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SS Testimonials


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I have dedicated when I was 15, at the time I still acted like the typical teenager and behaved like a degenerate, I hated xianity with passion though. When I found JoS it was like a lighting, because from that day my life has changed forever, I remember I asked Satan for proof that he exists, and along with a beautiful feeling I got just that moment I was guided later to a giant Snake, I've never seen a Snake in that place, that was pretty cool as a sign.

Fast forward some years, most of my problems are gone, I have a deeper understanding of reality, I am guided towards my advancement by the Best Father one can think of, Father Satan, the most High of the Gods, every month it feels like I have advanced mentally and spiritually although there are still highs and lows(but you just have to get up!). This year especially I have advanced a lot, and have set the base for even more advancement next year! What was different this year was that I set my personal resolutions with Satan, and I asked him to guide me towards them, he did, as a loving Father would. This was my best year so far in my life, I am actually satisfied about it, never was I satisfied about how life went until now.

Thank you Father Satan.

I hope others too can share their achievements in Satanism and how awesome Satan and the Gods are, but especially Satan, of course.
I recall my first experience very well, I was about 15 or 16, similar to you. I was very lonely and depressed, and through some list of "creepy pages" I found Joy of Satan. I read the information thoroughly and I realized that might be the closest thing to truth I have ever seen. So the first thing I did is that I dedicated, but I haven't meditated much or have other spiritual experience. I was still depressed even though I knew the truth about the world. But one night, I was actually considering suicide, when I had the thought of asking Satan. I asked him in my language of course something along the lines of "Would you like my soul, Lord Satan?" and suddenly I felt this calming feeling, blue energy and I heard Father Satan in my head telling me in my language "Yes, I would like your soul very much."
It was only one short sentence, but it reassured me completely. I will never forget it.
I dedicated almost a year and a half ago (22nd of July last year), and this time I've been a Satanist I feel like I've grown up and learnt about life and reality more than in the 26 years that preceded my dedication. I was a total nihilistic mess without direction. I'm so glad that's over.

I had known about the Jews for some years already, as far as material and political control was concerned (back then I had no idea about the spiritual side of things). That also was depressing, knowing the shit that's going on in the world and thinking there's nothing I could do about it. I had often hoped that I could do something. Obviously that changed when I found Satan and real spirituality, and for that I am ever grateful.

So thank you, Father Satan! Thank you for giving me a chance to evolve as a person, to find my place in this world, and to advance spiritually. And THANK YOU for letting me fight along with You, the Gods and fellow SS. We'll do great things!
Let’s add bits of my story too.
I found JOS through the blacksun website, after a ‘weird’ incident at school and me questioning the holohoax. For one year I didn’t meditated at all, just reading things from the website ..
then I began with the easy meditations and some of the warfare back then. (I was so happy when the schedule with the past rituals came because I remembered how I did them and what a difference I felt from then vs now)
As per usual.. I didn’t have a lot of private time and I would stay late to do the mediations and rituals, no regrets lol
There were struggles and feelings of “is this worth it?” But keep going! One more day. One more week. One more year. Two years, three! Then you’ll see you can’t stop. You’ll see improvements.

At times it felt weird to have this “double persona” and tried my best to not get overwhelmed with the behaviour and thinking of other people and my need of screaming in their face that life isn’t just parties alcohol and drugs or feeling like a victim, or oh so sorry for themselves but not doing anything at all :roll: I got out of that environment and even if it felt lonely keep in mind that it’s going to be better and what we are doing isn’t worthless. Read and search more if you’re not convinced.

Question for everyone: how many of you remember the “edgy phase” of “ I’m totally fine on my own I don’t need anyone, keep going for a few years and then it’s over, that’s simple” ? :))
Yeah .. no. It’s not like that. Welcome to adulthood :eek:
Since my day of dedication I learned: (and practiced too! )
• what balance is
• true stuff about me and what needs improvement ( how many people nowadays truly know themselves? How awesome is that? )
• that it’s ok to feel things and actually understand their meaning
• controlling the majority of my emotions
• that humans aren’t garbage and our potential is wonderful
• patience and meaning
• about being healthy
I didn’t want this to look like a cheap commercial prompt :lol: ...but it’s a no brainer why it is called the TRUTH path, that’s how we’re supposed to live and grow and experience things.
...Damn you guys are amazing. We are :D
At this point the spiritual ‘superpowers’ will be an extra (a very welcome one ofc), there’s so much more in this path that I can’t describe how excited I am. I bet you’re too!
I basically grew up with being a SS. I can’t imagine what version of me there would be without this.

Hail Satan!
I too dedicated when I was a teenager and I'm in my thirties now. Father Satan has been by me in one way or another thru my many ups and downs. He has helped me with several mental issues and when I was homeless for a short time.
For the longest time-and I still have issues with it to this day-I've had a hollow chest a physical feeling of a void in my chest. When I dedicated to him was the first time in my life I had ever felt anything in my chest.
I have my times where I don't feel worthy of his love but I've had way too many positive things go on in my life to ever go anywhere else. Father Satan is such a loving father that it's hard to believe at times and with my biological father having been an absolute nut job it's hard to trust men. What makes things good is that he doesn't push he is fine with keeping an eye on someone and wait for them to come around. He doesn't leave you behind or throw you into the dark. He leaves a lit candle at your side and waits for you to pick it up. It's odd but nice. He respects each child for being their own being and is ready to help each one of us out. Long as we help others with their candles he's good. Like the Al ju wah points out-yes I know I misspelled it- he lets us be ourselves as long as we don't go against his teaching-yes I'm paraphrasing- :D .
While for me it's hard to say that I love Father Satan-good old heart chakra issues-I can say I respect him and though I may not be the best warrior I know I will never leave his side and shall always be dedicated to him for the rest of my life and beyond.
Thank you so much Father Satan for all you have done for me. I hope to be a better warrior by this time next year.

Come on guys tell everyone in this thread what Father Satan has done for you!!!! Lets show these idiot lurkers how great our Father Satan is! THE ONE TRUE CREATOR GOD OF THIS WORLD OUR FATHER SATAN.

I don't know the exact date that I dedicated. I am new to the forums but not to spiritual satanism. Ive been some form of occultist all my life. When I was young I intuitionally had a spiritual practice that involved martial arts and yoga and even 'spells'.

I am much more proficient now. I have my own techniques and my own name 'Ferreter' because I ferret things out.

Father Satan truely lives up to his name. While my biological father has failed, Father Satan has been there for me after I jumped off the Weber Creek Bridge in April 2020. I jumped 150 feet or 15 stories. I landed on my feet and when I tried to drag myself after I woke up on the bottom, I just felt numb. I still can't walk. Astaroth has also been there for me, always. She gives me assistance in my wheelchair by making my hands move without my input. She guides me to things. I will be able to walk again.

Hail Astaroth!
I came to Satan after a desperate trial in my life of a revelation in all the xian beliefs I was taught growing up being shattered with a natural hatred and opposition that seemed to surface from deep within. All my childhood I had praised and foolishly gave to the teachings of a false parasitic thoughtform that only ever brought me nightmares and harm whenever I asked for assistance, and over the course of those years as time grew on I gradually felt something wrong with it all despite the little 'miracles' they would perform to keep me believing.

I simply could not believe however or trust enough in all of it no matter how much 'proof' (((they))) gave me on the astral, I always intuitively felt something was wrong about it all, not appropriate for me or normal, like it wasn't what everyone was teaching me or being lead to believe it was. It was different, it felt fake and artificial and it was because of that feeling of fakeness that I constantly kept praying for proof over and over and over again. One night I had enough and snapped, and with a burning hatred I decided to overcome all initial fears I had to research about the one being I was told to hate and be fearful of. Satan.

In truth, I initially came to his side of the picture because I wanted to kill or fight 'G-d', it was a natural desire that seemed to come out of no where beyond my control, mind you I was a kid with naivety and ignorance too, but it was a very real desire that night to oppose everything I was made to believe and 'love' for so long and in wanting to destroy it, of course this pretty much came true in the end for what we are indeed doing, and I realize now perhaps that innate desire was cropped from the very purpose of my reincarnation into this life, of which my birth was a timely accident and then born upon the same day and month of which was a most significant day for one of our idolized Satanic figures in the past, ever so conveniently.

I was so full of anger as I furiously tried to research about Satan to get to the truth. Everything I found was only ever about how evil he was or malicious, but for some reason after I snapped in that awareness I wasn't deterred by such things, it didn't feel like it was accurate, it was as if some inner awareness was clearing away a fog. I suddenly felt the urge to look up "True Satanism", and upon doing so the Joy of Satan website was the first result.

I had a lot of results come up about the truth of Satan but it was the JoS website that stuck with me to the core where I devoted all my time specifically to it, I was just so powerfully drawn to it. I spent absolute weeks reading everything non-stop day in and day out, despite the 'scary' colour schemes of red and black and all the pentagrams I was taught to fear in the visual of the webpage, I kept sifting through and reading everything. I remember my heart racing and adrenaline coursing through me every time because all my life I was taught that everything I was doing right then and there was so wrong and would curse me to eternal damnation, but I kept going despite all the fears, despite everything I was taught to believe.

What happened was the most blessed thing that could've ever happened to me. I found the truth, and since then I have not and could never let go of it, even when meditating, even when trying to advance and learning more, I endured through a thousand doubts for years that could never land hard enough to stop me or deter me. It's been almost a decade now I've been on this path and held strong and true, and I've only ever gained more truths, knowledge and clarity, I learned proper morality and a large part of what was truly right and what was truly wrong. One of the things I learned most recently within the past month I finally managed to see beyond the blaring lights of my own imagination and I've been making the most real progress upon myself that I ever have in all this time and it is a means to drive me forward 666 fold. It is the very definition of a checkpoint you do not regress from.

I've seen the actual world around me for what it truly is, when you get to a point where you feel different from every other human on Earth, like you don't belong in this society and shine in such a stark contrast that our own home planet feels like an alien world from what it once was thousands of years ago. I still see it as I do today, the low state humanity is in where modern society of our species prides itself in thinking it's so advanced when the sight of a mere car looks so unbelievably medieval to me. A messy structure of metal that requires constant feeding of a finite resource, constructed from unnaturally manufactured materials that cannot be disposed of or renewed properly. Buildings and architecture so primitive that a house can't even last 50 years without falling apart or receiving maintenance to where thousands and thousands of year old pyramids still stand in near prime to this day. To our gods and many other extra-terrestrial species that follow in nature's tracks, everything humanity is proud of in technological advancement and machinery is primitive, childish and severely underdeveloped and harmful long-term to our own world. I see this for myself, whether it's because of a past life or reincarnation-interval where I knew, saw and or experienced better or just an intuitive and expanded awareness.

I am thankful to Master Satan for all he has given us within our own souls, all the tools we could ever need for us to advance and free ourselves with our own abilities and actions, to not be victims to forces around us, to be able to fight and stand for our own selves, to be there for us when we need him most, to aid us when we require it and to allow us to see when we are blinded. But most of all, to show us we can be strong on our own, that we can control our fate and that we do not have to be victims to parasites and those who wish us harm.

If it wasn't for him... well I honestly don't even want to imagine where I'd be right now because given the state of my life back then and where it was headed, especially in how it continued even through my years as a Satanist of which if it wasn't for the teachings of cleanings and protections, I don't think that state would have even been "Alive".

Hail Satan, the true father of humanity. The day I dedicated was the day my life changed forever. This was a while ago, but I’ll never forget his energy and assistance in facilitating the changes I needed to make to my life. I went from being on the verge of suicide to truly loving life and swearing off all suicidal ideology. I practiced meditation and learned to thrive in a cold world. Satan has watched out over me through my adolescence and into adulthood, giving me every experience and power to face any challenge life could have to throw at me. Whether someone is a complete modernist and spiritual denialist, Satan’s presence does not go unnoticed to those who give him proper acknowledgment and respect. The positive spiritual experiences from the Gods of hell can never be rivaled by any other false organization with low blow magical claims. The Gods teach us all things from logic, healing, spiritual ability, and more. They deserve to be acknowledged by all people from all perspectives of spirituality as literal beings who are not so far off from us. Not as nonsensical and improperly analyzed allegories nor used for personal gain.
Aquarius said:
I have dedicated when I was 15, at the time I still acted like the typical teenager and behaved like a degenerate, I hated xianity with passion though. When I found JoS it was like a lighting, because from that day my life has changed forever, I remember I asked Satan for proof that he exists, and along with a beautiful feeling I got just that moment I was guided later to a giant Snake, I've never seen a Snake in that place, that was pretty cool as a sign.

Fast forward some years, most of my problems are gone, I have a deeper understanding of reality, I am guided towards my advancement by the Best Father one can think of, Father Satan, the most High of the Gods, every month it feels like I have advanced mentally and spiritually although there are still highs and lows(but you just have to get up!). This year especially I have advanced a lot, and have set the base for even more advancement next year! What was different this year was that I set my personal resolutions with Satan, and I asked him to guide me towards them, he did, as a loving Father would. This was my best year so far in my life, I am actually satisfied about it, never was I satisfied about how life went until now.

Thank you Father Satan.

I hope others too can share their achievements in Satanism and how awesome Satan and the Gods are, but especially Satan, of course.

I am very happy to what FATHER SATAN did to you . I am now at your age you was written . I am around 16 - 17 . before come to SATANISM one day i was sad and thinked why that bloodshed god allah is not doing anything for me our family and others . so I start to hate that god . I found a telegram channel that was said we are linked to the jos . and I went to jos website an read all thing on the website . and dedicated my soul to FATHER SATAN and came to this forum and i knew how kind was FATHER SATAN and his demons are . this was happened to me this year . last night I made a ritual to FATHER SATAN around 3 am because that time my family is sleep . nothing happened so I wait until I slept . nothing happened in my sleep too . I think i did a thing wrong at the end of ritual you have turn clockwise and did not do that close my ritual with big HAIL SATAN !!! waiting to FATHER SATAN several minutes after meditation . do you think he will accept

I won't start typing all over in details. But being with Satan and living the satanic is supernatural, I have achieved and had just mental wishes come through. I have bigger goals now, time to go big.
I choose the Satanic path forever. I have bigger changes to make due to understanding and wisdom gotten from actively being in this path.
I Hail Satan, Gods of Hell and my Guardian Demon forever.
It all goes back to the Summer of 2010. I was 13 when I came across the site in a hacking forum. I was searching for deeper meaning to everything and an answer to why things were, and I found it. I dedicated months later, and began meditating.

There were highs and lows, struggles and blessings, but without the Gods to help me keep going who knows where I'd be? I can say with utmost honesty and sincerity that I've grown a lot within the past 10 years, and that I'm in a very good position now even though this pandemic. The Gods have literally saved my life time and time again, and without them would've remained in a pitiful existence, or perhaps dead. As the years go by, I've witnessed proof that the supernatural is real and that magick works. I don't know how to describe this in detail, but as long as I, among others, have the energy and focus we can make anything happen. I've taken up challenges with varying degrees of success, but if I've proven anything at all as years go by, it's that I'm loyal.

I've both discovered a better outlook on life, and the things we could do if we work at it. I've learned what love is, after living without it, and love is our Father.

Thank you, Father Satan, for giving us the guidance to become stronger and better than we were before!
Im glad to hear that buddy! That's a good habit to develop New year's Resolution.

Personally I've had some good achievements in sales this year I'm grateful for Dantalion he has allowed me to understand people very well which is needed in the negotiations leadership skills as well. (The company uses my Training manual and I own 3 districts in California with 17 people under me and i get a cut of them) i owe it to Dantalion Satan and my Guardian.

Marbas and Ose have helped me greatly as well. honestly, I have not been sick in over a decade since I dedicated.

I have been doing a lot of work with them experimenting with biokinesis its been chaotic lots of ups and downs and confusion but I'm seeing results after years of meditation specializing on it.

I still act like a degenerate haha its in my nature being a scorpio.

hopefully i can start a new chapter in my growth this year that would be a good resolution to keep.

WIsh all the best

Hail satan
Aquarius said:
I have dedicated when I was 15, at the time I still acted like the typical teenager and behaved like a degenerate, I hated xianity with passion though. When I found JoS it was like a lighting, because from that day my life has changed forever, I remember I asked Satan for proof that he exists, and along with a beautiful feeling I got just that moment I was guided later to a giant Snake, I've never seen a Snake in that place, that was pretty cool as a sign.

Fast forward some years, most of my problems are gone, I have a deeper understanding of reality, I am guided towards my advancement by the Best Father one can think of, Father Satan, the most High of the Gods, every month it feels like I have advanced mentally and spiritually although there are still highs and lows(but you just have to get up!). This year especially I have advanced a lot, and have set the base for even more advancement next year! What was different this year was that I set my personal resolutions with Satan, and I asked him to guide me towards them, he did, as a loving Father would. This was my best year so far in my life, I am actually satisfied about it, never was I satisfied about how life went until now.

Thank you Father Satan.

I hope others too can share their achievements in Satanism and how awesome Satan and the Gods are, but especially Satan, of course.

I love reading these kind of things, they are inspiring. And we really need to be inspired.
Thanks for sharing! Great blessings to you.
Hail Satan!
Hail all Us!
This can become such a wonderful thread, and I can make this in a webpage in the frontpage of our Website. I think the Testimonials were understated. If anyone has a nice link with previous ones, please do share.
I dedicated my soul to Father Satan in late summer of 2017 at the age of 18. Since then I have grown into myself and the Satanic family of the Gods. Nothing can compare to the love and gratitude I feel for our Gods, within my first 2 years of dedication my life changed in almost everyway imaginable, I lost family and friends, I lost my home, I lost my mind. Though this sounds dark i can assure you that the darkest night is always followed by the brightest dawn. 2018-2019 had such an impact that all values, all sense of justice and morality and all virtues arose within my character that i felt was always there yet unreachable. At the beginning of 2020 I still fought with myself perpetually over my own Mind, I felt as if i was being torn in half from the inside yet when the debris is further cleared the light at the end of the tunnel is shown and there sits Him.

I have since then gained control over myself more, I have been consistently meditating and practices Yoga daily for over a year from this day. I know who my family is, I feel them and I have developed relations with my guardian demoness. My mind is calm, expanded and attentive more then ever. I manifest faster at Will, the lag time decreases when I rise higher I find. Every emotions is amplified, Love feels like euphoric compassion and empathy, yet Hate feels like perfect controlled disdain.

I have personal triumphs as well that i could not of done without the assistance of Lady Agares, Mother Astaroth and Father Satan.

Hail The Gods of Hell Eternally
I dedicated last year when I was 15. I always hated christianity and all this other shit since a very young age and saw through it and just knew that something is wrong.
One day I just randomly searched satanism on google and the jos was the very first result. So I read a lot on this site and the next day I dedicated my soul to father satan. I didn’t even had a specific reason, I just felt called to it.

Back then (well actually not that long ago lol) I was in a terrible place because I lived alone with my father and brother and our father abused us. And because I was in this bad place I wasn’t able to really do anything because I had almost no privacy. But one day I did the frtr. And right after I was done with it I randomly found twenty bucks (I had no money at all so it almost saved my life lmao) and my mother called me and told me that she will get us out of there.

I cried so hard because of both these things because I just knew that father satan did this. I could really feel warm energy and so much love. I will never forget this. Thank you dear satan.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This can become such a wonderful thread, and I can make this in a webpage in the frontpage of our Website. I think the Testimonials were understated. If anyone has a nice link with previous ones, please do share.
There are some good long-term testimonials in Lydia's thread "A Decade".
I found Jos around 2013 I was young back thn. Though I didn't know that it ws Joy of Satan. My mother ws watching clothes outside, I ws sad, I hated my self, I heard suicidal thoughts to kill myself,. So while I ws alone in th room I thought of searching something related to, how do you have power or how do u sell your soul, or how do you have power in Satanism. This is wr different topics cm up, how to dedicate your soul. I choice how to dedicate your soul, I clicked it and read I ws afraid while reading it.
This topic was under HPs Maxine Diedrich articles I didn't know about jos after a year. Tht wr I discovered tht jos ws th umbrella name. Trust me I loved reading about Satan I ws comfortable thn reading about Demons. Discovering Spiritual Satanism it ws a process, slowly I understood.

Though I'm still facing FOCUS problems , Focus is th hardest thing ever. I have been reading and studying jos but Action it's been hard fr me.My mind has more power thn me I don't knw hw should I control it.
I...I could write something, but so much happened in the past 10 years, I would need to write a book. I don't know what moments to pick, I am grateful for all of them.

And I've been enjoying reading all testimonies so far, Brothers and Sisters. Father Satan is indeed beyond words.

Thank you for everything, Father Satan. We are eternally grateful for everything you did for us, I don't think words can describe our gratitude to You. We will ALWAYS be on your side. Forever!
I was brought up in a strict Christian household with both my parents having backgrounds in missionary - my mother was part of the Brethren for those that know protestant denominations. I described myself as a Christian until around age 14 where I started to realise that I wasn't heterosexual. I spent a couple of months trying to figure out how I can relate these two things but came to the conclusion that I couldn't and I didn't want to be part of a religion that demonised me for something I couldn't help or choose. Fast forward a couple of years my parents find out I'm dating a guy and life takes a turn for the worse. They start hitting me a bunch and threating to kick me out the house - they locked me out on multiple occasions. Anyway my boyfriend slowly introduced the idea of meditating to me especially cleaning your aura and aura of protection. It was pretty much an overnight change, although my relationship with my family was and to this day is still icy they don't hit me anymore or threaten to kick me out. Few months after that he introduces JoS to me and although sceptical at first something about the information just rang true with me. Took me a couple of months but I dedicated around November 2019 and started doing rtrs. Haven't always been the most dedicated but I never once felt like my guardian demon or Satan abandoned me. Hope the next year brings success for all who are serious in following this path. And for those consider to take up this path, do, it is one of the best and most important things you'll ever do. Truly found a cause worth fighting for.

Hail Satan!
Enki4ever said:
I too dedicated when I was a teenager and I'm in my thirties now. Father Satan has been by me in one way or another thru my many ups and downs. He has helped me with several mental issues and when I was homeless for a short time.
For the longest time-and I still have issues with it to this day-I've had a hollow chest a physical feeling of a void in my chest. When I dedicated to him was the first time in my life I had ever felt anything in my chest.
I have my times where I don't feel worthy of his love but I've had way too many positive things go on in my life to ever go anywhere else. Father Satan is such a loving father that it's hard to believe at times and with my biological father having been an absolute nut job it's hard to trust men. What makes things good is that he doesn't push he is fine with keeping an eye on someone and wait for them to come around. He doesn't leave you behind or throw you into the dark. He leaves a lit candle at your side and waits for you to pick it up. It's odd but nice. He respects each child for being their own being and is ready to help each one of us out. Long as we help others with their candles he's good. Like the Al ju wah points out-yes I know I misspelled it- he lets us be ourselves as long as we don't go against his teaching-yes I'm paraphrasing- :D .
While for me it's hard to say that I love Father Satan-good old heart chakra issues-I can say I respect him and though I may not be the best warrior I know I will never leave his side and shall always be dedicated to him for the rest of my life and beyond.
Thank you so much Father Satan for all you have done for me. I hope to be a better warrior by this time next year.

Come on guys tell everyone in this thread what Father Satan has done for you!!!! Lets show these idiot lurkers how great our Father Satan is! THE ONE TRUE CREATOR GOD OF THIS WORLD OUR FATHER SATAN.


He also helped me when I was homeless. I was rock bottom and broken. Totally washed up without work or a home to go to.

I knew there were forces behind the scenes helping cause suffering and hardship for us Gentiles in this world.

I was never an alcoholic or substance abuser. I've always been of sober habits and a person really can....Just an ordinary person through circumstances can land up in a situation like homelessness.

That was really a shocking revelation that I a hard working person of sober habits could for real land up in a situation of homelessness. It's not only necessarily from lifestyle choices like in the case of substance abusers.

Anyway I lay on my stomach on the ground and read the 72 names reversal from a piece of paper that I kept folded up on my person. I did that for a couple nights in a row.

I was totally drained from the stress of the circumstances I found myself in. I could have died not having anyone to call on. I was South African born on an ancestral Visa in the UK. And I was on my knees without a job and nowhere to go and no one to call on. It was dire. I could have died.

As drained and exhausted as I was I read out the 72 names. And rolled over onto my back to sleep.

As soon as I did that. I heard crystal clear. Loud and clear this very warm voice in my head.

It was a strong voice. But it was oozing with personality. It was such a kind and loving voice. It was only for a moment. And the voice reminded me to do more protection because I was only doing the vibrations and no cleaning.

I was left with a very positive energy buzz. And knew it was either Father Satan or my Guardian Demon coming to tell me that they observed my warfare and are with me.

It gave me purpose. Spirtual Satanism is what keeps me sane in an insane world.

And I landed up being lucky thereafter. I survived and now have steady and secure permanent employment. And my own home.

I've truly been looked after and blessed (for lack of a better word).

I may not put the energy into meditating on empowerment or awakening with my busy schedule. But I've kept my spiritual warfare and cleaning up. That's like the air that I breathe. My part of the deal and my main purpose in life.

The Gods meet you more than half way if you're serious and put in the effort.

Hail Satan!
I dedicated myself on 3rd april 2019, started the 40 day meditation program and on the 7th day, my doc called me for a transplantation i was waiting for years, and also i had discovered the jos ministry a year after stopping the anti-psychotic medications for seizures despite being absorbed in occult and mythologies ever since i learnt reading. And every time i had a doubt in this path, there were posts by HP Cobra-sama and other clergy members clearing things up, be it the RTRs, spiritual warfare schedules and or precisions and additions for workings and meditations. As for the enemy, i always had my thoughts abt them who was aspired in history and politics as much as with mythologies since learning how to read, but as always, the insights of the clergy were more precise and far-sighted. As for my GD, i still haven't made any effort to finding them yet, and i'm rn on the last month of the 6 month program, i always was someone who made things in my own pace and adapted slower to new things(As for many earth people). Now when i look back at how i came into this path today it all makes so much sense that i don't really know where or how to explain, the same with the current events. Everytime i remember the quote "I lead to the straight path without a revealed book" from the Al Jilwah.
Just writing to add my voice to you all

I was a drug abuser four years before Satanism and looking for a meaning in my life for a 3d time. Luckily this time it wasn't a theosophical cult but the real thing.

Hail Satan
May we grow more and become even stronger
When I was a child I had weird psychic experiences that could not be rationally explained and always felt a connection to the pagan Gods and classical civilizations. I was also obsessed with educating myself about history.

Something about the enemy (their physical form and other things) always creeped me out.

Trying to understand philosophy and wanting spiritual answers, looking into xianity many times because of my background over the years came to nothing. The religion was confusing, full of hypocrisies, boring and made no sense from all angles, plus it seemed to give me nightmares and had a gruesome history that somehow felt like it threw the world into darkness. I especially couldn't help but sense there was something nefarious and evil about the so called bible and church, not just their content but the energy around them.

That said, things like the Fatima apparition plus the repetition of biblical stories (copy pasting one story to another with the names changed, this happens multiple times in that book of filth) and the occult language used in things like revelations left me wondering if there was more to it than whatever atheists always dismiss as 'just a book of fairy tales'. After all, why would the thing that wanted to destroy paganism use this type of repetition and occult language in such a specific way? Why did xian rulers use Astrologers when their 'holy book' says such a thing deserves death by fire? Things like this made me question a lot of things. I did what most people drifting in and out of xian bullshit didn't do: read between the lines.

On the other hand, when I went into the New Age and the like, I couldn't help but notice those heavily into it ended up with terrible problems (especially where "angels" and rabbi yeshoua were involved) and that something about it was incomplete or wrong. My own sibling practiced xianized reiki and met with disaster.

Around this time I had discovered the JoS, but while a lot of it rang true in my head, some things put me off (especially mageson's bad style of writing and some insane people talking about demons on a motorbike) or were not comprehensible to me until I had more knowledge about the occult (Astrology, Chakras, and so on). So I put off getting directly involved but I kept reading the site and forums from time to time.

The political context of the past 10 years and how it affected me and my friends also pushed me in this direction but that's too long to even talk about. Coming from a struggling background and seeing the consequences of 'turn the other cheek' all around me, all this bolshevik crap, xianity and the New age preaching against due justice and holding up the worst examples of humanity as beloved martyrs made me reach boiling point.

Until I found the JoS nothing really made any sense to me, other than Nietzsche and a few other enlightened authors. When I started meditating, particularly doing RTRs and doing deep cleansing daily all my debilitating anxiety problems that I had suffered from for years went away entirely. This plus Satanic knowledge about many things (especially Astrology) and the assistance of my GD has put me on the right track to understanding myself, understanding the world and fulfilling my goals.
I dedicated 5 years ago when I was a teenager sometime in November and it’s surprising how much one’s life can change in a short period of time under the guidance of the gods. Before then I always hated xianity like a lot of people here, I hated the church for what they have done and whenever I tried to ask for help from “G-d”, it never helped me and maybe even made my life worse every time I tried. I got fed up and directly said “If you aren’t going to help me then maybe Satan will” I courageously looked up Satanism and found myself on JoS. JoS was also a familiar site to me as well since I used to as a kid look up magic and demons and I’d always end up on the site so I decided to read more about it and found it to be very interesting. Back then I was also a very edgy kid who wanted power, so it honestly didn’t take me that much convincing or much material for me to decide I was going to dedicate, it was almost an instant click. The more material I read the more it made sense over the years and I’ve become a lot less edgy which is good.

Although I do not exactly have those 5 years of experience under my belt, it’s more like 3 years because the first 2 years were very bad, I’ve come to the conclusion back during those first 2 years that the enemy really disliked that I had dedicated and tried their best to keep me from advancing on the path which unfortunately happened. I ended up dropping out of high school, started smoking weed, got kicked out of my place and became homeless living in shelters. My family wasn’t all too close at the time either and it was all very chaotic. Though I never once blamed Satan for this misfortune, I just lacked the very basic means of protecting myself as I didn’t really know what I was doing in regards to advancing myself and I didn’t know of the forums until mid-2017 a couple months before the solar eclipse.

In 2017 I felt a strong urge to actually get on my feet and take meditation seriously as throughout the first two years I was off and on meditating. I contacted the gods and asked for guidance on what I needed to do and they led me to all the necessary information I needed as well as the forums. To thank for the information I promised I’d join in on the spiritual warfare and fight for Father Satan and Humanity. At the time though I was still doubtful that Satan was real so I asked him for a sign and he did on multiple occasions and I knew from then on how real this all was.

My life then flipped rather quickly and I was able to advance, issues in my life slowly started to disappear, I was able to heal from family trauma and mental problems, I stopped smoking, I went back to school, mended bonds with people I love and I am no longer homeless. My family and I are close and I’m genuinely happy. I’ve matured and learned a lot of lessons these past few years and I believe I’m on track with advancement. I will loyally and faithfully continue on this path no matter what comes my way. This is all thanks to the gods (shout out to Horus and Anubis, they are wonderful gods) and especially Father Satan, they’ve helped me so much on this path, got me through the lows and kept encouraging me. Without Father and the Gods I wouldn’t be alive now and I can’t thank them enough.
666S666 said:
Aquarius said:
I have dedicated when I was 15, at the time I still acted like the typical teenager and behaved like a degenerate, I hated xianity with passion though. When I found JoS it was like a lighting, because from that day my life has changed forever, I remember I asked Satan for proof that he exists, and along with a beautiful feeling I got just that moment I was guided later to a giant Snake, I've never seen a Snake in that place, that was pretty cool as a sign.

Fast forward some years, most of my problems are gone, I have a deeper understanding of reality, I am guided towards my advancement by the Best Father one can think of, Father Satan, the most High of the Gods, every month it feels like I have advanced mentally and spiritually although there are still highs and lows(but you just have to get up!). This year especially I have advanced a lot, and have set the base for even more advancement next year! What was different this year was that I set my personal resolutions with Satan, and I asked him to guide me towards them, he did, as a loving Father would. This was my best year so far in my life, I am actually satisfied about it, never was I satisfied about how life went until now.

Thank you Father Satan.

I hope others too can share their achievements in Satanism and how awesome Satan and the Gods are, but especially Satan, of course.

I am very happy to what FATHER SATAN did to you . I am now at your age you was written . I am around 16 - 17 . before come to SATANISM one day i was sad and thinked why that bloodshed god allah is not doing anything for me our family and others . so I start to hate that god . I found a telegram channel that was said we are linked to the jos . and I went to jos website an read all thing on the website . and dedicated my soul to FATHER SATAN and came to this forum and i knew how kind was FATHER SATAN and his demons are . this was happened to me this year . last night I made a ritual to FATHER SATAN around 3 am because that time my family is sleep . nothing happened so I wait until I slept . nothing happened in my sleep too . I think i did a thing wrong at the end of ritual you have turn clockwise and did not do that close my ritual with big HAIL SATAN !!! waiting to FATHER SATAN several minutes after meditation . do you think he will accept

Just because nothing happened it doesn't mean you did anything wrong, the bell rotation is a formality, what counts is your heart. You are most likely not very open psychically, so work on that! Doing rituals more often thanking Satan is great:)
Many times I felt the urge to tell my story but somehow I never really shared it. It's wasn't a simple process, my path to Satan. When I was a child my parents hurt me much and others, especially my father. He abused me, beat me etc.. He beat my mother and she eased her suffering by hurting me. Many other children hurt me too. There were cases when it was almost fatal. I had near-death experiences as a child. Some doctor wanted to experiement some vaccines on me, but my father refused him luckily. I even tried to stab myself once. Well, I don't have a single happy memory from my childhood. It was the constant state of suffering for me. But I saw many things as a child. I dreamt about the next day, and it happened. When my parents hurt me and I went to my bed I saw red eyes when I was awake. I was scared but probably it was a lower demon guardian who protects children. When I was a teenager I wished my father to die. (no because I was an angry teenager, but because I realized that he will kill my mother, or me if he lives) I prayed to god, but then I had a thought and I prayed to Satan, because god never granted my prayers. And I imagined my father die. He had an accident days later. He died. It was a shock for me, but I thought it was a coincidence. Maybe it was. Nevertheless, his death was a blessing for my mental heatlth. He also hated Satan, feared him, but Satan was always symphatetic for me uncounciously. I spent my next years in a nihilistic way, then during a holohoax presentation the I observed how the jews humiliated people and I thought whaterver god is theirs, I will stand with the one who is against him. I always had a deep need for truth, I lingered in occult pages, but I was never satisfied. I found the JOS and I dedicated. It was a revelation. But I didn't take it seriously for some years, but when I thought back, and I started thinking back, viewed my path, I realized that it was the truth. I belong to Satan. Satan freed me. And I will be eternally grateful. I started to recover from my traumas. I realized that I am not hopeless, and I started taking it seriously. I learned that it's my birthright to bec succesful in this path, and I walk the path that Satan prepared for me. My life turned for the better since I dedicated. We just have to make an effort to evolve, to become better and listen and feel. Well, maybe my story is a little bit shocking to share for some, so feel free to remove it if you want it HP.
Larissa666 said:
I...I could write something, but so much happened in the past 10 years, I would need to write a book. I don't know what moments to pick, I am grateful for all of them.

And I've been enjoying reading all testimonies so far, Brothers and Sisters. Father Satan is indeed beyond words.

Thank you for everything, Father Satan. We are eternally grateful for everything you did for us, I don't think words can describe our gratitude to You. We will ALWAYS be on your side. Forever!

Same for me Larissa will need a book also but nice to hear others personal experiences with our God.

Respect to Op and all SSRs
Hi there family and soul family of the creator FATHER ENKI AKA SATAN!! Of the flow of the energy and how to make the flow works and how to change the flow and change the feeling of things around us in a way to have a day with out the feeling of like having a day of control over the day for yourself. I love the energy of the flowers from the year 2012 from that point the years the feeling of breathing. I understand that most have it because they are growing and then at a point you are hardened to be what we are made from.

It's really having a wonderful change the workings of the flow of things we are doing the standing our ground yeah I see what cobra is seeing and the flow. Whe have won the only thing is how long will we let the matrix continue. I am her to change the flow and time (for what is time, time count for nothing) of this world's for all on the flow of infinite.

I love to have a family to stand with and help get upright and fight on for we are growing and changing the (Jewtrix). Those not understanding we are going through a wonderfully experience if you have any wonder Father SATAN have already shown you you just have to feel the lotus.

Black Matabele said:
Though I'm still facing FOCUS problems , Focus is th hardest thing ever. I have been reading and studying jos but Action it's been hard fr me.My mind has more power thn me I don't knw hw should I control it.

Tons and tons of void for emotional regulation. When you refocus, you are training the act of regulating your emotions. Start easy and just do 2 mins. You should feel a little better. Then convince yourself to do another 2 mins. Repeat as much as possible. If you can do 10, 15, 20 minutes over the course of a period of time, you will feel much more able to motivate yourself to do whatever.

The effects manifest on the brain in the short term, so do this whenever you are procrastinating on something. I even prefer to do it right in the morning, so I don't fall behind. As you continually train this, the long term changes in the brain will take place, making it gradually easier and easier. The more you practice void, the better it gets. Once you practice it a little, you should gain a little more willpower. You then use this willpower to do a little more void, and so on. Then you will feel much more able to do anything else. Just convince yourself to do at least a baby amount, like 1 or 2 minutes.

Besides void, you should pair this with Sowilo to give your soul the energy or fire or whatever it needs to more quickly manifest actions. Again, start easy so you don't procrastinate on it. You can always increase the number later.
Very interesting testimonies from everyone here. I'm glad many members are having positive outlooks. It's outstanding how many of us have lots of things in common. There's another thread from Lydias that I shared my testimony regarding how I found the JoS and before I dedicated, as well as other places regarding other things if anyone's interested, although some rather poorly, but I feel this will be my opportunity to truly collective myself and express my experiences and am very grateful. We forget so easily on some of the things that mean much more to us than we know, and overlook things that are actually very significant.
Coming from a person who had witnessed some supernatural/occult phenomena, I knew this was the beginning in my life to something that was beyond my comprehension as all these years I've disregarded the subject as make-belief due to my uncertainty, as well as having some atheistic background, but fear was a large factor. I also had the opportunity to meet a LaVeyan Satanist who greatly changed my perspective on the way I saw Satanism. I wanted to know more, and as I continued my studies into the subject I came across various websites that provided some knowledge and instruction, but most notably to me was the JoyofSatan as it was pretty straightforward with its information & was quite extensive. I eventually dedicated after a few days of thinking it through and I felt that this was where I belonged and that it would greatly guide me in the beginning of my journey to the occult. After doing the dedication, I didn't really know what to expect, I was actually starting to think I did the ritual improperly but I disregarded the thought and just moved on. I had a dream a few days later of something negative being pulled out of me with a voice saying "let's get rid of this" and then I felt that all my fears were truly lifted and that I was under his protection, as I was being bothered by a negative entity in the past year I was extremely relieved that maybe there was finally a solution.

As part of my renunciation of the xtian god & religion, I decided to curse a church that was nearby. I didn't think I had any power to do much of anything actually but I did it to reinforce and show my loyalty to Satan. This church was part of a school and had a football team that competes against mines, but my football team was known for its losing streak and never won more than once so it didn't have anyone too optimistic. But this year it was different, my football team was winning nearly every match (Not really sure if they lost any actually) and had the whole school intrigued at the unanticipated comeback. I also heard that the Church was going through problems. The next day or two as I leave from school, I look up at the sound of 3-4 crows flying by cawing at each other, this was actually the first time I saw a crow in person and figured they may have just recently migrated to my area, but they were just beautiful. They also decided to make their home at a tree I walk by every time I leave school, I noticed this when I was passing by and one crow was cawing down at me, it might've thought I was one of them because I was wearing a black hoodie and it felt really cool, but I also believed that Satan had some influence here and that the crows were a maternal manifestation of him and that this was a sign he has welcomed me into his wings. There was no doubt something very special about these crows and every time I see or hear them I think of Satan.

There was also one day where I was walking by and noticed one of the crows was standing at a spot and doing something with its wing and then flew away. A few days later I stumbled upon a black feather while walking across the spot and realized that the crow must've discarded it, I took it home as a souvenir. This feather would be the symbol of my initiation into Satanism and still have it to this day. Interestingly, I was doing a ritual to ask Satan for help in finding my first job. I couldn't find my athame so I used that same feather to compensate for it. After finishing work at one of the first places I was employed I heard a very loud sound from a crow on top of the building and it was looking my way, probably at the roadkill beside the parking lot, but it was a very fascinating coincidence nonetheless.

That year was no doubt the best year I ever had in a long while, as well as the years later in my life in satanism. At the final year in highschool I was likable by everyone I approached and knew and this touched me deep, everyone who wronged me seamed to have gotten their ass handed to them as well. Although there were hard times, there were good times in the end of it as I made it through coming out with a positive outlook realizing you shouldn't be so quick to judge how the year will be just because things start to seam otherwise. Always stay committed to yourself and Satan. Throughout the years through today, I could say that this path has definitely complimented my journey and has taught me many things and opened me up to a lot. I experienced things that were just out of this world, some things I would never be able to grasp 10 years ago, and as well learned some seriously disturbing truths on the way the world is. My life has never been more fascinating.
I didnt believe in G-d as a child, my earliest memories are me and my siblings being forced to go to church and read the bible. My whole childhood was stolen from me by Xianity.
I hated going to church, and I told my mom once that I didnt believe in G-d. She was crying the next day and I gave in to the enemy for a few years..
I did spend time studying that horrendous religion and I could never fully come to terms with the murderous intent of that wicked book.
My family fell apart when I was a freshman. I moved away from my family, I moved in with my step Grandpa, a retired Veteran. I quickly became a Nationalist and to this day I have great pride for my Country.
My stepdad got me involved with drugs and the enemy attacked me one night when I dropped into a trance. I was saved by a very bright being. I tried to return to G-d but the attacks didnt stop and so I decided to leave Xianity. I had PTSD for years.
My sister was interested in the new age spirituality, and I naturally enjoyed studying it very much. Specifically I remember the youtuber, Infinite Waters(Diving Deep). I am unsure if he is an SS but his aura was so beautiful I wanted to be just like him.
I began meditating and the enemy began attacking me again, but this time I became furious and said enough was enough. Within my fury I found my peace. I began doing some wierd meditations I found on the internet and luckily I made a friend on facebook and asked her about her religious beliefs. She told me she was a spiritual Satanist.
I studied it briefly but was fearful of the information because of my PTSD. Eventually I dedicated, and the night of my dedication, during my sleep, my Solar Chakra began to spin intensely and lit up brightly. This confirmed it for me.
I believe it's been 6 years since then, It has not been an easy path, but I didnt ask for easy. The gods have protected me as much as was neccessary for me to survive.
I am Prosperous and Valiant
I am Virtuous and Noble
I am Powerful and Brave
I have destroyed the enemy
Now I am learning to be as the Peacock.
I am a beacon of light for all Gentiles to see.
That Lord Satan is here and he shines through me.
I dedicated not that long ago. Beforehand, I was a silent lurker because I wanted to learn and get to know what SS is all about.

I had always been inclined to research and questioning the status quo. Growing up, Buddhism did not give me that spiritual "this is it" feeling. Neither did Christianity or Islam. Yup, I went those routes before I even got to SS.

What inspired me to stay searching for the truth was astrology, pagan holidays, names, figurines/monuments around the world, things of that nature. It all had connections. For one, it did not sit right with me that serpents and dragons are seen as malevolent creatures. Definitely isn't in my culture and all of Asia. So I would research and put them together. I would be up at night reading. Finally, one night, I found the JoS site from the Biblio...site (it is a long name I can not remember that site name) while I was trying to find other sources regarding Anunnaki besides what is regurgitated over and over, thanks to Sitchin. Something was telling me Sitchin's version is not correct, not 100%. Plus, I had already known about the pesky Jews. Anyway, that was how I found the JoS site.

And I am ever so happy. It feels like coming back home after a long time of leaving home. Feels great. :)
Aquarius said:
I have dedicated when I was 15, at the time I still acted like the typical teenager and behaved like a degenerate, I hated xianity with passion though. When I found JoS it was like a lighting, because from that day my life has changed forever, I remember I asked Satan for proof that he exists, and along with a beautiful feeling I got just that moment I was guided later to a giant Snake, I've never seen a Snake in that place, that was pretty cool as a sign.

Fast forward some years, most of my problems are gone, I have a deeper understanding of reality, I am guided towards my advancement by the Best Father one can think of, Father Satan, the most High of the Gods, every month it feels like I have advanced mentally and spiritually although there are still highs and lows(but you just have to get up!). This year especially I have advanced a lot, and have set the base for even more advancement next year! What was different this year was that I set my personal resolutions with Satan, and I asked him to guide me towards them, he did, as a loving Father would. This was my best year so far in my life, I am actually satisfied about it, never was I satisfied about how life went until now.

Thank you Father Satan.

I hope others too can share their achievements in Satanism and how awesome Satan and the Gods are, but especially Satan, of course.

This is really an awesome story.
I remember when I was 15 and went about looking for Satan, as a rebellious teen and ended up in many shady websites never dedicating though. Advance a couple of months and I being the degenerate that I was called him up mentally during an exam , which I got a really good score in . Couple of days later a friend of mine as a challenge of "Summoning DeMonS" led me to this site, which I ignored. I would also like to mention here that things in my life were getting worse by the day. Again me being the degenerate screamed " if you get me out of here I will dedicate"- Still going by the Christard philosophy. And finally I moved to a different place where I was alone most of the day, with my life getting seriously easy -spoilt kid if one can say that.
That entire year was spent in reading the JoS. And seeing how it was highly pagan as opposed to what the media projects it to be. Even then I was highly attracted to the HellsArmy page ( something I still repeat when I start slacking off ). That year was awesome to say the least, meditations became a part of me. And I was sincerely hard on the army part wherin I would enter european chat groups and be let off the radar by the moderators of defended by them to say the least- this generally happened when i would see mudslimes in the group and bash them relentlessly. And this would all be allowed by the "moderators". Many of them it seemed started to copy these and paste it on to the mudslimes. I still remember the mental satisfaction, anxiety it would feel when writing these in hopes of getting banned but being allowed by most of the moderators.
And then came the RTR which I did once that year ( I was not a part of the forums and didnt know what it meant). Fast forward People would actually grant me favours ( I felt a bit evil inside at times :p). Joined a Uni only to continue this Army on the physical too with me rounding up mudslimes at times and juat debating with them to the point they would beg me to stop. But they did "pray" i guess because I remember hearing a voice back in college after which things got worse by the day( I know its the enemy now , but this is how things were at that time for me).

All this made me really depressed; this and many more things in my personal life. Fast forward a year I was in a way put back on track by Satan to the point that i get cocky sometimes ( sorry, I really do mean this part as a joke).

The best part was when during a yoga session i heard a " thank you" and was led to this forum in 2018. And as I know now it was a lot of curses on me at that time and hence a lot of degenrate posts.

I did want to make an appreciation post to Hells Army( and Teens for Satan) but have been under attack for a while .I was lucky enough to stumble upon this.

Hail Satan
This and the last RTR schedule has really hit me hard. Not in a bad sense per se, I can feel my muscles getting stronger. I am starting to awake from the haze I've been in for over decade,
I'm starting to feel emotions I haven't felt in a long time.

This is a rough journey, but a much needed one.
My Backstory(Not neccesary to read):

I had a pretty shitty childhood, full of sexual and physical abuse. My abuse lasted for many years. The only reason the abuse ended after so many years is because my abuser killed themselves. I heard the gunshot and tried to investigate but thankfully my mother was there holding the door shit, refusing to let me out, I can't imagine how horrible that was for her.

For a long time I was extremely depressed, I felt waves of numbness and desires of self mutilation and suicide. Part of my self-hatred was caused by what I suspect was the psychological effects my sexual abuse had on me. I had... Let's say... Disgusting, vile, and horrid thoughts which I had no control over. I hated myself for having such thoughts but I was too scared to seek help. My suffering didn't end after my abusers suicide though. Due to the effects of the abuse I was a pretty fucked up kid. I had a lot of issues and was bullied severely at school for it. I live in the states so we have 12 grades. My abuse started before I was in school. I was bullied from kindergarden all the way to 9th grade. The only reason it stopped at 9th grade is because I attempted suicide and was out of school in a coma. Obviously a fucked up kid isn't going to be able to function properly, it's not like anyone knew about the abuse during that time though.

One day, while watching a TV show, a large amount of repressed memories came to the surface and drove me over the edge. I had attempted suicide by combining multiple bottles of prescription and OTC medication with alcohol and wound up in a coma at the hospital. After waking up from the coma I went into a temperary care facility to get a psychological diagnosis. Obviously being fucked in the head I thought it was a good idea to tell the doctors that "IF I really wanted to kill myself" I would do x, y, and z. I tried to make my suicide attempt about "meeting gawd" and lied that it worked and how I was saved and other bullshit. I didn't mention but I was indoctrinated with christianity at this time, my abuser was very fond on making me go to church and shoving their beliefs down my throat. In case it doesn't make sense how my abuser had so much access to me. They were my step father, my mother worked a very busy job and I would be alone with them every day after school before my mother got home hours later.

I was a very renouned speaker at my local church who was "destined" to preach to stadiums of thousands of people, or so everyone believed, in reality it was likely that I was more intelligent than them. I remember everytime I went to that church there would be a voice screaming in my head "IT'S BULLSHIT!" "IT'S LIES!" "DON'T BELIEVE!" and other things. Our church was one Where we sat around talking in tongues all day. The day before my suicide all of the members gathered around and held their hands on me while speaking tongues on me, thinking back that was the most vile and disgusting energy I have ever felt.

When I got home from the care facility I was planning to kill myself and not fail this time. Instead I wound up in another temporary care facility and was held there for a month while they tried to transfer me to a residential treatment facility. Eventually, after that long 30 days, I was placed in a residential treatment facility. In this residential treatment facility I began to re-discover my spark and desire for the spiritual side of things that I discovered in middle school. There was a Pagan boy there who would talk with me about grimoires and black books and other things. He was rather deluded and I didn't actually believe anything he said but I played along with his delusions, telling him not to release beings from the black book and such. There was also another boy there who become amazing friends with me and he told me stories about his grandpa who was a government agent and had seen all kinds of crazy shit. Like some shit straight out of SCP. I do not know if he was being truthful or not but the most likely scenario is that he wasn't. During my stay at this facility I got a couple of spiritual books I requested from my mother. Astral Dynamics was one of them and boy was that intruiging. I felt bio-electricity and ALMOST left my body(some staff member interrupted me to ask why I was sitting in a legs cross position at 11:pm during shift changed an knocked me out of my trance though). One of the staff members who was there was a mormon of some kind who believed he would control 7 universes when he died or some crazy shit. We talked a lot about spiritual stuff. Astral projection, clairvoyance, remote viewing, and other things. There were also "Satanists" in this facility but one was a Jewess trying to spread Devil Worship and the other had some kind of learning disability and wasn't a Satanist at all.

After being at this facility for about 7 months with no real help I was sent to another facility that had doctors who specalized in the issues I was experiencing due to my abuse. It was in this place that I discovered Satanism. While staying in this facility I continued to study various spiritual topics. The cool thing about this facility is that they would allow you to get things from amazon as rewards for behaving, I always chose to get books. One day after being there for a while I met a boy named John. Now John and I clicked immediately. We got along extremely well and were each others only friends in the facility. The rest of the people in the facility I just couldn't connect with in any real meaninful way(I would later come to realize that they were just NPCs).

This boy John told me he followed a religion called lucifarianism and that the book he believed in was a book called "The book of the law". Some of you may know this book very well, considering it was written by Aleister Crowley. John told me all kinds of stories of rituals with demons and told me about blood sacrifice and all of this other vile shit. If you can guess where this is going, it turns out John was a jew and was trying to suck me into the world of animal and human sacrifice. Oh, I should also mention that John was a cannabal who got meat from a funeral home employee who was local to the area he lived in. Anyways, in an offhand comment John mention something about "an angelfire site about demons by Maxine". John mostly spoke to me about the lemegeton and other vile disrespect to our Gods. However, while only once he mentioned JoyOfSatan.

I don't know what it was but I was drawn to JoyOfSatan more than any of these other "Satanic" sources of information and began reading. After my newfound discovery I tried to show John what I learned and teach him the truth. Obviously being a kike he wouldn't hear of it and tried to re-inforce the vile bullshit jews practice. During my study of JoS I was actually possessed and John almost killed me by choking me as a way to restrain me. I have a feeling that he played a vital role in me being possessed and my trying to kill staff members. Just his way to try to drive me away from JoS and bring me to the jewish filth. It didn't work obviously, after spending every minute I was able to studying JoS I knew very well that Satan and his Gods did not possess people.

During my time in this facility I met another person there who I brought to Satanism. This person had experienced many spiritual phenomina at a young age. Really horrifying shit. Honestly, when I first met him I thought we would never get along, yet after talking to him about this shit we came to common ground and dedicated our souls to Satan together. Unfortunately, years after we were released from the facility he went insane. He deluded himself into thinking that by entering the enemies energy vortex he could "destroy them from the inside". All this did was drive him to insanity though. I accept blame for what happened to him in part. While self acountability has to be present and, ultimately his actions alone were the cause of his downfall, I could have been a better family member to him. I was very deluded when I was new. I had a god complex issue and he took after me. I was able to snap out of it eventually but my delusions played a part on his beliefs. Even when I encouraged him to study from JoS directly and reject everything I've every told him he was too far gone.

My Testimonial:

I have gone through a really rough journey in my life. From the abuse to the delusions to so much more. I want to thank the following God's for what they have done for me and for what they mean to me.

Father Satan: Thank you, for everything. There is so much I wish to thank you for. I could write a post 5x as long as this but I wouldn't even scratch the surface. Thank you for everything. Through your guidance I was able to remove all of the issues which plauged me through out my life. Even though I was a disrespectful idiot you have been here since day one, nudging me along andmaking sure I stayed alive through it all. Without you, I wouldn't exist, I wouldn't even be able to thank you, I wouldn't know the joy of life, I wouldn't know what it means to be happy, I wouldn't know what existing even is. If you hadn't created humanity and fought for us so long ago, if you hadn't suffered for us.. We wouldn't be here. Truly, Thank you.

Nanshe: Thank you, my Guardian Demon Nanshe. When I first met you I was a disrespectful fool who mistook you for something you were not. Even though I was foolish you stood beside me and watched me grow. You gave me advice when I needed it. You pushed me to do things which I needed to do to heal. You have truly been something so amazing I cannot even describe in words. I sat there trying to find some way to end "You have truly been" yet the feelings I have cannot be described with words. Thank you. Truly.

Eligos: Thank you for saving me from ruining my life. When I was in the last facility there was the boy who made my life there torture. Beating me every day until I was unable to handle it anymore. I shoved my fingers into his eyes and ended up covered in blood and had an attempted murder charge on me. You helped me get the charges against me dropped from attempted murder, to battery, to community service. Truly, if you had not helped me I never would have been able to learn the beauty that is Satanism. Thank you for saving me from ruining my life. Thank you for making sure I didn't go to prison. If I had, I never would have been able to experience life as I have. Truly, Thank you.

Asmodeus: Thank you for being there when I was new. Even though I was a foolish fuck who wasn't even dedicated. You were there, you were my friend. You were there for me and my previous brother when we had no idea what we were doing. Rolling dice to try and talk to the God's. Boy were we foolish haha. Even though I was disrespectful, not dedication, and had no idea what I was doing there. You were my best friend. You were there and you talked to us. You appeared in the smoke of incense and spoke to me through the ouija board. I haven't talked to you in a long time, not out of shame but out of the fact that I do not feel like I should waste anymore of your time than I already have. When I was new we sat around for hours talking to you and you sat there and talked to us. Thank you for being my best friend. I promise you that one day, once I am at a level where I know I won't waste your time, I will call to you. When I call on that day, I truly hope we can be best friends again. Thank you. Truly.

To my brothers and sisters:

During my time on this path I have hit many many pitfalls and have made many errors. Through my journey in Satanism I went from a deluded, depressed, self hating, worthless creatine of society to an informed, happy, self loving, contributing member of society. Without the knowledge from JoyOfSatan. Without Spiritual Satanism. I would probably be dead, in prison, or worse. Instead of that happening I have found my place. I have cured myself from the psychological issues which plauged me for so many years. I had once advaced to the point of being able to seeing the immediate future with near perfect accuracy(I knew what would happen before it happened and knew everything someone would say before they said it. About 10 or so seconds in the future).

Through Spiritual Satanism I have completely changed my life. Instead of letting my destiny control me, I control my destiny. I am truly honored to be apart of Satans family, let alone being gifted the knowledge of the TRUTH. There is so much to be honored for. I think the think I am honored most about is the fact I am Satans creation. The most almighty, ineffable, magnamous, and truly perfect being in existense created me. Nothing is greater than that knowledge.

Kinnaree said:
Growing up, Buddhism did not give me that spiritual "this is it" feeling. Neither did Christianity or Islam. Yup, I went those routes before I even got to SS.

Same. I wanted to know the reason for my visions (see https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=51441) so I researched any and all religions and it led me here. I’m glad that I found Satan, but I still don’t know why I have visions. Maybe my questions will be answered soon enough.
Great inputs, all of you! I'm overjoyed to see so many SS with such great success stories.

Mine is similar to some of yours. I grew up with the forced indoctrination of christianity via church, television sermons and christian camps. I came to know the enemy well at least. God is envious, murderous and spiteful (as he shows wrath); all of which are absolved in the name of "righteousness". He even allowed his people a "license to kill" in order to suit his agenda. He loves us yet those who deny him are sent to an eternity of torment. There are so many contradictions it's incalculable.

I found Satan around 16, about the same time my preference in music shifted. I started from listening to nu-metal, punk and rock to favouring black metal and industrial. I was always captivated by everything bizarre and macabre. I was interested in the occult and would search endlessly on how to do magic, upon which I found only wiccan and new age BS. Then I found a page to the JoS. It ticked all the boxes and I was infatuated.

Later I graduated and started working. Around this time I began to question the JoS. Before I only focused on the basic information and meditations, whereas later I started reading on to find information pertaining to aliens and Hitler. My immediate thought was "this has to be some crazy conspiracy", so I departed myself from religion altogether. Recently I returned at age 28 (10 years later, jeez!)
I started researching conspiracy "truths" like crazy at 25 and found everything on the JoS website makes sense now. I'm back with immense conviction, stronger than ever, and I will remain an SS for the rest of my days. The forums have been an incredible addition to this! I found great information about RTRs and I feel I'm on a better path than ever before. I would like to end with a small question...

...Is it recommended I retake the dedication ritual? I haven't practiced any religion apart from a little non-theistic Hinduism. I can feel Satan's warm presence and believe I'm still connected, therefore I think I'm okay there. Thanks you guys!
BioElektrik said:
...Is it recommended I retake the dedication ritual? I haven't practiced any religion apart from a little non-theistic Hinduism. I can feel Satan's warm presence and believe I'm still connected, therefore I think I'm okay there. Thanks you guys!

You don't need to as you never really left the path, or anything. You simply wandered off for a bit. ;)
Henu the Great said:
BioElektrik said:
...Is it recommended I retake the dedication ritual? I haven't practiced any religion apart from a little non-theistic Hinduism. I can feel Satan's warm presence and believe I'm still connected, therefore I think I'm okay there. Thanks you guys!

You don't need to as you never really left the path, or anything. You simply wandered off for a bit. ;)

That's a relief to hear. I'm currently living with Christians and it would be a bit awkward to get caught outside with a black candle lighting stuff up lol. Thanks so much. :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
