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Spiritual Warfare Schedule Oct 31 to Nov 10 - And On The Elections

My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan


That is awesome news, brother!!
I'm glad we have a new sister among us!!

Happy Samhain!
Remind her to not forget to meditate and not to skip any day of meditations nor yoga.
Take care!

Shael said:
NinRick said:
Okay sorry I bet this was asked before but..

Can I do a RTR with 27 reps instead of 9, will this count as 3 RTRs?

Or are 3 separate RTR, with each 9 reps stronger?

Sorry for the question, I don’t have much time, doing 18rep RTR now.
It's perfectly fine and counts. I always do the 27 rep version, myself.

Wait... doing the 27 rep counts as doing 3 fRTRS?? I've been so angry at myself for only doing one 27 rep a day. I thought it still counted as one. :shock:
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan

I am very glad that we have new members in our ranks. Please accept my congratulations.
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
I just got through with the rtr.

I had interferences. First, the enemy tried to beg me to stop.

Then they woke up my mother who wanted me to stop.

I was coughing and I feel so warm inside...

Is all this normal?
Yes, just keep on doing it. It's very important for both you and us.
reporting for duty, lets hurt them some more. Hail!
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
I just got through with the rtr.

I had interferences. First, the enemy tried to beg me to stop.

Then they woke up my mother who wanted me to stop.

I was coughing and I feel so warm inside...

Is all this normal?

I also feel warm, no worries
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan
Great news, best wishes! :p
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan
That is amazing Scorpion!
It must be so special to dedicate on Samhain.
Best of luck to both of you.
lilquote said:
Wait... doing the 27 rep counts as doing 3 fRTRS?? I've been so angry at myself for only doing one 27 rep a day. I thought it still counted as one. :shock:
That would make 0 sense. If both counted as one, then what would even be the point of doing 27 reps instead of 9? The only difference between the two ways is that, when doing them separately, you say the affirmation more often in total (3 single RTRs mean a total of 9 affirmations, while 1 27 rep RTR has the normal 3). That's the only notable difference.

Taking resting times into consideration, you can usually do two 27 rep RTRs in the time it would take you to do 3-4 normal 9 rep RTRs. So time-wise it's far more efficient. Both methods are viable, as it's a thing of personal preference.
It's interesting how things work out because I recently planned to connect with my ancestors during Samhain, particularly my grandpa whom I never met in this life. He officially died in a boating accident, although some claimed he was murdered by jealous fishermen. Then a heavy xian coastguard officer married his widow, how fitting. So xianity ravaged his entire family from then on including me who had to suffer a psychotic xian mother who was made the way she was by her grieving, psychotic xian mother. The coastguard guy recently inherited my grandpa's house too after waiting like a cockroach for my grandma to die for years, and then just sold the house that my grandpa built himself. Just wonderful. I really hate that man.

And last night I was reading a sermon regarding the inquision: https://www.satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/The_Inquisition.html

And then this morning I was awoken to the sound of church bells in my town. It's as if they were taunting me, and it immediately prompted me to wake up and perform the RTR. I grabbed my grandpa's ring, sat on the couch, and unleashed my anger. It made me feel connected to the man I never knew, like I was sitting with his memory, and getting revenge together with him for what they did to him, his widow, his house, and his entire family. I absolutely refuse to go back to the dark ages of xianity/communism. I will not see my people treated like that. I will not allow any more children to suffer at their hands. It's time for the jews to finally pay for their crimes.

Hail Victory,
Hail Truth,
Hail Father Satan forever!
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.

Well, I meant most of the jew energy curse is just a mind thing, it the people themselves that gave power to those curses, not the jews themselves. Hence the whole purpose of Christianity and the likes. So, no surprise that it feels empty because it needs people to fill it up, which is hard to do so when the church is closed and everything.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Guys we are saving the planet. Out of everybody in the world it is us. Im honored to be a part of all this really.

Yes on the Spiritual front. There are others of course that are fighting in other disciplines to win this war.

I'm of the same opinion as yours in that we are engaged in the luckiest and most beneficial side.

We are awake to our family of the Original Gods.
mercury_wisdom said:
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan
That is amazing Scorpion!
It must be so special to dedicate on Samhain.
Best of luck to both of you.

Yeah, she was starting to want to dedicate around the 18th so we just said let's do this on Halloween night since it's special. I think we will celebrate our dedication on Halloween/Shamhein because I really dont remember what day I dedicated to be honest. I think more towards late summer is when I dedicated if I remember but it would be nice to have one day to celebrate spiritual freedom.

I still think around July 21st is good for breaking addictions bad habits bad situations etc. But she wants us to celebrate Satanism this day. I guess we will celebrate both. I personally don't know if its just something lucky in my astrology that makes July 21st good for me or not. I notice on that day its the sun square my Mercury exact.
Lavena said:
This morning, on the eve of Samhain, I was half asleep. It was a half-reality half a dream ... The first thing that came to me was thoughts of Satan and the Amalek tribe. I felt my direct involvement in His tribe and family. I so clearly felt the presence of Satan nearby .This happened for the first time. By itself. I have always been interested to know and feel the energy of Father Satan. This is such an amazing energy ... So simple, without pretentious complexity, Without servile adoration. It is such a calm and unrivaled energy of love. Without words, without unnecessary outpouring, I hugged him. just hugged ... And then, when I woke up, I wrote a poem. I will present this as a gift to the Father. İ will burn it on the my altar on this sacred night.

And of course RRT I do rituals every day, but on these special days I will be doing even more. S.H.

All Hallowes eve (hallowe'en) has been purported to be the evening the veil between this world and the next is the thinnest. And people would dress up as monsters to avoid being kidnapped by visitors from the other realm. That's one scenario that is of Celtic origin.

You know the same thing that happened to you happened to me. Also in the same half asleep, half awake state. Someone visited me. And you feel so happy and loved. He really cares, and his energy is so positive.

Also if I remember correctly, you mentioned you're from Poland.

My ex girlfriend is from Lithuania. And she said they there in Lithuania never really had any draconian covid measures or any lockdown. That the government said nobody's sick and the hospitals are empty.

Then the Media came out and said that people are sick and the hospitals are full. And if you need medical care you'll need to travel to some out in the sticks hospital that might be able to squeeze you in.

So the Lithuanians voted a few days ago for a new government because the media said the government was lying to them. Of course they used their media to really slander and destroy their politicians careers.

That's bad news that the Lithuanians believed what they saw on the telly and voted their good government out.

I've seen some videos of Protests in Poland because business people are losing everything. And the police have been beating them and shooting them with tear gas.

Some people are actively fighting their governments. And then there you have the Lithuanians sitting easy and continuing with business and life as usual but voting for a different government that will bring in some butt kicking measures for them to have a taste of.
Lavena said:
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan

I am very glad that we have new members in our ranks. Please accept my congratulations.

Yeah I am very glad you all accept her too, she was quite fearful at first of taking that step that is why it took a couple months for her to decide. The enemy tried everything to convince her that the entities attacking her were working for Satan and everything to keep her away from the truth.

They tried everything last night too to prevent her from going through with it including forcing us to argue about unrelated issues so she would have to go home.

When she realized what they were doing we went through with it. Even though we were some what nervous during this. I was quiet the whole time and let her do the dedication but helped her out by being there and helping her prick her finger and get a little blood hope that wasnt bad. I think she was nervous too so she kind of half focused on making dinner etc since we were making food.

But we did it i feel like she was accepted.

I mentioned her a lot cause I cared about her as a person a lot. So I am glad she is here. I was going to be her friend regardless of what she did. But fact is i think we both realized with the enemy it was impossible to connect to much unless she dedicated as they constantly were attacking both of us.

If she doesn't join the group I may ask a few questions for her if she needs to know anything more that I dont know.

Not sure if she wants to as of right now cause she has trouble opening up to new people and trust issues. But I think she will eventually.

I will talk to her about it. But i thought I would post about it here cause it feels great when I read someone joins officially so I wanted to keep up the spirit of this.

Eventually we will have a Satanic family i hope that is white. That would be great but it still may be a couple years away as we have things to work on before we can do that emotionally and also we have to find some way to be more stable financially.

But neither of us ever got what we needed in Childhood and admit sadly we never will. So at least in the future we can give it to someone give them a happy childhood that would make up for it.
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan

I'm so glad the enemy has one less soul to suck on! Hail Satain! :D
"Vote red like your life depends on it" and also rtrs like your life depends on it at these crucial times, then Nov 4 we party!
Personal Growth said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Guys we are saving the planet. Out of everybody in the world it is us. Im honored to be a part of all this really.

Yes on the Spiritual front. There are others of course that are fighting in other disciplines to win this war.

I'm of the same opinion as yours in that we are engaged in the luckiest and most beneficial side.

We are awake to our family of the Original Gods.

Thank you and yes i am learning about the 144 000 nadis. Do you maby know a link which is trust worthy which shows the map of all these pathways.I also want to know if i can use a magnifying glass in the sun and draw energy from it does it amplify the energy or does it only depend on my own strength and not make a diffrence? I used a cd which relects all the colours when under a light or the sun,i relfected it on my face while looking in a mirror and I was surprised to find that the energy can be felt clearly that way.Almost like moveing your hand over a trampoline that has been out all day inv he sun.
Thank you
hail Satan
slyscorpion said:
Lavena said:
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan

I am very glad that we have new members in our ranks. Please accept my congratulations.

Yeah I am very glad you all accept her too, she was quite fearful at first of taking that step that is why it took a couple months for her to decide. The enemy tried everything to convince her that the entities attacking her were working for Satan and everything to keep her away from the truth.

They tried everything last night too to prevent her from going through with it including forcing us to argue about unrelated issues so she would have to go home.

When she realized what they were doing we went through with it. Even though we were some what nervous during this. I was quiet the whole time and let her do the dedication but helped her out by being there and helping her prick her finger and get a little blood hope that wasnt bad. I think she was nervous too so she kind of half focused on making dinner etc since we were making food.

But we did it i feel like she was accepted.

I mentioned her a lot cause I cared about her as a person a lot. So I am glad she is here. I was going to be her friend regardless of what she did. But fact is i think we both realized with the enemy it was impossible to connect to much unless she dedicated as they constantly were attacking both of us.

If she doesn't join the group I may ask a few questions for her if she needs to know anything more that I dont know.

Not sure if she wants to as of right now cause she has trouble opening up to new people and trust issues. But I think she will eventually.

I will talk to her about it. But i thought I would post about it here cause it feels great when I read someone joins officially so I wanted to keep up the spirit of this.

Eventually we will have a Satanic family i hope that is white. That would be great but it still may be a couple years away as we have things to work on before we can do that emotionally and also we have to find some way to be more stable financially.

But neither of us ever got what we needed in Childhood and admit sadly we never will. So at least in the future we can give it to someone give them a happy childhood that would make up for it.

Ive been wondering brother. How does it feel being with your soulmate? How good does it feel? How did you feel when you first met with her and knew that she was the one?
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan

You did a wonderful thing for her. Best thing you can do for someone. You have to tell me how you did it sometime. But I guess there are a lot of variables to consider about the person you wish to save.
NinRick said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
I just got through with the rtr.

I had interferences. First, the enemy tried to beg me to stop.

Then they woke up my mother who wanted me to stop.

I was coughing and I feel so warm inside...

Is all this normal?

I also feel warm, no worries

That's good to know. It's not a terrible heat, just warmth, particularly in my belly.

I've been having nightmares lately. Ranging from me being a jew to greys experimenting, to the gods being reptilian. The worst was my baby cats being put in a microwave. It's just awful dreams. I've been under attack for three days, if not more... but heavily attacked.

Is anyone else going through this or similar?
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
That's good to know. It's not a terrible heat, just warmth, particularly in my belly.

I've been having nightmares lately. Ranging from me being a jew to greys experimenting, to the gods being reptilian. The worst was my baby cats being put in a microwave. It's just awful dreams. I've been under attack for three days, if not more... but heavily attacked.

Is anyone else going through this or similar?
All of us have to endure attacks at some point or currently more or less. That's why it's a great struggle. Struggle for being awsome.
Well given the fact that what happen in US could influence Europe too we really need to try harder with this election, i do think that trump is gonna wins by miles, that demented sack of bones has no chances, only the stupid brainwashed will vote for him.
Still now with this event i took the RTS more serious and with Samhain/Halloween i began having dreams, but not with Satan as some people here say but more ''uncomfortable'' to say like that, like... i thought of a product that is on disscount but i dreamed that the disscount is not anymore, i remembered an old horror movie when i was bored and when i slept the villain of the movie attacked me in the dream, see these like that, as i know on this period the astral and earth realm barriage is more thin so i guess the enemy attacked me?
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
I just got through with the rtr.

I had interferences. First, the enemy tried to beg me to stop.

Then they woke up my mother who wanted me to stop.

I was coughing and I feel so warm inside...

Is all this normal?

Yes, I experienced this twice during the Wealth ritual and I extremely rarely hear anything on the astral other than my GD at very important points. The enemy shits will always try to beg you to stop at one point, or try bargaining and haggling. IGNORE.

By the sounds of things you need to build a stronger aura. Use Returning Curses 1&2 with Surya, Lydia's Obliterate Your Saturn exercises or some other affirmation to repel negative energies.
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
NinRick said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
I just got through with the rtr.

I had interferences. First, the enemy tried to beg me to stop.

Then they woke up my mother who wanted me to stop.

I was coughing and I feel so warm inside...

Is all this normal?

I also feel warm, no worries

That's good to know. It's not a terrible heat, just warmth, particularly in my belly.

I've been having nightmares lately. Ranging from me being a jew to greys experimenting, to the gods being reptilian. The worst was my baby cats being put in a microwave. It's just awful dreams. I've been under attack for three days, if not more... but heavily attacked.

Is anyone else going through this or similar?

It only means one thing AND one thing only: You are doing an AMAIIIZING job Sister!
The more that the Enemy attacks you, the more they fear you. Because you are one of the strongest, thats hurting them the strongest! One tip i can give you though from my own experience, is that EVERY morning you wake up from said nightmare, just think that you are talking to the Enemy directly and laugh: THIS, is SERIOUSLY, the ONLY thing that you got to throw against me?! HAHAHAHA! :lol: You CAAANT kill or even HURT someone through a DREAM, ONLY intimidate and scare. But on the other hand, I can hurt AND scare you. And belive you me, i make sure, that you motherfucking little Reptilian Kike FUCKS, gets yourselves a GOOOOOOD pre-HELL from me, before you get the 666 star buffet! :twisted: :twisted:

Just belittle ALL the attacks- sorry "attacks" , that the Enemy throws at you. After all, they are just small tiny little goblins poking the Dragon with sticks. And one FUCKING day, that Dragon will WAKE THE FUCK UP AND ROAST THEIR FUCKING SCALEY SHITTY SKINS TO A SMOLDERING CRISP!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

AllFathersdaughter666 said:
NinRick said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
I just got through with the rtr.

I had interferences. First, the enemy tried to beg me to stop.

Then they woke up my mother who wanted me to stop.

I was coughing and I feel so warm inside...

Is all this normal?

I also feel warm, no worries

That's good to know. It's not a terrible heat, just warmth, particularly in my belly.

I've been having nightmares lately. Ranging from me being a jew to greys experimenting, to the gods being reptilian. The worst was my baby cats being put in a microwave. It's just awful dreams. I've been under attack for three days, if not more... but heavily attacked.

Is anyone else going through this or similar?

I passed. I dreamed on Halloween night that a Jewish woman walled me up in a basement. It was terrible...
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
NinRick said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
I just got through with the rtr.

I had interferences. First, the enemy tried to beg me to stop.

Then they woke up my mother who wanted me to stop.

I was coughing and I feel so warm inside...

Is all this normal?

I also feel warm, no worries

That's good to know. It's not a terrible heat, just warmth, particularly in my belly.

I've been having nightmares lately. Ranging from me being a jew to greys experimenting, to the gods being reptilian. The worst was my baby cats being put in a microwave. It's just awful dreams. I've been under attack for three days, if not more... but heavily attacked.

Is anyone else going through this or similar?

Welcome to the enemy attacks xD
Today i did three RTRs,my last one i did with confidence and loud. I have had enough of Christianity in my house ,i decided if they can pray loud then i can do my ritual loud. They even came in my room to check what the fuck is going on haha and i told them go out im doing a ritual. They left me to continue and nobody is giveing me trouble..
I believe these RTR's are really working.
I am extremely worked up at the moment due to the elections of tomorrow. I don't know if there is another non American person that is as nervous as I am. This election is by far the most important election in the recent history of the U.S. You are choosing between communism, hatred, pillage, white genocide, the destruction of American values and hence of western civilization ones, tyranny and the ultimate destruction of the United States or freedom of speech, the right to bear guns to fend for yourselves, to protect your family and loved ones, the right of owning a house and material wealth, the safety of the American Dream, the preventing of the massive white killings ensued whether Jew Biden wins the election and you are choosing to mantain order, justice and law till the arrival of the Gods.

As most of you have stated here repeatedly, myself included, Trump is not Hitler and he will never be him. Furthermore, we know pretty damn fucking well the jews have thrived thanks to him but so did we. What he has accomplished to do has definitely served our cause and is for the time being the best leader on Earth and the only one who can prevent the communist takeover of America, which is their jewish wet dream they have been trying to push since the birth of your wonderful nation as it is the land chosen by Satan to build the brand new Atlantis.

We can go on and on complaining about the things we dislike and hate about Trump while the jews take advantage on that, so I suggest you stop arguing about that and have only one thing in mind to go and cast a vote for him. It is the only way out. If you are an American citizen who loves your country and you happen to be elegible to vote then fucking do it
It is necessary not only for the safety of the United Staes of America, for their citizens or for the rest of western world but also for Planet Earth and therefore for the Gods. Anything can happen if that filthy raisin Jew Biden and jewish mongrel crackpot Harris (this lunatic the only thing she can do is to cackle like a moron) are on power with jewish Obama, his tranny wife and other nefarious kikes orchestrating everything from the shadows. Even a nuclear war can take place. So if you feel it is needed when you vote for Trump cover your nose and close your eyes when you are voting for him if you have a chip on the shoulder for his pro jewish actions. Of course always knowing that you are pressing the right button to make Trump gets elected.

As far as astrology is concerned I am not going to say anything about the planets of tomorrow as I will leave things to deploy. At any rate, I want to say two things about astrology that have to do with 2021 and the transit of Saturn in Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn make a conjunction the very first day they both enter in Aquarius and will begin to SQUARE Uranus in Taurus. Making matters worse, Mars will be entering Taurus as well at the end of January 2021. I suggest you keep on your toes. Becareful!!! We must be alert as I said before ANYTHING can happen and if these pedophiles get elected we are doomed. The planetary transits are not good at all. In 2023 the United States of America will have its Pluto return in Capricorn since Pluto will remain in the aforementioned sign up until 2025. Therefore I want you to be very conscious of what you do tomorrow. The planetary transit will be worse if Jew Biden wins. You must prevent that crooked pedo kike from winning. Then we will see how Trump and Pence tackle with all the forthcoming shit from all fronts that are bound to happen. We know a racial and civil war is gonna take place it depends on you if it is going to be undermined or not.

The RTRs are to be made as the Coven and Commander have told us to do which is going to help the Gods to anchor their energy on Earth thus impeding the jews to achieve their goals.

Every vote counts. Vote for freedom.


TRUMP 2020
Artanis said:
Just belittle ALL the attacks- sorry "attacks" , that the Enemy throws at you. After all, they are just small tiny little goblins poking the Dragon with sticks. And one FUCKING day, that Dragon will WAKE THE FUCK UP AND ROAST THEIR FUCKING SCALEY SHITTY SKINS TO A SMOLDERING CRISP!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Laughed out loud. This is the truth tho!
StraitShot47 said:
The enemy is planning a meditation for Nov. 11.
Can you elaborate on that?
I got my mom to watch a video exposing jews Its great news finally
after years she is waking up thank you Satan and thank you RTR's.
Artanis said:
slyscorpion said:
Lavena said:
I am very glad that we have new members in our ranks. Please accept my congratulations.

Yeah I am very glad you all accept her too, she was quite fearful at first of taking that step that is why it took a couple months for her to decide. The enemy tried everything to convince her that the entities attacking her were working for Satan and everything to keep her away from the truth.

They tried everything last night too to prevent her from going through with it including forcing us to argue about unrelated issues so she would have to go home.

When she realized what they were doing we went through with it. Even though we were some what nervous during this. I was quiet the whole time and let her do the dedication but helped her out by being there and helping her prick her finger and get a little blood hope that wasnt bad. I think she was nervous too so she kind of half focused on making dinner etc since we were making food.

But we did it i feel like she was accepted.

I mentioned her a lot cause I cared about her as a person a lot. So I am glad she is here. I was going to be her friend regardless of what she did. But fact is i think we both realized with the enemy it was impossible to connect to much unless she dedicated as they constantly were attacking both of us.

If she doesn't join the group I may ask a few questions for her if she needs to know anything more that I dont know.

Not sure if she wants to as of right now cause she has trouble opening up to new people and trust issues. But I think she will eventually.

I will talk to her about it. But i thought I would post about it here cause it feels great when I read someone joins officially so I wanted to keep up the spirit of this.

Eventually we will have a Satanic family i hope that is white. That would be great but it still may be a couple years away as we have things to work on before we can do that emotionally and also we have to find some way to be more stable financially.

But neither of us ever got what we needed in Childhood and admit sadly we never will. So at least in the future we can give it to someone give them a happy childhood that would make up for it.

Ive been wondering brother. How does it feel being with your soulmate? How good does it feel? How did you feel when you first met with her and knew that she was the one?

Soul mate isn't a word like what the New Age type people talk about all the time. It is just someone someone has been with for a long time. Most of my lifetimes she has been there and yeah she was pagan in the ancient times like me.

Personally she Got connected to the enemy a lot so I didn't fully recognize her when she first met me until later.

I guess people can have a bunch of "soul mates" if they are older souls. It simply means someone that a person has known in lives before to me.

Impressive to you would be the fact that I knew and was with her in Ancient Egypt before this enemy stuff. I knew that before I met her even an enemy person knew that (long story) but anyways this means the enemy didn't get us and they won't ever cause the enemy thing is almost over.

We made through age of Pisces or Kali Yuga as some out side of here say (I don't think that is right as stated by the HPs) all the way we are going to survive. That is super cool.

I mean i know from reading on here some people did lose their soul mate to the enemy. Not minimizing their loss but celebrating the fact i didn't.

If however the rtrs were not done this would have been close to the end for her.

We were even in Nazi Germany together we both remember that. Although the enemy convinced my girl that meant she was part of something bad once and she is doomed to suffer for awhile. That was a lot of the cause of her mental issues it helped her a lot in learning Nazi Germany wasn't bad and didn't do that stuff.

She remembers this better than me btw.
EasternFireLion666 said:
slyscorpion said:
My girlfriend did the Dedication tonight. Everything went good with it. I feel like a weight was lifted off me because she had some very bad entities on her and they were bothering me a lot through our connection. Anyways she will be doing the rtrs these next few days as well at least a couple times. Not going to have her do an extreme amount at first as she is not used to it but at least 1 to 3 each day.

Hail Satan

You did a wonderful thing for her. Best thing you can do for someone. You have to tell me how you did it sometime. But I guess there are a lot of variables to consider about the person you wish to save.

Anyways I cut my last post short accidentally but going to reply to this too so I will finish my last one. I dont really remember much about past lives I am mostly going off what she tells me in ww2 I only remembered the end in the bunker with a bunch of other people committing suicide that is the only thing i can pull back. I am really impressed by her ability to remember past lives and really do think i was the person she thought. Even another SS does but i dont know as I want to say too much cause i keep thinking i could be wrong.

What i got from trying to read this myself is we knew eachother for longer than the enemy even existed at least. We mostly kept our own individuality though its not like our Astrology charts would say this fully.

Even when she was really connected to the enemy and saying she followed Jewsus and stuff and was going to church (fuck my xtian dad and mom for pushing that on her really hard and dragging her to church stuff since she was athiest before that which is way better) I didn't fully give up. The Gods didn't give up on her either but Bael did say one time into my mind "dont worry no one wants to deal with that" when i was wondering if it was OK i was mad at her over some of the enemy stuff.

So how i helped her is vibrating the final rtr into her soul. Removing any Bibles and xtian stuff from around her in a covert way (her memory is bad like I said) so as not to allow the curses onto her as much. I kept telling her the truth. I wasn't straight out. Like I didn't bring up a lot on the Jews and stuff immediately. Made it more seem xtianity was the enemy.

I did a lot of work with cleansing enemy curses and stuff out of her soul.

It took from early February 2019 to September of 2020 (when she started meditation and wanting to dedicate) to fully get her on our side.

I however always respected free will and I still do. If she had for sure decided to go to the enemy I would have let her go tried to be her friend as much as I could. I know her heart was never on their side though. I never pushed her to do the dedication. That is why we were talking and thinking about it since March. I let her do it on her own time and read the JOS.

This is how i bought her to the truth and it goes along with my values the same values of the founders of America. Which is something I feel I should fight for as an American citizen. The values of freedom and free choice. Dignity equality in law and opportunity as individuals aka being given a fair chance. None of that is given today.

I thought back to that when she was doing the dedication.
Our ancestors (yes us over and over the same people I know for a fact I was one of the people there too in the founding of USA not at all sure in that case who though but that stuck to my energy and soul a lot even more than Nazism) fought for freedom and truth. It is great to win a victory for our side.

Btw I admit it may be a bit as in a few months before she really greatly advances cause of mindset. But I was told by an SS friend she should dedicate anyways. The Gods are working on her i know.

She did the final rtr at least twice the first two days and some workings.

That is great better than some of us did back in the day.

So i am happy.
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.

There's no evidence that Covid even exists. No virus has been isolated and it looks a lot like an exosome. Flu cases have also plummeted when this year's flu season was supposed to be one of the worst. It's possible they just replaced the flu with the fake covid and the tests may be looking for something that's produced by the body's immune system


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
