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Telekinesis training video logs (12 videos)


New member
Apr 15, 2024
Finally managed to upload originals.


Odysee downscaled:
N1 https://ody.sh/Z7QAg9GrwF
N2 https://ody.sh/mHbBQJ1Ts1
N3 https://ody.sh/CVyfoLYBMB
N4 https://ody.sh/TSUMyzFVxs
N5 https://ody.sh/B0UEvAoqgo
N6 https://ody.sh/PD36OiVyD7
N7 https://ody.sh/IAPYZOoG38
N8 https://ody.sh/1h2twQb3dl
N9 https://ody.sh/ICyOQctByg
N10 https://ody.sh/RiC2IchbIp
N11 https://ody.sh/MQLmtD8NsO
N12 https://ody.sh/bv5SwtIGWU

1. For the first time watching/previewing - watch in fast forward.
2. Easier done than explained how. Have to pull names and terms for all of this out of thin air.
3. Even after hundreds of training sessions, failures (no visible movement) and weak successes (very slight movement even after 10, 20, 30 minutes of active emission) still occur. Sometimes decently strong movement can be seen in less than 5 minutes, though that's rare. At the time of writing this, no definite causality was identified. Also, during early (first hundred or so) trainings, had failures for days in a row. Cause - unknown.
4. Unsure if any barriers between palm and object simply obstruct/diminish movement induction or alter direction/flow of energy, requiring technique refinement and adjustment for different barriers.
5. No idea what this energy is. It does not behave like electrical charge as I can both attract and repulse (sometimes trying to "push" effectively "pulls"), nor it is pure magnetism. Works (at least feels) the same on conductive and non-conductive objects.
6. No tactile feedback of object position, at least I don't feel any.
6. Rig = installation, frame, barriers, table. Object = the thing you're moving/trying to move/using as a measurement of telekinesis effect. In case of an object suspended on a thread/rope/wire - the longer the thread - easier to see results, both rotation and swing.
7. Telekinesis training session recordings were made in one take each. 12 of them in total.
8. Taken on a cellphone camera with cheap streamers camera holder. No sound was recorded.
9. Training rigs for these videos were made out of easily available materials: 5 liter water bottle, cap pierced with 3 holes to allow thread to be tightened. Cap is not screwed tight, turning cap allows to adjust object starting/at_rest position.

So far the best technique to induce object movement in an enclosed rig like this bottle is to "lift" using energy generated withing your palms. Focus not on "pushing" or "pulling" the sides of the object but on internal (i.e. under skin) and local (surrounding your hands) feeling of energy flowing, generally just up in waves. Benefits from relaxed concentration, _almost_ no hand or digit moving (slight movement could be good for keeping attention on your hands) and focusing on palm energy within hand and slightly out of it. Do not overconcentrate on object, view it more like a detector of energy. Sensations are best described as a mix of static charge, pressure and lightness (as in weight that you're lifting is less than you expected). Make sure that you're aiming properly, hand position and gesture might need adjustments. To help keep training without false positives - floor must be real hard, like kitchen/bathroom tiles or concrete. 5l water bottle rig design works good enough. As for object - I have most results with "crossflap" design shown in N12 video.
If this is you in the videos I would advise from showing yourself like this as you can easily be cursed by the enemy or worse.
If this is you in the videos I would advise from showing yourself like this as you can easily be cursed by the enemy or worse.
What matters is existence of evidence of telekinesis being a learnable skill. Easy, simple, so far useless and very time consuming skill.

I did what I could. Filming these was harder than I thought. Uploading originals 10 seconds per megabyte was downright frustrating. But now you can present it as proof of existence of magic or something.
To be able to showcase it in video it's a huge step in my opinion.
Telekinesis is something I've been very interested in because when you have an ever skeptical/doubtful/atheist mental programming inside you, even when I get experiences like seeing my aura (which happened several times) is never enough.
Telekinesis is just undeniable proof that shit's for real, pardon my language.
How long did it took you?
I've actually been anxiously hoping someone would do what you just did. I assume you're using a new account to protect your identity.
I don't understand, why in the last video, near the end, the item inside the bottle seems to be attracted like A LOT towards the hairbrush? While it didn't just right before?
To be able to showcase it in video it's a huge step in my opinion.
Telekinesis is something I've been very interested in because when you have an ever skeptical/doubtful/atheist mental programming inside you, even when I get experiences like seeing my aura (which happened several times) is never enough.
Telekinesis is just undeniable proof that shit's for real, pardon my language.
How long did it took you?
Depends on time framing.
Blind faith that TK is real and I can, at some point, achieve it? 20 years.
In and out practice with varying results*? About 15 years.
Time from yet another restart of meditating from zero to 19.01.2025 Tk VLog 4-T (video N1)? 17 months. Filming in one take, in a way that shows results, decent area around and no unnecessary info about me was the hardest part.
Right now, with all the practice and mistakes in training (a lot of them) I'd say [zero meditations to same results as seen on videos] should take 40 day training program, hand chakra meditations (4 days as instructed) + 3 months of almost everyday 2-3 training sessions with an enclosed rig. I might be wrong on this assumption, we still need A LOT MORE people practicing and reporting results.

*Nasty thing about all this time was that telekinesis occasionally failed not for one session or day, but for a whole week or so. Imagine the frustration that you HAD results, and now there's nothing. Kept repeating the same pattern year after year. Still can't explain what went wrong, but just mentally prepare for it. Keep calm and psi it on.
Also, I wasn't doing it for 15 years daily, more like once in a year or two I try again. And fail. And the next year the same. All this time didn't have the facilities, nor uninterruptible time to get there. So, I made my loooooong vacation dedicated to achieving TK no matter what. Hopefully, you'll use conclusions of my practice and research to achieve better results way faster.

And yeah, one small moment of focus for a man, a huge leap in development for humanity. Shit's for real.
I've actually been anxiously hoping someone would do what you just did. I assume you're using a new account to protect your identity.
I waited too. Ever since original JoS and Yahoo groups forum, all I saw was text. ZERO PROOF. So I did it myself.

Nope. Only account. Wouldn't even register here before if not for some Ritual pronunciation audio being available only to registered forum users. There might be more Dedicated lurkers like me out there.
I don't understand, why in the last video, near the end, the item inside the bottle seems to be attracted like A LOT towards the hairbrush? While it didn't just right before?
As you can see at N12 23:39, first time I combed my hair and brought hair comb near the rig it moved a little bit in attraction pattern. But not much more than my TK did. So, second time I might've overscratched my hair a little bit. Thus the results from 25:08. Whole point of TK to static comparison demonstration was to show that they did not behave in the same fashion. Just because the object, or part of it, is closer to hand, it did not increase acceleration (i.e. closer the objects, stronger the attraction does not work here). Hope that clarifies things.

If there is anything else that needs clarification - just ask. All of this really needs more questions and research and practice from more people. Also, I'm terrible at explaining these things. At some point we may have proper systems of classification and nomenclature for magic research. But for now I'm just a stepping stone to what we can become.
Telekinesis is very advanced ability and better results are only possible with completely open (clean) soul.
Telekinesis is very advanced ability and better results are only possible with completely open (clean) soul.
Telekinesis is very advanced ability and better results are only possible with completely open (clean) soul.
I've read posts and replies like this even back in Yahoo groups. 15 years ago. This is exactly why I put evidence before claims.

I do not consider myself very advanced. Can't even see auras. Not that third eye meditation shows nothing, there are things, just lacking proper focus to upkeep the work required to maintain (much less improve) my astral sight. Still managed to achieve some telekinesis.
I've read posts and replies like this even back in Yahoo groups. 15 years ago. This is exactly why I put evidence before claims.

I do not consider myself very advanced. Can't even see auras. Not that third eye meditation shows nothing, there are things, just lacking proper focus to upkeep the work required to maintain (much less improve) my astral sight. Still managed to achieve some telekinesis.
What people might not immediately realize is that there are different types of affinities. Secondly, we would need to consider where the efforts are targeted.
What are those?
You can look at elemental energy for a hint.
Well, SS outreach/activism/online presence can use these videos as proof that we are not full of shit. Good effort, yes?
I referred to personal efforts directed toward certain aspects of spiritual development over another.
Finally managed to upload originals.


Odysee downscaled:
N1 https://ody.sh/Z7QAg9GrwF
N2 https://ody.sh/mHbBQJ1Ts1
N3 https://ody.sh/CVyfoLYBMB
N4 https://ody.sh/TSUMyzFVxs
N5 https://ody.sh/B0UEvAoqgo
N6 https://ody.sh/PD36OiVyD7
N7 https://ody.sh/IAPYZOoG38
N8 https://ody.sh/1h2twQb3dl
N9 https://ody.sh/ICyOQctByg
N10 https://ody.sh/RiC2IchbIp
N11 https://ody.sh/MQLmtD8NsO
N12 https://ody.sh/bv5SwtIGWU

1. For the first time watching/previewing - watch in fast forward.
2. Easier done than explained how. Have to pull names and terms for all of this out of thin air.
3. Even after hundreds of training sessions, failures (no visible movement) and weak successes (very slight movement even after 10, 20, 30 minutes of active emission) still occur. Sometimes decently strong movement can be seen in less than 5 minutes, though that's rare. At the time of writing this, no definite causality was identified. Also, during early (first hundred or so) trainings, had failures for days in a row. Cause - unknown.
4. Unsure if any barriers between palm and object simply obstruct/diminish movement induction or alter direction/flow of energy, requiring technique refinement and adjustment for different barriers.
5. No idea what this energy is. It does not behave like electrical charge as I can both attract and repulse (sometimes trying to "push" effectively "pulls"), nor it is pure magnetism. Works (at least feels) the same on conductive and non-conductive objects.
6. No tactile feedback of object position, at least I don't feel any.
6. Rig = installation, frame, barriers, table. Object = the thing you're moving/trying to move/using as a measurement of telekinesis effect. In case of an object suspended on a thread/rope/wire - the longer the thread - easier to see results, both rotation and swing.
7. Telekinesis training session recordings were made in one take each. 12 of them in total.
8. Taken on a cellphone camera with cheap streamers camera holder. No sound was recorded.
9. Training rigs for these videos were made out of easily available materials: 5 liter water bottle, cap pierced with 3 holes to allow thread to be tightened. Cap is not screwed tight, turning cap allows to adjust object starting/at_rest position.

So far the best technique to induce object movement in an enclosed rig like this bottle is to "lift" using energy generated withing your palms. Focus not on "pushing" or "pulling" the sides of the object but on internal (i.e. under skin) and local (surrounding your hands) feeling of energy flowing, generally just up in waves. Benefits from relaxed concentration, _almost_ no hand or digit moving (slight movement could be good for keeping attention on your hands) and focusing on palm energy within hand and slightly out of it. Do not overconcentrate on object, view it more like a detector of energy. Sensations are best described as a mix of static charge, pressure and lightness (as in weight that you're lifting is less than you expected). Make sure that you're aiming properly, hand position and gesture might need adjustments. To help keep training without false positives - floor must be real hard, like kitchen/bathroom tiles or concrete. 5l water bottle rig design works good enough. As for object - I have most results with "crossflap" design shown in N12 video.
I‘m very sorry but what you show here is no telekinesis.

Your plastic container is a semi-closed system. You did this because you wanted to isolate it from Environmental influences like moving air from your breath…

But the issue is, the movement that you induced on the object was firstly very slight and took a long time to get started.

This is mostly because your hands were on both sides of the Plastic container -> your heat ever so slightly heated the container walls -> the container walls got warmer and heated the air inside -> warm air stars to flow upwards, and cold air flows upwards (you created a local very slight pressure difference inside the container, that is moving the air).

We call this convection current.

Sorry, this is no telekinesis, but physics.

Your system is not a closed system, and even so slight influences like convection currents twist your object because it is very light and has a lot of area (high air resistance).

Your plastic comb also induced a twist on your object - because it was electro statically charged.

When you comb your hair with a plastic comb, the friction charges it static electrically. You can even use this charge to deflect water that is coming out a faucet.

I would suggest you to use your Time more wisely, and meditate and develop skills that are acting on you internally as a medium (because this is easier than manipuating the material world).

And if you want to develop telekinetic skills - use a pendulum, with something heavy. Heavy enough, so simple air flow from your breath or confection currents won’t move it at all. Like a coin or a crystal. Otherwise it is just a waste of your time - and you gain NOTHING from it.
If this is you in the videos I would advise from showing yourself like this as you can easily be cursed by the enemy or worse.
It doesn’t really matter. You can get cursed anyways - even if you just chat with a sorcerer and they have no real information about you.
I‘m very sorry but what you show here is no telekinesis.

Your plastic container is a semi-closed system. You did this because you wanted to isolate it from Environmental influences like moving air from your breath…

But the issue is, the movement that you induced on the object was firstly very slight and took a long time to get started.

This is mostly because your hands were on both sides of the Plastic container -> your heat ever so slightly heated the container walls -> the container walls got warmer and heated the air inside -> warm air stars to flow upwards, and cold air flows upwards (you created a local very slight pressure difference inside the container, that is moving the air).

We call this convection current.

Sorry, this is no telekinesis, but physics.

Your system is not a closed system, and even so slight influences like convection currents twist your object because it is very light and has a lot of area (high air resistance).

Your plastic comb also induced a twist on your object - because it was electro statically charged.

When you comb your hair with a plastic comb, the friction charges it static electrically. You can even use this charge to deflect water that is coming out a faucet.

I would suggest you to use your Time more wisely, and meditate and develop skills that are acting on you internally as a medium (because this is easier than manipuating the material world).

And if you want to develop telekinetic skills - use a pendulum, with something heavy. Heavy enough, so simple air flow from your breath or confection currents won’t move it at all. Like a coin or a crystal. Otherwise it is just a waste of your time - and you gain NOTHING from it.
Some good points were made, thanks.
Some are bad though.

Let's start with the good ones!
1. In your opinion, what distance would be acceptable between hands (or one hand, LH/RH training just usually takes longer to see movement) and bottle wall? Perhaps additional barrier between hand and bottle? Just so I can repeat on the same bottle/object but with increased proofing.
2. If not for external conditions then what would be acceptable as an object within such bottle? Something to fit through ~33mm mouth, however.
3. Timings and twist magnitudes are not always consistent with distance or linear. Sometimes 7cm distance does almost nothing for 10 minutes. Sometimes - strong movement in less than 2 minutes, same distance. Sometimes 3 rounds 10-25 minutes with varying distances do little-to-nothing. Other times 13+cm distance produces decent results. Room and hand temperatures also vary from session to session. Only thing that's mostly constant - improvement in results from round to round in the same session.
4. Can convection current induction, in the manner you described, be negated by air draft? Cause there's a decent enough draft in the kitchen where it was filmed.

Now to address the bad ones.
0. Did you watch all these videos? All 12 of them?

1. I used Both Hands OR Left Hand OR Right Hand for different rounds per session/video.

2. Different hand-to-bottle distances, different objects in videos.

3. Static electricity comparison:
"As you can see at N12 23:39, first time I combed my hair and brought hair comb near the rig it moved a little bit in attraction pattern. But not much more than my TK did. So, second time I might've overscratched my hair a little bit. Thus the results from 25:08. Whole point of TK to static comparison demonstration was to show that they did not behave in the same fashion. Just because the object, or part of it, is closer to hand, it did not increase acceleration (i.e. closer the objects, stronger the attraction does not work here). Hope that clarifies things." - So yes, I am aware of triboelectric effect. That was the whole point. Those 2 (N11 near end and N12 near end) parts were intended to show difference between telekinesis (at least how I do it in an enclosed rig) and static charge accumulation.

4. Before using "easily available materials" for these videos, my main training rig was: 250x250x250mm 4mm thick plexiglass cube. No movement inductance through such thick walls, tried A LOT with different angles/distances/positions/hand-digit movement patterns/whatever, so 2 sides were cut open (180x180mm squares) and replaced with laminating pouch. After a while - managed to get rotation, sometimes strong, but never a swing. Object (tried several materials, shapes, sizes, masses, adjusting centermass over the course of months) was suspended through opening using easel stand as a frame/armature standing on top of the cube. Easel stand was covered with laminating pouch sheets to prevent air draft from inducing rotation even slightly. That and a lot of clear adhesive tape. Crude and ugly contraption, but it worked. Worked good enough for training, from nothing to decent results, but: 4.1 Couldn't fit fully in camera frame close enough, again, some anonymity concerns are present.
4.2 No chance to prove that it was sufficiently wind proof. Didn't think about convection because I increase distance in my own training.

5. These videos are far from my first attempts. Took some time to figure needed technique and objects to be able to work with enclosed rigs. Before that I practiced on an open system. After regaining some proficiency with classic pendulum rig (not the first time I have started again from scratch over the years), began training with a barrier made out of laminating pouch between hand and pendulum. Decent swing (not the full 360, just about 10 degrees), often unintended rotation, different objects up to 30 grams, ~2 meters cord (simple sewing thread), single anchor point. But open rigs like that are to be shown as live performance under proper scrutiny, not on video. Can't prove that there's no fan outside of the frame.

6. If you want to give me advice on how to train telekinesis or any other skill - show your results first. I'll gladly listen then.
7. If you want to give me advice (which I didn't ask for) on what to do with my time - just don't.

In conclusion: I'll try to induce movement with distance of 15+cm 1Hand only as a few of separate training sessions. If that works - will try to make a video. No guarantees.
1. I used Both Hands OR Left Hand OR Right Hand for different rounds per session/video.
Doesn’t matter at all. Heat from your Body heats the air and induces a slight air flow inside. Just as a heater does in a room.

2. Different hand-to-bottle distances, different objects in videos.
Again, doesn’t matter, your hand radiates heat.

Whole point of TK to static comparison demonstration was to show that they did not behave in the same fashion.
Yes - one is fast one is slow. Body heat needs more time to induce the air flow inside.

6. If you want to give me advice on how to train telekinesis or any other skill - show your results first. I'll gladly listen then.
7. If you want to give me advice (which I didn't ask for) on what to do with my time - just don't.
Okay keep wasting your time then, but don’t drag others into this with this wrong demonstration.

You are not demonstrating telekinesis. Your Test-Object is too light, has too low density and it‘s leverage is also too high - this makes it easy for slight air flow to introduce torque, which is twisting your light object.

M = r * F (Torque is radius/lever times the Force)

If you really want to test your skills and show them here, you should use something heavier and denser, with a compact shape like a sphere. Also you should be able to make it swing - if it rotates it’s just the air flow.

So use a Pendulum with a Crystal inside.

Also when you are working with occult skills - start with internal work not external. Also when you are able to execute certain skills - when you really have them it is no mere coincidence and bound to „luck“. You know exactly what you are doing and how you can access this skill - without having to guess.

But with your current setup and magnitude of movement - environmental influences are inducing the movement.
Yes, I have to agree, @NinRick's points are good points.
Interesting, I have always been fascinated by Telekinesis, but since I was a child I have always been very skeptical, however I think you should consider using heavier objects since very small oscillations in the air can invalidate the entire experiment, also in case you should have extraordinary abilities I advise you to keep your mouth shut and never be seen in public, it is very dangerous.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
