Ngl I like the darkness of being a Satanist, although it's not technically true and its cliche, it's what attracted me to SS. I understand that being a Zevist is what we should be but I will miss calling myself a Satanist, the idea of being a rebel against Xian scum excites me. I guess we will still be rebellious but not to be seen in a negative light.
Still kinda bummed about the name change, but subconsciously I can see how this can erase negative notions about Satan by just calling him Zeus, in our subconscious mind we know Zeus to be King of Gods, whereas Satan is the Prince of Darkness blah blah blah he bad he made me eat an apple blah blah blah
If a new comer were to come to the ToZ and see we walk the Path of Satya while following Zeus I feel like they'd be less likely to freak out.
Speaking of opposing the enemy, I would like to make something clear, but I will keep this message short. Zeus is simply Satan, without the Jewish label to call him as such.
The question is, if one knows history, they will understand that we have actually upgraded in the worship of our God, not went steps back. The only steps "back" are invalid psychological reactions. When one learns, they will figure the rest of this out.
"Satan" as an identity is the identity our God assumed under the Jewish cultural siege. Before this, our God was called Zeus and has went by many other Names. We know all of this by now, but let's proceed.
In regard to winning, taking over, or opposing the enemy, I am just going to copy-paste some relevant information to that end. Copy-paste since, you can find these on your own and research further.
While "Satanists", all they did to the enemy, were regardless, valiant acts of denying the enemy doctrine, there is a level higher than this. "Satanists" in general, besides Spiritual Satanists, have done nothing but re-affirm the enemy and essentially nothing useful for the Gods. They focused on being emo and be dark about it (and socially ostracized and so on, so forth, giving credence to the enemy for their existence) they have not done, besides ourselves here, anything against the enemy historically.
They have done nothing to educate humanity, nor to provide any serious value that would make the enemy fall back and therefore facilitate the Golden Age.
If someone's priority is to oppose the enemy, then they have to consider history and when this happened. I don't recall the "Satanic Visuals" doing anything besides ourselves about the enemy, except of wear capes, try to act cool, and produce some beautiful emo goth girls. I love this too, but it's not enough unfortunately to deal with the remnants of a dark age and to actually affirm the culture of the Gods or save humanity.
We have to evaluate further and adopt the highest powers that we have, and we have done this. Moving forward, in the upgrade, we have the upgraded and full-power culture versus just having our identity after having survived the enemy siege.
Historical context and information; below.
Below, Antiochus Epiphanes, Trajan and Hadrian (Roman top personalities), or Adolf Hitler, the followers of Zeus under the name of Jupiter [Our God], is only few examples of what those of the Gods have done to rival and go against the enemy when the historical time intervals enforced this.
They defended the Gods which you also today follow and defeated the enemy many times over, repeatedly.
Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods. We have to follow our Gods and not apparitions or manifestations of the Gods in lesser forms, but in their top forms.
The thing I post below is for historical references and not to espouse anything like this; but read, and learn. Speaking of "rebellions" and "conquering the enemy", or enlightening humanity to not fall into the enemy's hands, history speaks on their own. If you think that you "rebel" in the context of 1960 to 2024 because you are "Dark", you are not even halfway there to understanding how deep the situation goes.
Here's some data about actual clashes with the enemy and actually taking them on. This should clarify everything in the understanding of those who think of these topics and make them clear.