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Spiritual Warfare Schedule Oct 31 to Nov 10 - And On The Elections

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
First of all I wish everyone the happiest Halloween.

With heightening attacks from the enemy in regards to the freedoms of humanity, it becomes mandatory we hold for once more the spiritual backbone of Gentiles worldwide.

The enemy is clearly using this epidemic, insisting that it is a pandemic, to ruin the freedoms of mankind worldwide. Steadily so, they are using this as an excuse to destroy the middle class, destroy small businesses, cause workers insurmountable financial woes, and also practice all sorts of other attacks that will lead them to a conclusive end they have decided a long time ago.

Those of you who are reading the news, you are seeing that central banks and other institutions, are attempting to create digital currency. Digital currency in itself, is not good nor bad, anymore than printed random money. Much of the financial reality of the world is already digital [stock market, macroeconomy], and is not based on labor or realistic value of anything or any good or service.

The full manifestation of this will however, will be probably be launched as a saving recipe from a financial crashing of the backbone of all the financial categories mentioned above - "Accept our digital currencies so that you are saved", type of thing, "Redefining Finances to save the world" as another thing. There is an increasing disconnect between the real and the fake economy, and what people have to actually spend or what people are making VS what virtual money exists.

With the Co-Vid craze it was apparent how the enemy started hating on material money, because it still can provide some sort of semblance of security and privacy when it comes to transactions, away from the control of the enemy, which is already very vast.

When it comes to digital currencies, not all are made alike, obviously. Some are made in a person to person fashion, and powered by the belief of people in their value. There is no unanimous ruler to these transactions. The digital currencies the enemy is creating, are only going to exist to expand their already existing system of control, and to fully digitize it, to the point none of this will be able to be monitored or be for real. Most people who are not deeply inside the system do not even have an access to verify what is going on in the value setting power of this system. This will give them direct power and authority to exercise monetary control beyond more than any other age.

On the other hand there are coming new currencies and systems of transactions which can, if not delay the enemy, cause them a considerable hole in their dominance for the wealth of the world. The very same thing they need to take over, is the very same thing that is going to be a major problem for them.

The last level of this is that they want to merge this system with the biological body of a human being, in a direct fashion, in other words a microchip wallet. The world and planets are moving into radical redirection of the financial system of the world.

Government tyranny is rising and this should be apparent through all this Co-Vid situation. All of this is a lengthy, shadowy, manifestation of subversive power, and a slow move towards the Chinese Communism model. The elections of the United States are already mirroring this reality.

At this point, people are going to be locked in and going out whenever the enemy dictates based on largely deceitful and unrealistic data. Despite of the reality of the pandemic or epidemic situation, the power struggle remains as is, and the enemy's plan remains the same. However, the basis of all this supposedly remains, in the mind of the masses, the so called "pandemic". It was this that triggered the barrage of other power games. All of that has been exposed.

Many people who believe in this are called "Conspiracy theorists", but the reality is only in front of us. The data is debatable, and most of it cannot uphold any such extreme measures any longer. Despite of the issue existing, there are many who are trying to exploit the situation to promote other measures - for the future of control of mankind.

As time goes, those who are willing to accept the lie that all that what is happening now, is based on the "Co-Vid", only does so willingly, and because they are comfortable with this interpretation. There is no real link between the Co-Vid and most of the suppressive measures taking place.

Most measures like this, have nothing to do with the spread or prolonging of the so called "Pandemic". Data is starting to show that there is nothing worrisome about the situation, and despite that, the enemy intensifies measures and continues on the same pattern, as if this was the Black Plague.

The current US elections are a reflection of this passage that the world is undergoing right now. There is serious risk of election ballot meddling in the United States. The two figures, represent a different route for the Western and Developed world. Trump represents in this case the turning of the situation in an epidemic, while Biden represents the dictatorship of "Science", which at this point, has largely failed to support the belief that all these measures of financial, fiscal, governmental, and civil destruction are required to uphold for the so called "Co-Vid".

Regardless of the US election outcome, many Nations are already proceeding with even harder measures and quarantines. But the US election will definitely affect the rest of this and how long this situation escalates about. Also, mandatory or not vaccination and many other agendas are going to be on the table for now and next year.

In regards to the vaccination there is a limit to what one can and cannot say in any platform. "Medical Advice". I'll just focus on the political subject of this. The fact that people are forced on the needle on the exchange of all their freedoms, for a virus that has a mortality rate as low, should be alarming to any well thinking individual.

Many of our own here have been diagnosed [and misdiagnosed too] with Co-Vid, and made it out fine, and no different than displaying symptoms similar to the flu or a bad flu. Others have passed it even lighter.

The line clearly between scientific data, scientific interpretation, is still ongoing, yet at the same time the enemy's purpose is clear as per usual: The enemy wants to destroy this world entirely, and make us all into a Communist dictatorship from which there will be no escape.

Always, no matter what, they have the same plan. What happens is details. The moment something happens that they can promote into the very same drill, they will do it. This is typical of them.

This is not debatable and not reliant upon the Co-Vid. Those who are older will understand this, what this world has been coming to since the so called "9/11" where mass surveillance, and popular control, has since been rising, because the enemy is paranoid about the people waking up to them. As time goes, it will take total idiots and those who are entirely slaves and compliant to make the claim that this is all a "Coincidence" or "How things are supposed to be".

Lastly, as some may have noticed, the http://www.joyofsatan.org website is down today. The enemy has a habit for this and many years over, they have done attacks to us on halloween. Hopefully, this should be resolved within the date. The pressure has been more and more intensive to keep everything going, and it will keep going despite of what the enemy thinks about the subject. Meanwhile, http://www.satanisgod.org can be used.

For the next 10 days, we need to be spamming the FRTR. Everyone must be doing this at the very least, once in their day. This is the minimum. This is to ensure that the elections and whatever fruit comes out of it, will be affected by us, and not solely by the enemy. This builds on the previous schedule.

We do only the Final RTR to focus all the momentum there. Soon also, there will be an additional update based on the Final RTR which we will utilize after the enemy's garbage has sufficiently dwindled [we are almost there]. We are going one step at a time.

31: fRTR
1: fRTR
2: fRTR
3: fRTR
4: fRTR
5: fRTR
6: fRTR
7: fRTR
8: fRTR
9: fRTR
10: fRTR

Well, to be honest this schedule does not change a thing for me. I'm already doing multiple rtrs a day, and so are others. I see this as a motivational speech, which is fine of course. I will be ramping up tomorrow though. At least 9 rtrs or maybe even 11. I hope others join in on the effort and use that important date to smash the so called spiritual foundation of our enemy to pieces.

So the time for an update for final rtr is nearing. It has been a wild ride this year and we have been waiting for this update. Awsome that we are so close to it now.

Hail Satan!
Glad to see this. Let's destroy and create with the Rtr. Shaping reality everyday.
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.
Hell YES, I'm looking forward to this, I'll do an extra RTR right now. and tomorrow I'll start spamming FRTR as much as I can, I'll let my dad know too, he doesn't always check the forums everyday.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much
Henu the Great said:
Well, to be honest this schedule does not change a thing for me. I'm already doing multiple rtrs a day, and so are others. I see this as a motivational speech, which is fine of course. I will be ramping up tomorrow though. At least 9 rtrs or maybe even 11. I hope others join in on the effort and use that important date to smash the so called spiritual foundation of our enemy to pieces.

So the time for an update for final rtr is nearing. It has been a wild ride this year and we have been waiting for this update. Awsome that we are so close to it now.

Hail Satan!

Beast, brother. Yet, organized effort is necessary.

We need to hit like battering rams on these dates.
Thank you for this, Cobra!

Be strong and hit them hard!

Hail Satan!
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.
Lately I've been feeling the same way about the covid.
Update??? What "update"???
I thought that the FINAL RTR already deals with the Enemy ultimately.
Or is the F-RTR "in parts"? As ie in 3 parts? Like this is the 1st part, the update is the 2nd part, we do that for some time and then move on again?
I'm ready and very confident about world future when I do my F-RTR's.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I was hoping for another round of race awakening.

We need more favorable time right now. Currently, there is not much that can be as necessary as the Final, as the enemy is doing a barrage of curses and pushing. After this, we will make a huge follow up. Have patience.

Get rest today, for tomorrow we FIGHT!

Thanks for the schedule, I hope it motivates people who are not doing much. In my personal life, I have a friend, who for some reason won’t do rtrs because he feels he won’t make a difference. He says he’s just one guy. I don’t know how many others feel this way or something similar, or have any other reasons for not doing it, but the fact is it simply isn’t true.

What is the ocean, but a multitude of drops?

It’s hard to see that sometimes, that little ol you can make a difference, but the fact is for better or worse you DO effect the world. You effect it by not doing the rtr just as you effect it by doing it. So do it. You are NEEDED.

Also, I’ve heard people say oh well Satan said our side has won. It’s not a huge deal, but the future isn’t set. We win by doing these rtrs, and it’s especially important during these specific times. Covid, racial wars, the election, etc. In the last days this has inspired me to do more rtrs than I’ve ever done in my life. So I guess I’m starting this onslaught a little early, but this post is what I need to keep me going hard during this crucial time and I’m filled with pride to be apart of this and it’s a privilege. I hope those not doing much can see how valued and needed they are and will join the fight! As was said, even just one rtr makes a difference. Everyone has time for even just one.
Happy Halloween!! :cool:
Hail Satan!
We Are Winning. Fuck the Jews. Fuck xianity. Fuck pislam.

Onwards to Freedom, Eternal Truth, Happiness, Creativity, Nature, Power, Magick and Life.
Just got a question about the Warroom, did the Timer change? It was allways(atleast for me) like 15 h then 17 h 19h etc.. and now it is like 16h 18h 20h(is it because the one hour time change?). So should i stick with the old time or with the new?
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
F_For_Flamingo said:
Just got a question about the Warroom, did the Timer change? It was allways(atleast for me) like 15 h then 17 h 19h etc.. and now it is like 16h 18h 20h(is it because the one hour time change?). So should i stick with the old time or with the new?
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!

As far as I can see it is fully synchronized as it should be. I just checked.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Just got a question about the Warroom, did the Timer change? It was allways(atleast for me) like 15 h then 17 h 19h etc.. and now it is like 16h 18h 20h(is it because the one hour time change?). So should i stick with the old time or with the new?
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!

That's what happens when the time goes from summer to winter time, just follow the war room timer, when it hits 0 you do the RTR, nothing changed there, it's just the way it aligns changes for some places when the local timezone changes from summer to winter time in certain parts of Europe.
Doing the same ritual again and again is tiring and boring, can't wait for the upgrade.
These days I do mostly 3 RTRs a day, not sure how much I will do with this program because I also started a personal working but I will do my best to do at least 3 each day. Thing is that when I'm not alone I sometimes do less.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Just got a question about the Warroom, did the Timer change? It was allways(atleast for me) like 15 h then 17 h 19h etc.. and now it is like 16h 18h 20h(is it because the one hour time change?). So should i stick with the old time or with the new?
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
As far as I can see it is fully synchronized as it should be. I just checked.
For me the time showed always 12, 14, etc... but now it's 1, 3, etc... wtf?

I have timed my rituals on even hours for now, but now I'm not so sure anymore. How convienent, just when a new schedule is beginning...
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.
It's a mental mass projection. People fear, people immagine and therefore project it on the external ambient.
"We do only the Final RTR to focus all the momentum there. Soon also, there will be an additional update based on the Final RTR which we will utilize after the enemy's garbage has sufficiently dwindled [we are almost there]. We are going one step at a time."

Is this what Maxine mentioned as destroying the gauntlet?
Let's annihilate these parsasites; I feel the deaf breaking of their bones and their dirty souls perpetually extinguishing over the aeons.

Ave Satanas.
I feel this covid thing is mostly nonsense. If it had been in 2011 or something when the Jews almost had full power this would have been treated like a cold or a flu i think. Maybe some business places might take extra precautions but that would be about it.

It is only cause they want to push through various agendas that it is the way it is right now. They are freaking out cause they know they lost power a lot.

But the funny thing is the way they freaked out with this only made them lose power more. It is fair to say i think if they left all the Churches and Mosques open as is and didn't waste two of their major holidays we might not be to where we are now till sometime at the end of next year with the rtr.

They really fucked up. I am sure some people are actually really happy about this. They overestimated their power.

But anyways i will do rtr each of these days like I usually do maybe more on the day of election.

I honestly think we all know we won by now but let's not get arrogant like the enemy did either. Maybe use that feeling of winning to motivate yourself to do more on these days.

Honestly though I think most would have done this without the spiritual warfare thing. Maybe not though. I dont know please no one should think they can't do much. Every little bit counts.
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.

Because that's exactly what the situation is... Had this been treated like every other virus in history, nobody would have noticed that there is a "global pandemic" going on... Because there isn't.

Some people here tend to forget that the Jewish problem doesn't relate only to spirituality, religion, politics, economics, and so on. It relates to virtually everything - including science and medicine. Science has been turned into a political tool, and medicine has been turned into a business. This is not just an expression, but an actual reality. Medical error is the 3rd leading cause of death in America. The reason is because present day medicine is more about making money from the sick and dying than restoring people's health and saving lives.

Long story short, the mainstream narrative about covid-19 is nothing more than a complete hoax from beginning to end. In New York, and several other hot spots there was a mortality spike in April, but it was not caused by a virus, it was caused by the lockdown itself. In the rest of the world, there was no change in the all cause mortality, which means that there is no new disease.

I will copy-paste a post I made awhile ago:

If you look at the all cause mortality, the total deaths, you can see a spike in the areas that had the strictest lockdowns, and it happened right after the lockdown was implemented. The mortality spike was caused by the lockdown itself, not by a virus. People were dying from improper treatment, medical errors, because they were afraid to go to a hospital, or were unable to, because all "nonessential" surgeries, diagnosis, and procedures were delayed, which means basically everything except covid-19, even cancer surgeries, diagnosis and treatment was delayed. All of this was caused by the lockdown and the mass hysteria created by the media. Many people, probably hundreds of thousands, with severe diseases were afraid, or unable to go to a hospital, and just died at home during the lockdown after their health worsened and they could not get specialist help. These deaths are then attributed to covid-19 and this gives the appearance that the virus is real.

If these excess deaths were caused by a virus the mortality rate would have been the same everywhere. While we have high percentage of all cause excess deaths in New York and several other hotspots, where the lockdowns were strictest, and virtually no excess deaths in the areas that had milder form of lockdown. California and New York had the same rate of covid hospitalizations, but California had no all cause excess deaths, while New York had the highest percentage of excess deaths. And all of the excess deaths occurred right after the locdowns were implemented... The only logical explanation is the fact that the hospitals in New York have changed their protocols. Everyone who reported symptoms such as having trouble breathing, (which could be caused by many things, such as a heart attack, or even a panic attack) or increased body temperature (which could be caused by virtually everything) was immediately hospitalized for covid-19. Who knows how many people were treated for covid-19, while in reality their symptoms were caused by other things, just because the fraudulent covid-19 test came back as positive, and how many deaths this has caused. What's even worse is that many people with a respiratory symptoms, which in reality could have been the flu, panic attack, COPD, emphysema, or dozens of other things were coerced to be put on a ventilator almost right away. Normally, ventilators are used only when the patient is unable to breathe on their own, this is extremely risky procedure and is usually the last resort. But what they did is putting tons of people on a ventilator, when it was not necessary or appropriate, which caused a lot of fatalities. Another thing is the nursing homes, what they did is they took elderly people who were sick from the hospitals and put them in nursing homes (supposedly to free beds for covid patients, even though hospitals were almost empty) and in nursing homes they don't provide acute care. Especially during the "pandemic" when the staff was afraid to go near them, as they were all labeled as covid-19 patients, so they basically just neglected them, and of course they had much higher mortality rates compared to hospital treatment. And of course, all of the people with severe diseases, whose treatment was delayed, and were unable, or in many cases afraid to go to a hospital (so they don't catch covid from the other patients). Most of these people could have been saved if they had presented earlier. And then all of these deaths were labeled as covid-19 victims, which backed the whole mainstream narrative about the deadly virus.

Take a look at the all cause mortality spike in New York (and the other hotspots), it drastically just ended in May, when the lockdown was lifted... https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm

If the deaths were caused by a virus, then how the all cause mortality rate normalized, when we have constantly increasing number of cases? It doesn't make any sense, because these deaths were not caused by a virus, they were caused by the lockdown. If it was caused by a virus, the all cause excess deaths would have been the same everywhere, especially considering the fact that they are telling us that this is a pandemic, and the virus has spread all over the world. But in reality, we can see an all cause mortality spike only in the areas where the lockdowns were strictest. The fact that most of the so called cases, that the media talks about 24/7, are asymptomatic, i.e. perfectly healthy, at least 90% of them, also proves that this virus doesn't cause a disease, let alone deaths, but as always the obvious is most difficult to see.

What happened, is that basically they caused tons of deaths with the lockdowns, and by changing hospitals protocols because of a virus that either doesn't exist, or is not causing health issues, attributed these deaths plus tons of other deaths from other causes to this virus, and then they tell you that we need stricter lockdown measures to save ourselves from this non-existent virus.

Erin Marie Olszewski, an undercover epicenter nurse exposed this from the inside - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIDsKdeFOmQ

One of their favorite psychological tactics is the so called "white coat syndrome", meaning the tendency of people to believe everything the expert says, even when it's an obvious lie. For example, the people who have had the stupidity to work out at the gym with a mask will tell you that they've felt dizzy and nauseous after working out, and they've had difficulty breathing. But you will find numerous dressed in white coats "doctors" or "scientists" who will tell you that 'masks definitely do not cause lower oxygen levels'... It's the same thing with masks, the 6 feet distance, and everything.

To me, the craziest thing about the "pandemic" is how everyone treats the asymptomatic spread like an established fact, even though there is literally zero evidence about it, and even the World Health Organization admits that "there has been no documented asymptomatic transmission" ( https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200402-sitrep-73-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=5ae25bc7_6 ) There is literally not a single documented case of asymptomatic transmission, yet the goyims out there are treating everyone like lepers.

If you think about it, this was the excuse for the whole "pandemic" - the argument that everyone might carry a deadly virus in their body, so we can't just quarantine only the sick and those at risk, we all must wear a slave mask and #staythefuckhome... It's really strange how even skeptics, who question the trustworthiness of the official statistics, and so one, most of them forget to point out the most important thing - that the asymptomatic spread is a hoax, and how absurd it is to believe that healthy people, who have no symptoms, could carry a deadly virus in their body...
So business as usual then. My daily norm is at least 3 FRTRs a day, stacked, to avoid burnout. If we are close to the next step in warfare, then I might as well push more.

I can already notice the effects whenever a jewish politician speaks on the news; their words almost as hollow as their bodies.

Onward to victory!
HP I have the same “problem”. What we have to do?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Just got a question about the Warroom, did the Timer change? It was allways(atleast for me) like 15 h then 17 h 19h etc.. and now it is like 16h 18h 20h(is it because the one hour time change?). So should i stick with the old time or with the new?
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!

As far as I can see it is fully synchronized as it should be. I just checked.
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.
Exactly. Have you also noticed it whenever a jewish politician speaks as well? (we have a lot of those in the USA) It's like their words are hollow, and it's easier to see their bullshit even through a TV screen. At this point, you have to willingly believe their lies.

Several family members, that I never expected to wake up to the deception, have been escaping the jewtrix, for example.

I'm glad for Italy, they aren't bending over to the Covid "round 2" restrictions.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Just got a question about the Warroom, did the Timer change? It was allways(atleast for me) like 15 h then 17 h 19h etc.. and now it is like 16h 18h 20h(is it because the one hour time change?). So should i stick with the old time or with the new?
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!

Your device probably changed in timezone most likely accidentally. It is synchronized the time didnt change at all on it as far as i am aware.

Check the clock on your device then check the time on everything else. If its not right fix it. Either that or your area changed with daylight savings time. Which is around this time of year where it is done.

Regardless start your rtr as close to when it says 0 as possible for you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
