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Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

hailourtruegod said:
StyleCoin said:
I will try to do 40 a day until the end of the schedule.

There is no try. Just do. I too am doing this. Remember, 99.9% of the times people do have time then they want to admit to other and many times don't admit it to themselves . They just need to be better at managing their own time. I speak from experience. You got this.

If you have time to do 40 RTRs a day, you would also have time to spend 5hrs to empower yourself.

Would you rather spam RTRs or Meditate more?
When you grow stronger, each and everyone of your RTRs becomes more powerful as well.

40 RTRs are over kill. Do you have enough energy to keep your focus? Do you think that after the 5th RTR, your following RTRs will be nearly as powerful as the first ones?

Find time for yourself.
The RTR Timer is down. It is stuck on 0:00:00.
I'm using Tor Browser and I kept refreshing the page with new circuit to site, but it's still showing up as the same.. :/

Thought to let you know!

Thank you for everything, HP!!

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
StyleCoin said:
I will try to do 40 a day until the end of the schedule.
40 Final RTRs per day??? How long does it take you to do one?

Going my fastest, it takes me 18 minutes for the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton RTR.
40 of them would take 12 hours. :shock:

I take 5 minutes for each rtr, I memorized all the vibrations, sometimes I don’t even have to look
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
StyleCoin said:
I will try to do 40 a day until the end of the schedule.
40 Final RTRs per day??? How long does it take you to do one?

Going my fastest, it takes me 18 minutes for the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton RTR.
40 of them would take 12 hours. :shock:

but sometimes i get limited, i do so much rtr that my family yells at me telling me to shut up, my bioelectricity affects everyone here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Excellent, congratulations, and of course, always stay busy.

Weassel said:
Yes thank you, starting tomorrow i will move out into a bigger house and i will be able to finally have a proper and long spiritual schelude and with these rituals things should go faster, hooo boy i will be really busy next week, finally.

Hi Hp cobra666. I heard 2 months ago about 2 new rituals with monumental effects. Did the gods tell you why they don't do it yet?
DarkSwan said:
StyleCoin said:
I will try to do 40 a day until the end of the schedule.

Oh well, perhaps you could do less, and focus more on each ritual?
How about you use the time to meditate more, and do yoga?

Becoming stronger is even more important than the number of rituals you do.

I usually meditate 3 hours during the day and 3 hours at night, sometimes 2 hours, more than that I get tired.
hailourtruegod said:
StyleCoin said:
I will try to do 40 a day until the end of the schedule.

There is no try. Just do. I too am doing this. Remember, 99.9% of the times people do have time then they want to admit to other and many times don't admit it to themselves . They just need to be better at managing their own time. I speak from experience. You got this.

Ignore this comment. For some reason I read that you were doing a 40 day working while doing the schedule at the same time. My mistake
Is it just me or the Serpent Rituals extra powerful this time? I'm feeling intense heat as other times, im sweating by the time im done. But this time im feeling heat more concentrated along my back and I'm feeling chills at the same time all over my body.
StyleCoin said:
I will try to do 40 a day until the end of the schedule.

My advice is do not fry yourself because even if you make it to the end of the schedule, you'll be a wreck.

We are in for the long haul, so don't fry. You are free to do as you please, but this seems like a logical conclusion that frying will come up.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Is it just me or the Serpent Rituals extra powerful this time? I'm feeling intense heat as other times, im sweating by the time im done. But this time im feeling heat more concentrated along my back and I'm feeling chills at the same time all over my body.

We are making serious progress now. This whole thing is heating up.
Still there are no further news about these. Their effects will have to be based on everything else being solid and in place. That's what they will work upon. Rituals work upon this logic. Until now, every successive one did built on the foundation of the previous ones.

Doing the Final as a first one would not have major success without shredding some other things first. When this was done, it started ripping harder and harder.

There is also a minor one which has been given, but this will only be protection shredding for the enemy that comes from one of their "undisclosed" books, which they have never made public to non jews before.

Pzvx said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Excellent, congratulations, and of course, always stay busy.

Weassel said:
Yes thank you, starting tomorrow i will move out into a bigger house and i will be able to finally have a proper and long spiritual schelude and with these rituals things should go faster, hooo boy i will be really busy next week, finally.

Hi Hp cobra666. I heard 2 months ago about 2 new rituals with monumental effects. Did the gods tell you why they don't do it yet?
Orionite said:
Starting Monday I'll be working over 9 hours a day for the next 6 months and my question is if doing Serpent rituals one after another with no break would somehow make the rituals weaker, since my spare time will be really limited soon.

No, it won't make them weaker. I've been into this loop also and had to do Rituals one exactly after the other.

But it's a good idea after you are done, to do Pranayama or one turn of Kundalini Yoga to go on with your day with the necessary energy.
This is only the beginning... Their veil is finally "ripping" a bit, and this is only a manifestation of this.

We have way to go, but these are exceptionally motivational.

Invictus said:
I felt much stronger effects this time. Spine stimulation from the first ritual, heat throughout my body from the second, but I didn't feel much from the third.

In any case, we are seriously causing tsunamis in the astral. I'm definitely gonna take advantage of their current effectiveness to speed along the process.

Hail Satan!
Stay strong, stay clean.

TopoftheAbyss said:
The enemy curses are already touching me.
balo666 said:

Just say Satan's name under your breath instead of at whatever louder volume you were using for the rest of the ritual.
Basically this is sort of like how Europeans move across Europe, from a racial standby. Yet there is no explicit agreement however.

While there can be issues [I know many Asians are their own sub races at this point and have had a very distinct history, even from one another] this is not going to devastate a blueprint completely out of existence. This is the good news.

The other thing is that many Asians have observable differences and constitute different types from one another [maybe minor in some cases but still], after centuries or thousands of years of being on their own locale etc.

Then, psychological differences between Asians can also be very big. This ties into the above. Then the culture has shaped sub segments of the Asiatic race in a distinct fashion. Koreans, Japanese, Mongolians and Chinese, are not exactly the "same". The ranges of differences are big and should be preserved at least in their majorities.

I don't see this very easy if China keeps going however. It's too big. Maybe if other Asiatic Nations impose a Japanese like policy for foreigners, then maybe. But Chinese can even give people loans and money to go live in other places in Asia from what I have studied, and they can increase their power in business there etc, and in a sense, occupy.

Jax911 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Master said:
The Chinese and Japanese are not really aware of race and other things but they are not as brainwashed as the Whites. However, I have noticed that the Chinese and Japanese are also deceived and brainwashed more or less intensely as the rest of the non-jews by the jews.

Asians, while they were plagued by jewish programs infestation such as Communism, they never had the extreme proximity of jews like we did, because most Jews would be recognized in Asia. The few jews that were in Asia were very carefully selected hybrids, which most of the time, they couldn't do as much as the bulk of Jews in the Middle East, Europe, or even India.

They saved themselves from the virus by lesser interaction with them. This is not to say they are not trying, down to this day, to brainwash them or destroy them [they have been forcing for decades for migrant spree on Japan], but the jews did not put all their forces in doing that because they Asians mostly disliked them but left them "be" since they did not have regional disputes.

Jews had regional disputes with Egyptians, Greeks, Assyrians, Babylonians, Europeans and so on, India and Middle East. In Asia and in Africa they were small but dangerous segments.

The plan for example to bring migrant influx to Japan, would be very difficult, because of geographical reasons, they are simply too far. China which was very important for them to bring under control, they controlled with agents of their own and Communism, which they focused heavily in the last century to do so.
Chinese immigration is a big problem in all major asian countries as of now, especially in countries such as mongolia where the local population is less than 10 millions. But at least most asians immigrate to another asian country unlike middle-eastern folks.
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Is it just me or the Serpent Rituals extra powerful this time? I'm feeling intense heat as other times, im sweating by the time im done. But this time im feeling heat more concentrated along my back and I'm feeling chills at the same time all over my body.
This happened to me last night. I didn’t feel it on my back like the kundalini but my whole body especially the soles of my feet suddenly got very warm when the temperature was just normal.

Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?
I used to count it as the previous day if it was done after 12am but I don’t think that is correct astrologically or otherwise.
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?

It counts as long as you do it before the sun rises in the morning no matter what time that is. If the sun rose before midnight cause your in some weird lattitude or something :lol: then you missed a day but if not your good.
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?
If I remember correctly the RTRs follow the same rule as magical workings do, the day ends after the dawn of the new day, when the planetary hours of the new day start.So that depends on the place you live because the planetary hours depend on your time zone
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and family in Satan.
Just a heads up HP, the spiritual war room timer isn't working currently. Not a problem for me because I know the times without it but for newbies it will make it harder for them to coordinate attacks.
I've seen this asked before and I believe it was HP Hooded Cobra his self that said it's not technically the next day until sunrise since the rituals run astrologically like you mentioned. Which is nice for me because I normally don't get to them myself until 11ish or midnight.
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?

The previous day ends and the new day begins at sunrise, not at midnight. That's around 6am everyday. So all the rituals you perform before the sunrise will be counted as previous day's.
You can find the exact time of sunrise using 'chronosxp' on windows or use 'planetary times" app if you are using an android.
balo666 said:
Hi! i have a big question about it, in some of the ritual we have to mention alot of times the name of satan like for example when we have to repeat 18 times:

"All obstacles are totally, permanently, and completely removed!
Satan is fully empowered!
Satan has Supreme and Invincible Power
Satan's Supreme and Invincible Power is Forever!"

i live in a little apartment and all my neighboor is xian so the thing is, i dont want them to bother so i was thinking, can i change the name satan on the sentences for "enki" or "ea"? so they wont have an idea of what am i doing
You have to do them in your mind, you dont have to say it. Affirmation are always done in your mind. While they will work if you say them, they work just as good if you say them in your mind.
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?
This was explained by HP Cobra during the last schedule, as lon as its not 6 am, it counts as a new day cycle starts with the sunrise, which is approximately 6 am.
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?
Yes it would work. Think about it in the astrological way, a day does not end after midnight, the next day would be when the sun start to raise. I hope It's clear. It has been explained before and to me it always made sense.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically this is sort of like how Europeans move across Europe, from a racial standby. Yet there is no explicit agreement however.

While there can be issues [I know many Asians are their own sub races at this point and have had a very distinct history, even from one another] this is not going to devastate a blueprint completely out of existence. This is the good news.

The other thing is that many Asians have observable differences and constitute different types from one another [maybe minor in some cases but still], after centuries or thousands of years of being on their own locale etc.

Then, psychological differences between Asians can also be very big. This ties into the above. Then the culture has shaped sub segments of the Asiatic race in a distinct fashion. Koreans, Japanese, Mongolians and Chinese, are not exactly the "same". The ranges of differences are big and should be preserved at least in their majorities.

I don't see this very easy if China keeps going however. It's too big. Maybe if other Asiatic Nations impose a Japanese like policy for foreigners, then maybe. But Chinese can even give people loans and money to go live in other places in Asia from what I have studied, and they can increase their power in business there etc, and in a sense, occupy.

Jax911 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Asians, while they were plagued by jewish programs infestation such as Communism, they never had the extreme proximity of jews like we did, because most Jews would be recognized in Asia. The few jews that were in Asia were very carefully selected hybrids, which most of the time, they couldn't do as much as the bulk of Jews in the Middle East, Europe, or even India.

They saved themselves from the virus by lesser interaction with them. This is not to say they are not trying, down to this day, to brainwash them or destroy them [they have been forcing for decades for migrant spree on Japan], but the jews did not put all their forces in doing that because they Asians mostly disliked them but left them "be" since they did not have regional disputes.

Jews had regional disputes with Egyptians, Greeks, Assyrians, Babylonians, Europeans and so on, India and Middle East. In Asia and in Africa they were small but dangerous segments.

The plan for example to bring migrant influx to Japan, would be very difficult, because of geographical reasons, they are simply too far. China which was very important for them to bring under control, they controlled with agents of their own and Communism, which they focused heavily in the last century to do so.
Chinese immigration is a big problem in all major asian countries as of now, especially in countries such as mongolia where the local population is less than 10 millions. But at least most asians immigrate to another asian country unlike middle-eastern folks.
They do loan money to common folk in China to immigrate in other asian countries and build their own business there. This is a fact known by every third mongolian, as we saw the chinese take over the building industry in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, and the irony here is, one member of the parliament(we call it the State Great Asembly) said LeT ThE ChinEsE eNtEr MongOliAn SoiL WitHout A ViSa FoR 90+ DaYs, ThEY WILL ConTriButE To ThE DeVeLoPMenT Of OuR UrBaN CiTiES. Well it is not surprising though, since his face looks very southern, so it must be his genes lmao. Also this is the very reason japenese have a better reputation in Mongolia than all other asians. And even though we were under communist rule back then, there was a reason we evacuated hundreds of thousands of chinese workers IN A NIGHT. They were reported to gang up and get involved in illegal activities such as prostitution and also spying(which is a claim used by many countries to evacuate foreigners), and this has not changed when we finally reopened borders with China after the so-called democratic revolution of 1990. There is an intriguing story about a chinese couple during the evacuation the elders tell. During that night, a chinese couple with a newborn baby rolled in a cradle, were among the evacuating workers, waiting for the train. But a local elderly mongolian couple reported to the station guard, that the baby did not cry for 8 whole hours while waiting for the train. Upon further investigation, the police revealed that the the baby was dead and that they removed his inner organs and hid gold in its body and were aiming to transport quite a few ounces of gold. We can only imagine what the chinese immigrants are involved with, aside the ganging up and prostitution.
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?

A new day starts with the sun rise.
So if it is 3a.m. During the night between Saturday and Sunday, it’s still Saturday.
Orionite said:
Starting Monday I'll be working over 9 hours a day for the next 6 months and my question is if doing Serpent rituals one after another with no break would somehow make the rituals weaker, since my spare time will be really limited soon.
It definitely won't. I do this.
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?
Midnight has nothing to do with the end of the day in rituals, magick or satanism. The end of the day and the start of another day is when the sun dawns. The same thing applies to workings not only RTRs. The satanic midnight is when the sun rises.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Asians particularly Koreans

I know the Chinese are a distinct group from Japanese and even with Japan coming to China there wasn't I guess you can call it "Sub-race mixing" not to deny ANY mixing but it's not considered a violation of inter-racial due to China being O.R.I.O.N. but the Japanese also being Asiatic members.

With that said in Korea it seems like the Japanese did sub-race mix or ORION-mix with them. I notice every once in a while watching certain videos from Korea that some of them have Japanese features or as I recall one person Samurai features. I watched a video of Starcraft a while back about three almost four years ago. And the guy was being filmed and I couldn't help but think is this guy Japanese or Japanese-Korean mix. He had facial hair and long hair, and while he seemed to react to the Korean language and understand them I COULDN'T help but think is this guy as Korean as possible he doesn't fit the prototype of Koreans rather he looks like a Samurai.

I've noticed watching Starcraft over the years the Koreans have a distinct sub-race, ORION, to themselves in consideration to Chinese or Japanese but in some of the players of Starcraft it seems some have Chinese or Mongolian features. One person named Dark, has dark features like literally he is a bit on the darker side for a Korean.

Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?

All rituals that we've done work just like magickal rituals on astrological timings. Midnight = next day is the physical plane, Astrological timing about 6AM-7AM usually by 6:30AM most astrological timings roll over to the next day.

IF you perform ritual XYZ at 12:30AM it still counts as the previous day. IF you perform ritual XYZ at 7:15AM it counts as the next day.

SO IF you perform rituals be mindful of astrological timings signifying the end of the day and the start of the next day this is usually between 6 and 7 in the morning.
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?
Astrological day is how the Nature works, so work with that.

If you are not yet using ChronosXP for planetary hours I highly recommend it. You enter your coordinates, and it shows the planetary hours and when day/night begins.
balo666 said:
Hi! i have a big question about it, in some of the ritual we have to mention alot of times the name of satan like for example when we have to repeat 18 times:

"All obstacles are totally, permanently, and completely removed!
Satan is fully empowered!
Satan has Supreme and Invincible Power
Satan's Supreme and Invincible Power is Forever!"

i live in a little apartment and all my neighboor is xian so the thing is, i dont want them to bother so i was thinking, can i change the name satan on the sentences for "enki" or "ea"? so they wont have an idea of what am i doing

Satan means Truth in Sanskrit. I would not recommend it.
The rats are really really pissed haha.
I've experienced the 2nd attack during this ritual schedule but its good .
It felt great to see them experiencing that way.
Also brothers/sisters please stay focused. They are throwing us off balance and keep distracting us during this important ritual.
Henu the Great said:
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?
Astrological day is how the Nature works, so work with that.

If you are not yet using ChronosXP for planetary hours I highly recommend it. You enter your coordinates, and it shows the planetary hours and when day/night begins.

Although Maxine has always mentioned ChronosXP in the Joy of Satan, I've never tried using it, but I have used applications with similar functionalities before. I will give it a try today, though. Thank you for suggesting.

So in general, it's better to perform the RTRs with the same astrological awareness as we would perform personal planetary workings.
StyleCoin said:
DarkSwan said:
StyleCoin said:
I will try to do 40 a day until the end of the schedule.

Oh well, perhaps you could do less, and focus more on each ritual?
How about you use the time to meditate more, and do yoga?

Becoming stronger is even more important than the number of rituals you do.

I usually meditate 3 hours during the day and 3 hours at night, sometimes 2 hours, more than that I get tired.

Respect, spending 6 hours a day on meditation shows your dedication and is very impressive.
And if you are able to do so many RTRs that's even better... that's what I would say normally.

However, I don't know how strong and old you are, but that sounds a bit too much for me.
Make sure you don't fry yourself. Powermeditations are no joke, don't take it too lightly.
6 hours of pure Power Meditation, is good when you are already experienced.

I myself, spend something around 5 to 9 hours a day on spirituality.
This includes Yoga, Returning curses, Warfare-Schedule, meditations and workings which I may or may not do.
I spend around 2-3h hours of that on Power Meditation.

Don't fry yourself, you seem to be fairly young.
Should we expect to see things escalate so much in the Jewvid case, that we would have to create our own societies, away from the craziness of the Enemy? I see things escalating that far IMO.
Dypet Rod said:
I've been wondering something since some schedules ago:

If I happen to do the last RTR of the day after midnight, does it still count as carrying out the schedule of the previous day?

Say for example I performed all the RTRs of the schedule on the 21st, but the last one was performed after midnight. Does it still count as doing the complete schedule of the 21st?

There is a difference between an astronomical day and a day in a person's routine (from the moment they wake up until they sleep). Which one is supposed to be considered when performing the RTRs?


To quote an earlier answer:

"6am is when the next planetary day broadly begins. Every time before 6am is still the astrological calendar.

7am is where the next day is with the planetary calendar.

20 February 5am is still 19 February by astrological calendar.

20 February planetarily is broadly 7am after midnight."

I wrote this quote down because it was useful to me. It was HP Hooded Cobra who made above quote.
slyscorpion said:
It counts as long as you do it before the sun rises in the morning no matter what time that is. If the sun rose before midnight cause your in some weird lattitude or something :lol: then you missed a day but if not your good.

Jax911 said:
This was explained by HP Cobra during the last schedule, as lon as its not 6 am, it counts as a new day cycle starts with the sunrise, which is approximately 6 am.

Oh, excellent. I hadn’t seen that, but I kind of imagined it could be the case. Thank you, guys!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
