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That Which Will Never Leave

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In this world that we are in, all circumstances can and will likely change. People, parents, loved pets, situations one loves. Everyone who knows of life, will know this.

As life goes, there are wonderful investments we make in people emotionally or otherwise. Yet there can be bad or tragic investments that don't go very well. One can be left with nothing just because of the swings of life. Our attempt to grow power is to maintain a form of coherence into this sea of change.

After all these years, I have concluded that the best thing one can do with life, is to live it. Our Gods tell us just that, too. But there is an underlying meaning in it all.

Part of living this life, on the highest level of it, is to find this very connection with the Gods. It just waits there to be found. When it's found, man has finally touched what cannot be altered and ruined by time, circumstances, or other lesser things.

We must spend a moment in all times, good or bad, to have this thought strongly in our mind and our hearts tied to the Gods. My efforts in the JoS have been for us to have this that will outlast everything, since that is it's essence.

When that is discovered, life will be looked upon differently, the value of what we build together and what we are part of will show itself as the most important of all things; fully justified to be such.

Unlocking this Truth is one of the highest accomplishments in life. It sets a human being apart from the path of degeneration into the path of eternal love and generation that is never ending. Of all things, the most important thing is our souls and the things that will never leave.

As we battle time and existence, we always have this place to go, the place that matters most. Keeping this strongly in our memory, we know we have touched what is eternal in us and in the world. And of all gifts, that is the most important gift. We know that which will never leave.

That is the entrance to the path of eternity, so let us who have taken this, see life more in it's perfect completion, as the grand plan of great evolution towards what will endure change without ending.

Praised be the Gods for their existence, do not forget where we belong, Spiritual Satanist family...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Oh hell yes!! Rousing Seromom HPHC! Hail Satan!! Hail all our True Gods!! Hail the family of Satan!!
I'm by all means not as evolved as probably even the average level of Spiritual Satanist in our Family, there is much for me yet to understand even in the basics, but I have been feeling something that feels like that which you speak of.

I've been looking at things, myself, life, events, loved ones and enemies, and I have realized that this is just a phase, it is not eternal, it will change so many times in its form before a revelation of incredible magnitude comes to me and I will be able to join eternity with the Gods, looking at everything from a very different, larger perspective.
I wonder if that is similar to what you meant.. I have been recently developing kind of 'a sense' for time, maybe simply as I've been questioning life and its real meaning as I slowly approach an older age, or rather, as I've become aware that I'm growing older while I hadn't even really thought about this simple life thing in the past. I started to wonder "what is it that will be left when I'm gone? Will this cycle just repeat itself? What of everything that I've learned?"

I know the Gods have these answers, and I know they are the only ones to really understand them.

Growing closer and closer to the our Gods is the only answer, and the only real thing we should always strive for in life.

Thank you for this post. People need to realize what is important and what is simply the ending of another season.

Having a deep connection with father Satan and the gods has to be the most wonder experience a human can ever have! Living the best life is knowing that theres higher beings out there who are always looking out for your well being and always guiding you even through the good and bad! Father Satan as giving me strength that I thought I never had. He’s on my mind 24/7 and I am so grateful to know the truth about him in this lifetime. It saddens me that most humans will never get the chance to know their true maker because life without Satan is a life full of sorrow,loneliness and misery. A life that will never be lived to its full potential!
No matter how lost this world looks, no matter how much the enemy pollutes it to a point the majority of outsiders spread their hopelessness, the only thing THAT MATTERS THE MOST IS TO HAVE ATTUNED ASPIRATION AND UNDYING WILL AND CLEAR INTELLECT TO REPAIR THE SITUATION ACCORDING TO REALITY AND ITS MAGNITUDE UNTIL ALL OF IT HAS BEEN WON!
Exelent sermon after morning routine, just wonderful.

Yesterday I started to be aware of what meditations did to me in a deep sense…

As recently I started balancing my elements, and how my life started to change it is beyond words, and it is unbelievable, how I am grateful for Father Satan, Maxine and JoS for bringing these meditations out to public.

I was lacking water very much, it took me much time to start working with it, and to overcome myself to go trough and continue to do so with invoking water,

And after some time, now I started to live sweetest and most magical life I never seen or imagined.

And only yesterday I don’t know why, but this sense gratefulness started to kick in, I really say Thank you for JoS,

This is so amazing, we are able to change ourselves on the deepest levels… this is incredible, what power brings to us JoS…

We can control our elements, because of this I am completely astonished, and so so happy…

Thank you Satan, Cobra, Maxine and Gods!

How it is possible to leave this path? How, I don’t understand. This is freedom, freedom which is so deep… biggest freedom ever!
Thank you Commander for this inspirational reminder. Praise should be given where it is due. First and foremost we're all indebted to the Gods than to you and HPS Maxine, the rest of the clergy and our Guardians for all that you've provided.

To those that might have doubts, the future is bright. We will rebuild everything to its former splendor and beyond. But getting there has a price. Tireless work, no fear, no doubt.

Hail Satan !!!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

It was great and it gave me hope :) I will live in a way that the gods will be proud of me :)
Wonderful Sermon thank you! Recently overcame a roadblock and that is thanks to the Gods. There’s this futility in a lot of human interactions, though the captains of navigation, our Gods, not only provide us wings but also insights unparalleled that would very much baffle mere mortals or those without.
Very uplifting post thanks hphc alot of people like my family for example don't understand that one does not just simply leave satanism atleast noone in there right mind who knew better would never leave the gods its not like the fake bs Abrahamic so called religions. My family does not understand out of all the opposition problems I've received from people losing friends, getting hated, people constantly trying to persuade me to leave satanism, Etc, I always tell them if rather die than EVER leave father satan or live in this world for just a day without the gods
One of the most important things in life, is to not get stuck on the past, but be ready and eager for the future:

If you lose a dear one, friend, love, who or whatever, don't get stuck on that feeling of loss, but know that the magic between yourself and them will move on to others and you'll find "them" again in life. :)
Draconi666 said:

How it is possible to leave this path? How, I don’t understand. This is freedom, freedom which is so deep… biggest freedom ever!

I think those who are leaving the SS, because they do not have success with power meditation and spiritual development, or just not feeling their progress.

Actually I can't imagine anything else, why they are leaving SS.
ABSOLUTELY! Growing closer to our Gods is the only answer & the real thing we should always strive for in our lives.

Thank you for this post, HPHC.
It is said that in nature, it's not the most intelligent or most powerful beings that survive the most, but ones that adapt the easiest.

Indeed, we should always embrace change, as change is a part of life, and both pain and pleasure are temporary. So what advice would you give to someone who doesn't adapt as easy to new circumstances and can hardly embrace change?
Loved the sermon!!
I think I lacked earth so yesterday I started grounding myself and I was meditating upon that element for hours, hoping that would give me the perseverance I needed.
Hail HPHoodedCobra666!!
Thanks for writing this, Great HP!I had a strong feeling of liberation in my sexual chakra while translating this for the Romanian forums.
sailhatan88 said:
Very uplifting post thanks hphc alot of people like my family for example don't understand that one does not just simply leave satanism atleast noone in there right mind who knew better would never leave the gods its not like the fake bs Abrahamic so called religions. My family does not understand out of all the opposition problems I've received from people losing friends, getting hated, people constantly trying to persuade me to leave satanism, Etc, I always tell them if rather die than EVER leave father satan or live in this world for just a day without the gods

Keep in mind that you can always lie to these people so they no longer see you as a Satanist. Tell them you are now an atheist, or a Buddhist, or anything along those lines so that they can leave you alone about you being a spiritual satanist.

Sometimes it's best to lie to protect ourselves from those who are without. Satan fully understands this. It's also important not to be open about being a Satanist to your friends and those in your personal life. Many people are not open and many would cause issues for a dedicated Satanist.

Take this into consideration and please be careful. I know from experience how this can go, many people are awful out in this world.
Rroco88 said:
It is said that in nature, it's not the most intelligent or most powerful beings that survive the most, but ones that adapt the easiest.

Indeed, we should always embrace change, as change is a part of life, and both pain and pleasure are temporary. So what advice would you give to someone who doesn't adapt as easy to new circumstances and can hardly embrace change?

To enjoy that fact. Because if you have this habit of not changing, it's actually the foundation of a powerful mind. People who are like leafs in the wind, will be torn apart likewise. Adaptability will come when a solid foundation is found. Nobody can be perfect in all of this. If you change too often, insanity can ensue and instability, if that makes sense.
sailhatan88 said:
Very uplifting post thanks hphc alot of people like my family for example don't understand that one does not just simply leave satanism atleast noone in there right mind who knew better would never leave the gods its not like the fake bs Abrahamic so called religions. My family does not understand out of all the opposition problems I've received from people losing friends, getting hated, people constantly trying to persuade me to leave satanism, Etc, I always tell them if rather die than EVER leave father satan or live in this world for just a day without the gods

I don't believe in general that's a wise decision to share especially towards a family which mainly will consist of lesser individuals. I have found in the overwhelming amount of SS that their family can truly not be ready for the message yet.

There are rare cases where this has worked out but only if families have strong soul bonds and you happen to be with an aware Satanic soul in the same family. Family members can be "on our side" but also dangerously oblivious and also block the message, so try to put these people in the good aspects of our path without telling them the path by Name, because this name activates the programmed switches in their head and they might seek retaliation.

That's because if you adopt the message and they had a bad situation with you in the past, this can get in the way, added with their own issues. That will create very serious roadblocks all the way from denial to excommunication for you, or other issues.

There's a reason Satan warns against this in the Al Jilwah.
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
I'm by all means not as evolved as probably even the average level of Spiritual Satanist in our Family, there is much for me yet to understand even in the basics.


Don't compare yourself to other Satanists, or others. We all have individual paths to go. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, what matters is constant, and consistent progress.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In this world that we are in, all circumstances can and will likely change. People, parents, loved pets, situations one loves. Everyone who knows of life, will know this.

As life goes, there are wonderful investments we make in people emotionally or otherwise. Yet there can be bad or tragic investments that don't go very well. One can be left with nothing just because of the swings of life. Our attempt to grow power is to maintain a form of coherence into this sea of change.

After all these years, I have concluded that the best thing one can do with life, is to live it. Our Gods tell us just that, too. But there is an underlying meaning in it all.

Part of living this life, on the highest level of it, is to find this very connection with the Gods. It just waits there to be found. When it's found, man has finally touched what cannot be altered and ruined by time, circumstances, or other lesser things.

We must spend a moment in all times, good or bad, to have this thought strongly in our mind and our hearts tied to the Gods. My efforts in the JoS have been for us to have this that will outlast everything, since that is it's essence.

When that is discovered, life will be looked upon differently, the value of what we build together and what we are part of will show itself as the most important of all things; fully justified to be such.

Unlocking this Truth is one of the highest accomplishments in life. It sets a human being apart from the path of degeneration into the path of eternal love and generation that is never ending. Of all things, the most important thing is our souls and the things that will never leave.

As we battle time and existence, we always have this place to go, the place that matters most. Keeping this strongly in our memory, we know we have touched what is eternal in us and in the world. And of all gifts, that is the most important gift. We know that which will never leave.

That is the entrance to the path of eternity, so let us who have taken this, see life more in it's perfect completion, as the grand plan of great evolution towards what will endure change without ending.

Praised be the Gods for their existence, do not forget where we belong, Spiritual Satanist family...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What do you mean by battling time?

Do you mean like jumping timelines where the enemy has power or won and changing this by reversing the letters? because it's obvious not all SS are where they should be because of the enemy and related.

We have completely won the spiritual war which means somewhere in time all SS have fulfilled their destiny.

I saw this is how the God rituals work. It brings one in a point of time where our enemies are completely being destroyed and that horrendous Jewish energy matrix collapses onto them all as the Gods make their return.
TranscendTheSun said:
Don't compare yourself to other Satanists, or others. We all have individual paths to go. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, what matters is constant, and consistent progress.

Wise words indeed. Thank you for reminding me that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To enjoy that fact. Because if you have this habit of not changing, it's actually the foundation of a powerful mind. People who are like leafs in the wind, will be torn apart likewise. Adaptability will come when a solid foundation is found. Nobody can be perfect in all of this. If you change too often, insanity can ensue and instability, if that makes sense.
... I haven't thought about it like that, and it makes a lot of sense.. thank you so much Cobra, your reply helped me incredibly much!
Draconi666 said:
Exelent sermon after morning routine, just wonderful.

Yesterday I started to be aware of what meditations did to me in a deep sense…

As recently I started balancing my elements, and how my life started to change it is beyond words, and it is unbelievable, how I am grateful for Father Satan, Maxine and JoS for bringing these meditations out to public.

I was lacking water very much, it took me much time to start working with it, and to overcome myself to go trough and continue to do so with invoking water,

And after some time, now I started to live sweetest and most magical life I never seen or imagined.

And only yesterday I don’t know why, but this sense gratefulness started to kick in, I really say Thank you for JoS,

This is so amazing, we are able to change ourselves on the deepest levels… this is incredible, what power brings to us JoS…

We can control our elements, because of this I am completely astonished, and so so happy…

Thank you Satan, Cobra, Maxine and Gods!

How it is possible to leave this path? How, I don’t understand. This is freedom, freedom which is so deep… biggest freedom ever!

Hi brother ,love all your posts ..what are the different black magic or destruction techniques that can be used on your personal enemies who have harmed u and abused you ..I have read satanic witchcraft webpage ..Do u have your own black magic techniques that does this work?
Draconi666 said:
Exelent sermon after morning routine, just wonderful.

Yesterday I started to be aware of what meditations did to me in a deep sense…

As recently I started balancing my elements, and how my life started to change it is beyond words, and it is unbelievable, how I am grateful for Father Satan, Maxine and JoS for bringing these meditations out to public.

I was lacking water very much, it took me much time to start working with it, and to overcome myself to go trough and continue to do so with invoking water,

And after some time, now I started to live sweetest and most magical life I never seen or imagined.

And only yesterday I don’t know why, but this sense gratefulness started to kick in, I really say Thank you for JoS,

This is so amazing, we are able to change ourselves on the deepest levels… this is incredible, what power brings to us JoS…

We can control our elements, because of this I am completely astonished, and so so happy…

Thank you Satan, Cobra, Maxine and Gods!

How it is possible to leave this path? How, I don’t understand. This is freedom, freedom which is so deep… biggest freedom ever!

Hi brother ,love all your posts ..what are the different black magic or destruction techniques that can be used on your personal enemies who have harmed u and abused you ..I have read satanic witchcraft webpage ..Do u have your own black magic techniques that does this work?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In this world that we are in, all circumstances can and will likely change. People, parents, loved pets, situations one loves. Everyone who knows of life, will know this.

As life goes, there are wonderful investments we make in people emotionally or otherwise. Yet there can be bad or tragic investments that don't go very well. One can be left with nothing just because of the swings of life. Our attempt to grow power is to maintain a form of coherence into this sea of change.

After all these years, I have concluded that the best thing one can do with life, is to live it. Our Gods tell us just that, too. But there is an underlying meaning in it all.

Part of living this life, on the highest level of it, is to find this very connection with the Gods. It just waits there to be found. When it's found, man has finally touched what cannot be altered and ruined by time, circumstances, or other lesser things.

We must spend a moment in all times, good or bad, to have this thought strongly in our mind and our hearts tied to the Gods. My efforts in the JoS have been for us to have this that will outlast everything, since that is it's essence.

When that is discovered, life will be looked upon differently, the value of what we build together and what we are part of will show itself as the most important of all things; fully justified to be such.

Unlocking this Truth is one of the highest accomplishments in life. It sets a human being apart from the path of degeneration into the path of eternal love and generation that is never ending. Of all things, the most important thing is our souls and the things that will never leave.

As we battle time and existence, we always have this place to go, the place that matters most. Keeping this strongly in our memory, we know we have touched what is eternal in us and in the world. And of all gifts, that is the most important gift. We know that which will never leave.

That is the entrance to the path of eternity, so let us who have taken this, see life more in it's perfect completion, as the grand plan of great evolution towards what will endure change without ending.

Praised be the Gods for their existence, do not forget where we belong, Spiritual Satanist family...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hail Satan! Hail Gods and Demons! Hail High Priest Hooded Cobra 666! Hail JoS Guardians! Hail Satanic family!

The very good sermon!

Now I actively participate in all group rituals, I perform power meditations, I work with all the chakras, I perform RTR, despite the difficulties of daily life and my personal shortcomings and weaknesses, which I work on every day to the best of my ability.

Many life problems that I don't have enough free time to solve are solved by themselves, or rather I think that the Gods contribute to solving these problems.

I do not know my future, but I create it every day. I believe in the Gods. Satan is always in my heart, in my soul and in my mind!

The Truth is difficult to find without the accompaniment of the Gods. In order not to lose the truth in the next lives, it is necessary that Js flourish, it is necessary that with the word "Satanism", everyone can immediately find JoS!I think the problem now is that when searching for the truth, most pagans find pseudo-satanic groups that Jews advertise. Satan will destroy the Vatican, will destroy Hollywood, will destroy all Jews, I believe in it!

In the next life, I would like to become a ruler who will destroy all Jews and all governments (regimes) that will shelter them and somehow condone the enemy. My dream is to carry out a global cleaning. Is it crazy? Maybe! But someone has to avenge the harm that the Jews and their people have done to our Gods!

I haven't written on the site for a long time, but I will try to write more! The reason I don't did posts is lack of time! I will try to fix the situation!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sailhatan88 said:
Very uplifting post thanks hphc alot of people like my family for example don't understand that one does not just simply leave satanism atleast noone in there right mind who knew better would never leave the gods its not like the fake bs Abrahamic so called religions. My family does not understand out of all the opposition problems I've received from people losing friends, getting hated, people constantly trying to persuade me to leave satanism, Etc, I always tell them if rather die than EVER leave father satan or live in this world for just a day without the gods

I don't believe in general that's a wise decision to share especially towards a family which mainly will consist of lesser individuals. I have found in the overwhelming amount of SS that their family can truly not be ready for the message yet.

There are rare cases where this has worked out but only if families have strong soul bonds and you happen to be with an aware Satanic soul in the same family. Family members can be "on our side" but also dangerously oblivious and also block the message, so try to put these people in the good aspects of our path without telling them the path by Name, because this name activates the programmed switches in their head and they might seek retaliation.

That's because if you adopt the message and they had a bad situation with you in the past, this can get in the way, added with their own issues. That will create very serious roadblocks all the way from denial to excommunication for you, or other issues.

There's a reason Satan warns against this in the Al Jilwah.

Excommunicated from what?, This? The forums? Or the gods? I dont believe that's exsctly true if your meaning the gods i don't think any human can say that and it be true,
High priest or not, I think I over dramatized my last post don't know what I exactly said that
was against the sayings of the aljilwah. Maybe I should educate myself some more on it. Yea im definitely a work in progress and theres no doubt due to my poor choices when I was younger
my life is now both more challenging mentally and physically than most people, im a work in progress, the God's are patient, I dont believe anybody has the right to say one has been Excommunicated from the gods except the gods themselves if you mean Excommunicated from this the forums etc thats fine by me didn't feel the need to post here half the time anyways, I just did ..i don't get along with others to well anyways im comfortable just having the gods direct me i suppose it would suck going totally
Solo but nothing new to me. Or maybe i misunderstood the message. Meand my family haven't actually had a conversation about my beliefs in years , they've pretty much accepted it now in the past it definitely caused barriers between me and my family but that's over with , I usually try to hide my beliefs now cause I'm tired of the drama that follows when I'm open about it but yea as far as family not liking my religion that's over with they've basically accepted it
Satanic blessings to all brothers and sisters. Glory to SATAN and strength to man. HAIL SATAN!!!
And some of us one day might learn to be like them to be time less while all others rise and fall around us we will be forever imagine what one can achieve with infinite time up their sleeve even if you die if you remember everything did you really die or did you simply get made a new.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sailhatan88 said:
Very uplifting post thanks hphc alot of people like my family for example don't understand that one does not just simply leave satanism atleast noone in there right mind who knew better would never leave the gods its not like the fake bs Abrahamic so called religions. My family does not understand out of all the opposition problems I've received from people losing friends, getting hated, people constantly trying to persuade me to leave satanism, Etc, I always tell them if rather die than EVER leave father satan or live in this world for just a day without the gods

I don't believe in general that's a wise decision to share especially towards a family which mainly will consist of lesser individuals. I have found in the overwhelming amount of SS that their family can truly not be ready for the message yet.

There are rare cases where this has worked out but only if families have strong soul bonds and you happen to be with an aware Satanic soul in the same family. Family members can be "on our side" but also dangerously oblivious and also block the message, so try to put these people in the good aspects of our path without telling them the path by Name, because this name activates the programmed switches in their head and they might seek retaliation.

That's because if you adopt the message and they had a bad situation with you in the past, this can get in the way, added with their own issues. That will create very serious roadblocks all the way from denial to excommunication for you, or other issues.

There's a reason Satan warns against this in the Al Jilwah.

Yea im writing this as a apology that i posted back replying now that I re read everything yea I believe I was a bit disrespectful, me sbd my family have been getting along great other thdb my bible lunatic aunt, rho even at one time pretty much admitted to me that she doesn't know wether christianity is true or not
Sk despite some of the negative over dramatic shit i post iv been getting through to family
Wether theyll admit it or not ive been dealing with a new roommate tho we've been getting along great he definitely has some conflicting
Views on everything regarding jews etc, but other than that we get along fine i and i got other stresses but who doesn't right? I've been a little edgy lately. as soon as it gets approved if it does I'm going to try and delete it cause I totally feel stupid now

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
