prior to any war with Germany. Completely. All children in disabled orphanages disappeared into thin air and the adults were never heard of again. There is some evidence they were subjected to gruesome experiments. This was never pointed out to me at any step of any part of my education [I even studied Soviet society at a graduate level] until I did deep digging about this.

Then after the war, all disabled veterans in the USSR were destroyed. Muh Aktion T4 was constantly pointed out to me however...
Bright Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This 6,000,000 Kabbalistically has to do with the "purification of the souls of Ben Adam" which has to do with the jewish "soul" and how it must be cleansed of negative karma in order for the jews to ascend to "Yerushalaim" and get their "Nation".

Is this irreversible? Can we bring back their lengthy criminal karma?

They have done the magick a century ago. I wonder if it's truly possible to get cleansed of all of their crimes. Or maybe they just covered and delayed the actual karma, not destroyed or permanently dodged it.

Is this even possible, to committing such serious crimes, and then get rid of the karma with a ritual?

All the RTR's and the Shattering is doing exactly this, as the rabbit hole goes deep with all of this.
Well said Brother HP HoodedCobra666 ⚡🔥 I think! that was above all one of your best sermons! I have read on here. And YOU have shared many on here. ❤️☕️ and I have enjoyed every one of them! :D And very inspiring and helpful. In every way.. and on any subject! . I have learned a lot on here. From you and the students we have. HAIL SATAN!!
nebu said:

The world is always being influenced not just by the larger zodiac Age, but also the movement of planets. Look towards the outer planets to see the sorts of generational influence which may alter the world. Beyond this, our RTR's and the advancement of Satanic souls provides for a major positive influence on the world.

As we transition into the Age of Aquarius, this would still have a degree of being ungrounded, just not as much as Pisces. Yet, this has never been the real concern, as any Age would provide major benefits if not abused by the Jews or ignorance.
Very intriguing HP.Cobra.

My xtian father always uses the ...but Stalin massacred the poor bebe jews and he is as bad as Hitler that is why they killed him cause he became anti-yehudim. (I truly hate calling them semites aren't Semites originally White-Arabs and aren't there like less than 3% of the World's population Semitic?)

Anyways for many years I had no counter-offensive to attack those that state Stalin = anti-jewish and promoted it. I always left it as he is controlling the opposition to promote a meme or promote another diaspora to socially marxsize kinda like China with tik tok now a days or some communist nation of the past shitting on peoples heads with communism and sending them off to other countries to poison the populace with commie non-sense.

So jews had a beef with other jews and shabbos on how to run the country? Isn't it funny the communists can't get their shit straight first Lenin then Stalin and by the time of Lenin's later processes Stalin and company became a bit bothered by Lenin but continued to support him even if they wanted a more extreme version of communism.

I know National Socialism had the same issue per say. Many getting involved and wanting to lead it in some way. NS isn't innocent to manipulators hell even the Ernest Rohm situation was a false flag and Himmler and Goebbels were the perpetrators of it even if Hitler realized he couldn't do shit as he needed the Useful Smarties/Useful Intelligentsia to fight a bigger threat.

I do wonder about Rohm and Hitler deciding to abolish the SA and merge them with the army without the incident of Long Knives occurring and the Rohm's avenger non-sense shows division.

Anyways glad you pointed it out is there any information especially if it is archived, on studying Stalin and his anti-yehudim processes that seemed more like controlled opposition and trying to sweep the dirt under the rug. Which the yehudim exploited as muh auntie-sumetism.

Just comes to show you like the Democraps here in the U.S. don't let opportunities go unexploited like coof, lockdowns, or J6 etc.etc.

It seems now many goyim are acting exactly like the spiritual yehudim that Feder points out mammonistically poisoned state capitalist-communist dupe and on top of that the "...and everyone shall have the heart of christ in them". As the bible embedded into people and told them to become spiritual jews.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=428443 time=1678002786 user_id=21286]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
7. To not become like them, and to become an agent of Justice in this world.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks very much for the post.

I’ve been thinking about your post, and the recent post, about the poll to enslave the jews (posted by HP hooded Cobra on Mon Feb 20)

I am interested in yours and the communities view on the below:

1: Black magic causes suffering to the victim.

2: Can black magic then be seen as a form of magical torture?

3: Does/should the practitioner enjoy watching the victim, suffer?

4: Or does this somehow poison the satanic soul?

5: I.e. Does/should the practitioner carry out black magic with indifference, not taking pleasure in harming the victim, but doing the necessary action.

6: Satanic souls do not enjoy (i.e feed off the pain) causing harm to jews.

7: Conversely jewish souls feed off the pain caused by the harm they cause to satanic souls.

thanks for reading.
Solar Legion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
7. To not become like them, and to become an agent of Justice in this world.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks very much for the post.

I’ve been thinking about your post, and the recent post, about the poll to enslave the jews (posted by HP hooded Cobra on Mon Feb 20)

I am interested in yours and the communities view on the below:

1: Black magic causes suffering to the victim.

2: Can black magic then be seen as a form of magical torture?

3: Does/should the practitioner enjoy watching the victim, suffer?

4: Or does this somehow poison the satanic soul?

5: I.e. Does/should the practitioner carry out black magic with indifference, not taking pleasure in harming the victim, but doing the necessary action.

6: Satanic souls do not enjoy (i.e feed off the pain) causing harm to jews.

7: Conversely jewish souls feed off the pain caused by the harm they cause to satanic souls.

thanks for reading.

Practicing black magic and taking revenge, magically is a good thing.

Unlike the Xian influences the Jews have in mainstream culture, you don't poison your soul, especially a satanic soul if you curse a Jew and do the RTR on them.

By doing the RTRs, you can call this a sort of black magic and you are cursing the Jews for their injustices and you are shattering their soul protection.

Plus, how can you destroy yourself if you do an AoP empowering everyday plus aura cleaning when you work with black magic rituals the JoS has? You are not destroying yourself.

In addition to this, you are using the so-called "injustice" to fight actual injustice.

You are using what the mainstream culture only calls as immoral or unjustified, but you are fighting the injustice, the Jews with those methods so, your actions are just.

You are returning the courses the Jews mercilessly launch to us daily and they will will them X10 times or more.
Practicing black magic and taking revenge, magically is a good thing.

Thanks very much for the reply. Would u agree with the below answers?

1: Black magic causes suffering to the victim. - Yes

2: Can black magic then be seen as a form of magical torture? - Yes

3: Does/should the practitioner enjoy watching the victim, suffer? - Yes, as long as AOP is practiced

4: Or does this somehow poison the satanic soul? - No, if AOP is practiced

5: I.e. Does/should the practitioner carry out black magic with indifference, not taking pleasure in harming the victim, but doing the necessary action. - Not necessarily

6: Satanic souls do not enjoy (i.e feed off the pain) causing harm to jews. - No, Satanic souls make no energetic connection to the victim

7: Conversely jewish souls feed off the pain caused by the harm they cause to satanic souls. - Yes, Jewish souls make an energetic (vampire) connection to the victim.

thanks for reading.
Solar Legion said:
Practicing black magic and taking revenge, magically is a good thing.

Thanks very much for the reply. Would u agree with the below answers?

1: Black magic causes suffering to the victim. - Yes

2: Can black magic then be seen as a form of magical torture? - Yes

3: Does/should the practitioner enjoy watching the victim, suffer? - Yes, as long as AOP is practiced

4: Or does this somehow poison the satanic soul? - No, if AOP is practiced

5: I.e. Does/should the practitioner carry out black magic with indifference, not taking pleasure in harming the victim, but doing the necessary action. - Not necessarily

6: Satanic souls do not enjoy (i.e feed off the pain) causing harm to jews. - No, Satanic souls make no energetic connection to the victim

7: Conversely jewish souls feed off the pain caused by the harm they cause to satanic souls. - Yes, Jewish souls make an energetic (vampire) connection to the victim.

thanks for reading.

I will try to answer your post in as much details as possible. Thank you for putting all the questions you wanted to ask.

First of all, we must understand that a justified curse is done in extreme case scenarios when there is physical and spiritual life threats that the Jews are launching to us. Doing the RTR and cursing them, vibrating the Hebrew letters in reverse is more than helpful to cleanse our sould from Jewish negative energies. We are also destroying our enemies' spiritual defences and they are powerless to the wrath of the Gods.

Practicing black magic is a good thing, that's for sure. I am glad that you understood it.

Answers to questions:

1. YES Black magic causes suffering to the victim as it is the opposite of white magic, which stands for protecting the target.

2. Black magic can be seen as an option for torture but the denomination of torture is a little bit exaggerated. We are only taking revenge on the Jews and their nefarious tactics that they have been putting in place to the Gentiles. The so-called torture comes from the righteous acts of the Gods who, by the help of us, destroy the Jews spiritually and for all eternity.

3. The practitioner can enjoy making the victim, ie the Jew spiritually suffer. After all, it is a spiritual war that is practiced among the Jews and they are known for spiritually cursing us for years and centuries to say the least. But, enjoying seeing the Jews spiritually suffer is never to be compared with psychopathic tendencies of doing illegal acts. AoP needs to be practiced in order to protect ourselves from the curses the Jews are constantly putting on us. Like, for realizing the RTR we need to follow the timer on the SS war room which when showing 00:00:00 or 1:00:00 this would be the perfect timing to do the RTRs in group with other SS.

4. Practicing black magic and doing the RTRs doesn't poison one's Satanic soul. When practicing generic black magic, it is important to take some protective measures, mostly when you are a novice at it and energy manipulation is very complicated.

5. Carrying out acts of black magic can be done either if the practitioner is having a lot of grudges with the victim he wants to curse, or if there are lesser feelings of hate and disgust to the victim. However, note that for a better effectiveness of a work to be increased, the practitioner shall use all of his feelings in order to curse the victim.

6. We do not make a connection to the jewish soul, and the only enjoyment of causing pain to the Jews is spiritually, with the help of the RTRs and also it is a war like enjoyment in which we claim spiritual victory over something that has been causing problems for us since the beginning of humanity.

7. Yes, that's true, Jewish souls feed of the pain and suffering plus the courses they are causing on the Gentiles, or the Non-Jews. We can clearly take as an example all the joy the Vatican or any other Jewish structure has when they feed off of energy released by unknowing / spiritually unaware individuals for so-called Amazing Grace and others.

* NB: I bolded the word spiritually in order not to cause confusion.

Illegal activities are not in the nature of SS and never will they be
Asterion666 said:
The practitioner can enjoy making the victim, ie the Jew spiritually suffer.

Illegal activities are not in the nature of SS and never will they be

Thanks very much for your replies.

When you say '""The practitioner can enjoy making the victim, ie the Jew spiritually suffer.'

Does destroying the soul of a being cause mental/emotional/physical suffering to the victim here on earth?

Or are we just disarming them, taking away their power/weapons, so they cant do any harm here?
Solar Legion said:
Asterion666 said:
The practitioner can enjoy making the victim, ie the Jew spiritually suffer.

Illegal activities are not in the nature of SS and never will they be

Thanks very much for your replies.

When you say '""The practitioner can enjoy making the victim, ie the Jew spiritually suffer.'

Does destroying the soul of a being cause mental/emotional/physical suffering to the victim here on earth?

Or are we just disarming them, taking away their power/weapons, so they cant do any harm here?

By destroying the soul of a being this caused emotional and little physical suffering of the victims.

But, we are also disarming them in order to not let them attack us further spiritually and physicalky.

We have in the war room, rituals that are oriented against the Jewish financial control.

We also have rituals that are oriented against the start of another world War, rituals which are very useful especially in the situation of the conflict caused by the two Jews ie. Volodimir Zelenskyi and Vladimir Vladimirovichi Putin.

By doing those rituals we are both obliterating the spiritual power the Jews have and, concomitantly we are causing physical changes for the better of this world.

Like, in example, in 2008, I heard our Highness High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has done a Reverse Torah Ritual (RTR) and after repeating the rituals for some days, the Catholic churches got exposed for pedophilia scandals. This was the greatest hit on all of the Jewish programs that have been working with pedophiles.

Our King, High Priest Hooded Cobra does a lot of RTRs and also Race awakening rituals and, it is already a thing that people are starting to get awake from the Jewish madness.

Rituals such as the RTR require a lot of work and devotion and once you are doing them, there will be no chance for the enemies of humanity to hide spiritually and concomitantly physically from the wrath of the Gods.
Asterion666 said:
By destroying the soul of a being this caused emotional and little physical suffering of the victims.

This is very Interesting, please could you expand on this

how does destroying the soul effect the emotional and not physical or mental ability?

many thanks for replying

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
