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Spiritual Warfare Schedule Oct 31 to Nov 10 - And On The Elections

NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
I am extremely worked up at the moment due to the elections of tomorrow. I don't know if there is another non American person that is as nervous as I am. This election is by far the most important election in the recent history of the U.S. You are choosing between communism, hatred, pillage, white genocide, the destruction of American values and hence of western civilization ones, tyranny and the ultimate destruction of the United States or freedom of speech, the right to bear guns to fend for yourselves, to protect your family and loved ones, the right of owning a house and material wealth, the safety of the American Dream, the preventing of the massive white killings ensued whether Jew Biden wins the election and you are choosing to mantain order, justice and law till the arrival of the Gods.

As most of you have stated here repeatedly, myself included, Trump is not Hitler and he will never be him. Furthermore, we know pretty damn fucking well the jews have thrived thanks to him but so did we. What he has accomplished to do has definitely served our cause and is for the time being the best leader on Earth and the only one who can prevent the communist takeover of America, which is their jewish wet dream they have been trying to push since the birth of your wonderful nation as it is the land chosen by Satan to build the brand new Atlantis.

We can go on and on complaining about the things we dislike and hate about Trump while the jews take advantage on that, so I suggest you stop arguing about that and have only one thing in mind to go and cast a vote for him. It is the only way out. If you are an American citizen who loves your country and you happen to be elegible to vote then fucking do it
It is necessary not only for the safety of the United Staes of America, for their citizens or for the rest of western world but also for Planet Earth and therefore for the Gods. Anything can happen if that filthy raisin Jew Biden and jewish mongrel crackpot Harris (this lunatic the only thing she can do is to cackle like a moron) are on power with jewish Obama, his tranny wife and other nefarious kikes orchestrating everything from the shadows. Even a nuclear war can take place. So if you feel it is needed when you vote for Trump cover your nose and close your eyes when you are voting for him if you have a chip on the shoulder for his pro jewish actions. Of course always knowing that you are pressing the right button to make Trump gets elected.

As far as astrology is concerned I am not going to say anything about the planets of tomorrow as I will leave things to deploy. At any rate, I want to say two things about astrology that have to do with 2021 and the transit of Saturn in Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn make a conjunction the very first day they both enter in Aquarius and will begin to SQUARE Uranus in Taurus. Making matters worse, Mars will be entering Taurus as well at the end of January 2021. I suggest you keep on your toes. Becareful!!! We must be alert as I said before ANYTHING can happen and if these pedophiles get elected we are doomed. The planetary transits are not good at all. In 2023 the United States of America will have its Pluto return in Capricorn since Pluto will remain in the aforementioned sign up until 2025. Therefore I want you to be very conscious of what you do tomorrow. The planetary transit will be worse if Jew Biden wins. You must prevent that crooked pedo kike from winning. Then we will see how Trump and Pence tackle with all the forthcoming shit from all fronts that are bound to happen. We know a racial and civil war is gonna take place it depends on you if it is going to be undermined or not.

The RTRs are to be made as the Coven and Commander have told us to do which is going to help the Gods to anchor their energy on Earth thus impeding the jews to achieve their goals.

Every vote counts. Vote for freedom.


TRUMP 2020

I've pushed myself to do a lot of RTRs to hopefully wake people up from the jewish media lies about Trump (on top of what else it helps with and has been). Trump loves America and will do what he can as Commander in Chief to prevent a communists uprising so even if he was forced to dance for the jew he still has done soooo much for Americans including whites and indirectly defended them. Just not the jew controlled neo "nazis"/ kkk whites or "whites". Which makes me happy as a non white person to see decent white Americans benefiting and having someone in power in politics push back against the anti white nonsense. I live in America but I can't vote ( I mentioned before why this is) but I still have shown my support for Trump and tried to convince people who can vote to vote for Trump. Going to keep pushing the RTRs still.

My gut feeling says he'll win in a huge way maybe even landslide. I just don't see how the UK went full brexit including having conservatives winning in places where they haven't been voted in since 90 years ago but somehow America is going to choose the commies? There's no way. It's getting me anxious and it's going to suck if it's dragged out for a week or more.

Anyways, Trump 2020 as well.

Hail Satan!!

P.S. is a civil war really going to happen? I feel like we're doing a decent job at preventing it.
slyscorpion wrote:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan

Congratulations Slyscorpian!! My son who is 13 also did the dedication on Halloween. I am so proud of him and he really wanted to do it himself with no pressure from me or my partner (both SS). Truly an amazing journey and will continue along this spiritual path..

HAIL SATAN!! FRTR here we come!
slyscorpion said:
StraitShot47 said:
The enemy is planning a meditation for Nov. 11.

Where did you hear about this?


@midnight Israel time
slyscorpion said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan

You did a wonderful thing for her. Best thing you can do for someone. You have to tell me how you did it sometime. But I guess there are a lot of variables to consider about the person you wish to save.

Anyways I cut my last post short accidentally but going to reply to this too so I will finish my last one. I dont really remember much about past lives I am mostly going off what she tells me in ww2 I only remembered the end in the bunker with a bunch of other people committing suicide that is the only thing i can pull back. I am really impressed by her ability to remember past lives and really do think i was the person she thought. Even another SS does but i dont know as I want to say too much cause i keep thinking i could be wrong.

What i got from trying to read this myself is we knew eachother for longer than the enemy even existed at least. We mostly kept our own individuality though its not like our Astrology charts would say this fully.

Even when she was really connected to the enemy and saying she followed Jewsus and stuff and was going to church (fuck my xtian dad and mom for pushing that on her really hard and dragging her to church stuff since she was athiest before that which is way better) I didn't fully give up. The Gods didn't give up on her either but Bael did say one time into my mind "dont worry no one wants to deal with that" when i was wondering if it was OK i was mad at her over some of the enemy stuff.

So how i helped her is vibrating the final rtr into her soul. Removing any Bibles and xtian stuff from around her in a covert way (her memory is bad like I said) so as not to allow the curses onto her as much. I kept telling her the truth. I wasn't straight out. Like I didn't bring up a lot on the Jews and stuff immediately. Made it more seem xtianity was the enemy.

I did a lot of work with cleansing enemy curses and stuff out of her soul.

It took from early February 2019 to September of 2020 (when she started meditation and wanting to dedicate) to fully get her on our side.

I however always respected free will and I still do. If she had for sure decided to go to the enemy I would have let her go tried to be her friend as much as I could. I know her heart was never on their side though. I never pushed her to do the dedication. That is why we were talking and thinking about it since March. I let her do it on her own time and read the JOS.

This is how i bought her to the truth and it goes along with my values the same values of the founders of America. Which is something I feel I should fight for as an American citizen. The values of freedom and free choice. Dignity equality in law and opportunity as individuals aka being given a fair chance. None of that is given today.

I thought back to that when she was doing the dedication.
Our ancestors (yes us over and over the same people I know for a fact I was one of the people there too in the founding of USA not at all sure in that case who though but that stuck to my energy and soul a lot even more than Nazism) fought for freedom and truth. It is great to win a victory for our side.

Btw I admit it may be a bit as in a few months before she really greatly advances cause of mindset. But I was told by an SS friend she should dedicate anyways. The Gods are working on her i know.

She did the final rtr at least twice the first two days and some workings.

That is great better than some of us did back in the day.

So i am happy.

Thanks a lot for sharing this story Scorpion. I am happy for you. And a bit jealous lol. What you did is a great achievement that both of you will celebrate trough the years. Great to hear she has such abilities! Stay on this path! Also hope your country pulls trough all of the ongoing conflict!
I just got back from the poll a little while ago. =)

Now that I've done my civic duty, I'm going to catch some sleep, and then do some more RTRs when I wake up. Keep up the good work, everyone!
I want to report that I can't use the ritual pages! The one with white letters and black background doesn't open at all amd the one with white background and black letters cannot be used fully because it doesn't erase the 3 last letters!
What I did is to use the one with the black letters and from the parts I couldn't erase I imagined the letters being destroyed, I hope me ritual are valid!
StraitShot47 said:
slyscorpion said:
StraitShot47 said:
The enemy is planning a meditation for Nov. 11.

Where did you hear about this?


@midnight Israel time

These are just some worthless fuckwits. Not to be taken seriously.

They do attacks all these days and organize constantly. Especially now with the elections, but also Halloween and the day before.

But they are losing it really bad. No matter what happens physically, the boat is asail for the enemy and they are heading to the whirpool.
Νίκος said:
I want to report that I can't use the ritual pages! The one with white letters and black background doesn't open at all amd the one with white background and black letters cannot be used fully because it doesn't erase the 3 last letters!
What I did is to use the one with the black letters and from the parts I couldn't erase I imagined the letters being destroyed, I hope me ritual are valid!

My time is zero right now. Can someone else check this and let me know so we can troubleshoot? Deeply appreciated if someone can check this.
Awake666 said:
slyscorpion wrote:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan

Congratulations Slyscorpian!! My son who is 13 also did the dedication on Halloween. I am so proud of him and he really wanted to do it himself with no pressure from me or my partner (both SS). Truly an amazing journey and will continue along this spiritual path..

HAIL SATAN!! FRTR here we come!

A most beautiful and heartwarming reply. Wish your beautiful family the very best.
StraitShot47 said:
slyscorpion said:
StraitShot47 said:
The enemy is planning a meditation for Nov. 11.
Where did you hear about this?
@midnight Israel time
What the fuck am I reading..?
In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.
From http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/10/final-battle-update-part-2.html
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Νίκος said:
I want to report that I can't use the ritual pages! The one with white letters and black background doesn't open at all amd the one with white background and black letters cannot be used fully because it doesn't erase the 3 last letters!
What I did is to use the one with the black letters and from the parts I couldn't erase I imagined the letters being destroyed, I hope me ritual are valid!

My time is zero right now. Can someone else check this and let me know so we can troubleshoot? Deeply appreciated if someone can check this.

My time is 00:21 right now and I have 10:38 PM local time
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Νίκος said:
I want to report that I can't use the ritual pages! The one with white letters and black background doesn't open at all amd the one with white background and black letters cannot be used fully because it doesn't erase the 3 last letters!
What I did is to use the one with the black letters and from the parts I couldn't erase I imagined the letters being destroyed, I hope me ritual are valid!
My time is zero right now. Can someone else check this and let me know so we can troubleshoot? Deeply appreciated if someone can check this.
At this moment https://rtr.spiritualsatanism.org/ and evilgoy work flawlessly for me.
StraitShot47 said:
slyscorpion said:
StraitShot47 said:
The enemy is planning a meditation for Nov. 11.

Where did you hear about this?


@midnight Israel time

Ah, the famous ascension crap, I remember this from my new age ramblings. Ascension is just around the corner we fight muh the bad guys the kabal blah blah blah and nothing ever happens....but the federation of light, angels and jeshua are all watching and send love and light bullshit :evil:

It is funny also the title of correction timeline, I guess their love and light is not enough to win the battle, awww those poor little angels get beaten by muh evil goys how sad...and pathetic :twisted:
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.
That's incredible, I feel the exact same way but I've never found out how to describe it
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Νίκος said:
I want to report that I can't use the ritual pages! The one with white letters and black background doesn't open at all amd the one with white background and black letters cannot be used fully because it doesn't erase the 3 last letters!
What I did is to use the one with the black letters and from the parts I couldn't erase I imagined the letters being destroyed, I hope me ritual are valid!

My time is zero right now. Can someone else check this and let me know so we can troubleshoot? Deeply appreciated if someone can check this.
The timer is now hitting zero, in Romania now the hour is 11:00 pm and the timer hitted zero when it was 10:00 pm, it's 1 hour off, it's not as it was before
Henu the Great said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Νίκος said:
I want to report that I can't use the ritual pages! The one with white letters and black background doesn't open at all amd the one with white background and black letters cannot be used fully because it doesn't erase the 3 last letters!
What I did is to use the one with the black letters and from the parts I couldn't erase I imagined the letters being destroyed, I hope me ritual are valid!
My time is zero right now. Can someone else check this and let me know so we can troubleshoot? Deeply appreciated if someone can check this.
At this moment https://rtr.spiritualsatanism.org/ and evilgoy work flawlessly for me.
Right now it works perfectly for me too, it was the first time I saw this happening and I just reported it
The time was around 18:30 when it happened (UTC +2)
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Personal Growth said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Guys we are saving the planet. Out of everybody in the world it is us. Im honored to be a part of all this really.

Yes on the Spiritual front. There are others of course that are fighting in other disciplines to win this war.

I'm of the same opinion as yours in that we are engaged in the luckiest and most beneficial side.

We are awake to our family of the Original Gods.

Thank you and yes i am learning about the 144 000 nadis. Do you maby know a link which is trust worthy which shows the map of all these pathways.I also want to know if i can use a magnifying glass in the sun and draw energy from it does it amplify the energy or does it only depend on my own strength and not make a diffrence? I used a cd which relects all the colours when under a light or the sun,i relfected it on my face while looking in a mirror and I was surprised to find that the energy can be felt clearly that way.Almost like moveing your hand over a trampoline that has been out all day inv he sun.
Thank you
hail Satan

Uhm, I don't know. In my opinion you're well over thinking things.

You must know that a magnifying glass can burn and can be used to start fires. Also blindness with the sun. So I wouldn't play with props. You don't need anything but your own mind. And the will and persistence to persevere.

Just keep it simple and do what's been put on the main website under meditations.
StraitShot47 said:
slyscorpion said:
StraitShot47 said:
The enemy is planning a meditation for Nov. 11.

Where did you hear about this?


@midnight Israel time

What a load of BS. This is really nothing to be concerned over and may even link to us somewhat is the mass mind drawing people in a subconscious way here due to the anti corona thing and Cobra Battle plan. WTF it half is referring to this forum without doing that at the same time and the meditation is planned for the day after we finish this. No way they don't know about the JOS.

There isn't a huge enemy thing in that meditation either. This is just pretend fake angels on the good side crap.

No big deal.
Henu the Great said:
What the fuck am I reading..?
In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.
From http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/10/final-battle-update-part-2.html

You have to have completed the Magnum Opus to understand that. /s

On a side note, I wonder if their "stop covid" meditations were beneficial or not. I guess it depends exactly how much they connect with enemy energy.
I hope everyone in the USA is slamming this as hard as they can every day...I know I sure am. Now is definitely not the time for lassitude or laziness.
Blitzkreig said:
Henu the Great said:
What the fuck am I reading..?
In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.
From http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/10/final-battle-update-part-2.html

You have to have completed the Magnum Opus to understand that. /s

On a side note, I wonder if their "stop covid" meditations were beneficial or not. I guess it depends exactly how much they connect with enemy energy.

No it is complete bullshit. I have not even raised my Kundalini and I know that. What this is doing is connecting to the truth just enough so that if someone opens to the spiritual a little or are psychic they can be fooled but it is adding in a bunch of made up stuff to it.

Typical new age stuff. They are connecting into energy that may be even worse than xtianity from personal experience. It will literally make someone throw up if they are on our side and are open enough.
Henu the Great said:
StraitShot47 said:
slyscorpion said:
Where did you hear about this?
@midnight Israel time
What the fuck am I reading..?
In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.
From http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/10/final-battle-update-part-2.html
Unfortunately this is the crap that passes out there for 'spirituality'. A bunch of nonsensical cooked up cock and bull tales about some fancy alien races, some Jesus in the mix, something about an intergalactic federation, the matrix, 'cabal', shapeshifting politicians and so on.

I believe it's a bunch of Israeli jews or something who push this crap so that the truth about the Reptilians and the jews, that even a top rabbi like Laitman admitted, can be clowned together with this nonsense. Many people who follow these movements are also usually gotten into drugs and I have interacted with a few in the past, who hallucinated a lot. Very sad yet amusing.
slyscorpion said:
No it is complete bullshit. I have not even raised my Kundalini and I know that. What this is doing is connecting to the truth just enough so that if someone opens to the spiritual a little or are psychic they can be fooled but it is adding in a bunch of made up stuff to it.

I'm aware. I meant to be sarcastic, which is why I wrote "/s" after. Thanks though
I had a close death in my family,...it took away some time from me, but I am spamming rtrs now, catching up. I am back, stronger than ever. I will not back down. I lost a friend a while back, but now I've lost someone closer, but I know their souls are safe with Father. If anything this has proven to me my strength to go forward no matter what. I haven't posted due to this..but I am here, I am with you all. I am fighting with you. I have fought my personal battles. I am rising above through a sea of what would have drowned others beneath, I would surely have lost this battle if not for Father and my Guardian guiding me and bringing me back to myself. I will fight the enemy with all that I can offer. Hail Satan!!
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I was hoping for another round of race awakening.

We need more favorable time right now. Currently, there is not much that can be as necessary as the Final, as the enemy is doing a barrage of curses and pushing. After this, we will make a huge follow up. Have patience.

I was thinking the same, expecting the Race Awakening to be in the list, but this feels easier. I was already going to spam the F-RTR for a while as I feel it's not having the same effect it had when I did it back in February, but I assume that was mostly because of my own Soul cleaning itself using it.
I'll try to raise the RTR number to 13 as I'll also be working on my head chakras (taking advantage of Samhain as much as I can).
Yesterday I increased the Yoga time to almost an hour and I feel so much better now, loose and vibrant. Need to make all of these efforts without breaking them up for any reason.

On another note I believe very important here:

I did stress this before and I hope people are taking this seriously enough. When you reach the end of the letters, right before you do the affirmations three times, take a moment to gather all your hate for the core of the jewish power and visualize it being reduced to nothing, less than ashes, destroy it by any means you find instinctive and natural. I use a barrage of lightning, incinerating the letters. Then I do the affirmations with renewed conviction and force. State them like they are ALREADY the present, state them like they are already an age WITHOUT jews.

Another thing I do after the first "Hail Satan!" is thanking Azazel for giving the F-RTR to us, my Guardian, and all the Demons I've had the pleasure to see and meet in some way, followed by a vibration of SATANAS and, once again, HAIL SATAN!

I feel this increases the power of the whole Ritual and always stimulates my third eye as a sign it's working.

Happy Halloween/Samhain Brothers and Sisters!

Hail Father Satan Forever!

What adds the most power to this in my experience is to visualize the letters being destroyed kind of along the way of vibrating/saying them just slowly destroy or faster for the letters will less vibrations. Maybe add your anger into destroying the letter tearing it apart blowing it up etc. There are some creative things you can do in your mind with this even visualizing the letters bombing Jerusalem being destroyed or the vatican mecca etc. Whatever you like but seeing it desttoyed in your mind some way you will notice twice or 3 times the amount of power with this. if you don't remember exactly fully what each letter looks like (you can refer to the rtr program before you cross it out) this can be effective.

If you have this memorized you may not need the rtr program on a device or paper though all the time to do this and have it be effective you can do visualization of the letter being destroyed.
Henu the Great said:
StraitShot47 said:
slyscorpion said:
Where did you hear about this?
@midnight Israel time
What the fuck am I reading..?
In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.
From http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/10/final-battle-update-part-2.html

The “spider-queen” would be a Queen(500m) of the Greys…(Zeta-Reticuli)
And She was killed by Jeovah the Red Draco, not the thought-form…
“They say :roll: “
Blitzkreig said:
I'm aware. I meant to be sarcastic, which is why I wrote "/s" after. Thanks though

Unfortunately not everybody lurks Reddit.

For everyone else "/s" is a Reddit thing for "Sarcasm"
RavenSky666 said:
I had a close death in my family,...it took away some time from me, but I am spamming rtrs now, catching up. I am back, stronger than ever. I will not back down. I lost a friend a while back, but now I've lost someone closer, but I know their souls are safe with Father. If anything this has proven to me my strength to go forward no matter what. I haven't posted due to this..but I am here, I am with you all. I am fighting with you. I have fought my personal battles. I am rising above through a sea of what would have drowned others beneath, I would surely have lost this battle if not for Father and my Guardian guiding me and bringing me back to myself. I will fight the enemy with all that I can offer. Hail Satan!!

Sorry for your loss. I am happy you are doing well.
SdD said:
Henu the Great said:
StraitShot47 said:
@midnight Israel time
What the fuck am I reading..?
In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.
From http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/10/final-battle-update-part-2.html

The “spider-queen” would be a Queen(500m) of the Greys…(Zeta-Reticuli)
And She was killed by Jeovah the Red Draco, not the thought-form…
“They say :roll: “

I'm 12 what is this?

Seriously...what is up with new agers and these non-sense scenarios. Okay I understand there is shit underground I'm not gonna fully deny it. But how the hell or where the hell do they get these retarded stories.

Seems like working for greys and reptilians makes you one dumb fucking retard. New agers Y U So fucking stupid.
slyscorpion said:
Artanis said:
slyscorpion said:
Yeah I am very glad you all accept her too, she was quite fearful at first of taking that step that is why it took a couple months for her to decide. The enemy tried everything to convince her that the entities attacking her were working for Satan and everything to keep her away from the truth.

They tried everything last night too to prevent her from going through with it including forcing us to argue about unrelated issues so she would have to go home.

When she realized what they were doing we went through with it. Even though we were some what nervous during this. I was quiet the whole time and let her do the dedication but helped her out by being there and helping her prick her finger and get a little blood hope that wasnt bad. I think she was nervous too so she kind of half focused on making dinner etc since we were making food.

But we did it i feel like she was accepted.

I mentioned her a lot cause I cared about her as a person a lot. So I am glad she is here. I was going to be her friend regardless of what she did. But fact is i think we both realized with the enemy it was impossible to connect to much unless she dedicated as they constantly were attacking both of us.

If she doesn't join the group I may ask a few questions for her if she needs to know anything more that I dont know.

Not sure if she wants to as of right now cause she has trouble opening up to new people and trust issues. But I think she will eventually.

I will talk to her about it. But i thought I would post about it here cause it feels great when I read someone joins officially so I wanted to keep up the spirit of this.

Eventually we will have a Satanic family i hope that is white. That would be great but it still may be a couple years away as we have things to work on before we can do that emotionally and also we have to find some way to be more stable financially.

But neither of us ever got what we needed in Childhood and admit sadly we never will. So at least in the future we can give it to someone give them a happy childhood that would make up for it.

Ive been wondering brother. How does it feel being with your soulmate? How good does it feel? How did you feel when you first met with her and knew that she was the one?

Soul mate isn't a word like what the New Age type people talk about all the time. It is just someone someone has been with for a long time. Most of my lifetimes she has been there and yeah she was pagan in the ancient times like me.

Personally she Got connected to the enemy a lot so I didn't fully recognize her when she first met me until later.

I guess people can have a bunch of "soul mates" if they are older souls. It simply means someone that a person has known in lives before to me.

Impressive to you would be the fact that I knew and was with her in Ancient Egypt before this enemy stuff. I knew that before I met her even an enemy person knew that (long story) but anyways this means the enemy didn't get us and they won't ever cause the enemy thing is almost over.

We made through age of Pisces or Kali Yuga as some out side of here say (I don't think that is right as stated by the HPs) all the way we are going to survive. That is super cool.

I mean i know from reading on here some people did lose their soul mate to the enemy. Not minimizing their loss but celebrating the fact i didn't.

If however the rtrs were not done this would have been close to the end for her.

We were even in Nazi Germany together we both remember that. Although the enemy convinced my girl that meant she was part of something bad once and she is doomed to suffer for awhile. That was a lot of the cause of her mental issues it helped her a lot in learning Nazi Germany wasn't bad and didn't do that stuff.

She remembers this better than me btw.

Congratulations, I wish you both the best, it's very hard when you know who is your soul mate and for different reasons and problems you can't be with her.
slyscorpion said:
What adds the most power to this in my experience is to visualize the letters being destroyed kind of along the way of vibrating/saying them just slowly destroy or faster for the letters will less vibrations. Maybe add your anger into destroying the letter tearing it apart blowing it up etc. There are some creative things you can do in your mind with this even visualizing the letters bombing Jerusalem being destroyed or the vatican mecca etc. Whatever you like but seeing it desttoyed in your mind some way you will notice twice or 3 times the amount of power with this. if you don't remember exactly fully what each letter looks like (you can refer to the rtr program before you cross it out) this can be effective.

If you have this memorized you may not need the rtr program on a device or paper though all the time to do this and have it be effective you can do visualization of the letter being destroyed.

(I wanted to reply yesterday night when I read this but was dealing with the last attack from a parasitic source.)

I know you're right here, cuz visualization being an aspect of Magick indeed has an effect on anything you do, and much more if you use it on something as powerful as our Final RTR.

The other thing I did find that powers it up is, to put it easy, emotion. When I reach the point where I'm done with FEL-OH and prepare myself to speak the affirmations, I gather all the conviction and judgement I can feel and speak the words as if they have already manifested. Like it's 'already' been a certainty and this is just my validation of it. Like I'm a divine judge and I'm banishing the Hebrew alphabet from existence, forever, no parole, no returning, a death sentence for high crimes against Humanity, the TRUE Sons and Daughters of the Gods.

Something else I really want to add, might make a post about this, is that yesterday as I finished the first Final RTR of the day I DID feel a 'difference' in reality. Like it was suddenly cleaner, better set for the development of Humans and as a consequence toxic to jews.
And I did feel this again when I did it the second time of the day. I was around HEY - HEH when I noticed this, wasn't even finished with the letters yet.

Also, there are SOME letters that I instinctively feel more inclined to destroy, so I tend to re-repeat the 9x sequence sometimes, until I'm satisfied with the destruction level and move on to the next letter. I don't know why it is so, I assume some letters are being destroyed faster than others.

Hail Father Satan Forever!
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
slyscorpion said:
What adds the most power to this in my experience is to visualize the letters being destroyed kind of along the way of vibrating/saying them just slowly destroy or faster for the letters will less vibrations. Maybe add your anger into destroying the letter tearing it apart blowing it up etc. There are some creative things you can do in your mind with this even visualizing the letters bombing Jerusalem being destroyed or the vatican mecca etc. Whatever you like but seeing it desttoyed in your mind some way you will notice twice or 3 times the amount of power with this. if you don't remember exactly fully what each letter looks like (you can refer to the rtr program before you cross it out) this can be effective.

If you have this memorized you may not need the rtr program on a device or paper though all the time to do this and have it be effective you can do visualization of the letter being destroyed.

(I wanted to reply yesterday night when I read this but was dealing with the last attack from a parasitic source.)

I know you're right here, cuz visualization being an aspect of Magick indeed has an effect on anything you do, and much more if you use it on something as powerful as our Final RTR.

The other thing I did find that powers it up is, to put it easy, emotion. When I reach the point where I'm done with FEL-OH and prepare myself to speak the affirmations, I gather all the conviction and judgement I can feel and speak the words as if they have already manifested. Like it's 'already' been a certainty and this is just my validation of it. Like I'm a divine judge and I'm banishing the Hebrew alphabet from existence, forever, no parole, no returning, a death sentence for high crimes against Humanity, the TRUE Sons and Daughters of the Gods.

Something else I really want to add, might make a post about this, is that yesterday as I finished the first Final RTR of the day I DID feel a 'difference' in reality. Like it was suddenly cleaner, better set for the development of Humans and as a consequence toxic to jews.
And I did feel this again when I did it the second time of the day. I was around HEY - HEH when I noticed this, wasn't even finished with the letters yet.

Also, there are SOME letters that I instinctively feel more inclined to destroy, so I tend to re-repeat the 9x sequence sometimes, until I'm satisfied with the destruction level and move on to the next letter. I don't know why it is so, I assume some letters are being destroyed faster than others.

Hail Father Satan Forever!

You can after the end try this vibrate again the letters YHVH (duuy duy etc Hayh Heh, Vahv etc Hayh Heh) do the full vibration of each variation 1 3 or 9 (or multiples of 9) times again (Just doing one variation of each letter brings up really bad energy like the YHVH thing even backwards in my experience) this does seem to add a power to me as well.
Thanks for the advice.
Someone can let me know what they think of that. I did it twice so far and it seems to add some to a lot of power.
Maybe sometimes you can do this. I dont see the harm even if it doesn't add power cause your intent in that is erasing YHVH along with the letters.

That is especially useful if your near the end of your rtr and like 5 to 10 minutes away from hitting the next 2 hour mark on the timer or something (this carries all the energy over to the next one adding power it was said)
Why do most of my posts not get approval
Am i posting them wrong?, because 50% of the time there is no approval or disapproval just nothing,does it not reach a admin or are my posts ignored or is it that you are too busy. Im sorry for asking and occasionally a nuisance but i feel i deserve a reply on this question because there were important comments i made to members i just got no response. I promise i will do my best not post nonsense or anything of the enemy but please can i be free to comment and post without needing to be approved. If i do not hold my promise you can ban me. It really feels asif the admins doent trust me,why is that i have proven i am not a jew and my actions speak for them selfs. Well thats how i see it? Please do not ignore this post.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Why do most of my posts not get approval
Am i posting them wrong?, because 50% of the time there is no approval or disapproval just nothing,does it not reach a admin or are my posts ignored or is it that you are too busy. Im sorry for asking and occasionally a nuisance but i feel i deserve a reply on this question because there were important comments i made to members i just got no response. I promise i will do my best not post nonsense or anything of the enemy but please can i be free to comment and post without needing to be approved. If i do not hold my promise you can ban me. It really feels asif the admins doent trust me,why is that i have proven i am not a jew and my actions speak for them selfs. Well thats how i see it? Please do not ignore this post.

That mostly means they were disapproved. In my experience when something is disapproved it only shows up as "topic disapproved" if you try to create a thread. Replies to a topic or person do not appear to show up as disapproved.

But do be sure you copy stuff to somewhere before you post it. If you get a message like "post doesn't exist" when you click submit or you are not logged in (at least on my android phone) it will dissappear completly and be gone for good.
If any of that happens (or any other error type message) just paste again again what you wrote and try to click submit again. If your writing something long you may want to do that every once in awhile anyways so if its lost with your computer or phone somehow you don't have to rewrite the whole thing.

Anyways even respected members (myself included) have had to have their posts approved before so I doubt they will take you off moderation especially if a lot of your stuff is disapproved for some reason. From now on save what you wrote and make sure it says the regular message that your post has been submitted and not something else. If it doesn't appear after awhile and you know for sure you didn't say anything that would be disapproved try to post again the same place by pasting what you wrote before.
slyscorpion said:

Thanks for the reply, I don't know about the YHVH letters as I have used a pendulum in the past and once I got very similar letters as a response to something that would see me losing power or endangering myself, so I always avoided those letters/that name straight away and only trusted JoS mantras/Runes, and now our Gods' names, and obviously the fRTR.

What this reply made me RE-realize, however, is the importance of also doing the Final RTR on ourselves as a method to cleanse ourselves, unbind our Souls and reverse the jewish curse on us.
I did this before with the standard x9 reps but I did it (some months ago when I was trying new ways to feel energy and succeeded) without speaking the letters, just mentally, vibrating each letter into my chakras, 1st to 9th... this was, I can tell you, one of the strongest things I felt so far.

The only reason I didn't do it after was, mostly I guess, my intention to trade quality for quantity and do more spoken/vocal RTRs a day, as the mental one requires more focus.

Another thing I've done mentally that gave me much energy, similar to the one on myself, was to visualize the letters being destroyed worldwide, putting a golden aura on all the Planet (North to South pole, like a golden cloak), repeating this with every letter.
This (to me at least) is pretty hard as it requires lots of focus and visualization, along with remembering the letters (I've memorized the fRTR for a while now), and it has to be done when you're not tired.. when I tried the 'mental' RTR (not spoken) before bedtime I more than likely fall asleep sitting.

Hail Father Satan Forever!

You can after the end try this vibrate again the letters YHVH (duuy duy etc Hayh Heh, Vahv etc Hayh Heh) do the full vibration of each variation 1 3 or 9 (or multiples of 9) times again (Just doing one variation of each letter brings up really bad energy like the YHVH thing even backwards in my experience) this does seem to add a power to me as well.
Thanks for the advice.
Someone can let me know what they think of that. I did it twice so far and it seems to add some to a lot of power.
Maybe sometimes you can do this. I dont see the harm even if it doesn't add power cause your intent in that is erasing YHVH along with the letters.

That is especially useful if your near the end of your rtr and like 5 to 10 minutes away from hitting the next 2 hour mark on the timer or something (this carries all the energy over to the next one adding power it was said)
RavenSky666 said:
I had a close death in my family,...it took away some time from me, but I am spamming rtrs now, catching up. I am back, stronger than ever. I will not back down. I lost a friend a while back, but now I've lost someone closer, but I know their souls are safe with Father. If anything this has proven to me my strength to go forward no matter what. I haven't posted due to this..but I am here, I am with you all. I am fighting with you. I have fought my personal battles. I am rising above through a sea of what would have drowned others beneath, I would surely have lost this battle if not for Father and my Guardian guiding me and bringing me back to myself. I will fight the enemy with all that I can offer. Hail Satan!!

Sorry to hear...
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Why do most of my posts not get approval
Am i posting them wrong?, because 50% of the time there is no approval or disapproval just nothing,does it not reach a admin or are my posts ignored or is it that you are too busy. Im sorry for asking and occasionally a nuisance but i feel i deserve a reply on this question because there were important comments i made to members i just got no response. I promise i will do my best not post nonsense or anything of the enemy but please can i be free to comment and post without needing to be approved. If i do not hold my promise you can ban me. It really feels asif the admins doent trust me,why is that i have proven i am not a jew and my actions speak for them selfs. Well thats how i see it? Please do not ignore this post.

You wrote strangely aggressive posts and all sorts of crap like a Sunday preacher who entered his first day in church, but in reverse.

These large rants about how Demons will smite Jehova in the head or whatever in unrelated topics is merely spam.

We are not a protestant forum where you have to write strange bullshit and shout very loud to convince yourself and others you are "now" a Satanist. So relax. This type of stuff is not necessary.

You understand about the quality of your posts and acting like a cultist, and when you are disapproved for reasons you understand then you flame the mods.
Pisces said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:


I just wanted to say thanks for this as I’ve listened to this album quite a bit now! :)
You're welcome. This has been my favorite CD for about a year now. For the last week, I've been working on figuring out all the notes for the solo in Tiroler Edelweiss. Everything from 2:47 to the end.

I think this CD is full of good messages.
"When the time has come, and all fades to black, I know I did all I could for our women, our children, and our land."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Why do most of my posts not get approval
Am i posting them wrong?, because 50% of the time there is no approval or disapproval just nothing,does it not reach a admin or are my posts ignored or is it that you are too busy. Im sorry for asking and occasionally a nuisance but i feel i deserve a reply on this question because there were important comments i made to members i just got no response. I promise i will do my best not post nonsense or anything of the enemy but please can i be free to comment and post without needing to be approved. If i do not hold my promise you can ban me. It really feels asif the admins doent trust me,why is that i have proven i am not a jew and my actions speak for them selfs. Well thats how i see it? Please do not ignore this post.

You wrote strangely aggressive posts and all sorts of crap like a Sunday preacher who entered his first day in church, but in reverse.

These large rants about how Demons will smite Jehova in the head or whatever in unrelated topics is merely spam.

We are not a protestant forum where you have to write strange bullshit and shout very loud to convince yourself and others you are "now" a Satanist. So relax. This type of stuff is not necessary.

You understand about the quality of your posts and acting like a cultist, and when you are disapproved for reasons you understand then you flame the mods.
Im sorry yes i know

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
