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SS Testimonials

It was in the summer of 2018 that I dedicated my soul to Satan. I admit I procrastinated my participation for the past 3 years. A lot of bad luck has happened, but I'm sure it is not Satan and the gods punishing me. It all seemed more like the work of the enemy. The enemy was sure trying their hardest to discourage me from living the lifestyle I desire most. Even before I dedicated my soul, I always had a rightful skepticism of the falsehoods of the Abrahamic religions. It never made sense to me that Satan Lucifer was humanity's adversary.

It all began with me speculating that Lucifer will someday attain redemption in the eyes of the Abrahamic god... But then I did a lot of online research over the past decade. Based on my findings, I figured out the world has always been essentially "Pagan" or pantheistic. I always "knew" reincarnation was very much a true possibility. I always knew there is a greater truth than what these stupid monotheistic religions tried to convince everyone of. I am glad to say I am getting ever closer to the truth.

Since March 26, 2021, I have done the Final RTR a few times now. I have never felt so light as a feather, and my depressive fog seems to have faded away. I suddenly ended up being very productive with my chores. I actually enjoy doing the chanting, just need to practice memorizing everything by heart. As a wordsmith, I find it amazing how some modern slang/cuss words resemble the words in the RTR. :mrgreen: Also! When I went to sleep after doing the RTR for the first time, I had a brief third eye vision of blue fire in my laundry room. I was actually feeling paranoid that there was a grey alien in the dark laundry room. But then after I fell asleep and briefly woke up, I believe it was Satan burning the entity for me. I noticed the blue flames and I said, "Satan...?!" But then it disappeared. Today I felt very positive, and I am so grateful for the RTR.

This is a poem I wrote for Father Satan in the same year I dedicated my soul:
How Ye say my name.
Always I hear your voice.
You know me
As well as I used to know Thee.
Only now
Am I remembering
How we are bound eternally.
For Ye are truly
Not who made mine soul,
But the One
Who helped me become
A whole person of my own making.
Our souls always existed,
But it is You
Who have shaped us
Into who our souls are to this day.
From here on forth,
I shall always feel at peace
When I speak Thy name.
Your Divine flame
Shall someday free me
From this cage.

I want to add two things to this amazing thread.

1.) I didn't mention, after departing from meditations/satanism I became agnostic, not knowing what to believe. I remember there was a night I woke up at 3 AM or something, looked up and saw a glowing figure at the foot of my bed. He had medium-long blonde parted hair wearing a low-cut (v-neck shaped) white shirt with no sleeves (sort of like a muscle shirt), which seemed very bright. He was smiling at me and all I could think was how comforting (and attractive) this man was. He vanished shortly thereafter leaving me the question "was it Satan or an angel?" At that time I didn't know what Satan's form actually looked like. Someone here has a signature with "Lucifer/Satan" and his picture. That blew me away.

I think Satan knew I'd always be on his side. It took learning about conspiracies theories and aliens to understand the physical aspect of Satan, that of which I previously had a confirmation bias toward. Growing up with Christians I felt any higher being had to be spiritual/etherial in nature. The only religion that connects spirituality with physical science is Satanism.
I think he knew I'd always be a Satanist and perhaps wanted to give me a nod that he would always be there.

2.) This is more recent and I hope it inspires some of you. I've been serious about meditation lately, having opened my third eye and sixth chakra, meditating on them for about a month period now. I've felt somewhat discouraged because I want to see auras yet I haven't gotten there yet. I imagine certain aspects of chakras may take longer to master than others, depending on the person.
I had a couple interesting experiences. I was in the kitchen one day taking a step backwards towards a closing cupboard. My roommate said "Look out". At the "L-" part (a milisecond after moving backwards) I immediatly felt something in my bubble (aura) and ducked, and the "out" part was spoken right after the cupboard closed. My roomate had a very suprised, almosed scared look to her and I simply said "thanks". She's very Christian and doesn't believe in the psychics or their ability, so maybe she thinks I'm possessed? LOL. xD
The second experience I was in the kitchen (again) and my roommate's 5-year-old boy was watching Youtube in the living room across from me. It was a WWE trivia video with 3 multiple choice answers (each with a name) and the top parts of wrestler's heads for clues. Believe me, I don't know any wrestler other than the Rock. I thought I would guess for the fun of it and I got 5 in a row correct! At that point he changed it because obviously he can't read well yet. I'm poor at math but I think the chances of that happening are slim. (1/15?)

So the takeaway? I've learned that any work we do has amazing results, they just may not be perceptible yet. The key is to continue believing in yourself and your progress.
The other thing I've been learning is spiritual work is a lot like jumping of a diving board. You have to let go. NO fear and NO inhibitions. Just accept it as a natural part of yourself. When you experience sensations don't dwell on them and think (woah, I did something), KEEP GOING and accept what is occuring as natural.

I'm terrified of roller coasters so this was a huge learning curb for me. Always remember, Satan is there protecting and guiding us so we have nothing to fear.

If you read this far thanks for reading! And sorry for such a wordy post. I'm a very wordy person... ^_^

Hail Satan!
I found JoS in 2005 through a Youtube clip called "The history of Satanism" (I think it was called so).

As soon as I started reading it all made more and more sense to me. Kind of scary almost. The articles are very well written and formulated.
I came to realize that meditation and yoga was something hidden and not often mentioned. Nobody did mention or recommend it to me during my childhood. It all made sense to me.

I did however find it a bit problematic with the strong antsemitism and blaming jews for this and that but after more research I came to realize that this thing with Jews and threir stronghold of the world also is a hidden thing.

I read on other Satanist forums that JoS was supposedly a "way of brainwashing young people to become nazis" etc. But I now understand better. It's more like the other way around; the powers that be are brainwashing the world to be anti-nationalsocialism (which is the correct word and not nazi) and to despise Hitler and the ancient gods.

I once did a dedication ritual with black candles and everything but I don't know if it worked. That's the only ritual I've done so far but I have constantly been meditating and practising asanas for years now. It took a while before I started with this seriously after first discovering JoS, but I'm very greatful I did. Praise to Maxine!

By the way there once existed a Youtube (or Jewtube) channel with videos of Maxine and others speaking about communism, the hoax of christianity etc. (666blacksun I think it was called). But it's too bad that channel is gone. It had some REALLY good and informative videos.
DreamWeaver said:

I apologize for interrupting the testimonial thread, but I merely wanted to ask a question. In your signature you mention Hours. Would you be willing to tell me some things about him? I have been trying to communicate with him for a year now, however, stopped because recent misleading answers leads me to believe it is the enemy and not him at all. I would greatly appreciate any information you have about him. That isn't already on the JoS website, of course. Thank you.
Charlotte61903 said:
DreamWeaver said:

I apologize for interrupting the testimonial thread, but I merely wanted to ask a question. In your signature you mention Hours. Would you be willing to tell me some things about him? I have been trying to communicate with him for a year now, however, stopped because recent misleading answers leads me to believe it is the enemy and not him at all. I would greatly appreciate any information you have about him. That isn't already on the JoS website, of course. Thank you.

I suppose it's alright to change the subject a bit, because SS are aware of the reality of the other pantheons of gods.

Several years ago, I received a wooden statue of Horus in full animal form from a former friend. It was a souvenir from Egypt. Although perhaps it was just a nice decorative gift for tourists, I immediately regarded it as Horus.

I am yet to fully astrally hear the gods and I intend to get to work on my power meditations soon. But there's always reassurance in my subconscious of precisely why I am currently incarnated on Earth.

Horus in Egyptian mythology represents having the courage and strength to live in accordance of the will of Osiris and Isis. I interpret this as being true to one's Self and our ancestral lineage. What the gods taught us long, long ago has been distorted into us being forced to respect people who demand respect, while disrespecting us. But most of the time it may not be the fault of those souls we know, because they were raised under one of the Abrahamic faiths and never questioned if there's a darker side to these faiths.

I have also been successfully protected by Horus. I feel safe wherever I take the wooden statue. Ancient Egyptians are also slowly being discovered as having once visited the American continents, so I strongly suspect my distant ancestors met them.
I'm new here in the forums, but first came across JoS about 8 years ago when I was searching for some Satanic material for something, which I can't remember now. I remember the Yahoo e-groups, which were firey and rowdy compared to the forums now. I came and left many times, but never really accepted the truth about Father Satan and the Demon Gods that JoS teaches; probably because of my Xian upbringing, which has taken me a lot of time to deprogram from. I was also in a long-term relationship with a Xian, and that held me back too.

The reason I have come here is that I got to the point where I just couldn't ignore the truth anymore, which was eating away at me. I did some really deep soul searching and finally realized that I was moving along this path all along, but just wouldn't face up to it.

I have dedicated to Satan, and I'm applying spiritual knowledge and meditation with Father Satan and the Demon Gods of Hell on my path to Godhead.

Hail Satan | Lucifer
so late 2015 early 2016 absurd things started happening at my workplace with my coworkers; they did certain things and said certain things relating to my past. So much so that i thought the adl and the media and my family were doing something to me because of my reputation with the jos. i stopped meditating and went crazy and was in pain, intense pain; i even saw the face of a gray everytime i closed my eyes and had something akin to nightmares every night and this lasted for 5 years (today i just realized i was being tortured by a gray.) Last october the pain vanished and the nightmares stopped and i was at peace. i began meditating about a month ago and im doing so much better. Hail Satan Hail Earth
I dedicated in 2017, at 18 years old. I am now almost 23; it has been 4 years since the ritual, and 2 years of consistent practice. My life was horrendously chaotic(especially after I learned the truth), but Father Satan even in my paramount ignorance never left me.

Since coming to Satan, I have victories of self-overcoming in consistent strides. I am still to a lesser degree, and then, plagued with obstacles; yet Satan has showed me that in order to succeed, you must fail. Anything worth value in Nature is challenging and complex. Without the limitations that exist, there can be no triumph over such; if it not for my own limitation, I would stagnant. The Wolf climbing the hill, is always hungrier than the Wolf atop the hill. Always be that wolf climbing the hill.

Without diving into too much detail, I was torturing myself daily through many facets of Self Harm: emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically. I was delusional in respect to many sensitive self reflections; however, when I truly gave my life to Satan he worked with me to establish redemption.

I am now a completely different person than I was when I first found Father. I have development in all areas of life and being; furthermore, I am truly seeing His light and love. Yes, Father Satan loves his children, all of his worthy descendants.

I saw Satan himself on May 2nd. Something terrible happened between my biological Father and I, and I was afraid to tell my girlfriend; although, he appeared in my room, as tall as the ceiling, and said "Tell her, I will protect you." Sure enough I was honest with her, and everything turned out well.

I feel Self-liberation, and a sense of True individuality not obscured by Societal Dogma.

I have a lot more to say, but I should reserve it for a novel as it would be that long.

I started Satanism at the age of 11, that was last year. Before dedicating myself I did yogic breathing, just to feel "the best".
After I did the dedication in the astral I felt a tingling, it was very good.

After that I did the fundamental meditation, I felt the energy, at this time I felt very happy, I went on to do other meditations like the void meditation, it was perfect, I had never felt so good.

I am evolving a lot, I have already opened all my chakras, I am strengthening the laryngeal one to cure my hypothyroidism.
I ask Aim and Phenex for help before I go to sleep to have more privacy to meditate.

When I did Kundalini Yoga for the first time I felt the vril, from that day on I have been doing it every day so that my nadis are completely open for the kundalini to ascend smoothly.
I found the JoS main website on the internet exactly 6 months after my neurologist decided that I no longer need to take the anti-psychotic medications that I had been taking for 3 years after having epileptic seizures quite a few times. I dedicated myself on the 3rd april 2019 which was a week after finding the JoS, and started the 40 day meditation program 3 days later. On the morning of 7th day of the program, my therapist called me to tell me that they had found a donor whose kidneys could be a match with me and that I had to come to the hospital so that I could receive the transplantation. I was immeasurably happy and thankful to the gods and my ancestors after hearing and on the night of the same day, it was confirmed that the kidney of the donor matched with me and I received the transplantation. I'd like to address my gratitude to the donor, the gods, my guardian, and everyone who supported me and stayed by my side if they are reading this. The gods looked out for me and were giving me hints everytime I had doubts on this path. One example would be when I was new, I couldn't persist with the RTRs and everytime I had doubts with them, there were ALWAYS posts by HP Cobra or other advanced members related to them and how they affected the life and the soul of the performer of the RTRs. My guardian is lady Agares, which I found out thanks to this guide.
One of her planets is the ruler of my zodiac sign while the other is the co-ruler of my ascendant and her animal is my birth-year in the Chinese zodiac. She is of the element air and air is not only my favorite element, it also played an important role throughout my whole life. My parents are both aviation engineers, my older brother is a pilot, and my favorite subjects are history and language, both of them are of the element air. I'm a translator and its stated on the JoS that she teaches all languages. Even her sigil emphasizes on the sacral chakra, and my sacral chakra's been weakened and damaged due to a long history of kidney and urological problems. The gods will always look out for us and some events in my life make me believe they looked out for me even before coming here. Everytime me and my family were in danger and in dire situations, we ALWAYS encountered skilled shaman occultists RANDOMLY out of nowhere. They were no regular shamans, some of them made predictions that later became true in our lives. Two of the most recent cases were in 2011 and in 2013. In 2011, my father was fired from his job after months of an ongoing work dispute with the CEO of the Mongolian Airlines, the company my parents worked for. It was the day after me and my mom got off the plane in Berlin, Germany so I could undergo the regular checkups at the local clinic there. Then at the place of a friend of my parents, who runs a company that shipped air-cargo from Berlin to Mongolia, we met a mongolian shaman who was a customer there and was travelling in europe. He told us that our family is in a dire situation, and he revealed that the boss of the Mongolian Airlines had someone place a death curse on my father for 2 weeks in germany and for a month after returning to Mongolia, he helped us reversing these curses placed on my father and in the court case for the unjust firing of my father. Another case was in 2013, my health situation deteriorated and was admitted at intensive care at the local children's hospital in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. After I gout out, the friend of my mother, who had recently became a shaman, came to us with her master(shamanism in Mongolia is practiced with the well known teacher-student tradition like taoism in China). Her master told us that upon seeing my photo, she realized that I was possessed by an entity which is damaging my sacral chakra which was the source of my health problems, and we did a banishing and exorcised him out of me for some time. Our earliest encounter with an actual shaman was the late friend of my grandpa(of the maternal side), who helped him and my mom renew the worship of our family deity, which had been forgot during the communist rule in Mongolia. He helped us another time by prolonging the life of our late paternal grandpa for three years, whose liver cancer had been uncurable. He said he can maintain our grandpa alive for three years, which is exactly what he did. We also met a chinese doctor who had immigrated to Mongolia, who maintained our grandpa alive for another six months before grandpa passed away. This was the most important event that made us realize that the occult and science are two sides of the main coin, as stated by my father. All these events make me believe that the gods looked out for me and my family before I came here and the time I around I found the JoS ministries and received my kidney transplantation make me believe that the gods knew when and where to introduce me to this path and that I may have been with the gods in a previous life. I have my guesses as to when that may have been, I think it was around the age of the rise of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire. The Mongol Empire has been a shamanic occult empire until the grandchildren of Genghis Khan converted to the enemy programs and divided the empire in four minor dynasties which led to the downfall of the empire a century later.
The knowledge and the abilities of our gods are immeasurable.
Hail Satan
Hail Agares
You guys are fucking awesome!!💖
HAIL SATAN!!💖🐍 The things we go threw as children, as a result to our pain, Love and passion!To Do are best and to show are interested in all that we do. Showing your spirit and dedication like that. And being in that moment with Father Satan is PRICELESS!!!💞 I have made my dedication to Him back when I was 18 years old. Being born into a Mormon family. As a little kid growning was not easy or fun to me. And I was different and knew that I was different. And I had my struggles trying to fit in with the family, and was often criticized and put down, just because I was hypocrite and had a way of looking at things. And what I personally found in interest in wss a controversy. And would trigger family members into having arguments with me. Just because I didn't go along with there beliefs and standards. And because I refused to go along with there rules. They told me that I was difficult and diffiant! And they also started to take me to see doctors and have them prescribe medication to me as young as 8. They also forced me into getting baptised. And wanted me to go to church and behave like everyone else. Instead of letting me just be my self. And respect who I am as a hole! Even if I didn't agree with them. I hated going to church. And I refused to read the Book of Mormon... and I insisted on listening to what ever music I wanted to listen to and read what ever books of my choice. Even if I had to hide my books and a put on my headphones to enjoy my music. And I pushed the envelope with cloths and fashion. Even if I got into an argument with my mom or Grandmother in the middle of the mall. Or sneak to a girlfriends house to put on make-up and put on the clothes I wanted to ware to school for the day. And as a teenager grown-up I had to learn to be sneaky and underhanded. And learned to be discreet. Intel I was old enough to move out and go to college. I made my eradication to him and even read the Anton LaVey Satan bible. And at that time the Joy of Satan website wasn't out..but I did read books on Satanism of different kinds and yes I was into Lavey at the time. And did what ever I could to avoid trouble. And was like any other college student, And partied with friends on weekends and even drank beer and smoked pot. And worked and paid rent shared apartments. And showed my folks that I am my own person! And I make my own choices and I will do as I pleaee. And they seen that I was doing well. In spite of the struggles I had with my classes and programs. And looking to graduate as an undergraduate. And literally taking the responsibility to pay my own intuition. Satan was there with me and helped me. Even if it took me 10 years to pay it off. I was working all kinds of jobs., from Working in grocery stores as a checker, pole dancing, house cleaning for elderly people, to office work as a security and Medicare. To pet grooming. I did what ever I could do to pay it off. And I learned alot about my self and new that I could work any where!! I didn't find the joy of Satan intel the year 2013. I heard about it threw a friend I met on Facebook! After being in many different groups of Satanism and got kicked out repeatedly. Because I didn't agree with there rules and there attitude. I don't like religion!! And alot of these stupid Facebook groups seem to add jebus and bible shit to EVERYTHING!!! And it didn't agree with me. I wanted the truth about Satan and his Demons. And not a bunch of bullshit and lies!!! I wanted to learn more about my ancestors and my family background. And the truth about my folks. Even if I knew it was going to be risky and cost money. Being the diffiant rebel of my xtian family!! I did what I had to do. And everything around me started to change the more I got involved with the JOS and I am still learning to this vary day as a dedicated student and new member. I have been active on here on and off the past six years. And even did research on my own. As a Satanists I want to do things right!! And learn as much as I can about the truth!! And with out all of the Jewish Propaganda and the xtian garbage.. I am 50 years old and still here!! And doing very well!! 💖🔥 Thanks to Satan and people like you and who keep me inspired!!!🙏🔥🐍💖 Hail Satan!!!🐍🌹💗 Hail Us!!! Hail Azazel!!! Thank you!!!
CandiceLee1313 said:
HAIL SATAN!!💖🐍 The things we go threw as children, as a result to our pain, Love and passion!To Do are best and to show are interested in all that we do. Showing your spirit and dedication like that. And being in that moment with Father Satan is PRICELESS!!!💞 I have made my dedication to Him back when I was 18 years old. Being born into a Mormon family. As a little kid growning was not easy or fun to me. And I was different and knew that I was different. And I had my struggles trying to fit in with the family, and was often criticized and put down, just because I was hypocrite and had a way of looking at things. And what I personally found in interest in wss a controversy. And would trigger family members into having arguments with me. Just because I didn't go along with there beliefs and standards. And because I refused to go along with there rules. They told me that I was difficult and diffiant! And they also started to take me to see doctors and have them prescribe medication to me as young as 8. They also forced me into getting baptised. And wanted me to go to church and behave like everyone else. Instead of letting me just be my self. And respect who I am as a hole! Even if I didn't agree with them. I hated going to church. And I refused to read the Book of Mormon... and I insisted on listening to what ever music I wanted to listen to and read what ever books of my choice. Even if I had to hide my books and a put on my headphones to enjoy my music. And I pushed the envelope with cloths and fashion. Even if I got into an argument with my mom or Grandmother in the middle of the mall. Or sneak to a girlfriends house to put on make-up and put on the clothes I wanted to ware to school for the day. And as a teenager grown-up I had to learn to be sneaky and underhanded. And learned to be discreet. Intel I was old enough to move out and go to college. I made my eradication to him and even read the Anton LaVey Satan bible. And at that time the Joy of Satan website wasn't out..but I did read books on Satanism of different kinds and yes I was into Lavey at the time. And did what ever I could to avoid trouble. And was like any other college student, And partied with friends on weekends and even drank beer and smoked pot. And worked and paid rent shared apartments. And showed my folks that I am my own person! And I make my own choices and I will do as I pleaee. And they seen that I was doing well. In spite of the struggles I had with my classes and programs. And looking to graduate as an undergraduate. And literally taking the responsibility to pay my own intuition. Satan was there with me and helped me. Even if it took me 10 years to pay it off. I was working all kinds of jobs., from Working in grocery stores as a checker, pole dancing, house cleaning for elderly people, to office work as a security and Medicare. To pet grooming. I did what ever I could do to pay it off. And I learned alot about my self and new that I could work any where!! I didn't find the joy of Satan intel the year 2013. I heard about it threw a friend I met on Facebook! After being in many different groups of Satanism and got kicked out repeatedly. Because I didn't agree with there rules and there attitude. I don't like religion!! And alot of these stupid Facebook groups seem to add jebus and bible shit to EVERYTHING!!! And it didn't agree with me. I wanted the truth about Satan and his Demons. And not a bunch of bullshit and lies!!! I wanted to learn more about my ancestors and my family background. And the truth about my folks. Even if I knew it was going to be risky and cost money. Being the diffiant rebel of my xtian family!! I did what I had to do. And everything around me started to change the more I got involved with the JOS and I am still learning to this vary day as a dedicated student and new member. I have been active on here on and off the past six years. And even did research on my own. As a Satanists I want to do things right!! And learn as much as I can about the truth!! And with out all of the Jewish Propaganda and the xtian garbage.. I am 50 years old and still here!! And doing very well!! 💖🔥 Thanks to Satan and people like you and who keep me inspired!!!🙏🔥🐍💖 Hail Satan!!!🐍🌹💗 Hail Us!!! Hail Azazel!!! Thank you!!!

I enjoyed reading this. Thank-you for sharing, we are lucky to have such a passionate SS such as yourself.
Thank you!!🔥🙏🐍
Aquarius said:
I have dedicated when I was 15, at the time I still acted like the typical teenager and behaved like a degenerate, I hated xianity with passion though. When I found JoS it was like a lighting, because from that day my life has changed forever, I remember I asked Satan for proof that he exists, and along with a beautiful feeling I got just that moment I was guided later to a giant Snake, I've never seen a Snake in that place, that was pretty cool as a sign.

Fast forward some years, most of my problems are gone, I have a deeper understanding of reality, I am guided towards my advancement by the Best Father one can think of, Father Satan, the most High of the Gods, every month it feels like I have advanced mentally and spiritually although there are still highs and lows(but you just have to get up!). This year especially I have advanced a lot, and have set the base for even more advancement next year! What was different this year was that I set my personal resolutions with Satan, and I asked him to guide me towards them, he did, as a loving Father would. This was my best year so far in my life, I am actually satisfied about it, never was I satisfied about how life went until now.

Thank you Father Satan.

I hope others too can share their achievements in Satanism and how awesome Satan and the Gods are, but especially Satan, of course.

Glad to hear this. Hope it continues well for you.
Aldrick said:
Aquarius said:
I have dedicated when I was 15, at the time I still acted like the typical teenager and behaved like a degenerate, I hated xianity with passion though. When I found JoS it was like a lighting, because from that day my life has changed forever, I remember I asked Satan for proof that he exists, and along with a beautiful feeling I got just that moment I was guided later to a giant Snake, I've never seen a Snake in that place, that was pretty cool as a sign.

Fast forward some years, most of my problems are gone, I have a deeper understanding of reality, I am guided towards my advancement by the Best Father one can think of, Father Satan, the most High of the Gods, every month it feels like I have advanced mentally and spiritually although there are still highs and lows(but you just have to get up!). This year especially I have advanced a lot, and have set the base for even more advancement next year! What was different this year was that I set my personal resolutions with Satan, and I asked him to guide me towards them, he did, as a loving Father would. This was my best year so far in my life, I am actually satisfied about it, never was I satisfied about how life went until now.

Thank you Father Satan.

I hope others too can share their achievements in Satanism and how awesome Satan and the Gods are, but especially Satan, of course.

Glad to hear this. Hope it continues well for you.
It can only go well, when your will is in the right place. Thank you.
Bakura Kane said:
I am Lucifer. I am Satan.

No, you're not. This is very blasphemous (and delusional, too). Satan is an Nordic extraterrestrial being living in the planet Duat which is in Orion. He is his own separate being.

Bakura Kane said:
I am born Mason Word, the Mason Word of the Free Masons.

Freemasonry is enemy bullshit and has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism.

Bakura Kane said:
Even the Christian Bible, which is a book of my own Black Magick to those that are able to truly see it for what it says, states in the book of Revelation that Jesus is the morning star. As Lucifer, I am Jesus. The enemy has always been the State that has sought to take away the freedom that I bring to my children.

Jewsus is a fictitious jewish character invented by the jews and stolen from resurrected Pagan Gods and doesn't exist. The buybull is stolen and corrupted from Pagan religions, written by the jews/kikes, the enemies of Satan. Lucifer is not related at all to the fictitious jewsus but is an alias of Satan.

Bakura Kane said:
My reason for coming here today specifically is because I have a new poem of my own, as Lucifer, that I want on the main Joy of Satan website.

It is interesting that you want your "poem" (actually enemy propaganda about Satan and blasphemous titles that his enemies use to refer to him) in a website you clearly haven't read. Because if you had actually read it you wouldn't write crap such as the above about the fictitious jewsus, being Satan and freemasons, all of which has been debunked in the site.

You're also nothing new, but a typical megalomaniac of the tens/hundreds that have come here seeking for attention. They are worthless and useless in their real lives so they invent and false persona and even blasphemously claim to be Satan in an online forum to make themselves feel better.

I don't know whether you're a drug addict or you just like Dungeons and Dragons and other role-playing games, but it's clear you have no idea what this is all about. It's better to leave and come here when you grow up and you have read the JoS site and become more mature in your thinking.

We're not a role-playing forum or a place for those seeking attention to write megalomaniac bullshit. All this is 100% serious.
Bakura Kane said:
Take this as you Will. I am Bakarakhan and my brother is Greccoelos. These are my True Names. I am Lucifer. I am Satan. This is my vessel. I am born Mason Word, the Mason Word of the Free Masons. I have recently finished the Great Work for my own self in this, my prime vessel. I have so many of the answers that you, my dear children seek and I would love to share more with those that have an ear to hear my story, our story. Any here who are able to contact my demons can get for your own self the confirmation of my identity by the True Names I have given here.

My reason for coming here today specifically is because I have a new poem of my own, as Lucifer, that I want on the main Joy of Satan website. I am Cain. I am Alexander the Great. I am Taliesin the great poet. I am Hermes Trismegistus.

Even the Christian Bible, which is a book of my own Black Magick to those that are able to truly see it for what it says, states in the book of Revelation that Jesus is the morning star. As Lucifer, I am Jesus. The enemy has always been the State that has sought to take away the freedom that I bring to my children.

Here is the poem:

Quietus Opposition

The Destroyer is the Creator
The Defiler is the Purifier
The Father of Lies is the Giver of Truth
The Temptress is the Teacher
The Trickster and the Swindler give by taking away
The Thief wants you to be prosperous
The Dealer of Death is the Giver of Renewed Life
The End is the Beginning
To Love is to Lose
To Deny is to Embrace
To Think is to escape the moment
Thoughtless and in Silence I travail
Myriad echoes usher forth the resonance of my glory
All that Know Unknowingly seek after my ways
I am Unholy Holy
I am the Bringer of Light
I am the Ancient of Days
Thank you for polluting this beautiful thread.
I think this topic should be cleared of zombie comments and off-topic comments.
Aquarius said:
Bakura Kane said:
Take this as you Will. I am Bakarakhan and my brother is Greccoelos. These are my True Names. I am Lucifer. I am Satan. This is my vessel. I am born Mason Word, the Mason Word of the Free Masons. I have recently finished the Great Work for my own self in this, my prime vessel. I have so many of the answers that you, my dear children seek and I would love to share more with those that have an ear to hear my story, our story. Any here who are able to contact my demons can get for your own self the confirmation of my identity by the True Names I have given here.

My reason for coming here today specifically is because I have a new poem of my own, as Lucifer, that I want on the main Joy of Satan website. I am Cain. I am Alexander the Great. I am Taliesin the great poet. I am Hermes Trismegistus.

Even the Christian Bible, which is a book of my own Black Magick to those that are able to truly see it for what it says, states in the book of Revelation that Jesus is the morning star. As Lucifer, I am Jesus. The enemy has always been the State that has sought to take away the freedom that I bring to my children.

Here is the poem:

Quietus Opposition

The Destroyer is the Creator
The Defiler is the Purifier
The Father of Lies is the Giver of Truth
The Temptress is the Teacher
The Trickster and the Swindler give by taking away
The Thief wants you to be prosperous
The Dealer of Death is the Giver of Renewed Life
The End is the Beginning
To Love is to Lose
To Deny is to Embrace
To Think is to escape the moment
Thoughtless and in Silence I travail
Myriad echoes usher forth the resonance of my glory
All that Know Unknowingly seek after my ways
I am Unholy Holy
I am the Bringer of Light
I am the Ancient of Days
Thank you for polluting this beautiful thread.

This is so insane and awful to see :lol: :lol:
Great inspiring thread.

Here's my story so far. I was a devout xtian for the first 37 years of my life. Being born into a cult like religion with teachings aligned with judaism. The religion was all I lived and breathed as it was literally shoved down my throat. Went to church about 3 times a week, prayed everyday and was a choir member. Through all this god worship I truly felt empty a husk of myself. I never understood why I felt this way and was so unhappy within myself with 0 confidence.

However in retrospect I lived a fairly good life. Good xtian girl, came from a good family, had lots of friends and met my first boyfriend from the same church at 17 and married him at 25 - he was the ideal husband type so I thought he was right for me. I had 2 beautiful boys by the time I was 35. Was in a good stable job and had a house everything I thought I ever wanted.

But something just didn't feel right I felt so alone and empty and really just bored with my life. Is this it? I said to myself. It may be selfish since in essence I had everything I needed in life but I just felt so empty. To the point my confidence was shit. I always felt awkward in social situations like I was constantly being fake. Couldn't really enjoy myself, I felt very trapped and not truly free. I know now that the religious hold as well as my husbands controlling grip on me made me feel that way.

So I started questioning my beliefs researching and started understanding the roots of the bible and why we follow something so blindly without even understanding. Just following what this cult told us to do. During this time of research, my marriage started falling apart. I questioned everything and I also met someone at work who opened my eyes to the govt/jews tricks. Maybe this person was the beginning of my spiritual growth but it did change the course of my life to where I am now.

I separated and eventually got a divorce and I also left the cult church as they did not accept divorce at the same time. So it was the beginning of understanding who I really am. I was single for a year until I decided I wanted to meet someone for a real relationship being in my late 30's I knew what I looking for in a man.

I met my soul mate in 2016 - a SS from Joyofsatan - he never told me his beliefs at first said he was xtian - as you would understand revealing to someone you are a satanist I would have run fast the other way! So after a couple of years of being together 2018 -2019 he slowly started opening up to me about his beliefs. He said what if I told you everything you believed in was actually a lie. And what you thought was good and evil was reversed. Because I have been with him for a while and because he was so level headed about what he was saying I started to listen and understand.

He explained things in a manner where I wasn't scared or worried he was crazy. He introduced me slowly to meditations teaching me aura of protection firstly. Then he started showing me runes and started really opening up his spirituality in front of me. He would do his meditations and rtrs behind closed doors but I could hear him chanting away with incense and candles. I thought it was strange but I let him be because it seemed to be working for him and who am I to judge.

I did my aop and within that time I was very interested in the jews and understanding their control on everything. I even started talking to my kids about the Jew's and xtianity - the game GTA taught us alot- funnily enough it helped me explain to the kids at least. In this time I started teaching my kids about the jews and the falsehood of xtianity and religion and how father Satan is the true God I learned and listened from my partners experiences but never really got into it myself until last year 2020.

Wow that's when everything really ramped up and change happened.

Even though I dedicated earlier in 2019 (I started meditating properly in 2020) and my 13 yo son dedicated on Oct 31st 2020. He has grown so much in confidence since then and so have I! To the point I quit my job and now doing my own thing (I was able to take the clients from my other job) it has been an absolute blessing in my life. I do daily rtrs with the kids and I have taught them aop, void meditation, now helping them visualise and clean their chakras! Thanks to the gifs that were created on here.

I started kundalini yoga over a month ago thank you Lydia! and truly feel the effects of this. Honestly it is like a stress relief and everything I used to stress out about just disappears! I fully trust in father Satan and believe he is helping me through my spiritual growth.

My life has never felt so complete. I love my life my partner, my kids, my dog, my family my relationship has bloomed with them over the past year.

Doing my rtrs, my meditation, my yoga daily and I feel so blessed to have a partner and my kids on this spiritual journey and I thank Father Satan and my guardian Amon Ra everyday for these blessings.

Hail Satan!!!
Awake666 said:
Great inspiring thread.

Here's my story so far. I was a devout xtian for the first 37 years of my life. Being born into a cult like religion with teachings aligned with judaism. The religion was all I lived and breathed as it was literally shoved down my throat. Went to church about 3 times a week, prayed everyday and was a choir member. Through all this god worship I truly felt empty a husk of myself. I never understood why I felt this way and was so unhappy within myself with 0 confidence.

However in retrospect I lived a fairly good life. Good xtian girl, came from a good family, had lots of friends and met my first boyfriend from the same church at 17 and married him at 25 - he was the ideal husband type so I thought he was right for me. I had 2 beautiful boys by the time I was 35. Was in a good stable job and had a house everything I thought I ever wanted.

But something just didn't feel right I felt so alone and empty and really just bored with my life. Is this it? I said to myself. It may be selfish since in essence I had everything I needed in life but I just felt so empty. To the point my confidence was shit. I always felt awkward in social situations like I was constantly being fake. Couldn't really enjoy myself, I felt very trapped and not truly free. I know now that the religious hold as well as my husbands controlling grip on me made me feel that way.

So I started questioning my beliefs researching and started understanding the roots of the bible and why we follow something so blindly without even understanding. Just following what this cult told us to do. During this time of research, my marriage started falling apart. I questioned everything and I also met someone at work who opened my eyes to the govt/jews tricks. Maybe this person was the beginning of my spiritual growth but it did change the course of my life to where I am now.

I separated and eventually got a divorce and I also left the cult church as they did not accept divorce at the same time. So it was the beginning of understanding who I really am. I was single for a year until I decided I wanted to meet someone for a real relationship being in my late 30's I knew what I looking for in a man.

I met my soul mate in 2016 - a SS from Joyofsatan - he never told me his beliefs at first said he was xtian - as you would understand revealing to someone you are a satanist I would have run fast the other way! So after a couple of years of being together 2018 -2019 he slowly started opening up to me about his beliefs. He said what if I told you everything you believed in was actually a lie. And what you thought was good and evil was reversed. Because I have been with him for a while and because he was so level headed about what he was saying I started to listen and understand.

He explained things in a manner where I wasn't scared or worried he was crazy. He introduced me slowly to meditations teaching me aura of protection firstly. Then he started showing me runes and started really opening up his spirituality in front of me. He would do his meditations and rtrs behind closed doors but I could hear him chanting away with incense and candles. I thought it was strange but I let him be because it seemed to be working for him and who am I to judge.

I did my aop and within that time I was very interested in the jews and understanding their control on everything. I even started talking to my kids about the Jew's and xtianity - the game GTA taught us alot- funnily enough it helped me explain to the kids at least. In this time I started teaching my kids about the jews and the falsehood of xtianity and religion and how father Satan is the true God I learned and listened from my partners experiences but never really got into it myself until last year 2020.

Wow that's when everything really ramped up and change happened.

Even though I dedicated earlier in 2019 (I started meditating properly in 2020) and my 13 yo son dedicated on Oct 31st 2020. He has grown so much in confidence since then and so have I! To the point I quit my job and now doing my own thing (I was able to take the clients from my other job) it has been an absolute blessing in my life. I do daily rtrs with the kids and I have taught them aop, void meditation, now helping them visualise and clean their chakras! Thanks to the gifs that were created on here.

I started kundalini yoga over a month ago thank you Lydia! and truly feel the effects of this. Honestly it is like a stress relief and everything I used to stress out about just disappears! I fully trust in father Satan and believe he is helping me through my spiritual growth.

My life has never felt so complete. I love my life my partner, my kids, my dog, my family my relationship has bloomed with them over the past year.

Doing my rtrs, my meditation, my yoga daily and I feel so blessed to have a partner and my kids on this spiritual journey and I thank Father Satan and my guardian Amon Ra everyday for these blessings.

Hail Satan!!!
Absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing. Good luck.
Hello I need u r help so pls tell me from where can I join satanist to whom I have to contact for joining pls help me
Hail Satan
Hail Satan
Hail Satan
Greetings to all Satanist brothers, I will summarize a little bit how I ended up here:

Since childhood, even though I was a xtian, I felt an inexplicable fascination for Greek and Egyptian "mythologies", so much so that in the library of the school I was studying, I read all the books I could read on the subject. So much so that my parents forbade me to take these books, but I read them anyway. I was never happy in xtianity. I confess that as a child I tried, but I couldn't adapt, I lived with guilt and fear of the horrible yaweh, until my adolescence, I quit xtianity once and for all, I couldn't stand living with that anymore.

For some reason, I immediately became interested in magic and Satan and demons, even though my schoolmates said that this was not good, the more I became interested and curious about what magic was. But unfortunately, at that time there wasn't much about the subject on the net and the little I had was corrupted, unfortunately, so I gave up, because I didn't like much of what I saw, they were texts and articles very poor in content. In my researches I found some new age sites, and I got interested because of the content about meditation, but a short time later I gave up, I found that again, somehow something was missing.

Until by chance I found Lavey's Satanic Bible, and even though something told me not to read it, that the book would have horrendous descriptions of human sacrifices etc, my curiosity spoke louder and I read it anyway. In a way, it opened a "new world" for me, and I started to get interested in Satanism again, and ended up finding Joy of Satan and Spiritual Satanism.

When I met Spiritual Satanism, I was more fascinated by it than any occult or esoteric stream I had known until then. Because I had left Christianity, I was a little hesitant about the idea of believing in gods or something, but the more I read, the more things made sense to me, and I decided to believe in Satan and the gods of the Duat as real beings. And then I got to know the forum and started reading the articles, first in Portuguese, then in the American forum.

At first I was hesitant about the fact that they spoke so much against the Jews, but after I read some of the books that I downloaded from the site, I understood why and started to put together the pieces of why the world is the way it is. In a way, I always suspected that someone was controlling the "shadow" world, and that the politicians were mere puppets, but I never imagined that it would be the Jews, and as I read and found out about their crimes against humanity, my hatred and repulsion against these hateful beings only increased.

And with this, I made my decision, and decided to make a commitment to God Satan. I confess that I was afraid that I was a Jew, even because I read the pdf how to recognize a Jew and saw that I had some of the physical characteristics listed. But even so, I decided to go ahead and at the time of the ritual, I simply said to Satan: "if I am really a Jew, you can kill me, god Satan, kill me here and now, because I don't want to live anymore if I really have the blood of these worms in me". But when I finished the ritual, I just felt an extremely warm and pleasant energy within me, so much so that I cried with emotion. And at that time I knew that I had been accepted and that I was a legitimate Gentile.

To this day, all I have to thank is the God Satan and the Duat gods who helped me, and my guardian demon. I feel that Satan guided me to this path and on it I found peace and acceptance and most importantly, Satan taught me to be strong, and to control my own destiny through magic and the powers of the mind. I am still in the beginning of my journey, but every day I am getting stronger, and all this thanks to the knowledge Satan passed on to humanity.

I now recognize that Satan is the true creator of mankind and the true God over the Gentiles, and I am willing to do my best fighting this war against our true enemies that are the Jews and their masters, according to a promise I made to the God Satan. As I strengthen my soul and seek to complete the magnum opus.

i would like to share my experience, too. i dedicated on Easter day, in 2014. Since then i had high and lows, some periods i did 4-5 RTR at day, some periods nothing at all. And honestly this "as above so below" thing is how i would describe my journey, and what I mean by that is that i feel I gained something, for sure, but i lost something too. I'm not bragging, sometimes i get really surprised by the manifestation of my thoughts, due to the obvious effects on meditation. An example, last week i was just starting a work to get money, simple affirmations, no real rituals, and as i got out of my house a complete stranger gave me 100 Euro, for no reason at all. Another thing is that, believe it or not, apparently i just dont age. Not only that, its like my whole body started aging backwards, which is kinda weird, since i am 27 and i look 15😅. Anyway, right now i feel like the "darkside" of it all make it look like its honestly (almost) not worth it. I completely changed as a person, to the point that i simply don't know who I am anymore. And that is alienating, to say the least. I feel powerful (when i'm not totally depressed), but at the same time empty. It may be a symptom of the awakening trauma, or the fact that the closer i look to life, the meaningless it seems. I don't really know why that is, i just feel it. This is something I would really like to hear other experience about it: the trauma. Am I the only one who suffered LIKE HELL (and still do), finding out that everything i was told is a lie, finding out the most absurd shit a person could possibly imagine about this world, having to learn again to live, basically backwards? If I'm not, i would really like to hear your story, how you guys reacted, and how you got over it. thanks for your time, and sorry for my awful English. CheerZ
Hello, for transparency reasons I decided to use my name given at birth, Kevin Hernandez Femat (I'm Mexican and quite possibly related to Hernán Cortez, but I am most definitely Mayan and Aztec descent) because I wanted to be able to tell my testimony about how great Satan is and how from the very beginning, from birth he was going to create a great story out of his greatness in my life (and still is).

I didn't have the best childhood, nor am I the best human being, and have a whole bunch of issues, nor am I asking for sympathy. I come from a Catholic background, and always was surrounded by bad luck and constantly unable to make friends and have very parasitic behavior and I always end up alone and isolated, and at first I thought church and the Judeo-Christian machine (which back then i called god) was going to help me, but it made my life worse, and my relationship with my family and how I treated them was downright disgusting. I wasted so much time, money and energy into something that after coming to Satan, was an extremely painful battle trying to get my life back together, and especially trying to heal the damage I caused and the problem I helped create, and to this day, still am fixing my life. Having a personal relationship with Satan, and able to be as honest and open as I possibly can, and reconnecting with my Satanic roots, I can confidently say that Satan is going to be given glory and praise in my life.
SOL/LUNA said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
Hello, for transparency reasons I decided to use my name given at birth, Kevin Hernandez Femat (I'm Mexican and quite possibly related to Hernán Cortez, but I am most definitely Mayan and Aztec descent) because I wanted to be able to tell my testimony about how great Satan is and how from the very beginning, from birth he was going to create a great story out of his greatness in my life (and still is).

I didn't have the best childhood, nor am I the best human being, and have a whole bunch of issues, nor am I asking for sympathy. I come from a Catholic background, and always was surrounded by bad luck and constantly unable to make friends and have very parasitic behavior and I always end up alone and isolated, and at first I thought church and the Judeo-Christian machine (which back then i called god) was going to help me, but it made my life worse, and my relationship with my family and how I treated them was downright disgusting. I wasted so much time, money and energy into something that after coming to Satan, was an extremely painful battle trying to get my life back together, and especially trying to heal the damage I caused and the problem I helped create, and to this day, still am fixing my life. Having a personal relationship with Satan, and able to be as honest and open as I possibly can, and reconnecting with my Satanic roots, I can confidently say that Satan is going to be given glory and praise in my life.

:roll: Since you are a Spanish speaker like me, I will answer you in Spanish.

No es necesario exponerte de esta manera, publicando información personal.
Podrian hacerte daño.(encerrarte en la cárcel, etc)
Cambie inmediatamente el nombre de usuario.
También puede pedir que se elimine su cuenta, y hacer una nueva(obviamente con otro nombre)

Salvé SATÁN!

💪 :twisted:

No hay problema. Satanás es más poderoso que qual quien persona que quiere hacerme daño, y yo sé defenderme. La razón porque puedo ser honesto y abierto con ustedes es porque faltan 225 días Venusianas antes de Marzo 29, 2022 cuando La Luna, Marte, Venus y Saturno Conjunta en Capricornio/Aquario. Satanás ganó la batalla y la guerra!
I found JoS because I am a researcher and an analyst and of course also because of my limitless nature. JoS for me is the greatest discovery of all time in the infinite universe. Because its values are freedom, truth and infinity. With these things you will have no end.

I was looking for other forces and powers besides physical force. With a certain amount of power and ability you can achieve certain goals but for bigger goals or goals of a different nature, you need more power and more ability.

I was a xian and so I sought power in xianism, I wanted to learn and grow. I studied the xian writings but found no knowledge about spirituality.

The old testament at least had common sense and a sense of justice, however it was just a jewish theft from ancient Egypt and adapted to jewish history. The new testament is terribly stupid and wrong and therefore completely useless, it essentially teaches suicide and stupidity.

Since knowledge of xianism was useless, I then tried to communicate and asked jewsus and jewhova for help but it was as if I had spoken to the wind.

Then I searched for other things and found everything but the truth. For example, I found some wiccan nonsense, a curse of sacrificing an animal by brutalising it and then affirmation. Obviously I didn't like it and didn't try this crap. Thanks to the knowledge of Joy of Satan, I now know that that wiccan incantation is not only useless but also pathetic.

The sacrifice of living beings comes from the jews, they practice this and get results in their spells because they have true spiritual knowledge, which they stole from the Gentiles and then deprived them of it and what was left they corrupted.

I'll tell you another wiccan nonsense, this one is epic nonsense. It consisted of going to a cemetery at midnight, going to a grave, lighting a candle, writing the victim's name on a piece of paper, making the negative statement and finally burning the paper in the candle's flame. Death would occur when the candle burned out. Once this spell was started, the only way the victim could stop this was if he ate the candle.

You can see that in wiccan nonsense and jewish nonsense like xianism, there is no logical basis or anything but just theft and lies.

I was saving a lot of occult knowledge and when I found the Satanic Magics and Meditations, I discarded everything else because it was just useless and toxic rubbish. If I hadn't found JoS, more than likely I would have given up after a certain point even if not completely, it was practically impossible to find knowledge similar to JoS anywhere else. Without JoS I would have remained inferior, enslaved and mortal.

Even my life had no meaning, I was searching for the meaning of life but no one could tell me beyond the jewish lies, slavery and limitation. The biggest goal was death and the end.

Spiritual Satanism has completely and permanently filled my life with meaning. The meaning of my life now and forever is freedom, truth, divinity, immortality, eternity and infinity. My life has no meaning without Infinity.

I will be eternally grateful to the Sacred Satanic Ministry of Joy of Satan and to the Ancient and Eternal Gods.

Hail Satan!!!
my first encounter with satan was when i was around 12 or 13, my mom is Christian as shit ahd forced that on me and my isster growing up so hard. i never ever felt comfortable in church and she would always get mad at me cause i couldnt fucking stand her making me go. when i was 13 or 14 i started refusing to go telling her it wasnt for me and i felt a deeper calling to the darker side of life. i began using drugs and drinking and going out with older boys never really knowing why but i always just wanted to be bad. but what is bad? who gets to choose what is right and wrong? why is me feeling like satan is the one who calls me and the only mother fucking thing ill ever answer to?? i feel such deep darkness inside me and hatred alot of the time and im just trying to find somewhere to talk about how i truly have always felt satans calling and nobody around me understands or even wants to TRY to understand this. its something i was born with and somethng ill die with.
I have always belonged to Father Satan, I have never been a xian, and I could not even force myself. Only recently did I discover that I still read everything carefully every day.I dedicate my soul yestrday,and aftet I meditate, I got a picture of my father coming with demons accompanied, although I couldn't see anyone's face clearly, there is simply no character, but the energy is too strong, and like many of us he stands and watches his father approach and he hugs me and says, you are finally me came back again, I don't know what he meant by that, and then he told me that he would personally guide me for a while until I relaxed a bit. I sincerely hope I didn't imagine this, I want to believe that my father spoke to me. I've been full of life since yesterday, but something wonderful. I can't describe it to you. Even today I manage to find big black candles, I was so happy about it. I would like some of you to tell me something about my experience from yesterday.
When I was a kid I was really into star wars and magic tricks and all that and had a vivid dream about Haures. She barely said anything but just listened to me talk about my life. I asked her if she was my girlfriend, lol. Then she inferred I wouldn't know if it was a dream and I feel kind of guilty for forgetting but so glad I can still remember that. If that's a "false memory", I still described her appearance, color and demeanor the same as Maxine. I didn't do a ritual until I was a teenager or really commit fully until a bit later but I think that's when it really started for me.
Hello dear all.
I remember when i dedicated in my apartments parking lot. I was so stressed someone would walk in and see me. It was my only choice lol. But thankfully i managed to do the ritual of dedication almost perfectly. Even so, i was still a bit skeptical and unsure about the whole ordeal of race and its importance and etc. But i am very proud to say as the seasons have changed , so have i . It hasnt even been a year since i have dedicated yet. But im sure as hell that i have learnt much. And i will keep advancing forever.
I stumbled upon JoS through an account on instagram. Poor guy kept getting banned left and right lol the kikes are triggered. Either way, long before this i remember believing in Islam as a kid, but never praying for some reason. It just felt very wrong to me and i felt very silly and stupid. as i grew up i became more and more interested in the occult. Transitioning from almost mudslime, to NPC, to bullshit doctrines of kabbalah and law of attraction hoax community and many other weird cult philosophies that resembled the abrahamic religions strongly. And now im here. There have happened many many times where i have been able to change the outcome of things, influence other people, gain benefits amd advantages over others and even heal sickness , and i have actually seen a demons face and heard a beautiful violin when i was meditating deeply one day, father Satan apparently lives playing the violin too, how coincidental lmao. Almost all of these uncommon instamces in my life have occurred before coming to JoS, and now theyre just getting more frequent as im learning more and more everyday, but in a more chill controlled way. So yeah i also remember one time working with the power of light energy for manifesting something. Never ever have i manifested something so successfully. Note that it was before i even knew of Satan and JoS. So yeah. i do RTRs every single day. Some days they become boring but i always remember my promise to my Father and i manage to push through. And i always will keep pushing through. Until i have purged the slate of this world clean of any threat and enemy i will not stop.

Also i am born in a middle eastern country. And i remember very vividly that all throughout childhood whenever i saw ancient civilizations, especially Egypt. That i have felt EXTREMELY nostalgic. I still feel like that sometimes. The nostalgia is like a longing cant exactly describe it. But yeah. Im just a dude who has been lucky enough that the demons decided to save my ass earlier. Thanks for reading this far. Here's a cookie 🍪 💙🖤❤ Hail Satan and all powers of Hell forever.
I stumbled into the Joy Of Satan website when I was in High School (2013). I had long felt deep feelings for Nazi Germany and it’s Hitlerjugend that I wanted to be a part in. I was deep into Nazi Germany, its History, leaders, and organizations, I read a lot about Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler, Reinhard Heydrich, I feel a draw to them. Reading off the site made me feel that connection.

I was, of course, not immune to Christian programming, being forced to go church and having to take classes learning about Christianity on Sundays. When I found Joy of Satan it kept bring me back as I read more and more.
It all felt true to me and it felt right to keep reading while maintaining my privacy.

After a year of reading and feeling confident, I finally decided to dedicate. At the time I was an alter boy in a major church, the struggle was real to maintain my personal feelings and to keep going. I was lucky enough to have found another SS on the Facebook groups that I contacted and he helped with a few problems I had. Giving me advice on my Church ties and encouraged me to dedicate. My personal thanks to that man who helped!!

Following all the steps and in the deep of night I dedicated 5/2/14. Then I meditated afterwards. I felt a sense of claiming and inner strength. That next morning I felt very different, it felt really good! Like a warmth of some kind, I felt refreshed!

My life soon after got interesting and challenging but I always looked to Father Satan when I could.

Thank you,
Hail Hitler!
Hail Satan!
Well, my testimony is that I’ve always been very fascinated with anything to do with Satan, the Demons, the ancient world and the Occult ever since I was very little but since I was adopted at the age of 3 by evangelical Xtains, my mind was filled up with their shit starting at the age of 6 which led me down a very long path of me being brainwashed and abused by them and their friends. Of course you all can probably guess what that all did to me as a person. That shit did nothing to destroy my life but now here I am reading everything that I can because I, as a person, cannot stand anymore lies and evil people/beings destroying my life farther. So please, those of you whom are doubting who and what I am, stop and realize that I don’t even know whom and what I truly am yet. Thank you!
I've had improvements with my telepathy since I've dedicated to Satan. The messages I've got beforehand were very distorted, and I also thought I was going crazy. Most of the distortion issues were internal due to lack of meditation combined with addictions and xanity leftovers, but there was some of it that was external and had to be dealt with in the astral. My telepathy still needs a lot of work, but it's more reliable than what it was before.

A song I wanted to post, it's metal but I don't know which type:
In Flames - Jotun

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
