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Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and family in Satan.

For those lacking time, please do scroll down. The schedule is there.

The introduction is going to be important. Soon, the enemy has holidays. The usual curses are going to be told. Now, many people are oblivious of the things that the enemy has done. So many people are so deceived about what kind of "enemy" we are dealing with, or how this thing even works. Even worse, many are thrown in a very unspiritual level, completely oblivious of the fact that they are even 'attacked'.

The problem in someone's life is not actually doing warfare, but not doing it. Spiritual warfare, with the enemy on the earth, is as mandatory as someone having a functional immune system.

With so many curses in place, which manifest generally for most people, it is imperative people do the least and at least meditate or protect themselves. The astral is not a peaceful place as many people would have you believe, and many places in it, and unfortunately those close to the earth, are not energetically clear at all. It can be equated to a warzone, especially on dates where a lot of the enemy cursing is going on.

We are offsetting this by fighting back. Eventually, none of this will be left from them.

Many here, as a result of the JoS, the help from the Gods, and meditations, have developed spiritual and psychic ability. Others had it inborn, and they have improved it over meditation. Some Truths will therefore be more open to these people than of others.

Every so often, some people may complain of "negativity". This "negativity" is thrown on many people, and some of it may be targeted because people meditate [and therefore will escape from it in time]. But a lot of innocents receive this negativity at any given time. The general target of these is the mass mind of Gentiles, which is massacred by curses very often. These manifest in the lives of societies, or individuals.

These are all offset and destroyed by the Final RTR, and the Tetragrammaton. It would take us a thousand years to remove these one by one, and by the time one is removed, they have put a thousand new more curses. The only way to fight this chimera is to burn the heads permanently or nuke it. The Final RTR and Tetra take these all in the garbage bin, at once.

Follow the link here for important advice on soul purity. Never forget cleaning or protection for your soul, it must be done daily : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=52605&p=236049&hilit=Staying+Pure#p236049

Now, before everything, just consider. Many idiots in Europe, are saying that "Migrants are a blessing" and that "we need to be enriched". They heard that shit probably in their kosher Television. The reality of how these things even occur is through these curses, many of which are multidimensional.

Does all negativity and insanity happen from these curses alone? Well, no, because the enemy is not that powerful. But they have a major role in increasing negativity. An extreme multitude of negativity would not happen were it not for them for humanity.

No Nation should have people that are so illogical by any standards for a Nation to want to literally be ransacked, killed, islamified, and then go extinct.

Bear in mind, in every Christian church, all these souls of the enemy, have been reading these things against the "Sinful Europeans" for centuries. Then people scratch their head on why all these things even happen.

This is also the same shit book of goblin jewish fables upon which the "Christians" are basing their morals, life, and understanding of the universe. Then they complain they get more and more fucked.

Needless to say, these people are totally retarded. We have to also fight against this landmass of deceived fools and retards fools, who charge these curses. Spiritual disinfection is required.

To cite an example, here is a curse from Deuteronomy [aside other hundreds of curses]:

49 The LORD will bring a nation from afar, from the ends of the earth, to swoop down upon you like an eagle— a nation whose language you will not understand,
50 a ruthless nation with no respect for the old and no pity for the young.…
51 They will eat the offspring of your livestock and the produce of your land until you are destroyed. They will leave you no grain or new wine or oil, no calves of your herds or lambs of your flocks, until they have caused you to perish.…


Needless to say, the above is only 1 single curse. Having read most of the enemy's important works, and being aware of all the texts that are not even public, they have to have launched hundreds of thousands of these.

More specifically, the enemy celebrates "Passover", or a hoax about how they attack the Egyptians. In their writings, except of the physical Nation of the Egyptian peoples, "Egyptian" is also a code word for Gentiles who are into spirituality and the occult, especially those who are well instructed. Such as those in this group, for example. Here are the things they chant about people of this level of soul.

Exodus 11:4–6:

This is what the LORD says: "About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt – worse than there has ever been or ever will be again."

All these curses, working "together", are promoting the enemy's goal which is global domination of humanity and enslavement of humans.

The enemy, as it's known, has their spiritual war units, namely, enemy clergy, pastors, rabbis, and a lot of cattle that simply reads things without understanding a word that they say.

Gentiles have had no unit to fight for them at all. In fact, all we did have was cucks, traitors, and a few people who studied the enemy's occult and kissed their ass. Now we do have fighting unit.

If this was only about numbers, this would not matter. But the reality is, when people like us fight, they are drawing in supernal forces that are far more powerful than the enemy, and have dominated the Earth for centuries. Broadly, we call this Satanic energy. This multiplies our power compared to anyone else.

Lastly, when the Spiritual Warfare is being done, one must focus their mind to the above fact. We are Satanists, hitting them with a trillion times superior force, combined with that of our Gods.

We bring their hand down on this earth, and down on this domain. Crushing the enemy, now and forever.

RTR Timer:


On Timing:

When the timer is 0:00:00 = FRTR + Tetra
When the timer is 1:00:00 = Other Rituals.

Below the schedule:

*The FRTR is always Final RTR + Tetragrammaton reversal.
*Serpent Rituals means all the three Rituals given the link below.

Empowerment Dates:

19. [Optional but those who want to start immediately] FRTR, Serpent Rituals
20. FRTR, Serpent Rituals * [check below]
21. FRTR, Serpent Rituals
22. FRTR, Serpent Rituals
23. FRTR, Serpent Rituals
24. FRTR, 42, JoS Protection Ritual
25. FRTR, 42, JoS Protection Ritual
26. FRTR, 42, JoS Protection Ritual
27. FRTR, 42, JoS Protection Ritual

Passover dates:

28. FRTR, 42, Reverse Shema, Curse Israel
29. FRTR, 42, Reverse Shema, Curse Israel
30. FRTR, 42, Reverse Shema, Curse Israel
31. FRTR, 42, Reverse Shema, Curse Israel
1. FRTR, 42, Reverse Shema, Curse Israel
2. FRTR, 42, Reverse Shema, Curse Israel
3. FRTR, 42, Reverse Shema, Curse Israel
4. FRTR, 42, Reverse Shema, Curse Israel

Empowerment and Rewards Dates:

5. FRTR, Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists, Serpent is Empowered RTR
6. FRTR, Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists, Serpent is Empowered RTR
7. FRTR, Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists, Serpent is Empowered RTR
8. FRTR, Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists, Serpent is Empowered RTR
9. FRTR, Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists, Serpent is Empowered RTR
10. FRTR, Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists, Serpent is Empowered RTR
11. FRTR, Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists, Serpent is Empowered RTR

Below the schedule:

*Serpent Rituals are done in this order as in prior schedules:

1. Reversing the Curse on the Serpent RTR
2. Serpent is Free RTR
3. Serpent is Empowered RTR

FRTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Final_RTR.htm
Tetragrammaton Destruction: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/SHITHEY.html

Serpent Free Ritual: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse324Ritual.htm
Serpent Empowered Ritual: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/E712.html
Serpent Curse Removal: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse314Ritual.htm

42: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Ritual_42.html
Reverse Shema: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse_Shema_Prayer.htm
Curse Israel: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.htm

JoS Protection Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/JOS_Protection.html
Wealth for Satanists Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html
The is an error in your title. It is May when it should be March .

I am staying on top of this schedule. The laziness is over.

Sieg heil
In a astral projection, helped by my Guardian, I heard and saw a Rabbi how they prepare their own people to warfare.

1. He lies to the jews that they will be immortal by default in this world.
2. They are literary gold and we are vermin.
3. Everyone is called to their purpose which is in our gentile terms, to wake up the inner ego maniac.

I was also told that in their psychology, they really really believe are the good guys, immortal and golden and that the gentiles are really "cattle" to them. They cannot fathom being a gentile and are happy everyday that their souls are jewish.

Thank you for the schedule. I will do my best.
It is as you say. Their hatred is extreme, and beyond any rationality. Because they are aliens.

They are just hostile aliens that hate humanity for no reason other than that everyone else exists.

NakedPluto said:
In a astral projection, helped by my Guardian, I heard and saw a Rabbi how they prepare their own people to warfare.

1. He lies to the jews that they will be immortal by default in this world.
2. They are literary gold and we are vermin.
3. Everyone is called to their purpose which is in our gentile terms, to wake up the inner ego maniac.

I was also told that in their psychology, they really really believe are the good guys, immortal and golden and that the gentiles are really "cattle" to them. They cannot fathom being a gentile and are happy everyday that their souls are jewish.

Thank you for the schedule. I will do my best.
At what time do we make the Rituals? (Like last time RTR Timer = 1 = FRTR+ Tetra, 0 = other rituals)
This time no nuke/napalm days?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I've waited with anticipation for this.

Our victory soon approaches. We will destroy their final remaining ounces of confidence, and no matter where they run to hide, they won't escape Satan.
Serpent ritual's, HELL YES.

Let's hit em hard!

I'll be saying the affirmations into a mirror.

And with an unbridled conviction!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

HP Hodeed Cobra 666, Satanic Brotherhood

I also thank you for this program, and more than that I thank Father Satan from the bottom of my soul for allowing me to be actively collaborating in this spiritual war, something I always asked of Him and today I have !!!!
Count on me always !!!!
Perfect, great sermon ... my experience against the enemy goes back a long way and goes back to childhood, their parasitic energy is something scary and to be connected with the garbage they came from, all the material about them is horrifying, music and images especially one that is quite famous where you feel that the bad thing is being called, I always hated that, when I read the bible I couldn’t understand how good a god can be being so violent, aggressive and dictatorial, never feel comfortable in church and I remember someone said to me that those who fear the church, ask for protection from the demons, obviously that didn’t make any sense to me in childhood but now it is completely understandable, ashes and reptilians attacked me when I went too far exposing the crap of feminism and the drug of communism on a social network, they know who I am and they also know that if they try to attack me physically it will end badly for them, since all the Satanic soul as long as he doesn't do or commit any stupid or criminal nonsense is protected by the gods of hell. I had visions of what would happen if the enemy eventually won this war and it took only a few seconds to see this scene that depending on the true Satanists and the gods will never happen just to see how horrible and horrifying it is, this is the biggest incentive for me keep in the spiritual war fighting for all races of Satan spread around the world, the world has been ours since the beginning, these worms will not come here and steal what belongs to the pagans and was created by the true god of humanity Satan ... What I learned during spiritual warfare is that our emotional side can be a factor that they can use against us, all they want is for us to have a mentality of being a victim and to cry weakened while they curse us directly, in the first place remember that we are not dealing with beings with the slightest emotional residue and secondly, they do not belong to this world and the third is that their objective of dominating mu ndial is abominable and grotesque, that said it doesn’t make sense to waste your time crying or regretting why the world is chaotic, why the world needs your strength and energy to be restored forever, and this Buddhist bullshit of ‘abolition’ of the ego it is just an enemy program where it makes you an empty shell, without individual wills and the perfect slave, there is no mistake in having a balanced ego, the mistake is to let that ego consume you and control your whole life, it is in the ego that you can be acquired energy and strength to take down and face these enemies as well. The perfect principle is to love allies and hate enemies, if you use your positive emotional with the haters of humanity you will swallow his deadly poison of death, in short it is explicit that the spiritual war between our gods against these evil entities happens in full steam ahead, a tactic they will use a lot now is to harass you and because of the guilt of the curse they cast against you on Satan, for this reason it is important to ally yourself with the gods as much as you can now, Satan is the most perfect god of all and acts in accordance with justice punishing enemies, we are at a time when each blow delivered by the enemy against people the gods of hell will attack them 5 more times back ... Hail Satan!
A long time ago I had a dream just after discovering my Guardian that I was in some desolate place of ancient remnants. It was still a highly active place packed with various spiritual warriors. I was invited into a building that looked ancient Egyptian, square in shape, and separated off into sections. One section was a holding zone with humans preparing for warfare, and the other section was a direct gateway to the Gods and contained a zone where a person could go anywhere and do anything by flying into this gateway once they entered. Satan had an office in between these two zones and gave direction. I wandered into Satan’s office and he was out, but there was a temporary guard in his place. He was kind of non chalant and just handed me the key to the gateway of the Gods when I asked if I could go in to meet my GD. As soon as I stepped in I saw a massive war and my gd appeared and I felt the most immense positive energy. I was immediately whisked back to the holding zone and told to wait, but we spent time in the holding zone and he relayed that he could meet me anywhere and I didn’t have to go there to be with him.

I had absolutely zero clue what that meant or where it came from back then but I do now. To this day it’s still one of the most intense and vibrant dreams I’d ever had.
Fuchs said:
At what time do we make the Rituals? (Like last time RTR Timer = 1 = FRTR+ Tetra, 0 = other rituals)
This time no nuke/napalm days?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The 20th is spring Equinox you can do more that day it's more powerful.
Excellent! I've been looking forward to another schedule. :D

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On Timing:

When the timer is 1 = FRTR + Tetra
When the timer is 0 = Other Rituals.
Haven't we always done the Final RTR at 00:00:00 and the other rituals at 01:00:00? If that's changing now, then the evilgoy.com website needs updating, since it says "Next Final RTR Offensive In:" above a timer ticking down to 00:00:00.
I updated with the seconds and minutes, to avoid confusion. I also got confused on the other question.

It is the synchronicity we are after with this. The hours don't have in themselves an intrinistic value.

For maximum time centerdness [not necessary] one can find the Timer + the correct plantery hour, for example, Saturn for Final RTR and Tetra. But this is not necessary at all.

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Excellent! I've been looking forward to another schedule. :D

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On Timing:

Haven't we always done the Final RTR at 00:00:00 and the other rituals at 01:00:00? If that's changing now, then the evilgoy.com website needs updating, since it says "Next Final RTR Offensive In:" above a timer ticking down to 00:00:00.
I never liked Passover at all. It's my least favorite holiday as I feel kind of a strong connection that is hard to explain with Egypt (Romaina is the other place I feel that with). I just feel attracted to these two places strongly and would love to see them. I sometimes looked up images too it's hard to explain.

With Passover and related stuff I always even when I was younger in church hated those stories and felt something was wrong with them but I didn't question the religion sadly. I felt that attraction towards Egyptian things though and loved that part.
All jews sit on a table for the "Passover" (even the lowest ones) and they do a curse on the Gentiles, with a symbol of blood in the wine and specific "Cups", and chant the curses against the Egyptians from their "Torah".

As they chant, they dip their hands into the symbolic blood, a symbol for dipping their hands on the dead Egyptians with every curse. This, is the things the "average ones" will do during these holidays.

They also do blood sacrifice of who knows what else, including Lambs which are chanted over by proficient Rabbis, symbolic of the "Sheep" aka Gentiles. Other jews will of course do far more elaborate rituals.

slyscorpion said:
I never liked Passover at all. It's my least favorite holiday as I feel kind of a strong connection that is hard to explain with Egypt (Romaina is the other place I feel that with). I just feel attracted to these two places strongly and would love to see them. I sometimes looked up images too it's hard to explain.

With Passover and related stuff I always even when I was younger in church hated those stories and felt something was wrong with them but I didn't question the religion sadly. I felt that attraction towards Egyptian things though and loved that part.
NakedPluto said:
In a astral projection, helped by my Guardian, I heard and saw a Rabbi how they prepare their own people to warfare.

1. He lies to the jews that they will be immortal by default in this world.
2. They are literary gold and we are vermin.
3. Everyone is called to their purpose which is in our gentile terms, to wake up the inner ego maniac.

I was also told that in their psychology, they really really believe are the good guys, immortal and golden and that the gentiles are really "cattle" to them. They cannot fathom being a gentile and are happy everyday that their souls are jewish.

Thank you for the schedule. I will do my best.
This is accurate. They've been promised immortality but the reality is that the jews cannot be immortal and we're never planned to be like that by the aliens who made them. It's now coming out that they're forcing all the jews in Israel to take the vaccines as well. They were just used to put the NWO in place as a whole. The only top level people of a couple thousand seem to be immune to the vaccination program. They're planning to eradicate the old order (all the remaining jews) as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I updated with the seconds and minutes, to avoid confusion. I also got confused on the other question.

It is the synchronicity we are after with this. The hours don't have in themselves an intrinistic value.

For maximum time centerdness [not necessary] one can find the Timer + the correct plantery hour, for example, Saturn for Final RTR and Tetra. But this is not necessary at all.

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Excellent! I've been looking forward to another schedule. :D

Haven't we always done the Final RTR at 00:00:00 and the other rituals at 01:00:00? If that's changing now, then the evilgoy.com website needs updating, since it says "Next Final RTR Offensive In:" above a timer ticking down to 00:00:00.

Thank you.
I just added this schedule to the Tor site.

For "Serpent Rituals", is the correct order?
Reversing the Curse on the Serpent RTR, then Serpent is Free RTR, then Serpent is Empowered RTR? That's what we've done in the past, but I wanted to double-check, since the links are in a different order at the bottom of the schedule post. (And the Serpent is Free and Serpent Curse Removal links are switched, pointing to the opposite page.)

Also, the schedule has a day of rituals for April 11, so should the post title say "March 20th / April 11th"?

(Not trying to nit-pick, but I want everything to make sense. :) )
Yes thank you, starting tomorrow i will move out into a bigger house and i will be able to finally have a proper and long spiritual schelude and with these rituals things should go faster, hooo boy i will be really busy next week, finally.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All jews sit on a table for the "Passover" (even the lowest ones) and they do a curse on the Gentiles, with a symbol of blood in the wine and specific "Cups", and chant the curses against the Egyptians from their "Torah".

As they chant, they dip their hands into the symbolic blood, a symbol for dipping their hands on the dead Egyptians with every curse. This, is the things the "average ones" will do during these holidays.

They also do blood sacrifice of who knows what else, including Lambs which are chanted over by proficient Rabbis, symbolic of the "Sheep" aka Gentiles. Other jews will of course do far more elaborate rituals.

slyscorpion said:
I never liked Passover at all. It's my least favorite holiday as I feel kind of a strong connection that is hard to explain with Egypt (Romaina is the other place I feel that with). I just feel attracted to these two places strongly and would love to see them. I sometimes looked up images too it's hard to explain.

With Passover and related stuff I always even when I was younger in church hated those stories and felt something was wrong with them but I didn't question the religion sadly. I felt that attraction towards Egyptian things though and loved that part.

That's pure sickness and these curses probably target me harder too since I was in Egypt in the far past.
Gentiles have many examples in all the cultures of this attainment, jews on the other hand, have none.

Also, one observing that they will be the first to get fucked with anything [microchipping, gps bracelets, vaccinations, living in a nightmare police state etc] just goes on to show, they are a slave race for the reptilians and nothing else.

Even if it takes killing them all or using them to further the worst agendas which will result in their extinction, they clearly wouldn't care less.

Jews are obsessed over the so called "immortality" and they are doing all sorts of crazy projects and futile attempts to make this happen. If the enemy wanted them to know then they would know. Ray Kurzweil is an example of how they treat them. He takes like hundreds of pills a day trying like a slug to prolong his lifespan.

He is a big time kabbalist on top of this also. But all that he was told was primarily to waste his time to try to upload the "human consciousness" into a central borg mainframe. Other similar projects of theirs are similar in fashion, mainly dealing with futile attempts at self digitization. Which he hasn't succeeded obviously and remains a wet dream for them.

Keeping this crap around can be dangerous and the reptilians, be it that they hate all "human like" forms of life, jews aren't far off, they are a hybrid with some reptilian genes.

If they don't like humans and the rest of it and consider us all garbage lifeforms...Then how do jews think they will even like "Them" ?

There are full stories of Rabbis who summon reptilians such as "Angels", and they call them in demeaning names, like worms, shit, issue threats, and attack them. But they have to kind of co-operate to bring their desired end about.

Plus, their "final plan" ends up in assimilation, and they'll be the first [if they have survived or not wiped out] to be borged out, effectively dying from assimilation.

Jack said:
NakedPluto said:
In a astral projection, helped by my Guardian, I heard and saw a Rabbi how they prepare their own people to warfare.

1. He lies to the jews that they will be immortal by default in this world.
2. They are literary gold and we are vermin.
3. Everyone is called to their purpose which is in our gentile terms, to wake up the inner ego maniac.

I was also told that in their psychology, they really really believe are the good guys, immortal and golden and that the gentiles are really "cattle" to them. They cannot fathom being a gentile and are happy everyday that their souls are jewish.

Thank you for the schedule. I will do my best.

This is accurate. They've been promised immortality but the reality is that the jews cannot be immortal and we're never planned to be like that by the aliens who made them. It's now coming out that they're forcing all the jews in Israel to take the vaccines as well. They were just used to put the NWO in place as a whole. The only top level people of a couple thousand seem to be immune to the vaccination program. They're planning to eradicate the old order (all the remaining jews) as well.
Imagine if we hit them so hard this time that the governments of gentiles held the vaccine companies and Billy gates to account for biological warfare this could happen as many governments in Europe have banned the astrazenca vaccine

120,000,000 people in the USA have already outright said no to the vaccine people are rising up all over the place and this is now the times to do so the whole world is gathering on 20th and 21st all over mass global vaccine protests from every country let us not just do the rtr to thwart their attacks let us use this rtr to cram out satanic knees down their kike throats it will be the death energies that will stick to their race this time not ours I sense a great change in the winds keep at it your all doing great.

I am proud to march with Satan and his Gods, in the remembrance of my ancestors and what they have been threw. And knowing that they are all on our side helping us.. Fight these evil rabbis and evil alien jews!!! And they will pay dearly!!! For the shit !!! And for every gentle they have murdered and sacrificed!!! Threw the centuries. And now it pay back!!! Death to the jews!!!! Thank you for the Schedule !!!🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hail Satan!!! Hail Hitler!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
The is an error in your title. It is May when it should be March .

I am staying on top of this schedule. The laziness is over.

Sieg heil

Let us blaze these fools brother
Sundara said:
A long time ago I had a dream just after discovering my Guardian that I was in some desolate place of ancient remnants. It was still a highly active place packed with various spiritual warriors. I was invited into a building that looked ancient Egyptian, square in shape, and separated off into sections. One section was a holding zone with humans preparing for warfare, and the other section was a direct gateway to the Gods and contained a zone where a person could go anywhere and do anything by flying into this gateway once they entered. Satan had an office in between these two zones and gave direction. I wandered into Satan’s office and he was out, but there was a temporary guard in his place. He was kind of non chalant and just handed me the key to the gateway of the Gods when I asked if I could go in to meet my GD. As soon as I stepped in I saw a massive war and my gd appeared and I felt the most immense positive energy. I was immediately whisked back to the holding zone and told to wait, but we spent time in the holding zone and he relayed that he could meet me anywhere and I didn’t have to go there to be with him.

I had absolutely zero clue what that meant or where it came from back then but I do now. To this day it’s still one of the most intense and vibrant dreams I’d ever had.

This is the first war for this world this wasn't long before phaeton was obliterated into the asteroid belt we fought for the maker he initiated an order 66 among the humans type surprise attack we drew our weapons and slaughtered those who didn't join our God Satan that was a long time ago

We didn't have control chips like the clone troopers put of star wars but he did massively communicate with us on a telepathic level as this is how we usually communicated back then we acted on this immediately.

While the enemy Nordics or undecided at the time are powerful beings a few hundred humans suddenly shoving their weapons in your face doesn't matter how God like you are or how immortal true they could kill many of us but 20 swords through your chest the moment you try is still 20 swords through your chest they are immortal to age and most diseases they are not invincible if it bleeds it can die.
I wished for that a couple of days ago!
It's Ending*** time starting march 20, where I'm going to be doing some other special square spells for myself.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Jack said:
NakedPluto said:
In a astral projection, helped by my Guardian, I heard and saw a Rabbi how they prepare their own people to warfare.

1. He lies to the jews that they will be immortal by default in this world.
2. They are literary gold and we are vermin.
3. Everyone is called to their purpose which is in our gentile terms, to wake up the inner ego maniac.

I was also told that in their psychology, they really really believe are the good guys, immortal and golden and that the gentiles are really "cattle" to them. They cannot fathom being a gentile and are happy everyday that their souls are jewish.

Thank you for the schedule. I will do my best.

This is accurate. They've been promised immortality but the reality is that the jews cannot be immortal and we're never planned to be like that by the aliens who made them. It's now coming out that they're forcing all the jews in Israel to take the vaccines as well. They were just used to put the NWO in place as a whole. The only top level people of a couple thousand seem to be immune to the vaccination program. They're planning to eradicate the old order (all the remaining jews) as well.

I got by intuition meditating on it that at least the Pfizer vaccine they gave in Israel (don't know about the ones elsewhere) had something that they were using to try to race awaken the Jews and repair their DNA in some way.

Don't know if this is true or not but I felt that strongly from it. So they are not quite killing off their own with anything yet as far as I am aware of course the bottom Jews wouldn't know this. The fact that they are protesting this so much maybe should be concerning cause we don't know what they are doing with it. I wish someone would answer for sure in this no not going to get it but I may have to heal someone I care about. I am going to spend years paranoid over this I am guessing
Question that has been brought up by the whole "borg" process

Are you guys implying the jew will purposefully borg itself first and foremost as a stepping stone towards others doing it. Not to deny others won't as there is a lot of abrahamic nonsense found among judeo-bolshevik people(xtians for example).

But are you guys implying the jew will suicide itself in a futile attempt to bring about a evolution so to speak of humanity?

It seems some of you guys are stating the jew will be the first to be borged among the populace it seems like they are doing it to fail at some maligned goal at borging others. It seems like they have some sort of subconscious aptitude towards failing even their own gods probably are going "Man these fucking kikes are gonna fail their mission and fail us".

Not that the elohim care about the jews just they need them as they are the Bezmenov(read: schmuck useful idiots) component of their agenda.

Is that what the RTRs have done? driven the jew towards suicide by their own machinations?

Also what exactly is gonna happen when the astro changes in 2025. Pogroms occurred during those eras of fixed signs on the outer exo-cosmic planets but what does it mean in modern society? Are we REALLY gonna see pogroms occur?(not to deny the revenge but it seems like the jew is gonna go all out and protect itself from the pogromists, at least beforehand the jews that left to safe-havens.)
Does the order of the Serpent Rituals matter? I was thinking Curse, Free, Empower.
Disregard my last message ! You already stated the order my apologies.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jews are obsessed over the so called "immortality" and they are doing all sorts of crazy projects and futile attempts to make this happen. If the enemy wanted them to know then they would know. Ray Kurzweil is an example of how they treat them. He takes like hundreds of pills a day trying like a slug to prolong his lifespan.
Reminds me of David Rockefeller who had an absurd amount of heart transplants just to hang on to life for a little bit longer. It seems to me that they are really afraid of death and meeting their makers.
Just a quick question... since i've always been curious about the fact the enemy SEEMS to not give a single fuck about us, like not even intimidated us in some one (left alone for the time they cursed us around 2016 if i'm not wrong) i always wondered how far can they go about it? I have a roommate, who's a total fucking idiot, yesterday he left a cigarette buring upon the "gas-thing" (how don't know how to say it in english, that green box, whatever) and the whole apartment was about to blow up, if there wasn't a guy in the street who saw the fire and start yelling at us. The reason i thought about a enemy attack is mainly because the aforementioned idiot always proudly wears a gold jesus christ chain (wich i'm going to steal and sell sooner or later) around his neck, so he is probably controlled by greys. Should it be?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
