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Spiritual Satanism: An Aristocratic Religion

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Spiritual Satanism: An Aristocratic Religion​

Not to mislead in the title of this topic, Spiritual Satanism is truly an Aristocratic religion. But Aristocratic, not in the financial sense, nor in the sense of pretense. There is a certain degree of difference a human being must have in order to become a Spiritual Satanist. That difference within sets them apart from the rest of human beings and this choice is borne out of the choice one must take: "Do I want to find the Godly essence within me?"

Spiritual Satanism is designed and I am procuring it's destiny as the Master Religion, the one and only, that existed in the Ancient Past, common to all the sub-systems of the Ancients - The Path to ultimate initiation. The Secret schools of the Ancient world were also in this same path. Now it's here in front of someone, but what one will do about this? That's up to everyone to decide.

Same as high level Ancient religions, won't be understood or understood the same by everyone. Many will not accept it. We must not mourn for them. Let them follow the natural processes. We will take care of them, but we must know what process and path we have chosen for ourselves.

We are fine with you. You can be whomever you want. But we will not tolerate injury on this divine matter. There are other beings who want to do this. The path must exist. We care for everyone else as well, but specifically we are want to allow people who want to embark on a higher path to do this.

That's our choice. We want to move in another direction.

The lies behind these statements the enemy makes, are as if you go to the gym and someone pretends to be a gym instructor. Then they tell you "You must not lift at all and must sit on the couch all day to become like me". It's obvious lies coming from them. That's not the way or the Truth or the Path. It's a deception. But since the lie they sell agrees with the mind of many, which does not really want to evolve physically, they "accept" it and they "defend" it to their earnest.

Still, both they and their gym instructor know it's all an illusion that both of them partake into, deceiving one another.

The enemy "religions" are not "religions", they are programs. These programs only necessitate the maximum amount of stupidity, simplicity and comfort. Literacy, expanding your mind, understanding, meditation, or a higher type of life, or any form of improvement is not needed in anyway to "participate". They are the house of the damned and the stupid, who wish to remain so for the rest of their existence.

The nature of the programs of the enemy is based on entropy and befalling the human mind, body and spirit. Their "meaning" is reached the more stupid one is. In "Islam" for example, all you need to know is to wear your burka, bow on the rock, say a couple canned prayers, and you are told "This is the way to God".

Christianity is even dumber, well designed for the slaves and illiterates of the Roman Empire: "Just believe in Jesus" (and do whatever) and you shall be granted "eternal life". It takes only a functioning mind to understand that it's all sentimental lies, nothing else. Nobody entered any heaven just because they "believed in Jesus".

To hide their lies, these "religions" pretend the "reward" will arrive in a so called "Afterlife" and not "In this World", as they are not from the Gods and they are not divine; God would have no problem penetrating the life of a being even while the being was incarnated materially. In fact, this is the whole point; to get to know something really well when you are here, not given just promises for the events of "after death".

People live this firsthand daily, having constructed their own ignorant hellfire by following this foolish advice, deceving themselves. Spiritual Satanism then comes in, and puts you in communication according what you can handle, quickly with the Gods, and while you are very well alive, too. Eventually the gleaming star of the real so called heaven appears in front of you, while you are alive. You don't need to wait. Actually, you must truly not wait, but embark at the soonest that you can.

As the universe moves itself to evolve, these people are shed out same as their beliefs. But they will try to find other substitutes for these things, always fooling themselves. The universe attempts to evolve in an unapologetic manner. It won't "care" about this situation. It is what it is.

You don't need logic, to think, to doubt, to exercise, to spiritually advance, or to approach anything higher in these other "faiths". You don't even need to "know". The more your soul and mind is not functioning, the better you are "fit" for being their resource.

You are just sitting there, lied to and conveniently deceived. If anything is required of you, is simply a couple of things. Walk around the Black Rock, go to "Church", pray if you remember at all to do it with words you don't even mean, pretend you are a good boy, "done".

In Spiritual Satanism the direction is opposite and upward. You cannot be a pig that doesn't study, doesn't put intellectual effort, does not advance spiritually, and just hangs around there worshiping a rock and hoping you will go to heaven.

There is none of this in Spiritual Satanism. If one engages in the above, they cannot reach the rewards of these paths. The upper described programs, are based on communism and seducing the mob and the fools, that "Heaven also belongs to them", but the reality is, the highest levels of consciousness, power and understanding only belong to those who will actually advance themselves.

"Heaven" or supernal understanding is not for everybody. What is for "Everybody", the coward, the retard and the fool, is only a never ending cycle of reincarnation, foolishness and no improvement of life.

Humans are born in an animal state and without effort in this, they will not move higher than that. The animal state is the easiest state to maintain. The more you don't have self mastery, the deeper you fall, until you eventually create a situation where you barely exist. Going the opposite direction, requires effort. Getting answers, requires to open up the mind. Advancing, requires to devote one's self to this task.

In the Ancient World, while everyone was admitted to higher learning and Initiation (the democracy is up to this level, everyone is accepted), the situation quickly turned Aristocratic after Initiation. That's because access to the higher realms is not for animals or for those who want to eternally be stuck on the lesser and lowest part of the self. Those who think they can violate this process, always either end up failed, insane, or simply don't get anywhere.

Man is half animal and half human now, not fully yet a human being, let alone a God. If you want to see that I urge you to go to your local fast-food chain and you will see what I mean. There is still much in us that is not like the Gods, but there is also an equal part that is actually able to connect with this and move to the next stage of evolution for us.

In the past I have been told by others that I must make things simpler, so that 'people will understand it'. I responded that I am not here to make you more retarded than you are, nor I am here to create a little cult of fools that worship a banana and you feel good while doing that. These would lead to wealth and societal control for sure, but they wouldn't lead to anyone's enlightenment. I would appear after my departure in front of the Gods and have to answer for being a deceiver and yet another animal. And it's not my desire to answer to them but only in that I left people behind who overcame limitations, got smarter and better.

In Spiritual Satanism, there is no elevator to get you up. You have to climb the ladder. The Gods won't waste themselves all day to save you, it's you, that understanding your own plight of ignorance, must go to take the ladder and get up there. To save yourself and help our species. We are all given a chance, but some will waste it, others won't bother, and others will turn a blind eye.

The wise and the strong, who have found in themselves a Godly essence, will take this and start going upward. That's why I mention, it's for the Aristocratic Spirit, not for "everyone". One discriminates themselves when you enter this religion, from the whole of these "people".

I see this all the time even in a small percent of people here; they choose false convenience and comfort, but the real comfort and peace one seeks, comes only from enlightenment and growth, not by sitting there and waiting for the black hole of ignorance to consume you.

That's the only way for Gods to position themselves if they want to make you too as Gods, and that in my eyes is the ultimate verification of their Truthful promise. So what the lesser self really dislikes about it, is in fact the very factual promise of the Gods. But that promise holds with it a part that only we as individuals must play into, and as a community.

The higher part in man suffers in the state of being in a denial, but many try to shut down this suffering and try to constantly fill it in by dissuading themselves from advancing. But it will always be there, through all the cycles of reincarnation.

Gods have blessed and cursed humanity with a higher mind; many people will try to get rid of it completely and will turn as worms of the earth - fair enough, no problem as far as we are concerned. We won't hate anyone for this. Yet, there is a better alternative to this, which every being knows won't manifest any of one's hidden potential.

Others will have to look higher and start shedding skin, advancing and evolving, until they reach higher in this ladder that was set in front of us, which is in alignment with the laws of the universe that we were destined to be part of.

Others will thank the Gods for this as a blessing, others will revile them and shout "We want to return to being worms!". But even the worms, if they survive long enough and transform to other organisms, they will eventually look higher and understand: "Maybe the Gods were actually right!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Exceptionally direct wisdom, High Priest.

Gods have blessed and cursed humanity with a higher mind; many people will try to get rid of it completely and will turn as worms of the earth - fair enough, no problem as far as we are concerned.

This part, all humans have inside them an aspect of higher intelligence, or just intelligence, that could save someone or guide them towards better paths. Only those who ignore this purposefully and deny it, many times and repeatedly, lose their compass and sense of this. It is a burden of cowardice.
As Naked Pluto said, this was exceptionally Direct Wisdom!!!!!

I have been diligently dedicated to studying the information on the JoS website with the intention of advancing my soul. However, the last two days, I have been spending more of my time on improving my physical looks (which I had let slide for the past 10 years). Mind you, its important to put your best self out there in the world. But I was neglecting my study time for 2 days......This sermon came just at the right time to get me back on track before I derailed.

I can't thank you enough for kicking me back into gear, HPHC. Lots of Love and Respect for your wisdom, brother.

Hail Satan!!!
This has been one of the best sermons you have shared🔥 And and the best I have read. Very powerful and true. You hit the nail right on the head every time! And I appreciate what you share. Thank you so much for sharing this High Priest. ❤️
I used to think "someday everyone will have this knowledge, i want to take advantage and shine in front of the gods before that" but with the time i realize that it doesnt really matter if the occult knowledge is there for everybody, only those who have the blue fire in their souls will go for it, regardless of whether they have the knowledge or not. And that is what make you shine in front of the gods.
As the legend of Herakles tells: before starting his journey the Gods gave him a choice between the path of vice (being an Andrapoda and not striving to advance) and the path of virtue (working to elevate himself spiritually and reach divinity) and Herakles chose the path of virtue without thinking twice.
This is very true and such a great sermon. In the end whether man is a worm or something lesser.. or that of a divine essence is really man having to move forward to decide what one ultimately is.

We have that power to choose, and the gods have blessed us with this godly spirit. May we partake of eternity together my family, as we work to advance and join the Gods!
As I understand things, Satanism is Knowledge.
Knowledge which has been hidden; about the occult (which in itself means hidden) and spirituality, including how to become Godlike.
Becoming Godlike though - is not an easy task, and not exactly for the lazy jewtube watching couch potatohead.

Becoming a bit stronger in soul and mind with meditation, some yoga asanas, doing some RTR's and so on though - is not the hardest thing in the world.
Most people do not even do these things, as they hardly know about it, believe in it's effects or even care. Hardly caring about anything serious.
Not taking life seriously will lead to life being not seriously lived.

But I'm glad I do, and that I found some serious shit back in 2005.

Spiritual Satanism: An Aristocratic Religion​

Not to mislead in the title of this topic, Spiritual Satanism is truly an Aristocratic religion. But Aristocratic, not in the financial sense, nor in the sense of pretense. There is a certain degree of difference a human being must have in order to become a Spiritual Satanist. That difference within sets them apart from the rest of human beings and this choice is borne out of the choice one must take: "Do I want to find the Godly essence within me?"

Spiritual Satanism is designed and I am procuring it's destiny as the Master Religion, the one and only, that existed in the Ancient Past, common to all the sub-systems of the Ancients - The Path to ultimate initiation. The Secret schools of the Ancient world were also in this same path. Now it's here in front of someone, but what one will do about this? That's up to everyone to decide.

Same as high level Ancient religions, won't be understood or understood the same by everyone. Many will not accept it. We must not mourn for them. Let them follow the natural processes. We will take care of them, but we must know what process and path we have chosen for ourselves.

We are fine with you. You can be whomever you want. But we will not tolerate injury on this divine matter. There are other beings who want to do this. The path must exist. We care for everyone else as well, but specifically we are want to allow people who want to embark on a higher path to do this.

That's our choice. We want to move in another direction.

The lies behind these statements the enemy makes, are as if you go to the gym and someone pretends to be a gym instructor. Then they tell you "You must not lift at all and must sit on the couch all day to become like me". It's obvious lies coming from them. That's not the way or the Truth or the Path. It's a deception. But since the lie they sell agrees with the mind of many, which does not really want to evolve physically, they "accept" it and they "defend" it to their earnest.

Still, both they and their gym instructor know it's all an illusion that both of them partake into, deceiving one another.

The enemy "religions" are not "religions", they are programs. These programs only necessitate the maximum amount of stupidity, simplicity and comfort. Literacy, expanding your mind, understanding, meditation, or a higher type of life, or any form of improvement is not needed in anyway to "participate". They are the house of the damned and the stupid, who wish to remain so for the rest of their existence.

The nature of the programs of the enemy is based on entropy and befalling the human mind, body and spirit. Their "meaning" is reached the more stupid one is. In "Islam" for example, all you need to know is to wear your burka, bow on the rock, say a couple canned prayers, and you are told "This is the way to God".

Christianity is even dumber, well designed for the slaves and illiterates of the Roman Empire: "Just believe in Jesus" (and do whatever) and you shall be granted "eternal life". It takes only a functioning mind to understand that it's all sentimental lies, nothing else. Nobody entered any heaven just because they "believed in Jesus".

To hide their lies, these "religions" pretend the "reward" will arrive in a so called "Afterlife" and not "In this World", as they are not from the Gods and they are not divine; God would have no problem penetrating the life of a being even while the being was incarnated materially. In fact, this is the whole point; to get to know something really well when you are here, not given just promises for the events of "after death".

People live this firsthand daily, having constructed their own ignorant hellfire by following this foolish advice, deceving themselves. Spiritual Satanism then comes in, and puts you in communication according what you can handle, quickly with the Gods, and while you are very well alive, too. Eventually the gleaming star of the real so called heaven appears in front of you, while you are alive. You don't need to wait. Actually, you must truly not wait, but embark at the soonest that you can.

As the universe moves itself to evolve, these people are shed out same as their beliefs. But they will try to find other substitutes for these things, always fooling themselves. The universe attempts to evolve in an unapologetic manner. It won't "care" about this situation. It is what it is.

You don't need logic, to think, to doubt, to exercise, to spiritually advance, or to approach anything higher in these other "faiths". You don't even need to "know". The more your soul and mind is not functioning, the better you are "fit" for being their resource.

You are just sitting there, lied to and conveniently deceived. If anything is required of you, is simply a couple of things. Walk around the Black Rock, go to "Church", pray if you remember at all to do it with words you don't even mean, pretend you are a good boy, "done".

In Spiritual Satanism the direction is opposite and upward. You cannot be a pig that doesn't study, doesn't put intellectual effort, does not advance spiritually, and just hangs around there worshiping a rock and hoping you will go to heaven.

There is none of this in Spiritual Satanism. If one engages in the above, they cannot reach the rewards of these paths. The upper described programs, are based on communism and seducing the mob and the fools, that "Heaven also belongs to them", but the reality is, the highest levels of consciousness, power and understanding only belong to those who will actually advance themselves.

"Heaven" or supernal understanding is not for everybody. What is for "Everybody", the coward, the retard and the fool, is only a never ending cycle of reincarnation, foolishness and no improvement of life.

Humans are born in an animal state and without effort in this, they will not move higher than that. The animal state is the easiest state to maintain. The more you don't have self mastery, the deeper you fall, until you eventually create a situation where you barely exist. Going the opposite direction, requires effort. Getting answers, requires to open up the mind. Advancing, requires to devote one's self to this task.

In the Ancient World, while everyone was admitted to higher learning and Initiation (the democracy is up to this level, everyone is accepted), the situation quickly turned Aristocratic after Initiation. That's because access to the higher realms is not for animals or for those who want to eternally be stuck on the lesser and lowest part of the self. Those who think they can violate this process, always either end up failed, insane, or simply don't get anywhere.

Man is half animal and half human now, not fully yet a human being, let alone a God. If you want to see that I urge you to go to your local fast-food chain and you will see what I mean. There is still much in us that is not like the Gods, but there is also an equal part that is actually able to connect with this and move to the next stage of evolution for us.

In the past I have been told by others that I must make things simpler, so that 'people will understand it'. I responded that I am not here to make you more retarded than you are, nor I am here to create a little cult of fools that worship a banana and you feel good while doing that. These would lead to wealth and societal control for sure, but they wouldn't lead to anyone's enlightenment. I would appear after my departure in front of the Gods and have to answer for being a deceiver and yet another animal. And it's not my desire to answer to them but only in that I left people behind who overcame limitations, got smarter and better.

In Spiritual Satanism, there is no elevator to get you up. You have to climb the ladder. The Gods won't waste themselves all day to save you, it's you, that understanding your own plight of ignorance, must go to take the ladder and get up there. To save yourself and help our species. We are all given a chance, but some will waste it, others won't bother, and others will turn a blind eye.

The wise and the strong, who have found in themselves a Godly essence, will take this and start going upward. That's why I mention, it's for the Aristocratic Spirit, not for "everyone". One discriminates themselves when you enter this religion, from the whole of these "people".

I see this all the time even in a small percent of people here; they choose false convenience and comfort, but the real comfort and peace one seeks, comes only from enlightenment and growth, not by sitting there and waiting for the black hole of ignorance to consume you.

That's the only way for Gods to position themselves if they want to make you too as Gods, and that in my eyes is the ultimate verification of their Truthful promise. So what the lesser self really dislikes about it, is in fact the very factual promise of the Gods. But that promise holds with it a part that only we as individuals must play into, and as a community.

The higher part in man suffers in the state of being in a denial, but many try to shut down this suffering and try to constantly fill it in by dissuading themselves from advancing. But it will always be there, through all the cycles of reincarnation.

Gods have blessed and cursed humanity with a higher mind; many people will try to get rid of it completely and will turn as worms of the earth - fair enough, no problem as far as we are concerned. We won't hate anyone for this. Yet, there is a better alternative to this, which every being knows won't manifest any of one's hidden potential.

Others will have to look higher and start shedding skin, advancing and evolving, until they reach higher in this ladder that was set in front of us, which is in alignment with the laws of the universe that we were destined to be part of.

Others will thank the Gods for this as a blessing, others will revile them and shout "We want to return to being worms!". But even the worms, if they survive long enough and transform to other organisms, they will eventually look higher and understand: "Maybe the Gods were actually right!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Makes me want to shout and cry at the same time, awesome insight. Love it.
Thank you HP HoodedCobra666

This is another great sermon to keep us striving to reach our Godhood, words of wisdom and acknowledgement that we should strive harder and harder to reach our best performances in Spiritual Satanism that we are all destined for this journey because our beloved Father Satan has called us out of the billions on earth for this tremendous treasure that he has brought forward to us all here in JoS, what a privilege it is to be here with the most important people on this earth,
HPS Maxine, HP HoodedCobra666 and HPS Lydia and the other HP’s and HPS’s! ❤️

Hail Father Satan ❤️
Hail Gods and Goddesses of Orion ❤️
As a person who only knows absolute extremes (hyperfocus at 110%, 24/7), this is a sermon of great empowerment! I tend to go from one thing to the next and the other, leaving myself feeling as though I am always struggling for time.

I will try something drastic for the next 30 days - non-stop meditation and exercise without any study or escape (save from the odd post here and there). Taking this path seriously is easier said than done! In my experience, taking it seriously only a marginal fraction of my time is not enough which I can certainly feel in myself.

Thank you for helping us with your sermons! The words expressed by you and our brothers and sisters are the one and only thing that helps me stay on track when so many things in the world work against my progress. In spite of offering some benefit (learning, joy, etc) these other things pale in comparison to the wonders we experience upon reaching a higher state/vibration and opening our soul. It's just like working out in that we may not see or even understand the benefits until after putting in long, tedious, arduous and repetitive effort. I just have to remember that it's not just for my sake (as christards parrot non-stop) but for the sake of our cause & family here, collective humanity and this beautiful and captivating world all of which our Gods have blessed us with.

Hail Satan!
In Satanism, I found the power and freedom to create a new path no matter how stuck I was. This fills me with eternal peace because I know that I will strive forever and be rewarded, adding something to the gods and myself. I know I am divine.
With more inner strength of mind and soul comes strength to not go along with trends, peer pressure etc. But to instead create a path of ones own.

In that sense; JoS is the opposite of what xianity is - where "free thinking is of the Devil" and thus evil.

We think it's good instead.
Thank you HPHC 666 for another great sermon to keep us striving to reach our Godhood!
Hail The Joy Of Satan!
Hail Father Satan Forever!
Thank you so much for this sermon, HP.

I really liked the ladder and elevator metaphor. Yes, sometimes it can feel like the steps are too high and the ladder is unimaginably long. But it is worth it to get to the top of the stairs and to look back and realize how much you have changed, how much new knowledge you have gained and how many opportunities you have discovered. On this path, I can say that you will become a completely different person from what you were before your first step on the ladder. More precisely, you will become a Human being in the full sense of the word.

Hail Satan!

Spiritual Satanism: An Aristocratic Religion​

Not to mislead in the title of this topic, Spiritual Satanism is truly an Aristocratic religion. But Aristocratic, not in the financial sense, nor in the sense of pretense. There is a certain degree of difference a human being must have in order to become a Spiritual Satanist. That difference within sets them apart from the rest of human beings and this choice is borne out of the choice one must take: "Do I want to find the Godly essence within me?"

Spiritual Satanism is designed and I am procuring it's destiny as the Master Religion, the one and only, that existed in the Ancient Past, common to all the sub-systems of the Ancients - The Path to ultimate initiation. The Secret schools of the Ancient world were also in this same path. Now it's here in front of someone, but what one will do about this? That's up to everyone to decide.

Same as high level Ancient religions, won't be understood or understood the same by everyone. Many will not accept it. We must not mourn for them. Let them follow the natural processes. We will take care of them, but we must know what process and path we have chosen for ourselves.

We are fine with you. You can be whomever you want. But we will not tolerate injury on this divine matter. There are other beings who want to do this. The path must exist. We care for everyone else as well, but specifically we are want to allow people who want to embark on a higher path to do this.

That's our choice. We want to move in another direction.

The lies behind these statements the enemy makes, are as if you go to the gym and someone pretends to be a gym instructor. Then they tell you "You must not lift at all and must sit on the couch all day to become like me". It's obvious lies coming from them. That's not the way or the Truth or the Path. It's a deception. But since the lie they sell agrees with the mind of many, which does not really want to evolve physically, they "accept" it and they "defend" it to their earnest.

Still, both they and their gym instructor know it's all an illusion that both of them partake into, deceiving one another.

The enemy "religions" are not "religions", they are programs. These programs only necessitate the maximum amount of stupidity, simplicity and comfort. Literacy, expanding your mind, understanding, meditation, or a higher type of life, or any form of improvement is not needed in anyway to "participate". They are the house of the damned and the stupid, who wish to remain so for the rest of their existence.

The nature of the programs of the enemy is based on entropy and befalling the human mind, body and spirit. Their "meaning" is reached the more stupid one is. In "Islam" for example, all you need to know is to wear your burka, bow on the rock, say a couple canned prayers, and you are told "This is the way to God".

Christianity is even dumber, well designed for the slaves and illiterates of the Roman Empire: "Just believe in Jesus" (and do whatever) and you shall be granted "eternal life". It takes only a functioning mind to understand that it's all sentimental lies, nothing else. Nobody entered any heaven just because they "believed in Jesus".

To hide their lies, these "religions" pretend the "reward" will arrive in a so called "Afterlife" and not "In this World", as they are not from the Gods and they are not divine; God would have no problem penetrating the life of a being even while the being was incarnated materially. In fact, this is the whole point; to get to know something really well when you are here, not given just promises for the events of "after death".

People live this firsthand daily, having constructed their own ignorant hellfire by following this foolish advice, deceving themselves. Spiritual Satanism then comes in, and puts you in communication according what you can handle, quickly with the Gods, and while you are very well alive, too. Eventually the gleaming star of the real so called heaven appears in front of you, while you are alive. You don't need to wait. Actually, you must truly not wait, but embark at the soonest that you can.

As the universe moves itself to evolve, these people are shed out same as their beliefs. But they will try to find other substitutes for these things, always fooling themselves. The universe attempts to evolve in an unapologetic manner. It won't "care" about this situation. It is what it is.

You don't need logic, to think, to doubt, to exercise, to spiritually advance, or to approach anything higher in these other "faiths". You don't even need to "know". The more your soul and mind is not functioning, the better you are "fit" for being their resource.

You are just sitting there, lied to and conveniently deceived. If anything is required of you, is simply a couple of things. Walk around the Black Rock, go to "Church", pray if you remember at all to do it with words you don't even mean, pretend you are a good boy, "done".

In Spiritual Satanism the direction is opposite and upward. You cannot be a pig that doesn't study, doesn't put intellectual effort, does not advance spiritually, and just hangs around there worshiping a rock and hoping you will go to heaven.

There is none of this in Spiritual Satanism. If one engages in the above, they cannot reach the rewards of these paths. The upper described programs, are based on communism and seducing the mob and the fools, that "Heaven also belongs to them", but the reality is, the highest levels of consciousness, power and understanding only belong to those who will actually advance themselves.

"Heaven" or supernal understanding is not for everybody. What is for "Everybody", the coward, the retard and the fool, is only a never ending cycle of reincarnation, foolishness and no improvement of life.

Humans are born in an animal state and without effort in this, they will not move higher than that. The animal state is the easiest state to maintain. The more you don't have self mastery, the deeper you fall, until you eventually create a situation where you barely exist. Going the opposite direction, requires effort. Getting answers, requires to open up the mind. Advancing, requires to devote one's self to this task.

In the Ancient World, while everyone was admitted to higher learning and Initiation (the democracy is up to this level, everyone is accepted), the situation quickly turned Aristocratic after Initiation. That's because access to the higher realms is not for animals or for those who want to eternally be stuck on the lesser and lowest part of the self. Those who think they can violate this process, always either end up failed, insane, or simply don't get anywhere.

Man is half animal and half human now, not fully yet a human being, let alone a God. If you want to see that I urge you to go to your local fast-food chain and you will see what I mean. There is still much in us that is not like the Gods, but there is also an equal part that is actually able to connect with this and move to the next stage of evolution for us.

In the past I have been told by others that I must make things simpler, so that 'people will understand it'. I responded that I am not here to make you more retarded than you are, nor I am here to create a little cult of fools that worship a banana and you feel good while doing that. These would lead to wealth and societal control for sure, but they wouldn't lead to anyone's enlightenment. I would appear after my departure in front of the Gods and have to answer for being a deceiver and yet another animal. And it's not my desire to answer to them but only in that I left people behind who overcame limitations, got smarter and better.

In Spiritual Satanism, there is no elevator to get you up. You have to climb the ladder. The Gods won't waste themselves all day to save you, it's you, that understanding your own plight of ignorance, must go to take the ladder and get up there. To save yourself and help our species. We are all given a chance, but some will waste it, others won't bother, and others will turn a blind eye.

The wise and the strong, who have found in themselves a Godly essence, will take this and start going upward. That's why I mention, it's for the Aristocratic Spirit, not for "everyone". One discriminates themselves when you enter this religion, from the whole of these "people".

I see this all the time even in a small percent of people here; they choose false convenience and comfort, but the real comfort and peace one seeks, comes only from enlightenment and growth, not by sitting there and waiting for the black hole of ignorance to consume you.

That's the only way for Gods to position themselves if they want to make you too as Gods, and that in my eyes is the ultimate verification of their Truthful promise. So what the lesser self really dislikes about it, is in fact the very factual promise of the Gods. But that promise holds with it a part that only we as individuals must play into, and as a community.

The higher part in man suffers in the state of being in a denial, but many try to shut down this suffering and try to constantly fill it in by dissuading themselves from advancing. But it will always be there, through all the cycles of reincarnation.

Gods have blessed and cursed humanity with a higher mind; many people will try to get rid of it completely and will turn as worms of the earth - fair enough, no problem as far as we are concerned. We won't hate anyone for this. Yet, there is a better alternative to this, which every being knows won't manifest any of one's hidden potential.

Others will have to look higher and start shedding skin, advancing and evolving, until they reach higher in this ladder that was set in front of us, which is in alignment with the laws of the universe that we were destined to be part of.

Others will thank the Gods for this as a blessing, others will revile them and shout "We want to return to being worms!". But even the worms, if they survive long enough and transform to other organisms, they will eventually look higher and understand: "Maybe the Gods were actually right!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This post is just Great 😻(y)

Spiritual Satanism is an Aristocratic Religion of the past, present and future, which comes directly from the Satan and other our the Gods :)

There has always been Spiritual Satanism: in the polis states of the Ancient Greece, in the Empire of Alexander the Great, in the Ancient Egypt, in the Roman Republic, in the Roman Empire, in the Teutonic Order, in the Templar Order, in Nazi Germany, and now Spiritual Satanism all over the world 😃
I have been spending more of my time on improving my physical looks (which I had let slide for the past 10 years)
You can do a material Venus square. I'm doing one too! Not even a week in and I've already noticed results.
Thought about posting a new thread about this, but I will write it here instead as it relates to my initial post in this thread
- about most people in general not knowing what yoga is etc;

I've noticed people say "New Age stuff" as soon as meditation comes up, on the Flashback forum for example. Thus showing lack of knowledge and also ignorance.
Some single person may say he does meditate, and never believed in it before but found it suprisingly good, but this is one out of thousands.

There was for example a thread about someone deeply hooked on drugs - where I pointed out the importance of exercise and getting social support in groups etc.
That was later responded by someone (slightly retarded perhaps) who thought physical exercise was nothing compared to his favorite drugs. He has Never tried any yoga though.

Personally, when I run outside and come home - I feel renewed and in a better state than before running for sure. More relaxed etc.

After my hour of kundalini yoga asanas though - the renewal is often on a whole new level. But how many do kundalini yoga asanas at home?
Nobody on that forum Flashback I assume. It's "New Age stuff" and seen as some kind of athletic thing, and not spiritual.

That's a sad thing; since it IS spiritual, as opposed to the LIES of "Jesus" and company being spiritual.

I often think about this. If the science of yoga (which even corresponds with quantum physics science) was teached to EVERYONE from the get go,
instead of those freaking LIES... well. We would have less to make jokes and memes about sure, but also less suffering and retardation. That was that.
The path of creativity and yoga is the path of Spiritual Satanism. But personally, I need to pull myself out of a deep financial asshole, just out of the deepest pit of oblivion and filth. But, unfortunately, at the moment I can only catch small redfish from the river. And I need a big shark. Without creativity, I am nothing. Creativity brings me Spiritual Satanism and I never think I know anything, but I do know one thing - the daily labor of drawing.
Excellent sermon, if people who are just starting, fully understand the message here, they will avoid wasting years of their lives in the future. Growth can only be achieved through some form of struggle and accepting that we have indeed a higher mind that must be stimulated, and not ignored, we were all born like this for a reason.
An ufologist once said:

"We humans have a personal responsibility to develop ourselves spirituality - in truth, knowing, wisdom, and love.
And to live in accordance to the laws of creation. The creation is the highest."

I don't fully disagree. Creation by nature and it laws should be respected and not cut down and polluted. And we should not pollute ourselves either with degenerate crap.

Doing so will affect others around us very negatively, so its not just a matter of "my body my choice" as if any choice is without consequences for others. That is selfish thinking.

We all Should develop ourselves spiritually.
Or else we will look down upon ourselves just as much as the Gods look down on us. And others too.

I think first and foremost though, the Gods wants what is best for us and often understand the imperfections of us leading to bad decisions.

If we know something is bad though, our responsibility is to not do it, and do what is right instead.

I often feel its difficult to live as I learn.
Must not forget my responsibility in that.
Hoping, that someday all those with divinity and potential hidden within shall cultivate the desire to rise above binds of Chronos, step on a path beyond the borders of anropoda's perception of existence. As for now, task is to rebuild the path once again.

Thank you for the dedication and effort, these sermons are like a breath of fresh air, each and every time.
The ufologist I mentioned was the swedish (now dead) Sune Hjort.
I recall he once worked a bit for some NS organisation. Very very original type.

The quote (even if he agrees with it) was actually from a book he was talking about in a TV show long ago.
This book he claimed was from the "True Master" as he described it - the "real Jesus" behind the fake one.
He claimed in that show to "shake the very foundations of Christianity" with all his info - to bring forward the "True story", instead of the falsifications.

The TV host of that show - who actually was Robert Aschberg (the one I think is the template Jew) did not let him speak enough to convey his opinion.
The format of this Jew show was very Jerry Springer like. Not really serious and Idiot audience.

Sune had a lot of strong and strange opinions on things, sort of like David Icke in a sense; being right sometimes but sometimes out in the blue.
Always completely sure of what he was saying though. Bit of a cartoon character.

He did say some true things though; that Christianity is a fake religion regardless, and that todays soceity has methods of keeping people occupied with watching sports etc.
instead of focusing on how to better our soceity etc.
Excellent sermon and for the SS brothers who are in Jos a great opportunity for real progress and exaltation of self unique in the history of mankind, where one can reach if there is proper preparation even to divinity. I am proud like everyone else that we are on this spiritual path, in this Aristocratic religion. I have known people who are intelligent and have both wisdom and knowledge but at the mention of the name Satan all the negative programming they have on them is activated and they reject Jos, so I consider it a great blessing from the Gods that we are here and it is everyone's duty to give it their all and go as far as they can. HP Hoodedcobra is the great example and guide as are all the other HP Lydia and Guardians. Go ahead and be the best version of ourselves because it is our duty to the Gods, we are Satan's army of Gods and truth
Master Religion!
Early on when I was just discovering SS, I explained to my dad I didn't really understand the roots of the religion, but it seemed like a meta-analysis of Pagan religions. It seemed to tie together a lot of things, & I got the idea that the old religions were actually all the same religion, just perceived & documented differently.

I still have not given this enough time & devotion even though I find it fascinating. I kind of feel very disconnected from anything spiritual & my past leaves me perceiving through fear. I don't think this path will ever stop calling me though.
I still have not given this enough time & devotion even though I find it fascinating. I kind of feel very disconnected from anything spiritual & my past leaves me perceiving through fear. I don't think this path will ever stop calling me though.
Feel free to ask for help or advice.
a little cult of fools that worship a banana
This really made my day :LOL:
We are all given a chance, but some will waste it, others won't bother, and others will turn a blind eye.
That's really a honor, being chosen for an advancement path by the Gods, I repeat this to myself not to forget.
The most difficult part (at least for me) in to find this chance among the multiple events of life, trying to confuse things or stop you. But knowing that it exists, motivates me, and I trust is a strong motivation for most people on here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
