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The Astral Senses and Overcoming Confusion

Kareem Zedan

New member
Mar 2, 2011
This post is directed to the newly dedicated and for those who are still opening up to the Astral world and 4th dimension. There is alot of confusion that is inevitable in regards to opening up to these very fine energy fields and you may wish to use this post as a guide and a means of support in relation to this. I am writing this assuming that you are following the directions on how to open up and empower your Astral Chakras that are on the JOS website.
The Astral is a very real thing and it explains everything that people may term as 'unexplainable'. Everything that manifests in this physical realm has an explanation as to how and why it happened on the Astral. Some things that one can see on the Astral is very hard to put in words since this is another level of experience, therefore it requires your direct experience of it in order to understand it.
Everything is Energy. There are no exceptions to this fact, and this includes the soul itself. The individual that is strongly bound to the physical realm cannot understand this, since everything to him is different and physically isolated from one another. This is the problem and this is where the delusion lies, and this is what is called the 'veil of maya'. Once one starts to empower his astral senses and his soul in general, one can see that things are not what they seem to the physical senses, since everything in this universe is related to one another by the means of Energy and Vibration. This includes the planets of our Solar System.
The Astral, in its essence, is the finer tuning of the energies we see around us whereas the physical is of a dense frequency. When you empower the third eye you are able to see the finer vibrations of all objects and subjects 'phsyically' so to speak, so it becomes part of your everyday experience. It is a whole other world, a world of a 'finer' energy and one that makes more sense to the soul, it is the area of which the soul is most active in.
When you meditate every day, you reach a certain point when things stop making sense to you. This is normal. Power Meditation makes the individual more open to these finer energies and to the person that has been depending solely on his physical senses alone for so long, it is only naturally that he will experience bouts of confusion at some point during his spiritual progress. This person may feel that, along his progress, he reaches a point where he feels like he has empowered his astral senses to a certain degree, but he feels that 'things still aren't right', that things still don't make sense to him.
You must understand that this is natural. What you are experiencing is something totally alien to your physical body, and your body's natural response is to refuse this input straight away, since it does not resonate with the lack of belief in the Astral that the mind has subconsciously developed over years of spiritual supression and confusion. The curse that has been placed on humanity has caused people to automatically physically refuse any spiritual input of any sorts. Rather than stop at this critical stage of your development, you must continue, since this is the stage where you force your body to see the truth and to see through the veil.
Yes, there must be an element of faith, but this is not like the blind faith that the enemy expects from people, this kind of faith is different, it is faith in yourself, it is faith in knowing that yes the Astral is real and that you are not going to let anything stop you from seeing this, even your own physical body.
The biggest obstacle to anyone's spiritual development is one's own subconscious refusal of anything spiritual of any kind. Allow me to explain this through the means of an analogy. Let's imagine a person that has been stranded in a desert for many days without food. This person has reached a point where he cannot survive any longer without at least a mouthful of food. Then comes along a helper that offers him a loaf of bread. The hungry person eats the loaf, but how does his body react? His body reacts by vomiting the loaf of bread out, since he has been going on for such a long time without any food, his body is now in shock mode and his natural response is to prevent anything from entering his system. The hungry man now has to take it slowly, eating bit by bit so that the body can start responding and digesting.
This is the same with meditation and opening up to the Astral and 4th dimension. If you find yourself unable after months of dedication to use your 6th senses fully, then this is because your body is still refusing it to some degree. This is not a stage where you should back down, but rather you should keep going steadily till your body learns to accept and interpret this new input.
What will you gain from this? You will be able to achieve things you never knew you could. When you open your soul up the Astral, you open yourself up to a whole newer level of being. Once your physical body starts incorporating your 6th sense into its own basic functionality you will be able to acheive many things, and more than anything, you will be able to see the 'truth' in everything.
Hail Satan!!!!

Nice way to put it bro, but I have to say, the only thing I'm scared of when I do get to that point of fully opening up my third eye and I start seeing the beings or creatures that reside on the astral that I might end up like the Mad Arab and get ripped to shreds, but I do got faith in Satan and I'm really hoping that wouldn't be the case, but I do think it's possible which honestly, scares the shit out of me... I've been attacked physically before by astral beings (I think they were angelic thought forms, unless (worst case scenario) they were real beings) and when they attacked me I actually felt it... physically... These attacks occurred when I would go to bed, waking up in the middle of the night in a half sleep half awake state of mind, there's also been a few times when I was fully awake this happened, so I guess my biggest worry, is this... if I do open up my third eye completely, I know I'm going to see those that reside on the astral, their bodies are going to look physical, and I'm worried if I do then they really CAN touch me... and do what ever they please. That is the reason right there and the only reason that is holding me back from completely opening my third eye up. Do you have any advice on this bro? I remember watching HP Maxine's Sermon on YouTube "Experience Freeing Demons" and she was talking about how a friend of hers was actually thrown down some stairs by one of these beings and they were also trying to throw him out a window? She also went on to say that she woke up in the middle of the night with one of these beings beating on her legs? That's the kind of shit I'm worried about... but getting worst than that, like them actually killing me. Anyways... just wanted to let you know, hopefully you got some advice or some of the other members here. I think I brought this same question up a long time ago... but I can't remember anyone commenting on it.
Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat!
By the time you develop such abilites you wont be scared Richard.

On Sat, May 3, 2014 7:37 PM PDT richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:

Nice way to put it bro, but I have to say, the only thing I'm scared of when I do get to that point of fully opening up my third eye and I start seeing the beings or creatures that reside on the astral that I might end up like the Mad Arab and get ripped to shreds, but I do got faith in Satan and I'm really hoping that wouldn't be the case, but I do think it's possible which honestly, scares the shit out of me... I've been attacked physically before by astral beings (I think they were angelic thought forms, unless (worst case scenario) they were real beings) and when they attacked me I actually felt it... physically... These attacks occurred when I would go to bed, waking up in the middle of the night in a half sleep half awake state of mind, there's also been a few times when I was fully awake this happened, so I guess my biggest worry, is this... if I do open up my third eye completely, I know I'm going to see those that reside on the astral, their
bodies are going to look physical, and I'm worried if I do then they really CAN touch me... and do what ever they please. That is the reason right there and the only reason that is holding me back from completely opening my third eye up. Do you have any advice on this bro? I remember watching HP Maxine's Sermon on YouTube "Experience Freeing Demons" and she was talking about how a friend of hers was actually thrown down some stairs by one of these beings and they were also trying to throw him out a window? She also went on to say that she woke up in the middle of the night with one of these beings beating on her legs? That's the kind of shit I'm worried about... but getting worst than that, like them actually killing me. Anyways... just wanted to let you know, hopefully you got some advice or some of the other members here. I think I brought this same question up a long time ago... but I can't remember anyone commenting on it.

Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat!
Nice post :)
I experienced some of what you say. I got exposed to the astral suddenly and then I dunno why I started to doubt everything, thinking that I was going insane, etc... and yeah because of that I kinda blocked myself back to zero ._. ... but oh well... SLOWLY I'm trying to open myself again.

Thanks for posting this :)
I'm going to try and answer this the best I can for you. Your main problem is FEAR! They will feed on your fear. If they sense your fear, they will know you are weak. As I have mentioned a couple of times now, that when I was afraid, I asked Father Satan for help, and He was there for me almost immediately. Then He told me, "Set aside your fear and walk in the sunshine!" That, to me, is a plain and simple as it gets. TRUST FATHER! You should have your guardian, maybe even more than one. I know that I have seen more than one up to what I believed were guardians at one time, but I know I definitely have one. They are not only with you at home, they go with you when you go places.

My third eye was opened a long time ago. Before I dedicated to Father Satan! I was in Wicca at the time, and these beings scared the crap out of me. It was really rough, but I eventually came to emotional terms with these beings and found that the majority of them were friendly. But when I dedicated to Father Satan I saw my guardian almost immediately. And my third eye was opened even more. It has been a roller coaster ride, but one that is well worth it. I still have my ups and downs, but when it comes right down to it, I love and care about Father Satan and my guardian/guardians, etc. They and Father have shown me much love and warmth. They are considerate and they listen to what you have to say! You need to learn to trust Father Satan! And hold on to the faith of knowing that He is there for you when you need Him, and that your guardian or guardians are there for your protection. And, you also need to do your meditations and build your own power! I can't stress this enough. Learn to protect yourself!

Hail Father Satan! Hail Anubis!

On Saturday, May 3, 2014 8:16 PM, jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@... wrote:
By the time you develop such abilites you wont be scared Richard.

On Sat, May 3, 2014 7:37 PM PDT richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:

Nice way to put it bro, but I have to say, the only thing I'm scared of when I do get to that point of fully opening up my third eye and I start seeing the beings or creatures that reside on the astral that I might end up like the Mad Arab and get ripped to shreds, but I do got faith in Satan and I'm really hoping that wouldn't be the case, but I do think it's possible which honestly, scares the shit out of me... I've been attacked physically before by astral beings (I think they were angelic thought forms, unless (worst case scenario) they were real beings) and when they attacked me I actually felt it... physically... These attacks occurred when I would go to bed, waking up in the middle of the night in a half sleep half awake state of mind, there's also been a few times when I was fully awake this happened, so I guess my biggest worry, is this... if I do open up my third eye completely, I know I'm going to see those that reside on the astral, their
bodies are going to look physical, and I'm worried if I do then they really CAN touch me... and do what ever they please. That is the reason right there and the only reason that is holding me back from completely opening my third eye up. Do you have any advice on this bro? I remember watching HP Maxine's Sermon on YouTube "Experience Freeing Demons" and she was talking about how a friend of hers was actually thrown down some stairs by one of these beings and they were also trying to throw him out a window? She also went on to say that she woke up in the middle of the night with one of these beings beating on her legs? That's the kind of shit I'm worried about... but getting worst than that, like them actually killing me. Anyways... just wanted to let you know, hopefully you got some advice or some of the other members here. I think I brought this same question up a long time ago... but I can't remember anyone commenting on it.

Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat!

What are these negative entities attracted to? I mean what makes these angels beings attack you and get really angry. I dared one to fight me one night, but nothing happened it didn't do anything. But in the morning I got really depressed and felt like shit!
On 4 May 2014 04:16, "jeremy montoya" <jeremymontoya14@... wrote:
By the time you develop such abilites you wont be scared Richard.

On Sat, May 3, 2014 7:37 PM PDT richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:

Nice way to put it bro, but I have to say, the only thing I'm scared of when I do get to that point of fully opening up my third eye and I start seeing the beings or creatures that reside on the astral that I might end up like the Mad Arab and get ripped to shreds, but I do got faith in Satan and I'm really hoping that wouldn't be the case, but I do think it's possible which honestly, scares the shit out of me... I've been attacked physically before by astral beings (I think they were angelic thought forms, unless (worst case scenario) they were real beings) and when they attacked me I actually felt it... physically... These attacks occurred when I would go to bed, waking up in the middle of the night in a half sleep half awake state of mind, there's also been a few times when I was fully awake this happened, so I guess my biggest worry, is this... if I do open up my third eye completely, I know I'm going to see those that reside on the astral, their
bodies are going to look physical, and I'm worried if I do then they really CAN touch me... and do what ever they please. That is the reason right there and the only reason that is holding me back from completely opening my third eye up. Do you have any advice on this bro? I remember watching HP Maxine's Sermon on YouTube "Experience Freeing Demons" and she was talking about how a friend of hers was actually thrown down some stairs by one of these beings and they were also trying to throw him out a window? She also went on to say that she woke up in the middle of the night with one of these beings beating on her legs? That's the kind of shit I'm worried about... but getting worst than that, like them actually killing me. Anyways... just wanted to let you know, hopefully you got some advice or some of the other members here. I think I brought this same question up a long time ago... but I can't remember anyone commenting on it.

Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat!
@Joshua Branch Your astral senses aren't opened enough for them to attack you physically, if they were, they probably would of resorted to such an attack, besides giving you depression. Then again, most of these angels to my knowledge are thought forms, the *real* angels on the other hand being the enemy Nordic extra-terrestrials are far more dangerous, and don't need you to have open astral senses to attack you (that's if you become a big enough threat I'm guessing), without Satan protecting you they would be extremely dangerous, one would probably already be dead... but that's just my thought on it, I don't know too much about it. No one really answered my question about when one does open their astral senses to the point of seeing them physically, how dangerous can it get? Because I've seen some pretty scary things on the astral (when I was opened enough to actually make out what they look like) and some of these beings can rip a man to shreds, let alone devour them in whole, if they vibrated with them to that extent of where they can touch you, I've heard of such stories happening to some people, the Mad Arab of the Necronomicon was one such person... And that's what I'm worried about... for my own sake... I wish some of my Satanic Brothers and Sisters whom DO have their third eyes completely open and experience the astral can tell me their experiences... Have you guys ever been attacked physically and how far did it go? Can they kill you? Anyone got answers too this? As my brother Jeremy Montoya said above, even when I do get to that point (if I do) I won't no longer fear them, but still... regardless of that, I'm not really fond of dying, Lol.
Hail Satan.
Or am I going to have to put all my fears aside, and just trust in Satan that I wouldn't be killed by those that reside to the Astral when I do get to that point? I'm interested in what the person that commented above me thinks that use to be a Wiccan... You say you have your third eye open completely, they never tried to harm you before? Like physically?
Wow thanks. Thats a really good way to put it. I have been waiting and waiting til I can finally see through my third eye, and it's been very long, even though it's only been like a month or too since I really started meditating every day. But I'm just so excited :p Its pretty hard to be patient with this, but I have been and still am. I need to work on my third eye more, I don't do it enough and I should be. I should be making that a top priority right now, cause I know once I get that out of the way, that's a critical step gone and I can finally start with other shit, + be able to meet my guardian finally, and my succubus hopefully. I know they have been every patiently waiting for me, So I gotta keep meditating cause I know the more I do, the closer I'll get. Thanks for the insight it really raised my awareness. Hail Satan!!
Lol, you sound like me about 3 or 4 years ago, until I did open my third eye to a good extent, good enough to see what's actually on the Astral... Now the only thing I look forward is meeting my guardian, nothing else... That to me is one of the only positives, that and the powers you get with it, like telepathy, screw everything else though... That shit is scary... I use to be excited, until I almost opened it completely on a few occasions... But I realize it's a necessary thing that has to be done, in order to free yourself from the spiritual chains that's been forged for all of us... "Sigh" it's going to be a hard ride (for me anyways), it's not all peaches and flowers... You see some amazing things when your astral senses are opened, but you also see some scary shit... Anyone who is trying to open their third eyes are in for a hell of a ride, but like I said above, it's necessary.  Lol. 
And on top of that note... I still haven't experienced probably half of the shit compared to those who do have their third eyes completely open... Astral senses that is.
I can't wait. Thanks Kareem, this kind of posts prepares one for things to come, that's why I value this group a great deal.
On May 4, 2014 4:16 AM, "jeremy montoya" <jeremymontoya14@... wrote:
By the time you develop such abilites you wont be scared Richard.

On Sat, May 3, 2014 7:37 PM PDT richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:

Nice way to put it bro, but I have to say, the only thing I'm scared of when I do get to that point of fully opening up my third eye and I start seeing the beings or creatures that reside on the astral that I might end up like the Mad Arab and get ripped to shreds, but I do got faith in Satan and I'm really hoping that wouldn't be the case, but I do think it's possible which honestly, scares the shit out of me... I've been attacked physically before by astral beings (I think they were angelic thought forms, unless (worst case scenario) they were real beings) and when they attacked me I actually felt it... physically... These attacks occurred when I would go to bed, waking up in the middle of the night in a half sleep half awake state of mind, there's also been a few times when I was fully awake this happened, so I guess my biggest worry, is this... if I do open up my third eye completely, I know I'm going to see those that reside on the astral, their
bodies are going to look physical, and I'm worried if I do then they really CAN touch me... and do what ever they please. That is the reason right there and the only reason that is holding me back from completely opening my third eye up. Do you have any advice on this bro? I remember watching HP Maxine's Sermon on YouTube "Experience Freeing Demons" and she was talking about how a friend of hers was actually thrown down some stairs by one of these beings and they were also trying to throw him out a window? She also went on to say that she woke up in the middle of the night with one of these beings beating on her legs? That's the kind of shit I'm worried about... but getting worst than that, like them actually killing me. Anyways... just wanted to let you know, hopefully you got some advice or some of the other members here. I think I brought this same question up a long time ago... but I can't remember anyone commenting on it.

Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat!
Work on your aura of protection everyday, several times a day and make your aura stronger with the aura empowering meditation on JoS.Do not fear, and know that you won't be killed by enemy.
Hail Satan! On Saturday, May 3, 2014 11:16:11 PM, jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@... wrote:
By the time you develop such abilites you wont be scared Richard.

On Sat, May 3, 2014 7:37 PM PDT richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:

Nice way to put it bro, but I have to say, the only thing I'm scared of when I do get to that point of fully opening up my third eye and I start seeing the beings or creatures that reside on the astral that I might end up like the Mad Arab and get ripped to shreds, but I do got faith in Satan and I'm really hoping that wouldn't be the case, but I do think it's possible which honestly, scares the shit out of me... I've been attacked physically before by astral beings (I think they were angelic thought forms, unless (worst case scenario) they were real beings) and when they attacked me I actually felt it... physically... These attacks occurred when I would go to bed, waking up in the middle of the night in a half sleep half awake state of mind, there's also been a few times when I was fully awake this happened, so I guess my biggest worry, is this... if I do open up my third eye completely, I know I'm going to see those that reside on the astral, their
bodies are going to look physical, and I'm worried if I do then they really CAN touch me... and do what ever they please. That is the reason right there and the only reason that is holding me back from completely opening my third eye up. Do you have any advice on this bro? I remember watching HP Maxine's Sermon on YouTube "Experience Freeing Demons" and she was talking about how a friend of hers was actually thrown down some stairs by one of these beings and they were also trying to throw him out a window? She also went on to say that she woke up in the middle of the night with one of these beings beating on her legs? That's the kind of shit I'm worried about... but getting worst than that, like them actually killing me. Anyways... just wanted to let you know, hopefully you got some advice or some of the other members here. I think I brought this same question up a long time ago... but I can't remember anyone commenting on it.

Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat!

Thanks for the advice Magus immortalis, as always, but what if I don't? Would there be a possibility then that something extremely bad would happen, like death? Because you should hear some of the things these thought forms tell me... and I'm not even sure all of them are thought forms, I got a feeling that some of them could be real beings that are harassing me day and night, worst case scenario... people I know, and if I suspect right I could lose a lot... not just my life, but also material gains as well, family... These beings tell me, once I do open my third eye fully, they are going to slit my throat... and they've said many other things, if I go into detail it's a bit graphic... I know how the enemy operates, I know they use fear tactics to their advantage, especially when they don't want people advancing spiritually, but damn... if I don't build on my aura of protection, can they get away with this? I work on my aura of protection everyday, but not as long as I should. I confirm the aura of protection affirmation 10 times a day, 5 times in the morning, 5 times at night, then right before I go to bed I always confirm this affirmation as well... "I'm always totally safe and protected, at all times, in every way" I've been doing this for a while now... I don't think my aura of protection is that powerful due to the fact that they can easily control my mind at times, make me say things in my head I do NOT want to say, even try to make me insult my Gods, that being Satan and his Demons. One night (about 9 months ago) I woke up in the middle of the night, about 3 or 4 in the morning with a pillow over my head and I was in that trance state of mind (half asleep half awake) and they actually tried to smother me... which only lasted about 3 or 4 seconds before I broke free of the trance I was in and wasn't open enough for them to go through with it. I know if the opportunity arises, they would take it, so my last question is, if I don't work on my Aura of Protection or when the time comes and my Aura of Protection isn't strong enough (which is my main concern) would they be able to actually kill me? lol. Or would Father Satan step in and protect you? Or you Guardian Demon? Which I have faith that would be the case if that time does come... I just want to be on the safe side than the sorry side, before I do decide to possibly commit suicide so to speak. Ugh... I seriously fucking hate these beings, within the bottom of my heart... and they hate me just as much, if not more... I can feel it.
Fuck Jehovah!Hail Satan!
I sometimes wonder what HP Maxine had to go through... when she experienced attacks such as this, like her waking up in the middle of the night with them beating on her legs, or her friend being pushed down some stairs and almost being thrown out a window when they were actually freeing Demons... I almost wish she could speak more on  her experiences with these thought forms... Man... I can only imagine the shit she had to go through, if you are reading this now Maxine, you're a strong woman. You got courage and strength I only wish I had, but I got faith I'll have that same courage and strength in the future.
The enemy has said similar things to me when I was newer, and whenever I did want to advance, make my life better, change as a person, they would be right there to tear me down and blow my self-esteem to pieces.  But I've learned not to listen to them, give them or their words attention and they (the enemy) shuts up eventually.
Don't dwell too much on what the enemy says, they feed off of that. On Monday, May 5, 2014 6:42:25 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  Thanks for the advice Magus immortalis, as always, but what if I don't? Would there be a possibility then that something extremely bad would happen, like death? Because you should hear some of the things these thought forms tell me... and I'm not even sure all of them are thought forms, I got a feeling that some of them could be real beings that are harassing me day and night, worst case scenario... people I know, and if I suspect right I could lose a lot... not just my life, but also material gains as well, family... These beings tell me, once I do open my third eye fully, they are going to slit my throat... and they've said many other things, if I go into detail it's a bit graphic... I know how the enemy operates, I know they use fear tactics to their advantage, especially when they don't want people advancing spiritually, but damn... if I don't build on my aura of protection, can they get away with this? I work on my aura of protection everyday, but not as long as I should. I confirm the aura of protection affirmation 10 times a day, 5 times in the morning, 5 times at night, then right before I go to bed I always confirm this affirmation as well... "I'm always totally safe and protected, at all times, in every way" I've been doing this for a while now... I don't think my aura of protection is that powerful due to the fact that they can easily control my mind at times, make me say things in my head I do NOT want to say, even try to make me insult my Gods, that being Satan and his Demons. One night (about 9 months ago) I woke up in the middle of the night, about 3 or 4 in the morning with a pillow over my head and I was in that trance state of mind (half asleep half awake) and they actually tried to smother me... which only lasted about 3 or 4 seconds before I broke free of the trance I was in and wasn't open enough for them to go through with it. I know if the opportunity arises, they would take it, so my last question is, if I don't work on my Aura of Protection or when the time comes and my Aura of Protection isn't strong enough (which is my main concern) would they be able to actually kill me? lol. Or would Father Satan step in and protect you? Or you Guardian Demon? Which I have faith that would be the case if that time does come... I just want to be on the safe side than the sorry side, before I do decide to possibly commit suicide so to speak. Ugh... I seriously fucking hate these beings, within the bottom of my heart... and they hate me just as much, if not more... I can feel it.
Fuck Jehovah!Hail Satan!

you have to work on all of your chakras, pyschic senses and pineal gland.

On Sun, May 4, 2014 12:30 AM PDT reimerwesley@... wrote:

Wow thanks. Thats a really good way to put it. I have been waiting and waiting til I can finally see through my third eye, and it's been very long, even though it's only been like a month or too since I really started meditating every day. But I'm just so excited :p Its pretty hard to be patient with this, but I have been and still am. I need to work on my third eye more, I don't do it enough and I should be. I should be making that a top priority right now, cause I know once I get that out of the way, that's a critical step gone and I can finally start with other shit, + be able to meet my guardian finally, and my succubus hopefully. I know they have been every patiently waiting for me, So I gotta keep meditating cause I know the more I do, the closer I'll get. Thanks for the insight it really raised my awareness. Hail Satan!!
Thanks for the advice Magus, but I got one last question for you, when you did get to the point of opening up your astral senses (and I'm assuming you have), did they ever try to carry through with those threats? Because if they (the enemy) has said similar things to you, then I'm also assuming that they gave you death threats as well? Did they ever try to carry through with those threats once you did open up your astral senses? Or na? Would be nice to get some insight on your experiences, if I know what to expect, it might help me get ready for it when that time does come.
They threatened me the same way they threatened you. Now they know it doesn't work so they use slyer, more subtle tactics that are more anxiety-provoking then fear, which used to work. They never made good on their threats. Thankfully Lord Satan and the Gods watch over us.
On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 1:37:55 AM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  Thanks for the advice Magus, but I got one last question for you, when you did get to the point of opening up your astral senses (and I'm assuming you have), did they ever try to carry through with those threats? Because if they (the enemy) has said similar things to you, then I'm also assuming that they gave you death threats as well? Did they ever try to carry through with those threats once you did open up your astral senses? Or na? Would be nice to get some insight on your experiences, if I know what to expect, it might help me get ready for it when that time does come.

To answer your question. I have been shocked, frightened out of my freakin' mind, and seen just about anything you can name, but it majorly amounted to that -- being frightened. After a while, you get used to them. And most of the entities out there are friendly. I see things all the time, and on a daily/nightly basis. And since I dedicated to Father, I see things even more clearly. I also see my guardians. That amazes me. They go where I go! And I know I am being protected. So Father does protect us! Trust Him! That was the point I got from what He said to me. "Set fear aside and walk in the sunlight!" Trust Him!
I hope this helps. Don't dwell on what might be. Dwell on Father and your love for Him. Dwell on empowering yourself with meditations, etc. I think you will be just fine. And read what Maxine has to say. I studied different religions for a long time. So I know what she has on her website is truth! She is one smart lady. She knows her stuff. Learn from what she has to say!
Hail Father Satan! Hail Anubis!

On Monday, May 5, 2014 12:33 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  Or am I going to have to put all my fears aside, and just trust in Satan that I wouldn't be killed by those that reside to the Astral when I do get to that point? I'm interested in what the person that commented above me thinks that use to be a Wiccan... You say you have your third eye open completely, they never tried to harm you before? Like physically?

Hi, I am new here. want to know how to do power meditation and what is the right time to do. what is the goal of meditation? etc..
I know you asked your question to Magus, but since this is a group discussion I'll tell my side of it.
First it must be understood that it is not only Angels and Greys that attack Satanists on the Astral, there are also deceased souls that are 1) So spiritually degenerated since they have not been able to incarnate into a physical body for a very long time, hence they tend to harrass people that are on the path to empowerment on the physical plane, 2) On a very low level of consciousness, similar to people on the physical plane that have uncontrollable tendencies to commit crime and harm other people.
Also, sometimes people may have done a certain person wrong, as in murdered or killed that person (or similar) in a past life, and when that entity died, rather than letting go of that anger it tends to follow the person that wronged him and harrass him till that soul feels it has sought its revenge (this is a possibility). Some souls that were blinded in previous life times and died have a hard time incarnating, and hence why they tend to harrass people on the physical plane due to vampiric motivations, like jealousy or negative hatred.
The fact of the matter is, when you meditate everyday you reach a point when you become immune to such attacks, since their negative energies have a harder time pentrating through your aura (if it is strong enough). Opening your third eye only changes the fact that you become aware of such presences and are hence able to act upon them consciously. But regardless, building a strong aura (which doesn't happen overnight) drives these negative entities away, since you rise to a higher level of vibration than that of which these negative entities reside.

Threats and attacks on the Astral are inevitable, and being afraid of them won't help, but rather will hinder. Even when you rise to higher vibrations, you will encounter higher enemies. This is inevitable as I said, and the fear will just accomplish what they desire.
Hail Satan!!!! On Tuesday, 6 May 2014, 6:37, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  Thanks for the advice Magus, but I got one last question for you, when you did get to the point of opening up your astral senses (and I'm assuming you have), did they ever try to carry through with those threats? Because if they (the enemy) has said similar things to you, then I'm also assuming that they gave you death threats as well? Did they ever try to carry through with those threats once you did open up your astral senses? Or na? Would be nice to get some insight on your experiences, if I know what to expect, it might help me get ready for it when that time does come.

Man, that would be awesome to see your Guardians, and know they are there protecting you. I'm happy for you sister. :) Really am. I got faith and patience that the time will come for me also. Thank you for your kind words and your advice, truly appreciate your input.
Hail Satan!
Thanks for your input brother Kareem, I'll keep all of that in mind. And nope, never killed anyone... not that I'm aware of anyways haha... I've tried to do black magick on a few people who are without that have done me wrongs, but I don't think it ever got to that point of killing them through black magick and I don't wish to have that kind of power anytime soon, because as we both know, with power comes responsibility and if you don't have the responsibility to handle that kind of power you can easily fuck yourself in a lot of ways... As for actual human ghosts... that makes sense, I wouldn't be surprised if some of these entities that are harassing me are deceased spirits, but what I fear the most (which I shouldn't, but I do...) is my own family having this power and actually leaving their bodies at will (in spirit form) harassing me... The red flags are there, and I don't want to assume that this is the case, but if they are it is what it is I guess... Hopefully it's just enemy angels like the greys, their stupid thought forms, Nordics, or Reptilians (which I never seen Reptilians before, but I do believe they exist) just playing mind games with me... Hopefully. Anyways, only time will tell. :)
Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Hell.
I would also like to put this out there for anyone worried about protection and wants to do something about it:Yahoo Groups  
Satan protects us he is our shield from harms way, he has given us the tools to protect ourselves, it's only a matter if we help ourselves!
Hail Satan!!!!
I read every word more than once, i'm very new , but this inspired me to try even harder, thank you so much friend , Hail Satan
I know I'm not Magus, but I want to offer you some help. When I feel like I'm being attacked, I up my attitude. So instead of being scared, I try & push myself into an "f u" mood. They menace me? They get a hearty "F U! My god is superior to you in every way, and my will is strong." Trust me when I say, developing this attitude and being able to push past the fear with it, has been difficult. But it really helps. I tell myself that they don't get that sort of power over me, and I keep telling it to myself so I believe it.

Know that in saying this, I am not trying to pass me off and somehow superior or anything. I just thought it might help you face your fears and get stronger in the face of adversity.

with eternal love and devotion to Satan
with eternal respect to Lilith
with eternal honor to the gods and goddesses
and with friendship to my fellow/sister Spiritual Satanists

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
